HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-19, Page 8Thursday, February 1942 TOB BXSTBR TIMESrAOTQWTE Page 8 *r V’s Beauty Shoppe W Permanents of Lasting Beauty Spiral, Uroqninole, Combination Machinejesw SS« VERA C. DECKER, Prop. . Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets New or old wheat, $1.05, Creamery butter, Me* Eggs. A Large, 25c Eggs, Medium, 27c. Hggs, B. ?2c Dressed Hogs, $14.50. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe AU Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 8 notice Norm Hockey agent for CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs- J# G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.—Rev. J. B. Rhodes, M.A., former pastor* from the Toronto Bible College. Friday, 3 p.m.—The Women’s World Day of Prayer at Caven Church, and at 7 p.m. a service for the Young People. Friday, February 27th—Induction of new minister. Sale, of Silk Crepe and Wool Dresses RACK No. 1... A wonderful opportunity to secure a good dress at less than half price, ...Yom will have to see them to appreciate their value. Special at $1.49 By^the pupils of Exeter Public School assisted by the pupils of S. S.\No. 3 Stephen and S. S. No. 5 Usborne under the direction of Mr, W, R. Goulding will be held in the OPERA HOUSE, EXETER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at S o’clock Silver Collection I Having disposed of my prop­ erty in Exeter, all accounts are now due and I respect­ fully ask that they be settled at once. DEAN’S DRY CLEANING w * * We will call for and deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. «■ wa« Canadian Legion Exeter-Hensall Branch C, TANTON i i 1 LOCALS i i n—-.. . _ __N . i i i ALBERTA COAL .... Just arrived another car of Alb­ erta Coal. Now is the time to fill your bins with good Canadian coal. Phone 33 MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J. Woods, M.A, Minister Mrs. N. J, Dore Organist and Choir Leader 10.30 a,m.—Public Worship and Church School. Speaker-, Mr. W. G. MJedd, “Christian Education Advance”. p.m.—Service withdrawn ip. fa-7 vor of union service in , .(James St. church. Wednesday, Feb. 18, 8 p.m.—Junior Young People. Thursday, 7.30 p.m. — Midweek meeting of prayer and Bible study I Mr. Walter Cutbush, of Kitchen-] Canadian Legion Rooms, Exeter | er, spent Sunday at his home here.’ I A/Tv Tl’avF ‘Pilnn nf Gndprinh i Jas. P. Bowey We also have lots of Nut on hand. Coke RACK Nq. 2 In this ruck you will find good quality dresses in crepes, values to $7.95. Special at $2.49 New Wallpapers for Spring Have your wallpapering done early before the paperhanging get? too busy. ...Our new papers include many new designs that ere inexpensive but make a smart room. Priced at per roll—12^c—15c—18c—20c—25c to 35c 1 Mr. Bert Pilon, of Goderich, > THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19th | spent the week-end with friends in town. I nrtA^p« j au(i Mrs- Ernest Ferry vis-i/oor rrizei |fce(j wjtli reiattves jn parkhill on ■ Sunday. at 8.30 sharp 15 Rounds -— 6 Extra Rounds — Chickens, Hams and Blankets General Admission, 25c Miss Shirley Penhaie has ac­ cepted a position on the staff of the Bank of Montreal. Mr, and Mrs. C. Cook, of Clinton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Stephens on Sunday. * Mr. Herman Dettmer, of Kitchen-; ■ er, spent the week-end with Mr, Young Couple giving up house­ keeping will sell nearly new wash­ ing machine for balance owing,, - -(Army). White Box 280A Exeter|and Mrs’ Borne Oke. Times-Advocate, Exeter, j • Mr. Wm. Allison is remodelling/ the upper floor over his office into j a modern apartment. ; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Dinppy, of • ■ London, visited on Sunday with Mfr. and Mrs, Wm. Winer. James E. Wildman, Exeter,, has enlisted for active service with the Canadian army at London. , Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Inglis and Lome, of Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling, >MJr. and Mrs. Jack Stonehouse and family of Forest, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White. Miss Phyllis Cooper, of Toronto, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Cooper. Mr. Millar Campbell, of London, spent the week-end with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Camp­ bell. ' Mr. and Mrs. Percy Merkeley and Shirley, of London, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. J. C. Snell. Mrs. Jack Waldron, of Clinton, is visiting