The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-06-04, Page 8T»'W:3 to W *!X£SSS^ 0W WWW*!* r* fe/ W***C V ' £;..: kSteii- Fb tf fcXB &S31 IBsa ’ ?: r^ar r^.z z jseex® 7^. fete «Eas» 'tetaw M*--. .. >■'■-<-XST ji:;.: : i fe^sBsi^ ?««w X41, Sr;.^r ■«$ Ssj^st tCfc*- tw -eser? west iasy ercejjB ^’estooto SSIWOSWtiOOI8?OOIOSO®?l1IK.WMIf^ xszsiXte 5feV A«rW eJ v^cteh-. XUxL ■^CXlSSST afc> A cT SK’ct- 2t*gaosB wpx: 'uSs .ufaaStia" «•■•• ■7»F!74i;-W:i»i‘ twjhr! SfefeW S^jprjps fif IM .Frxsmg 2$S wax m f*^OS W»OS .5Wi£ WtfcJte raw M* *el" w Ws rMJ- sw --^jass^mSBrn %sW fe* ® *fefe. aom Msr OW*j sms w®g ®wa M$s» w^y to Be $aw- Bcfe tte ^rass ■j®W ®& ;;a:w wW < wt! $» w^5 S» Bfe ..& w »w < -&ts«5g 3«w sMe fX OBSiXP OBB5B ^te< Bslsw S«s®- Swsis? >’. j;r a<xz“3j. 'Tiflis' Jmfer A. '.n.v l,,i.4w*- ■. .#* J-.jS-*'..-.,kT MkArfA’wT ,s..-—-ste". B. Tarste.. "L T-Kiron;,. ■ • ’’Ea^a- «x.jag w .'2te' l3®oasitex'' - ,£t —Za? -eo ';-r E. SG7WS’7 *‘Estssx Tic ,>F®as3j •#£ ; fe’ :.'^ Zr ■ feB Zf-7. ww >MWM ,JSs i: 3^'5 T-eicZ li ^.”'.X^ ipseXp <x.. :sxe Z £&iy«s .^i.t a<.o -yf a x;;. 'Ze ^■' AexZef a* t’ji iSiJie 'xexii®" <z zz icy Z rk> '/,. >tx- -’Ze -*U X'^....V.- ■jaawMrtWwm Ms^e," w« 'to-fefefc fe : *•' itoFTSZSiz »■:” SW 272 '®^-' • ; ;<•;■ 7.. sZ-Txv;? ^IfiO - Ms: £ soz: MZ-: Xe?-^- V* Hex* J '.■A/.'. ^rutZy iF Ft M*s Vr^te .: .Sa'.! 3 Mr.. .Z^XkFZxxZS Ac Szx’t Eext "*« -‘-Ze vee£-e:X X/t E M" oxi Mra E4, ’K'Iw <-.w teter g'Xfexm ;S; Mr Fewnax XX-.z Mr'iW .Wifi X»> XeWX,' g -^rferr.W- spet" &ESW1, tri’Z Mrr ■g. S Mz- ^£- <FX£3fey w£ .Etsxe’- X 5 g Wzw% &ji®sz '*w Xree«H»t£ wz g ■ ;w •fwxe’X xfereexa. 3f*- few Mrs- , g- Mfe= Atf Ert‘X>. fe s':i>... gXw- a* VX^ww? XizZ.. ‘X<4$te.. g iFfep ti® -gfees’ XwgweF &Z _ g 'Zw!; -isrer -ww:r«x4- 'g. Mr, XrE-.. MeEwCg t!WM g?fe&4 JS't ftlXrex a* Ze:?t.€’:.. ^pep: ■ ’ " g. 'Ze wefe“es4 ,__ g 'X.".''w*. Mr. W.;*',X® ’ Mr. -feW Mr®. S, X rX S-grtife. swx': -wfi te'7 X'e *orrr^ Mr '^’"^ 1 w. /e ..p. w,. r- FrtW *wO?.^ XZ :.®£^ fu z < ^.Xfe£rw Ste4er M. X ^.xOer&x®, ■ BCies ere ■ SW* 4 re are • d :b -a‘w ’ w‘U,i jw ii«w Bo w .«;s ax..' ^3 Maier, BloX wax f ’*■'... -— — •—• -'• HC’^SM.re pw to B'ofe jfe-fc Awer ‘"te ,w«5ti h yeon Sjxtp was its. W tae EX to .wex 500- tM i?£W® SBXWu tnfe® y.tiW. 5^t’SE .-mZooX r«wta exsfi s&m cl£ia& M2 u’Z wteoxg: A.'.sx.^^ .