HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-03-19, Page 5Page 5 TOE EXETER TIMES*ADVOCATE
inMiss Edna Walsh spent a day
London recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Jones i
moving to Hensail this week.
Miss Mildred Smillie of Atwood
don a
Pte, Fred Beer, of London, spent
the week-end with his wife and
Miss Georgia Murray, of London,
spent the week-end with Miss Jean
nie Murray.
Mr, Max Hudson of the R.C.A.F,
at Fingal visited in and around Hen
sail recently,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clifton, of
Brucefield, spent a day with Mrs.
Dow recently,
Mr. Roy MacLaren, of St. Cath
arines, spent the week-end with Mrs,
MacLaren and Donnie.
Mrs. Crisbett, of Brucefield, spent
a short time with her friend, Mrs.
Dow, during the .past week.
Mr, and Mrs. George Gould, of
'Clinton, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. George Walker.
Mr, and Mrs. Whitney Carter, Don
ald and Catherine, of Clinton, spent
Sunday with friends in Hensall,
Mr. Jack Corbett, who has se
cured a position in London," spent
the week-end with his wife and
family here.
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Alexander
and baby of Londesboro, visited on
Sunday with friends in and around
Mrs. Richardson, who sustained
a fractured shoulder recently while
attending her household duties, is
getting along nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parsons and
little son, of Seaforth, spent Sun
day with 'the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Parsons.
Mr. and Mys. Ted Taman and baby,
of Listowel, and Mr, and Mrs. G.
Laughton and son, Van, of Toronto,
spent the week-end with Mrs. C. A.
Dr. Smith, of St. Marys, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. G. C, Petty on
Sunday. Mrs. Smith has been here
for some time, owing to her fath
er’s illness.
Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London,
accompanied by his daughter-in-
law, Mrs. Lloyd Ortwein, also of
London, spent the week-end with
friends in ’Hensall.
Mrs. Ken Hicks and children,
Janet and Billy, have returned from
Parkhill, where they have spent
the past week or so visiting with
Mrs. Hicks’ mother, Mrs. Nicholson.
Miss Jean Murray, who spent part
of last week in Toronto, returned
home on Friday. She was accom
panied here by Dr. and Mrs. Smil
lie and baby and Mrs. Smillie’s sis
ter, Mrs. Buchanan.
There was a splendid attendance
at the St. Patrick’s dance on Fri
day evening last. The hall was suit
ably decorated for the occasion.
Good music was furnished by Adam
Brock and his Columbians. The
dance was sponsored by the Cham
ber of Commerce and a good sum of
money was realized for war pur
A real treat is in store for the
piublic on Tuesday evening, March
24th, when the local branch of
the Red Cross will sponsor a con
cert in the town hall. There will be
tap dancing, floral dancing, drills,
songs and a one-act play, “Black
Clouds in China”. Bring your
friends and enjoy a real evening’s
In Carmel Presbyterian church
Rev. Wm. Weir conducted splendid
services, continuing his series of
sermons on the last words of Jesus
on the cross. The morning anthem
was “Saviour of the World” and in
the evening a beautiful quintet,
“ 'Twas Calvary”, was rendered by
Marion and Louis MacLaren Irene
Hoggarth, W.’ A. MacLaren and Rev.
Wm. Weir.
Mr. Frank Farquhar, who had the
misfortune to break a bone in his
ankle, while attending a hockey 1
match in Seaforth recently is rest
ing comfortably at his home. Mr.
Edighoffer, of Zurich, is in charge
of Mr. Farquhar’s barber shop. '
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Hedden, Mona
and Betty, of Hamilton, spent the
week-end in Hensall. They were
accompanied here by Mrs. Cather-
ine Hedden and Mona who have
spent some months' in St. Cathar
There was a siplendid attendance
at the United church on Sunday ,
morning. During the service Rev.
R. A. Brook baptized the following
babies: Margaret Ann, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smillie; Inez
Jean, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Smil
lie and Gwendolyn Alice, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Lome Chapman, i
Mr. Brook gave a fine discourse. In
the morning the anthem was “The
Morning Light is Breaking”, and in
the evening the anthem was “I Will
Remember Thee”. Diplomas and
seals wore given tn several of the
children for perfect attendance at
Sunday School.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
recently in St. Cecile Cathedral,
Valleyfield, Quebec, by Mbnsigneur
eldest daugh-
George Smale,
the bride of
the week-end at her home
W. A. MacLaren was in Lon-
couple of days during the past
Clarence W. Farwell, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. George K, Farwell, of.
the shoulders
les and bouquet of butterfly roses,
The young couple will reside in
VaUeyfield, Que.
