HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-05-21, Page 5Page 5 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVQCATE Thursday* May 21M, IHt HENSALL Mr. John Beer, of London, spent Saturday at his home in Hensall* Dr, Win, Joynt,. of London, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Alice Joynt, Privates Edward, Little and How­ ard Smale spent the weelr-end at thhir homes here. Miss Alice Pfaff, of Exeter, vis­ ited with her mother and sister over the week-end. Miss Irene Russell, of London, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr, and Mrs, M. Russell. Mr. Jack Foster and sister, Miss Audrey Foster, of London, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. A, Foster, Mr. John Tapp has moved into the Broadfoot home on the corner of Main St,, recently vacated hy Mrs. Hunt, Miss Enid Parkins, who under went an operation for appendicitis in a London Hospital recently, is improving nicely. Mrs. A, Crerar, who is at present in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, following an operation, is doing as well as can be expected. Rev. Wm. Weir had charge of services in Elmwood Ave. Presby­ terian church (in London on .Sunday, both morning and evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Shepherd and members of their family motored to London on Sunday to visit Pte, Jack Shepherd, who is at present in Westminster Hospital. Jack is im­ proving slowly. The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be observed at the morn­ ing service in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday, May 24th, and Preparatory service . will be held on Friday evening at eight o’clock. ■ Mr, Keith McLean, assistant at W, A. MacLaren’s service station, underwent an operation for appen­ dicitis in Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Saturday last and is improving nicely. His place at the service station is being taken by Mr, Art Traquair. Anniversary services will be held in Hensail United church on Sun­ day, May 31st. The special speaker for the occasion will be the Rev. George Kersey, B.A., of Kincardine. Arthur Palmer, 16-year-old boy soloist, of St. Paul’s Cathedral, London,, will be present at the morn­ ing service. He is, an outstanding singer, having won a silver cup at the Stratford Musical Festival, also a $25.00 scholarship and junior vo­ cal championship. At Niagara Falls Musical Festival he won the Gold Medal, Dickson Trophy and junior championship. • At the evening ser­ vice the special soloist will be Mr. Lome Eckmier, of Brussels. Red Cross Campaign The Red ICross campaign in Hen- sall and district is in full swing. The following is a list of the can­ vassers: E. L. Mickle, E. Rowcliffe, W. B, Cross, L. Clark, Geo. Follick, H. Horton, W.- Alexander, A, Cre­ rar, H. McMurtrie, T. Laing, J. C. Cochrane, Joseph Hagan, W. R. Dougall, Archie Parsons,. M. Tra­ quair, Norman Jones? Jas. Broad­ foot, Joe Flynn, W. Fee, R. E. Shaddick, Mark Drysdale, G. R. Hess, E. Kinsman, W. R. Kinsman, Angus Robertson, J. E. McEwen, Joe Ferguson, E. Kyle, R. J. Cooper, Andrew Bell, David iChaptpel, Carl McClinchey, Lloyd Brock, Ivan For­ syth, Thos. Drover, Cal. Horton, Jean McEwen, Lloyd McLean, Wm. Parker, T. Slavin, Sid McArthur, Roy Bell, George Armstrong, John Sinclair. Death of Conrad Vol!and Mr. Conrad Volland, well-known Hensall resident, died on Wednes­ day, May 13th, at the home of his grandson, Clarence Volland, in Tuckersmith. Mr. Volland, who Was in his 88th year, died after a short illness. He had been a re­ sident of Hensall for about nine­ teen years, leaving here last Octo­ ber to live with his grandson. The deceased was very active 'for his years and always believed in start­ ing the day early. He is Survived by one daughter, Mrs. William Lie­ bold, Zurich; two sons, Emmanuel and Henry, of Goderich, and one sister, Caroline, Of Zurich. A pri­ vate funeral was held from the home of his grandson on Friday at 2 p.m., conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook, of Hensall United church. In­ terment was made in Hensall Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were six grandsons, Clarence and Bruce Volland, Elbert, Aylmer, William and Theodore Liebold, Carmel Ladies’ Aid Meets The regular meeting of the La­ dies Aid of Carmel church was held in the schoolroom of the church. The meeting was in charge of Group 5, of which Mrs, Wm. Doug­ las and Mrs. Cairns are the leaders. Mrs. Douglas presided and the meeting opened With hymn 494, “What a Friend We Have in Jesus”. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Hazelwood, followed by pray­ er by Mrs. Douglas. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. W» A. Mac­ Laren. A short period of business followed. Mrs. Calms sang a live­ ly solo, “While We Knit”, accom­ panied by Mrs. MacLaren at the piano. Verna and Kora Eyre, grandchildren of Mrs. Douglas, sang p duet, “The Leader of the Band"* As an encore Verna sang “I'm a Little Teapot” and “Mama, Mama Can I Go”, Mrs. R. Simpson gave a couple of readings her usual pleas­ ing .manner. “That's the Way it Goes" and “My Hat”. Mrs, Douglas conducted a short quiz on the books of the Bible. Hymn 582, “O Mas­ ter, Let Me Walk With Thee", was sung, followed by the National Anthem and the Lord’s prayer in unison. At the close of the meet­ ing lunch was served by Group 5, The next meeting will be in charge of Group 2, Anniversary Services Anniversary services were held in Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday last when Rev. John Fleck, of Elmwood Presbyterian church, London, preached to large congre­ gations both morning and evening, Special music was contributed by the choir, under the capable lead­ ership of W. A. MacLaren, with Mrs. J. Murdock at the organ. At the morning service Mr. Bill Perry sang a beautiful solo, “How Lovely Are Thy Dwellings, O Lord of Hosts,”. Mr. Fleck took his text from St. John, chapter 1, verse 42, “Jesus said, ‘Thou shalt be called Cephas’." The morning anthem was “Gloria in Excelsis”, In the even­ ing a ladies’ quartet composed of Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Miss Mabel Workman, Miss Irene Hoggarth and Mrs, M, Dougall sang “As the Hart Panteth", As the congregations of Hensall United church and Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, had kindly withdrawn their evening services for the occasion quite a number of visitors were present. Rev. R. A. Brook, of the United church assisted by taking the pray­ er and Rev. John Fleck took his evening text from Job 14, verse 7, “For there is hope of a tree that will sprout again.” The evening anthem was “Great and Marvellous”. Special parts were taken by Irene Hoggarth, Mrs. A. Dougall, Mrs. M. Dougall and Margaret Dougall. W.I. Meeting . The regular meeting of the Hen­ sall W.I. was held at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Ken Hicks, on Wednesday evening, May 13. The new president, Miss Gladys Luker, was in the chair and the meeting opened with the singing of the In­ stitute Ode and “0 Canada”, fol­ lowed by the Lord’s prayer in uni­ son. The roll call was answered by “One nice thing a neighbor has done for met” The minutes of the previous meeting were read by Mrs. Hicks. The' motto, “Start at the bottom if you' want to land on top”, was read by Mrs. Eric Kennedy in the absence of Mrs. Weir. During the business period plans were made to collect salvage regularly for war purposes. A discussion was. also held in connection with the District Annual, which is to be held in the United church, Hensall, on Wednesday, May 27th, at 1.15 p.m. Miss Greta Lammie contributed a violin solo in her usual pleasing man­ ner, accompanied by Gladys Luker at the piano. The highlight of the evening was the presence of Mrs. Glen McLean, president of Kippen East W.I., who took the topic, “Ori­ gin and Aims of the Women’s In­ stitute, Local and Federal”. Mrs, McLean handled the topic in a most interesting and able manner. She told how a small club was started a good many years ago out ■ of dire necessity and gradually branched out until it became known as the W.I, Among its aims are commun­ ity betterment, entertainment, edu­ cation, etc. Mrs. Mark' Drysdale, gave a demonstration on how to .arrange- a dining-room and living room, bouquet, which was enjoyed by all. Miss Beryl Pfaff read a paper on current events and “My Favorite Recipe” was given by Mrs. James Paterson. There was a good attendance of members present and a number of visitors. Mrs. Kers- lake was co-hostess and lunch was served by Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, Mrs. C. Cook, Mrs. George Hess, Miss Gladys Luker and Mrs. Roy MacLaren: The next meeting will take the form of a (picnic which will be held on Mrs. Sherritt’s lawn on June 17th. GRADUATES WITH HONORS FROM QUEEN’S Mr. Lome C. Elder, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Elder, Hensall, a student at Queen’s