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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-06-18, Page 8
Itataby, Jtos isth, is® V’s Beauty Shoppe B > * Wr Permanents of Lasting Beauty, JEugene, Spii’al, Croquinole, Com- Machinelessbination,. VERA C. DECKER, Prop, Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Old Wheat, Creamery batter. 39,0. Eggs, A Large, 3.7c Egs, Medium, 25e Eggs, B, 21c Dressed Hogs, 514.90, DANCERS.., COME TO SPRUCE GROVE Every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Nights For a Real Dance Save Tires and Gasoline | For yoitr future -convenience ~ ship your Logs with your E local trucker where you E get th© highest prices and j= yield E Free Parking Free Admission Park Plan Dancing Clayt. Steeper’s Orchestra I Archie Etherington | E Phone 171rll, Exeter E I HtiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiK LOCALS Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245MASONS ATTEND CHURCH The members of Lebanon Forest Lodge are requested to meet in the Masonic Hall on Sunday, June 21st, at 6.30 p.m., to attend divine wor ship in Triyitt Memorial church, when the rector, Rev. Hunt, will preach. Visitors are invited. H. H. GOWEN, W.M. R. N. CREECH, Secretary The James St, WtA. will hold their picnic on the church lawn on Friday afternoon at three o’clock. NOTICE All dog-owners are urged to se cure license tags at once in order to save further action. C. V. Pickard, Clerk F. Hooper, of with Mr. and of Melbourne, L. Mys. H. C. McAlister, June and Joyce, of Ft.- Wayne, Indiana, have returned to their home after visit ing with Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Ander son for the past week. Squadron Leader N, S. Anderson, Mrs. Ander son and David have returned to Moncton, N.B., after a pleasant holi-* -day spent with the former’s parents here. Pte. Lloyd Cook, of Wollesley Bar racks, London, was home for the • week-end. ! Mr. Eugene Howey, of Mt. For est, spent the week-end with his mother here. Mr. and Mrs. C. London, are visiting Mrs. E, Fanson. Mrs. D*. Lippert, visited with her mother, Mrs, Sweitzer, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Newell, of Stratford, called on friends in town on Wednesday last. Miss Eleanor Henri spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Irene Henri, of Clinton. On Friday, June Sth, Mrs. 'Cecil Rowe underwent an operation for the removal of her -tonsils, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ’Lind, of Nor ton, N.Y., were week-end guests of Dr. E. S. and Mrs. Steiner. Mrs. P. Buchanan and family, of I Pentecostal W.M.S. I The June meeting of the Pente- x,JL,a. vx costal W.M.S. was held in the church j Hensail, spent Sunday with Mr. and on Wednesday evening of last week With the president, Miss Peart, in the chair. The meeting opened by ■ singing -two hymns, after which Miss Peart led in prayer. The roll ’call was answered by a verse of Scripture with the word “pray” in it, The minutes of the two pre vious meetings were read and it was moved by Mrs. E. Miller seconded by Mrs. T. Jolly that be adopted. The offering was en up and the business was discussed. It was moved by ___ E. Miller and seconded by Mrs. E. Cudmore that the society change the day of meeting to the second Thursday of each month instead of the second Wednesday. Mrs. T. Tolly then gave a very interesting talk on “Missions in Africa”, using the missionary map to show the dif ferent places. The Scripture les son was read from Psalm 33, after which the remainder of the meet ing was spent in prayer. Special prayers were offered for the mis- and they tak- then Mrs. THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Selling at pre war price per yard We still pffer four of the best selling patterns in this width is becoming very scarce and before long will MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Noryal J. Woods, M.A. Minister JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.'—Church School, Bible Class a.m,—Rev, Alex. Rapson, B.A. Eye Efficiency is Important pot only in war pursuits but also in your peacetime oc cupation. Whatever you are doing you will do it better when your eyesight is right —or made right by correct ly fitted glasses. Arrange to have yours examined now by C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday lllllllllllllUllllIllliillllillllilllllllllllllill CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH a * Rev. John Galloway Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Public Worship 7 p.m.-—Dr. Margaret Stran will speak. popular selling width. This be practically unobtainable. 10.30 a.m.—Public Worship -Church School. The Minister 7 rp.m,-—Public Worship. The Min-, istei’ Thursday, 7.30 p.m, —- Midweek meeting of prayer and Bible study. Monday, June 22, 8 p.m.