A community dinner, sponsored
by the Tuckersmith Federation of
Agriculture and the Hensall Cham
ber of Commerce, will be held in
the town hall, Hensall, on Friday
evening, March 20th, at 6..30. R. J,
Scott, of Belgrave, will be the
speaker, Tickets may be purchased
from the following; Ross Forest,
Robert McGregor, Glen McLean,
Ivan Forsythe, R, Tindall, I, OLeary,
W. Broadfoot, W, Crick and
Jim McIntosh. The members of the
Hensall W.I. will serve the dinner.
Carmel Ladies* Aid
bride wore a street-
of old gold French
with small hat to
tulle veil falling to
and brown accessor-
Ellis and Lenore Norminton. The
schoolroom was beautifully decor
ated for the occasion by Mrs. Drys
dale, Mrs, R. J* Paterson and Mrs*
Mickle. The program committee
consisted of Mrs. Cross and Mrs.
Sherritt* Among the numbers heard
during the community singing were
“The More We Get Together”, “Peg
gy O’Neil”, “When Irish Eyes Are
Smiling”, “My, Wild Irish Rose”
and “The Wearing of the Green.” •
spendlag a
Haist spent
II returned to]
Thursday, March 19 th, 19'4$
Leger, when Isohel,
ter of Mr. and Mrs.
of Hensall, became
The regular mpnthly meeting of
the Ladies’ Aid of Carmel Presby
terian , church was held in the
schoolroom on Tuesday evening,
March 17th, with Mrs, Manson in
the chair. The meeting opened
with hymn 606, “All the Way My
Saviour Leads Me”, followed ‘hy
the Lord’s Prayer. The minutes of
the previous meeting were read by
Mrs. W. A, MacLaren, after which
a period of business was held. Hymn
437, “Dear Lord and Father
Mankind”, was sung.
MacLaren and Mrs.
ducted a number of
which a ten cent tea
group 1.
’ Mrs. Peter
Cannel Church W*M,S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian
church was held in the school
room of the church pn Thursday,
March 12th, at 3 p.m. Mrs. A, D.
MacEwen had charge of the meet
ing, which was opened by singing
wered by a verse of scripture on
Faith. Mrs, Annie Logan and Mrs.
Parkins reported having made
eighteen calls on the sick and’ shut-
ins, Mrs. C. Hudson and Mrs.
•Walker will be the visiting commit
tee for April. The following were
appointed to take charge of the
next 'two meetings: Mrs. R. Y. Mac-
Laren, Mrs. D. Bark, Mrs. Manson
and Mrs. A. Dougall. The April
meeting will be a very special one
as it is the W.M.S. Easter thank-
The date will be Wed-
April 22nd. The guest
“Faith of Our Fathers”, fol-
by the Red Cross prayer in
, The Scripture lesson, He-
chapter 11, was read by Mrs.
The roll call was ans-
. Mrs. W. A,
Cameron con- ■
contests, after) was served by j
Moir i
Mrs. Peter Moir, prominent Hen-;
sail resident, died at her home latej
Monday afternoon, the result of aj
stroke which she suffered on Sun
day, from which she failed to rally. I
She was the former Annie McAllis-i
ter. She is survived by her hus-i lpwed by the Lord’s Prayer,
band, two sons, Clifford and Mel-| was a splendid attendance at the
vin, of Hensall, four daughters, i meeting.
(Rosie), Mrs. Passmore, of Us- Meetingborne; (Anna), Mrs. Oscar Tuckey,j ’ ’ 8
of near Exeter; (Pearl), Mrs. Law-! „ Th^ regular^ monthly, meeting of
rence Baynham, of Hensall; and/’ ” ”
Helen at home; two brothers, Dr.
Arthur McAllister, of Georgetown
and Charles McAllister, of Toronto.
She was a member of Carmel Pres
byterian church. The funeral was
private and was held from the home
on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. to Hen
sall Union cemetery. A quartette
assisted with the music. The bear
ers were John R. Stewart, Wm. Da
vidson, Mr. Reynolds, Jas. Smillie,
Alex. Buchanan and Dr. Jas. Bell.
