The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-04-16, Page 4Thursday, April 1942 THE EXETER TIMES-AD VO CATC tiiiimiHiiiiiiiniiiHiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiiiiiiuiHiniiuHiiniiiniiiiiiiiiniiuiiHiinHiHHimi) URGENT APPEAR for yqur patronage at a DISTRICT WAR TIME BOARD Hos- Sth, Entire Proceeds for the Boys on Active Service BIRTHS MILLER—At Mrs. GodbcWs pital on Thursday* April 1942, to Mr. and Mrs. James Mil­ ler, of Woodham, a sou (Clar­ ence Ray). “ CLUFF—At Beth Haven Hospital, St. Marys, on Friday, April 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. whw Cluff, of Kirkton, a son. VOLLAND—-At Mrs. Saundercock’s nursing home in Hensall, on Tues­ day, April 7th, to Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Volland, of Tuckersmith, a son. STEPHEN TOWNSHIP FARMERS Stephen Unit, Federation of Ag­ riculture .will meet in Crediton on Monday evening, April 20th, at 8.30< p.m. Mr. Archie Morgan, president of the Huron. County Federation of Agriculture will be the guest speak­ er. A report of the annual meet­ ing of the Ontario Federation will be given by the secretary. Copies of the Stephen Township Farm Survey will be distributed. Mrs. L. Taylor/ Sec, Music by the Moonlight Serenaders ARENA FRIDAY, APRIL 24th MARRIAGES WALKER—SIMS—At high noon, Saturday, April 11th, 1942, in Main street United church, Miss Merna Orella Sims, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Sims, of Exe­ ter, to Mr. Thomas Henry Walk­ er, only son of Mr, and Mrs. Jas, H. Walker, of Stockport, land, by Rev. N. J. Woods. Eng- LUCKY NUMBER DRAW AT 10.30 FOR $25.00 WORTH OF MERCHANDISE AT YOUR LOCAL STORE Admission 50c It’s for a good cause, You!r support will be appreciated. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E, Rowcliffe wishes to thank the many friends and neighbors who so kindly remembered hex* with flowers, cards, treats and calls Special thanks to Mrs. J. H. Jones’ group of the James St. church W.A. for the Easter shine box, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis for their kindness. .. GUY LOMBARDO AT LONDON ON APRIL 30th Guy Lombardo, his brothers* Carmen, Lebert and Victor, and his little sister, Rose Marie, the Lqn- doners who with sweet music as their wand have tapped the rock of world fame and wealth, are coming home on April 30, to help the4Red Cross, Just as they responded in theii’ sensational flying visit to London flood sufferers in they are breaking away their engagement in Hotel ' veil in New York City in ous response to a call from their native city. i help 1937, from Roose- gener- LIBRARY ASSOCIATION MET AT GODERICH The first meeting of the Huron Library Association since its inaug­ uration six -months ago was held in the Goderich public library on Tues­ day. The Exeter Carnegie Library was represented by Miss L. M. Jeckell. There are now fourteen libraries in the association and since the organization was formed $338.00 has been spent on new books. Dur­ ing the first three months the cir­ culation was 1,154. All libraries, particularly the smaller libraries, expressed appreciation of the bene­ fits derived from the association. The next meeting in the fail will held at the Seaforth library. CARD OF THANKS be THIEL—-FLEISCHAUER A pretty wedding was solemnized at the Evangelical church, Zurich, when Reta, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs, Carl, Thiel Rev. wore crepe and a corsage Mrs. Norman bridesmaid, was crepe. Norman best man. The on a motor trip a wedding dinneT was served. They will reside in Zurich. WANTED GIRLS and WOMEN FOR ESSENTIAL WAR WORK on fine precision machines . Excellent, healthy working conditions. Best wages paid. Qualification, ages from 18 to 35 years. We now' have in our employ many girls who were formerly sales­ girls, hairdressers-, stenographers models, all now are engaged in helping with the job that is to be done. YOU CAN HELP TO. APPLY Munitions Division BATA SHOE COMPANY of Canada Limited FRANKFORD ONTARIO Note—Application forms can be had from the Times-Advocate Office. BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS: Barred White Rocks, White Leg- Brown Leghorns, Jersey A- 1 Rocks, horns, Black Giants; White Leghorns K Barred Rock; Sussex X New Hamp­ shire. Write or phone A. H. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ontario. Hal Stade, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade, of Zurich, who for sev­ eral Winters was net-tender for the Seaforth Beavers hockey team, has joined the 'Canadian navy, •United sun- . M, ■ *PP B Mrs, Job Sims and the brothers and sisters of the late Matthew Sims wish to thank their friends and neighbors for their kindness and sympathy shown during their re­ cent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Turner and also those who so kindly loaned their cars and for the many beautiful flbral tributes. CARD OF THANKS Gun-Trooper W. C. Cutting and ner Robert Cutting wish to thank the Exeter War Time Committee for the cigarettes which were bent to them. The smokes were appreciated. much Henry Fleischhauer and son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmore , were united in marriage -by C. B. Heckendorn. The bride a street-length dress of biege of rosebuds. Fleischhauer, the dressed in blue Fleischhauer was young conple left to London, where The class was studying magne­ tism. “Robert.” asked the master, “how many natural magnets there?” ‘‘Two, sir/’ was the prising answer. “And will please* name them?” “Blondes brunettes.” are sur- you and the FORMER KIPPEN RESIDENT DIES IN THE WEST Word has been received of death of Mrs. Grace Ella Drake, of Enchant, Alta., a former Kippen. re­ sident, wife of the late Edward Drake, and daughter of the late William Anderson, of Kippen. Her death followed an operation in Lethbridge Hospital. Her husband predeceased her two months ago. Seven children survive, Mrs. Harold Jones, Turin, Alta.; Bernice, Del­ bert, Wilma, Gilbert, Frances and Beatrice, all at home. DANCING.... OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY NIGHT —Door Prize— Steeper’s Orchestra Admission — 35c ’ WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15th Dancing 9 to 1*30 Door Prize xiHEiiiiHniiiiiiiiiHiniHiiHiBiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiniihiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiiiiz: E ■ ... SPRING PERMANENTS ... Just what you are wanting now* Special soft, fluffy curls • dr lustrous waves at very special prices. : Tulip Oil, regular $00 for............ Thermique Oil, regular $7.50, for $3*75 $5.00 CARD OF THANKS H. Jtfhnston gratefully i” saysW. “Thank You” to all who remembered him with letters, cards, flowers, treats, etc., while he was a. patient in Mason. Villa Hospital, London, and Services Donated Under the auspices of Tweeds­ muir Branch of the Canadian Legion and the Harriet A. Boomer Chapter of the Daughters of the Empire, they will appear at London Arena —-the finest ballroom in Canada— on the night of April 30. And since everything, including their own services, is being donated by good friends of a good cause, every last cent will be handed over to the London Branch of the Red Cross Society. All the money will be counted before the close of the per­ formance. R. S. Morphy, manager of the Bank of Montreal, who has consented to act as honorary treas­ urer, will arrange for the” prepara­ tion of a draft for the total amount— high in the "thousands of dollars. This will be presented by Guy Lom­ bardo himself, or perhaps by his sister, Rose Marie, to John Mc'Clary Gunn,- president of the London Branch of the Red Cross Society. Mr. Gunn Jias gratefully accepted the invitation and it is possible that' an hour of the music, as well as the presentation, will be broadcast from coast to coast in Canada by the CBC, to launch the opening of the forth­ coming national campaign of the Canadian Red Cross. ELIMVIU.B Mrs. Wm. Kay, of Farquhar, was a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johns. Mrs. L. Johns visited in St. Marys last Sunday with her moth­ er, Mrs. Bannerman. Master Gordon Ford spent last week with his sister, Mrs, Newman Baker, near Wellburn. Mr. Earl Coultis has signed 'up for active service in the R.C.A.F., following his course at Galt, and is now at Lachine, Que., manning pool. Masters Beverley and Dalton Skinner, visited a cpuple of days the end of last week with 'their aunt, Mrs, Art Ford, north of Far­ quhar. Misses Etheleen and Eileen Johns visited their sister, Mrs. Fred Long, in Stratford last week. Mr, and Mrs, Long are moving to a farm near Atwood, Mr,1 Lloyd Johns underwent an operation for the removal of a; growth in his nose last Thursday in London. He returned home the same day and is recovering nicely, Mrs, Wm. Routly attended a tea cup shower for Miss Ella Routly, bride-elect of this week, at the home of the latter’s sister, Mrs. Ken Hogg, of Thorndale, on