HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-26, Page 5Page 5 ft THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE
Coming to Hensall
C. R, Wilkinson, R.0.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for ths, purpose of
testing eyes and fitting, glasses,
Difficult cases, and- Txiose that,
have not been^ properly fitted,
specially recq^pffl,ended to con
sult m£. H$?ns to d p.m«
,~.lone Id Hensall -
for appointment
Mrs. Wm. Sangster spent Mon
day in Clinton.
George Otterbein, of Kitchener,
spent the week-end at his home
Lned to
Pte. .
spent the week-end at his home ‘here;
Pte. Fred Beer, of London, spent
the week-end with his-. wife and
- family.
Mr, Ferris Cantelon, of Schom
berg, called on Hensail friends on
Mrs. Bawden, of Exeter,
at the home pf Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Stewart McQueen and
spent the week-end in London
Mrs. J. D. Reid, .«
LAC, Ken Passmore, of Trenton,
spent the week-end with Mr. and
Mrs, John Passmore.
Mr, and Mrs. Harry Cook, of
Windsor, spent the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Cornelius Cook,
Lome Elder, of Kingston, is
spending a few days with his par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. John Elder.
Pte. Howard Smale, of London,
Visited with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. George Smale, oyer the week
Pte. Garnet Allan, of Camp Bor
den, visited over the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Pte. Ray Foster, of the R.C.A,
S.C., Kitchener, spent the week-end
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
Miss Hazel Smillie, of Atwood, is
at present visiting with her moth-
, er and father, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Smillie, of town,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould, of
Clinton, also Donald Walker, of
London, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. George Walker. • * ■*»-■ -
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett are
moving into town this week. They
will reside in the house formerly
occupied by Mrs. Dick,
The W.C.T.U. will meet on Thurs
day, February 26th in the basement
of the United church: All members
are requested to be present.
Miss Mavis Spencer, who holds
a good position in Toronto, spent a
few days recently with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer.
Mirs. Wilson 'Carlisle1 spent sev
eral days in Goderich during the
past week with her daughter and
son-in-law, Mr, and Mrs. Willert.
Mr. . and Mirs. Cyrus Green, of
Grand Bend, also Pte. Burton
Green, of Toronto, spent the .week
end at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Taylor!
Dr. and Mrs. I. G. Smillie left for
Toronto last week where they will
spend some time before going to
the West, where the- doctor has se
cured a good position.
The Exeter-Hensall branch of
the Canadian Legion will hold a
a bingo and dance in the town hall
on Friday evening, March 6th. Mu
sic by Murdock’s orchestra.
Mrs. Margaret McLean has been
informed that her grandson, Fred
erick Ross Brereton, has been call
ed from Chicago and enlisted in
the Signal Corps, .McDill Field,
Master Bobby Baynham has re
ceived a telegram from his father,
Cpl. Lawrence E. Baynham, con
gratulating him on his 4th birthday.
Cpl. Baynham is with ithe First Hus
sars in England.
The March meeting Of the Hen-
sall United church senior Mission
Circle will be
March 2nd, -at”’
Harvey McLaren,
"Christian Love’
to be answered
On "love",
The anthem at the morning ser
vice of the United church was "Let
the Heavens Rejoice", with a solo
by Ruth Hess. In the evening the
Choir rendered the anthem, "I Gave
My Life for Thee" and the solo
was taken by Mr*. Goodwin. Rev.
R. A, Brook chose suitable subjects
for Victory Loan Sunday, ; ,
A Social time Was spent at the
home of Bev, and Mrs, Weir on
Thursday afternoon, Deb. 19, when
group 2 of the Ladies' Aid of Car
mel Dresbytorifi.fi church served a
ten-cent tea. In spite of the incle
ment Weather there was a good
turnout of the ladles of the con
gregation and a pleasant time was
spent by all.
The W.M.S, of the United Church
held a quilting in the schoolroom
of the church on Thursday of last
week. There was a splendid at
tendance of ladies present and elev
en quilts were finished, most of
Mabel Workman is con-
' her home this week through
Lloyd Brock, of Kitchener,
held on Monday,
the home of Mrs.