- *C;w txesy’ <^5*7 a X’ZSax $<xe£ we txx* jresoc.eS yor*^ ‘ * oa irm.SeF eBexCi^ Xe. d/''?rix«--X'''!^5' <y £t-.mwa xxt>. *x?; ’-^■•■sa, .rwas CL. &ro^.e. ■ w*<',:tiif'•*■5* ^f!",,t r—<£ ff*\r ■■; 5Kr» ax4 JCrs. ucac^^'jr <ax.S '^’'dare. KM •>V-^7xrfwdw. <f ;txeir JBMy. ax (fe-.: Xsr we xxxx 2K roa 2Zxtaf were Mre., AX* oryx: wZloxt tryd’’5*iiw';X’G ;p£jg to Cww ytt ia+ w fcare a®* ^^xciamu , :l*oemeiS &z tie MJ® £» w&W' Mr. axS Mra. ®^S Sa-SC£e, <el| FOB care «Uw* ywr BfeCr KxS*li^*&gC€X (Wx are oaCta <U2b xess to o Cs A^r wAMfe* ftern a.> wO: MB W. sx5 Wb. M Bx ^■i saB as a axaia jsxjfifc of Eax-SW ax.1 MB Mx axS Mr®..’ '3.^. :sO^ww®w F^sw ftefe WWW® /taZC AW Tam fecz«K 0 m to W/D ^<5^4 4iC.^W4 $€tol> » <■ <r XOK \^s^. B a? SEM Br,x Jsnrgts <'' . ........ ... ... ■"*"". ■"“ : "” ^*sr® Xra- S’xr- KB ,; ------—- ■*■' FSasi. ■ .«tx£' "-« <ie. sanwaBt wKfc “» -tae 33^"^^'^- ■ T£;&® .sr&^fie ;■ Xr. ;Wx£ '.has seen ot£e^; dx xi: iisjwe it lrtwfi®ii Brsagh; t.. •je.-six- ,27-Znass. ■■• . f.j>%a.ceA M.fer X-. D. A*. SstAJx <£r& ±as seen /Freslfew- 4'..:: . i iwte ABar^e oc -dw a€<r«sr -t _'&eKX71ax o! . ./i>F JOii! E>'-Z ,'r^Eieg B ■'■.xer As ,g;w:". sjr^#.^- oF •sar® w 2i>- 22 a: Be asst® Mrs. Z jBanstT’sxg, j ^e«e:r > L.:'^&Z ze.Fifew Be Ji? reKO'ertisg. t m_MW!. '2ie£ Crw.?; £. jtxx xxx Be Ma- ;-^ ^^9. af St. 4sBa>'’ -■-» *j<j>x£.tx XxBex Bjxweft t-T th® ^gs. sj^Et Be weafe-esiS "MB Mr.i; x„ -^....^. ^-.-.1, r^- .164 as«> i;1.4 isej-iat. yKrIi». , yoesBet; of ...w ^xPX'Ztx 'toiilerwoe *xu x>£. sx^ > , of rxe M2 w t'w " ' ' ’ ■..togxter. a? Zar&x. MBS ox..; tw wwa- ^xeK a: a .rwy A* ?.w sJ$- 44exc£-s B Ewxer 1® SfeixrSaF- ?axes S’/i Txere ar* '.--w Mer ve 2xe Z ■ M"x ax-2 Mrs. ZyB Korfien., .-M:< w ioxt < Bxs '.Wt Mfe, SZlSa. ware Be < Mr, ®x<; : it ote r4fe£&2 IrSeafL 5^. 'rSarxat FBjxe <fx StBfisj; ; w at ErerBg j&tMMKry'; Mfesme, WM2e fesjw xxg •:x.?.xi,4? of fw«,;4ox ‘MBwSn of ?xrw,? ■eCleg w re-j> : roi.z; 3«s£Ct£y BBnis. B towx oxa fe? 3ast wwK;; ■„_ >,.„ ™ ,..._ ,_ ■ gfrgtt^r Mxiar, Bfsxf sa® <of'; Tw iewe of yow;m /CaC oxi to. toar, Je rasrp-J frou’. KseW .tfis raxfiaS cerxtxg frosr. a .teS 1ZBB -of fesfi- .25c BABGE WSW toLl^ES •Ssre atJEEs.. .................... 2 !Sss» 2Se SSSBBr BOSSES W2'G1ZA i$3iSb f&as^ F3ae^5£r ;4Er.™,.^........„,,»..... «... SS2 BOSS 5MSSE3S ■ cFani’n* ■jjsaijsk„,M .3. &. «pwr> 2Sc &x<ew€' sc?5i> X'a.EjF LifIW -z aBetX ■•zm, 5>r!... r:.'