HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-04-09, Page 55 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Tfoiitr^y, April HENSALL of Toronto, hex* mother Camp Bor- home here Venner and Eleanor ■and Mrs, Douglas gaugster spent the Ras­ ter week-end in Toronto. Miss Edna Walsh and Audrey spent the week-end in Biyth. Miss Norma gangster spent the Raster holidays with friends in Lon­ don. / Miss Alice Pfaff, of Exeter, spent the week-end at her home in Hen-‘ sail, Miss Norma Cook, of London, is spending the holidays at her home here. Miss Joyce Scruton, spent a few days with recently* Pte. Lloyd Brock, of den, is visiting at his this week. R Keith Buchanan, of the R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, spent Easter at his home here. Ewen McEwen, son of Mr* and Mrs, Alpine McEwen, is ill with a severe cold. Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor, spent the week-end with her moth­ er and sister.' Mr. Lloyd spent Sunday with Mr Wm, Venner. Miss Pearl spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Grace Harpole. Mrs, (Rev,) R. A, Brook, spent the week-end in Toronto with her daughter, Ruth. Miss Patsy Ste,er is with her grandmother, zier, in London. Dr. and Mrs. Harry baby, of London, spent the week-end with Mrs. Alice -Joynt. Douglas Moir, son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Moir, is suffering from an attack of bronchitis. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shepherd, of Toronto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Janies Smjllie. Ross Jinks, son of Mr. and Mrs. Manley Jinks, is confined to his home with scarlet fever. L.A.'C. Ken Passmore, of Tren­ ton, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Miss Mary Clark, of spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pfaff and Sheila of Niagara Falls, visited over the week-end with Mrs. W. Pfaff. Miss Lettie Love, of Toronto, spent the Easter holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Love. Mr. Ray Paterson, of Toronto, vis­ ited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Paterson, over the week-end. Mr. Wm. Jones, a former resi­ dent of Hensail, is visiting friends and relatives in and around the vil­ lage. - — Lois and Marion MacLaren spent a few days in Kitchener recently, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams. Mrs. Eva Stapleton and family left here on Saturday for Northern Ontario, where they are taking up residence. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Simpson and family, of Detroit, are spending the holidays with the former’s mother, Mi*s. Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abbott, of Detroit, visited over the. week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty. Miss Margaret Sangster and Miss Barbara Shepherd, of Clinton, vis­ ited over the week-end at their homes in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs. Leiland Willert and children, of Zurich, spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Carlile. Miss Margaret MacLaren, of Wat­ erloo, is spending the Easter holi­ days with her parents, Mr. Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. Mrs. Laird Mickle and Charles returned home after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. George Mickle, of Ridgetown. Mr. Lee and Miss Woodstock, Mrs. Peter Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Cross motor­ ed to Toronto to spend the Easter 'holidays with their daughter, Goldie, who is a nurse-in-training in city. Harpole, of London, holidaying Mrs. Bra­ Joynt and Wingham, and Schwalm, of Hamilton, Margaret Schwalm of spent a few days with Schwalm recently. that SAINTSBURY Miss Lorraine Dobbs, of London, spent Sunday under the parental roof. Mr, Bill Dobbs and‘sister, Marie, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Longfield, of Mossley. We are pleased to report that A.'C.2 Harry Dobbs, of the R.C.A.F., is recovering from ah acute attack of pneumonia at the T.T.S. hospi­ tal, St. Thomas. Eastei’ Visitors in were of ry of ry and Mrs. with Mr, ; Mr. and with Mr. the community H. A, Mullins, and Mrs. Heil- Mrs. Cliff Inys, and Mrs. Har- Mr. London, Hod gills London, Carroll. Mrs. Harry Noate and baby, Nora, of Aylmer, Gerald and returhed to after a tw6 parents, Mr. Mrs. Eldin Caldwell, Jean, of St. Thomas, their homes on Friday weeks’ visit with ’their and Mrs. Will Dickens. Ju Of course you are as good as the next fdllow—-only he has a less troublesome conscience. KIFPEN Choir Maltes Presentation to Bride-Elect Following the practice on Thurs­ day evening last the members of the United church choir retired to the home of ^nd Mrs* J. Jar- rott td make a presentation to one of their members, Gladys