. The theme will be
’. The roll call is
with a bible verse
which will.be turned over to the
Bed 'Cross. After the - quilting a
dainty lunch was served and a so
cial half-hour was spent.
The Star ’Club, spent * a social
evening at the home of Mr. and
Mrs, Laird Mickle recently and as a
result of the meeting was able to
hand, over iffe second donation to
the Bed Cross Society. The club/ is composed of the following girls,1
Doris Buchanan, Eleanor Cook, Bet
ty Mickle, Bernice Jinks, Eleanor
Venner, Elaine Carlisle, Joyce
Broderick and June Kennedy.
On Friday evening last a hockey
match was > played at the Hensail
rink between the north and south
side of town. The north side de
feated the south by 1 to 0, The
players were: For the north—Oli
ver, Tudor, Shaddick, Joynt, Clarke,
Sangster, Kyle, Orr, Schwalm,Smale.
South-—-Allan, Little, Farquhar;
Sanders, Blowes, Foster,> Kerslake,
Kyle, Campbell, Referee, Wilson
Allan. About $20,00 was raised for
war services. r
World Bay of Prayei' Service
The W.M.S. World* Day of Prayer
was observed 'in the United church
on Friday afternoon at 3 p,m,
There was a good attendance from
the three churches. Mrs. W. B.
Cross, president of the United
church W.M.S. was in charge of
the meeting, assisted by Mrs, C.
Hudson, president of Carmel Pres
byterian W.M.S,
Fee, president
Anglican W.A,
the Way", was
different parts,
the Father",
Love", third,
and .Sacrifice’
Way of Hope",
las presided at the piano and the
hymns ~
Day Thou Gavest, Lord, is Ended",
Mrs. W- A. MacLaren contributed
a beautiful solo, "O Jesus Lord and
Saviour", accompanied by Mliss
Florence Welsh at the piano, The
topic, “Love", was taken by Miss
Jean Murray. Prayers were given
by Mrs. * R, Y. MacLaren, Mrs. C.
McDonell and Mrs. R. Middleton. The
meeting closed with the National
Anthem and prayer.
Contract Barley
We are again taking contracts
for Malted Barley for the
Canada Malting Company.
Phone or write to
Phone 103
and Miss Sarah
of the St.
The theme, “I Am
divided up into four
first "The Way to
second, "The Way of
“The Way of Service
’ and fourth, "The
Miss Irene Doug-
sung were "Thou Art the
to Thee Alone’’, "Gracious
Holy Ghost", “Takp Up Thy
the Saviour Said” and "The
Mr. Allen Turnbull was home from
Ingersoll on Sunday.
Mr. Burton Green visited
parents over the week-end.
■ Mrs. E. Ireland visited her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fergus Turnbull, on Tues
Mr. Robt. Belling is all smiles.
A little girl has come to stay at
their home.
Mr. Johnston, who has been laid
Mervyn Tieman attended a con
vention ip Toronto on Monday and Tuesday,
Miss Karen Pedersen and friend;
of London, spent a few days with her parents.
Mrs. John Snyder, of St. Cathar
ines, is visiting with her mother,
Mrs. B. Hayfer.
Mrs, Currie and son Kenneth are
spending a few weeks with her par
ents in Meatord.
Mrs, T. Hopcroft was called to
Clifford, owing to the illness of her
father, Mr, Henry Hopf.
Ray Guenther, of Toronto, spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr. i
and Mrs. E. R. Guenther. ,
Mr. Elgin Wiegand had the' mis
fortune to get his finger cut while
sawing wood on Saturday.
The Ladies’ Aid of the Lutheran
church held a social evening at the
home of Mrs, Amanada Shoemaker,
on Tuesday evening.
Mrs, Wes. England and Miss Bea
trice Graybiel spent the week-end
in Woodstock attending t'he .funer
al of their sister-in-law, the late
Mrs. ’Wilber Graybiel.