—Official Board Meeting Alberta Coal Book your order NOW, for Fall you might not get it by We offer a few ends in Linoleums at bargain prices. iiifiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ** Borderless Rugs at Low Cost The last we expect from England for the duration. 6 ft. x 9 ft, $1.95; 7% ft. x 9 ft. $2,95; 9 ft. x 9 ft. $3.49; 9 ft. x 12 ft. $4.95 9 ft. x 15 ft. $5.95 New Congoleums in 2 and 3 yard widths In two of the season’s newest patterns. These two widths work in well for larger rooms. — 2 yards $1.25; 3 yards $2.00 10 11 7 p.m.—Rev, Alex Rapson, B.A. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer service, speaker, Rev. Jas. Anthony, M.A. Thursday, 1 p.m.—War Service Un it; 3 Friday, tion. Sunday, ment fant baptism, honor roll.Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 p.m.—General Meeting, 3 p.m.—Woman’s Associa- Picnic on the church lawn. June 28th, 11 a.m.—Sacra-' of the Lord's Supper. In-.Unveiling of the I I I ITRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH I Service Rector, Rev. M. A.. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Third Sunday after Trinity 10 a.m.—Sunday School 7 We are equipped to give you Service on local and out of town calls. We appreciate your patronage ! p.m.—Evensong and Sermon; “Builders” The members of the Masonic Or der will attend this service in a body. Beautiful Administer Rugs We were lucky to get this shipment. The patterns are good and the colorings beautiful. Note these low prices 6 ft. 9 in. x 9 ft. $27.50; 9ft. x 10% ft. $45.00; 9 ft. x 12 ft. $50.00 I : Fathers’ Day - June 21 Don’t forget father on Father’s Day. Buy him Pyjamas, Shirts, Neckwear, Hose, Un derwear, Braces, Hat, Sport Footwear, Belts, Gown. Make dad feel good on Father’s Day Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday Mrs. Nicols, of Exeter North. I Mrs. Jack Waldron, of Clinton, is spending a few days with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers and Miss Isabel Turnbull with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sarnia. Mr. spent Venton visit. . - Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo London, attended family last. Jack of the the week-end at their ‘respective homes here. The Down family picnic will be held at Springbank Park Saturday next, beginning Jack Venton, < the week-end returning with II i spent Sufiday j L. Beavers in I of Windsor, ! here, Mrs. l him for a Snell Bros. & Co. Exeter Ontario Phone DAY 100 NIGHT 271 PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship 7.30 .p.m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer meet ing. All are welcome. Pastor—K. Clemens I JAM Apple and Strawberry — A real buy 4 pound tin...............................................55c Choice quality — % lb. jar Red current, Strawberry, Raspberry, Black Current and Cherry Per jar...........................................19c CRUNCHIE PICKLES Sweet mixed............... DILL PICKLES 19 oz. jar..'.................................. McLAREN’S TASTY SPREAD For sandwiches.......................... MAGIC COFFEE Strictly fresh........ ...................... POST CORN FLAKES Sugar cr.jsp................ AYLMER PEACHES Choice quality.......................15 oz. tin 18c STRAWBERRIES—are now at their best. Leave us your order for canning. —— - — .....—... ,a 23c 25c \ per lb. 45c per pkg. 8c ....19 oz. jar 25c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES DAILY—Cabbage, Carrots, Lettuce, New Potatoes, Radishes, Beets etc.RED CROSS NEWS Now the campaign is over Mrs. Wallace Campbell expresses the hope that all women workers will turn their attention to the making of clothing as well as the very neces sary jam-making project which will soon be undei* way. GLOVES AND MORE GLOVES are needed. Work ers are asked to rgmember that the only hand-covering that the_ army* asks the Red Cross I ’ ‘ GLOVES. That five fingers. Your Branch is____ ___ ___ gency' appeals from the Ontario Di vision for an intensive period of production and it is no longer a case of doing the sewing and knit ting we like to do, but what we are asked to do by our leaders at Head quarters. Cloth is scarce and wool is rationed. We are sent a quota of knitting and the wool to fill that quota and it cannot be used for anything else. We all like to knit jilain socks, but they are no longer needed in such quantities and sea man’s long grey socks are essential. A lot of knitting in these, but they are of great value. Our quota is large but it can be done if you are willing to give your time and ser vices where they are needed. We must meet this emergency demand promptly and in the required man ner. The list of articles brought in for shipment on Friday is* as follows: Socks, 73; T.N. sweaters, 17; V.N. sweaters, 4; aero caps, 