for several parents, Mr. and Hockey. Mrs. W. L. Kress of Wingham, visited for a few days at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Harness. *AC2 R. L. Wuerth, who has been training at Manning Depot, Toron­ to, has been transferred to St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. G. * A. spent Sunday and Monday and Mrs. O. H. Becker, Hamburg. Mr. Stanley Frayne, of visited with his parents, Mrs. Clayton Frayne, week-end. - Mrs. Douglas Triebner, and of London, visited over the week­ end in Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. N. Corbett. Mr. Dan Dew, of Usborne, sus­ tained a nasty gash in his foot while cutting wood in the bush on Saturday last. Miss Gwendolyn Horne and Mr. brick i Fred Luxton, of London, spent the t.. I week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Luxton. A flag-raising ceremony takes place this Wednesday afternoon at the Town Hall in connection with the new Victory Loan. Mrs. Geo, Wright and baby, who have been visiting with Mr, and Mrs. W. J> Heaman, of London, re­ turned home on Sunday, AC1 Fred Simmons, has returned to Rivers, Manitoba, after a 14-day leave at the Mr. and Mfrs, Mrs, W. E, Marion, and of London, were week-end visitors with Mrs, A, Gunning, of Exeter. Congratulations to Mr, and Mrs, Eli King, of ‘Gredlton, who cele­ brated their golden wedding anni­ versary at Mrs. E. day. Mr, and Mrs. daughter, Maxine, spent the latter part of last week visiting with relatives in this com­ munity. Ted Hannigan, a student at the Exeter public school, had his knee injured while playing hockey at the arena. He has been laid up for several days. At the close of the Sunday School session in James St. church Sunday afternoon, a small portable radio was set np and the address of Bra­ inier Churchill was listened to by a number of those in attendance at the school. FOR SALE—The J. Richard farm of 100 acres, with brick house, barn, granary. Bargain and easy terms. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. FARM FOR RENT—75 acres of choice land.- good barn with good stabling, good house, a never fail­ ing spring. Lot 25, con. 14, Hib­ bert. Apply to Francis Ryckman, Hensall. Box 262,2tp SPAHR’S Remedy Leader 11 WANTED—A hired man eral farm work. Apply Westlake, R.R. 1, Hensall. for gen- to Wm. ltp PIGS FOR SALE—Weaned, 6 weeks old. Elmer Reeder, Exeter, ltp MALE HELP WANTED—Exper­ ienced garage mechanic, ideal liv­ ing and working conditions, steady employment and good wages; Phone W. J. Johnston, Elmira. FOR RENT—Small furnished apartment. One now available at 822.00 per month. Elliot Apart­ ments. days with her Mrs. Norman and son Teddy, WANTED TO RENT—15 0 acres of pasture. Apply to Box 280 B, Times-Advocate.ltp WANTED — Young lady employment. Apply Box Times-Advocate. seeks 280C, ltp. Hawkins with Mr. Of New FOR SALE—Some feed -turnips, also some Cartier oats grown from registered seed, 75c bus. Apply G. Hamilton, phone 73rl2, Hensall. 2tc Listowel, and the Mr. over NEW PRINTS! NEW PRINTS! We will only be able to get about half as many prints as we did last year, so secure your needs while we have such a good assortment. Priced at per yard 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c on top 40 years Treating Sore Throats, Colds# Coughs, Bronchitis, Tonsil Troub­ les and other Kindred Ailments. SPAHR’S, First for Quick Act­ ion, First for Safety*. First for value and results, or money re­ funded at all Drug Stores. Mfr. Bert Rivers, while loading cattle at the Exeter station, met with what might have been a ser­ ious accident. He was tightening a chain, which broke, releasing the skid on the truck, which dropped, striking him a nasty blow on the head. Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Saturday Matinee Commencing at 2.30 York” with GARY COOPER, ' WALTER BRENNAN and an all-star cast I Two nominations for Sergeant York—Gary Cooper has receiv­ ed the nomination for the best performance of 1941 in his por­ trayal of Alvin C. York. The Picture has been nominatd for the Academy Award for 1941 Admission—-Adults 40c; Children 25c; Matinee-'—AduIts 30c; ’ Children 15c ’ This picture is not suitable for Children under 12 years of age Bible Glass' of all -the. Speaker^ Rev. W. A.1 £>,XX.,, VL ntuguaiu. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—T , . “ Thursday, 1 p.m.—War Service Un­ it Sewing and Quilting. 3 p.m.