Mr.. E. Hamacher went to. London
Hospital on Saturday, where he un
derwent an operation on his arm.
We understand the operation was
successful and that he will be home
in a few days.
A Red Cross concert will be giv
en in Dashwood public school on
Thursday evening in aid of the Sec
ond Victory Loan. Rev. Grigg, of
Exeter, will be the guest speaker and
a special program will be given by
the pupils.
Mr. Leopard Abbott, of Detroit,
is visiting with Mrs, Parsons and
Mrs. Kershaw*
Mrs, Frank Conlin, who has been
ill for the past several weeks, is
able to be up a little each day.
Gail Spring, daughter of Mt. and
Mrs. Boy Spring, is ill with pneu
monia. We hope for a speedy re
Miss Dorothy Hicks, of London,
and Miss Mildred Hicks, of Shipka,
spent the week-end with their moth
er, Mrs. B. Hicks.
Mr. Walter Mithcell, of the R.C,
N.V.R., at Halifax, visited with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Mit
chell, for the past week.
Mrs. F. Bevan and children, • are
visiting with relatives in Toronto
this week. Mr, Bevan has obtained
work there and they will move in
the near future.
Mr, George Flynn was taken to
Victoria Hospital, London, tost
week, where he underwent an oper
ation. He is getting along as well
as can be expected.
The following is a list of articles
sent for the last shipment: 3 turtle
neck sweaters, 15 pairs service
socks, 5 aero caps, 2 little caps, 4
pairs mitts, 8 pairs sailors’ boots,
1 girl’s unit, 3 boys shirts, 4 quilts,
1 cot quilt, 2 baby pillows, 1 girl’s
outfit, 26 girls’ dresses, 1 doz. wash
cloths, 3 combs, 12 cakes soap. I
Despite the bad roads there was
a good turnout for the program in
the church on Friday night under
the auspices of the Second Victory
A good program
Was put on by the Eden, Biddulph,
Fairfield and Centralia Schools. The
J Loan campaign.
up- for some time is able to he
around again.
Mr.Erwin Holt,R.C.A.F.,of
Dunnville, spent the week-end at
liis home here.
Mrs. Jim Paterson is visiting her
daughter, Mrs, Knight, in London-
don, at present.
The beautiful sunshine is bring-
; iug the people, out after being tied
up in the storm.
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Marsh, of
Ingersoll, visited Mr.' and Mrs. Fer
gus Turnbull on Sunday.
Miss Alma Holt entertained a
few of her little friends to a birth
day party on Monday last.
Miss Skinner, who has’been vis
iting M'r. and Mrs. Beer, returned
*to her home in Exeter on Saturday.
Mr. and Mbs. Norman Turnbull
left ■ Saturday for a visit in .Winni
peg with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mus
Miss Sophia Young, of Greenway,
left for. her home on Sunday after
a week’s visit with Mr. ,and Mrs.
Dave Johriston.
On your list of evening outings
keep in mind the big St. Patrick’s
dinner sponsored by the Red ’(^ross
on St. Patrick’s night.
The box social for the Red dross
was highly successful, considering,
the roads and weather. Boxes sold
as high as $2.00. Everyone had a
good time.
The Good Ones Will Soon Be
Picked up, Look These Over
1940 FORD COACHr—A real
nice black car, looks and
runs like new, this c’ar ’has a
heater, new battery and five
good tires, only ..... $975.00
Master -Deluxe model, in
splendid condition, heater,
and 5 good tires .... $650.00
1936 FORD COACH—Delux
model with trunk and heat
er ....... $450.00
For a Good Buy—Buy Now
Sandy Elliot
thckhkay, ibubv.wt as. t»«
Arthur' Haist, of Kitchener,
the week-end at his home
speaker was Rev. L. Turner,
Crediton, who delivered a very
foresting address.
The February meeting of
Red Cross ’unit was held in
basement of the church on Tues
day, February, 17th, with the pre
sident, Mrs. R. Smith, in the chair.