Jarrott* bride-elect of Saturday. An ad­ dress was read by Mrs. Ernie Chip­ chase and .the 'presentation of a handsome wall mirror was made by Miss Jean Ivlson, well-chosen choir a Gladys, in a words, thanked A social hour was spent da'inty lunch served. Shower for Bride-Elect In honor of Miss Gladys Jarrptt, bride-elect, a miscellaneous show­ er was held at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Jarrott on Tuesday evening with about ninety ladies present, An address was read by Mrs, A. McBeath, after which the presents were brought in in a decorated basket by Mrs. Meilis and Miss I, Ferguson. After receiving the many useful gifts, Gladys thanked her friends in a few approp­ riate words and all joined in sing­ ing, low”, to see played linens dishes few the and For She’s a Jolly Good Fel- The guests were then invited the trousseau which was by Audrey Cochrane, by Irma .Ferguson and by Mrs. A. McBeath, dis- the the BRINSLEY and Mrs. Ken Sholdice andMr. Betty and Doreen of Windsor, spent Easter holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Sholdice. Gerald Lewis, of Peterboro, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis, of St. Catharines, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Morley. Mrs. Dan Lewis has returned from a visit with her ton. Dr. and Mrs. Brantford, also and Mrs. Amos with Mr. J. H. Amos. Mr. Alvin Amos and son, Amos, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. J. H. Amos. Mr. William Lewis has return-, ed to his home after spending some time in the hospital. Mrs. Hess, of Zurich, and Trevethick spent Sunday with and Mrs. Jas. Trevethick. Miss Marian Patterson spent ter with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Shol­ dice. .* Communion services were held at the United church on Sunday last. Several from the vicinity attend­ ed the trousseau tea for Miss Doris McLeod of Ailsa Craig on Saturday last. ■ daughter in Hamil- J. Elmei* Amos, of C'apt. Lyn spent Good Amos Friday DANCE o TIEMAN’S HALIL Dashwood New and Old Time THURSDAY, APRIL 9th Murdock’s Orchestra ADMISSION — 35c DASHWOOD Mrs, Ness and Walter, of London, were week-end visitors in town. Mrs, gillery, of Clinton, is visit­ ing with Mr. and Mrs- W. Wolfe. Miss Karen Pedersen, of London, the week-end with her par- Herb Easter R. A. Carl Mr. Eas- GRAND BEND in to Her Lon- Mrs. Patterson is moving Percy Elsie’s house this week, husband is in the army. Mr. and Mrs. J. Patton, of don, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Mason. Quite a number visited their cottages here over the week-end, it being such lovely weather.., Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mollard, of West Lome, visited with Mrs. Al­ ma Mollard over the week-end. Mr, and Mrs. W. P. Lovie, who have spent the winter in London, have returned to their home here. Mr. and Mrs. George Penfound returned on Saturday from Calif­ ornia, where they spent the winter. Be sure to attend the Red Cross meeting on April 13th, when Dr. Taylor, of Dashwood, will speak on Red Cross work and the draw for the club quilt will be made. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turnbull', who have been under the doctor's care for the past couple of weeks, are slowly improving. .Mrs. Turn­ bull is still confined to her bed but Mr. Turnbull is able to be up around the house. We all wish for a speedy recovery. Curves Being Removed on Blue Watei* Highway Considerable construction work on the Blue Water Highway is in area near the long, been .re-{ highway CENTRALIA Hicks spent Easter Miss Wilda Pollock, jt. Parker* of Clin- with and and Wein, of Fort holidays at his Erie, home visit-of London, is mother, Mrs. Matilda P, Humble, of Sarnia, spent days with her sister* Mrs. R, T.Ho-pcroft is spending a with her daughter in spent ents, Mr. spent here. Mrs. Keys, ing with her Kraft. Mrs, a few Goetz. Mrs, few weeks Exeter. A large crowd attended the auc­ tion sale of Mr. R, Goetz last Wed­ nesday, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Goetz, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Goetz. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Raschke, of Detroit, spent Easter holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Grenier, of Windsor, were Sunday visitors with friends in town. Mrs. Currie and son Kenneth spent the week-end with her par­ ents in Meaford. Mr. Ray Weido,, of Toronto, was visiting -his mother and friends over the holiday. Mrs. Stadelbauer and Mrs. Flynn of London were Sunday visitors with relatives here. Dr. and Mrs. R. H. Taylor and daughter Anne spent Easter with his sister in London. Ray Guenther, of Toronto-, spoilt Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman, of Chatham, spent a few days with "friends here last week. Mr. A. 0. Becker, of Kitchener, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy Becker, Sr. Murray Wolfe is spending two weeks’ vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schatz, of Toronto, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Vern Schatz. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Guenther, of Windsor, spent Easter Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Guenther. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Waliper, of London were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Walper. Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Wat­ erloo, attended the funeral of the late Mr. Oestreicher on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith and Joan, of Windsor, spent Easter with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer, of London, spent Easter with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. Reste­ meyer. Miss Shirley Doerr and friend, of Detroit, spent Easter holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Schroeder. Misses Grace Kellerman and Bet­ ty Broughton, of Toronto, visited a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Har­ old Kellerman. Rev. and Mrs. John Oestreicher, of Wioto, and Milton, of Berwyn, Ill,, attended the funeral of their father, the late Mr. G. Oestreicher, on Saturday. An account Of the dea.th. of Mr. Gottfried Oestreicher appears on another page, but there are several errors. Mr. Oestreicher is survived by one daughter, Mrs. A. J. Brun­ ner, of Kansas City; four sons, Mil­ ton, of Berwyn, Ill.; Rev. John Oestreicher, of Wioto; Samuel and Aaron, of Hay township; also two brothers, Dan, of Crediton and Herman, of Toronto; two sisters, Mrs. Kuhn, of Crediton and^ Mrs. Schmidt, of Kitchener, and’' ten grandchildren. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. C. Becker, of Dashwood assisted by Rev. H. A. Kellerman, of Waterloo. Mrs. Lome with her sister, in Kitchener. Mr* and Mrs. ton, were week-end visitors Mr. and Mrs. L* Mitchell* Mr, and Mrs. M. Sleamop June, of London, were Sunday visi­ tors with Mrs, J, Bleamon. Douglas Murray is holidaying with his grandparents, Mr Mrs. George Hay, in Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Davey and family* of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Davey. Rev. and Mrs, R* N* Stewart and Lorraine, of Teeswater, visited with Mrs. Thos. Willis on Tuesday. Miss Marilyn Mills, of Wyoming, is spending the holidays with her grandmother, Mrs. H. Mills. Mr, Murray, visiting with his brother, Mr old Murray and Mrs. Murray, Mr. and Mrs. John Willis and family, of Exeter, were Sunday visitors with Mrs, Thos. Willis. Mr-,' Melvin Harlton, of Windsor, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Harlton. Mr. Robert Field, of Port Col- home, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Bruce Field. Mr. Wm. Bowden daughter, Mrs. R, Clandeboye, for a week. The Misses Eva, Merriam are spending the Easter holidays with their parents, Rev. and Mrs. Merriam. Sgt. -Pilot Donald E. Hicks, of Hagersville, spent Good Friday and Easter with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Hicks. Rev. and Mrs. A. J. Smale, Shirley and Kenneth, of Strathroy, guests with Mr. Hodgson on Good Friday. Mrs. Albert Smith was a guest with M.r. and Mrs. R. Smith on Sun­ day and attended the Easter ser­ vices held in the church here. Mrs. Jack Andrew, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hicks and with Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Andrew. The many friends of Mrs. Chas. Isaac will be sorry to learn that is suffering from an attack of atica. We hope ■ for a speedy covery. Miss Mildred Hicks, of Shipka* is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. B. Hicks. Miss Dorothy Hicks, of London, was home for the week-end. Mrs, , of Nova Scotia, is Har- visited with his Schroeder, at few days last Mae and Ruby were and Mrs, Lloyd Church Seiwice she sci- re- The services held in the church last week were fairly well attend­ ed. Inspiring addresses were giv­ en- by the different speakers and good music was provided, The special Eastei- services in the church on Sunday were in charge of- the pastor, Rev. Merriam. There were communion and reception, ser­ vices in the morning when ■ lowing became members church: Marjorie Essery, McFalls, Marjorie Flynn, Blair, Ruth Cunnirigton, Skinner, Winnifred Field, Molnar and Elmer Powe, slides were shown at the evening service and the pageant, "The Challenge of the Cross”, sented Beryl Grace Gretta Special choir for both services. the fol- of the Helen Isabelle Boris , Steve Easter and the pageant, was pre- by Misses Pearl Merriam, McFalls, Marjorie