The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-03-05, Page 5Ra gs 5 THE EXETER TIMES,ADVOCATE
under the auspices pf the
Canadian Legion
FRIDAY, MARCH 6th, 1942
Bingo starts at 8.30 sharp
15 — Prizes — 15
Hams & Blankets, 1 Consolation
6 Specials, 3-25c cash, prizes
Ladies please provide lunch
Lunch Prize
General Admission—35c
theMr. Douglas Sangster spent
week-end in Stratford,
We are sorry to report that
G. C. Petty still continues quite
ill, ,
Mr. Morley Sanders is at present
visiting at his home near Toronto.
Miss Barbara Shepherd, of Clin
ton, spent the week-end at her home
Mr. Laird Hudson, of London, is
spending a holiday with friends in
Miss Margaret E. Sangster is at
tending Clinton School of Com
Mr, and Mrs. David Kilpatrick, of
London, spent Sunday with friends
in Hensall*
Miss Ruth Mcllvenna is spend
ing a holiday at her home near
North Bay.
Carl Dators had his tonsils re
moved on Monday at the office of
Dr. D. 7 ~
Mr. and Mrs,
by Mr. Art Bushie.
The W.C.T/U. held a quilting at
the home of Mrs. Saundercock on
Monday for the Red Cross.
Miss Dorothy Brazier, of Lon
don, spent a couple of days recent
ly with Dr. and Mrs. Steer.
Mr, John McGregor, of Hay town
ship was taken to London recently
in the interests of his health.
Reeve R. E. * Shaddick, Mrs.
Shaddick and Judy spent a few days
in Toronto during the past week.
Miss Margaret Tudor, of Dundas,
is spending a few days with her
parents,* Mr. and Mrs. Stan Tudor.
Miss Irene Smale, of London, is
spending a few weeks with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Smale.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Siemon, of Kit
chener, spent the week-end with the
latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie
Miss Elinor Cook entertained a
number of her friends uri Saturday
last, the ’ occasion being her elev
enth birthday.
The monthly meeting of the Hen-
sal! W.I., will he held at the home
of Mrs. Weir on Wednesday even
ing, March 11th.
Mrs. Edith McMartin, of Barrie,
was a recent visitor with her moth
er, Mrs. R. Bonthron and sister,
Mrs. L. Simpson.
Sunday School was cancelled in
the different churches on Sunday
owing to an epidemic of scarlet fe
ver in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Abbott and
daughter, Rosemary, of London,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Farquhar.
The W.M.S. of the United church
will meet at the home of Mrs. W.
B. Cross on Thursday afternoon,
March 5th, at 3 p.m.
AC2 Kenneth Manns, of the
R.C.A.F. Manning Pool, returned to
Toronto. He was accompanied by
his mother, Mrs. Manns.
Mrs. MacAllister Green (nee Jean
Bonthron), of London, spent a short
time recently with ’ her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonthron.
Archdeacon Doherty of London
called on G* C, Petty recently. Rev.
Doherty was a former rector of St,
Paul’s church here for a number of
Mr*. and Mrs* Peter -McNaughto.n
motored to Toronto on Friday and
while there visited with Mrs, Mae
McNaughton, who has been on the
sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Paterson
spent part of last week with friends
in Toronto. Mr. Paterson was at
tending the municipal convention
to London On Thursday where Pat
sy will remain tor a time, with her
grandmother, Mrs. Brazier*
While visiting at his home here
Pte. Garnet Allan, of Kitchener,
had the misfortune.during a hockey
game to have his eye severely cut
by the puck* Several stitches were
required to close the wound. 4
The United Church Senior Mis
sion Circle will meet on ^Monday
evening, March Sth, at the home of
Mi’s. Harvey McLarnon. The theme
is “Christian Love” arid the roll
call is to (be answered by a verse
about love.
been news reporter
Times-Advocate for
weeks, has had the
stalled in her home
pleased to -receive
tions, renewals, etc*,
mentioned paper.