20; alter native caps, 4; scarves, 7, sea boots, 36; mitts, 7; gloves, 6; wash cloths, 86; girls knitted dresses, 3; boys’ knitted suits, 3; boys’ -units, 8;. girls’ skirts, 2; girls’ knickers, 9; blouses, 15; coats, 6; girls sweat ers, 7; boys’ sweaters, 5; sanitary pads, 32; mothers’ gowns, 11; 1 layette (42 pieces); other refugee clothing, 56 articles, 1 box soap, 17; afghans, 2; large quilts, 55; cot quilts, 9; $2.00 for purchase of blan ket. The course in Home Nursing fin ishes up next week, and has been a very successful undertaking. The nurses have given freely of their time and knowledge aiid the stu dents have been most appreciative. At the beginning of the course the enrollment was more than could be handled and much to the regret of the Branch many had to be denied the opportunity of taking the lec tures but were promised the course would be repeated in the fall if a sufficient number of students wish ed it. In order to make arrange ments for this course the commit tee in charge would like all who wish to avail themselves of this op portunity to register* with Mrs. Weekes before the end of June. L. F. Howey, Secretary Hodgins, of Brokenshire ■ picnic in the Exeter Saturday Pryde and Galt Aircraft School, spent Eldrid Simmons,TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone 146 Southcott Bros. ExeterPhone 16 inc lll sionanes, some being in internment the morning, camps in 'China, and others who are ‘ separated from their families on ac count of war conditions. Hymn ’‘Break Thou the Bread of Life” was sung, after which Mrs. E. Mil ler closed the meeting with prayer. KJ Attention Alberta Coal Users dt ten o’clock in to knit is KHAKI means with all/ j! Usborne Residents Hold Picnic faced with emer-Mr. and Mrs. nor, George and spent the week-end with Mr. J. H. Hookey and Jim. Mr. Gordon French, of Vancou ver, B.C„ with the R.’C.A.F. at St. Thomas, visited with Mrs. E. A. Fol lick over the week-end. Miss Fern Welsh, R.N., and Mr. Arthur Rowcotham, of Sarnia, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Mellick, of Zurich, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale, Mr. Mellick being a cousin of .Mrs. Vale. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. L. Butler, Miss Patterson and Mrs. Wm. Perkins, of London, visited? with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins on Sunday. Miss. Winona A. Frain, a former; teacher in the Exeter <public school, has been re-engaged as teacher of the junior room of the Atwood school. / 1 Pte. Allan Fraser, of the C.A.O.C., f°i’jwho has been stationed at London, was home for a couple of days last1 week before Ottawa. L.A.C,’ Bill Loretto, Que., with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Wilson. Bill has now been trans ferred to Brantford. . This week Rev. J. W, Down celebrates his 83rd birthday and the beginning of his 62nd year in the ministry. Congratulations from the press and the people. Miss Labelle Sims, nurse-in-train- ing at the Kitchener-Waterloo hos pital, Kitchener, has returned ’to her duties after spending the past three weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Sims, Week-end guests at the home of Mrs, Robert Wenger Were her sis ter, Miss Belle Martin, of Toronto; Pilot Officer H. G. gersville, and Mr, of Hamilton, who weeks’ vacation at John Oatley, Elea- Jimmie, of London, i Owing to the acute shortage of .labour and the heavy freight ecoming from the west. Alberta Goal is facing a very dangerous time for Ontario users. Unless a big part of this coal is shipped before Sept. 1 Ontario users may be faced with no western coal this year. We are beginning our shipments this year in July, so! not to be disappointed Order | your Alberta Coal Now, f” summer delivery. Alberta Coal keeps well in cellars.being transferred to R. G Seldon & Son Phone 90 or 2 X PLANTS FOR SALE Tomatoes Bonny Best John Bear Earliana Beaf Steak Petunia Snap Dragon ^Geraniums Feriis and other Flowering Plants L* DAY & SON patriotic gesture the resi- concessions two and three, held their annual picnic school on Friday last. Ow- inclement weather it was to carry out the line-up as planned. A very supper was enjoyed in Mr. Victor Heywood As a dents of Usborne, at Eden ing to the impossible of sports bountiful picnic style. presided over the following program which was substituted for the sports. Miss Marie Buswell presid ed at the piano for the opening num ber, “There’ll Always be an Eng land”; solo by Doris Wescott; hu morous readings by Miss Annie San ders were heartily applauded and encored; musical numbers by Earl and Marie Heywood and a chorus by the school girls. Several rounds , of Bingo were played and all ad- ! journed to the basement for danc ing. Miss Ada Gaiser, of the Bank of Commerce staff, is spending two weeks’ holidays. Wilson, of Ancienne j spent last week-end j . 