HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-12, Page 5THE! EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thmday, February 12, 194$
Coming to Hensail
C. R. Wilkinson, R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W, O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
in the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con*
suit me. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
, Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
The Welfare of Youth Society!
held its regular meeting on Monday
evening. The meeting was open
ed by singing Psalm 19, “The Lord
is My Shepherd”! after which Irene
Hogarth led in prayer. The Scrip
ture lesson was read by Marion
MacLaren, followed by 'the singing
of Psalm 503. The minutes of the
last meeting were read by Harry
Bopgall. A piano solo by Miss Mar
garet Bougail was much enjoyed
by all. A short Bible qui?, in charge
of Miss Hannah Murray, was most
interesting and helpful. Hymn 666
“Son ot My Soul”
the meeting closed
and Crokinole Party
at 8 o’clock
Sponsored by Zion Red Cross
Prizes and door prize in War
Savings Stamps,
j Admission, Adults 25c; children
i 12 and under free.
Refreshment Booth
Austin Fahner, of London,
the week-end with his par-
Lloyd England, of Chatham,
the week-end at his home
E. Pletch it attending a
convention in Chicago
The Late Sirs.
was sung and
with the bene-
Lammie visited over
with friends in To-
Miiss Greta
the week-end
Miss Pearl
spent the week-end at her home in
Mrs. I. G. Smillie and infant
daughter returned from Clinton on
Saturday last.
A • Scotch concert will be spon
sored by the society on Monday ev
ening, February 16th.
Janet Hicks entertained a num
ber of her little friends to a birth
day .party on Thursday last.
IMrs. Blowes, of Mitchell, is vis
iting with her son and daughter-in-
law, Mr. and Mrs. C? Blowes,
The Misses Catherine
Hamilton, of London,
week-end with friends in
Mr. and Mrs. Harold
London, visited over the week-end
with Mr. and Mrs. John Farquhar.
LAC Ken Passmore, of Trenton,
visited over- the week-end with his
parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Pass-
Margaret Reid entertained a num
ber of her little friends on Wednes
day last, the occasion being her
Mrs. Harold White and daughter
Beth returned to Guelph after
spending a few days with her grand
mother, Mrs.- G. C. Petty.
Mr, G. M. Drysdale has leased
the Rannie store and will use it as
a showroom and warehouse in con
nection with his hardware busi
ness. .
Pte. Jhck Shepherd, of the R.C.
A.S.C., who is stationed at Lon
don spent a few days recently with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
'AC1 Donald Mackinnon, «of
Claresholm, Alberta, is spending a
few weeks’ leave with his wife and
■family. ” He has been with the
R.C.A.F. for the past six months.
Mr. and Mrs. James Grassick, Mr.
and Mrs. J. Wildfong, all of Exeter,
Mr. and Mrs. George Gould, of Clin>
ton and Pte. Donald Walker, of
London1, spent Sunday with Mir. and
Mrs, George Walker.
Dr. I. G. Smillie, who is at pre
sent taking a special course in St.
Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, spent
the week-end in Hensall. He was
accompanied here by Mr,s.’ Smillie’s
sister, Mrs. Buchanan.
Sunday visitors at the home of
Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer were the
former’s father and mother, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Steer and their
daughter, Miss Lyla, also Mr. and
Mrs. Walker, all of Mount Brydges.
In Carmel Presbyterian church
Rev. Wm. Weir gave fine discourses
at both services. At the morning
service he gave his usual interest
ing talk to the boys and girls. The
evening anthem, was “The Lord is
My Shepherd."
The Y.P.S. of Caimel Presbyter
ian church will sponsor a Scotch
concert to be held in the school
room of the church on Monday ev
erting, Feb. 16. Besides local tal
ent there will be violin, guitar and
accordion selections by members of
the R.A.F. from the Clinton Radio
School. Bring your Mends and
help to make the evening a success.
The Bingo and Dance sponsored
by thie Exeter-Hensall branch of the
Canadian Legion on,Friday evening
last was well attended
.other prizewinners during the
eiling were Mrs. Wm. Smale
Ken Hicks, the former being
lucky winner of the lunch prize
the latter the door prize,
musifi was furnished and an en
joyable time was spent by all.
