HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-05-21, Page 4Thwwtay, May £1#,. 1942 c <*THE EXETER TmEE-AOVOCATE Bus Service Chajfligef Time WHe May J st Leaves Exeter SOUTH SOUNP daily including Sundays, 9 ami. and 5.30 p.m. Saturdays 9 a.m., 2 pan. and 5.30 p.m. Sundays and Holidays, 9 ami., 5.30 p.m. and 9.50 p.m. NORTH BOUND daily except Sundays and Holidays, 1.30 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sundays and Holidays 1.30 p.m. and 9.10 pan. STANBURY—On Tuesday, May 32, ■ 1942, at Private Patients’ Pavi­ lion, General Hospital, Toronto, to Ml*, and Mrs. Kenneth C. Stanbnry, a son (Kenneth Paul). HARTMAN — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on May 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Hartman, Zurich, a daughter. HOWARD—At Mrs. Saundercock’s Nursing Home, Hensaii, on Satur-1 Jay, May 9th, to Mr. and Mrs- Howard, of Varna, a son. RENNIE—At Clinton Public Hos­ pital, on May 9 th, to Mr. and Mrs, Sam Rennie, of Hensail, a daugh­ ter, See your local agent For further information TOMLINSON’S BARBER SHOP Phone 146 Western Ontario Motorways MARRIAGES THOMAS—REID—At Calvary Unit­ ed Church, parsonage, London, on Sat., May 16th, Miss Ola Mary Helen Reid, daughter of Mrs. Reid and the late Dr. John G. Reid, of Exeter, to Mr. Elwood William Thomas, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott W. Thomas, of Hanover, by Rev. Duncan McTavish. WEBBER—SELVES Road manse on 16, 1942, Helen THOMAS-—REID A quiet but pretty wedding took place on Saturday. May 16, at Cal­ vary United church parsonage in Louden, when Rev. Duncan McTav- ish united in marriage Miss Ola Mary Helen Reid, only daughter of Mrs. Reid and the late Dr. John G. Reid, of Exeter and Mr. Elwood William Thomas, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Elliott W. Thomas, of Hanover. The bride looked very lovely in a street-length dress of powder blue sheer on torso lines, with accessories to match. She wore a corsage of Talisman roses with blue forget-me-nots and lilies of the valley, unattended, veling, wore accessories. reside in Exeter. solemnised at Thames Wm. Mair will The young couple were The bride, for tra- a tweed suit with brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas wekbeb-^elves A quiet wedding was on Saturday afternoon Road manse when Rev. united in marriage Helen Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Selves and Pte. Leeland Edward Webber, of Hamilton, and Mrs. Wm. Webber, couple were Mrs. Orville the groom, street-length, with corsage of-thervalley. blue and white crepe with corsage of pink roses and lily-of-the-valley. After the ceremony the bridal party motored to the city and had dinnex- at the Hotel London. The bride’s coat for travelling was of with matching accessories, •son of Mr. Exeter. The by Mr, and brother of attended Webber, The bride’s dress was of Queen’s blue sheer of red roses and lily- The bridesmaid wore HERN—DAVIS beige Classified Directory —- HANG YOUR FOR SALE OR RENT SIGN HERE ... PHONE 31 w —— Classified Ads—l^c Per Word Each Insertion. Minimum Charge 25c Per Insertion; 10c Extra when re­ plies are delivered to the Times-Advocate office. A charge of 10c is made if not paid within ten days. EXETER W.I. DISBANDS —FINAL MEETING HELD The annual meeting of the Exe­ ter W.I., was held recently at the home of Mrs. D. A..Anderson, Mrs. Kyle presiding. Following the opening exercises, the roll call was responded to by the numbex- of meetings each membex- had attend­ ed during the year. Business per­ taining to the District Annual to be held at Hensall on the afternoon of May 28th, was discussed. The re­ port of the year’s work was read and reports were received from the various committees. Ten regulax- meetings, including a picnic were held throughout the year and four special meetings. The June meet­ ing took the foxinx of a picnic at a cottage at Grand Bend. The total membership was twenty-four, with an average attendance of fourteen. The programs carried out at the meetings had been interesting and • instructive. Six addresses were de­ livered, embracing the following subjects: Education, a book review- of -the Biography of Winston Churchill; home economics, vege­ table cookery or the home vege­ table garden; historical research, history of oux* local newspaper; Cahadianization, story of the Union Jack and the British coat of arms; legislation, laws relating to wills; agriculture and Canadian industry, the story of the early pioneer way of syrup-making. Current events and a •number of interesting demon­ strations and contests were held and light refreshments were each meeting. Social were enjoyed. The unit of war work of 30 pairs socks, 17 boots, scarves, mitts, 16 pairs 2-way mitts, 16 hel­ mets and caps, 24 quilts, 41 articles of refugee sewing, 21 articles hos­ pital sewing, 3 refugee sweaters, 2 girls’ sweaters, man’s sweater, 2 layettes (34 and 43 pieces). The financial report is as fol­ lows. Receipts, carried over from previous years, $62.37; members’ fees, $6.'00; tea, collections, $14.10; Red Cross teas and receipts, $98.64; district annual, $18.00; otjier sourc­ es, $54.25; bank interest, 19c, total receipts, $253.55. Expenditures, by Red Cross, $106.83; district an­ nual, $10.61; federal dues and con­ vention, $6.80; $24.6'0; stamps, miscellaneous, campaign. May expenditures, $253.55. The question of Whether- the W.I. should be discontinued Was discuss­ ed, Finally a vote was taken in fa­ vor of the society disbanding for the duration for an all-out war effort. The meeting closed and refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by her committee. — At Thames Saturday, May Grace Selves, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Selves, of Usborne Twp., tq Pri­ vate Leeland Edward Webber, of Hamilton, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Webber, of Usborne Twp., by Rev. Wm. Mair. COLEMAN—TREF’FRY — At the home of the bride’s parents, Mr- and Mrs. Earl Tx-effry, Cromarty, on Saturday, May 16 th, Erla Gert­ rude Treffry, to William Clar­ ence Coleman, son of Mr. Robert Coleman and the late Mrs. Cole­ man, of Staffa, by Rev. R. A. Brook. HERN—DAVIS—At Thames Road manse, by Rev. William Mair, on Saturday, May 16th, at 2 o’clock, Miss Jean Isabelle Davis, only daughtex- of Mr. and Mrs. George Davis, Winchelsea, to Mr. Lloyd Warneford Hern, of Zion, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Hern. PRANCE—HAY—At the Thames Road manse on Saturday, May 16th, 1942, Miss Doreen Margaret Hay, daughtex- of Mr. and Mrs. James Hay, of Zurich, to Mr. Gordon Ellis Prance, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Prance, Winchel­ sea, by Rev. W. Mair. DEATHS SANDERS—In . Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, May 19th, 1942, Harriet Jane Gould, loved wife of Sidney Saxidex-s, her 62nd year. CARD OF THANKS be- in served at half-hours comprised pairs sea- 6 turtle-neck sweaters, 34 12 pairs gloves, 26 pairs charities and relief, and printing, $7.08; $11.65; Red Cross 1942, $85.98; total Lakeview Casino —----------Grand Bend-—-— OFF - WE - GO — OPENING — SATURDAY, MAY 23rd MIDNIGHT MAY 24th HOLIDAY DANCE MAY 25th -—A NEW BAND— Canada’s Most Terrific Drummer GLEN BRICKLIN and his 10 Piece Orchestra featuring; Vocalist Jule Bricklin “MUSIC GUM .PULSUM” . toFrederick Haist wishes his many friends who kindly Mr. thank remembered him with cards, flowers .and treats while a patient in Joseph's Hospital. St. CARD OF THANKS KIRKTON Miss Mayme Pridhanx, of Kitch­ ener, spent the week-end with hex­ sister, Mrs. G. H. Burgixx. Mr. and Mrs. John Cluff were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Passmore, of Thames Rd. xxem, u*. zuuU| auuMr, Jas. Gambell, of Seaforth, I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hern, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.: was attractively gowned Truman Tufts. I jacket dress, matching Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brock and i white accessories, her sons visited with Mr. Wnx. Morley. corsage being pink rose at Whalen this ipast week, lily-of-the-valley. Miss Wilma Mc- Mrs. Mary Gallop, who has been j Curdy, of Kirkton, was hex- atten- visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ross I dant, wearing a rose sheer dress, Marshall, left Monday morning for | rose hat and white accessories and a Toronto where she will spend the ’ corsage of white rose buds and blue summer months with her uncle, Mr. I forget-me-nots. Harold Davis, only Robert Yule. Mr. W. Williams and son, Norman, of Woodstock, visited with Mr. and Mrs, John Williams on Saturday. At Thames Road manse on Satur­ day, May 16th, at 2 p.m., Jean Isa­ belle, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Davis, of Winchelsea, was un­ ited in marriage to Lloyd Warne- ford Hern, of Eion, son ’of the late The bride in a blue hat and shoulder buds and BRIDAL COUPLE HONORED num- gath- Mrs. their J WANTED WANTED—Axx invalid’s wheeled chair. Apply at Times-Advocate. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED—General maid for small adult family, .modern home. Apply to Mrs. O. D. Newton,, 195 Victoria St., London. Itc HELP WANTED—Reliable man to work in dairy, one who is exempt from military service. Exetex- man to live at home preferred. Wm. Hatter, Exeter, FOR SALE FOR SAiLE—Axminster rug, 9x12, used, in good condition. E. R. Hopper. FOR SALE—Jersey cow, right in every way, 4 years old. Apply E. Beaver, Centralia. ltp SOYA BEANS, for seed, Mandarin strain, proven fox- germination. Price, $2.25 a bus. Apply to Earl Johnston, R.R. 1, Granton, phone 29ii8’. ltp FOR SALE—Soya Bean seed. Ap­ ply to Dashwood Chopping Mill. Phone 87r4, Dashwood. Itc FOR SALE—Hardwatex- pump and 3^-inch cylinder, 36 feet of IB- inch piping. Apply to Wilbur Wynn, R.R. 1, Woodham. Phone Kirkton, 53r4. Itc TEAM CORN SCUFFLER, NEARLY new; also Fordson tractor with pulley. Newly overhauled and in splendid condition. Sandy Elliot. WE STILL HAVE A FEW GOOD f used cars and they are priced to v.^ell quick. Sandy Elliot. F^R SALE OR RENT \FOR RENT-\^-Furnished rooms. Also several unfurnished houses. C. V. Pickard, phtfae 165. COTTAGE FOR RENT—Vacant 1st of June. Electric light. Apply owner, L. W. Watson, Box 187, Hay P.O; ltp SALE AND RENTAL of property and collection of rentals handled fox- moderate charge. If you have •property you-wish to sell or rent see us. C. V. -Pickard, phone 165. PROPERTIES FOR SALE HOUSES WILL BE SCARCE — I have a medium-siz6d brick home in the best of repair with all conveniences. This house can be bought away below building cost. Also several othex- homes. C. V, Pickard, phone 165. FOR SALE—2 Building sites, house with acre house centrally Pearce. brick cottages. 2-storey frame of land. Frame located. MISCELLANEOUS w. c. CASH FOR FOX HORSES—Dead animals removed. Two-hour ser­ vice, day or night. Phone Credi­ ton, 47rl5, collect. Jack Williams. SEE GEO. F. CLARK for. all kinds of windmills, ‘pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6 R.R. 3, Dashwood. AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Lambert Sale Yards, Strathrpy, Saturday, May 23 rd. 120 head of mixed stock cattle, including 80 head of yearlings and stock calves, usual run of calves and mixed pigs, Sales every Saturday. A, G. Mc­ Alpine, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic at auction in CREDITON on FRIDAY, MAY 22nd, 1942 1.30 war time, the following: Large (6-lid, warming closet, cop­ per ■ reservoir) ’Quebec cook stove and heater; 8-piece solid oak dining­ room suite; large round pedestal table; about 26 yards kitchen lin­ oleum, like new; 2 rag carpets, 1 tapestry carpet, curtains and blinds, etc., 1 single steel bed and springs, new; walnut bed; 1 antique walnut couch, chest of drawers, electric floor lamp and table lamp; 1 Con­ nor electric washing machine, 8- sheet capacity; - buffet, table and 4 chairs; 2 rockers, 2 small tables, coal oil stove, boiler, galvanized tub, dishes, sealers, 2 5-gal. crocks, bread arid pie tins, extension table, 4 kitchen chairs, 1 oil heater, child’s bath tub, settee, bed springs and other kitchen articles too numerous to mention. This furniture is in excellent con­ dition. . Harold Davis, only j brother of the bride, was best man. •; Later in the afternoon, a dainty ! luncheon was served at the bride’s home, the bride’s mother receivin in a navy blue sheer dress with accessories. The the Misses Mildred Pooley, friends of groom’s gift to the tural gold wrist watch, to the brides­ maid, a heart-shaped locket, to the best man, a tie clip and pin, and to the waitresses cut glass dishes. Af­ ter