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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-05-14, Page 5
Page 5 Tffi JW&TIB TWS-APVQem May j4tJhy SO Coming to Hensail C. R. Wilkinson, R.O, Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W, O, GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st end 3rd Tuesday jp the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con* suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment HENSALL Mr. Milton Ortwein spent Sun-? day with Mr. and Mrs. J, Ortwein. Pte. Lloyd Brock, of Camp Bor den, visited at his home here re cently. Pte. Joe Marks, of the R.C.O.C,, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Pte. Fred Beer, of London, vis ited over the week-end with Mrs. Beer and family. Dr. and Mrs. G. Smith and fam ily, of St. Marys, spent Sunday with Mrs. G. C. Petty. Mrs. Verne Smith, of Exeter, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Annie Saundercock, Miss Alice Glenn, of 'Clinton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mps. W. A. MacLaren. Miss Pearl Harpole, of London, spent the week-end with her moth er, Mrs. Grace Harpole. Mr. • Ray Paterson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson. Miss Ema- Weber, of Zurich,* spent the week-end with her grand mother, Mrs. James Dick. Mrs. Gus Voth and little daugh ter Gwen of Detroit visited over the week-end with friends in Hensall. Miss Mavis Spencer, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer. The sacrament of the Lord’s Slip per will be observed at Carmel Pres byterian church on Sunday, May 24 th. Mrs. Lorne Scott and Mrs. Har old White and daughter Beth, of To ronto, are spending a few days with Mrs. G. C. Petty. L.A.C. Ken Passmore, who has been on temporary duty at the Cen tralia Airport for the past month has returned to Trenton. Mr. and Mrs. Kading and little daughter, of London, visited, on Sunday with Mrs. Kading’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hudson. ‘Mrs. Ed. Glenn arid son Bob, of Clinton, spent part of Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren.-Alice Glenn returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. James Morris and faimily have moved into Mr. Walter Fairbairn’s house on the London road recently vacated by Mrs. Jack Taylor. Miss Ruth Brook, nurse-in-train ing at St. Michael’s Hospital, To ronto, is' spending a week or so with her parents, Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Brook. Miss Goldie Cross, nurse-in training in St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, is spending her vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross. Mrs: F. G. Weir, of Goderich, visited over the week-end at the manse, the guest of her son and daughter-in-law; Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir. Mr. Harvey Hudson accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Abray and fam ily, all of London, spent .the week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hudson. The May meeting of the W.M.S. of Carmel church will be held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday, May 14th, at 3 p.m. The text word will be “Peace”. During the past week Mr. and Mrs. Matt England were visited by members of their family, namely, Pte. Lloyd England, of Chatham and Mr. Melvin England, of St. Thomas. Members of Hensall W.I. met in the town hall during the past week and packed eleven boxes to be sent to Hensall and district boys over seas. These boxes are sent regular ly by the War Service Committee. The sixty-fifth anniversary of the opening of St. Paul’s Anglican church will be celebrated on Sun day, June 14th With Special ser vices at 11 a.m. .and 7 p.m. Fur ther announcements will be made later. ‘ .Mr. Robert Passmore, B.A», of Emmanuel, College, Toronto, was successful in winning two Scholar ships in his first year in theology. Bob spent a few -days with his par ents before leaving for the mission field in the Muskoka district. During the meeting of the Young People’s Society at Carriiei church on Monday evening M1% Weir men tioned having received a letter from Pte. Jim Campbell, now serving with the- forces overseas. Jim ask ed that his greetings be extended to the members of the Society and Mr. Weir suggested that it would be nice if the youiig people would write to Jim as our boys are always glad to. receive letters from the home folks. » Red iCk'Oss Prive in Full Swing The Red Cross campaign in Hen- sail and district is in full swing now. Have you done all you can to help this splendid work for our splendid boys? Can you do less than your most? In connection with this cam paign the local committee is con ducting a salvage search through out the “country. Farmers