The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-06-04, Page 2w. SKB WSWfi« (.WtoStes-^ urn# Adi c ./ ■Wc 4 f All That Glitters osiwtKKiM& ?»•*?’-4J3 I'JSP ?H »■■*?•* Gra:w &W ■4.1 h,'£T,' '/* toto fyOyr* W* W fs'aw < wxto to /ifjyzwl' mSr itotr fe ?4to>l fW> fe *»4^, f U th jis? he- nii’l ■W, W: th to Ito SHtto Ci to ^yfe- fra fTL* >'..3A ># 4: ". , (S'i’j ' ;to W * O! 111- n'/" ' .«>( ■ "'i I; -’ ‘v too?- 3.14 too iW i!’Xr r<wtow wfto Lrnuo ,;io^ o*4' r.W'1 tofr 3e?a I’ft- i'; iS:ii3d»rr:. no? toitez and? pw c-<ow.’ MX. seewd to? mw wvi.-i nor X-ow* to r«t* rto?UWA«?- Tttof ito?& i'nO- Oto?-5. ; i oe too dhT.ai.bi aaitt* the 'invrto? of a coXd- ,;m too toA» in u* jAVZUd t:lA ?o?ao? O? tM caOfct WfA-*' A to?xttotoo sa:.. 3? tho -to-w-ic f I • t >?/i, • Z "i ;■? a W? ivA^ to; to5 t fc.’a?-!’ to 1’toiW « toT? .a• “Ti:.?1? f*n 5? to#to gs" to/j.,;,*?.,1'Zir',' iAVA^to P H to? i,*i?5 -?4r-''tos rti&lf T*.i to iWt'y toWto ttotos to 4 ni toj M<r A,to ALto m s a.' to tow tito to? w-wa M'jC yo’i iAja. a.4,A? Sto AsSito »»to- of toAl"*' ; Tito . ......... waif woywif ky .^wbA fjl'toi'? to WrWi 1'0 !.:h* l>?Ar‘Kfa.4? tozmgly £?, &'fl4 Iwrt AWfA feLiA/ £s f.O ZfiV/M fond to 1. it vzii'f to 1'ikn as fto A? f’OYi trt'f .fwAA'to? and ^'rto wvdYiwy tf4iA.^'9 i'i&4 to'^ s Vto?# fwy. i&aiW fc# trto ifetrt'o y/44 Pl'nd kn ^y.4 tO'ifid w'^'f9?^' ffe? psid fatW to WWA’ sa/! 'V if v Wrtn' ; i t- 0- i" A. V-* * fofe P> jito^ •*Uw lii3rS ,vay: 1/3 ? Mtotogj Oto »vava paooO'ig. yta'u to? of WO to/' a to? .-? wa«i unai'y $&j4rto4 iw a? r»toht, cowe4- dowm at Xfe ito waitiK iYO h.v.s-? to 'AA f a" - to? dMf to a‘?ri'?A -aiidt &'.$'■ ?:«? Bto ‘AA <4 azf to fthA t?,1 rijtiB fpfA srto »55'AWrvy|arto: 4m# olf iiito eh4 taU a1?- ' Yidd oi fttto to&dl fdo Mt :rto to tofrto ki?»<S- W li.^, f&A ■»? 5to K’sew r&siAfi M ttovn- to ffi-A of tito ra?/??:?‘-to?A?^ ivy rito z?^, 'tojHjKMtl/ tof 14 tokvi'to-s-.- Th^ito iw/ Ot U?.^ to N»A dafy. I>to& 6-f Stto’ 'r?^y-.. /f’lto m/toA 'xra* iiidde'n to' i>y ekoid* thdi tit- 7VfU-> it. itow that Kronid hWit to f^?irto !■<,? &-'■-? w6tri’$ itovtotoiy toto^ toA toSeff. away. «>## 5? tofO?"y.y4 yip*it any ns li t&af' sas'*y diz WA fKi'd a dWin: iii pW rzoAL’ mwA. y;.ff ini’ a oi day» and WA'i?, twA in Pkiatnnai t f.nai that-iyfi no i-:hfA^.inri and ati of thfeto /tisooy hfe ffei, dw fei* ftl y/laii #w; t ('btofc w?z* UPi ttinaf. h4~ fif/mohody pttdfy Wahiy of Wa 1 iion^Ajy ida-' Ip? toviiio had aaytMitii fn 4o inn Pidnapiu^:. tin aim,ply y/aa te- y/IMw4 nhotii tib? ifllo bit Htlo afr- ithiio ntllilif h«VA IMMi y/iitY if?g tot rfto yohl Pfft'ka Hi bz tlfrnn io aowo t?ato (.‘Mio. if tldif. fa aof Whiif, of fhouAi 11 aooiita io ihn y/Pboypt' fbbii Thftiiir/ i’ifind him b initihf. 1?a uini'O pMtits'. aMb Odth Hsh tih-k fluid?