?. FXt Zie -r?Z aa&£ M*e. &, J$x<e?aFt. ..< mA <'u:.r-.. Wj^^- $ 'Miss ^exria r, rX:%^ r$e ferr.eAa a'BieA Mr# A’trtLX^ x^sife ■.Aee VZ'."Z., ■‘'Ze re*; ■7rxeiS ao I*xei4i27 f^xOr Zrw wfefee; ?i; frZt£j reBZFee Siere. . Sat f’’ KE-"fj WE;;w 8X8 ^^SpSOWH WJJSJP ^J-7 js® j a« w*^',g-,^,.^. ® ..,s, - SB, £.x$ €Wzs asS aM Mx .w2 Mst. Frxrz' d^> ■Aaxzs tXzI sCZ. X*.. xx4 s ^.u*e ■ ■ zf fc J* ' j ,; Fr-s.81 Al ^'j*Zir. o *«rx00^0Kr^r S!S. «««:*, few Sees »"SOa?” ^-- " ? -'?®'-^',l :jAeff*v* B pmi.ig xfj Cm 1*—- at eta Tx2A *•'-«* * .W;.7^Ww*a l? Mr S>f. 5»Z:tA^i a?;,€^3 ^sj; '.TArotY^. Volte'S xm Eaxs Al X<r. Sz>y :■ <&£ ‘W>- Mery Pa*s*x® rte;yrM «Xx: fLf i^fes as e * '.' Ms £14 Mrs. T. $7 ^y*<’,TOMOJ® :;to. CAXisas E^X^a, Af ^xs*h ■”£-4.t., m»<? ra.Aarz yxxrs Tee;; "dxtxe Af ftie fcrxer’s e;/xtxy» As4?w jiwlSMlO'# I 0 « W.M1) £ ijeweofc c: jfW t5e&* tier -jBS M^tSi J211 .&? W "Xii,. &ip WEMB? 71 ■; ■ ■ ■ ■'■" - ., Ml r Oj-O pzt. 3?£r. -£xii Surfi. x£z> i£It^*.ias ffites^Be <w.ar ezfidn&m. w are still ^fferia* eur <®KStam® t&e SShaesi IBriiMh w&aleas m a'wide xsriBy of gEStaaSstae paMeroxs—feafor Wiade <i» TAIWAN S;.ps B: $a’ ® w,i»’-- »» wmm MsStesxa. as-t * szxi, ®$xO «x5 CeMS. w» s'^fi'i^-‘^l«.’^£&'‘'; '"^ asCeat M to tei® of M&i A.WL7. 1 irreOieB, SlCex WBala 1 *-s * * , ^, A ..I^M£*T f£*-Wsr * to'‘ e’ 5* k Z: I '? H ita. <&£?& (Ciif£x& wia w £<ia- l^xsaS M X&gfiTi^Zi^ake, Ita |>5»BE!& Si:Mis5£in®2 to SW lOSA., & a g-wS aS at fixiaw^at ®asiis),. Mx. sr5 X c. ®esa5«j, ®*>j alSfoe, asS Bx&m cl Std ClaSr Shssa^ ®s3t« tMtaB Wt wstl-te.S at '82® fess (sf ®e]! »ffcSfiCffiX”® lite, Baiase, < ‘Afc'3xejy SA i MA SAS Mrs. WL. tfessfisca !fc^e iMar^a ^Xlsi) axa awi> dSiOrex ct ’a?W5A ta w^fegx.3 «2i8iL Ifc saS Mr®. .Ms WaiSs. WrI ,Wx3^£xa an-S ar® ri»s,afS- sfex a <«X Ji HSBltss 05^5 «2iO!!K&, feas as o -tW^s w.’3,2i Ma £□ to?i$ *xui Mes '*>«■ ^±a.-5Bx Me i SB* ®r. and Mrs, tat Alton ttlhl cta^ex ills mwtta MWk lh R. J£i£a ma W tatta tall?, nil ©J ABflMM ww WltW tnv n Shuvfc ato ta W^y in tiw lunnv nt ®r- W, B, AVhnssw» Was Ata m who kni M aet&ra^a tram wlntwlng In sa B&tosta& w« simt. thn wi .^.e&fe MB w wUlm MR1 Mav* wk TOte, ®r ss^m W *s Wisita nitm -will tU tesx tm TOtfc, VlnUnt« tw &£b feaAitoa fiijflssaeS Wt, AlttWnw WEfite M trfeaa, Mtes tan Ata\ Ct &Ms; M^s Staphma Wto» « ffiasto. aaa MM, Mis* JUrts ol ta CrSss.i‘, TOSNflWihK ‘ISS “3 “*■ SaSiaif Wt<>' At