are be ing asked tn get in the scrap with “Scrap” and in the last week of this month a fleet of trucks sup plied by Hensall merchants will pick up this valuable contribution to the war effort. Arrangements are being made to begin a system of regular collection of salvage in the village. Church Notes The Rev. John Fleck, of Elm wood Presbyterian Church, London, will be the special speaker at Car mel Presbyterian church next Sun day when that congregation cele brates its anniversary. Mr. Fleck, a graduate of Presbyterian 'College, Montreal, has served in Winnipeg' and Niagara Falls before going to London and is one of the outstand ing young men in the Presbyterian Church in Canada. Special music has been arranged for this impor tant day and large congregations are expected. As is the custom, Caven Presbyterian church, Exeter, and the United church, Hensall, are kindly withdrawing their evening services. W.M.S. Meets The regular monthly meeting of the W.M.S. of the United church was held at the home of Mrs. C. Cook on Thursday, May 7th, at 3 p.m., with Mrs. Carrie Ballantyne, 1st vice-president, in the chair. Op ening hymn was “There is Work to do for Jesus”. A special collection was taken for the 'dhina Relief Fund. . Mrs. Drysdale and Mrs. R. J. Paterson reported having made 15 calls on the sick and shut- ins during April. Mrs. Grace Har pole then took the chair for the re mainder of the meeting. The scrip ture lesson was read by Mrs. Allen, followed by prayer by Miss Murray. A (piano solo by Miss Irene Douglas, “Pass Me Not, Oh Gentle1 Saviour”, was enjoyed by all present. The study book was taken by Mrs. Ken nedy. Mrs; Jackson Walker and Mrs. J.-B. McLean sang a beautiful duet, “Gently, Lord, 0 Gently Lead Us.” The topic on “Temperance” was given by Miss Duff. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served. Mother’s Day Special Mother’s Day services were1 conducted by Rev.' W-m. Weir in the Presbyterian church on Sun day morning. The children of the Sunday school, along with their teachers, occupied the centre seats in the auditorium of the church. Passages of scripture were read by Billie Campbell, Donald MacKin non and Roland Smith. During the service Mr. Weir presented the above-mentioned boys with certi ficates for proficiency in Bible study in connection with the Sun day School for the past six months. A lovely duet, “My Mother’s Pray er”, was sung by Lois and Marion MacLaren. Mr. Weir gave an in teresting address on the words of Jesus to His disciples, "Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom pf heaven.” In the even ing Mr. Weir took his text from St. Luke 12:20, “Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee.” The evening anthem by the choir was “The Lord is My* Shep herd.” Mother’s Day service in the Un ited church at 11 a.m. was under the leadership of Edison Forest, superintendent of the Sunday School, assisted by Rev. R. A. Brook. The church was beautifully decor ated with spring flowers. The re gular choir was assisted by the children of the primary class, who sang “Praise* Him, Praise Him.” Short stories were read by Len- ore Normington, Mrs. Dilling and Miss Ellis. The scripture lesson was read by Mary Cpleman. The choir rendered a beautiful anthem, “Mother’s Love”. Rev. R. A. Brook gave a short address on “Mothers”. During the service Mr. Brook bap tized Audrey Ruth, infant daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Richardson and James Roy George, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Smale. • Y.P.S. Meeting The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. of Carmel Presbyterian church was held in the schoolroom of the church on Monday evening/ May 11th, with? the president, Miss Rttth Mcilven- na, in the chair. The meeting open ed With hymn 109, followed by prayer by Miss Pfaff. The scripture was read by Irene Hoggarth. A pleasing solo was sung by Mr, Bill Perry, “I Como to Thee”/ accom panied by Irene Hoggarth at the piano. Mr. Weir then introduced the speaker of the evening in the person of Rev. John Galloway of Caven church, Exeter, who took the words for his address from Psalm 119, verse 18, “Open Thou mine eyes that I may see wondrous things.” Mr, Galloway said how We are inclined to go through life not really seeing or realizing how much certain things or friends mean to us until we are called upon Bray Chick Hatchery, Exeter Phone 246 Canada Packers, Exeter; Alvin W. Kerslake, Hensall; or N. M. Wiley, {Farmers’ Co-operative, Ailsa Craig. to do without or part with them. Miss Mcllvenna im-oved a vote of thanks to Rev. Galloway and Mr. perry and the meeting closed with prayer by Rev. W. Weir, The next meeting will be held some time in June and will take the form of a social evening. GRAND BEND Mr. Bruce Bossenberry is spend ing a week in Detroit. Miss Marjorie Desjardine visited friends in Pt. Huron last week. Miss Doris Baker returned home on Saturday after spending the win ter in Dundas. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Elliott, of Sarnia, visited a few .days last week with Mrs. W. A. Mollard. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Desjardine and Mr. and Mrs. Wally Desjardine spent Sunday with friends in London. Mrs. T, F. Turnbull, who has spent the last few weeks at Ayl mer, returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Ravelie visited her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mplotar, in Thedford, on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollard, of West Lorne, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Xlma Mollard. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Matthew, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lovie, over the week end. Mr. Frank Statton narrowly es caped serious injury while driving pond net stakes on the lake. He got his foot, caught in the rope of the driver. He will be laid up; for some time. You are cordially invited to the church service on Sunday. The honor roll of the boys who have enlisted will be unveiled at the eve ning service. R. E. Pooley, of Win- chelsea, Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna, and Rev. Beacom will speak. The choir will furnish special music. ZION Laurene Hern spent Sunday at her home. There will be no services ■ held in Zion church on Sunday, May 17. Mrs. S. Hunter visited on Sunday with hey daughter, Mrs. Ward Hern. The Red Cross nursing class will be held at the school on Thursday evening. Mr. and Mrs. M. Dobson and fam ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Everard Miller and son Freddie spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Thames Road. Mrs. P. Hunter and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter and family visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock. • Mother’s Day service was held in Zion church on Sunday. There was special music by the choir. Mrs. Melville Hern gave the story, “Han nah, a Wise Mother of Long Ago”. Rev. Laing gave the address. The superintendent, Ross Hern, took, charge of the program. . SHIPKA Mrs. Geo. Keys, who has spent the past three weeks with relatives here, left this week to visit with relatives in Brinsley. The Y.P.S. met on Tuesday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Lovie. Mr. W. G. Medd, of Exeter, was the guest speaker. ’Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Borden Schroeder who were recent ly married in Windsoi’ and are vis iting’ at the home of Mr. L. Schroe der. Mother’s Day service was held in the United church on Sunday last. The following program was in charge of Mrs. Milton Ratz: Hymn by primaries; recitation by Paul Webb; “Mother”, by Mrs. Wm. rSweitzer; “Hannah, a ^Wise Moth er of Long Ago,” Miss P. Keys; 'Scripture lessons by Stewart Sweitzer and Ross Pickering; solo by Rev. L. Turner, “Tell Mothei* I’ll be There”. Those taking the collection Were Marie Butler and Betty Love. Rev. Turner gave the address. The regular meeting of the La dies’ Aid was held on Thursday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. E. Keys with 11 members and one visitor* present. The meeting opened by singing a hymn. Reports were giv en. After a discussion it was 'de cided that each member give money this year instead of holding a straw berry festival. The meeting closed by singing the National Anthemi. Lunch was served by the hostess. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting, it was decided to give $10.00 to the Red Cross. CENTRALIA Mr. Geo. Hicks is up north this week on a bear hunting trip. Mr. Don Blair spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Blair. Mr. and Mrs. John Essery visit ed with their daughter, Mrs. B< Hicks, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Spring and Gail visited .over the week-end with relatives at^pringfield, Mrs. James'1, Atkinson spent a few days last week with her aunt, Miss E. A. Frayne, of London. Miss Alma Skinner, of London, spent the week-end with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Skinner. Mr. Gerald Godbplt, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Godbolt, Mr. Alex McFalls returned home on Monday after spending the win ter at the Central Hotel in Lucan, Mr. and Mrs, M, Sleamon and June, of London ®»d Mrs. J. Slea- mon spent the week-end at Grand Bend, The members of the Centralia choir will meet in the Whalen church on Thursday evening of this week for practice. Miss Dorothy Hicks, of London, and Miss Mildred Hicks, of Shipka, were week-end visitors with their mother, Mrs. B, Hicks. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. Wm. Willert in the loss of his mother, who passed away suddenly on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hicks were greatly surprised when their daugh ter, Helen, R.N., of Vancouver, B.C., arrived home on Saturday for a visit, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hicks, Mr, and Mrs, Andrew Hicks and Miss Helen Hicks, R.N., of Vancouver, B.C., visited with relatives at Byron on Sunday. Fit. Lieut, Jack Andrew and Mrs. Andrew, of London, were week-end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrew and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson and Shirley and Mrs. Herman At kinson and George visited on Thursday of last week with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wren, of London. Mr. and Mrs. Henman Atkinson spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob ’Carroll, of Science Hill and Mr. and Mrs.. James Eagleson, of Park hill, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson and’ Shirley. The regular monthly meeting of the Centralia Home and School Club will be held in the school on Friday evening of this week. The programme for the evening is in charge of the men and a real treat is expected. Everybody is welcome to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shetler have returned to their farm one and a half miles west of Greenway, after spending the winter in California, where they visited with his bro ther, Ed., of Santa Monica, and sisters, Mary and Carrie, of Eureka. They report ideal weather and a lovely time. A very .impressive Mother’s Day service was held in the church on Sunday morning. The church was beautifully decorated with spring flowers and plants. The music for the service was provided by a male choir. Those taking part in the ser vice were Mrs. R. Smith, Winnifred Field, Isabelle Blair, Pearl Merriam and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. A very appropriate and inspiring Mother’s Day address was given by the pas tor, Rev. Merriam. HARPLEY Mrs. Fred McClinchey called on Mrs. Robert McClinchey on Sunday afternoon. Pte. Jack Griffith, of London, spent last week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love, Betty, Don and Clare, of Shipka, spent Sunday evening at Mr. Mansell Hod gins. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hotson and Marlene, of Grand Bend, spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Car ruthers. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stewardson and Mr. and Mrs. John Ridley and Jean spent Sunday with Mrs. Anne Ridley at Grand Bend. Mrs. LeGrand Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller, Mr. Willis Hay- ter and daughter, Mrs. Stan Ingle, and Miss Lillian Hayter, all of De troit, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred McLinchey on Sunday even ing. SAINTSBURY Mrs. McNicol, of Exeter, is spend ing a few days with friends in the community. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Davis and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs, Ross McLean and son spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dickins and family, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Dickins. A.C. Jack Tufts, of the R.C.A.F. in St. Thomas, spent last week with friends in the connmunity. Miss Lorraine Dobbs returned to London on Monday after spending two weeks under the parental roof. Mr. George Eeeery and Mrs. Iva Turner and Marion, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Billy Dobbs. Mr, Will Dobbs left Monday for London, where he will take up training in the Beal Technical School. The W.A. will meet Thursday af ternoon 'at the home of Mrs, Earl Atkinson. We would like all the ladies to he present. A quilting bee and afternoon tea will be held Friday afternoon in the parish hall. Come and join the ladies. Everybody welcome. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Minor Dobbs were A.'C; Art Gooding, A.C, Bob Christingon, A.C, Alex McKee and A. C. Harvey Dobbs, all of the R.C.A.F. in St, Thomas, CREDITON Miss Myrtle Pletch, of Toronto, is visiting at the Evangelical parson age. Pte. Arthur Haist, who has been transferred to Niagra-on-the-Lake, spent the week-end. at his home here. Miss Audrey Bettis, of Toronto, visited with Miss Helen Haist and Miss Myrtle Hart over the week end. Miss Helen Telfer, of Toronto, spent t-he week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M, W. Telfer, Mr. and Mrs, Will Lamport and Marion, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Lamport, Lewis Faist, of Chatham and/ Ken