Arnold Circle Meets
speaker will be Miss Laura Pelpon,
of Blyth. Miss Pelpon is an out
standing speaker and she will ad
dress the Arnold Circle on the pre
vious evening, Hymn* 419 was
sung, after which Mrs. R, Y. Mac
Laren led in prayer. Mrs. W. A.
MacLaren conducted a Bible quiz.,
The topic, “Service”, was taken by
Mrs. Workman. Hymn 531, “How
Firm a Foundation”* was sung, fol-
Mrs. Chris Wein is
week in London*
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff
Tuesday in Toronto.
Miss Ella Morlock
Thedford after spending a few days
at her home,
Mr, H. K* Eilber is in Toronto
attending the Ontario Mutual Fire
Underwriters* convention.
Mrs. M. W, Teller has been vis
iting for a week with her daughter,
Miss Helen Teller, in Toronto.
Mr. Jack Morlock has been quite
We hope for a speedy
Bob Blackwell, of
the week-end here.
Freeman Morlock,
underwent an operation in
Joseph’s Hospital, London, is
improving nicely and is expected
home this week,
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Clark and
son Glen, of
home owing
Clark’s sister,
Exeter, Mrs,
called home from Brampton.
Hord—Berry Nuptials
A quiet but pretty wedding
solemnized at the Metropolitan
ited church parsonage at London
on Saturday afternoon, March 14th,
when Mrs. Alfretta Berry, of Cre-
diton, and Mr. Walter Hord, of To
ronto, were united in .marriage by
Rev. W. E. MacNivens, The bride
was very becomingly attired in a cos
tume of air force blue, with cor
sage of pink rose buds. She was
attended by Miss Marguerite Hord,
of Toronto, while Mr. Jack McClure,
also of Toronto, supported the
groom. After a short honeymoon
trip, they will reside in Toronto.
Mrs. Hord’s many friends in Credi-
ton join in extending to the happy
couple wishes for a long and happy
wedded life.
who re-
Detroit, were called
to the death of Mr.
Mrs, Victor Kestle, of
Harry Dale was also
Mr* Ervin Schade is confined to
his home suffering from pneumonia.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Bartllff, of Clin
ton, were Sunday visitors with Mrs*
Mr. afid Mrs. Mervyn Tieman and
Nancy spent Sunday with friends
In Kitchener.
Mr. Jacob Shoemaker and My,
Billie Shoemaker, of Pigeon, Mich.,
•visited with relatives here over the
Mr. Roy Neeb and sister, Mrs.
Mosher, of Pontiac, Mich., spent the
week-end with their mother, Mrs.
Mary Neeb,
Mr* and Mrs, Philip Fassold at
tended the funeral of her sister,
the late Mrs. Wiggins, at Ingersoll
on Tuesday,
Mr. Glen Walper, who has been
engaged with Harry Hoffman, left
last week for Kitchener where he
Will go into training,
A number of boys attended the
hockey match in Toronto on Satur
day night, returning home on Sun
day. The boys report they had a
good time.
Miss Eunice Oestreicher, of Lon
don, and friend, Miss Lois Smith, of
Oil Springs and Donald Oestreicher,
of London, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs. A. E, Oestreicher.
Sunday visitors with Mrs. Emma
My. and
ily, Mr.
and Mr.
Restemeyer and Mr* and Mrs. Billie
Ziler, of the 14th concession of Hay.
The Yoiung People’s Mission
Circle of the Evangelical church
held a very successful St. Patrick’s
tea in the church basement on Sat
urday afternoon. The church was
beautifully decorated in green and
white with hats, pipes, and sham
rocks adding special attraction. The
tea tables were centred with a lovely
shamrock and green tapers, over
which Mrs. C. Becker and Mrs. A.
E. Oestreicher presided. Ten tables
were placed, carrying out the green
and white color scheme and
girls' served, dressed in green
white aprons and caps. About
guests attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Milford
family, of Windsor;
Jack Ryan and fam-
Mrs. Lorne Dietrich
and Mrs. Roy Dietrich, of
Mr.and Mrs. Leonard
The Red & White Store
If you like a
strong coffee—- try
Plum, Raspberry and
Apple, Pineapple oo ...AURORA COFFEE Marmalade; CrdhAPple
39c a lb.Jelly, Peach Jam *.2 lb, tins
Red and White Mixed Tea 38c per i/2 lb.