the luncheon the bride donned, for travelling, a British navy dress, beige coat and blue accessories. Fol- i lowing a short .honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Hern -will reside on the groom's farm NOTICES waitresses Veal and the bride, bride was g white were Ethel The a na- TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE CoWs are forbidden by by-Ia-w to pasture on the roads of Usborne. Cows out of bounds may be im­ pounded. A. W. MORGAN, Clerk COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that the Court of Revision of the Assess­ ment Roll of the Township of Ste­ phen for the year 19 42 will hold its first meeting in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1942 at two o’clock p.'m. HERBERT K. EILBER, Township Clerk, Crediton, Ont. Dated at Crediton, May 4th, 1942 On Friday evening, May 1, a bex- of neighbors and friends ered at the home of Mr. and Harry Hutchinson in honor of daughter, Idena, whose marriage took place recently. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Desjardines were called for- war ” ed as dress garet Deax- Once again the work of Dan Cu­ pid and his arrow climaxed by the exchanging of vows and the playing of the bridal chorus • gives us the opportunity of gathering together in a social and festive evening. Idena, being one of oux- own girls, lovable, eager to help1, and a good companion, always has endeared herself to us all. Elmer, although a stranger to some of us, is to be #congratulated on his ability in capturing you us to be his wife. Briefly, the wish of all friends and neighbors here is you and the i fox- such ‘ high courage and strength as will disperse them quickly. We could not let this particularly joyous time in youx- lives pass with­ out leaving with you something that will always be a reminder of the friendship enjoyed by us all. We ask you then to accept these gifts as a small token of our esteem and love. May you find pleasure in their use and may they ever bring kinci thoughts of the givers. Signed by Abbie Jackson, Olga Pollock, ICharles _ Blake, Neil McKichan, Peter Gillies, Wm. Cavanaugh. The gifts were presented by the Misses Marjorie Bice and Kathleen Cluness. Mr. and Mrs. Desjardine made suitable replies, after which everyone joined in singing “For They are Jolly Good Fellows.” rd by Mr. Peter Gillies, who act- as chairman. The following ad- was then read by Miss Mar- Cluness: Idena and Elmer: i in Usborne. WOODHAM 7:3tc Terms—CASH Furniture of the late Mrs. Harry Eilber and Mrs. A. M. Hord, former­ ly Mrs. Barrie. * WM?H. SMITH, Auctioneer, Crediton from your that longand Elmer may enjoy a happy married life, and when clouds gather, as gather they do all, may you meet them with Anniversary services will be held here on Sunday,.May 24th, with Rev. M. G. Cook of Granton as the guest speakex- at both services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. On Monday evening, May 25 th, the annual entertainment and supiper will be *held in the Orange Hall. Admission, 5'0c and 25 c. Those who attended the branch meeting of the W.M.S. in St. Marys recently • were Mrs. F. McNaughton, Mrs. Wm. Mills, Mrs. W. Wynn, Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Fred Pattison, Mrs. Geo. Wilson and Mrs. Ben Wilson. Week-end visitors in the com­ munity were: Mr. and Mrs. David Belch, of Omena, neax- Peterborough, with Mrs. Thomas Doupe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webber, of Rochester, Mich.-, with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber. Mr. and Mrs. Leeland Webber, of Thames Road, with Mrs. John Selves. Mrs. H. with Mrs. Several tended Whalen anniversai-y services last Sunday. During the summer months the Sunday School will start at a.xn. and church services will mence at 10.45 a.m. TENDERS WANTED AUCTION SALE OF REAL ESTATE AND FARM CHATTELS The undersigned Auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on - LOT 5, CON. 13, TOWNSHIP OF McGillivray on TUESDAY, JUNE 2nd, 1942 at 1.30 o’clock p.m., the following real estate and farm chattels owned, by the late John Pickering, namely; REAL ESTATE—Lot 5, Con. 13, Twp. McGillivray, 100 acres and SB Lot 4, Con. 13, Twp. McGillivray, 50 acres. k -uA,. barn, about both places, water and is of good fall timothy, farm is all seeded and well drained. FARM CHATTELS—2 work hors- . es, 1 driving horse. 