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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-19, Page 4
Thursday, February 19th, 1942 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Page 4 / RQCK BOTTOM CASH STORES LENT OPENS A GOOD DISPLAY AT COOK’S SILVER BRIGHT SALMON; KIPPERS; MACKEREL FILLETS; COD FILLETS; SALMON FILLETS; and SMOKED FILLETS BIRTHS BOA—At Mrs. Saundercock’s hos pital on Thursday, Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Boe (nee Freda Htirburn), a daughter. HUTCHESON-—On Thursday, Feb. 12th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. Hutche son, of Hensail, a son. DEATHS •In Exeter, on Monday, 1942, Benjamin 9 5 years, 1 PHILLIPS- February 16th, S. Phillips, aged month end 3 days. WILDFONG—In Hay Friday, February Amos Wildfong, in LAWSON—-In, Crediton, on Sunday, February 15 th, 1942, Lauretta Heywood, beloved wife of Lawson, in her 75th year. Township,, on 13th, 1942, his 77th year. Eli CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Wildfong and family wish ALSO LARGE VARIETY OF ALL CAN FISH — to I express their sincere thanks to the j neighbors and friends for the bind ing their bereavement, also for the floral tributes and the loan of cal’s. ness and sympathy extended dur- SEE OUR DISPLAY HimmiiniiiiiminiiiiiiiinimiiiiiniiinniiniiiHiiinmiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my many friends who so kindly remembered me with cards and letters following my re cent accident. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher and to Mrs, Earl Par sons and and family who were so kind attentive.—-Mrs. Hazelwood. MONSTER CARNIVAL EXETER ARENA on Monday, February 23rd at 8 o’clock, sharp CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Mitchell wish to thank all those who so kindly re membered Mrs. Mitchell with cards, calls, treats and flowers while a patient in Victoria Hospital, Lon don, 'and since she returned home. PP- PRIZES AWARDED. AS FOLLOWS: Messrs. Andrew Campbell and Newton Clarke were in Woodstock on Wednesday of last week attend ing the annual meeting of the West ern Farmers' Wind Insurance Co. Scanning LOCALS LOSE TO LUCAN IN OVERTIME BATTLE The old rivals got together for a hockey date Friday night, and sure made it a keen ene- It the best game of the season, Irish scoring three goals in overtime session to win 7-4, Down two goals in the late stages of the game, the locals made a gal lant rally, tp tie the score and send the the his the eter sent every man up, and and Wrighten fired in a more, Wrighten Gets Five The locals were in their form of the season, Every the squad played bang-up hockey, While kept off the score sheet, Law- son played his -best game of the sea- His consistent backcheckipg wi th S tirC' suv C(1 IllOl'C til 3/11 dangerous threat on Ford’s they was the the 1 game into overtime. Early in extra session Wrighten potted fourth goal to put Lucan into lead. With nothing to lose Ex Baynes couple * i hottest man on! I Best Dressed Couple ..........................................................$5.00 Gent’s Fancy Costume .................................................. $2.50 Ladies’ Fancy Costume ..................................... $2.50 Best Comic ...............................................................................$2.50 Girls’ Fancy, 16 and under .................................................$1.50 Boys’ Fancy, 16 and under ...................................................$1,50 Comic, Boy or Girl, under 16 years................. $1.50 Open Race, Men .— — 1 .—.—.......—.....---------$1.50 Boys’ Race, 12 years to 15 years ........... $1.00 Boys’ Race, 12 years and under —;................ ....... .50 Couple Race .....................................................................-..........$1.50 Clowns, performance and dress considered........