Mr. John Horton, of Glideii, Sask,
is spending a short .visit
sister and brother-in-law,
Mrs. R. J. Paterson. He
of a number of delegates
tended the conference held in-
tawa recently in connection with
the price of wheat. Mr. Horton has
lived in Western Canada for some
years and his many friends in. Hen
sall and district are jpleased to renew
acquaintances with him.
R6V. R. A. Brook was ill charge
of the Sunday services in the United
church, both morning and evening.
The morning anthem by the choir
was “Onward Christian Soldiers”
and the evening anthem was “Still.
Still With T.hee”. Mrs. George
Hess and Mrs. Maud Hedden sang
a beautiful duet* “Have you Been in
the Garden With Jesus?” in the
absence of the organist, Miiss Greta
Lammie, MJss Gladys Lukfer played
the organ in her usual efficient
Harppie, of London,
and Mary
spent the
Elder, of
an d
The funeral of the late Mrs. Lin
denfield was held from the home
on Thursday afternoon, February
5th, Mrs. Lindenfield, whose maid
en name was Magdalena Naffeym-
ger, was in her 92nd year. She was
a native of Baden, Ont., and had
resided at Hensall about fifty years.
She is survived by four sons and
two - daughters, several grandchild
ren and great-grandchildren. The
funeral service 'was conducted by
Rev. R. A. Brook, who paid fitting
tribute to the life of the deceased.
The pallbearers were grandsons,
Clarence and Gerald Johnston,
both of London; Elgin Johnston, of
Hensall, Allan
ley Township,
of Exeter and
The meeting
D. Tieman.
was carried
Mrs. D, Tie-
in charge of Mrs,
following program
opening prayer by
responsive Scripture reading
prayer for
Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S,
The Ladies’ Aid and W.Mi.S,
their regular meeting at the home
of Mrs. R. H. Taylor
led by Mrs. D. Tieman
oui* missionaries having birthdays
this month was offered by Mrs. G.
Wildfong, The study book was giv
en by five members of tlie society,
Mrs, Eugene Tieman, Mrs. Cora
Gaiser, Mrs. Chas. Snell, Mrs. S.
Currie and Mrs. H. Kellerman. The
president then presided foi* the
business. The minutes of the pre
vious meeting were adopted as
read, The work committee report
ed having quilted two quilts to be
donated to the Red Cross and an
other quilted for the choir, the pro
ceeds of which will go to the Pipe
Organ Fund. The missionary com
mittee reported having prepared the
program for the Denominational-!
Day of Prayer, Feb. 1., The Dash
wood Society will meet with the
Grand Bend Society for the World
Day of Prayer on ’February 20 th.
The Society is having a birthday
■party Feb. 13th. Two new mem
bers joined the society. The tithing
secretary, Mfrs. M. Haugh, will have
_ | charge of next month’s meeting-.
Short addresses were ’given by’ Miss ' Twenty-three sick visits were made
—- • - - during the month. Twenty-one
members answered the roll call, af
ter which a dainty lunch was serv
ed by Mrs. D. Tieman’s group.
Johnston, of Stan-
Arnold Lindenfield,
Wallace Schoch, of
Junior Bible Class Sleets
The regular mid-week meeting
of the Junior Bible Class of - the
United clrurgh was held in the
schoolroom of the church on Wed
nesday evening, Feb. 4. The class
has a membership of about thirty
and is under the leadership of Miss
J. Murray. In the absence of the
president, Mrs. R. J. Paterson, the
chair was taken by the vice-presi
dent, Mrs. Grace Harpole. Mrs.
Mary Buchanan .read the minutes
of the last meeting. The scripture
lesson was read by Elgin Rowcliffe.
Murray, (Mr. Elgin Rowcliffe and
Rev. R. A. Brook. A discussion was
held concerning a room for the use
of the class. At the close of the
meeting games were indulged in
and lunch was served.