- Io f:at Hu W-np; in lUh yttpoi^ AL- wii’-d Hib yfiifiin nt iho ft'unt naan v/iw /fov'iu-M fviih I Ito af.wy. U ilpif HiO b/ifv itbV/ii iiuil ihb iMWiitY i.VtoliH aliriitta i-ri^tUbf iMlf liiiJitb ablfpioija plmtoa v/lhi fiinntt hmiL Hhw. Uotiwu-ito hiidi i'Hrk road tftitihGiy i<hH id it. 'Phb frti'i toiil u UtoftRftot? had tibbit itamvMl WMU llit‘hz hii‘ mi hihbflbii id Hft» rijulahto of 11 1iM hatiii tomlM.- EvaryHihig a^ntofl whpimfM bt Witohig fin Ilia mutt hmvtoftolil WltlMl V/ilM llultihiWii bhilt Ilia ludlM’ Uliil Ilin tHihlla. Wtii’to HwHla/iVirtw A! I? uMwl: ftoVt’to! id llm pitotm bd» itiirt llto phltito ttoltad M» ItoiidoHdi Ida rtw«li;^ iitmtoto lib: Hto hihsidiihH tif ilia pltiito, Duo w«m Dtoh H.ml ilia oihmw imtii i ijuy. Htiiiuy mil vimw«iilaiiily hy r»»p Mapiimm itut'if id Ilin niii-ly i.ntrt td tlm uwhlug, A» Itoiu iim I4lp HilUlia ltd!:. ‘hafto' hurt ^luwml down arm ‘■'irtwibly; mi»i rim ulrdd lay dadi mid Mlidilly itbmif tomrtwtdl, Eid> ttlly !ir»ididif1i wmn mil to Um tm-N veto itml Mui uiit hia any mid tunny wiGtort uiHil liw llllit? toil light had dlaiiiqiamnd down Him hUthwtiy hm, tow Im toltowi In hta unuim Tito mily Hithg Ini mnal du with to malto kdiew Qa? wa:y irogaiass. imdA f» itoaM agartL iliSt? '(.$’' Sitd®?" 3$ CS>: CtS^'^UCh'^^ X*X-3*X*.2tX' GcWUXC^y W JWWB A-.* ***ww^rx : r~~: to- mo?® ;ftS. in aaswai otj gS to ayoaJmaa; maw;.ra rlM pvasea? riana. TMap”-? ?„.?.?.'??:J r."~ g'aa im'. m/y y®s^?W ^ende?. a“:L*3?.r;?* yioa,? wimaJ3^ ; Ch?!:3m» Swsfe: ’^as i £a, tsMTi©-. ®w aiOKW mo- ® eto a maa .r?^?a2^± aadt a35ea?a la tUa= aWi iaj^siw&e^ as a <lT^Wf’ F»W w» waa oaw'tireiJ! armtfer, tclwatB “BSi hl** iaw twiA dh©:’ Sa eaw Szzile’A fW-fttse; Pa-;pt $ jw Mf m-? 11 »wi^ IW WWW w?irto2(*E«WJKSg-W« zwr a 1 ' #ate 5d'<i.f ea&s to-artton fe .fltesf fer imiarttona,- aaefe w&m- $uW inamfe„ Maeefeatfe m* $&W„ T-® Pfes-^ Waafei-I>M5^ <srf- ffdumtf. XfM- jfev Ife of affx w?dc- RettoW notfcas’ 14^ S^f Car* at TSfefas 5W- La^aS ato* vastMtosr ant pe-r fto®, U‘- Mamoffeua’x- wftB. asfe vew- <©'«. axW varaea aw^* .■fe^ Nsat I» e&uftf maw U ® p’alai <fa?sr d'?®fe. o? snwtsws-j' rto ffW iw?;'....... _ s £»■ goose? to Has srtmfef l; rt’aAsome wis l.U'p’iotoa and1 ar.ton?tosi aa a h f*fe wsuXC? pe?!iaas- .. „ t toa?a toto tto® tda s-aeusss-i: i'jj-O"’ Towa wlto 5*ia aoiwsaaffei ot.*5* womea to. lja mtousw: £?• OWtosi wfe he M wwx^mwy^f; pa r ; aa?wto?a- nitoMI IS £' ■?« a? a* ?«£fcs5 •»:’ i-v^ . . to pmw totoW wto» a& te? M ^-.^. ctof a’f Ba? gam?aJ'. F^a^awatxoW' fe fssa p^xhas*. aasf Iiw» fi?r Seaas^i to toaT { S»7 taa?»; ro Isa? ew»Varna pa?scna^r wBare stoa Iwjj sM i»a4A & d-.ve?mtoa4 effort' t'M &?feuw% over tBa fwaefej’. 'to no? to-* TBare;^ kaow tbaa torgy to heto?- al/e to cooi Ba?r 'wasfed; to efjr. Khaat- woaldB-awm- maato- and5 wB^rsto'se afeossfe'----"- ■ ,;. . ■■ i? dot fmwd toa aawered'dlto* tan to itoa hds* town* s3®m«sSM i®*5’ 'Tiweaa^ ^wfe> a^aeabif Befes,. ................ to!; ,-^to Ctortlfe- soma- of il ■ Rew Refw Ha?ui' wa$ b<i?a i® Al-; :&xnA Disrctoc aal raceiwd be? Aarl> edfaattas a? SMI? Ste. M&rtA ba? uwt® afostW,. Cbrrfe- aie i’jg?3uifared! fcoM Vseteha: CdlWai Yam to ea.ea?ed Emmao-aS i Goiiegff. Ha? s&w U ww tte* wife Raw. WIIxet Ro^a?3s- wBo-’ fe aS ’swens »MsgF a- «o®w at <iaea*a- rniva?st?y, A.a a acacEsa* Mias. Hana p?eaaB^dl GLADMA-N -■& STANBURY afenWsr Of The- f2raatl»® W<MMF fffewspapaj- Assocfetfe ■ ; A m iilto^a? s^a?^- 4'1* h«r. £ "‘fto, 4^?»:a\ Ctouto fold mA a'd hitou? yoY. $ don'l tUiAk; ba <sS; iArbU.- ? start a rt's iW himwj stoiiM* iwfc I |?«A« f Sto 'to?lA Ismail- h^ad. Jto nos# wa^- impev* bfrsm was SX4U of cour^ a i>iO2tdA. woro glossy and fohowf.lg mA J'toA Of too?’ SW Bxsxtito aS Fae&IM Shs* Htotsheww,. where, eaca Sunday, igh® crawto® 4d» to jjreae& i®| - .Mtw &?t| -jordfaasU® the served to tow years- : jS* BydaS ParSr,- Al^swai,. where she ! 'agato prea-tosd is tor chatohes;'' i'each. Sdnda-y, of ng a horse* dhrtog iCItose wstodh of the- year when the P .. .. ' „. "to Sotohat,. to the yossg mto£s*er« life i® South- : . u,*.^v.,.^ kar^., masaaltoat ,■ ^.MSsU' dtok;.' Thame purs away fen eonfetpararL^. she toes- sfe rea<fb A fe$w?lfu. ^,,w ,k;;i.to ant L3;,-rk^ f aat Umw fe tos^ toom; feeam^| 5fef warn aw’ a*a;X w r ‘tonfeatto vefae carriea wall’ to aayLfe '««««■* m-toto’e? lira in ^oucn- and- warti! «t‘S* a Btoa to eat fe o^i5J ra ta. of« U ? 111 f 5 y * " .term ant a paraoaaga feme ‘'-- - *® ;£$ iiggfe ffree^ha^di Wm®» only a ijtS- ftterenf pSip:rta ah<S-aa some fem Lafe Etorw,. fe less ftnesa- aa ctfe as- tarae ^xp^fenced fn iftoa&to Md ew a^Mi. ; «X’I1 geft Mto -n i J to haw scwiO v^etaSfaA,’ « wens &»■ -filto kto4W aa»d tooted' _____ ____________ 0bA :aa s;to wo?te$ fe^ar reaWed!. Ito IRsfe fee^feutot Varna.- only a fy turaet up* aa$ hw feow-'l^^g was- fa&to'gr to* tfttoj w e • | >..iZ.fi . •j.-*1',.. “•“- Mi yw’*’ r* m®^v- hlmMy WAsrrt'u to g?w«; rft w^si’ p<%*?Aeti-7 nd 0OA& wwi'dl he?. SfeW ^Bferis* ’d’a'n’A wW gyew ®Tt$, Wd&tB w-^fe lU.i aldwess asdt ''“toe? tfi&t yo-'n Witness of mrAL 'wens ox j her. AtiAffe seM’n liei'L of the com hag- igsd w waM aad foop^ ■Q.^iy dg tM1 sjW. Tlwesc' sntt^d ’U and hAS off to fito jSAi’OA xo'Stox di-As-s, i. | aaid: "Kow do yow M fThArfW, $4® tAm'ar ttofidotoh f’*e appy^ctotA yow fiospitol^y.. fev SVo not 1M begtoatog to gof a Wto itoW/! e Tiwvm toW a smafi gtto conspto-* Ltidiisfy to sighs aad pAko cato of ehM tooMW rfg&s ■ Mow it you'^’I promiW mA yw yoW bA ?/x/W; and ■ - • >v ■ CMfwof at 'Laxt ^4&n4y a sgartod tuy down with yon. t&ffiti/ Mt14 f£*.... ,../ -____ .............................. 4 in ’■fe wef^Bf tfe® fees. ■( >i Wife they ww eating Tamar ■ - -r ]■. i'/y tito ffe tociM f: ; M's- Z/'WA, TW|: v<s> fW,m$ triiiy toto{ tow’ rl«o^ c-tew, steady oyox, ife I toMd' T&a ^trfe A.