1 i Keillor, of Ha- Robett Wenger, is spending his home. two Lakeview Casino ----------Grand Bend—— SATURDAY, JUNE 20th and I hotLook cool and slim through summer days. Take Slendor Tab- 51,00. Robertson’s Drugs, BOB WYBROW his Orchestra — 11 musicians A Truly Fine Band! ijs jJc Grand Summer Opening — SATURDAY, JUNE 27th Every Night till Labour Day TORONTO ALL-STARS “MODERHAIRES” The Best USBORNE CONCESSIONS HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC The annual .picnic of the 'fourth and fifth concessions of Usborne was held at Grand Bend on Satur day, June 13, with a good atten dance. About sixty sat down to dinner and supper. In the afternoon 1 sports were enjoyed by all with the following results: Peanut and candy scramble for the children; children j under six, Ervin Ford, Patricia Sil- 1 lery and Barry Jeffery; boys under twelve, Frank Gregus, August Gre- gus; girls under twelve, Anne Lu ther, Alma and Dorcas Sillery and I Kathleen Johns, tie; young ladies’ jrace, Lois Ford, Nola Perkins; ' young men’s race, Ivan Perkins, Donald Jeffery; married men’s race, Roylance Westcott, Garnet Hicks; married Jeffery, tie, Mr. Mr. ■ and ing ' the Rowcliffe, legged race, Nola Perkins and Mar jorie Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hicks; oldest person on the grounds, Mr. Alf Hicks; youngest child on grounds, Marie Johns; guessing the president’s weight, Arthur Ford and Lois Ford, tied; guessing the beans in a jar, Lois Ford? The election of officers for the coming ' year resulted as follows: President Roylance Westco tt J sec- retary treasurer, ..Mrs. Ed. Sillery; | sports committee, Charles Jeffery (and Mrs. Arthur Ford; lunch and ' tea committee, Mrs. Harold Jeffery and Miss Warreii. ladies’ Mrs. and Mrs. ball Glenn Garnet Hicks; race, Mrs. Harold Arthur Ford; tying a Mrs. Mervyn Wilson, Victor Jeffery; throw- in pail, Mrs. Luther Jeffery; three- 1'II and s Orchestra In Western Ontario tt welcome to RememberGive Them Every Admission Owing to Present War Conditions Nickel Dancing Mon. to Fri. Saturday Straight Miss Ahn Morgan, who recently graduated from the London Nor mal school, has secured a position oh the teaching staff of one of the London schools. j Mrs, M, I Elimville W.M.S. ThursdayI noon of last week, ! Leading Fireman W.- J. bers, of the Canadian Fire- spent the week-end at his home hero. A class of girls from the James St. Sunday School, of which Mrs. J. H. Jones is the teacher, enjoyed a pic nic at the home of Miss Norma Knight, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reg, Knight, Tuesday afternoon rt Mrs. Knight graciously provided the strawberries and cream. A. Hunt addressed the after Cham- Corps, I Practical Gifts for Dad Don’t Forget Dad on Sunday. Remember Him with Something Practical and Something That Will Last SHIRTS—He’ll really go for one of our Arrow shirts. Plain shades’ and stripes with fused collars. HATS—Top off his sum mer wardrobe with one of our Morgan or Adam hats. They’re the best hats made. BRACES—H e r e ’ s some thing he’ll need. We have elasti-glass and other smart braces in all colors. SOCKS—What man can’t u'se a good pair of socks. There are plain and fancy designs for your choice. OTHER SUGGESTIONS Ties Belts Pyjamas Underwear Sweaters Suspenders Cream Trousers Sweater Coats Sport Jackets W. W. TAMAN Celebrate Wedding Anniversary I On Saturday last Mr. and Mrs. W. ’ 0. Pearce celebrated the 36th an niversary of their wedding day. On June 13th, 1905, they were married by the Rev, Mr. Godwin in the home of the bride’s pa-rents and Mrs. Wm. Northcott, Mr. , of Sex smith, in the midst of a large and happy wedding party of invited guests, many of whom are still liv ing. On the Occasion of their sil ver wedding Mrs. Godwin was pre sent but her husband had passed on. Their many friends join in wishing them many more years of happy married life and trust that when fifty years have passed they may be here to celebrate their gold en Wedding day. Sgt, and Mrs. Warren Sanders are visiting In Detroit for a week. Social Evening pleasant social evening was at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Northcott, of Hay, on Friday the occasion being a miscel- shower for Miss Verda and Mrs, A held Wm. last, laneous Bieber, daughter of Mr Wm. Bieber, whose marriage to Mr. Ralph Lightfoot will take place next Saturday, About forty friends and members of S.S. No, 2 were present, Contests and games were enjoyed, following which Miss Helen Rows read an address to the guest of hon or and Misses Florence Dunsford Muriel Rowe, Jean Triebner and Doreen Campbell presented the gifts, which were opened by Miss Bieber, who expressed her grate ful appreciation. Refreshments were served at the close.