Chamber of Commerce Meeting
The annual meeting of the Hen;
sail Chamber of Commerce was held
in the council chamber Monday ev
ening, February 9, -at 6.30 p.m. The
ladies of the Hensall Senior W.I.
served a * splendid dinner, which
was much enjoyed. A short pro
gram followed: an inspiring ad
dress on “Inspiration” by Rev. R,
A. Brook; Mr. Claude Blowes gave
a humorous reading, and Mr.
Mickle spoke on the War
The treasurer presented the
cial report which disclosed
approxim afely $ 5 6 5.0$ had
raised during the year, including a
grant of $15.0'0 from the town
council and $40.00 from the Le
gion ‘towards the Christmas tree
fund. Out of this .amount $78.00
was spent for candy and treats and
a picture show for the children at
the Hensall
was turned
and British
there is a
hand. The
lowed and
re-elected for another year as fol
lows: President, R, H. Middleton;
vice-president, T. Welsh; treasurer,
W. B. Cross; secretary, G. M. -Drys
dale;. Other members of the exe
cutive are Walter Spencer, Dr. A.
R. 'Campbell, Stan Tudor. ' Mr.
Mickle moved a hearty vote of
thanks to the ladies for the dinner
and the meeting closed with
National Anthem.
been'weiner roast,
meeting of the
at the home of
Thursday, Febru-
$10.00' was donated to
Spring Show, and $481
over to the Red Cross
War Victims’ fund, and
■balance of $53.17 on
election of officers fol-
the same officers were
Audrey Anderson, grand-
of Mrs. Frank Anderson,
taken to St.Joseph’s Hos-
for an appert-
of St. Cathar
Mr. C. Paul.
, and Mrs. G. Burgin, of Lon-
spent Sunday with Mr. and
H; Burgin.
, Russell Brock is in Toronto
a special ycourse ill. -cable
Wilbur Cluff, of Toronto,
H, Copeland, of Woodham,
with Mr. and Mrs. Everett
this past week.
Hazel WilliamSi of Exeter,
Miss ROxie
.tended theRoxie Loupe a
at the home of Mrs. Geo
in honor of Mrs, L. Thomp-
Sr„ was
pital this past week
dix operation.
Mr. Jack Switzer,
ines, spent the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer.
Mr. and Mrs. Mac Howe and fam
ily, of London, were Sunday guests
spent the week-end at his home.
,spent the week-end with
The Kirkton Public Library held
their annual ice carnival at the
Kirkton rink on Friday night with
a good attendance. The ladies of
the library board attended to the
booth and did a good business.
There were no services held
Zion church on Sunday because
bad roads.
The Red Cross quilting was held
at Zion School on Saturday after
noon. Two quilts were quilted.
The congregational meeting was
held last Monday evening The la
dies served a pot luck supper. Busi
ness was discussed.
The Junior Bible Class held a
skating party at Granton rink on
Friday night, after which they
returned to the home of Irene and
Anna Brock for a
The February
W.M.S. was held
Mrs. E. Hern on
ary 5th. The meeting was opened
by repeating the watchword. Hymn
252 was then sung, followed by the
Lord’s prayer. The. minutes were
read and adopted and the roll call
was taken. Mrs. Warren Brock
gave a report of the convention.
Hymn 662 was then sung and Mrs.
Warren Brock led in prayer. Mrs.
Ross Hern then took over. The
Scripture was read by Hazel Hern.
Anna Brock read a story, “God in
the Darkness”, followed by a solo
iby Hazel Hern. Erlma Jacques?
gave a reading, “Housekeeping in
China”; Marjorie Earl favoured
with a piano instrumental; Mrs.
Ross Hern gave the study book;1
Anna Brock gave a reading, “The
Touch of the Master’s Hand”. The
Watchtower was given by Marjorie
Earl, Hazel Hern, Erlma Jacques
and Anna Brock. The collection
was taken and the fleeting
closed by the repetition of the
pah benediction.---------v—.------
Dick Hamilton, of Toronto,
oil Sunday and will
Webb, of London, is
his parents, Mr. and
Mfrs. W. B. Oliver is on the sick
list but is improving nicely.