$2.50 $1.50 $3.56 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 .75 .25 .75 $1.00 HOCKEY MATCH and Patriotic Rally FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20th at 8 o’clock in the Exeter Arena Door Prize $10.00 War Savings Certificate z iI ! i | 'Lucan vs. Exeter (semi-finals) ! Before the game will pe presented j A Patriotic Drill by Twenty Girl. Skaters and a son. along one doorstep. But the locals failed to keep tab on Wrighten. He scored five of Lucan’s seven goals. It didn’t take the locals long after the opening command to get their sights adjusted. Moore gunned in with Ryckman’s pass to -slide the puck under Jackson who had sprawled too late. Smith tied it up on a one-man hunt, beating Bunny from close range. Exetei’ took the lead again on Creech’s long shot from the blue-line early in the sec- o n d. However Wrighten fired home three goals in succession, two in the late minutes of the second and another early in the last frame. All were on solo rushes. Ryckman and Moore worked the puck up the ice and Wes picked the net from just inside the penalty shot line to put the locals within one of the Irish. The locals were really flying in an attempt to tie the score. With -only a few minutes to go, Lutman tied the score^ after Creech had taken the puck up the ice. -j, In the overtime Wrighten- stick- l I | 10-mmute Address' on Victory | * Loan I by Fit. Lieut, Ramsay, of Clinton Radio School Band in Attendance Admission 25c and 10c CREDITON Mr. Arthur Haist, of kitchener, spent Sunday at his home here. Bob Wolfe, of London and Har old Wolfe, of Walkerton, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Wolfe. Miss Audrey Harding, of Credi ton south school is. spending this week at her home in North- Toronto owing to illness. Her place is be ing takep by Mil's. Earl Haist, ^lission Circle Meets The Young People’s Mission Circle of the Evangelical church met on Monday evening, February 9th, for their monthly meeting ’at the home of their advisor, Mrs. H. K, Eilber, Opening devotions and business were conducted by the president, Mrs. Lawrence 'Wein, af ter which the finance committee took bharge of the following pro gram: Scripture lesson, current events, discussion of study chapter, “Practice Makes Perfect”, vocal trio, Valentine reading and song. A, contest was conducted and a dainty lunch served by the committee, Mrs. R. Krueger, Mrs. E, Hendrick, Mrs. S. Brown, Clara Gaiser, Dorothy Ratz and Ada Gaiser. C.G.I.T, Oi’ganized A meeting was held at the home of Mirs. Herb Mitchell on Satur day, Feb. 14, for the purpose of or ganizing a Canadian Girls in Train ing group, Rev. Turner presided for the election of officers which resulted as follows: Hon. pres., Mrs. Herb Mitchell; code directors, Mrs. Mitchell and Mrs. King; pres., Elaine Mitchell; vice-pres., Betty Mawhinney; sec., Lois Swartz; press and corresponding sec., Mack; treas., Jean King; Bet'ty Lou Swartz; asst. Eunice King. 7/MI ) Evaline pianist, pianist, 1 Shur-Gain Chick Starter for 1942 This year we must endeavor to loss not so much as X chick, Britain demands this as part of our war effort. Despite opr contract for millions of cases of eggs we have been able to supply one egg only per person per month for Britain. .You cap’t take a chance on Chick Startar; to be sure use SHUR-GAIN. On SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER yopr chicks will thrive' grow, lay; and pay dividends, SHUR-GAIN FEEDS are. made from the best grains grown is Canada mixed with best growing and health giving supplements to make a balanced ration. Through years of study and experience we have reached the high standard of feeds we now produce, When you buy SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER you are sure, Remember freshness is essential. Our SHUR-GAIN CHICK STARTER is mixed fresh every week, 17% Chick Starter...$2.95 19% Chick Starter...