— General Meeting. Friday, 3 p.m. — World Day of Prayer in Caven Presbyterian Church- JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. GQulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir a.m.—The Minister. 3 p.m,—Church School, 7 p.m.—Mass meeting churches. Beecroft, B.A., of Wingham. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service; "".......... ... 1 I 1 :I TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH 10 Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss First Sunday in Lent a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “The Why of Lent” 11 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Union service in church in connection New Victory Loan. Service each Wednesday during Lent. James St. with the at 8 p.m. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services .at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer ing. ■ All are welcome. * Pastor—E. Clemens Meet-! Cotton Flannel for Comforters Just the thing for a warm comforter. Comes in a good range of patterns at per yd. 35c, 39c, 50c Special in Pure Linen Hand and Tea Towelling For one week we offer any of our regular 55c pure linen towelling at this special price. These goods we will not be able to replace. Very special at per yard 50c Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday Golden Net SALMON 1 lb. tin .....................26c lb. tin ................. 16c Maple Leaf SOAP FLAKES 1 box................19c 1 Cake of Toilet Soap Fi*ee Choice pajptry FLOUR 24 lb. bag .. . 67c AYLMER CORN Golden Kernels 2 cans..............25c CORN SYRUP Lily-white 5 lb. tin .... 53c SALAD DRESSING 32 oz. bottle .. 47c MACARONI Bulk 3 lbs.« • • • • » Zk2c ............................ ■■ ... ' I ’ ■ DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins . . . . . 19c g ...... fa- —.... .CTCTCTCTmwCT, BROKEN SODAS . 2 lbs.................23c I LOST—A beagle hound with brown head ‘’and brown and white body. Apply to Nelson Schenk, R.R. 2, Crediton. WANTED To RENT—A 50 or 75 acres preferred. Times-Advocate. } ---------------------- FOR SALE—Substantial house on Hensall main street. In Exeter a compact 1% storey brick house with conveniences. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 21c farm, Apply 2tp FARM FOR SALE1—75 acres, part Lot 7 and 8, Con. 16, brick house, hank barn, drive shed, poultry house, in. good repair; about 7 acres second growth timber. Also 35 acres, part Lot 22, Lake Road East, Con. 17, pasture and wood, all in Hay Twp. May be sold sepa­ rately if larger parcel sold first. John and Henry Gackstetter, Exe­ cutors of - Jacob Gackstetter Estate, Zurich, Ont.IMP. I Offer- Both bush. FARMS FOR SALE—Never ed before, 100 and 160 acres. With fine buildings, silo and Hydro and water throughout. Rea­ sonable price. Terms. C. V. ard, phoned 165, Exeter. Plck- brlckFOR SALF—-Comfortable house# nice lot, all conveniences. Several other homes, C. V. Fick-! ard# Exeter. See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of wlhdmus, pump jacks, humps and piping. Repairing Windmills and pumps, phone Crediton 23-6. R. R. * Dashwood. CASlI FOR FOX animals removed, vice, day or night, ton, 47ri5, collect HOUSES. Dead Two-hour set* Phone CredL Jack William* Roy, home of his parents, Wes. Simmons. Tookey and daughter Miss Dorothy Vinen, lory’s on Tues- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Two Features “Ruggles of Red Gap” with CHARLES LAUGHTON and CHARLIE RUGGLES the Sky” with GENE LOCKHART and LLOYD NOLAN Big SONG-GUESSING CONTEST and Dance OPERA HOUSE, EXETER SATURDAY NIGHT $3.00 1st prize $2.00 second Know songs later than 1939 Clayt. Steeper’s 7-piece Band Admission — 35c Good dance every Saturday night i Sl'l i ( Rte. Douglas Triebner, R.C.O.C., and Pte. Patterson, R.C.O.C., mili­ tary mechanics of the Central Mechanization Depot, London, are away with a convoy touring 'Can­ ada in aid of the Victory#• Loan drive. They left London on Satur­ day morning for Windsor from Where tour. the convoy -will -begin its Coming . * . . “CAPTAINS OF THE CLOUDS” TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone 146 1 I I f Rd. Hicks and of Clio, Mich., Southcott Bros Phone 16 H Exeter Mr, Cyril Strange, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Strange, of Exeter, has secured a position as announc- ei’ over CKGB, a new and up-to- date station owned by the Northern Broadcasting and Publishing Co., at Timmins, Ontario. Mr. Strange will have charge of writing, produc­ ing and directing shows as well as