Mrs. Patterson, of Barrie, is vis
iting her mother, Mrs, Sarah Ham
arrived home
remain for a
Mr. Archie
visiting with
Mrs. Stephen
The Red Cross concert was a
great success, with a fine display
of quilts and sewing.
Don’t forget the Red Cross
social on Thursday, February
Come and bring your box.
Miss Irene Gill, 'Who lias been
visiting in Windsor, with her sis
ter, Mrs. Nbrman Noonan, returned
home last week,
Mrs. Alma Mollard, Miss Mary
Yeo and Mrs. Grieves, attended the
funeral of the late Jr. Brdphey at
Parkhill on Tuesday,
from Mr.
Mrs. Amiel Fischer have
a fine 100-acre farm in
Township near Lucan
Earl R. Guenther, of
Possession March 1st.
Mr, Robt. Blackwell, of , St.
Thomas, spent the week-end heret
Rev, A.
this week.
Mr, Kenneth Billow has returned
to London after spending a few
weeks’ vacation in this community.
Don’t forget the pancake supper
to be sponsored by the' Women’s
Missionary Society of the Crediton
United church on Tuesday evening
of next week.
Don’t forget
at Mrs. M. W-
February 14th,
at F, W,
the Women’s
for war work.
Mr, Clayton
underwent an
Royal Victoria
real, is getting
pects to return home in about three
weeks. Mrs. Sims, who has been
in Montreal with him, has return
ed home.
Sunday School and public wor
ship services at Shipka next Sun
day will be held at the usual hours,
10.30 daylight saving time; Brins
ley, Sunday School at 1.310* p.m.
and public worship at 2.30 daylight
At Crediton Sunday School
the Valentine Tea
Teller’s home on
also a baking sale
Mbrlock’s sponsored by
Sims, who
Hospital, at Mont-
along nicely and ex-
in the
at 10.45 and public worship,
7.30 p.m. daylight saving. e
The Women’s Association of
United Church at the express
vitation of the honorary president,
Mrs. Chas. Zwicker, will meet at
her home on Thursday afternoon at
2.30 War Saving Time. The host
esses will be Mrs. Fred Kerr and
Mrs. J. O. Lovie. The minister
and Mrs. Turner' will render a vo
cal duet, “Jesus Understands”. Mrs.
Wilfred Mack, president, will have
charge of the meeting. A full at
tendance 'is desired.
vices -in
Lawrence H. Turner, carried out
the duties of superintendent at the
Sunday School session due to the
unavoidable absence of Ma-. Herb
Mitchell and Mr. James Mawhinney.
Mrs. Turner presided at the piano.
Despite the weather the attendance
was creditable. The minister also
taught the adult bible class in the
enforced absence of its teacher.
At the evening service of wor
ship, attended by a relatively large
congregation, the minister contin
ued ihis series of sermons entitled
“The More Excellent Way.” He
reminded his hearers that the term,
“more excellent way,” in substance
had its origin in the realm of ath
letic competition where the success
ful competitor, crowned with the
laurel wreath of victory, exerted
and exacted from himself a feeling
ly superhuman effort'that enabled
him to breast the tape ahead of his
rivals. This, in the realm of moral
and spiritual values, the more ex
cellent way; Paul urged upon his
fellow-Christians located in the
heart of pagan and materialistic
Corinth. This, in 'turn, the min
ister urged upon his hearers. In
all of ^life’s associations the quali
ties of love, the heart of the more
excellent way, must prevail.
Next Lord’s day evening the min
ister will continue his series of ser
mons when his subject will be
“Love Tunneth Away Envy; Love
is Never Rash”. You are welcome.
to severe wintry conditions
in blocked roads, ser-
the United churches at
and Shipka were cancel-
At Crediton the minister, Rev.
“The community clearing house
•Times-Advocate Want Ads.”
Fawn Radio Forum
On February 2nd the Saintsbury
Fawn Radio Forum held their first
meeting at tha home of Mr. Rich
ard Dickens There was a good
attendance with interesting discus
sions. On Monday, February 9th,
■the same group forum met at the
home of Mr, Fred Dobbs and dis
cussed1 the topic, "We can’t afford
to be Sick”. There were 31 present
and * seemed to be very' interested.