Flynn, Andrew, Jean Hepburn, Webber and Audrey Powe, music was provided by the KIRKTON SUMVIIXM R.N., Of Lon- visitor in the Miss Florence Bell don, was an Easter village. Mr* and Mrs. das. Malcolm visited at Mr. S. Pym’s on Sunday* Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom­ as, spent the week-end with rela­ tives here. Mrs. Wes. Venner and Murray, of Chiselhurst, spent the week-end at Mr. Gilbert Johns’. Mr, and Mrs. Newman Baker, of Welburn and Master Paul McVitty, of Leamington, were nailers in the vicinity on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. Henry March and children, of London, Mr* and Mrs. Norman Jaques, of Zion, were visi­ tor’s at Mr, P. Mureh’s on Sunday. Mr. Chas, Johns is confined to his bed at Mr, Kenneth Johns’. His friends wish him a rapid recovery. Mrs. Chas, Johns, of .Exeter, visit­ ed him on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bieriing and June, of Exeter North and Phyllis Bieriing, of Kitchener, visitors at the home of Mr, neth Kirkland and Miss were Ken- Johns 'on Easter Sunday. Honor Roll Unveiled special seryice was held onA Easter Sunday in this church, when the new honor roll was unveiled. The church was well filled, a good num­ ber of the Legion being present. Mr. R, E. Pooley gave a shci't ad­ dress and read the names on the roll. Flying unveiled the fine address, appropriately well as for the special feature of the service. The choir sang an Easter number and Mrs. Harold Bell and Miss Florence Bell sang a duet, “The Old Rugged Cross”. The floral decorations were very pret­ ty. The names of the boys on the honor roll are as follows: For ac­ tive service, Graham Bell, Lloyd Bell, Cyril Cornish, Ewart Cornish, Ralph- Cornish, Wilbert Coward, Earl Coultis, Wm. H, Dickey, Clar­ ence R. Ford, John Miners, Harry Murch, Elgin Skinner; for home de­ fence, John Coward, Clifton Brock, Chas. Stephen, Lome Elford, Ronald Elf ord, Roy Hunter, John Ridley, Allen Johns, Wm. Johns, Harold Clarke, Reg. Delbridge, Gordjn Prance. Officei’ Thos, Pryde roll and also gave a Rev. Mair spoke very for Eastei’ Sunday as progress. In the pinery Grand Bend several of dangerous curves have moved by cutting the through the woods. The work has been under way for several months and in some of tile stretches much excavating of the sandy hills has been neces­ sary. The new parts are not ready for travel as yet* but have been scrap­ ed and surfacing with stone and gravel is now being done largo scale* The straightening of the way will The area With the .dangerous.. The new cuts give ciear vision some distance ahead. on a high safermake travel much is heavily wooded and curves travel was very , especially at high speed, ‘for CREDITON of the United church a cold meat Rev. Duncan Will deliver The W.A. will sponsor April 24tli. of London, Keep this date open* supper on McTaVish, a lecture. KHIVA and Mrs. Clayton of London, spent Sunday and Mrs. Arthur Willert. Congratulations <to Mr. Mr.Wildfong, with Mr. Gdiigi’sittilfttiofis ’to Mr; and MrS« Joseph Casey (nee Beatrice Sulli­ van) on their recent marriage. Miss Lorna Kraft, of London, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Kraft. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hopkins, of St. Thomas, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stade. Mr, and Mrs, Claude Gelinas, of London* Spoilt the week-end with the latter’S mother, Mrh. L. Diet- rich. Miss Evelyn McGann, of Rodney, is spending her Easter vacation, her parents, Mt. and Mrs. B. Cann* Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Mason Mrs, J. Baker and daughter, Joan speht .Sunday with Mr. ahd Mrs. Art, Baker of the Lake Road. with Mo- and Mrs. Alice Clark, of London, spent the week-end with her brother-in- law, Mr. Walter Hazelwood. The ladies of the village met in the basement of the United church on Tuesday and quilted four quilts for the Red Cross. Mr. Harold Tufts, of Toronto, is spending his Easter holidays with his mother, Mrs. S. Tufts. Easter week-end visitors in the community were: Miss Proctor, of Sarnia with her sister, Mrs. Mc­ Hardy, at the home of Dr. Camp­ bell; Miss Eleanor Doupe, R.N., of Stratford, with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Harding; Mr. H. Gray, of To­ ronto, with his father, Mr. M. Gray; Mrs. A. Robson, of Exeter, with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Francis. * Mr. and Mrs. Jas. McCullaugh and family, of London, spent Eas­ ter Monday with Mr. and Mi’s. Mil­ ton Gregory. We are pleased to report that Mrs. G. H. Burgin is home Victoria Hospital her recent operation and is better. Special Eastei* Service At the morning service in the Kirkton United church* the Sacra­ ment of the Lord’s