HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-07-02, Page 5Page 5.THF EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
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page 6.
Mr. and Mrs. James McClymont
spent the week-end at the lake side.
We are pleased to report that
Mrs. W. Horney, who has been so
seriously ill, is improving.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie parsons and
sans visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. J. Linden, of Denfield.
Miss Erma Workman is spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Workman.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Alexander
and son, of Londesboro, visited on
Sunday with relatives in the vicin
Mr. and Mrs, Bruce
near Hillsgreen, visited
with Mr. Allan and
Mrs, Edgar Smith,
who spent the past week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Jarratt,
returned to her home on Sunday.
Miss Isabelle Alexander, who has
been teaching school near Sheddon,
is spending the vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander.
Miss Doris Alexander, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr '
Mr. and . „
daughters spent the week-end with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Jaques, of Elimville.
Mr. Joseph Ferguson and Velma,
of Chiselhurst, and Mr. W. Fergu-
' visited on and
Walker, of
on Sunday
Miss Edna
•of Guelph,
and Mrs. W. F,
Mrs. O. Jaques and
son, of Thames Road,
Sunday at the home of Mr,
Mrs. W. Horney.
Mr. Jack Ratz visited in Hensail
over the week-end.
•Communion service was held at
the close of the regular service on
Sunday last.
The Young People's Society held
their annual picnic at Grand Bend
on Saturday last.
Sunday next being missionary
day in the Sunday School, instruc
tions will be given.
Mr. Thos. Baynham is walking
with a crutch, having suffered a
slight stroke last week.
Army Q.M. S. Fassold and family,
of London, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Milton Ratz over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweitzer, of
Timmins, attended the funeral of
their grandfather, -the late J. Ratz,
Sr., and are at present visiting re
latives here.
Miss Ida Sweitzer, who has spent
the past two months in Escavan,
Sask,, returned home to attend the
fundral .of her grandfather, the-
late J. Ratz., Sr.
Breeding Failures
Take out the guess work
—Get Results —
Your drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor spent Mon-
d.ay in Toronto.
Miss Ruth Tieman, of London, is
spenumg her vacation here and at
Grand Beuji.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Neeb, of Pon
tiac, are visiting with his mother,
Mrs. Mary Neeb.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Snyder, of St.
Catharines, are visiting with her
mother, Mrs. Hayter.
Mr. and Mrs, Melvin Guenther
and family, of Indiana, are- visiting
relatives here and in Exeter.
Mr. Jack Taylor ahd sister, Myrta,
of London, were week-end visitors
with Dr. and Mrs. R. H.' Taylor.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott, of
Bowmanville spent a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver, last
Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson,
of Detroit, are spending their vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
H# BEtltcr*
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller, of
Niagara Falls, and Mrs. Henry Gla
zier, of Clinton, were Visitors last
Saturday with Mrs. Charles Keller
and daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford Mclsaac and
family, of Detroit, are spending their
vacation with his mother, Mrs. Lu
cinda Mclsaac.
Farmers have commenced
ing and find it quite a heavy
Some from* here attended
on Sunday,
been visit-
of Thames
in that vi-
ville anniversary services
Mrs. John Selves -has
ing with her son, John,
Road, and other friends
Friends, of Mrs. Harry-
Will be sorry to know that she still
Continues quite ill. We hope for a
speedy recovery.
Church services here from now
on will’be held alternately in the
morning at 11 o’clock and in the
evening at 7.30 p.m.
On Sunday evening,
Rev. Mr. Grigg, of EXeter.
preach at a special service' here in
the interests of the Mission Band.
Mr, and Mrs. Bob Carter, of Clin
ton, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Laybome,
of Seaforth#
Theron Oreery
Walter, Marion
Sunday visitors
Jas, Squire.
July 5 th,
and Mr, and
and children,
and James,
with Mr. and
There will be —taately 27, week-ena' WKh
400 people enter hospitals as Master Ross Gould, of Stephen, is
patients in Canada# the majority visiting bis grandparents, Mr, and
of these being patients for the Heywood.
