HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-05-07, Page 8a May 7th, 1942 W.I. President Honored The Exeter Women’s Institute has disbanded toi‘ the duration of the war, the ladies, devoting their Spare time, to Red Crdss work. The canning of jam for the soldiers, un­ dertaken last year by the W.I., will he done this year by the Red Cross, In 1’ecognition of he? work, Mrs. Kyle, president of the W.I., was presented with a silver flower bas­ ket filled with seasonable flowers at her home. Exeter Markets Old Wheat, Creamery butter. 39 c. Eggs, A Large, Eggs, Medium, 24e Eggs, B, 21e Dressed Hogs, §14.75. ijHiiiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiunuiiiiiiniiib 1 Bacon I THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHUIIIIKIIIIIIIItlllllllf llllllliil EYE EFFICIENCY and the WAR EFFORT .... CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Bey, John Galloway Mrs. J. G. Cochrane, Organist V’s Beauty Shoppe * * For Permanents of Lasting Beauty, Eugene, Spiral, Croquinole, Com- . bination, Machineless VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Hogs Wanted i PRICE THIS WEEK $14*90 Today’s needs require men and women with perfect vis­ ion. Inefficiency in eyesight should not be tolerated whether it be in factory or home. The better you see­ the better you. work, Better see us about your eye troubles. 10 a.m.’—Sunday School 11 a.m,—-Morning Service Sacrament of baptism will be ad­ ministered. 7 p.m.—Evening service. Thursday, May 14th, at 8 p.m,—Pre­ paratory Service. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 i 111 llllllllllilli. | Archie Etherington | | Phone 171rll, Exeter = i ... '......-................:........... C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office oiien every *week day except Wednesday MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J, Woods, M,A. Minister Mrs, N. J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader Service. Recep- Speaker, 1 See pur splendid range of new patterns in Papers for Spring—A few rolls will make a wonderful difference in the appearance of your rpom. Prices range from to 85c a roll. We offer a few room Jots nt less than half price. iiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiinn THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Special Feature ‘Look Who’s Laughing’ with— FIBBER McGEE and MOLLY EDGAR BERGEN and Charlie McCarthy LOCALS iiiiniiiiiiiniiniiiniiJiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii People’s MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Special Feature “It Started with Eve” starring— DEANNA DURBIN and CHARLES LAUGHTON Coming ... I SHADOW OF THE THIN MAN BURMA CONVOY HELZAPOPPIN KEEP *EM FLYING I LOUISIANA PURCHASE i Canadian. Legion Exeter-Hensall Branch BINGO.. Canadian Legion Rooms, Exeter SATURDAY, MAY 9th at 8.30 sharp 5c a round 1 consolation prize Draw for consolation prize at 11 AUTO INSURANCE If your gas ration is in category A or B you may secure auto insur­ ance at a reduced .premium. Age of driver does no^, affect this reduc­ tion. Auto Main Let us quote rates on your and Truck Insurance. C. V. PICKARD Street Exeter Lilacs are in bloom. The blossoms are out, Seeding is practically completed, Mrs. Wm, Ryckman has been con- fined to bed with the flu. I Mr.' C, W. Christie is confined to | his home, suffering from neuritis. Mr. Robert Wenger, of London, spent the week-end at his home here. Mother’s Day will be observed in the churches of Exeter next Sun­ day. Wear a flower in honor of mother. Mr. Thos. Tapp, of Detroit, spent the week-end with, his sister, Miss Mary Tapp. Miss Ella Sanders left Tuesday for Toronto where she will spend a few weeks. Mr, and Mrs. Robt. Dinney, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dinney. A.C. Reynold Wuerth, of the R.C.A.F. School, St. Thomas, spent Sunday with his parents. Miss Marion Soeder, of Mitchell, spent the week-end with her grand­ mother, Mrs. M. Willard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock, of Hamilton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, H. C. Clarke. Mrs. Chas. Buck, who spent a week at her home in' Simcoe, re­ turned to Exeter on Sunday. Mr. H. Elliot, of Yorkton, Sask., who has spent the winter in Exe­ ter, returned to the West last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. J< Beer, of Grand Bend, visited in Exeter Fri­ day and spent the-week-end in Lon­ don. Grading of the streets of Exe­ ter has„been in progress during the past week. The Usborne road grader was used. Mr. Samuel Sweet and daughter, Mrs. D. C. McInnis, of Paisley, spent the forepart of the week at Mr. Sweet’s home here. Mrs. S. Sanders has returned to her home in Salter, Sask., spending the winter with sin, Miss K. Cameron. Ross Oke, who is with N.V.R. at Naval Barracks, spent the week-end with ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Mrs. Wesley Webber has receiv­ ed word that her nephew, Donald Aitken, Of Toronto, has graduated from the University of Toronto as a surgeon. Mr. Harry Snell has resumed his duties in London after recuperat­ ing for the past three months at the home of his mother, Mrs. J, C. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Smith, who her WEEKLY HALF HOLIDAYS .We, the undersigned merchants of the village of Exeter, agree to closing our places of business every Wednesday at 12 o’clock noon, be­ ginning Wednesday, May 13th, and during the months of June, July, August and September; " > C. Fairbairn Canada Packers Ltd. \ Rivers' Meat Market Grigg Stationery A. E. Wuertli E. Lindenfield Southcott Bros. G, A. Hawkins Zurbrigff Optical Parlors Beavers* Hardware Jones & May Jos. Senior R. G. Seldon Jas. P. Bowey F. W. Gladman W. W. Taman W. G. Cochrane Geo. Wright H. S. Walter Jas. Lawson J. W. Morley S. B. G. ML R. N, E, 9 u. R. V. J. E. Borderless Bugs in 6ft. x 9ft. $1.95, 71/gft. x 9ft $3.10, 9ft x 9ft. $3.69, 9ft. x 10y2ft $5.29, 9ft. x 12ft $4.95. These are English Feltols that cannot be replaced. j Patterns J^or MZotbcrs’ -Dav You your pay your manent wave now. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe ‘ Exeter Phone 245 i 1 ! must look your loveliest -for family on the day that they tribute to “Mother”, Make appointment for a new per- 1P.30 a.m.—Mother’s Day Rite of Infant Baptism, tion of new 'members, Mr. Hubert Jones. 7 p.m.—The Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Young meeting. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Evening Aux­ iliary at Mrs. Robt. Turnbull’s. Thursday, 3 p.m.—W.A. at Mrs, W. May’s home. Thursday, 7.30 p.m.—Midweek meet­ ing for prayer and Bible study. Beautiful Axminster Wool Rugs We did not expect to get more of these rugs but were fortunate in getting another shipment. We like them and are sure that you will. These prices should interest you 71/g x 9 ft. $27.50 9 x 10^ ft. $39.95 9 x 12 ft. $45.00 after cou- R.C.the Toronto, his 'par- Oke. 1 Taylor Armstrong Rowe Russell and GU E, Skinner G. Essery A. Traqualr J R. Hopper 1 STORING COAL NOW IS PLAIN COMMON SENSE We don’t have to tell you that rail­ road transportation facilities will be at a premium this autumn. War goods must move first. Make way for the planes, tanks and guns by putting in your winter’s supply coal as early as possible. This one way of doing your bit. JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev, Arthur’ Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader’ Sunday School Anniversary . a.m.—Rev. James Anthony, M.A. p.m.—Church School, Mother’s Day Service. Open session School. Speaker, Rev. Woods, M.A. p.m.—Rev. William Mair 4 Yard Wide Linoleum I We are told that you will not be able to get four-yard linoleums with jute back for fall. We are showing several lovely patterns. Bring in the size of your room and get pur price to cover your floor. Phone 33 Jas. P. Bowey of is .Try a brick of Silverwoods Smoother-than-Velvet Ice Cream, in six delicious flavours—Fruit Special, Neapolitan, Maple Wal­ nut, Butterscotch, Strawberry and Vanilla—with your after­ noon delivery from Harvey’s Phone 102 home Main Pres- 11 3 N. of J. 7 Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer service. Thursday afternoon—W.A. Speaker, Mrs. Robt, Wenger. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A.. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlenriss i 10 11 l Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jaques visited with Mr. and Mrs. Francis in Tav­ istock on Sunday. Misses Mary and Jean Kirk, of London, spent the week-end at the home of their parents. Sgt.-Major Wm. E. Balkwill, of Manning Pool, Toronto, who is at­ tached to the Works and Building division of the R.C.A.F. spent 'the latter part of last week at his here. Representatives from the St. W.M.S. who attended the byterial convention in 'Clinton on Tuesday were Mrs. Woods, Mrs. K. J. Sims, Mrs. McKnight, Mrs. Chas. Johns. Iris, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tomlinson, was taken ■to the Sick Children’s Hospital, London, on Sunday, where she will receive treatment for a couple of weeks. Mrs. Harry Cudmore returned to her home in Seaforth after spend­ ing the winter with her niece, Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. Cudmore on Tues­ day, May 5th, celebrated her 89th birthday. ®Pte Warren Sharrow, of Grand Bend, was presented with a signet Fifth Sunday After Easter Mother’s Day a.m.