University, Kingston, has graduated, with honor standing and is now qualified for the degree of, Bachelor of Science. He has just completed a four-year course in mechanical engineering and is now employed in the engineering depart­ ment of the Wallace Barnes Co., Limited, Hamilton. This company is one of the key industries in Can­ ada kt the present* time. Mr. Elder whs fortunate in winning the Prof. L. M. Arkeley prize at the univer­ sity. The engagement is announced of Norma Ferris, daughter of Mrs. Gordon Belton and the late Gordon fioltoh, of Hensall, ’to Richmond George Parke, only son of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke, Seaforth, the wedding to take place On June 6th in Carmel church, Hensall. CREDITON Mr. and Mrs. G* E, Wenzel spent Sunday at ListoweL Miss Verna Cunningham spent the week-end with Miss Ruth England. Dr. and Mrs, Carl Morlock, of Rochester, Minn,, returned Satur­ day, after spending a week with the former's parents, Mr/ and Mrs. Ed­ ward Morlock, Miss Ella Link, of Watford, and Mr, William Kuntz, of Exeter, vis­ ited with Mr* Henry Silber, whose health continues about the same, Miss Verna Cunningham, teacher of the primary room, has been re­ engaged for the ensuing year. Mr. Sidney Brown, principal, has hand­ ed in his resignation. We are sor­ ry he made this decision because he has given very satisfactory service the past two years. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Haist spent Saturday at Atwood. Mrs. Ezra Faist has been visiting with Rev, and Mrs, Fred Faist, of Chesley, We are glad to report that Fred, who has been on the sick list, is improving, Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz and daughter Mary Lqu, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. H. K. Eilber. Cpl. Rigby and L.A,C, Jaque England, of Guelph, spent the week­ end at the latter's home here. Miss Shirley Fahrner and Miss Laura Woodall, of London, spent the week-end at their respective homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knightly and Mary; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Stade and Douglas and Mi^s Bferneicx^ Haist, all of London, spent Sunday .with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, Mr. Douglas Stade is remaining for a few months. W.M.S. and Mission Circle Hold Joint Meeting The W.M.S, invited the Mission Circle to a joint meeting on Mon­ day evening, May 11, at 7.30 p.m., amidst .a veritable flower garden of lilacs,‘tulips, roses and carnations. Forty-five ladies sat down to .at­ tractively set tables, centred with mauve and yellow tulips, the colours of the W.M.S. Each Circle member and guest was given a floral book mark as a token of remembrance from the W.M.S. During the inter­ mission, the Circle members held, their business session in a separate classroom, after which the follow­ ing program was presented with Mrs. F. Morlock in the chair: Quiet mu­ sic, “My Mother’s" Bible,” by Mrs. E. Fahrner; call to worship, Proverbs 31:28; solo, “Mother Machree,” by Mrs. S. „Brown; theme,* “Serving Him We Follow”; '’poem, Clara Gaiser; Circle sOng, “I Would be True”; Scripture lesson, Mrs. Royal Gaiser; prayer hymn, “I’ll Go Where He Wants Me to Go”; piario duet, Mrs. E. Fahrner and Mrs. F. W. Morlock; poem, Mrs. M. Faist; stewardship talk, Mrs; L. Wein; Zurich quartette, Mrs. M. Oesch, Miss O. O'Brien, Mrs. A. Mellick, Mrs. L. O’Brien, accompanied by Mrs. Ward Fritz; study book, Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner; vocal duet, Mrs. H. Morlock and Mrs. G. E. Wenzel; guest speaker, Mrs. M. Oesch, who delighted her audience with a well- prepared paper on “Mother”. Miss Aldonna Wuerth moved a vote of thanks to the Zurich guests and members of the W.M.S. and Miss Nola Faist seconded it. This was followed by the song “Jesus Calls Us” and the closing prayer by Rev. A. E. Pletch. The singing of the National Anthem concluded a happy and memorable event. Rev. A. E. Pletch Preaches Farewell Sermon The congregation of the Evan­ gelical church bade an official fare­ well to Rev. and Mrs. A, E. Pletch last Sunday evening when the church Was filled to capacity. After the sermon, before the close of the( service, Mr. W. E. F. Oestreicher presided. , Rev. and Mrs. Pletch t were called to the front, when Mr. Oestreicher read a beautifully il­ luminated address. Mrs. Jacob Ratz Was called upon and on behalf of the Dorcas Band Class, of which Mr. Pletch was the teacher, present­ ed him with a