». | Mr. David Bradshaw, of Seaforth,jirsr time holidaying at the home of bis
CONSinFR-ff vnn be Mr' Ma M,'S' Jol,a
Rev, and Mrs. L. 0. White, of
Miss Marjorie Parkinson, of
CONSIDER—H' you should be one
of this number, would you have
any worry about the expenses or Burgessville, visited at the home of
’ lrtMK nf vmw income ? lMr* and MrS( Wm> Routly on Sat-Iqsh of you?? income ?
If you have the protection
have available? you will have
financial worry.
C, J. Hennessy
Phone; Crediton 27r6
Mr, and Mrs, Lome Hicks visited
with relatives in Ripley on Sun
day.'Miss Margaret Cook, of Lucan,
spent the week-end at hei' home
Mrs. B. Cook and Jim visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cook in London
on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. Dave Smith, of To
ronto called on friends ill the viL
lage on Sunday.
Pte. Donald Blair, of Simcoe,
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Blair.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Carruthers, of
London, were week-end visitors
with Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Baynham,.
Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Smale and
family, of Strathroy, were week-end
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd
Miss Ruby Merriam, of the Delhi
High School teaching staff, is holi
daying with her parents, Rev. and
Mrs. Merriam.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard • Ravelie
and Teddy, of Grand ’Bend, visit
ed on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs.
'John Pollard.
Guests With Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Conlin during the past week were
Mr. Leo Conlin and friend, of Ot
tawa; Mrs. John Conlin, of Gran
ton, and Mrs. Alice Glavin, of
Mrs. A. Wright and family
moved into the residence of
Chas. Isaac. Mr. Wright has
residing here for the past month.
Mr. I. Macaulay, of Montreal, is
holidaying with Mrs, Macaulay and
son at the home of the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks.
Mr. and Mrs. John Essery and Dr.
and Mrs. Heighway, of London, were
Sunday visitors with Mr. and
Wm., Essery.
Mrs. B. Hicks and Dorothy
Mrs. John Essery attended the
picnic on Saturday which was
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Heines
at' R anno ch.
Fit. Sgt. Andrew and Mrs. And
rew, of London, were week-end vis
itors with their .parents, . Mr. and
Mrs. G. R. / : ' "
Mrs. Geo. Hicks.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Clara
Abbott were Mr. arid Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. W.
Mrs. (
Visitors with Mrs. H. Mills during
the past week were Mrs. Young, of
Cleveland, Mr. and Mrs. Rex Mills
and Marilyn, of Wyoming, Mr.
Mrs. Truman Mills, of Sarnia
Mr. and. Mrs. W. Spencer, of
Special Sunday Service
The church was filled for
special service on Sunday morning
sponsored by the Centralia Red
Cross. Flowers and flags made a
lurday last.I ,urs. (Rev.) Lovegrove, of Galt,
spent a few days last week at the
• home of her nephew, Mr. J. Dyke
man and family.
Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Hawkins, of I Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs, John
Stewart, of Farquhar, visited at Mr.
C. Stephen’s Sunday evening.
Mis Wm. Elford, who has been
confined to his bed with rheuma
tism for six weeks or more, is able
to be up again. His friends hope
for a speedy and continued improve
L.A.C. Elgin Skinner., of Clinton,
A.C.2 Earl Coultis, of St. Thomas,
Messrs. Billy Brock, of Crumlin,
and Laurie Stephen, of Sky Harbor,
Goderich, spent the week-end at
their homes here. .
.Sunday last was Elimville Sun
day School anniversary. Rev, Leroy
White, of Burgessville, former .pas
tor, preached very acceptably at both
services. The Sunday School choir
sang two numbers at the morning
service, . The regular choir sang
two anthems in the evening and
the male quartette also sang a num
ber. There was a good attendance
at “both services and the floral de
corations were lovely. A large
number of Visitors were in the
community for the day.