Aylmer Catsup Red & White Red & White
2 foa? 2$c Liquid Wax Pastry Flour
Jello Pudding 39c 24 pound 79c
3 for 25c Shipes without VanCamp’s
polishing Tomato JuiceJBabhitt’s Cleanser
5c pkg.
Gold Medal 2 for 19c
Pumpkin Red & White
Post Toasties choice Super Soft Tissue
2 for 15c 2 fpr 25c 3 for 25c
Owing to wartime restrictions we would appreciate your
orders before 10 a.m and 4 p.m<
Prompt Delivery
Harvey & Harvey
■The regular meeting of the Ar
nold Circle of Carmel Presbyterian
church was held at the, home 'of
Miss Beryl Pfaff on Tuesday even
ing, March 17th. Miss Sally Man-
son gave the call to worship, after1
which hymn 391 was sung, followed
by prayer by Mrs. Violet Hyde.:
The scripture lesson was read by
“Zion’s King Shall Reign Victor
ious”, was sung. The minutes were
read and adopted,' followed by roll
call and offering. It was decided
to have a sausage and bean supper
on March 31. The topic, “Suffer
ing, Human and Divine” was given
by Miss Ruth Mcllvenna. The meet
ing closed with hymn 371, “O Spir
it of the Living God” and the bene-;
by the .
Mildred Hackney. “Chris-
in a World at War”, taken
the Glad Tidings was read by
George Moir, Hymn 381,
. A dainty lunch was served]
hostess. j
Red Cross Notes
following articles were ship-
pedf* from the Red Cross rooms re
cently, eight boxes in all: 64 girls’
blouses, 33 quilts, 12 pairs mitts,
3 4 girls’ skirts,. 1 blanket, 6 ambu
lance pillows, 5 scarves, 75 pairs
socks, 10 pairs gloves, 10 alterna
tive caps, 15 turtle-neck sweaters,
5 pairs seamen’s mitts, 5 seamen’s
scarves, 3 aero caps, 15 turtle-neck
tuck-ins, 15 pairs seamen’s socks.
Surprises galore are in store for
those fortunate folks who manage
to see the Red Cross Revue in Hen
sall next
ping show,
be variety,
the way from a bit of light opera
to slapstick comedy. But of course
the main feature will be that “Truth
or Consequence” quiz which should
of the whole matter is that
. have to suffer the “conse-
if you fail to be at thii
in Hensall town hall
, March 24th.
W.M.S. Birthday
The ahnual birthday
W.M.S. of the United
held in the schoolroom of the churCh
on Tuesday at 3 p.m, There was a
splendid attendance of members
and guests, which
W.M.S. Of 'Chiselhurst,
dent, Mrs. W. B, Cross, was in the
chair and gave the welcome. Com*
miiiftity singing, directed by MlsS
Greta Lahithie with Mrs. Sherritt at
the piano. The guest speaker was.
Rev. Reba Hern, of Varna United
church, who gave a splendid ad*
dress on “Interrupted Power”
Albert Sherray contributed a
iug piano solo; vocal solo by
Broderick, accompanied by
Broderick; vocal duet by Doris and! Lloyd Buchanan; readings by Miss'
.. \
The-/ -
Tuesday evening. The
is lining up. a fast-step-
the motto of which will
The program ranges all
1 the Hensall W.I. was held at the
I home of Mrs. (Rev.) Weir on Wed
nesday evening, March 11th, with
l-the president, Miss Beryl Pfaff, in
the chair. The meeting was open
ed by singing the Institute Ode, fol
lowed by “Blest be the Tie That
Binds”. In the absence of the sec
retary, Mrs. Ken Hicks, the minut
es were read by Miss Gladys Luker.
The roll call was answered by the
handiest article in my kitchen. The
motto, “Take pains with your meals
and you won’t have <them after
wards”, was taken by Mrs. James
McAllister. A period of business
was held, during which plans were
made in connection with the ban2
quet to which the members of the
W.I. will cater on Friday evening
hand over the money on hand,at pre
sent to the Red Cross’. As the next
meeting will be the annual meeting,
a nominating committee was named
with Mrs. Blowes as convener and
Mrs. Kyle and Mrs. McLarnon are
to act with 'her. “Home on the
Range” was sung, aftei’ which Mrs.