The meeting was opened with all
singing the National Anthem, fol
lowed by prayer by Rev. Merriam.
There were 40 members and visi
tors present, when four quilts were
quilted and finished. The Fair
field ladies had charge of the meet
ing. The secretary’s report was
read and adopted. There was no
report from the treasurer. The re
port of refugee sewing was given
by Mrs. Hodgson. Two letters of
appreciation were read from Fred
and Charles Baynham. Mrs, Bak
er thanked the ladies for_ helping
with the quilting’,
reported there was
membership cards,
was closed with all
Mizpah benediction,
served by the Fairfield ladies,
Mrs. Baynham
still sale of
The meeting
repeating the
Lunch was
Mr, Garnet Johns was in Nor
wich on Saturday on business.
Mrs. P. March, of ElimVille, vis
ited’ on Friday with Mrs. W. J.
Mrs. »W. J. Veal spent Thursday
with her mother, Mrs. M. Elford, of
Mrs, R. E. Pooley is holidaying
this week with Rev.- and Mrs. White,
of Burgessville.
Mrs, George Delbridge has re
turned' home after spending the
past week with MV. and Mrs. Harry
Murch, of London.
. Mr. Orval Cann was ’ admitted to
•St. Joseph’s Hospital on Tuesday
for medical attention.
The Thames Road West Forum
met Monday at Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Rohde’s home. Some
present. All reported
The World Day’ of
held last IFriday in
Road church. Mrs.
thirty were
a profitable
Clarence Fahner has return
ed 'home after spending a few
months in Windsor.
Mr. Martin Morlock, of Welland,
spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. ’
and Mrs. Albert Morlock. IOn Saturday afternoon at 2.30’ —
o’clock the C.G.I.T. of the Crediton'E
United Church will meet at the E
home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam King. IE
The C.G.I.T. of thte Crediton Un
ited, church will meet foi* its regu
lar meeting on Saturday, Feb. 28,
at 2 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Sam
Friday evening at 8 o’clock the
Sunday School staff anti scholars,
together with their parents, will
meet in the basement of the church'
to spend a social time., together. I
Parents bring your children; child-J
ren, bring your parents. 1
Our. cirpuit«.;charc^ family are .
using for their devotional'reading' the booklet entitled “The Fellow-1 _ _
ship of Prayer", particularly suited' ,a^in "soon,
for the Lenten season, through. rpjie j^e(j Gross Society are hold-
which the church is passing. J ing a quoting bee in the parish
Mr. and Mrs^Russel -Clark and hall on Thursday afternoon,
son Glen, of Detroit, spent the} ---- -*• 'rT-—-14-—
week-end With the former’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Clarke and al
so visited with his sister, Mrs. V.
J. Kestle, who is ill in Victoria Hos
pital, London.
Next Sunday evening the minis
ter, the Rev. Lawrence H. Tunjem-
will present a lantern lecture en
titled “Tales and! Trails of the
Northland." The slides will por
tray the church’s work in Northern
Ontario^ produced from photographs
taken by the Rev. J. C. Cochrane,
D.D., superintendent of
that area.
The women Of the
met id the Evangelical
Friday afternoon to
to order Lakeview Chicks and Pullets for March and April
delivery, but they are going fast, over 50,000 already
on order.
—Heavy breed cockerels, day old and started.
Barred Rocks, Sussex and Hybrids. Call and see them.
Mr, Earl Gardner, of London,
spent.a”few days at" his -home here.
Mr. Albert Smithers has. been
quite sick. We hope to see him out
missions of
; Fanners of •. Stephen Township
met in Crediton to *• hear W. L.
White, vice-president of Huron
County Federation of Agriculture
outline the proposed township sur
vey. The survey is to be completed
by Mfarch 1st. Following the radio
farm forum, Mi'. White gave a short
address on "Who Will Own the
Land?’’ He specially stressed the
value of accurate bookkeeping for
farmers in order »to get reliable
figures for production costs. He
urged organization and an all-out
effort'for production to meet quotas
foABritain's food requirements. The
mee&jig was well attended.