$ H pwi&id Mno hd at y,a<4i ifm fditid of yo® dor then n? fot wr faprdly ’'toto ?.fe^ w ff yon dVA/i fif to and aped diwn tkn'tipbon of efM/' w&'» now vislbto w f%—l p/ofni^ rto y/ay aiwyrin^ ?.&to^r a tlft itif of pMUmc <>®& of fawe? a&d '£ f’ki> f ioadx. mow a t&M abrntt koodoiph oyenM dw : pfayad a ftexMfgfyt on tho do. Vvo ooo and 'hie fMtm fhM ifdd Minn y/ax butt my a amiH W M up wurw. MuhAt M- H-tat, not any mote, fto was ft with fthakto-j? and I fryM to do in UmUhff sltn ffsensed Ht fho dim tight saw two ohmo wiib a skontdoy aferw hue was TamaFa H dof/t kiu/w what that M-« tec/sUm that kws mo tltat wayt Hut ■I do tow* ttm Hho nobody^ btminm and I'll took aftet Mm/' Tbafesa ufftted Tarpar^ hattdsf but did tifft urnht tim mml a tow d bar faat "Loufe awd 1 woto #tod thm years ago, Ma's gow a loh and X dof/t apprmdato bis dulngr this JMa tbit v/a'iX always kava/' bha birtb, fftiaHiar iiirnut getting itumfi wimil ewmistad ot sirtidv/kdroff and hot ffoftoa and fmit. Itm gMx sat and smokod, wim niniisnd oplty. V/hato toirttod all of “Tall ifta tUintif v/l® allowed ## go ' fho (‘aidn io? a fctiof tawfo of ciiuaM a gfimi/so oi tho by an of woods- low on tho ttf Gh? Htfit fooG/ill. Tboy w«ro in a vah'ffy, nttd fchow that Lodio nt'iitit ht* mt pilot to havo latifMl an naaily. U took iHOKdalon to dnv/it at a ptaw ukif thfe« hruad aUly of y4lium<(i ftM Unnw was lifted fid- a Hitiway, Hfiftj G^y v/aro in MMhnr ml(L 'Wluti ww« itMiwi piano i(/i‘ it Wrta-' than rhia'i 4M by iiw' ^nptM1 Loult? Hurt hot' lit a nhait «UlMt Will gOl liOFO 'Mtrltf tibou, ^bU iiiifll 1 gfd himV' Ito phu'wl imt mmi' tiiw mid tuhwl li in ftini nitirti hail that you dntitgn MiiiHmt GH ThofW! gitfa liai-w. v/np'i tliik ymir fiimiltlug omiii'f phi lllia you minlif lay in bm-n tho hihdlng fi'tnti youv limifla. If you Jimi ting Iho Imll,' ho lit'Utnbd inuHnii>ntityl ‘I'luiiM.f limit'd Him piano aitti't niirt toko idf anti Minimi down to a ituiHi- UtH nf mmmtohy, whltdi t»m tout' itod dimid rrtiild lint illinml, Tim liirtlu ha'ljtod a inipf, ym urn ju-o- itritoiM wmmml itoimimlly dull, ax- w-miim-s tor i.lm rmimiiurt iinwianl uiimlwto, Tim iwin glow inibl rtuully aftor Gm 1w Imi'iiwl low and ilimu wim tm way tov hmJ In iTiilmilali h. niou Um Hitnmlii' Hmi aiHiimhhig uillVM Imiiimii In Limin aud alto mu im hrniid tor tUya mumiwd to tn td long #fe’H tofe wti'ii of Mid In "Tut/ yow I HIP A Nnwto Mlh Ninny a lamanaa t s ®|lhw of miry yow mite ate md« ml» ■ W |Sg Ig abb by Jte braahfiii wife of pimpla^ awl you probably RM||■ „ | feow X wi«W a promiMM roroaw fa ta JU MWllmi w thw Mill wiitef amt pitu iUimi. 1|| toW®tmnWh «)!)