Lillow, London, were home for the week-end and left for Ottawa Sunday where they are working with the Bell Telephone. Mr. Frederick Haist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Haist, under went an operation for appendicitis at St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Tuesday of last week. He is get ting along as well as can be ex pected. On Saturday, May 9, 22 girls of the Crediton C.G.I.T. and. their lea ders ‘met at the home of Mrs. Herb Mitchell. From there they hiked through the bush to the river. Games were played and lunch was enjoyed around the camp fire. The outing was enjpyed by all the girls. Mrs. Ellen Holtzmann and Miss Pearl Holtzmann, formerly of iCre- diton, have just returned to their home in Cleveland, Ohio, having spent the winter in Tucson, Ari zona, with Mrs. Holtzmahn’s young est daughter, Lauretta (Mrs, Hy man Fletcher). Mr. Fletcher is with the American Armed Forces on the West Coast. The Crediton Red Cross Unit ship ped the following articles for the month of April: Knitting—1'0 pairs sox, 2 pairs sea boots, 1 pair mitts, 1 aero cap, 2 turtle-neck sweaters, 1 girl’s knitted dress, bloomers and cap, boy’s knitted suit, girl’s sweat er, size 10 years, boy’s sweater, size 6 years, infant’s sweater and bon net set, 10 wash cloths. Sewing— Girl’s coat, girl’s skirt, girl’s blouse, girl’s knickers, girl’s pyjamas, boy’s blazer, boy’s shorts, 2 boy’s shirts, flannelette bonnet, 4 knitted bon nets, 1 nightgown, 6 caps knitted (refugee), 10 quilts and 2 crib covers. The Mother’s Day program was carried out in the United Sunday School on Sunday mornirig. The theme was “The Church and Home. Together”, with Mrs. W. Mack as leader; a recitation was given by Rosalie Mack; a solo by Joyce Chambers; recitation by Velma Hill; solo by Betty Lou Swartz and chor us by the Primary class. Rhena and Audrey Yearley rendered >a) duet and Edith Hill, Lois Swartz Elaine Mitchell and Betty Mawhin- ney sang a quartette. Jean King then gave a reading. Mrs. J. Pryde, of Exeter, very ably gave the story, “Hannah, a Wise Mother”. The scripture was read by Eunice King and Ila Tilley. The Good Cheer class presented Betty Maw-hinney with, a lovely testament, she being the only pupil in the Sunday School whose parents are living, whose grandparents on both sides are liv ing and has a great grandmother. CREDITON EAST Mr. Sam Sims spent Thursday in Toronto. Cpl. Steve Glanville, of London, spent Sunday at his home here. Mr. Alvin Flynn has secured a job with the Hobbs Glass Co., in London. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Barry, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mrs. James Neil has returned to her home in ’Centralia after two weeks’ visit with Mr. arid Mrs. Mur ray Neil here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatlierley and Mrs. Frank Scheiding, all of Lon don, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Whi. Motz. Mr. Appleton has moved into the home belonging to the late Mat thew Sims and recently occupied by Mr. Eli Sims. Little Marcia McDonald, of Exeter is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Baynham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold MacDonald spending the week-end here. DASHWOOD Betty Taylor, of London, spent Sunday with her parents. Glen Walper, of Camp Borden, spent the week-end at the home of: his parents. Ross Guenther and Jack Weber, of London, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Lorne Pfile, of De troit, were week-end; visitors with relatives here, Mr. T. Hopcroft is having his house painted, which adds greatly | to its appearance, ; Murray Wolfe, of Hamilton, spent ! the week-end with his parents, Mr. I and Mrs. W. Wolfe, I Mr. and Mrs. Czar Steinhagen, of Port Dalhousie, spent the week-end with his ’parents, Mr, .and. Mrs. Chas. Steinhagen, Don’t forget the drama entitled “The Deacon” to be given in Rader’s garage on Friday evening in aid j of the Red Cross, , Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N., of How ell, Mich,, is spending two weeks’ vacation w’ith her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger, Fred Hopcroft, who is with the Navy in Newfoundland, is spend ing a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T, Hopcroft. The W.M.S, of the Canada Branch of the Evangelical church are hold ing theii’ annual convention in the local church on May 20th and 21st. The guest speaker will be Rev. J, J, Arnold, returned missionary from Africa and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer, of Mitchell. Red! Cross Shipment | The following is the Red iCross shipment Tor the month: 11 ’pairs socks, 1 sleeveless sweater, 2 V- neck sweaters, 3 aero caps, 3 alter