Chipchase gave a demonstration on
how to hemstitch a border on a guest
towel. A duet was rendered by Dor
is and Lloyd Buchanan, “The White
Cliffs of Dover”, accompanied by
Doris on the guitar. As an encore
they sang “You Are My Sunshine”.
The guest speaker of the evening
•.was Mrs. Wilson Broadfoot, who
gave a very interesting talk. Mrs.
Broadfoot (the former Maud Mc
Lean) was a very active member
of the Hensall W.I. before her mar
riage and also was president for a
time. A humorous reading, given
by Miss Ellis, “Mrs. Candid Enter
tains" was much enjoyed, also “Some
Go to Church”. Mrs. W. C. Good
win, who was co-hostess for the
evening, conducted a number of
contests, after which a dainty lunch
was served by Mrs. McLarnon, Mrs.
Kyle and Mrs. McNaughton. A
vbte of thanks was tendered Mrs.
Weir for the use of her home. The
National Anthem was sung, bring
ing a delightful evening to a close.
Miss Gladys Luker presided at the
piano throughout. The April meet
ing will be held at the home of Mrs.
W. A. MacLaren.
C. G. I. T.
The C.G.I.T. of the Crediton Un
ited church held their regular meet
ing at the home of Joyce Chambers
on Saturday, March 14th. The meet
ing was opened with a sing-song
and prayer. Business was discuss
ed. The program presented by Lois
Swartz’s group was as follows:
Hymn “God Sees the Little Spar
row Fall”; prayer by Velma Hill;
poem by Donna Wright and a piano
instrumental by Joyce Chambers.
The study book, “Lantern in
;China Sky” was taken by
Swartz. Games were played
liunch was enjoyed by all.
next meeting will be held at the,
home of Betty Mawhinney’ on Mar.
Mission Circle Meeting
The March
Young People’s
the Evangelical
the home of Mr.
with twenty-two members in atten
dance. After the singing of the
creed, 'the president, Mrs. Lawr
ence Wein, took charge of the busi
ness. The stewardship phase for
this month was presented in the
form of a dialogue entitled “Sacri
fice”, aftei' which the literary com
mittee took charge of the follow
ing program: Quiet music, “Take
Time to be Holy”, scripture, res
ponsive reading in song and prose;
presentation of the study chapter,
of the committee, Mrs. Lorne Mor-
lock, Aldonna Wuerth, Lula Mol-
lard, Verna Cunningham, Mrs.
Lawrence Wein and Maleeda
It was moved that the W.I.
and Mrs. Ross Love
eithei1 be a riot or cause one.
you will
party of
church was
included the
The presi-
, Mrs,
themeeting of
Mission Circle of
church was held at
and Mrs, Ezra Faist
of Goderich,
Mr. Robert Mur-
the airport.
Lloyd Love and
visited on Sunday
solo, patriotic reading, vocal
St. Patrick’s reading, mouth
selection and song. A dainty
was served by the members
on, Friday
Love and
their farm
them pros-
Laurene Hern spent Sunday after
noon at her home.
The Farm Forum was held in the
Zion School on. Monday night.
Mrs. George Earl, of Exeter, spent
several* days in the community last
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake
spent Sunday evening With Mr. and
Mrs. James Earl.
Mrs. Arthur Kerslake and Patsy
spent a few days last week with Mr.
and Mrs, Melville Hern.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther
Visited on Sunday with Mr.
Warren Brock and Mrs.
Brock, Who celebrated her eight
ieth birthday.
A box social was held in Zion
school last Friday
Were lantern slides
after which Mr. It,
itidned the boxes,
which amounted to
wore for the church.
and Mrs.
evening. There
and a .program,
11. Dooley auc-
The proceeds,
thirty dollars,
Renew Now!
The next community meeting
be held Friday evening, March
Miss Olive Thacker spent
week-end with her parents',
and Mrs. Fred Pattison.
Mrs. Hiram Copeland has return
ed home after visiting a couple of
weeks with her
Miss Gladys
was a week-end
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes
ley Shier.
Mrs. Victor Cllatten and little
son are holidaying at the home of
her sister, Mrs. Ralph Denham, of
Fort Erie.