Mr. Ray* Eagleson-, of Hamilton,
spent the week-end with his par
ents, Mr, and M'rs. Wm. Eagleson.
Messrs. Harold Pollock and Sel-
bourne English, of Detroit^ spent
the week-end at their homes here.
Mr. Jas. McPherson was taken to
the hospital on Thursday morning
for treatment. We hope -to see him
home again soon.
Master Donald Gillies, of
Williams, spent a few days last
week with his grandparents,
and Mrs. Wm. Hicks.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson, of
Arkona, visited last Monday -with
Mr. and M'rs. Russell Brown and
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown.
You have only two days to get in
on the Tiines-Advocate draw. Re
new your paper now and get your
coupons for one of these cash prizescommunity
Church on
____ ____ observe the
World Day of Prayer. Mrs. A. Amy
presided, assisted ’by M'rs. A. E.
Pletcli, who gave the dedicatory
prayer. Following the offering Mrs.
L. H. Turner and Mrs. L. Swartz
■sang • a duet and a quartette was
given by Mrs. Harold Fahner, Mrs.
Sidney Brown, Mrs. A. Finkbeiner
and Miss Verna Wein. The program
of service was taken by Mrs. J.
Lovie, Mrs. L. Wein, Mrs. Sam
King, Mrs. D. Finkbeiner and Mrs.
A. Kestle.
The following articles were ship
ped from the Crediton Unit for the
month of.January: 1 boy’s blaizer,
1 pair shouts, 2 shirts, 1 girl's skirt,
5 blouses, 1 boy’s coat, 2 girls’
dresses, 1 slip, 2 pairs sleepers, 12
quilts, 17 .pairs socks, 3 turtle-neck
sweaters, 2 army scarves, 1" navy
scarf, 8 aero caps, 10 pairs mitts,
6 pairs sea boots, 2 alternative
caps, 14 wash cloths. The Red
Cross sewing meetings are held ev
ery Tuesday afternoon in the up
stairs room of the Crediton public
school. All ladies are requested to
New or Additional
Prayer was
the Thames
Anthony, of
Exeter, gave an impressive address
on "Prayer".
The Red Cross Unit of Thames
Road have done a good work dur
ing the winter months. Last ship
ping day they Sent twenty-nine
quilts and others are in the making.
A number “of friends attended the
funeral of Mrs. Arthur Robb, of
Stratford, who was buried last Fri
day in that city.1 Mrs. Robb was a
sister of Mr. John Duncan, of the
Plugtown School line. Among those
attending were Mr. and Mrs. Gil
bert Duncan* and Ken, Mr. and Mrs.
Alex Duncan and family, Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Duncan and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Borland, Mrs.
S. Coward, Mr. Moodie, Mrs. Mor
gan and Mrs. Fletcher, of Exeter,
who sang a duet, Mrs. Wiseman, Mr.
John Duncan and Rev. Mair.
Mission. Band Meeting
The regular nionthly meeting of
the Thames Road Mission Band
was" held at the manse on Satur
day afternoon. The meeting open
ed with the use of hymn 502, fol
lowed by a prayer by the president,
Helen Selves. The scripture les
son was read by Mrs. Mair and the
secretary’s report was read and ad
opted, Roll call was taken with
7 members responding. The 'trea
surer’s report was given and busi
ness was discussed, it was decide
,ed to take a Bed Cross collection at
the next meeting. ..Hymn 393 was
then sung, followed by the topic
read by June UoytordVH A lieraid
was read by Jeanette Stone and
hymn 444 was sung, after which
which closed the meeting, lb u«j,ue .
needlework month the girls were
engaged in either knitting or sew
Prohibited Without Permission
Order of National War Labour Board
. to Employers and Employees:
The World Day of Prayer
held in the United church on
Mrs. J. L. Amos spent the week
end in Ottawa with her sister, Miss
Hazel Sherritt. . ,
Pte. Donald Sutherland has been
sick in the hospital in Chatham.
