HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-26, Page 4Thursday, FisimmRT so, wia THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Page 4 Godbolt’s Febru- Harold daugh-a / ROCK POTTOM CASH STORES LENT OPENS AIRPORT TAKE TWO-GOAL LEAD OVER USBORNE IN SEMI-FINALS Monday. Thomas Thornton, in BIRTHS LIGHTFOOT—-At Mrs. Hospital, on Wednesday, ary 25 th, to Mr. and Mrs, L’ghrfoot, of Centralia, This is the Season for Fish A GOOD DISPLAY AT COOK’S SILVER BRIGHT SALMON; KIPPERS; MACKEREL FILLETS; COD FILLETS; SALMON FILLETS; and SMOKED FILLETS — also LARGE VARIETY OF ALL CAN FISH SEE OUR DISPLAY 8? CAN NOW BE BOUGHT AT AIRWAYS MOTOR OIL The fortifying agent is,the finest ingredient that modern science has- created—it increases the oiliness content, thus preventing metal to metal contact and so reduces engine wear by over 40%. Airways costs less than other premium motor oils. CANADIAN OlSTglBUTORS-BRADFORD-PENN OIL CO.. TORONTO FOR SALE BY G. F. SKINNER, EXETER DEATHS HEAMAN—Hr Exeter, op February 23rd. 1942, Heaman, in hjs 82nd year. THORNTON—-In Victoria Hospital, London, on Sunday, February 22, 1942, Mrs. EUza her 7 2 nd year. DIETZ— In Detroit^ February 16, 1942, Dietz, in Hospital, February Victoria Tuesday, Amos Oakley Fran- liusband of Ethel on* Monday, Sophia Prout, beloved wife of George her 69th year. FRANCIS—In London, on 17th, 1942, cis, beloved May Madge, in his 65th year. LANGFORD—In Biddulph Town­ ship, on Saturday, February 14, 1942, at his late residence, lot 31, con. 10, Robert P. Langford, in h’s 84th year. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Phillips and family wish.. ...m to sincerely thank all neighbors and friends who extended in many ways, kindness and sympathy during the: recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS ■ ’4L pp. Miss Iva Willis wishes to thank those who so kindly remembered her with cards, treats and other* gifts while a patient in Victoria Hospital and while convalescing at home. CARD OF THANKS Mr. Eli Lawson and family wish to express their deep appreciation to the friends and neighbors for /the kindness and sympathy extended during their recent ‘bereavement and especially for the floral trib­ utes and to Rev. Mr. Turner, Messrs, Frank Taylor -and Earl Heywood. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Peter Frayue wishes to press her sincere thanks to many friends who so kindly membered her with cards and treats and for the many kindnesses shown during her illness. ex- the re I & Clear Telephone Lines for All-Out Production This Canadian, worker1 and thousands like him are turn­ ing out tanks at a rate which early this year will reach 200 a month, according to official estimates* Many Canadian tanks have already seen action in Riissia. Yet it was only last May that the first Canadian- Jbuilt tank rumbled off the line. No wonder telephone lines are loaded with calls: to suppliers of raw materials and essential parts to Government and army officials; between plant departments; between continents* You can help clear the telephone system for urgent war business by adopting “Wartime Tele phone Tactics” »»* andby “rationing” the time you spend in neighbourly but unessential tele­ phone talks with friends. Remember—your telephone is part of an interlocking system; needless delays on your line may hold up messages on which urgent wartime business depends. The Airport will take a two-goal lead into next Wednesday night’s encounter with Usborne by virtue of their 5-3 win last week. Up until the middle of period the Usborne lads Airport in check. Twice the last held the Rintoui tied the score only to have Kuujm and Wood pot two more in the half of the third to give them game and a two-goal margin for next contest. The winners of series will meet the winners of Lucan-Exeter series. Leleu, Sneljgrove, Clement Johnston, of the second guard at Centralia were added to the Airport team, Don Varey and Steve of the first guard have been to another station. Wood Airport, and the He also goals, the Usborne team and scored two goals. Kumm dumped a nice pass to Woo$ inside the Usborne blue-line to produce the first goal. Wood’s second goal was the result of a solo rush through the complete Usborne team. Usborne copied them with two in a row to put the teams on even terms again. Phil Hern fired Ken Hern's pass into the cage for the first