G. Steer.
Otto Stephen have
the house recently vacated
Jh Carmel Presbyterian church
splendid addresses were delivered
by Rev. Wm. Weir. The morning t
text was taken from John 19-26-27, i
“Woman, behold thy son—Behold ■
thy mother.”
was “My Soul Longeth for Thee”J
the solo parts being taken by W. A.
MacLaren and Rev. Weir. The ev-*
suing anthem was “Hymn of Lovej
and Peace”. j
Rev, R, A. Brook was in charge
of both ^services on Sunday at the |
United church. At the morning
service a delightful trio, “Howj
Sweet to Pray”, was rendered by,
C. Blowes, W, O. Goodwin and H.!
Horton. Rev. R. A. Brook took for.
his text, the “Beginning of the
Apostles’ Creed”. Text for the ev
ening was “Secret Discipleship”.
Again a trio was sung by the same
men, the title being “For the Man of
Schools Closed
Hensail Public and Continuation
schools were closed from Wednes
day of last week until Monday,
March 9, on orders of Dr.
Steer, .medical officer of
Two cases of scarlet fever
ported in the village. The
Loan concert, sponsored
Junior Red Cross of Hensall Pub
lic School, scheduled for Thursday,
was postponed until a latex’ date.
Boundary Red Cross
The boundary Red Cross workers
spent a social evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. 'Stanley Mitchell
on Tuesday, February 24 th, to
honor Mr. and Mrs. James Oke be
fore their departure for their new
home near St. Marys. The even
ing was spent in progressive euchre.
Mrs. J, Bolton won the ladies’ high
and Mr. J, Glenn the gent’s high.
The consolation prizes were won by
Mrs. G* Hamilton arid J. Traquair.
This was followed by a cow calling
contest. Mrs. Oke was then call
ed upon while Mrs. J. Bolton read
an address and Mrs. S. McQueen
presented Mrs. Oke with a kitchen
stool. Mrs. Oke expressed her
Thursday* Mart 5 th.
Sexed wild Noti-Sexed
To Dr, and Mrs. Smillie on tho
occasion of the termination of
the doctor’s long and very sue*
cessful practice in Hensall:
We, your fellow members of the
The morning anthem, Session of Hensall United church
j desire to express to you our real
ization of the great loss we are [ about to sustain in the removal of
. so valued a member, Your wise [ counsel will be greatly missed at
meetings of the Session and meet-
[ Ings. of the official board when
matters of vital importance to the
I churc’h come up for discussion, and
[ being a distinguished soloist, you
[ will be greatly missed as a member
I of the ehoir. Not oply the Session,
but the members and adherents of
Hensall United Church will watch
your future with great expectancy
and will wish you and Mrs. Smillie
the best of health and prosperity in
your advancement to the member
ship of a clinic, in your new field
,in the prosperous town of Kamloops,
B.C. Indeed, it is with feelings of
inadequacy that we attempt to in
dicate to you, pot only that we have
recognized' your great success as
a medical practitioner, but also to
*place on record our appreciation of
the valuable services you and Mrs.
Smillie have rendered in our church
and Sunday School.
As a slight
many excellent
your estimable
and as a more
of our appreciation, we ask you to
accept this travelling bag, which we
trust you will receive in the very
hearty spirit in which it is pre
Signed on behalf of the Session,
H. Horton, Clerk
Council Meeting ’
The regular meeting of the Vil
lage Council was held on Monday
evening at 8 p.m. in the Council
Chamber with all members present
except Councillor H. Horton. Min
utes of the previous meeting were
read and adopted on motion of
Councillors Cameron and Kerslake.
R. J. Patterson, tax collector, re
ported having received $94.55 since
the last meeting. It was moved
by Parkins and Cameron and car
ried that t'he collector be given un
til April 6th to hand in the tax roll.
T. Kyle reported re wood for the
Library as being nearly done. Reeve
Shaddick reported that he had re
ceived a letter from Dr.' J. Bell
coinpaining about boys trespassing
and shooting on his property. J.