We hope for a speedy recovery. ]
Mr. Harvey Morley, of Fort Erie,
spent the week-end with his par-,
ents, Mr. ahd Mrs, Wesley Morley.
Miss Pearl Hodgins, of Saskatch
ewan,, Who lias been Visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Wesley Lewis, has return
ed to her home.
Clayton Lewis, of the R.C.A.F.,
who has veeh visiting his parents,
Mr. find Mrs. Wes Lewis, has re
turned to Dauphin, Man.
Mrs. Wes Lewis and Mrs. Win. I
Sholdice attended the funeral of'
Mrs. Sholdice’s brotlier, Mr. Harry
Snelgrove, in Sarnia last week.
The pancake supper held in St.
Mary’s Church on Tuesday evening
Was a decided sliceess. There was
a. good program, also a quilt SVfis
auc^ohhd’off. (
* There was^jiio church service ini
either- St. Marys church cr the Unit
ed chtirch on Sunday last on ac
count the heavy fall Of snoWj
blocking the roads,
Mrs. Lavina Slack attended
funeral of her brother-in-law,
Ambrose Brest, of Kitchener,
her sister
Ari employer who was not paying his
employees a cost of living bonus prior
to February 15, 1942, may not start to
pay such a bonus on or after that date,
nor may an employer who has been paying
such a bonus now increase it unless he has
specific permission from a War Labour
and Mi’s. Arthur Rennie,of
Frobisher, Sask., are renewing ac
quaintances in this community.
Miss Ola Johns returned home on
Monday after sipending a week
with her cousin, Miss Marjorie Smith,
near Lucan, who is now visiting
for a few days here.
Miss Bessie Bell, R.N., returned
to Long Island, N'.Y., Miss Florence
Bell, RX, to London and Miss
Mildred Bell to Detroit, tost week,
after visiting here with their Rela
tives and brother, Mr. Graham
Beil of the B.CX, who lias also
returned to Esquimalt,
a ten-day leave.
The Blimville ’Fhrm
on Monday evening at
Johns with over forty present,
interesting discussion on the sub-
'"Will the soil Last.?’’ brought
numerous opinions; Following
i President Roosevelt’s address
i listened to intently. Lunch
i served. Next week the Forum
I meet at Mr. Chas. Miller’s. Mr.
B,C„ after
IForum met
Mr; Gilbert
will ----- —
Harvey Leslie, of staffs. 'Co-opera-
tive Creamery will be the speaker.
Mrs. Stock is staying with
Mrs. Brest, for a few
and Mrs. Gordon Burgin, ofMr. . ... . . _ .
London, were Sunday guests with
Mr. G. H. Burgin.
Mr. and Mrs. Biatchford ahd fam
ily, of Detroit, spent the week-end
with Mr. R. Dobson.
Mrs. C.' Duffield iliAs returned to
her home after, three months’ holi
day with her son, Rev. Allan Duf
field, of Sault Ste. Marie.
Mrs, Jas. Gardipep attended the
funeral of her. cousin’, the late Mrs.
Barbara Robb, of Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Lome Marshall
and son Lillie, of London, spent
Sunday with Mr. A. P-obl-pspn,
The Day of Prayer was held in
the United church Friday Wit'll a
good attendance from Woodham
and the St, Paul’s churoh, Kirkton.
John Wiseman, of the RjCAXi
beilediction Was pronounced,'
t+ X having spent the past two weeks it peing hig father> Mr, T. A. Wiseman,
Renew Now!
Whether in the future a bonus may be
paid or changed in amount-will depend on
the National War Labour Board’s an*
nouncement in May. 1942, With respect to
any change in the cost of living1 index
between October 1941, and5 April 1942,
unless in a particular case a War Labour
Board has given specific permission to do
By Order of the
National War Labour Board
Minister of Labour
and Chairman
Ottawa, Canada
February 16, 1942