$3.20 [i .Come in and price our feeds, Jute sacks are scarce and expensive, We will fill your used SHUR-GAJN STARTER bags asd give you a liberal credit on your feed. caNn & SONS Exeter OntarioPhone 35w SALE I^IPLEMENTS auctioneer has to sell by pub- AUCTION FARM STOCK AND The undersigned received, instructions lie auction on The meetings will bej’ _held every two weeks on Saturday* »» 1 afternoon at 2 o’clock, program was given and the rest of the afternoon was spent in playing games. Lunch was served by the directors. The Victory Loan throughout the township is meeting with a favor able response. The public real izes the need of funds to carry the war to victory. On Tuesday a brief ceremony took place at the Town Hall, when the Victory Loan Flag was presented to the town-ship reeve, Alonzo McCann, by H. K. Eilber, a member of -the county executive. The school children sang “The Maple Leaf Forever”. Prayer was offered -by Rev. Turner of the Un ited church and the ceremony then closed by singing the National An them. Arrangements are being made for an entertainment to be held in the township hall next Wed nesday, when a program will be put on by the pupils of the local schools. A war film will be snown and ahandled through the Exeter players speaker will address the meeting on Grand Parade at 8.15 for those in costume, followed by judging' Ice reserved for those in costume until after judging • 2 Hours Skating Admission 25c, Children 15c Thousands pf householders who have already changed to *blue coal* have no Coal worries this winter. They are sure of steady economical heating *, « uniform warmth and comfort». *• AIL WINTER LONG, $ 5.o>l lib show you bow ©asy R tochanR© to ‘blue coal\ Phonons today. EXETER BAND IN ATTENDANCE SHADOW",DofeeHve. W. C. ALLISON JPjhoiie 40w, Exeter PERFORMANCE -ECONOMY LOW UPKEEP MORE TRACTOR THAN YOU EVER SAW BEFORE SNELL BROS. & CO.,EXETER MESS® W328SB and whipped the boot heel past Ford. The locals then threw caution' to the wind to tij^. ^o get the equalfz- I ei* and Baynes Jiid"Wrighten scored two more to give them the game 7-4, LUCAN—Goal, Jackson; def ence, Wrighten and Murrell; centre, R. Paul; wings, G, Paul and Wat son ; subs, Smith Siddall, .Hodgins, [ Baynes and Howe, ■ I EXETER—Goal, Ford; defence, Creech and Ryckman; centre, Moore; wings, Stire and Lawson; subs, Dinney, Lutman, Macdonald, and Willard. Referee—Leroy the New Victory Loan. Sunday Mass Meeting j A mass meeting of the churches : with a union choir 'under the direc tion of W. R. Goulding will be held j in James St. United church next; Suiiday evening. Rev. W. A. Bee croft, of Wingham, will be the spec ial speaker. This special religious service is sponsored <by. the cere monials committee of the new Vic tory Loan. CON. 2, STEPHEN A short | WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4th, 1942 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: HORSES—Heavy mare, 9 years old; heavy horse, 10 years old. COWS—Purebred cow due April 4, purebred cow due March 30. IM’PLEMENTS-r-M.H. binder, 6 ft,; McCormick mower, 6 ft.; fer tilizer drill, 13-hoe; 10-hoe seed drill; Maxwell, hay loader, Interna tional hay rake, 14-plate disc, stiff tooth cultivator, 7 ft,; cultivator, 6 ft.; com horse -scuffler, riding ing plow, land roller, rows, wagon rack, set ter, fanning mill, mail box, set of scales, gravel box set single har ness, set double harness, new; horse collars, bridle, hay fork, lock and pulleys, DeLaval separator,' grain seeder, root pulper, fence stretcher, com planter, colony house, 8x10 ft.; forks, whiffletrees, neckyokes, chains, barrels, boxes, pails and numerous other articles. Cook stove, bath tub, indirect lighting fixtures. These are a choice lot of imple ments and are in good condition. Terms—CASH REG. HODGsUbi, rrop. \ FRANK COATES, Clerk FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer USED CARS Picked- up, Look These Over The Good Ones Will Soon Be TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN O’Brien. sjc * •Proclamation AIRPORT TAKE IN WIN FOUR. POINTS OVER USBORNE The Airport sextet grabbed four points in the first of ’Friday night’s doubleheader, winning over Usborne had two schedule, schedule a single the win- it to the Airport 5-2. These two teams games left in the regular and in order to get the completed, they made game with four points ner. The foui* points put in second place and they will play off with Usborne in the semi-finals. The first game will be played Wed nesday night. On Friday evening the Lucan boys and the locals get to gether to renew their hockey quar rel. With the addition of Nicholson and Rintoul the Usborne squad put up fa much better fight than in pre vious games. The Airport didn’t win as easily aS they had expected. Pickering picked the far side of the Usborne net early in the initial frame to open the scoring. They in creased their lead on Haist’s goal a few minutes later, However Nich olson cut down the lead on a nice solo sortie from one end of the ice to the other to catch the short side I of the net. The period ended 2-1 in the Airport’s favour. Haist and Wood contributed to the scoring in the second. Bawden fed Haist the pass for the first one. Wood shot from the right boards to catch the hemp for the other one to give the Airport a three goal lead. In the third, each team scored, took from I i i WHEREAS the Dominion Govern ment has /proclaimed, it is neces sary to float a Ioan of $600,000,000 to carry on Canada’s war effort: to supply our Armed Forces with tools so that they can finish the job; to, see that a steady stream and mi- j broken flow of equipment is being i sent forward to the front lines. AND WHERE-AS the assistance and co-operation of every citizen of our County is needed at this time to make this Ioan the success that it should be. I REQUEST all citizens, com panies, retailers and vendors to fly the Union Jack and any other de corations on their residences and places of business from February 16tli until the successful conclusion of the loan drive. ALONZO McCANN, Reeve, Twp. of Stephen Crediton ’Ontario, February 12th, 1943 “GOD SAVE THE KING” FEEDING OIL If you bought a bushel of wheat you’d want to know how ‘many pounds per bushel. When, you buyj Cod Liver Oil be sure to ask how many vitamins per gallon. Ours contains 4,000 Vit.A and 400 Vit. D for every teaspoonful f spring-tooth scuff ler, 1- plow, walk set of har- sleighs,. cut- TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE TENDERS WANTED 1940 FORD COACH;—z\ real nice black car, looks and rims like new, this car has a heater, new battery and five good tires, only....... $975.00 1937 CHEVROLET COACH— Master Deluxe model, in splendid condition, heater, and 5 good tires ... $650.00 1936 FORD COACH—Delux model with trunk and heat er................................. $450.00 For a Good Buy—Buy Now Sandy Elliot the undersigned. Tenders not com plying with requirements will not be considered. Lowest or any ten der not necessarily accepted. Arthur Rohde, Road Supt., R.R. 1, Heusall, Ont. A. W. Morgan, Twp. Clerk, Hensail, Ont. Phone 1711-32, Exeter Dated at Exeter Feb. 17, 1942 2tc Sealed Tenders, plainly marked “Tender” will be received by the undersigned until Tuesday, Mar. 3rd, 1942, at 2 p.m. Each tender must be submitted on Tender Form, supplied by the Township and obtainable from the undersigned and must be accompam ied by a cheque,, certified by a Chartered Bank for the amount Specified in each case. Tender No. 1—Tractor to drive the Township crusher. Unit to de velop not less than 40 brake horse power on the belt and be capable of operating the crusher' and dragline satisfactorily. Approximately 6,000. VJL ,,uei xv.A,jp. iyards to be crushed in May and, now stationed in North BattlefortL I Jufie 1942. ------- ----- . .................................