HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-12, Page 8Thuwhjr, Fcferonry 1$42 V’s Beauty Shoppe iFOr Permanents Of Lasting Beauty Spiral, Croquinole, Combination Machineless . THE EXETER TIME3-A0V0CATE VERA C. DECKER, Prop, Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment GLADIOLUS BULBS For the amateur gardener that has tired of his old stock of ealmon, pink and apricot glads,, and who is not familiar enough with the var­ ieties to choose from commercial catalogues, listing hundreds and recommending them all, X have prepared a list of 15 varieties, each, one of the best in its color, as follows: 1 Lavender, 1 White, 1 Buff, 1 Pink, 1 Salmon, 1 Purple, 1 Rose, 1 Violet, let, 1 Smoky. This supply: 12 large or medium bulbs of each variety, $5.00 6 of each variety, $2.50 ERNEST C. HARVEY Exeter (During the time that our local Horticultural Society is disbanded, owing to the war, I will be pleased to assist anyone wishing to secure Nursery Stock.) 1 Yellow, 1 Orange, 1 Scar- Red, X Peep Red, and 2 Special Offer, subject to The W.A. of Main St. United church will hold a patriot^ cafe­ teria tea March 17tli. Reserve the date. Exeter Markets New or old wheat, $1.09. •Creamery butter, 39 c, Eggs, A Large, 29c Eggs, Medium, 2.7c. Eggs, B, 22c Dressed, Hogs, $14*50’. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J. G» Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.- NOTICE Norm Hockey agent for • ♦ * We will call for and deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Having disposed of my prop­ erty in Exeter, all accounts are now due and I respect­ fully ask that they be settled at once. •I C, TANTON Coke J^s. P. Bowey We also have lots of Nut on hand. ALBERTA COAL .... Just arrived another car of Alb­ erta Coal. Now is the time to fill your bins with good Canadian ,coal. Phone 33 LOCALS *Rey, Jas. Anthony, M.A., will conduct the service. There will be no evening service. Thursday, Feb. 12, W.M.S. at the home of Mrs. R. G. Seldon at 3 o’clock, February 22—Rev. J. B. Rhodes, of Toronto Bible College will (D.V,) occupy the pulpit. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval J. Woods, M,A. Minister Mrs. N, J. Dpre Organist and Choir Leader 10.30 a.m.—Public Worship an,<j Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m.—Public Worship, the Minu­ ter. Thursday, 3 p.m,—W.M.S. at Mrs. Jaques’. Thursday,, 7.30 p.m. —- Midweek meeting’ of prayer and Bible study Abbott, Itc by tbe 2tc many a sur- acres, ---v-------------_ Reserve the date for a St, Pat­ rick’s euchre in the Trivitt parish hall, sponsored by the Guild, Tues­ day, March 17 th. ---------v-------- FOR SALE—Two milking cows, due to freshen in spring, milking well at present time, W- F. Exeter, phone 30. ----------y---------- TENDERS Tenders will be received undersigned until 12 o’clock noon, Saturday. February 14th, for the painting of the Sheriff’s office, in the Court House, Goderich, Ont. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Goderich, Ont. ■V--------- , Mr. N. Statton on Saturday next will observe the fifth anniversary of starting in business in Exeter. He will be pleased to have his friends call as he may have prise for them. ■---------y--------- FARM FOR RENT—50 two miles south of Centralia, house and barn. Immediate .possession. Also 200 acres grass farm west of Shipka. Lots of water. Apply to E. Cronyn. R.R. 1, Olandeboye. ltp, BRICK COTTAGE for rent or sale on Main St. Possession March 1st. Apply to John Prout. tfc ---------V--------- FOR SALE—Calves suitable for | veal. Apply to Elgin Rowcliffe,I Hensail. • ---------v-------- FOR SALE—First grade Urban seed oats, Lome Allen, R.R. 1, Kirkton, phone 63r9, Kirkton. Itp -------—y--------- WANTED TO RENT—A 50 or 75 acres preferred. Times-Advocate. ---------V--------- . NOTICE—Hurondale beef will operate as usual beginning April 9th. A few part shares are still available. Harry Strang, Sec. • ltc farm, Apply 2tp ring I J --------v-------- FOR -SALE—Substantial brick house on Hensall main street. In Exeter a compact 1% storey brick house with conveniences. Pearce, Exeter. » ----------V------— " FARM FOR SALE—75 acres, part Lot 7 and 8, Con. 16, brick house, bank barn, drive shed, poultry house, in good repair; about 7! acres second growth timber. , Also j 39 acres, part Lot 