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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-26, Page 8
M OTVBSPAY,. WWT M xm t V’s Beauty Shoppe ’ For Permanents of Lasting Reality Spiral, (’roquinole. Combination Machineless VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets New or old wheat, $1.09. Creamery butter, 39c* 29c 27c. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe Canadian Legion Exeter-Hensall Branch '........................ ■ •••■ Canadian Legion Rooms, Exeter THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26th i at 8,80 sluu>p I I iI i 15 Rounds Dpor Prize; — 6 Extra Rounds — Chickens, Hams and Blankets General Admission, 25c TLMES-ADVOCATE DRAW FOR PRIZES SATURDAY NIGHT Who are going to be the lucky winners of the $25.00 War Savings Certificate and This draw will evening next at is invited to be 16 other prizes? he made Saturday 9 .p.m. The public present. Au electric “V” for victory, red, has been erected in the of Exeter’s Main street and UP -prominently at night. The many friends of Mrs. Kestle, who has been seriously ill in Victoria Hospital, London, will be pleased to know that she is mak ing splendid improvement. The weather has been cold and' brisk during the past week. A snow storm visited this section | over the week-end, country roads were blocked, on day but were soon cleared for tic. -y, in centre shows V. J. this Some of the Sum traf- OVER IN WAR SAVINGS STAMPS The pupils of the Exetei’ School are wax’ minded. topped the $400 mark in Wax* Sav ings Certificates. Eggs. A Large, Eggs, Medium, Eggs, B, 22c Dressed Hogs,$14.65. THANK YOU We wish to express oui" sin cere thanks for the splendid patronage that has been af forded us during our stay in Exeter. We have appreciated the many kind friendships formed while here. C. TANTON | I Cl. —Ill I| I. MU l> W II mm ‘1 -W -| n. 4M—MUBHH0W»O—n»<<□ I. Ii LOCALS i I I [ Miss P. Russel, of London, spent the week-end with hei’ Miss Jean Kirk, spent the week-end at Miss Doris Cutting, spent the week-end at hex’ home here. Mr. H. S. Walter spent the week end in London with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Grant. Miss Velma Baker, of Dundas, ■ spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. N. Wells. 1 Mrs. Emma Ross, of neax- Sea- i forth, is visiting -fox' a few days with ■ M*rs. Jas, Green, Mrs. Arthur Ford, of Farquhar, 1 spent the week-end with hei’ rnoth-i er, Mrs. J. Harding. Mr. Eddie Coombs, Jr,, who has been laid up for several weeks, is LOCALS mother. of London, hex* lioxne. of London, High. abie t0 be up and around again. They have _____. I n March 24 for a musical! Sne ’ T_________1 Mr Misses Jean and Isabelle Snell, of Forest, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and M‘rs.( Wm. All. Work Exeter * Guaranteed Reserve I treat. London Male Choir at James St. Church under the auspices of the Wai’ Service Unit. The Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for ’ fertilizer and would like all orders in early, as the fertilizer companies expect a shortage. All the March orders are allowed until May for-payment and April orders are cash on delivery. Also booking orders for fresh fro zen whitefish. For price and par ticulars call any one of the direc tors or Percy Passmore, get, the club meeting March 5th at 8.30 p.m more,. Sec.-Treas. Don’t for- on Thursday, -P. Pass- ltc FOR geese. SALE—A gander and Phone 24r25, Crediton two ltc IFOR sleigh, ter. •SALE — Good one-horse Apply to W. F. Abbott, Exe- Phone 30. * ltp FOR SALE—Small frame house, new furnace, conveniences, 3 bed rooms. -Small brick house, con veniences, hardwood floors, fur nace, garage, ,W- C. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE—Anyone wishing to secure Holstein heifei’ calves apply to James Gardiner, phone v Kirkton. 21rl0, ltp to 50 spring WANTED TO RENT—25 acres of land suitable for grain seeding. Apply Harvey God- , bolt, Centralia, phone Exeter 185rl3. ltc. FOR SALE—The J. Richard farm of 100 acres, with brick house, barn, granary. Bargain and easy terms. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ' FARM FOR RENT—75 acres of choice land, good barn with good stabling, good house, a nevei’ fail ing spring. Lot 29, con. 14, Hib-! bert. Apply to Francis Ryckxnan, I Hensail. Box 262. 2tp ’ IFOR SALE—Some feed turnips, also some Cartier oats grown fi’om registex’ed .seed, 75c bus. Apply G. Hamilton, phone 73rl2, Hensall. | 2tc j LOST—A. beagle hound with brown head and brown and white body. Apply to Nelson Schenk, R.R. 2, Crediton. 