announcing and news _ broad asts. We congratulate him On Ills appoint­ ment. 4l <5 The New Spring I Women's Association of Memorial church served hall fair- The Trivitt a pancake supper in the parish on Tuesday evening. It was ly well attended. The , __ __ Dearing will regret to know that he is quite seriously ill at his -home. He has been confined to his bed for almost three weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frayne and Mrs. C. C, White left for Toronto on Tuesday- owing to the illness of Mrs. Frayne’s mother, Mrs. Sulli­ van. Mrs. Frayne will remain for some time. many friends of Mr. Wm. Third Degree The third degree team , Hensall LO.O.F. visited the ’ I lodge Tuesday evening and lified the work of -the degree to •six candidates. Bro. Stanley LOve occupied the Noble Grand’s chair and he and his team were highly complimented On the excellence of the work, a vote -of thanks -being moved by 'Dr. RoulSton. There were a few short addresses. A social hour and lunch Were enjoyed at the close. theof Exeter exernp- In many gay and attractive colors and pat- terns.. You’ll want to look your best this spring. Why not‘drop in right away and pick out a cloth for that new suit. Let us measure you up and tailor you a suit that will be styled to your individual taste. W. W. TAMAN r The Job Must be Done .. . Let’s do it BUY THE NEW VICTORY BONDS 3 FRESH FISH FOR LENT B.C. SALMON STEAKS ........................ WHITEFISH, Winter Caught ............. HERRING, Lake Superior ................... SMELTS, No. 1 ........................................ B.C. SALMON, Whole (10 to 15 lbs.) .,20 c: per lb. ...20c: per lb. 20c i/z doak ...20c per lb. ...17c per lb. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY Frozen Strawberries.......Pint Carton, 16c; Quart carton, 25c JUMBO ICE CREAM, Pint brick..............:...................20c each We still have a few lockers to rent, EXETER FROZEN FOOD LOCKERS Phone 70 *t*w Caven Chuich W.M.S. The February meeting of the Wo­ men’s Missionary Society was -held on Thursday, the 12th, at the home bf Mrs. R. G. Seldon, with a record attendance. William Sillery presided, opening the meeting with singing and prayer. A recent let­ ter from. Dr. Margaret Strang Sav­ age was read at the meeting. Fin­ al 'arrangements were made for the ; Women’s World Day of Prayer to I be held in CaVen church on Friday, ! February 20th. The roll call was responded to by a verso of scrip- I ture. The devotional period was | conducted by Mrs. Fuke. 1A forum f on the overseas work in Formosa I and Manchuria was led by the 'pre­ sident and Miss Jeckell with oth­ er members responding and much Interesting information was secur­ ed, Various reports from the con­ venors of the various committees were given, showing progress in the activities -of the society. The meet­ ing was brought to a close by ail repeating the Lord’s Brayer in uni­ son, after which a social half-hour w&££ spent. Miss Vera Decker sperit the past week in Detroit attending the Hairdressers’ Convention at the Book-Cadillac Hotel, also some special sessions at Derma-Way Uni­ versity. . Mrs. Fred Baynliam (nee Mary Regan) of London, took charge >of Miss Decker's beauty par­ lor during her absence. On Active Service Among the recruits in training at the Basic. Training Centre, at Chatham, who went on active ser­ vice during the month of Febru­ ary were P. Gregus, R.R. 3, Exeter; John W. Shepherd, Reward N. Smale and Gerald R. Johnston, all of Hensall. A thermometer was picked William street and. turned in Times-Advocate. UP 6ft to the „ j house •Times-Advocate Want Ads?1 “The community clearing i II!IP Tuesday was Shrove Tuesday; Wednesday, Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Good Friday comes on April 3rd and Easter on April 5th. Mrs. Joseph Hbod and son, Nel* soli, of Kippen- visited in the home of W. H. Johnston -on Friday. They are bld friends of more than forty years’ .standing. The pupils of Room 4, Exeter Public School and' their teacher, Mr, Ray Waghorn, enjoyed a to­ boggan party oh Dow’s hill or> Fri­ day evening. Oil returning to the school all did justice to a boun­ teous lunch. • The Thames Road, farm forum met Monday evening at -the home of Mr. Jack Madge with 15 in atten­ dance. The Subject under discus­ sion was “Who Will Own the Land?” After <the business euchre and .danc­ ing were enjoyed and refreshments served. The next meeting will be held next Monday at Mr. Harry Rohde’s. y