Visitors in the community on
Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bierling and June, of Exeter, also
Miss Phyllis Bierling, R.N., of Kit
chener, with Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Johns; Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Squires
. and Dorothy, of Far<quhar, with 1 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johns; Mr. and
! Mrs, Fred Long and Marion, of
near Atwood, at the home of Mr,
Wm. Johns; Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Bradshaw and David, of Seaforth,
and Mr. and Mrs. Hilson Whiteford,
of Ingersoll, at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. John Herdman; Mr. and Mrs. " .......................-- - -
with Mr.
daughter, Mrs.
McDonald, of
Hunter, of London,
Hunter and Mr. Roy Hunter at the
i home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinner;
Corporal Harry Muroh and Mrs.
Murch -and family, of London, with
Mr. and Mrs. P. Murch; Mr. and
Mrs. P. Passmore, of Thames Road,
with Mr. and Mrs. B. Venner; Miss
Florence Bell, of London, at her
home here; Mr. and Mrs. W®. Ste
phens and family, of near Wood
ham, with Mr. 'and Mrs. John Brock.
Mr. and Mrs. BaUantyne Thomp
son, Vernon, Ann>' and Helen, of
Mitchell; Mrs. M Mountain, Miss
Josie Mountain, John and Robert
Mountain and Miss Mabel Waldock,
of st, Marys, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ear! Haist,
Miss Ella Morlock, who has been
teaching at Thedford, is spending
the holidays at her home here.
On Tuesday evening of last week
the Evangelical Mission Circle met
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ross
Krueger for their annual picnic sup
per, About twenty-five members
were served and the remainder of
the evening was spent in games.
CXLI.T, Picnic
The girls of the Crediton United
church C.G.I.T. held their closing
meeting of the season on Saturday,
June 27th, at the home of Evaline
Mack. Twenty-eight were present.
Sports and games were the main
events of the afternoon. In the
team games Evaline Mack’s side
won the soap race and clothespin
race; Mrs. Chambers and Joyce
won the leader and daughter race
chewing the rag, Thelma Preszcator
smashing Hitler
ing a nail,. |‘
number of
eluded the _
which everyone enjoyed, was serv
ed on the lawn.
Jean King; dr;
Mrs. Mitchell; guessing
candies in jar, Patty
A softball game con-
sports. A picnic lunch
Jas. Kirkland and Malcolm
Mrs. Wm. Routly;
of Galt, with her
Dykeman; Mrs. Reg.
Exeter, Miss Gerta
and Mrs. S.
Mrs. Mary Gallop and her daugh
ter, Mildred, of Toronto, spent theAndrew and Mr. and | week-end with Mrs. Ross Marshall
and while here attended the Paul-
Gallop wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hazlewood and
son Billy, of Detroit, spent the past
week with Mr. Walter Hazlewood.
Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs.
Lewis Fletcher were Dr. and Mrs.
Geo. Hind and daughter, of Kin
cardine, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hind and
Mrs. T. Baker, of Exeter.
Miss Velma Doupe spent
of Lucknow, Mr. and
McRoberts and • Mr. and
Abbott and children, of
week-end with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. N. B, Doupe.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gray, of
Toronto, are spending their sum
mer vacation at their summer home
in the village. ,
Rev. and Mrs. Alex. Rapson and
children left Monday morning to
very attractive decoration for the1 spend their holidays with Mr. and
occasion. Members of the R.C.A.F,} Mrs. J. Gough, the latter’s par-
stationed at the Centralia Airport ents, at Dryden, _0nt
and members of the Exeter Legion
were present for the service,
choir was assisted by Mr. F.
lor, of Exeter. Mr. Taylor
Winnifred Field sang a duet,
Disappointment in Heaven.”
Young, of the R.CfyA.F. favored
a solo. _
Roll was in charge of Flying Offi
cer Thomas Pryde# of London. Rev.