2>tc i offer- Both FARMS FOR SALE-—Never ed before, 100 and 150 acres, with flue buildings, silo and bush. Hydro Ofid water throughout. Rea- Pick-sonable price. Terma. C. V. ard, -phone 165, Exeter. FOR SALE-—Comfortable brick house, nice lot, all conveniences. Several other homes, C, V. Pick ard, Exeter. Ssc GOd. F. Clark for all kinds of wlndmLls, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R. R. t Dashwood. CASH FOR FOX HORSES. Dead animals removed, vice, day or night Two-hour set- Phone CrcdL ton/47rit>, collect Jack William? p.m. 25c guns her at 8 o’clock in the Exeter Arenaanswered Are HereFRIDAY NIGHT Lucan and Exeter Admission 25c and 10c Horton was hostess was World Day of Prayer Ont., 21, 1942 New Prints and Broadcloth We have a big range to choose from of the new patterns and colorings. We would advise early choice as prints are very hard to get. See our new lines. 25c, 30c, 35c THE GAME OF THE SEASON Signed oxx behalf of those THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Phone 245 Norm Hockey agent for • * * We will call for and deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, ALBERTA COAL i J Just arrived another car of Alb erta Coal. Now is the time to fill your bins with good Canadian coal. Phone 33 Jas. P. Bowey We also have lots of Nut on hand. Coke I I SPAHR’S Remedy I I 1I I I Mr. Frank Week-es, of Hamilton, visited the forepart of the week with his aunts, the Misses Weekes, of town. Miss Mary Margaret McEwen, of Ailsa Craig, has enlisted with the Women’s Division of the R.C.A.F. at London. Mr, Eli Sims, of Crediton; *vvho‘ was injured at the airport, spent Tuesday with his brother, Mr. Ev erett Sims. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Beaver and Mr. Aubrey Farquhar, of spent the week-end at the Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mr. Laverne Christie, Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end with his .parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie. Mrs. J. M. Adolph, who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robertson for the past month, left Friday last for hei’ home in Cal gary, Alta. Mrs. Mousso and Marion and Mr. Harold Broderick, of St. Catharines, spent the week-end at the home of their parents, Mr., and M'rs. Eve lyn Broderick. Mt. Wm. Dunsford, R.C.A.P.C., of Kitchener, Miss Mary Baekei’ and Mr. Ralph Gettner, of London, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Percy 'Dunsford. Rupert Easton Nelson Merriam son of Rev. and Mrs. Merriam, of Centralia, has enlisted with the R.C.A.F. at No. 9 Recruiting Centre, London. Mr. Harry Snell, of London, who recently underwent an operation in St. Joseph’s Hospital, is recovering nicely and on Tuesday returned to his home here. Mrs. PrOdger, Mr. Alvin Prodger and Miss M. Prodger, of London, motored to Exeter Monday after noon -and were pleasant callers at the Times-Advocate office. Mrs. Prodger has been a subscribei’ of the Times-Advocate for many years. AC2 Jack Lamb and AC2 Earl Smith, of th e R.C.A.F. at St. Thomas, spent the week-end at the home of MV. and Mrs. G. A. Cann. While here the lattei* was stricken with streptococcus throat and is confined to his bed at their home. Toronto, home of AC2, of I ( PRESENTED WITH RING A social evening was held at S.S. No. 3, Stephen, on February 13 th, at which AC2 Allan Penhale, of the R.C.A.F., now at Mount Hope, Hamilton, was presented with an address and ring by the section. on top 40 years Treating Sore Throats, Colds> Coughs, Bronchitis, Tonsil Troub les and other Kindred Ailments. SPAHR’S, First for Quick Act ion, First for Safety. Fii’st fox’ value and results, or money re funded at all Drug Stores. Did ARE YOU RUPTURED? You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t * Happen Here are Properly Fitted by anYou Experienced Fitter in our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Your Drugs at " ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 Exeter DANCING.... OPERA HOUSE, EXETER ' SATURDAY NIGHT Usual Prizes Steeper’s Orchestra Admission — 35c TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone" 146 FRESH FISH FOR LENT B. C. Salmon Steaks...20c per lb. Whitefish, winter caught, 20c lb. Herring, Lake Superior 20c Vgdoz Smelts, No- 1, ........... 20c per lb. B. C. Salmon, whole...17c per lb. (10 to 15 lbs.) JUMBO ICE CREAM Pint bricks ................... 