22, Lake Roadj East, Con. 17, pasture and wood, all in Hay Twp. May be Sold Sepa­ rately if larger parcel sold first. John and Henry Gackstetter, Exe­ cutors of Jacob Gackstetter Estate, j Zurich, Out. p.p. w. c. 1 ——-V------- FOR SALE''—Mixed hay and clover straw. Apply to E. Hicks, Centralia, or phone 32rl7, Kirk­ ton. 29-3tp i FARMS FOR SALE—Never ed before, 10 0 and 150 acres, with fine buildings, silo and Hydro and water throughout, son able price . Terms. C. V. ard, phone 165, Exeter. —V——- FOR SALE—Comfortable house, nice lot, all conveniences, Several other homes. C, V. Dick­ er'd, Exeter. offer- Both bush, Rea- Pick- brick See Geo. F. Clark tor all kinds of windmLls, ptimp jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing Windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R. R, a Dashwood. --—-V............- CASH FOR FOX HORSES. Dead animals removed. Vice, day or night, ton, collect Two-hour set* Phone Credi* Jack William? NOTICE The Dentists of Exeter desire to call to the attention of the pub­ lic that their offices are closed ev­ ery Wednesday afternoon through­ out the year. —------V----------- Miss Dorothy Williams is con­ fined to her home through illness. Mr. R. N, Creech has been con­ fined to the house with a severe cold. Capt. W, E. Weekes, of Chatham spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Harrington, of Simcoe, vis­ ited with Mrs. Gordon Hunter on Saturday last. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lamport, of London, spent Tuesday friends in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Vrm. 'Cook Lloyd spent Sunday in Hensall Mr. and Mfrs. Harold Cook. Mr. Hy, Hoffman, of Dashwood, sang two solos at vice in James St. Sunday. George Warren can, is among the recent enlistments' in1 the R.C.A.F. at No. 9 Recruiting! Centre, London. | Phone Mr. J. T. Whittle, of Saskatoon, 1 C rt ’cdr r, 4-zxl-i rt.TT? <1 V* i W-. trTCST F4 TV O’ TXTl FT1 11 I CS , Mr. Nelson j I Lampman, of} several days j yisiting with theif son, Mr. K. J. i and Mrs. Lampman. ' ! Ted Buswell, instructor on the i link trainer at Sky Harbor, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buswell. Mr. Wm. Kernick, of town, ob­ served his 83rd birthday on Sunday. Mt. Kernick continues in splendid health and is quite active. AC Reginald Wuerth returned to Winnipeg Wednesday after spend­ ing a ten-day leave with his par­ ents, Mir. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth. Miss Hazel Elliot, R.N., .daugh­ ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Elliot, ■ has accepted a position on the staff of the Preston Springs Hos-1 pital. j Last week Jean Hagerman <re-! ceived word that her brother, Doug- j las Hagerman. R.C.A.F., had England. Miss Dorothy in-training in II I SPAHR’S Remedy 1 1 I I on top 40 years Treating Sore Throats, Colds* Coughs^ Bronchitis, Tonsil Troub­ les and other Kindred Ailments. ’ SPAHR’S, First for Quick Act­ ion, First for Safety. First for value and results, or money re­ funded at all Drug Stores. 1 with j and with the morning ser- United church on Fairless, of Lu- Saskatchewan, is visiting with his ■ daughter, Mrs. and ‘Statton, of town, Mr. and Mrs. iF‘. N. ' B.urgessville, spent who is with the! landed safely in 1 1Traquair, nurse-i I Victoria Hospital, London, is home for a few weeks convalescing after an acute attack j of bronchitis. < Mr, Harry Snell, of London, on Monday evening underwent an oper- j ation in St. Joseph’s Hospital. His many friends in Exeter wish him a | speedy recovery. Congratulations beth J. Passmore, day observed her She was the recipient of cards and handkerchiefs. Pte. Russel Hunter, Borden his mother and sister Helen, of Stratford, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter Wednes­ day afternoon of last week. Mrs. Edna Swartz, of Toronto, who .has been visiting her sisters, Mrs. E. Davis and Mi’s. H. C,.