100 hens. McCormick mower, hay rake, disc harrow, cultivator, set of drag har- hows, steel land roller, riding plow, walking plow, gang plow, set of sleighs, wagon and hay rack, bug­ gy, cutter, scales, fanning mill, steel scraper, iron kettle, hand scuffler, 25 cedar posts, 12-gauge double-barrelled shotgun, sling rop­ es, stepl pump, 7 bus. timothy seed, grass seeder, 12 cords hardwood, fobes, horse blankets, 2 sets double harness, set single harness, ropes and pulleys, logging chains, forks, shovels and other articles too nu­ merous to mention. Real Estate will be,.sold subject to a reserved bid. TERMS—Real Estate, 10 per­ cent cash, balance in 30 days. Farm Chattels—Cash. FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer DANIEL LEWIS, Executor of John Pickering Estate. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received up to Saturday, June 6th, 1942, for lunch­ es fox’ plowmen and helpers, to be delivered to the^field each day of the International match ^approxi­ mately 300). Lunch to consist of two sandwiches, ham ox’ beef, 2 kinds of cake or cookies and pie, tea, coffee or milk. For further parti­ culars apply to R. Williams, R.R. 3, Exeter; C. Rowe, R.R. 1, Exeter;. Wm. Etherington, R.R. 1, Hensail.,FOR SALE OR RENT—lB-storey frame house, modern. - Andrew St. 2-storey brick house, Huron and Andrew Sts. Small house, barn and land, Huron St. W. C. Pearce. Follow the Classifieds. Last week the Jersey cow that was advertised for sale was sold the same day the paper was published. Small house, good bank 15 acres of bush on farm , has plenty • of well fenced. ,.26 acres wheat; ,35 acres of to,Campbell wishes neighbors and -friends and hospi- pp Mrs. Percy thank all the for flowers treats sent her while in the tai. letters, cards CARD OF THANKS sin-Mrs. A. O. Elliot wishes to cerely thank all those who so kind­ ly remembered her with cards, gifts and flowers while in Victoria Hos­ pital. ENGAGEMENT Mr.and Mrs. Robert Flynn, Exeter, wish to announce the gagement of their only daughter, Helen Elizabeth, to Harold Wesley Broderick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eve­ lyn Broderick, Exeter, the marriage to take place quietly early in June. ENGAGEMENT of en- BABY CHICKS Dudley, of Port Huron, Thomas Doupe. families -from here at- 9.45 com- have Exe- Sun- Mrs. Who Sei­ BABY White Brown Giants; Rock; Sussex X New Hamp- CHICKS: ' Barred Rocks, White Leg- Leghorns, Jersey White Leghorns X Triangulation There are nearly always sides to every question: the other fellow’s right side. In other words, some merit to its neither side is free one can be 100 pex- cent right all of the time. The next time you are involved in a dispute, considex- all three sides. side your and three side, ■the side has •and each argument- from error. No Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hendricks, of Dashwood, announce the engage­ ment of their youngest daughter, Ruth Cameron, to Mr.. Harry Mara Cole, only son of Mr. W. and the late Mrs. Cole, of the marriage to take place in May. A-l Rocks, horns, Black Barred shire. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ontario. We Only Appearance this; Season Admission 50c — Dancing Free -—.-.■ Coming ————— June 27 Nightly till Labour Day Toronto's ’Own "MODERNAIRES" “12 Men and a Girl — DANCING EVERY SATURDAY S. Cole Exeter, quietly IN MEMORIAM IN .MEMORIAM ROWCLIFFE——In loving memory of David P. Rowcliffe, who pass­ ed away six years ago, May 18th, 1936. Oh, happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet their memory still! But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill. —Sadly missed by his wife and daughter. HODGERT—In loving memory of William Hodgert, who died two years ago, May 21, 1940. The world may change from year to year friends from day to never will the one we And But From memory pass away, —Ever remembered by and? daughters, May and Viola. day, love his wife Photo—Public Information Blahs fora salvage campaign to retrieve tens of thousands of tons of Strap metal from Canadian farms are presented to Hon. J. T. Thorson, Minister of National War Services, by PL C. Ray, representative of the International Harvester Company of Canada, Limited. The company will use its 3,000 dealers across Canada to help get the scrap into the war effort. A. W. Wright and W. O. Maxwell, Company officials, look on. GRAND BEND Mr. Joe Brennei- is on the sick list. The trustees of the village laid some new sidewalks. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Love, of ter, visited with neighbors on day. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Yeo, of Detroit, visited with Miss Mary Yeo over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shetler, of Buffalo, visited with Mrs. E. Grieves over the week-end. Mrs. Ho.tson, o% Greenway, moved into the"-’ village on Monday, welcome her to our midst. Miss Beulah Holt, R.N., at Vic­ toria Hospital, London, returned1 to her duties on Sunday after spend­ ing three weeks’ vacation here. A large number attended the un­ veiling of the honor roll* of the boys who have enlisted, on Sunday eve­ ning, Mr. R. E. Pooley delivered a fine address sermon was The Red shipped the month: and Rev. Reba Hern’s much enjoyed. Cross of Grand Bend following articles last 5 turtle-neck sweaters, 1 V-neck sweater, 1 helmet, 2 alter­ native caps, 10 pairs socks, 3 army scarves, 1 pair infant’s sets, 3 girls’ sweaters, size 6; one girl’s sweater, size 10; 1 boy’s sweater, 2 boys’ sweaters, size 6; : dresses, pers, 1 uigmguwM, size 10; 1 girl’s Waist, size girl’s skirt, size 10; 2 boys* size 6; 1 boy’s suit, size 6; bloomers, 1 quilt. , size 8; 16 house Lt) sanitary pads, 8 dia- 1 nightgown, 1 girl’s coat, 10; 1 Shirts. 1 pair GREENWAY Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Youngs Corbett, visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Belling. Miss Evelyn Bullock, of Wood­ ham, spent last week with her par­ ents, Mi-, and Mrs, E, Bullock. We are glad to report that Mr, Jas, McPherson was able to return home from the hospital on Satur­ day. Miss Viola Curts of London, scent the week-end with her parents, Mr. of and Mrs. Chas. Curts. Congratulations to Mr. and Ross Griffith (nee Doris Hicks) were married on May 3 th.- Messrs. Harold Pollock and bourne English, of Detroit, spent the week-end at their homes here. The members of the Baby Band, mothers and grandmothers, of the United church, will meet on Wed­ nesday afternoon, May 27th, at the home of Mrs, Carman Woodburn. Mr. Clarence Brophey, R.C.A.F., is. spending a couple of weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brophey. Miss Annie Laurie, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. R. L. Sheppard. Mr. and Mrs. "Sirs. were Mrs. Russell Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Langford Ridley, of Parkhill, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pollock,. Mrs. Eldon Young, of Lucan, spent a couple of days last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Belling. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau Marilyn, of Kijppen, Mr. and Rufus .Turnbull and Mr. and Arthur Baker, of Grand Bend, Sunday visitors with Mr. and Dean Brown and Mr. and Mrs. SAINTSBURY Friday afternoon, May 15th,On the Ladies’ Guild of St. Patrick's church held a very successful quilt­ ing party. There were forty-seven ladies present and four quilts were completed. The ladies of the Guild served a dainty fifteen-cent tea. The anniversary -services of Saint Patrick’s church will be held on Sun­ day, May 24th. The special speaker for the day is Dr. C. C. Waller, of London. Services will be at eleven in the morning and seven-thirty in the evening. Oome and bring your friends. AUCTION SALE at CLOVERDALE STOCK FARM l3/& miles north of Crediton on THURSDAY, JUNE 4th 20 choice pure bred Scotch Short­ horn heifers, 8 thick sappy red and dark roan bulls. The females are mostly bred to the nationally known Drynie Roister (imp.), Templar’s Baron oi- Klaymor Elector. The blood from these sires will greatly intensify their value. Prop. Wm. Ocstricher, Crediton. Roy E. Pepper, Seaforth 5-21-2t R. M. Peek, ^uri.ch Be slow in choosing a friend; slower yet in changing, “The community clearing house —Tlmes-Advocate Want Ads,”