2Oc each We still have a few lockers to rent EXETER FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Phone 70 i XI ii i Rev. L B. Rhodas, M.A., a former minister of Caven Presbyterian church and now connected with the Toronto Bible College, occupied his former pulpit Sunday morning and many of his old friends were pre sent .and delighted .to hear him again. Mr, Rhodes accompanied Flying Officer Thos. Pry do, of To ronto, to Exeter for the week-end. 1 to Exoter for the week-end, j _— f IThames Road Farm Radio was held at the home of Mr. Rohde on Monday, Fob. 16. The forum Henry _ __ The subject under discussion was “Will the Soil Last?*'’ There -was an extra ^large attendance, 27 be ing present, Rev, and Mrs. Mair were visitors, Following the dis cussion there wore contests, a geog raphy match and Inch was served, JOHNNY LONG ATO HIS “MIRACLE ©AMD OF THE TEAR” FEATURING HELEN YOUNG AND BOB HOUSTON Wed., March ADMISSION $1.00 Advance Tickets 75c MAIL ORDERS TO THE 4 London Arena CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist IQ a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. John Galloway 7 p.xp.—Rev. John Galloway. Fx'iday, February 27th at 8 p.m. Induction of Rev. John Galloway as minister of ’Caven church. Tuesday, March 3rd, at 3 p.m,— Caven Congregational Cix’ele at Mrs. Clarence Simmons’ residence MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J. Woods, M.A. Minister Mrs. N, J, Dore Organist and Choir Leader 10.30 a.m.—Public Worship Church School—The Minister. 7 pan.—Public Worship—The Min ister. Thursday, 7.3 Q pan. — Midweek meeting of prayer and Bible study. JAMES ST^UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur’ Page, Minister W. R, Goulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister. 3 p.xn.—Church School, Bible Class 7 ®.m.—The Minister, Wednesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer Service 10 11 7 . TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday in Lent a.m.—Holy Coxnmunion a.m.—Sunday School p.xn.—Evensong and Sermon. “Getting in Touch with God” Service each Wednesday at .8 p.m during Lent. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services at 8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayex’ Meet ing. All are welcome. Pastoi1—E. Clemens Social Evening and Presentation A pleasant and sociable time was held Saturday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kernick, of Thames Road, when neighbors and friends gathered to honor Pte. Le^ land Webber, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webber, who was home from Hamilton for the week-end. An ad dress was read by Mrs. Arthur Rundle and the presentation of a signet ring was made by Alvin Moir. Mr. Webbei’ expressed his degp ap preciation. The evening was spent at progressive euchre and a social time, refreshments being served at the close. The address was ras follows: ■! Exeter, Feb. Mr. Leland Webber, Deal’ Leland: ’“■Canada needs men and country to defend.” You have heard" and this call fox* king and country and we are proud of you. We, youx’ friends and neighbors gathered here this ^evening, thought it only fitting and right that we should, in some tangible form, show oui’ appreciation 6f what you are doing, so we would ask you to ac cept this ring as a tokp^ of remem brance and good-will. May it always bring back pleasant memories of your associations with us on Thames Road. Wishing you god-spedd and good luck. Exeter Women’s Institute Mrs. M. ..... _____ the members of the Exetex’ yY-omen’s Institute on Monday evening. The president, Mrs. L. Kyle, was in charge of the business’session. A summary day in connection with the local leadex’ course, “Making the Most of Vegetables”, which __ giveix in Exeter last October, will be held in the Parish Hall, Exeter, April given guest rane, problems of wills, facts and advice giveix to the mem-j Most o£ Vegetables”, oh 15. Splendid reports were by wax’ work conveners. The speaker, Mr. W. G. Coch- local solicitor, spoke on the The important Young Men’s & Men’s Overcoats * Buy youx*. next winters overcoat now while the prices are lower and you are able to get materials that will not be available next winter. Let us show yoq where we can , save you money. New Print House Dresses . Ten dozen House Dresses made from good quality prints in a range af lovely new patterns and colorings. Buy two or three at these special prices $1.29 and $1.59 Ibex and Plaid Flannelette Blankets The plaids come in blue, pink, mauve and green and white checks and the Ibex in white or grey with colored borders. They are the large size. Special at per pair New. Wallpapers for Spring A few rolls of our new wallpapers will make a great difference in the appearance of 7 your home. Papers suitable for any room in your home at per roll 15c,18c, 20c, to 35c Men’s Rubber Boots are still available in green and red rubber soles. Get a pair at the old price. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday ........ ........................-............ • ........... ............................................................................... ___________ SPAGHETTI and CHEESE cooked. Sweet Mixed Golden Net PICKLES SALMON 3 tins • * ’ • 25c Five Roses . FLOUR 7 lb. bag .... 25c JELLO PUDDINGS Vanilla. Butterscotch and Chocolate Phone 16 Christian Education Advance . Christian Education Advance Sun day was observed in Main Street Church Sunday morning, when Mr. W. G. Medd spoke On the necessity and urgency of Christian educa tion. The speaker told of plans being made by the Protestant churches of North America ndt only to bring to' a stop the decline in Sun day School attendance, but to. in crease the nuxnbex' of boys and. girls attending our Sunday Schools. An attempt is being made to reach every boy and, girl in America and to enlist them for Christ and His Church. In ordei’ to do that there must be definite objectives bettei’ teaching in oui’ religious education, the believed, was essential for sefvation of democracy axid anothex* world war more devastating than and also schools, speaker the pre- bers proved very interesting and ( the bresent one may come within helpful. He strongly urged the f - ...... ladies never f . gal advice in connection with wills, as such documents are a necessity to avoid trouble. Mrs. Clayton Frayne favored with a vocal solo with Mrs. Wm. Kernick at the piano. Mrs. W. R. Goulding moved a vote Of thanks to the hostess and all those taking part in the program. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. The Marell meeting (Canadian Industries), Will be heid at the home of Miss L. JeckelL Mrs. H, Strang will speak on “Maple Syrup Making”. strongly urgea tie the next twenty-five years if our to delay seeking le-; youth nre not taught the rudiments 1 of Christ’s teaching, for less than | fifty pel* cent df the youth of North ! America ate to be found In Church I and Sunday School, When one coh- I si,ders that Hitler has practically 1'00 per cent of German youth be hind him, the urgency of* a. Chris tian Advance is readily seen. Rev. Wdods Conducted the service and Mr. Ray Waghorn, the superinten dent of the Sunday School, read the lesson. A visit to every family con nected with Main St. church Is be ing made this Weefc in the inter ests of Christian Education, “The community clearing hottec •—Tlmcs-Advocate Want Ads.” 1 jar ..... . 25c CLOTHESPINS 6 doz.■ • • • • Aylmer SOUPS 15c Vegetable or Tomato 3 cans 1 lb. tin .. Vs lb. tin . 26c . 16c Crown Brand CORN SYRUP 5 lb. tin . . 54c PURE EGG NOODLES The New Spring In many gay and attractive colors and pat terns.. You’ll want to look your best this spring. Why not drop in right away and pick out a cloth for that new suit. Let us measure you up and tailor you a suit that will be styled to your individual taste. W. W. TAMAN The Job Must be Done . . .' Let’s do it BUY THE NEW VICTORY BONDS The attendance at the World Day of Prayer service on Friday after noon was a large and representa tive one and filled ithe Sunday School room of Caven Presbyterian church. Mrs. William Sillory pre sided. Mrs. G. Cochrane was the pianist and Mrs. N, J. Dore rendered an appropriate solo. The theme of the worship service was “I Am the Way”, and special prayers were of fered by Mrs, H. Whyte, Mrs. N. J. Woods, Miss N. McTaggart, Mrs. D. A. Anderson, Mrs. W, Middleton, and Miss Florence Down. The of fering was received by Mrs. A. Eas- tojj^ and Mrs. E. Pollen and dedi cated by Miss L. M. Jeckell. The Day of Prayer service next year will be held in Trivitt Memorial Church with Mrs. W. Middleton as kfey woman, INVEST IN SECURITY Until the ipeople of .this district ,r realize—that Canada is in Serious danger—that we can lose this war —we are noL going over the top in this Victory Loan. Invest does not mean pay for security. It means supply money to Canada to Support the war—and at the same time, get bettei' than 3 per cent interest on - your invest ment. Think this ovex’ and accept your own responsiblity. Invest in Se curity. Saintsbury Farm Forum ■ The weekly Farm Radio Forum of Saintsbu’ry was held at the home ■ of Mr. Gai’ftet Isaac, The topic for discussion Was “Will the Soil Last?” There were 42 present and all eixjoyed the availing, meeting will be held at | of Mr, Wm, j. Dobbs du The next the home March 2, »*■ » «