At last Sunday morning’s church
service Miss Alma TreWaitha sang
very sweetly the solo, “I Shall Not
Pass Again This Way”.
The Mission Band met last Sun
day afterno'on at 2 o’clock and Sun
day evening last the Young People’s
Union met in the basement of the
church. Lantern slides were shown,
pictures which had been taken all
across the continent. They were
both instructive and interesting.
The fourth community meeting
was held Friday evening last with
a splendid attendance and with the
Sth line taking charge of the pro
gram. Hey. A, Laing gave an In
teresting address; Miss Alma Tre
Waitha and Mrs. F. Pattison gave
humorous readings; Mrs. Fred Mills
favored with several selections on
guitar and mouth organ and Mr.
Wm. Rodd and Master J. Mills also
gave good readings; several sing
songs led by Miss TreWaitha en
livened the meeting. After this a
good time was spent At progressive
crokinole and lunch Was served by
the committee In charge. .
daughter, Ethel, in
Shier, of London,
guest at the home
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Hutchison.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young, of
Corbett, visited on Friday with
and Mrs. Eddy Hartle.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mellin, of
troit, spent the week-end with
and Mrs. Joe Carruthers. 1
Mr. John Schank,
has returned to
ray’s to work at
Mr. and Mrs.
baby, of London,
with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love.
Miss Helen Love visited over
the week-end with her grand-;
father, Mr. John Love, at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Mellin, of
Wheatley visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Car-
A number from here attended the
U.F.W.O. club dance at Mr. and
Mrs. Garnet Patterson’s
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh
Maurice have moved 'to
near Exeter. We wish
perity in their new home.
Mr. Thornton Sherritt, who had
the misfortune to break a bone in
his shoulder, is getting along nice
ly and will soon be able >to be
around again.
Coming home from school on
Monday evening, Master Gordon
Eagleson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Eagleson, had the misfortune to be
struck by a car and 'had his leg
broken above the knee. He Was tak
en to the hospital and we under
stand he is getting along nicely.
Art Brophey was the driver of
Mr. Edwin Millar and Mr, Clar
ence -Knight visited on Sunday with
Mr. Harold Penwarden.
Mr. and Mrs, F. Penwarden spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Brock of Zion, it being the
occasion of Mrs. W. Brock’s eight
ieth birthday.
The annual pot luck ’ supper of
the Home and School Club will be
held in thet school on Friday, Mar.
20th, for members and families and
anyone caring to join. The guest
speaker will be Mr. Beacom, of
Goderich. Everyone try to be on
Mr, W. T. Colwill is in the west
on a business trip. J
Miss Violet Watkins, of Exeter,
was a week-end guest with Mr. and
Mrs. Reg. Hodgson.
Miss Eleanor Downing, of Delhi,
spent the week-end with her friend,
Miss Ruby Merriam.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
Cecih Hodgson in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Pollard spent
Sunday in Thedford with relatives
and attended the funeral of the late
Mr. Andrew Flynn.
Shirley Lightfoot, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lightfoot is ill
with rheumatism. We hope that
she will soon be able to be around
Mr. and Mrs. R. Hale and family
of Montreal were visitors with Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Brown last week. Mr.
Hale, who was a former employee of
Mr. Brown, is now with the R.C.A.F.
Mrs. Geo. Cook, of London, spent
a couple of days last week with her
sister, Mrs. B. D. Cook, who is con
fined to her bed with poisoning in
her hand. Her many friends hope
for a speedy recovery.
On Friday evening of this week
the members of the Centralia Home
and School Club will meet in the
school for their annual supper meet
ing, followed by their regular month
ly meeting. A good program is be
ing planned and everybody is wel
The crokinole party held in the
schoolroom, of the church on Friday
evening under the auspices of the
Y.P.U. was well attended. Rev. Mer
riam was winner of the first prize,
a box of > chocolates, while Jean
Hepburn carried off the consolation
prize which was a bottle of ketch
up. Lunch was served and a very
enjoyable evening was brought to
a close
Mizpah benediction. The following
list of articles has been sent in:
6 pairs socks, 1 sweater, 2 pairs
mitts and gloves, 5 pairs seamen’s
boots, 2 alternative caps, 6 quilts,
26 pieces of refugee clothing, 43
bars soap.
wish them all
is attending a
To the sick. We
happy recovery.