A.* Patterson reported on 'his at
tendance at the convention in To- __ .
l’onto and stated some of the pro-1 time with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hod-
posed changes likely to take' effect j gins.
In regard to the Assessment Act. J
He also with]
relief to C. Mitchell and E. Staple-1
ton and concerning soldiers’ bills.!• Adelegation from the Huron!
County Plowing Match Committee1
appeared, composed of H. Hill and*. Mr.7 and Mrs. Harry Isaac and
J. Shearer, asking for a grant ■of' family were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
$75.00 for the same. This mat-j John McGinnis recently,
ter was laid over until the next i
meeting. !
Correspondence was read as fol- J
lows: E. Stapleton, inspector of i
Mothers’ Allowances, Dr. J. Bell, I
Dept, of Health, Dept, of Highways, (
Assoc, of Rural Municipalities, Bell.1
Telephone Co., A.C.2 K. Manns,
R.C.A.F.; Pte. F. C. Beer, R.C.O.'C.; j
Monteith & Monteith, Town of
Dundas. These were considered
and filed.
Per Cameron .and Kerslake, that
council grant a taxi.license to any
one desiring same for the fee of
$5.0'0. Carried.
It was moved by Cameron and
Kerslake and carried that the- fol
lowing bills and accounts be paid:
F. G. ' ‘ ‘ *
$25.00; Municipal World, supplies,
$.11.71; Hensall Hydro, hall, $9.8'0;
R. Middleton, soldiers’ bills, etc.,
$16.05; Bonthron & Drysdale, hall,
$13.38, rink, $4.’02, total, $17.40;
J. A, Paterson, membership Munici
pal Association, $5.00; T. Kyle, sal
ary, $70.00; F'.’ G. Bonthron, post
age, $5.00; O* Geiger, snow remov
al, $2.00, plowing, $13*20, total,
$15.20; W. Dabus, labor, s.r., 8'0c;
W. Love, labor, s.r., 80c; W. Hilde
brand, s.r„ 80c; R. Dick, labor, rink,
$39.50; K. Noakes, labor, rink,
$2^60; J. Beer, labor, rink, $4.00?
total, $243.66.
Moved by Parkins and 'Cameron,
that B'y-lawS No. 4 and 5 be given
first and second readings. Carried.
Per Kerslake-and Parkins that By
laws 4 and 5 be given third and
final reading. Carried.
Per Cameron. „7__ ______ ___
Council hdjdurn until April 6 th or
and Mis* J. Pollard visited
on Sunday with* Mr. and Mrs, J.
Prout, of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Penwarden
.and Harold visited with relatives In
London on Sunday.
Mr. __
June, of London, visited
j. sieamon on Saturday.
Mr,, and Mrs, Hugo
and Douglas spent the
with Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Mr. Fred Warner and Mr. A.
Hamilton, R.C.A.F*, visited on Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs, A. Gaiser, at
Mr. Fred Baynham, of the R. C,
A. F, at St. Thomas and Mrs. Bayn
ham were Sunday visitors with Mr,
and Mrs, Geo, Baynham,
Visitors during the past week
with Mrs. H. Mills were Mr. and
and Mrs. M. sieamon and
D. G*
are re
by the
recognition of the
qualities you and
wife both possess
tangible expression
After a delicious lunch all
to their homes.
Seed Show
South Huron Agricultural,
held its annual seed show
town hall here on Friday,
The speaker, Prof.
in the
February 27.
A. W. Manson, congratulated the
farmers ofi their attendance and the
splendid quality of ithfe exhibits.
There was a particularly good ex
hibit of early oats: At the conclu
sion of the meeting William Alex
ander, of Hensail, member of the
bean delegation to Ottawa, gave an
encouraging report.
Campbell spoke for
A. R.
Mrs. W. Spencer of St. Thomas and
Mt. and Mrs*Truman Mills,of
Gail Spring,who has been ill
with pneumonia for the past ten
days is making a rapid recovery.