Merriam preached a very inspiring
Home & School Club
The Home and School Club held
its picnicon the school grounds
on Friday "evening with a fair crowd
in attendance. Oranges and candy
1 ’ The Kirkton Public School clos-
The ed Friday afternoon, when the pu-
Tay- pils presented their teacher, Miss
and S. Moser, with a fountain pen. Miss
“No j Moser has accepted a position on Mr. I the teaching staff in St. Marys-. She
-with has been in Kirkton for two years.
The unveiling of the Honor , She was always ready to help with
church and community Work and
as she goes, she leaves a host of
friends who will regret hei’ depar
Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff attend
ed the Passmore picnic -held at
Grand Bend on Saturday.
Paul - Gallop
A quiet wedding was solemnizedwere given as prizes for the sports at uie United church parsonage,
and the balance of the money al- Ky,r^ton, with Rev. Alex Rapson
lotted to prizes was given to the officiating, on Saturday, June 27,
school children for their Junior Red at g p.m., when Eva Marguerite
Following is the I (Peggy) daughter of Mrs. Mary
Gallop, was united m marriage to
Reginald Charles Paul, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Paul, of Kirkton.
The bride wore a gown of blue sheer
with- white accessories and carried
a bouquet of pink roses. Miss
Mildred Gallop, of Toronto, was her
sister’s attendant, wearing
voile with white accessories
chose red roses. Mr. Gerald
Was his brother's groomsman
Cross fund. J
of sports: Candy scramble with
everyone getting his share; girls’
race, 7 and under, Marjorie Light
foot and Marina Bowden; boys 7
ahd under, Edward Johnston, Mar-
vyn Bowden; girls 9 and under,
Maxine Bowden, Helen Lightfoot;
boys 9 and under, Lawrence Light
foot, Harold Robinson; boys 13 and
under, Lawrence Lightfoot, Howard
Dorothy Cunnington,
young ladies' race,
Dorothy Cunnington
race, Chas, Rowe,
girls 13 and
Steve Molnar; wheelbarrow race, Bill Essery and
Gordon Baynham, Steve Molnar and
Howard Cunnington; tie the tie race,
Mrs. A? Lightfoot; carrying a book
on the head, Isabelle Blair, Doro
thy Cunnington; soda biscuit race,
Winnifred Field, Helen Tasko; girls’
high jumping, Dorothy Cunnington,
Huth Gunnington; boys* high jump
ing, G. Baynham, Hoy Spring; mar
ried ladies’ race, Mrs. I. Macaulay,
Mrs. Arthur Lightfoot.
reception was held at the home of
the bride’s sister, Mrs. Ross Mar
shall, for the immediate families.
The happy couple left on a short
honeymoon. They will reside on
the groom’s farm at Kirkton.
closed bn Friday for the
Haying is in full swing.
Jean Brock and Arthur Hern,
who attended Westervelt School in
London, are holidaying for the
month of July at their homes. ■
The July meeting of the W.M.S.
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Wellington Brock on Thursday. The
Baby Band will be entertained.
’ A number from the community
attended the anniversary services at
Elimville on Sunday and spent the
day with friends. They were: Mr,
and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Irene,
Anna and Tom, with Mr. and Mrs,
Jack Delbridge; Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Jacques, Erlma and Ray, with"' Mr.
and Mrs. Garnet Johns; Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Brock and Jean with
Mr. and Mrs, Luther Rowcliffe; Mr.
and Mrs. E. Hern and Hazel with
Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Horne; Mr. and
Mrs, Norman Brock and family and
and Mrs. Mil ton Brock with
and Mrs. Joe Bailey.
Mrs. H. Kratt, ot Strattord,
visiting ’with Relatives here for a
few weeks.
Mr. Alex Neeb had a horse killed
by lightning one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gelinas and
family, of London, spent the week
end with the latter’s mother, Mrs.
L. Dietrich.
Miss Lorna Kraft, of London,
spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. E. G. Kraft.