> Clarke, and her mother, Mrs. Brock, returned home on Saturday, Mr. Ronald Hookey, foreman of the Summerville plant for war work at Strathroy, visited with ’his par­ ents, Mr. and Mi’S. J. H. Hookey and Jim on Thursday of last week. AC2 Jack Lamp and A>C2 Earl Smith, of the R.C.A.F., at St. Thomas, and formerly of Brock,; Saskatchewan, spent the week-end j at the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. A. Cann. Mr. Wm. BailtWllI, of Pt. Albert,! Is this week holidaying at his home here, Mr. Balkwill recently enlist­ ed with the shop and branch of the R,‘C,A.IF., pects to be balled up in future. Mrs. Eliza- 3 on Satur- birthday. numerous of Camp building and ex- the near I 1 ( I ARE YOU RUPTURED? Did You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t Happen Here are Properly Fitted by anYou Experienced Fitter* in our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Back Guarantee Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S 50 Exeter 4 M OPERA HOUSE, EXETER ' SATURDAY NIGHT For good novelties and door prizes don’t miss this dance Clayt. Steeper’s 7-piece Band Admission — 35c WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT of GEO. WRIGHT’S DISPOSAL SALE Selling out to the bare walls. I Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Hold That Ghost” a special comedy starring / the ace comedians ABBOTT and COSTELLO MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY “Blood in technicolor starring TYRONE POWER and LINDA DARNELL ft February If), 20 and 21 “Sergeant York” with GARY COOPER and an all-star cast Now playing third big week at the Imperial Theatre Toronto Coming « » * * “CAPTAINS OF THE CLOUDS’’ “ RUGGLES OF RED GAP’’ 'ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT’ I JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—The- Minister.11 3 p.m.—Church School, Bible Class 7 p.m.—The Minister. ’ | Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service. Thursday, 3 p.m.—Woman’s Assoc­ iation. 1 •____ . I TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss CJhoir Leader, Mr. Quinquagesima i Just the thing for a warm comforter. LEMONS AYLMER JAM assorted 6 cakes for BULK LARD 9 which may be spent with- consent of the superinten- «49 Raspberry, Strawberry and Cherry Large Juicy 4 for 10c 20c, 25c, values to Exeter of /fow is i or Overcoat RACK No. 1... A wonderful oppprturiity to secure a good dress at less price, ...You will have to see them to appreciate their value. Special at $1.49 RACK No. 2 In this rack you will find good quality dresses in c. $7.95. Special at New Wallpapers for Spring Have your wallpapering done early before the paperhanging 'gets too, busy. ...Our new papers include many new designs that are inexpensive but make a smart room. Priced at per roll—12y2c—15c—18c—20c—25c to 35c NEW PRINTS! NEW PRINTS! We will only be able to get about half as many prints as we did last year, so secure your needs while we have such a good assortment. Priced at per yard 35c Cotton Flannel for Comforters Comes in a good range of patterns at per yd. 35c, 39c, 50c Special in Pure Linen Hand and Tea Towelling For one week we offer any of our regular 55c pure linen towelling at this special price. These goods we will not be able to replace. Very special at per yard 50c " MacFaul Middlemiss Sunday 10 a.m.—Holy (Communion. 11 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon. “Love” Tuesday, Feb. 17th—The W.A. 'are • holding a pancake supper from 5.30 to S o’clock. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services at 3 8 p,.m. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meet­ ing. All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens p.m. and TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone 146 By the pupils of Exeter Public School assisted by the pupils of S. S. No. 3 Stephen and S. S. No. 5 Usborne under the direction Mr. W. R. Goulding will be held in the OPERA HOUSE, EXETER TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th at 8 o'clock Silver Collection Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday AYLMER SOUPS Vegetable and Tomato 3 for . . .25c TOILET SOAP HERSHEY’S COCOA 4 lb. tin .... 