Mrs, N, Baker s the nurse in at-
Doug Murray,son of Mr.and
Mrs. Harold Murray, wbo has been ill for the past few weeks is get-|
ting along nicely. We hope that
he will soon be able to return to
Mrs. Clarence Smith of Bidd'ulp'h
and Mr. Leonard Smith, of the Pet-
awawa training camp and Mr. and
Mrs. L. Davey and family of near
Exeter were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, R. Davey.
Miss Ruby Merriam, of the high
school teaching staff, at Delhi, is
recovering from a nervous break
down at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown spent
Sunday with the latter’s parents in
Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser, John
Gaiser and William Gaiser, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Haist and Gordon Haist
and Mrs. William Bowman attend
ed the silver wedding of Mr. and
Mrs. William Decker, of Zurich,
last Friday,
We are glad to report that Mr.
John Morlock and Mr. Albert Mor*
Jock are improving from their re
cent Illnesses.
Bob Blackwell, of the R.C.A.F.
Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the
week-end here.
LAC Jack England and LAC Phil
Gallop, of Guelph, spent the week
end at the- former’s home here.
Federation Makes County Survey
During the past two weeks Fed-,
eration of Agriculture officials have
been making a systematic survey
of the farm situation in Stephen
township. Canvassers have been
making a farm to farm visit, fill
ing out survey forms, The survey
is most complete and delves into
the labor situation as well as the
livestock and crop situation, At
the same time valuable information
dealing with the family and home
life of the community has been
Victory Loan Concert
In spite of the fact that dub to the
(road conditions, most of the mem
bers of the Sharon school were un
able to make the grade, the Victory
Loan concert at Crediton was a suc
cess on Wednesday evening. There
was a good attendance and the Cre-
Alton students presented the “Build
ers of Canada”. Sidney Brown act
ed as chairman, and he spoke brief
ly on Canada and the part she is
taking in the war. H. K. Eilber gave
a brief talk and Dr. Taylor, of
Dashwood, was the main speaker of
the evening, and stressed the
of buying Victory Bonds.
Rev. and Mrs. Merriam. Her
friends hope to see her out
in the near future.
Owing to the bad roads
was only a fair crowd at the sup
per in the church on Friday evening.
Following the supper a good pro
gram, consisting of musical num
bers by the Main St. male quartette
and a
very fine lecture by Rev. E. I
was presented to an apprec-
and Mrs. John Steeper are
It’s a boy. |
all smiles.
Mr., Harold Pollock, of ■ Detroit,
spent the week-end" with friends
Mr. Jimmie Eagleson spent some
Here They Are
Usual High Bray Quality
HERE it is, chick time again.
And again we offer yon the
usual high-quality Bray Chicks
—with an added year of breed
ing, an added year of skil
led selection for that com
bination of vigor, livability,
fast growth, early and steady
egg production *a n d e»x t r a
good meat qualities that made
the Bray Chick so famous.
This is a year of unusual
opportunity in the poultry
business. Don’t risk a slip-up.
Start the old reliable Bray
Chicks, and get started right!
That’s what hundreds of poul
try raisers do every year, “Nev
er had cockerels bring in so
much.”—Mrs. L. Bryan, Bee-
, “Wish I had or-
Never had better
my life.”.—L. P*
ton, Ont. . .
dered more, chickens 'in
Hansen, Pugwash Jet., N.S.,, . .
"Wonderful layers, gobd hardy
birds.”,—Nelson Whitlock, Gay
town, P.E.L . . . "Bought 100
from you last year, and made
. Sexed ancl
'#'■ **
♦ * *
money, so thought I would take
an extra 1.5'0 this year.’’—Mrs.
Wesley Nichol, Lennoxville, P.Q.
. , , "Pullets are grand, eggs
just rolling along.”—Mrs. O. R*
Bradley, Little Current, Ont. . .