Supper Was ob­ served. Also a Special Raster ser­ mon was delivered to a very large congregation. The choir led in Raster hymns and anthems. The church was decorated with Easter lilies arid potted plants. Mr, and Mrs. Stuart Shier placed a lovely Easter lily In memory of their little daughter, Florence. London, from after much “Want Ad’s*—-The little fellows with the milling power* WOODHAM At last Sunday morning’s ser­ vice Mr* Ray Mills favored with a lovely sole and sang with great feeling. Holy communion and reception services were held here last Sunday morning when two of our young people entered the church. A large crowd attended the play "Uncle Si Meets a New High” held here last Wednesday evening in the Orange Hall. The play was quite humorous and brought lots of laughter, all taking their parts well. The proceeds amounted to $35.'00* The same play will be giv- en again on Monday evening, April 13 th, in the interests of the Red Cross. t A splendid crowd attended the annual Easter concert, sponsor­ ed by the Mission Band, on Friday evening of last week in the base­ ment of the church. Mrs. L. Ball, of St. Marys, was the guest speaker for the evening and all enjoyed the young people’s program composed of readings, solos, all A goodly solos, duets and piano showing excellent ability, sum was realized. W.M.S. Meeting The W.M.S. meeting was held last , Wednesday afternoon in the church basement with an attendance bf twenty. The president opened the meeting. The theme was,, "The Call of the Risen 'Christ to Youth”, Busi­ ness was dealt with, after which Mrs, Delmar Johnson conducted the program, using the Easter respon­ sive leaflets. The special feature at this meeting was the presenta­ tion of a lovely magazine rack to one of the members, Mrs, Ethel Wil­ son, who has left to reside in St. Marys. Mrs. Wilson thanked the members in a few well-chosen words. A ten cent lunch was served at the close. Eastei' Visitors Eastei- visitors in the community were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essen, of Eddy’s Mills, with the latter’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. D, Johnson; Miss Helen Thacker, of Toronto, at her home here; Mr. Gradon Camm, of Sudbury, and Mr. Wendell Camm, of Western University, London, with their father, Mr. John Camm; Miss Florence Kirk, school teacher Seed Grain * * * OATS, BARLEY, and MIXW <5raI$ CLRANEP, GRAPKP' and SEPARATED SEED OATS FOR SALE— ■Seeds— CREDITON, ONTARIO Phone 3W Residence 44 of Gladstone, at Mr, and. Mrs. Roy Kirk’s! Miss Dorothy Camm, teach-* er in Toronto, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Camm.; Fusilier Laverne Rod#, Mr Evelyn mother, Gladys parents. Miss Greta Fletcher with Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Fletch­ er and Mr ronto, Doupe, sin, i, of Listowel, with Edgar Rodd; Miss of London, With her Wm. Wynn; Miss of London, with her >! of London^, and Mrs, Wynn, Mrs. Shier, Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Shier Down and son, of To- with Mr. and Mrs. Fred the latter’s uncle and cou- far better to try to do some-It is thing and be somebody than to try to do somebody and be something. (8 BABY CHICKS BABY CHICKS: Barred White Rocks, White Leg- Brown Leghorns, Jersey Giants; White Leghorns X Rock; Sussex X New Hamp- A-l Rocks, horns, Black Barred shire. Write or phone 'A. H, Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ontario. *TO TELEPHONE EXPANSION HpELEPHONES are in greater de- **• mand than ever before—even greater than in 1941, an all-time record year. By far the greater part of this demand is for residence telephones. * Only a part of this unpreced­ ented volume of orders can be filled if we are to have anything left for the camps and depots and air schools of our armed forces—for the plants and offices of our war indus­ tries. Already telephone materials are difficult to obtain. Reserves are steadily diminishing,even though we are re-conditioning and re-using every last piece of equipment that can be salvaged. There Can be only one answer: war needs must get first call on available supplies. Even when ne­ cessity demands new installations, not all types of instruments and services will be available. The Wartime Prices and Trade Board established by the Gover- nordn-Council under the War Measures Act, has directed us "to do all such things as maybe requisite to conserve any and all telephone plant and facilities ’’ We realize that this will cause inconvenience-—perhaps even hard­ ship. We shall need your help in working out wise and just solutions to the telephone problems of your community. And we know that you will give it cheerfully, as still another necessary contribution to victory* X F. ROLFE Manager,