65c Choice Home Rendered Ms lb tin . SPECIAL .15c Choice BREAD FLOUR PORK & BEANS REX COFFEE Southcott Bros Phone 16 SOCIETY INACTIVE FOR 1912 The local Horticultural Society has been granted • authority to re­ main dormant for the yeai’ 1942. The last-elected officers automati­ cally become trustees of the funds, none of .out the dent. ----------v---------- James St. W.A. February meeting of St. W.A. was held on Th'urs- 19c the Jime t to get l/our The James day afternoon with the president, Mrs. Steiner, in the chair. Mrs. Page conducted 'the devotional per­ iod. It was decided to work in groups for 'the year with each fifty Twenty-five dollars was the deficit of the United Following the business -a program was enjoyed. “The Old Mr. S. B. Taylor was in Toronto for a few days last week on busi­ ness. Messrs. Grafton and Douglas Pryde over the week-end. AiC2 Warren St. Thomas, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. May. Mrs. Elmore Tuckey, of London spent a few days in Exeter the lat­ ter part of last week owing to the illness of Mlawson. A heavy section on ___________ _______„ was difficult over the week-end. .Snowplows throughout Stephen and Usborne townships kept the roads open. iMr. Preston Dearing spent three ! days in Toronto last week attend-! ing a 'convention of the Ontario and | . Canadian Sheep Breeders’ Associa- < approved; tion/' He Was again elected a dir- , and the following committees ector of the association. I Mrs. Ashton, of near Oshawa, Mr., 'Fleming, of Toronto; Mrs, McLag*| Un and Keith, of Mitchell; Mt. and i Mrs. Geo. Savage, Miss Alma Winer j and Mi1* McLagan, of London, visit-1 ed with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer on Sunday. Mr, W» G, Medd left Monday for Chicago, being one of the delegates of the United Church ef Canada to the 21st Quadrennial Convention and Day Conference of the Interna­ tional Council of Religious Educa­ tion, Cochrane, Jack were in Toronto May, R.C.A.F., It was ! for group responsible for raising dollars, voted to Church, meeting Miss Jean Elliot .sang Rugged Cross”, Mrs. Sturgis spoke “Compulsory Evacuation of Missionaries from China” and Mrs. T. O. Southcott conducted a con­ test. Fine sujting and materials are becoming increasing­ ly hard to obtain and we strongly advise you to get your new clothes in the near future. At our store you will find a large range of fine snappy cloths from which we can tailor you a smart new suit or overcoat. ■> < on her mother, Mrs. Geo. snow storm visited this Saturday and motoring ------V--------■ •Caven Congregational Circle The February meeting was held at the honie of .Mrs. Cochrane on Tuesday, February 3rd. Mrs. Moir, the president, presided and opened the meeting with hymn 494 votional exercises were Mrs. A. Willert, followed 552. The* minutes were roll call was De­ taken by by hymn read and answered were Mrs. and Sil- Mrs. I appointed! Sick and shut-in, Willert; program, Mrs. Fuke Miss Ballantyne; lunch, Mrs. lery and Mrs. Kydd; hostess, Clarence Simmons. Mrs. E. Mitch­ ell then read a paper on “The Glory Of the Union Jack”, which was very interesting. A solo was rendered by Mrs. Sillery and a duet by Miss Joyce Simmons and Miss Kirk. Miss jeckell gave a vote of thanks to the hostess and those taking part in the program. The meeting clos­ ed with the National Anthem. A cup of tea was then served by the hostess and committee. ) $ W. W. TAMAN VICTORY LOAN SUNDAY A meeting of several of the com­ mittees in connection with the Sec­ ond Victory Loan convened by Reeve B, W. Tuckey, met in the council chambers at the Town Hall Monday evening, It was decided to co-operate With other municipali­ ties throughout the Dominion in ob­ serving Sunday, February 22nd, aS ‘‘Second Victory Lean Sunday”. A union service of all the churches will be held in James St. United church at 7 pan. in the evening,, Rev. W. A. Beecroft of Wingham, has been secured as special speaker. A union choir under the direction1 d£ W. R. Gouldiug Will lead in 'the service of song. The offering for the evening will be for the War Service Board. ............ Look at Your Label * Visitor from the West Thomas Raveney, R.A.F., No. 35 S.F.E.IF., of North Battleford, Sask., arrived in Exeter (Monday evening and is staying at the Home of My. and Mrs. J. Prout. He expects to visit with friends in Eiimviile. Mr. Raveney was bom in England. The family spent quite some time in the Vicinity of Exeter and London and four years ago England. Mr. Raveney joined the R.A.F. two yearn ago and was post­ ed to Canada last July and is now stationed at North Battloford, Sask, He is now Oh leave and pay­ ing a short visit with -his friends. Pte is quite pleased to bo back in Canada although his stay in Eng­ land was quite an enjoyable one. He expects to remain in Canada for at least the next twelve months. returned to