"Best in years. Bray’s for me
from now on.”—Mrs,
bell, Nestleton, Ont, , »
I ever raised.”—Mrs. Spriggs,
Duck Lake, Sask. Isn’t that
the kind of bird YOU want?
(Fred W. Bray Limited)
Exeter, Phone 246 or John St, North, Hamilton, Ont.
Agents: Canada Packers, Exeter; Alvin W. Kerslake,
Hensail; N. W. Wiley, Farmers’ Co-operative, Ailsa Craig
Armouries, London
Mr. Carl Wein spent a few
in Toronto and other places.
Mrs, E. Edighoffer, of Zurich,
spent a few days with relatives here
last 'week.
Master Peter Cowan, of Exeter,
visited with Mr, and Mrs. Harold
j Kellerman last Friday.
Miss Grace Hayt'er and friend,
j of Toionto, spent a few days with
her mother, Mrs. Hayter.
i Mr. and Mrs. Graham Arthur, of
’ Exeter, were Sunday visitors with
Mr. and Mrs. T. Hopcroft.
I Mr. Carl Oestreicher, who is
tending O.A.C. at Guelph, spent
week-end with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gaiser; of
troit, spent the week-end w*th
brothei’, Mr. Chester Gaiser.
'Donald Oestreicher, of London
Medical School, and Eunice, who is
attending Normal School, spent the
week-end at their home here.
Word was received here last
week of the death of Mrs. Graup
ner, in Ann Arbor Hospital, Mich.,
following a lengthy illness. Mrs.
Graupner was in her 71st year and
the ’Mr.
March 9, IO and 11
the Victory
Loan. The exhibits and winners
i were as follows: "Fall wheat, W. R.
’ Dougall, H. Desjardine; early oats,
H. Desjardine, Lome Chapman,
Earl Kinsman, W. Consitt; late
oats, W. R. Dougall, Earl Kinsman,
Alex Buchanan; six-rowed barley,
kW. R. Dougall, H. Desjardine; Rus
sell Manson; field beans, W. R.
Dougall; timothy seed, W. R. Dou
gall, H. Desjardine; red clover
seed, Earl Kinsman, W. R. Dou
gall; sweet clover seed, H. Des
jardine; .alsike seed, William Con
sitt; ■ early potatoes, Earl Kinsman,
Peter Kilpatrick; potatoes, gen
eral crop, W. R. Dougall, Earl’ Kins
man, Lome Chapman. Prof. A. W.
Manson was judge..
The Exeter-Hensall branch of
the W.C.T.U. .met in the. United
church, Hensall, on Thursday after
noon. Mrs. Jinks was in the chair
for the devotional period. The
meeting opened with the singing of
the hymn “Take Time to be Holy,”
followed by the Lord’s prayer. The
scripture lesson was read by Mrs.
Cross and the devotional, “Looking
Backward or Forward” was taken
by Mrs. Ma'ud Hedden. Prayers
were offered by Miss Douglas, Mrs.
McQueen, Mrs. Cross and Mrs* Hed
den. Miss Douglas contributed a
pleasing piano solo, "Excelsior”. The
closing prayer was taken by Mrs.
Jinks. Miss Consitt took the chair
for the remainder of the meeting.
After the roll call and the reading
of the minutes of the last meeting,
a period of business followed. Mrs.
V. Fee reported for the quilt com
mittee and had a
A discussion took
at Petawawa, for
are contributing*
secretary of the provincial W.
T. U., Will visit the County’of Hur
on the first two weeks in May. Let
ters of appreciation were l’ead from
Miss Eva Penrose, Mrs. A. E*
Lloyd and Mrs. Anderson, for acts
of kindness and messages of sym
pathy from the society. The sec
retary Was instructed to send a let
ter of sympathy to Miss EVa Pen
rose in connection with the recent
death of her father,
of the meeting,
Frances Williard”,
Mrs. Jinks, Maud
Fee and Mrs. Hess,
gave the treasurer’s,
decided to send $10*<00 to the bud
get fund. The closing hymn, “A
Call fot Loyal Soldiet’s,** followed
by prayer by Miss Murray, brought
a most Interesting meeting
Address and Frosichtation
Dr. and Mrs. Snilllio
Tlje following is thea address
the departure
quilt on display,
place re canteen
which members
Miss Duffield,
was held In the Royal York
D. G. Steer, MrS. Steer and
daughter, Patricia, motored
Minnie Sangster, who has
for the Exeter
the past six
i telephone in-
and would be
new subscrip*
for the above-
Bonthron, insurance, rink,
and Parkins that
Call of the
Reeve. Carried.