one. Rintoui made a clever sclo rush through the Air­ port boys to beat Leleu. Before the second period was ovei’ Wood dished up a pass to Bawden and Harry caught the side of the net to make it 3-2. * While shorthanded Rintoui and Ken Hern broke away for Usborne to level the score, Rintoui getting the tally. But Wood again was the trouble-maker, slipping a pass to Kumm for the tie-breakei* and sink­ ing another one to put the two up. AIRPORT—Goal Leleu; Pickering and Sangster; Wood; wings, Kumm-- and strong; subs., Fahner, Allison Mor- risson, Haist, Bawden, Snellgove, Johnston and Clement. USBORNE—Goal, Southcott; de­ fence/Rintoui and Penhale; Centre, K. Hern wings, P.'Hern ’and Nairn; subs., Carter. 'Harmer, Wolfe, Hod- gert and E. Passmore. Referee—Leroy O’Brien. last the the this the and Finlay moved of thewas the chief sniper scoring, the first two goals last to do the ‘hat trick’, assisted Kumm on his two Rintoui was the best man on Airport defence, centre, Ann- LUCAN EDGE EXETER BY ONE , GOAL IN THRHLLING CONTEST It’s one thing to have a hockey game in the bag, but, its., still anoth­ er to keep the bag sewn up, so the local boys will tell you after Friday night’s game The Lucan Irish will go into the second and last game of the semi­ finals with a one-goal lead ovei* our boys, in the goals to count series. Scoring two'goals early in the third to erase the lead that Reg Paul had given the Irish, the locals appeared to have a good chance^of copping the first game but the Irish took advantage of the locals when they were shorthanded to rap in two quick goals to again put them on top. Wrighten and Dinney scored for each team after that to end the. game at 4-3. Messenger replaced Ford in the local nets, Bunny being laid-up with a sore throat, and with * the excep­ tion of some tough luck on a couple of goals in the third, he turned in affine performance, period especially, sensational saves Lucan attackers. iReg. Paul’s goal stanza came while the locals were shorthanded and caught them with only one defenceman back. Paul skated in on top of Messenger and whipped the puck behind the goalie from close range. Stire came right back for the locals on ths next play but lost control of the puck after drawing Jackson out of position. It Was not until the third that the homesters got the equalizer., Moore whipped the disc into the side of the cage on a play with Stire. Ex­ eter WOnt ahead on a tricky goal by Lutman. Rounding the back) of the Lucan net, Vic slid the puck into the corner. Reg Paul scored his second goal on a long shot that glanced in off (Messenger’s stick td) again tie the score. Lucan jumped later when home from In the second he made some to stave off the early in the first rearguard back, even while they en­ joyed their short-lived lead they in­ sisted on playing a wide-open game and it was mainly some fine check­ ing by Creech that hept Messenger’s doorstep clear of the Lucan puck hounds ... If the second game be­ tween these two clubs is as good as the first we’re going to see some plassy hockey; The locals are only one goal down and are far beaten team yet. LUCAN-—Goal, Jackson; ence, Wrighten and Murrell; Paul and Wat- Hodgins, Howe from a A< Shur-Gain Chick Starter for 1942 We Must Raise f55> R. Paul; wings, G. sop; subs., Baynes, and Smith, EXETER—Goal, d ef- centre, Messenger; de­ fence, Creech and Ryckman; centre, Moore; wings, Lawson and St'ire; subs., Dinney, Macdonald, Lutman and Willert. Referee-—Leroy O'Brien. HIGH SCHOOL TEAM PROTESTS SECOND GAME WITH INGERSOLL BOYS The High School hockey team journeyed to Ingersoll Monday night, but because of a mix-up in time the game only lasted one per­ iod. At the end of the period the Ingersoll boys were ahead 3-1. *■ A protesixhas been sent to the WOSSA Convener. The local High went to Ingersoll with a one-goal lead, af-, ter defeating the visitors at the local rink two weeks ago. ATTENTION! HiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiin A meeting to organize the sugar beet growers under the Farm Products Marketing Act will be held in the Exeter Town Hall on It is urgent that all sugar beet growers be present. Fred McGill, reeve of Ekfrid Township and others will address the meeting. IN MEMORIAM of a who Feb. CORNISH—In loving memory dear son, Clayton Cornish, passed away 3 years ago, 28th, 1939. Oh happy hours we once enjoyed, How