—Sunday School . a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “Influence” PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Worship 7.30 p.m.—Evangelistic Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer meet­ ing. Sunday, May 10 th—Mother’s Day Service (Please note change of time). All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens Mr. Ronald Hookey, of Strath- roy, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hookey and Jim on Thursday, having been called home owing to the sudden illness of his mother, who is at present confined to her bed. Miss Saphrona White, of Detroit, who had just returned after three weeks’ vacation in St. Petersburg, Florida, spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Margaret White, of Stephen. Mr. Anthony White, of Detroit, and Miss Kay White, of Windsor, also spent the week-end with Mrs. White. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS 1 CURTAIN nets By the yard or pair, in a range that you would hardly expect to find only in larger centres. Excellent value at per yard 25c, 29c, 35c, 50c to $1.25 per yard HEAVY CURTAINS FOR DRAPES See our centre window. It shows three of our new patterns for drapes. We have quite a number of other patterns and color­ ings. Priced at 89c to $1.00 i Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday FOR TASTY MEALS -— FOR HOUSE CLEANING — LIBBY’S PREPARED DINNER per tin 15c AYLMER IRISH STEW ........ per tin TASTY BEEF STEW ........... per tin .2 for 14c 15c LIBBY’S SAUER KRAUT... LIBBY’S SPAGHETTI with meat 2 for 25c HEREFORD CORN BEEF,......per tin PREPARED MUSTARD......large jar 25c 20c 17c LARGE MEATY PRUNES Choice quality....................per lb.15c ■- CLASSIC CLEANSER......... HANDY AMMONIA............ BLEACH, large bottle....... ASSORTED HAND SOAPS SNAP HAND CLEANER... IDEAL SILVER POLISH... CAPO STOVE ENAMEL Large bottle with brush... THRIFT SOAP FLAKES Large Family size............. ♦ 9c 6c for 14c for 25c tin 20c per jar 25c ...2 for .per pkg ...2 ...6 ....per ,27c 39c — FRESH GREEN GROCERIES — Lettuce, Celery, Cabbage, Tomatoes, Carrots—leave us your order. Southcott Bros Phone 16 Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Woods, of Watford visited with Rev. N. J. and Mrs. Woods on Thursday last. Mr. Thos. Hackney, and sister, Miss Alice, visited with Turnbull before returning farm for the summer. Miss E. J. Hogarth is to her bed through , illness at the home of her brother, Mr. Fred Ho­ garth. Mrs. A. to their confined s Exeter iia Values in Men's Wear Underwear... New styles and fabrics in featherweight under­ wear for those sweltering months ahead. Shirts and Ties ...AT THE LORD MAYOR’S IN LONDONThe iron pump that was adver­ tised for sale last week was sold the 'day after the paper, was print­ ed. We had further inquiries for it. The hot plate also advertised in the Times-Advocate was sold and an enquiry separator, service our transferred You can’t look right if your shirt and tie are wrong. A man’s whole appearance is centered around the smartness of liis collar and tie. Arrow shirts—the kind we sell—are the best that can be had. We have them in plain Colors and gentlemen stripes. The smartest of ties to match these superb shirts. Sweaters and Sweater Coats , , _. , . jjcLLiif vv cl»5 jjx obuiiLeu. yy 1 Gil oi^xiclhave spent the winter in Toronto, | jqng tim Red Cross meeting at returned Friday and are residing< Grand Bend recently. Warren wish- with the latter’s mother, Mrs. I. es to express his appreciation to the Armstrong. donors for their splendid gift. Rev. R. N. Stewart, of Teeswater, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Webber, formerly of Centralia, has been 1 who have been residing in Exeter elected chairman of the Bruce North for a few months, have mov- Presbytery and delegate to the gen- ed into the house recently vacated eral council. ifoy Mr. Eric Campbell, and which Mr. and Mrs. W. A. West, of’bas been purchased by Mrs. Valeria Aurora, visited with Mr. and Mrs. | Armstrong. H. Sturgis on Friday last. Mr. West was best man at a wedding in Lon- j don on Saturday. | Councillor E. M. Dignan, who is recuperating from a recent opera­ tion for appendicitis, left Tuesday to visit with his son, Howard, at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Mrs. E. Golby, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. William McDowell and sons, Orval and Gordon, of Den- j field, visited With Mr. and William Vale on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Graves and son, of London, spent the week-end! with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W,^ W. Taman. Mrs. Graves and son .are remaining for the week. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd have j returned home after spending two weeks visiting with their daughters in London and grand-daughter, Mrs, Lorson Erquhart, of Thorndale. Miss Phyllis Rieriing, R.N., Miss j Lauretta Farrell, R.N.,, and Mrs. Eric Willis, of Kitchener, spent the! week-end With the former’s par-1 ents, Mr, and Mrs, Harry Bierling. ; Mr. Allen Fraser, who has been engaged With the Kalbfleisch Lilina ber Company In Enrich, for several (months, has resigned and is leav­ ing’ on Thursday, having' joined the R.C.o.c. at London, Mrs, [ Grand Opening Dance and Floor Show' — SPRUCE GROVE — ■ FRIDAY, MAY 8th Dancing Tuesday and Friday Nights STEEPER’S ORCHESTRA '“Dancing 5 cents—- Dancing at Exeter Saturday Nights made about the cream In order to give better “Classifieds” have been to .page four. Your Mother Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer have received a post card from their grandson, Donald, a radio mech­ anic with the R.C.A.F., who was spending a forty-eight hour leave in London, seeing some sights. He went on a tour of the Guildhall, the official office of the Lord Mayor of London, and, also went to the Man­ sion House, the Lord Mayor’s resi­ dence. He shook hands with the Lord MayOr and had a short con­ versation with him and afterwards had lunch with the Mayor’s wife pouring tea. It is a beautiful place and the Lord Mayoi’ and his wife were very gracious. The post card showed the picture of Hyde ‘Park Corner. • o • Don’t fail to look ovei* our sporty sleeveless sweaters for dress wear. They come in white, sand and green—just the tiling to touch off. your wardrobe. We also have good, values in other sweaters and sweater coats. W. W. TAMAN V anauiuiiimiiiiHHiuMuiuuaja^Mu Mother’s Day is a 'grand custom backed by pleasant senti­ ment that mothers undoubtedly cherish. Mother’s Day gifts are also pleasing but usually do not last long. Why. not give her what you actually think she deserves, something she will appreciate and enjoy for months to come. A Permanent Wave By Tomlinson’s .... ..-...*....SPECIALS a I MEMORIAL SERVICE HELD AT MITCHELL FOR SOLDIER Many relatives and friends from London, Exeter and Thamesford joined with the citizens Of Mitch­ ell in a memorial service held in Main Street United church in that town for the late Pte. Thomas Har­ old Appleton, “D” Co., Perth Re­ giment, overseas, who died in his sleep. Mitchell Platoon, Perth Re­ giment, Reserve force, attended in a body, also a number of employees of the Richmond Hosiery where Pte, Appleton was employed previous to his enlistment in September, 1939. Rev. Harold C. . Vernon had charge of the service, during which he delivered a consoling message to the bereaved ones. Mrs, M, O’Donnell, whose son is a member of Pte, Appleton’s company, sang two fitting solos with EL C. Harley at the organ, *' Mrs, Howard Preszcator was the winner of the quilt made by .the pu­ pils Of S.S. No. 3, Usborne, and drawn for at the Legion Bingo last Saturday night. At Brother-in-law’s Funeral Mrs. John Smith, Huron Street, received word last week of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. Frederick J. Hatherley, who passed away at the home of his daughter, Mrs. F. Eagan, at .Muskegon Heights, Mich,, on Tuesday, April 29 th, in his 6 5 th year, Mr. and Mrs. Smith attended the funeral on Fri­ day, which took place to the land cemetery, London. Teacher—How Old would son be who was born in Johnny—Man or woman? Pte. Howard Elliot, of Barry- field Camp, Kingston, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Elliot, over the .Week-end. wood- a DOr- 1894? Native of Dashwood Dies Mrs. Rd. Davis has received word of the death of her brother, Mr. Angus Musser, of Deroche, B.O., who died .suddenly in his sleep on April 4th. Mr, Musser, who was 72 years of age, was a native of Dashwood and had been in British Columbia^ for around forty years. His wife .predeceased him. Sur­ viving are four sons and one daugh­ ter, also one sister, Mrs. Davis and three brothers In the West; Peter Musser, of Winnipeg; Abrahami, of Regina and John of Imperial <CIty» Sask,