Thurs­ day evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Th os. Bell received word from theiv son, Cpl. Lloyd Bell, that he has been in hospital at Brandon, and Rivers, Man, the sore was last hope for a speedy recovery. The W.A. met at the home of Gilbert Johns on Wednesday Mrs, Wm’. charge of the meeting, opened with the hymn There is No East or the Lord’s Prayer was repeated in unison. Mrs. John Brock read the Scripture lesson, Mark 16th chapter, A poem, “Lady April” was read by Mrs. Harold Bell; Mrs. Wm. Mair gave a very interesting talk and Miss Ruth Skinner read a poenr, “Outlook”. Friend We sung. The by a verse was dealt with. The meeting closed with the hymn “O Canada” and the Mizpah benediction. f for past two months jvith sceptic throat and sinus trouble and to have an operation for sinus week. His many friends here Mrs. afternoon of last week. Dickey had which was “In Christ West” and The hymn “What a Have in Jesus” was roll call was answered on “Easter”. Business since his return home. CARD OF THANKS hisTom Penhale wishes to thank many friends for the treats, flowers and cards sent him during his ill­ ness. CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Orville Cann wishMr. to thank all the friends and neigh­ bors for the many beautiful flow­ ers and lovely cards that were sent to Mr.. Cann while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, and while he is still convalescing at home, also for the nice treats that were given him. CARD OF THANKS wish and * a String Bean Growers... Under present war conditions with restrictions on gasoline and tires, this Company has decided to run a truck through the following districts, Crediton, Grand Bend, Dashwood, Hensall, Zurich and St. Joseph, for the purpose of picking up String Beans, also allowing small growers who have been unable to grow through the lack of transportation. Central points in these districts ’ Ifor” delivery will be allocated later. New growers wishing contracts pleas© phone No, 28, Exeter or write.* Canadian Canners Limited Branch 100 B® h Mrs. Clayton Sims the many friends who so kindly remem- Sims with letters, cards Mr. and to thank neighbors bered Mr, and treats while a patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, and also ness and Hospital kj for the many acts of kind­ assistance while at Victoria and since his return home. • - cc Play Till 1 a.in. One of the high marks of gener­ osity that has made the visit of the Lombardos possible is the presenta­ tion of the Arena, completely staff­ ed for the evening, by Mr. Harry Law, the Arena manager, who also is a member of the sponsoring Le­ gion branch, Tweedsmuir. The Lombardos, with their famous organization, will leave New York on the morning of April 30, on the New York Central’s Empire State Express. They will arrive af St. Thomas at 7.35 that evening and will be met there by a number of Tweedsmniir representatives, includ­ ing the mayor, W. J. Heaman, who is president of the Tweedsmuir Branch; Major N. F. Newton and Secretary D. G. Kerr, who are in charge of Tweedsmuir’s committee of arrangements. The ladies of the Harriet A. Boomer Chapter, most of whom are wives or relatives of Tweedsmuir members, are also ren­ dering magnificent service in pre­ paration for what promises to be the biggest attraction seen in Lon­ don in many years. The Lombardos have consented to play till 1 a.m. and both they and their sponsors have consented also to the broad­ cast on behalf of the Red Cross So­ ciety. KIRKTON Miss Donna Brown, of * Strathroy, spent the week-end w’ith her fath­ er, Mr. J. Brown. A number of boys from the vil­ lage have been spending their after­ noons and evenings at Bayfield fishing for smelts. Three boys brought home 250 lbs. Friday night. Mrs. O. Callahan and children, of St. Thomas, are ‘holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. John Sawyer. Miss Marian Copeland spent the week-end with Miss A. McFalls, of Exeter. Books Here from Comity Library Miss Aitkins, librarian of Goderich public library visited Kirkton public library recently left a number of books, as lows: “The Soong Sisters” by Emily Hahn; “Sad Cypress” by Agatha Christie; “Mill Stream” by Hortense Lion; “Restless are the Sails” by Evelyn Eaton;. “Highway to Val­ our” by Margaret Dulay. Also som.e juvenile books and many others. ■the the and fol- ORANG.EMEN HOLD MEETING AT WOODHAM 5 Also machineless for every type arid! texture of hair* E | TOMLINSON’S | = Phone 146 Hairdressing B TiHhiiiiiiHniiJiiiiHiHiiniHiiiiiiiiHfliHiHiiHniihniiiHimiomnihHniniimiiiiiiil LOCAL NEWS •Charles Dinney, of Dashwood, who has been attending the Beal Technical School in London, has se­ cured a position in Peterboro. Owing to the illness of the rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt, the service in Trivitt 'Memorial church was with­ drawn last Sunday, Mrp Hunt is now improving. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard were: Miss Evelyn Howard, of Toronto; Mrs. Carnia, Mr. and Mrs. G. E, Westlake -and Ann; Mr. and.- Mrs. Bert Greer and Joyce all of Bayfield. Pte. Bruce Cann, of Camp Borden and Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Rockola and Mary, of Guelph, visited at Easter time with their sisters, Mrs. 0, Blanchard and Mrs. C. Cutting and their grandmother, Mrs. Stacey, of town. Capacity Limited For the comfort of patrons of the dance the attendance is to ’be strict­ ly limited to 4,009. The advance sale price is $1.59 and 3,000 tickets are now available at the Arena box office, directly or by mail. Mail or­ ders must be accompanied by money prders or marked checks, but orders are also pouring in by telegraph. Tickets are also on sale in London at Heintzman’s, the Embassy Hos­ tile Ridout Hotel and in Harding’s clothing Professor: “Didn’t, I get my last haircut in this shop?” Barber: ”1 think not sir. We’ve only been in business two years,” Jimmy’s father took him to Sun­ day school for the first time and on the way heme, in order to find not if the youngster had learned anything, he asked: “Jimmy, who killed Goliath?” “I dttnno” said Jimmy. ”t was sittin’ on the back beat and could not see.” taurant St. Thomas at store. . The regular '$2 will prevail attraction. Everyone will want to help good a cause, especially since per cent of the work in which London Red Cross Society is now engaged is on behalf of bomb victims in war-torn Britain. The Red Cross purchases supplies at very low cost All work on such goods is dohe by volunteers, and when the ^relief goods reach England the value mul­ tiplies. The point stressed is that in this London engagement there is no commercial profit for anyone, Just as the Lombardos give their services freely and generously to help the Red Cross, all others at work are serving without other pay than the privilege of assisting Bri­ tain’s 'bomb sufferers. There ate some unavoidable expenses, but these are being taken care of by friends responding to calls on their' private generosity. The 58 th annual ‘meeting of South Perth County Orange Lodge was held in the Orange hall, Wood­ ham, on Saturday. Delegates were present from the following lodges: L.O.L. 492, Woodham; 313 Downie; 7'07, Downie; 759, Stratford; 1320, Ellice and 2668 Stratford. Past County Master C. F. Bell presided and installed new officers of the lodge. The following officers were elected and installed: County master, F. Wright, Stratford; depu- W-ood- Strat- T. A. secre- treas- Mar- lst WOODHAM Miss Mary Jane Brethour, of Cre­ diton, is visiting with friends around Woodham. Mr. Bob and Miss Joan Bell of St. Marys were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson. Mr. Russel Laing/ of Guelph, has returned home, having finished his veterinary course at Guelph for 'this year. Miss Dolores Pfaff, of Crediton, spent her Easter holidays with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine. The Mission 'Circle will 'be held Friday evening at the home of Mary Millson. The roll will be called by a thought on Easter. Mr. and' Mrs. Laverne Stone and ■daughter Donna, of Kirkton, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Squire. Several from the neighboring communities attended the Young People’s -play presented here on Mon­ day evening of this week. This time the play was sponsored in the in­ terests of the Red' Cross. The Young People’s Union re­ ceived an invitation to attend the Y.P.U. of the Perth Presbytery, held in St. Marys United church Sunday afternoon ‘and evening, April 12th. Several of the youhg people were in attendance. The Young People of Woodham’ presented their play, “Uncle Sy Meets a New High” at Hensall on Wednesday evening of last week and on Friday evening, at Anderson. On Wednesday of 'this week they pre­ sented it at Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Shiei’ and two little sons, who have resided in Tex­ as for several years, have moved to Woodham and will remain