- ply his own drive belt and a compe-J j tent operator who shall also" lubri cate and care for the crusher while j running and who shall move and as- ’ sist in setting the crusher, when ne cessary. Tenders to be by the hour. Marked cheque to accompany ten der for $100.00. ~ Tender No. 2—Trucking of afore- j mentioned, gravel fr'om bin to Town* s ship roads, AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS LOT 4, CONCESSION 8, STEPHEN on- THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1943 SIMON MORLOCK, Prop. ELIMV1LLE Mr. Thos. Raveney, of the R.A.F.. Tractor owner to sup-’Sask., visited friends here last Week. ! *Mr. and Mrs. J. Wawn, of War- ’ 1 wick, visited at the home of their ! cousin, Mrs. W. Routly, on their j honeymoon last week. j Mr. and Mrs, Philip Murch and ! Marian spent the week-end in Lon don at the home of their son and his family, Mr. and. Mrs. Hy. Murch. Mr. Clayton Herdman, of Tamb- lyn’s Drug Stores, Toronto, and Mr.‘ dnreadine' tn He huHpv s ■U1US stores, Toronto, and Mr. .. v K . U d , and Mi>s‘ Hillson Whiteford, of In direction and subject to the approval gersoll, visited their parents $2.50 per gallon, container extra , Your Drugs at /ROBERTSON’S Phone 50 ExCter Carter for the Usborne boys Harmer's pass to beat Finlay close range.Kumm was the Air- port sniper. AIRPORT—-Goa 1,Finlay;de fence, Pickering and Varey; centre, Wood; wings Ku man and a r m* strong; subs,Haist,Dean, Rahner, Bawden, gangster.Motrisson and Allison, USBORNE--Goat Southcott;de- fence, Nicholson and Rintoul;cen* tre, K. Hern; wings,*R. Hern and E. j Passmore; subs, Kestle, Wein, Har-( mer, Nairn, Hoqgert, Armstrongf and Carter, ,, Referee—Leroy O’Brien. j Dray Chick Hatchery, Exeter Phone 246 Cawaila Packers, fixetei*; W* Kerslako, llensali; or Alvin N. M. Wileys Farniers* Co-operative, Alisa Craig. of the Township Road Superinten dent Sufficient trucks' to be pro vided to keep the crusher running to capacity. Gravel to be hauled from Moodie’S pit and either Shier’s or Brock's pits, on a flat rate haulage to be Marked cheque der for $200.00. Tender No. 3-—In compliance with Department of Highways require ments, the council invites the fol lowing alternative complete tender for the crushing and hauling of the gravel from the aforementioned pits to the roads of Usborne Township. Contractor to supply crusher, drag line, power, trucks, and labour at a price per yard laid down on the Township roads. Spreading to be under the supervision of the Hoad Superintendent. The contract calls for approximately 6,<o 00 yards, work to commence not later than Septem ber 1st, 1942. Marked cheque to accompany tender, of $5’00.00, Selection of Tenders from No. 1 and 2 or from the alternate tender, Nd. 3, will rest with the Council and the District Engineer of Municipal Roads. Further information and Specifications may be obtained from Tenders must toe per yard but all from nearest pit. to accompany ten- .................-r-- -------UbOj and M-rs. John Herdman, on Sunday -last. Mr. Elgin Skinner,, of -the R.C. A.F., has been posted to a radio school at Fredericton, N.B., leaving Toronto the first of this week. His numerous friends wish him success. The Red Cross Unit held, cessful^ bingo iu WinchelSea on Wednesday night of last every a suc- school —____ ---- Week.Mi’s. Albert Scott, of Farquhar, was fortunate in winning the door prize, which was a 1'00-lb. bag of flour. The following is a list of articles made by the local Red Gross Unit for the last Shipping: 7 pairs sea boots, 10 pairs socks, 3 turtle neck sweaters, 9 scarfs, 2 alterna tive caps, 3 aero caps, 5 pairs mitts, 2 pairs gloves, 6 wash Cloths, 9 large quilts, 1 crib quilt,, 2 girls’ dresses. 2 skirts. 4 blouses, 2 slips, 2 -boys’ shirts, 1 layette and 1 af- ghan. Mips Miss Bessie Bell, R.K land, N.Y, B.N.. ( ‘ “ ____, ........„ brother, Graham Bell/of the R.c'n?, who is op leave, at the home of their parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Thos. Bell. Miss Bessie Bell came by t.C.a. pia”o from New York to London airport, the trip of over 1,000 miles being made in hours, Mi’dred. Bell, of iDetroiit, .of Long Ig- , and Miss Florence Bell, of London, visited with their