A. Paterson. Clerk
The theme
The ’ Life of
Was taken by
Hedden, Mrs,
Mrs. McQueen
report.. It was
read on behalf of the
United church updn
bf Dr. and Mrs. I ,G.
A real friend is a person who will
listen patiently when you tell him
a number of things he had heard be
If you bought a bushel of wheat
you’d Want to lciioW how many
pounds per bushel. AV hen you buy
Cod Liver Oil be sure to ask how
many vitamins per gallon.
Ours contains 4,000 Vlt*A and 400
Vlt. D for every teaspoonful
$2.50 per gallon, container extra
Your tlrugs at
Phone GO IBxeter
Messrs. Brown are doing custom
work at the sawmill.. The yard is
well filled with logs.
Miss Sophia Young has returned
home after spending a week with
friends at Grand Bend.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hutchinson,
Gordon and Bruce, visited Mr. and
Mrs. Wes. Mellin recently.
Mrs. Joseph Eagleson and Gra
ham visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. Enis Rock and family.
Mr. and Mrs. John McGinnis
spent Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Garfield Steeper and Lyle.
Mr. and Mrs. ,Garfield Steeper
and Lyle spent Sunday evening with
Mrs.’Joseph Eagleson and Graham.
The Second Victory Loan cam
paign program held Tuesday night
in the parish hall,. Greenway, was
well attended.
Miss June Steeper and ‘Master
Bobby Steeper spent two weeks
with their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Steeper.
Mr. Cecil Pickering, of London, I
and Private John Pickering, of
Chatham training camp spent the
week-end with Mr. and, Mrs. Thomd's
Corsant and family.
Mr. Earl Steeper narrowly es
caped serious injury while putting
air in a tire. The tire became
over-expanded and blew out, strik
ing him on the arms and legs.
Mrs. Elizabeth McBryan, of Thed
ford, and sons Stewart and Wilson
visited Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Mur-!
ray and Bobby on Thursday after
noon. Mr. Harold McBryan re-,
turned home with them.. |
The .Ladies’ Guild church, Greenway, are holding a1
ten-cent tea and social evening in;
the parish hall ou March
day evening. Everyone
Mrs. J. Carruthers will be
ess for the evening.
of Grace
5, Thurs-
the host-
Mr. Jerome O’Rourke, of London,
spent the week-end with his mother,
Mrs. J. O’Rourke.
Mrs. E. ‘Wurm and baby, of St.
Catharines, spent the past
with her parents, Mr. and
Arthur Willert.
Mrs, Clement McCann and.
returned home from st.
Hospital, London, On
Both arc getting along fine,
Mr. Clement McCann and his
| aunt, Miss Tena McGann, and Mr.
! and Mrs. Alonzo McCanh, attend
ed the funeral of the late Mrs,
Levi McCann, in Detroit on Tues-'
Mr. Arthur Willert, who has been
a patient in St. Jos^jph/s Hospital,’
London, for the .past three weeks,
returned home on Friday. He is
getting along as well as can be ex
pected. |
Talking Pictures
be remembered by friends of
Lutheran congregation where
Graupner was pastor 18 years
after which they left to re
in Farmington, Mich.' Their
___j friends here extend their
sincere sympathy to the bereaved
husband and family.
The Y.P.'U. presented their play
at Kirkton last* Friday night.
There have been several Red Cross
quiltings in this vicinity lately.
Mr. Franklin Skinner is serving
on the jury in Goderich this week.