Miss Evelyn McCann, of Rodney,
is spending her vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. McCann.
Mr. S. Gottchalk, of Hensall,_ is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
“Let me congratulate you, old
man—I’m sure you will always look
bn this
Every Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday Nights
For a Real Dante
day aS the happiest of your
‘Er, but it’s tomorrow I amI
married.” “Yes, X know
Free Barking Free Admission
Park Plan Dancing
Clayt. Steeper’s Orchestra
TtaAy, 4ulsr W
Crouched and poised# with disciplined impatience# waiting to pounce
at the enemy# is Canada’s great army which will form the spearhead of
that decisive offensive just about to be—"a dagger pointed at the heart
of Hitler.”
That something# that the vastness and ruggedness of this great country
imparts to men who have still a strong strain of pioneer blood in their
veins# has made possible the mustering of an army unsurpassed for physical
fitness# and which in mental mould and moral might is the most magnificent
that has ever set forth to defend the freedoms and uphold the honor of
this young and virile nation of ours.
We# of Massey-Harris# are naturally proud that many from the various
divisions and branches of our far-flung organization are serving in the
ranks of this great army. It is gratifying# also# that the thousands in our
several plants are permitted to play an important part in providing
the machines and munitions so essentia! to the success of that army in
modern mechanized warfare.
And the great Canadian Army which has# as our Minister of National
Defence says# ”a larger proportion of armored troops than any army
in the world," will be a decisive factor in hastening the day of victory.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harlton
ed with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
ey on Sunday.
Mrs. Edison Pollock has accept
ed a position in Parkhill at Mr.
Fred Laughton’s store.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray vis
ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor at their cottage at Grand
Corporal Clarence Hardy,
Hardy, Helen and Frank, spent
day evening at the .home of
Mansell Hodgins.
Miss Donna Hayter, who
been attending school at Grand
Bend, has successfully passed her
examinations and has returned
her home here.
Mrs. W. Anderson and Mrs.
Young -spent the week-end in Exe
Mrs. C, R. Young, of 'Cleveland, is
visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. W.
Mr. Wm. Horney, of Kippen, vis
ited Wednesday with his sister, Mrs.
Wm. Motz.
Mrs. S. Baynham is visiting with
her daughter and son-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. H. MacDonald, in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis and Eber
and Mrs. Leonard Wein and Mar
ion visited on Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd. Fraser at Greenway.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hayden and
family, of Birr, and. Mr. and Mrs.
Harold. Glanville and son Leslie, of
Exeter, spent Sunday with the Glan
ville family here.
Women’s Institute were
More than 30 representatives
guests of the Staffa W.I, Mrs. W.
I. Carroll took charge of the
gram, while Mrs; Amos Thiel,
sident of the Goulds branch,
mistress of ceremonies. There
selections on the piano by
Harvey Boyd and Mrs. John Vivian;
duets by Audrey and Dois Jordan
and Mrs. Lome Jackson and Mrs. W.
I, Carroll; readings by Miss Annie
Baxter, tap dancing by Mrs. Harry
Jessome; solos by MrS. M. O’Don
nell; whistling numbers by Mrs.
Charles Brooks; comic impersona
tions by Mrs. Brooks and Mrs. H.
Allen; and a Highland Scottish num
ber by Mrs, Allen, Mrs. H. Boyd,
Mrs, O’Donnell and Mrs. Brooks.
p re
yr as
How Does Your Label Read?
Week-end visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Brophey were Miss Mur
iel Fallis, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Fallis, of Mt. Forest; Mr.
and .virs. Geo. Hunter, Barbara,
Patricia and Don, Mr. and Mrs. De
Witt Patterson, Judith, Richard and
Jim, of Royal Oak, Mich.
Mrs. J. Gardner is spending a
couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs.
Mervyn Pym, of Thedford#^Mrs. Robert Eagleson, d? Sarnia
and Mrs. W. Toll, of London, visit
ed last week with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. Mason, who are
both on the sick list. We hope to
see them anle to be out again -soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bloomfield and
daughters, of Windsor, visited last
week with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Brophey.