■ w meliplWal palm Imlrtlm ™ ma» »iitoHb« Mum by ilmeinljatt’a^wk illanimrammib whloh vary tihitmfa pmj’lilww toonuliift eompmiy, „ t, a to wM. wav to iMtbif pwla is to improw to gnml faith ’ ihmhw ifaii totwro Imtpa to alsam Um blood mid with to blood eteanmd to aimpteiim tould d« w»t t a, f tia Miltoro Can bta'IM TawniOi (M i tonimromimfe wlBk wy tifW* Promise fF, W». Gtodtoaw^ ! EARRLSTER^ SOMCmiE. Money to Lean:,, Ma<£«! Bansianw SJsto-depdaft Wtrlr® tor ns@ of oar Cffenra. without efiarg® E2CETEB and HJENBAIX .Star Hrs? ah&'ge, An.d Varna fa I® ffeer Ffees^yfery1 p?c<?d a®c£ fed? of ffe woman min* ., ' fefe, [ MTIfe fiLa saws- off Ran Be3a| —------------------------ -Mernfe appoiaemane to Varna raac-i-| edfi Surma Ryes^ytary slfe soSfaet. of '-wonto^ #waaS$» ww a lively toyie {as mwy* a e&wfe V/’Ses iglfe erabaa^ paS^ife- tba ^nesy av-' jfees- aa to* ba?* rgesptfe is. t&a* Uaafer SifeTif. sbA te to t&A aorr^vagatfe Rte a rsfssfe- ?ed to 'the $hwM the ser- svfce be o^er;ed to herf Bat when rteSJtoS^toto «&»■ tofefc I .a-^ —7“=» wo®an, 2®a » rV.ntorto to gite£to arid wMfe *Wfvra£rt’s?w :fs tko vsdlW ar.-t aasSflAto fs— :but &a wsrtW’t heliwe th&f tbfe Of t&w* aoMd Kfe pMW St rof^bt he an ®tto?r..w.i tea, AfiS Tbav<w was aSmos* as '.aw some of tba gnfs f® Tam'as^. Wto oXeb an-d twite as ■parefsyf, as mosf of CT$' > ' SHIPKA I CteEgrato^tor^ to Mr. and Mm pL S&w ora the gift of a rsaby boy ton the 27th- Bev, A- Page, of Exetor, wifi tpreacEa to f&e UWed church on Snu'day next. Hev- L, Turner and Mr. Wm. Sweito^ are this weeh attending ©tsnference to London. Mfeis Mdla Sweitzer, R.M., and g-frl friernL of London, spent the ■& r ^'le* Jrs- With Year old attd higMy^eemed off' ffer CARLING & MORLEY BAIWSTERS, SOLICITORS, LGAK3, INVESTMENTS’, INSURANCE Office:; Cai-Itog Block, Molu Stree*, EXETER, ONT. W. G COCHRANE, B. A, Barriater, Solicitor, Notary Phone 77 Exeter Residence Phono 74 fo> the eldest she takes _ Ba? ptoaa wiiSrfe any anewfeW- weekend at bar home here. T&.e fact tfeaff she a woman. ; preacife give® her no concern w&at- ewaf; iff & She worfc that matters | |arto she ifefe® from neit&er am to- fartorfffy on a sisperfoi’W eonsplex, Awd the erseatfon asked. By an anx- i ............................................................. An lafokd off Kter^ufd townaWto Georfe Bro&d-to V7*Mfeto dfe$ iferrfy; May fWtfa, to- W year, Jtest summer Vto, MM- W^er . (POe A&fe# $Wit«ffe CO* Inflated thek diamond JwWee, 5to .'Webster died to JkmM tost six moatte Were her husband. Webster was om gardening the day Wore be died. He w ffi oMy a COWfe Off hbtkS, ffm and g«fc ready, Ttito Attowurd Tamar al Thorom/a phllo.^ In Hm world had aho Il upf Mio wimdwrml, tibant hhadwoIL t lovad ovary word Hutt I rmtd about it. I'v« aiwaya wrtod io aao aouw plai'O iffeo jhirt, Mtmi ba fhi/iM Ilka fha plirtrtuHomi hi 'Gotio Wlfft thw Wind', Thorn waa a ' lliioH HuHurl I rail Louie onrw hi a v/liho. And tm Ion# ha bttwu't rmtd it, I ran gal lio all floirtiioi'n mhdu haw hliia oyatf and aoaWrtimfe lialr? "Why, not M cinipsts not I Imai: ft’land h im blond n« you, A lilt of ('humins TIiMi'mm’a tolim hurt 'ihu mtmo' Uiili'Itnuaa and umwnt of Hm En«l> irtnura alm had known and Tnnmr wlaliml that aim uiliflii itafe Iw