sweet the memory still; But death, has left a loneliness The world can never fill. —Sadly missed by his „ mother, brother and in-law. father, sister- PP IN MEMORIAM DAVIS—In loving memory of dear sister, Beatrice Davis, passed away seven years February .23rd. Away Jn the beautiful hills of By the valley of rest so fair; Some time, some day, we know not when will meet our loved ones there —Fondly remembered by and A. our who ago, God We A. Perrett, London. IN MEMORIAM HALL—In loving memory of Mrs. away More Chicks-More Pullets - Better Layers Let Shur-Gain start your chicks on a Bigger, Better programme for* 1942 SHURn GAIN CHICK STARTER TEMPTING TRULY FRESH THOROUGH GOING GAINS TURNS FLUFF INTO FEATHERS TREMENDOUSLY IMPROVES COLOUR THIS MELLOW MIX MAKES CHIRPY CHICKS You are Sure with Shur-Gain Chick-Starter Phone 35w AUCTION CANN & SONS Exeter Ontario MW" umumm; SALE IMPLEMENTS auctioneer has to sell by of FARM STOCK AND The undersigned received instructions •public auction on LOT 9, CONCESSION 6, USBORNE y mile south pl’ Elimville, on THURSDAY, MARCH 12th 1942, at 1.00 o’clock wax* time the following: HORSES:—Grey Percheron mare 10 years old, in foal, grey Percher­ on mare- 6 years old in foal, aged Clyde- sorrel ma/e, grey Percheron colt rising 2 years, broken. CATTLE:—Holstein cow, fresh; Polled Angus cow, fresh; Ayrshire heifer, fresh; Durham heifer, fresh; Durham cow, fresh; black heifer, fresh; all with calf at side; Du'Tham cow due in March, black cow due time of sale, Ayrshire cow due time of sale, Durham cow due in April, milking; 14 Polled Angus yearlings, good grass cattle; 4 Polled Angus calves; 2 veal calves, HOGS:—2 sows due April 1, sow due May 1, fat .sow, York hog IS months, 5 pigs 125 lb; 7 pigs 100 'lbs; 8 pigs 75 lbs; 7 pigs 60 lbs; 8 weaners. 8 tons good mixed hay, 10 ft. good corn ensilage in silo,. 100 bus. mangolds, 225 bus. wheat, 200 bus.! mixed grain, 75 bus. Early Yielders seed oats. IMPLEMENTS :■ hay rack and sliding cultivator, M.H. manure nearly new; rake and tedder combined, cart, good tires, set of sleighs and flat rack, pulper, cutter, buggy, double set of brass mounted britchen harness, plow harness, single harness,, horse collars, whiffletrees, neckyokes, iron halter, ether articles. TERMS—-CASH JOHN H. BIROCK, Proprietor FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK • TAYLOR, Auctioneer TENDERS FOR MACHINERY Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o’clock noon March 7th, 19 42 for supplying a Three Plow Row Crop Tractor, a Two Bottom (medium adjustable) Plow, a Fourteen Plate Double Disc and a Four Row Sculfler to fit the tractor. Persons tendering are asked to tender for each implement separately as well as collectively. The person whose tender is ac­ cepted must he prepared to make delivery to* the Huron County Home before spring work commences. Lowest or any tender not ne­ cessarily accepted. TENDERS FOR SILO The County Home Committee have decided to erect a silo and are asking for tenders to 'build a 12 ft. by 37% ft. and a 14 ft. by 37% ft. silo. Tenders to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than Mar. 7tli, 1942. Lowest oi* any tender not neces­ sarily accepted. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk29-2tc ■I truck wagon, rack, team, spreader, M.H. side delivery J barrow trailer with, stock rack and grain grinder, power root SALE IMPLEMENTS auctioneer has to sell by pub- TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders, plainly marked “Tender” will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, Mar. 3rd, 1942, at 2 p.m. Each tender must be submitted oil Tender Form, supplied ' by the Township and obtainable from the undersigned and must be accompan­ ies by a cheque, certified by a Chartered Bank for the . amount specified in each case. Tender No. 1—Tractor to drive the Township crusher. Unit to de­ velop not less than 40 brake horse power on the belt and be capable of operating the crusher and dragline satisfactorily. Approximately 6,000 yards to be crushed in May and June 1942. Tractor owner to sup­ ply his own drive belt and a compe­ tent operator who shall also lubri­ cate and care for the crusher while running and who shall move and as­ sist in setting the crusher, when ne­ cessary. Tenders to be by the hour. Marked cheque to accompany ten­ der for $100.00. » Tender No. 2—Trucking of