Mrs. Alec Crago and Billie, of
Kirkton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Will Routly last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell spent
a couple of days in’London the lat
ter part of last week. Mr. Bell at
tended a Watkins convention.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Harrison and
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Harrison, of
Farquhar, were Sunday visitors at
the home, of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Mrs. John Cann, of Thames Road,
Mrs, A. Gardiner, of Farquhar, Mrs.
G. Duncan, of Plugtown and Mrs..
P. Passmore, Of Thames Road, were
visitors at t$e home of Mr. Will
Johns last Thursday, the former
remaining for the week-end.
Miss Mary Yeo visited with friends
in London over the week-end.
■Sunday being quite a nice day,
a number visited at t'heir cottages
Mrs. Mansell Mason is visiting in
London with her daughter, hfr<s. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Becker, of Dash
wood, visited Mr. Richard Webb
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Statton, of
Forest, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Statton on Sunday.
Mrs. Rufus Turnbull spent a few
days last week with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Dean Brown at Green
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Turnbull
left last "Saturday for Winnipeg,
where they will visit for a month
or more.
Miss Mary Turnbull, who has
been clerk at Holt’s store for the
past five months, has returned to
her home.
Miss Velma Baker visited friends
in the community last week and
also with her sister, Mrs. Manford
and Mrs. Enos Herdman,of
Elimville, visited on Monday With
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jaques and
daughters visited on Sunday With
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. Jaques, of Elimville.
Miss Gladys Jarrott, of the vil
lage and Mr. E. Smith, of Guelph,
visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
H* Smith, of near Varna/
Mi’s. Allan Johnson is teaching
this week in Lumley school owing
to the illness of the teacher, Miss
Mabel Workman, of Hensall.
Victor Jeffery, Who has been
confined to his home with a mild
case of diphtheria is now doing well
Red Cross shipping day is March
. 6th, owing to the Red Cross con
vention in Toronto the following
Orville Cann who Is at present
in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, is
doing very well 'under his present
The Y.P.U, Of the Thames Road
church were guests of the Elim*
vilie Y.P.U. on Tuesday night. A
total of sixty were present and all
report a good time.
Luther, who has been ill with pneu
monia but is now improving nicely.
Mr. Ronald Squire, who has'been
ill for several weeks, is around
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Duffield were
recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
Hooper, of the 8th line.
Mr. Robert (Knowles, of St.
Marys was a recent visitor with
Mr. and Mrs. E. French.
Mrs. Gordon
lis, of Munro,
days with Mr,
Miss Maida
been a patient in Victoria Ho^frital
London, the past week,
home on Sunday.
Mrs. Louisa .Gunning
her 86th birthday last
Docking and Phyl-
visited for a few
and Mrs. Frank
Morley, who has
Mrs. Gunning still enjoys real good
health and is very active.
Miss Eunice Parkinson has re
turned to London, having been
confined to her home here suffering
from measles for ten days.
Mt, and Mrs. Howard Morley, of
Hazel Park, Mich., and Miss Jean
Morley, of Kirkton, spent the week
end with Mr, and Mrs. Witt. Mor
ley* 9
It’s Here
.The month of March always brings spring thoughts arid
interested glances at the car lots
The wise purchaser buys when he has a good choice. Buy
to-day from this fine assortment——
1941 V8 Delux Tudor, only 6000 miles
1939 Delux Chevrolet Fordor, Blue
2—1939 Plymouth Tudors, Black
1938 Silver Streak Pontiac Sedan, Blue
1938 Ford Delux Fordor, Black
1937 Standard Chevrolet Tudor, Green
1936 Dodge Delux Fordor, Blue
1935 ‘ ‘ ~~ ’
7 model A Fords and ether cheaper car is
Dodge delux Tudor, Black
B4 Ford Tudor
Chevrolet half-ton Express
Chevrolet half-ton Panel* good
Ford A half-ton Express
These cats are all equipped with good tires and most of
them with heUtfers.