aumiiilihig ulmin liiwdL ATI ar lunrli Tharmm dirt a lhor-» uugh Job of i?ohi|? aval' Hm imlHii, film brought in rlmin Ihmim from Ilm trunk of liar tw anrt awapi; mid iluaiml with vigor, Tim homm fairly nliinm from hm! al’forliu Af= lor alm wan Hiroimli alm muHud down with Imr hiinrtwork and tmia* ml ronvm'mrtloiittl anlllmi to Tnmai', In Ilia late afiurnoon alm ri*pUMi° lalrnd Hm Imaltui of wood from tlio plln nmir Um mbhi, "Il/a gnirfni? Inin roldur, I hopo Hint wti don't Imvn hud wmiiliM’ ri«ht now. Wo ran ummlly mmnt on rnmiral nkm wimlm th I la val kiy," Tlwwti inarta no fur1 n man's mmtl and mlfiml ilutf aho wiw not oMporlluK Louin bark hmlitltt, Gnea nhn won wont rm fur mi to try to tlKurn out fionw mdmmo of gmtlni?' lomrn from Ilia Imiidft nliMi; Iw font and try« Irtfs to wwapn during Hm Hmo whmi TimraM mhtht ho n.n1mw» tint alio ite- Mr. Dr„ CL F, Rouhton, L.D.S.,DZD.S. DENTIST Office; Morley Block EXETER, ONT, Closed Wednesday Afternoon Mn anil Mm. Arnold Raynham land ■at London, visited with the former’s father, Mr, T, Eayn- hauu, on 'Snuday, Mr- and Mm- Wm. Baumgarten, of Portage1 Ja Prairie are at present vfeftfng with friends here. It is thirty-eight years since they left ■ here. The Y,P,S. held their meeting last Tuesday evening at the home of Mr- and Mm Orville Mellin, It • - was decided to have their picnic on - June 27th at ■ Grand Bend. $. S, Picnic The annual Sunday School and. Ladies' Aid picnic was held at Grand Bend on Saturday afternoon last. The weather was ideal. About 55 sat down to supper and everyone . present reported a fine time. : ’ : .. •> ■ ■ Dr. H. H< COWEN, L.D.S.,D,D. S DENTAL SURGEON Office next to the Hydro Shop Main Street, Exeter Office 36w{ Telephones Rea. 3 8j Closed Wednesday Afternoon# ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED 'AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R- No. 1, DASHWOOD FRANK TAYLOR Digby Pines’— Popular Nova Scotia Resort LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex ^ARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 138 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale 'day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton P. O. or Phone 43-2 wmu> biwii I li dcii In t h in pwpmiloiui 1W nur« A LAND wlifiro thq fiftlt tang of the f * m miiiklhD with the acent of apple blosunnitf, whore summer'll heat I» tempMOd by. bracing sea breezes, where golf clubs are ao popular UMilngmJn,<ml whw tlmwell of the romantic past still pervades thu pie* imwpie ctnmtryaMea"*l;lint m Nova IkiOtUii ntoritvl Imwl of Kvangellnoi whoso many fine mummer rnsorte and liotolff provide the uhimate In noaskte va^itimiB, , ,, The diurms of tlmi onutermnoM province cirn lift enjoyed to permet advantage nt th« plctwesqmrnefliiklo resort gf Dlgby( where the famed i Digby ploeij ^nera ««ch a wealth of hcfiluvpromotiim pmnftiw an golfing, teimla, riding, fishing