afore­ mentioned gravel from bin ship roads. Spreading to G. Lawson Manager, Si ' co- . y°uh, Nancy Hall, who passed February 23th, 1933, Nine years have gone, We miss her still; Her memory lives, And always will. —Sadly missed 'by her daugh­ ters and son,co IN MEMORIAM HUXTABLE—In loving memory Mrs. Priscilla M. Huxtable; who .passed away 1 year ago, Feb. 23, 1941. —Fondly remembered by the family. pp NOTICE TO CREDITORS Of AUCTION FARM STOCK AND The undersigned received instructions liQ auction on LOT 8, CON. 2, STEPHEN WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4tli, 1942 at 1 ' o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Heavy mare, 9 years old; heavy horse, 10 years old. COWS—Purebred cow due April 4, purebred cow due March 30.- IMPLEMENTS—M.H. binder, 6 ft,; McCormick mower, 6 ft.; fer­ tilizer drill, 13-hoe; 10-hoe seed drill; Maxwell hay loader, Interna­ tional hay rake, 14-plate disc, stiff­ tooth cultivator, 7 ft.; cultivator, 6 ft.; corn horse scufflel’*, riding ing plow, land roller, r.ows, wagon rack, set to Town- be under direction and subject ^o the approval of the Township Road Superinten­ dent. Sufficient trucks to be pro­ vided to keep the crusher running to capacity. Gravel to be hauled from Moodie’s pit and either Shier’s Tenders must • be per yard but all QrP th M/. yt}»r p again tie the Score, into the lead a minute Smith banged the puck a scramble. Wrighton put on one displays to put the Irish two up. He drove the puck hehitid MOSSehg- er with a short hard shot. Diiihey bahgOd in Ryckman’s rebbtihd as the locals “tried desperately to come back. . - Penalties’ were costly to the loc- ' ais. Three of the goals scored against them were made while they were shorthanded * , , The locals were caught several times With only one of his sold Re: ROBERT HENRY CAR­ RUTHERS Idle Of the Township Of Stephen, in the County of Huron, Laborer, deceased, Creditors and others having claims against the estate of the said deceased are requested to send full particulars of such claims duly ver­ ified to H. Eilber & Soil, Crefiiton,' on or before the 5th day of March, 1942, after which date the Execu­ trix will proceed to distribute the as­ sets of the Said estate, having re­ gard only to the claim of which no­ tice has beeh received. ** Dated this 20th day of February A»D. 1942. MRS. ETHEL MELLIN, R.R. 2, Dashwood,. Executrix1 speaker. spring-tooth scuffler, 1- plow, walk­ set of liar­ sleighs, cut­ ter, fanning mill, mail box, set of scales, gravel box set single har­ ness, set double harness, new; •horse Collars, bridle, hay fork, lock and pulleys, DeLaval separator, grain seeder, root pulper, fence stretcher, corn planter, colony house, 8x10 ft,; forks, whiff letrees, neckyokes, chains, barrels, boxes, pails and numerous other articles. Cook stove, bath tub, indirect lighting fixtures. These are a choice lot of imple­ ments and are in good condition. Terms—CASH REG. HODgson. Prop. FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer 2 6-2 U SHIPKA A patriotic program In connec­ tion with Canada’s Second Victory Loan will be given, in Shipka Un­ ited church Monday evening, March 2nd, Dr. Taylor will be the guest or Brock’s pits, on a flat rath haulage to be from nearest pit. I Marked cheque to accompany ten­ der for $200.00. Tender No. 3—In compliance with Department of Highways require­ ments, the council invites the fol­ lowing alternative complete tender for .the crushing and hauling Of the gravel from the aforementioned pits to the roads of Usborne Township. Contractor to supply crusher, drag­ line, power, trucks, and labour at a price per yard laid down on the Township roads. Spreading to be under the supervision of the Road Superintendent. The contract calls for approximately 6 ,<000 yards, work to commence not later than Septem­ ber 1st, 1942, Marked cheque to accompany tender, of $5'00.00. Selection of Tenders from No. 1 and 2 or from the alternate tender, No. 3, will rest With the Council and the District Engineer of Municipal Roads. Further information and specifications may be obtained from the undersigned. Tenders not com­ plying with requirements will not be considered. del* Lowest ’Or any ten- not necessarily accepted. Arthur Rohde, Road Sitpt., R.R, 1, Hensall, Ont. A. W. Morgan, Twp, Clerk, Hensan, Ont. Phone 1711*32', Exeter Dated at Exeter Feb. 17, 1942 '2tc