Pte. Oscar Steeper, R.C.A.S.C.
of Kitchener, spent a few days last
week with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. M. Steeper. *
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson
and family, of Toronto, are spend
ing the holidays at their summer
home here.
Miss Ellen Erskine, of Lieury,
spent a week with Miss Ula Ulens.
Miss Mary Bullock is spending a
few days with friends in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs, Don Reddick, of
Chatham, visited last week with Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Brophey and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brophey
and family.
Miss Ruby Pollock, of Hamilton,
is spending the holidays with her
mother, Mrs. A. Pollock.
Miss Phyllis Gibson, of Moores
ville, spent a few days recently With.
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Woodburn.
Mr. Clarence Bropiieyj
of Belleville, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Preaches Farewell Sermon
A large crowd from the United
and Anglican churches attended
the United church on Sunday afternoon to bid farewell to PvV. rind
Mrs. Beacom a before leading for
their new charge at Mt*' Brydges.
At the close of the service Mr. and
Mrs. Beacom were presented with
a .purse of money from the United
church congregation. , They had
previously been presented with a
chesterfield table by the Harmony
Class and an electric lamp by the
Young People’s Society. The
wishes ot the congregation go
them and their family to their
Gunner H. M. Gill, of the Royal
I Canadian Artillery, arrived home Ifrom Thames Valley military camp
* bn Sunday,
Feed Shur-Gain Feeds ■
The Exeter Agricultural Society are this year sponsoring
a competition of five bacon hogs to be shown at the Fall
Fair. Prizes range from $12.00 to $6.00. See the secretary
of the society for particulars,
— See us for a balanced feed to feed those hogs —
The recent long spell of wet weather lias increased
tremendously the hazard from COCCIDIOSIS in chickens.
Our firm lias long been urged to get a flushing mash to take
the place of our Coprasweet (which is no longer obtainable)
to combat this disease. We have been fortunate in being
able to obtain this product made from milk products to over
come this peril.
As a means of prevention and cure of Coccidiosis use
------Shur-Gain 19% Flushing Mash——
Phone 3Sw Exeter Ont,
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gunning, of
Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Gunning, of Granton, were Satur
day visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
George Millson.
Mr. and .Mrs. Alex Bailey, Mrs.
Laverne Morley, Mr. Thos. Morley
and Mr. Grafton Squire spent the
week-end with friends at Learning
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gunning and
Mr. and Mrs. J, Hazlewood attended
'the anniversary services at Granton
United church on Sunday and spent
the day with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. George Parkinson
and Eunice were Sunday visitors
With Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Parkinson,
of London.
Miss Shirley Squire, who attend
ed W-lls Academy, in London, has
recently accepted a position as sec
retary with Somerville Ltd., in that
city. She spent the week-end at
her home here.
First Cannibal—The chief has hay
fever. Second Cannibal—-Serves him
right. We warned him not to eat
that grass widow.
Lakeview Casino
—Grand Bend—
It’s A Treat!
Toronto’s Own
Every one
People Were
Sonny Hart,
12 Musicians
a featured
amazed at
Yes, he’s
Monday tn Friday
As she eyed her small son
in anger, than in sorrow,
Smith said; “Fighting again!
at the -state you’re in—holes in
your stockings and your suit all
tattered and torn, Now I’ll have to
buy you a hew suit.”
ed his innocent young
as he replied: “But,
think that Freddy’s
have to buy a new boy!”
Tomitiy raiS-
eyes to hers
mummy, I
mother will
5c Dancing
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday andl
Friday, free admission. before 9 pan,
Every Saturday, 5Oc Admission) ——
Dancing Free
Sunday, July 5th# at .12,05 a.m.
Come to celebrate with your
American friends.
Sunday Evening Concert, July 5tlx
9 o’clock
Under the direction Of Harry ,
, Hoffman