Mr. A. W. Morgan
convention in Toronto.
The farmers’ club here have sold
nearly one ton of fish amongst
their members.
The unveiling of the Honor Roll
of the community will be held Eas
ter Sunday when Hon. J. C. Gar
diner will officiate.
Mr. B. Gardiner was home at the
end of the week, returning Sunday
afternoon to resume his studies at
Osgoode Hall, Toronto.
The North Thames Road section
of the farm forum held their meet
ing Monday night at Lumley school
with 33 in attendance which was
good considering the inclement
weather. The discussion was “What
Can the Rural School do to Help
the Farmers in the Community?”
An interesting discussion by Jour
groups followed,
more was in
served. The
Anthem was
tables being
ton was high lady; Mr,
high gent. The next
be taken by the young people of
the community next Monday.
Reeve F. Pass-
the chair, Lunch was
singing of the National
in play.
by euchre, 7
Mrs. O'. Hdr-
E. Pym Was
meeting will
by singing the National An-
• Bad colds have been quite preva
lent around here.
Miss Bessie Johns visited in Exe
ter the end of last week.
Many cellars have been flooded
from the thaws and heavy rain.
Mr. John Brock had a very
cessful sale of farm stock and
plements last Thursday, There
a very large number present.
The Elimville Farm Forum
at Mr. Sam John’s on Monday night
of this week. The subject was
“Rural Education.”. Following a
discussion which proved very in
teresting, lunch was. served. Three
delegates were appointed to at
tend the Federal Convention held,
in Toronto. Messrs. Rollie Williams,
William Elford and Edwin Miller
are the delegates and they left Tues
day morning. The meeting next
week will be held at Rev. Mair’s.
The March meeting of the W.A.
was held at the home of Mrs. Wm.
Routly with Mrs. Garnet Johns in.
charge. The meeting was opened
with hymn number 63 and prayer
by Mrs. Garnet Johns. The scrip
ture lesson, Psalm 46, was read al
ternately. Miss Dora Delbridgd gave
a reading, “The Master is Risen In
deed”; Mrs. Hubert Heywood also
gave a reading, “I«t Can Be. Done”;)
Anna Routly gave a recitation, “Fuz
zy Wuzzy”; hymn number 81 was
sung; Mrs. Jack Delbridge read a
number, “The Ladies Aid Helps the
War Effort; the roll call was ans
wered by eleven members on “Sup
and the meeting closed with hymn
ten cent tea was served at the close
of the meeting.
Dishes”. The minutes of the
meeting were read and adopted
and the Mizpah benediction. A
■ $2.45
Y.P.U. Meeting
Y.P.U. held their regular
meeting in the schoolroom
church on Tuesday evening
week with twenty-two mem-
The president open-
of the
of last
bers present,
ed the meeting with the use of a
hymn followed by prayer by Bob
Blair. Bill Elliott, citizenship con
vener, then took charge of the meet
ing. The scripture lesson was read
and a very interesting topic Was
3 lbs. — $1.00 9 lbs.
Further Reduction on Larger
, Guaranteed no Filler
Results considered, you will find
this powder miequalled as a tonic
for all farm stock
* * *
Robertson’s Drug Store
Cann’s Grist Mill
Roy Francis, Kirkton •
E. Allen, Cromarty
by Don Blair. Games fol-
and were enjoyed by all.
Red Cross Meeting
March 10th the meeting ofOn
the Centralia Red Cross unit was
held in the church basement, with
15 ladies present. During the
qiuilting of two large quilts and
one cot quilt the meeting was called
to order by the president, Mrs. R,
Smith, opening with the u§e of one
Verse of “O Canada” aftei’ which
the president led in prayer,
secretary’s report was read
adopted, The treasurer’s report
read, which showed that to
$96.76 had been handed to
Exeter branch of the Red Cross. The
report of the refugee committee was
given by the convener. It was mov
ed and Carried that the meeting be
held on the third Tuesday of each
month. Several suggestions were,
given for making money hut none
were decided on. The meeting'
was closed by all repeating the
Gov’t. Approved Plant
by most modern methods
2000 Bushels
Cartier Oats
Commercial Nd. 1
tackle Bros.
Whalen, Or»t.
Business Phone Kirkton
Residence Phone Lucan