and weivbathmg in a glftse enclofttMl ewimmam >l: Tim popular Canadian Piwifie hotel will bo open thia year from Juno 26 tfli September 8, Digby lloft but a fihort distance from tho great Antmpolifl Valley, where every Spring the scent of flowering apple treen pormcat.es tho countryXiue for mllon around. Highlight of Nova Scotin’a btossofn time occurs in May and early in Juno, when Novo Scot la's fairest laeslea compete for the title of "Bloaaom Queen, an event toot at- fflWtn ItUfidtOdli of visitQi-A to the. Gornwallie Inn nt Kentvitlc, whore tlto cotWiny in ellnmwh I,over® of history find keen interest in old Amuip'blia Royal, ono of the firttpornmnont Etiropfihn scttlomo'nts ealftbJIafa in North America, and Imre the recently restored fort pro- ..fa an Intortstlng and colorful link tn Canada fl past. The Dominkm AH Av Ml Ml tCMHJsl «v<lj ‘tHHI whore the recently restored fort pro. vkk“ “t*. "■“J " ■ '■■ with Canada’s past Atlantic Railway takes the tourist through the heart of the Evangeling Country, ahd to its '‘capital” at Grand Pre, where a memorial park commcmoi'atos tbc beloved heroine of 'Longfellow's stirring poem. Djgby is conveniently Served by Canadian Pacific Railway lines from Boston, Montreal mid other largo ’eastern centres. The rail journey ter­ minates at Saint J&lm, JSl.B., and is , conjploted by n delightful three-hour cruise across the Bay of Fundy cn the tfith coastal steamship "Princes." Helene.”, A glimpse of the Digby Pines, with swimming pool ift the foreground, is given in the upper left mefute. Upper right shows the oyongcb’ne Memorial, with Apple ©lossorn Queen. Lower left and lower right carry the holiday spirit ;md & touoh of the seti, « USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. x President .............. JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. Vice-Pres....... T^ G. BALL ANT YNE Woodham, R.R. 1 DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ........*............. Exeter JOHN HACKNEY .... Kirkton R.‘ 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR .... Mitchell R. 1 WM. HAMILTON.... Cromarty R. 1 ’ AGENTS JOHN ESSERV ...... ALVIN L, HARRIS THOS. SCOTT ........ Centralia . Mitchell Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B« W, F. BEAVERS .....-....... Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors. Exeter CROMARTY Linnmondi”MOKellar Reunion One of the special holiday gath­ erings was the Lammond and Mo- Kellar annual reunion held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Col- (luhoun in Clinton where about 60' relatives met, ranging in age from babyhood to aged ones, and a very enjoyable afternoon was spent, The majority of relatives were from this vidhity; Others were from Sea­ forth, Mitchell, Erodhagon, Carling­ ford and Hensail, Games and sports wmo; the amusements chiefly, after which a sumptuous supper was en­ joyed. t i