with their friends here and at Kirkton until Mr. Shier finally settles near his work. Mrs. Shier’S parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank McNaughton. A memorial service Will be held in the United church here Sunday evening, April 19th, at 7.30 p.m. for Radio Officer Jordan Laing, son of Rev. A. Laing, who some time ago was reported missing. Rev. W. A. Walden, of St. Marys, will be the guest speaker for the evening. Turkey Eggs Hatched Poults for Sale We are Hatching Turkeys this season (No Chicks). Our incubators are set for proper Turkey Hatching, We shall be. setting every Monday until the end of Jun© or later. Reserve your space now. R. E. Pooley 1 R.R. 1 Woodham Phone 14-7, Kirkton NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that all creditors and others having­ claims against the estate of MAT- ITHEW SIMS, late of the Village of 'Crediton, Laborer, who died on jthe Fourth day of April, 1942, are required to forward their claims, duly proven, to the undersigned Executors or their Solicitor on or before the Fourth day of May, 1942. z AND NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that after the said date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they then shall have notice. ft DATED at Exeter this Thirteenth day of April, 1942. ( Wilbert Sim’s, Crediton, Ont. Harry Lewis, Crediton, Ont., Executors .. F. W. Gladman, Exeter, Ont., 16-3tc Their Solicitor admission price of on the night of the so 90 the ty county master, Br. 'Cole, ham; chaplain, R. Henry, ford; recording secretary, Thorup, Stratford; financial tary, G. urer, shal, lecturer, 2nd lecturer, G. T. Gilliland, Strat­ ford; auditors, C. F. Bell, Stratford and Roy Henry, Sebringville. it that ange ious on July 13 L. M. Richardson, Ellice; Graham, Stratford; Hooper, Wood'ham; K. Steffen, Sebringville; was decided at the meeting the South Perth County Or- Lodge would attend the Glor- Twelfth celebration in London ROBERTSON’S CONDITION POWDER 3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs* — $2*45 Guaranteed no Filler . ReStilts Considered, yon will find .this powder Unequalled as a.tonic for all farm stock ♦ * * Robertson’s Drug Store Cann’s Grist Mill Roy Francis, Kirkton E. Allen, Cromarty NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: THOMAS HEAMAN, late of the Township of Usborne, in the County of Huron, Manufacturer’ de­ ceased. CREDITORS AND OTHERS hav­ ing claims against the estate of the said deceased are required on or before May 9th, 1942, to file With the undersigned executors or their solicitor full particulars of their claims duly verified, after Which date the said executors will pro­ ceed to distribute the assets of said estate, having regard only to the claims of which Notice has been re­ ceived. " NOTICE TO DEBTORS All persons owing monies to the said deceased are required on or be­ fore May 9th, 1942, to pay to, or arrange for payment with, the said executors or their solicitor. In de­ fault of payment or arranging there­ for, proceedings will be taken to collect immediately after -the said date. DATED this 15th day of April? 1942. Norman J. Heamaii, Exeter Ontario, Lawrence Heaman, R.R. 8, Parkhill, Ontario, Executors. J. W. Morley, their Solicitor, Exeter, Ontario. 16-Btc NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS HAVING CLAIMS against the estate of James Ches­ ter Salmon, late of the Township of Hay in the County of Huron, Farm­ er, Deceased, who died on the 30th day of December, A.D. 1941, are required to send a statement of their claims to M. P. McDonagh, Sol­ icitor, London, Ontario, before the 3rd day of May, A.D. 1942, after which date the Administrator will distribute his property having re­ gard only to claims received before distribution and will not he liable for any other claims. M. P. McDONAGII, Solicitor for W. Clifford Salmon, Administrator, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Rd: THOMAS WEBB, late of the -township of stephen, in the County of Huron, ‘Gentleman, deceased. Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the late Thos, Webb, who died on of about the 26th day of January, 1942, are re­ quested to send full particulars of such claims, duly verified, to the undersigned executors on or before .the 20th day of April, 1942, after which date the Executors will pro­ ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. Dated this 30th day of March. 1942. . STEWART WEBB, RUSSEL WEBB, Executors