gift. Mrs. Arthur Amy presented a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Pletch on behalf of the Sunday School; Jeanette Schenk and Don­ ald Finkbeiner on behalf of the Be­ ginners’ Class, of which Mrs. Pletch was the teacher, presented her with a beautiful vase. The Ladies’ Aid W.M.S. and Mission Circle made Mrs. Pletch a life member of the W.M.S. On the previous Friday evening the Junior E.L.C.E. pre­ sented Mr. Pletch with two pictures of Canadian scenery. Mr., Oestreich­ er, on behalf of the church, tlien pre­ sented Mr. and Mrs. Pletch with a purse. Mr. pletch, in his reply, ex­ pressed his appreciation of the ad­ dress and gift. Mrs. Pletch also replied. Not only the members of the Evangelical church, but our people at large, have enjoyed the fellowship of Rev. A. E. Pletch. “Well done, tliou good and faithful servant,” are words that were Writ­ ten for such as Mt. Pletch and all join in the hope that he may be spared for many years who performs his duties in such a zealous and self­ sacrificing manner as has always characterised the labor of one who is now about to leave us after olose | Wppdhw United Church Sunday School Anniversary Sunday, May 24th Conducted by REV. M. G. COOK, B.A, of Granton at 11 a»RL and 7 p.m. Special Music hy the School * * * On MONDAY, MAY 25th, a supper will be served in the Orange Hall commencing at 5.30 p.m. followed by a play entitled “Marrying Ann” presented by the young people of Knox United church, Embro. —Admission Adults 50c and Children 25c Rev. A. Laing, Pastor Leonard Thacker. Supt. associations covering eight years. Dear Rev. and Mrs. pletch; On behalf of the Crediton Evan­ gelical church, and as chairman of this Church Board, we, as a Church, are assembled here tonight and feel we wish to express to you in a small measure, to somehow show to your our inexpressible apprecia­ tion for your noble and unflinching services and exemplary lives you have rendered to us, your flock, these past eight years, as the faith­ ful servants of the Most High. You, Rev. Pletch, as our diligent shepherd, have left a memory to this flock which will always linger with us. True,, we ‘ have not al­ ways been as faithful and obedieht as we should have been which, no doubt, has caused you much grief and sorrow at, times but we fully believe the influence of your exem­ plary lives and your faithfulness in doing your part in the ministry of your most high calling will bring its reward. These sorrows and griefs we bear here on earth will be stars in eter­ nity. We, as a Church, Sunday School and all the church organiza­ tions, wish in parting to show you our appreciation , for this faithful­ ness and the love ’and kindness you have always sho'wn to us when sor­ row was our lot, .but the fullness of the reward will come to you in eternity. We herewith, Brother and Sister Pletch, ask you to . accept these little tokens of Jpve in^unemory of this church and may. you forgive us our misdeeds, as our Master forgives, and always have ■ fond memories of the Crediton- church and may good” health, happiness, and God’s richest blessings accompany you to your new field of labour. Wm. Oestreicher, Chairman of Finance Board ' Welcome Extended to New Pastor We extend a wdrm welcome to Rev. and Mrs. M. E. Reuber, who arrived in our village Monday at noon. They come highly recom­ mended by Rev. A. E, Pletch. For­ merly he was a school teacher for several years before going to North Central College, Napierville, Ill., and is .a graduate of the Evangeli­ cal Theological Seminary. He has had two years’ experience, one year in Minnesota and one year as assis­ tant pastor at Zion church, Kitch­ ener. Farmers! REX WHEAT GERM OIL is a Proven treatment ’ in Breeding* disorders of all animals. Steps Vp production for that extra cash — Get yoiir circular now —- Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter KHIVA Miss Margorie Minielly and friend, of Windsor, called on Miss Jean Willert on Sunday. Miss Alice McCann visited on Thursday with her t cousin, Miss M. McCann, of Mount Carmel. A number of young people from here attended the Walther League rally in Sebringville on Sunday. Mrs. Clement McCann visited her (parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gelinas, of Zurich, for a few days last week. Mr. Gordon O’Rourke, of Lon­ don, visited his mother, Mrs. K. O’Rourke, and other relatives last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wurm and daughter Shirley Ann, of Pt. ,Dal- housie, spent the Week-end With the latter’s parents, Mr* and Mrs. Art Willert. And then there was the sailor who called his girl “Peach” because she had a heart of stone, WHALEN Mr, Roy Hodgson is attending Technical School in London. Mr, and Mrs. Percy Foster, of St, Marys, were recent visitors of Mr, and Mrs. E. Foster, Miss Dorothy Hazelwood, of Thames Road spent the week-end under the parental roof. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Docking, of Munro, were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Frank Parkinson. Miss Merle Squire, of London, is spending a few weeks at her home. She had the misfortune to cut her hand with glass, requiring several stitches. Friends of Mrs. Wm. Morley will be glad to learn that her. condi­ tion has improved a little, but we are sorry to say that she is still a patient in Victoria Hospital, Fusilier Grafton Squire, of Niag- ara-on-the-Lake, spent the week-end at his home. He had been con­ fined to the Hamilton Military Hos­ pital for a few weeks, suffering from pneumonia. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Ford and Mrs. Ellen Good, of Dearborn, .Mich, and Mr. and Mrs. Ballantyne, their son and two daughters and two grand­ children, of St. Pauls, were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Baillie. Good crowds attended the an­ niversary services both morning and evening at the United church-on Sunday. Rev. Stewart, of Tees- water, was the guest speaker for both services. The Sunday School choir, assisted by Miss Tufts, of Kirkton, provided music for the morning service and Centralia and Whalen choirs in the evening. ELIMVILLE Miss Hazel Johns spent the week­ end with Miss Ruth Brook in Hen­ sall. The W. A. intends having a play in this church before long. Watch for particulars in advertisement next week. Mr, Earl Coultis of the R.C.A.F. has been moved from Lachine, Que., to St. Thomas T.T.S. to continue his training. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Bierling and June and Mrs. Chas. Johns, of-Exe- ter, and Miss Phyllis Bierling, R.N., of Kitchener, were visitors at Mr. Kenneth Johns’ last Sunday. W. A. Meets The monthly meeting of the Red Cross was held on Tuesday evening, May 12th, at Mr. R. E. Pooley’s home. There was a good attendance. Mrs. Garnet Johns read the Scrip­ ture lesson and Mr. Will Johns led in prayer. Rev. Mair gave a talk in connection with parcels for pris­ oners of war and Mrs. J. Delbridge read an article dealing with the same subject. Mrs. Hubert Hey­ wood and Mrs. Harold Bell sang solos; Miss Ethel Pooley gave a monologue; a sing-song was also enjoyed. Business was discussed. Tickets will be sold for a draw on a pig shortly. Articles sent in by this unit were 2 turtle-neck sweat­ ers, 3 pairs socks, 1 scarf, 1 aero caip, 3 alternative caps, 1 pair mitts, 1 pair sea boots, 4 wash cloths, 5 quilts, 1 girl’s sweater, 1 pair pyjamas, 1 boy’s suit, 4 print dresses. Red Cross Meeting The W.A. met for their May meet­ ing at the home of Mrs. Allen Johns on Thursday of last week. Mrs, Chas. Stephen had charge of the meeting which opened with the hymn, “When Mothers of Salem”, and the Lord’s prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. Alvin Pym read the Scripture lesson, Matt, 21:12-22; Anna Routly sang “I’m a Little Teapot”; an article, “A Letter From a Mother to Her Son”, was read by Mrs. Jackson Woods; Mrs, Garnet Johns also read an article, “Noth­ ing but a Tooth”; the hymn, “What a Friend we Have In Jesus” was sung; Mrs. John Brock read a poem, “Earth”; another reading, “Three Wise Farmers” was read by Mrs. Alvin Cooper. The roll call was answered by thirteen members on a “Household Hint”. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopt­ ed. The meeting was closed with the hymn “Jesus Calls Us O’er the Tumult" and the Mizpah benedic­ tion. HARPLEY Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hodgins, of Cor­ bett, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Eagleson. Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Mellin, of Cor­ bett, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Becker and family, of Dashwood, visited on Sunday with Mt. and Mrs. Robert Murray. Mrs. Edison Pollock entertained the Ladies’ Auxiliary of the First Hussars at her home on the first Tuesday in this month. \ Mi\ and Mrs* Dryden Taylor, of Centenary and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardy, of Denfield, visited at the home of Mr. Mansell Hodgins on Sunday afternoon. Many a husband who knew noth­ ing about music before he was mar­ ried, soon learns he can produce real harmony at his own heatthside by playing second fiddle. CENTRALIA Have, your salvage ready for Thursday of this week and a truck will call for it* Help is also re­ quested to aid in wrapping w the bundles .at the school on Thursday night, Mr. Gordon Baynham is employ­ ed. at the Shamrock Creamery* Mrs. W. Bowden is in Exeter this week, nursing Miss Hogarth. There will not be any choir prac­ tice until Thursday, May 28th, in Centralia church, Mr. Steve Molnar, of Dundas, spent the week-end With Mrs. Mol­ nar and Steve, Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills, of Sarnia, spent 'Friday of last week with Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and - Mrs. Garfield Neil and family, of Detroit, are visiting, with Mr. and Mrs, E. Beaver. Sgt, Pilot Donald Hicks, of Ha- gersville, visited for the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Andrew Hicks. Mr, and Mrs. L. Davey and fam­ ily, of Exeter, were Sunday visi­ tors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey. Mr. and Mrs. M. Sleampn and June, of London, were week-end visitors with the former’s mother, Mrs. J. Sleamon. Congratulations to Mr. Jos. Was- nidge who celebrated his 80th'birth­ day on Wednesday of last week at the home of his daughter, Mrs, John Flynn. A large numbbr from here at­ tended the anniversary services in the Whalen church • on Sunday. Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Teeswater, a former ipastor, was the guest speaker for both services. Rev. R. J. Merriam took charge of the ser­ vices in Teeswater. Mr. Gordon McDonald, of Strath- roy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. And­ rew Hicks on Saturday of last week. Mrs. Spencer and daughter, of Bloomfield, are visiting with Mr. Spencer and Gerald at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Adamac. • The anniversary of this church will be held on May ,31st. Special music is being 'planned ’by the choir with Miss Pearl Wood, of Exeter, assisting with' the morning service and Mr. Arthur Palmer, of London, at the evening service. Rev. Cook, of Granton,' will be the speaker at both services. * ' Presentation . On Tuesday evening of last week a number of railroad employees gathered at the .home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Flynn and (presented Mr. Flynn with a purse of money. Mr. Flynn has been a foreman on the railroad for a .number of years and retired recently, owing to ill health. Mr. Amos Wright, of London, will take Mr. Flynn’s place on the C.N.R. Home, and School Club The Centralia Home and School club held t'heir regular monthly meeting in the school- on Friday 'j •evening of last week. Despite un­ favourable weather, there was a fair attendance. The meeting was in charge of the men and the speak­ er for the evening was Rev. R. J. Merriam, who gave a very inter­ esting and humorous address. A solo by Winnifred Field and a chor­ us by the school children were very much enjoyed by everyone. Plans were made for the picnic to be held on the school grounds in June. The meeting was closed with the National Anthem. W.M.S. Meeting The May meeting of the Cen­ tralia W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. M. Elliott on the afternoon of May 12th, with the president, Mrs. W, Skinner, in the chair. The program was in charge of Mrs. A. , McFalls. The last chapter in the’ study book was given in the form of a travelogue by Mrs. McFalls, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Hepburn, Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Baker. The min­ utes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The roll call was answered by twenty members. Sev­ eral business matters were discuss­ ed and the meeting was closed -with the benediction. A very dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Red Cros Meeting The May meeting of Centralia Red Cross Unit was held in the basement of the church on Tuesday with’17 members and visitors pre­ sent. The president, Mrs. R. Smith opened the meeting with the use of the National Anthem, after which all repeated the Lord’s prayer in unison. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer reported $44.00 hav­ ing been handed to him as fee mon­ ey, collected by Mrs, G. Baynham, who deserves great credit for hav­ ing collected so much money from the membership cards. It was mov­ ed by Mrs. L. Hodgson and second­ ed by Mrs. Kerslake, that the so­ ciety arrange to have the salvage collected and brought to the school on Thursday of this week* It was unanimously carried to .have an hon­ or roll placed in the church in the near future. It was decided that E. Beavers and B. Field act as a committee to look after* the giv­ ing of gifts to the boys on active service. Mrs. Mills and Mrs. Kers- lake will be the committee to look- after the giving of a pair of socks Bray Chick Hatchery, Exeter Phone 246 Canada Packers, Exeter; Alvin W, Kerslake, Hensall; or N* ML Wiley, Farmers’ Co-operative, Ailsa Craig. to each of the boys joining active service. A paper, “Churchill Thanks the Red Cross”, was read by the secretary, It was also suggested that money be raised for the pur­ pose of sending parcels to the boys overseas. The meeting was closed with the usual cup of tea and sand­ wiches and cookies. The following is the list of ar­ ticles sent; 3 pairs seamen’s boots, 1 sweater, 1 pair socks, 1 aero cap, 1 alternative cap, 3 quilts, 3 cot quilts, 1 girl’s unit, 10 diapers, soap, 1 washcloth. DASHWOOD Miss Clara Kraft is spending a few weeks with her sister in Lon­ don, J Mrs. Harold Kellerman is spend­ ing this week with friends in To­ ronto. Miss Verna Birk, of Guelph, is visiting-with Mr. and Mrs, Vernon Schatz: Mrs. Jacob Fischer is on the sick list. Her friends hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elsie, of De­ troit, spent the week-end at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Hess, of Zurich, visited with relatives in town on Sunday. Mrs. Stadelbauer, of London, spent Sunday with her (parents, Mr: and Mrs. P. Kraft/ Pte. Garnet Weiberg, of Gaspe, Quebec, is spending a vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wei­ berg. Charles Dietrich is a busy man these days with his ditching mach­ ine, on the farms of George Link and Ed Willert. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kraft re­ ceived word that their nephew, Bob Kitchen, of . Sarnia, has arrived safely in England. Mr, and Mrs. Earl Neeb and Mr; and Mrs. Deal, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the week-end with his moth­ er, Mrs. Mary Neeb. Mr. and Mrs. W. Schott and Don­ ald and Eunice Oestreicher, all of London, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hopcroft and Mr. and Mrs. Anger, of Port Col- borne, visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft and Fred on Friday-. Mrs. Smith and daughter, Shirley, who have been visiting with her sister, Miss Lavada Hartleib, have returned to their home in Windsor. Fred Hopcroft, seaman, who has been with the Navy in Newfound­ land, has returned after spending the past two weeks with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Lochart, of Ailsa Craigspent Sunday with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lome Gentt- ner. Mrs. Genttner returned With them and will visit ‘for a week. Mrs. William Nadiger had her tonsils removed on Monday in Dr, Taylor’s hospital. Her daughter. Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N., of the hospital staff in Howell, Mich., is attending her. W.M.S. Convention. The W.M.S. convention is being held in the Evangelical church this week, on May 20 and 21. , Rev. J. J. Arnold, of Africa, and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell, will be the guest speakers. Young People Present Play The young people of the village presented a five-act comedy drama entitled “The Deacon” to a large audience here. Rev. T. Luft, pre­ sident of the Red Cross, acted as chairman and gave a very fine ad­ dress on the work of the Red Cross. Between acts the following musical numbers were given: Vocal solo and conimunity singing, conducted by T. H. Hoffman; trombone solo by Maurice Klumpp; guitar and vocal solo by Roy Morenz. During the evening Mrs. R. H. Taylor, director of the play, was presented with. a beajitiful bouquet of flowers* The proceeds amounted to $80. ON ACTIVE SERVICE Among the recent recruits to en­ list for active service at No. 1 Dis­ trict Depot at London are the fol­ lowing: William J, Cliffe, of Cre­ diton; Jerome J. Region, of R*R» 2, Crediton; Ross Guenther and Jacob W. Weber, of Dashwood; Da­ vid C. Myers, of Zurich; William T* caiwiii, of Brucefield; John F» Flannery and. Kenneth W. Adams, of Seaforth. Wilfred E. Klopp, of Zurich, at the Chatham basic train­ ing centre, has turned active.