native caps, 1 pair mitts, 2 pairs sea boots, 4 large quilts, 1 crib quilt, 1 girl's pullover, size 8; 1 girl’s skirt, size 10; girl’s blouse, size 10; 2 girls’ pan ties size 10, do nations; girl’s coat, size 10; boy’s jacket, size 6; 2 boys’ blouses, size 6; boy’s pants, size 6; 1’0 diapers, girl’s skirt, size 16; girl’s pullover,! size 16 and girl’s pullover, size 18. THAMES ROAD Wedding bells are ringing again. Mrs. Coward is visiting relatives; at Grimsby. Sacrament service will be held next Sunday. Mrs. Parker visited her mother in Cromarty on Sunday. Mrs. L. Shier, of Bryanston, spent the week-end with her ’mother here. Mr. and Mrs. Jaques, of Hensall, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Ferguson. Miss Nettie McCurdy and broth ers visited their mother in Victoria Hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport and little daughter spent Sunday with relatives at Crediton. The W.M.S. meets at the home of Mrs. Wm. Stone with Mrs. A. Page, of Exeter, as guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Miller and baby spent Mother’s Day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Miller. f Miss Alice Hackney and brother, Mr. Thos. Hackney, are spending the summer at their home on the boundary. Sharp frosts have left their mark in this community the past rew nights. The blossoms on the fruit trees have b.een slightly nipped. The fruit may suffer. Miss Duff, of Toronto, addressed the Lumley school on Friday in the interests of the work of the WJC. T.U. Miss Murray and Miss Con- sitt, of Hensall, were also present. Mother’s Day Service Mother’s Day services were ob served in the Sunday School and church. The sacrament of holy bap tism was administered by ’ Rev. Mair to the infant sons and daugh ters of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques, of Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mavers, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Etherington, Mr. and Mrs. R. Keller, of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harburn and Mr. and Mrs. O. Beavers.’ Rev. E. Grigg, of Exeter, assisted at the services. Miss Dorothy Squire ren dered a solo. (MAY 24th) WEEK-END FARE AND ONE-QUARTER Good going noon Friday, May 22, until 2 P.M. Monday, May 25. Returning: leave destination up to midnight Tuesday, May 26. Times shown ate Standard. For fares and full information apply to your nearest ticket agents LOOK AFTER •YOUR TIRES LAY UP YOUR CAR/ • And the best way to malt© sure that your tires won’t let you down is to give them systematic, skilful and com plete fire service. We’ll do if for you , , . starting now and keeping on for fhe next twelve months. Come in now and find out about fhe low-cost GOOD / YEAR TIRE LIFE EXTENSION Snell Bros. & Co. Exeter, Ont. KHIVA Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade and Mel vin spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rader, of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eagleson and. family and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hutchinson, of Dashwood, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mason. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Willert moved their household effects into Mr. E, G. Kraft's house so*uth of Dashwood, last Thursday. Mr. Ger ald O’Rourke has taken ’possession of Mr. Willert’s farm. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. E, G. Kraft were Mr, and Mrs. Fred Preeter and Aldene and Mrs. Henry Kraft, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. S. Adams, Miss Lorna Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Kraft and Stuart, all of London. If you would keep a secret from an enemy, tell it not to a friend. KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. F. IQ. Marshall, of Hamilton, and Mrs. H. C. White, of St. Marys, visited with friends in the village on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Blatchford and faimily of Detroit spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. D. Dobson. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harmer, of Fullarton, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. White, of St. Marys. We are pleased to report that Mrs. Truman Tufts is home from Stratford Hospital after her recent operation. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gregory were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Greason and family, Mil ton, Mary and John McCullough, all of London. BABY CHICKS A-l BABY CHICKS: Barred Rocks, White Rocks, White Leg horns, Brown Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants; White Leghorns X Barred Rock; Sussex X New Hamp shire. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ontario. 1