We feel sure that these forums
held throughout the province will
eventually helipt in raising farm
prices and secure for the farmer
some of his rights. The next meet
ing will be held at the home of Mr.
Aljoe Culbert on Feb. 16th.
A new modern powder to elimin
ate lice from your stock.
No sneezing, no fuss, just dust
it on
Government approved and
2 pounds 75c
Your drugs at
Phone 50 Exeter
Mrs* L. Harness, who has boon
taking treatment in Victoria Hos
pital, London, for several weeks,
was able to return to her home last
The regular monthly meeting of
the public school teachers of Ste
phen township was held in the Centralia Public School on Wednesday}
evening, (February 4th. Mfr. J. T.
Jefferson, principal of the Clinton
Public School, gave an interesting
address on “English in the Public
School, Refreshments were serv
ed by Miss G. Andrew, Miss M, Laing
and Mrs. L. Hicks.
The concert and box social spon
sored by the Centralia Home and
School Club in aid of the Red Cross
was fairly well attended and the
sum of $35.40' was realized from the
sale of boxes and chances on the
Don’t forget the euchre and dance
on Friday night of this week, Feb.
13th, in Cook’s Hall. Entire net
proceeds in aid of the Red Cross and
sponsored by
service unit.
Mrs. Frank
fined to her
see her out again soon.
Recent visitors with
Mrs. J, Pollard were Mr.
Percy Nichols, of Parkhill,
Mrs. W. Essery, who has
quite ill at her home, is improving
nicely. Miss McNichol, of Exeter, is
in attendance.
The account of - the W.M.S.
the Centralia
Conlin has been
home owing to
Her many friends
hope to
crowded out this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and Mar
ion, of Stratford, were week-end
visitors at Mr. Will Johns’.
Miiss Dorothy Johns was guest of
honor at a party at Mr. Allen Johns’
on Saturday night to celebrate her
Mr. Chas. Miners, of Saskatoon,
called on relatives and friends in
our community on Tuesday of last
Several ladies of the Red Cross
unit attended the general Red
Cross meeting held in Trivitt Mem
orial parish hall on’ Friday of last
Graham Bell
Jj [W
& co
Case Tractors & Farm Implements
The J. I. Case Co. are this year celebrating their 100th
Anniversary. They have opened a branch in London for the
handling of all lines of farm machinery and parts. Prompt
service on all repairs is now available.
Within the next few days Snell Bros, will have , a full line of
tractors in stock .
for nearly a year is enjoying a ten-
wlio has been in Esquimalt, B.C.,
day leave .at his home. He has- not
yet been notified where he will
next report for duty.
The congregational meeting was
held in the church basement
Wednesday night of last week.
pot luck Supper was enjoyed be
fore the business session. Reports
of.the different societies were heard
and were very gratifying.
The weekly meeting of the Elim-
ville Farm Forum was held at the
home of Mr. Will Johns. The sub
ject of. the evening was *‘We Can’t
Afford to be Sick.” An interesting
discussion followed, during which
a local clinic and the services of a
district nurse were advocated,
social time was spent and
was served and the meeting
with the National Anthem,
week’s meeting will be held _ __
home of Mr. Allen Johns, -when the
subject for discussion will be “Who
Will Own the Land.”
at the
The west Thames Road farm for
um met Monday evening at the
home of Mr. Geo. Jeffrey with an
attendance of 22. An interesting
discussion and social hour was en
joyed. The next meeting will he
held at the home of Mr. Jack
fifty ii&UHtyS
tb- Uffirlfi/s
G. Lawson
next can
Be SUEE v0u ,
^ht nnn^.° Bove the
Rectory * COX1S^
• SPEaj
Wo the
Gun-Power Demands
Anti-aircraft guns, field guns, naval guns,
tank guiiS, anti-tank guns, Bren guns, Brown
ing machine guns, Vickers machine guns, sub
machine guns, naval machine guns, tommy
guns, trench mortars, bomb throyers, smoke
projectors, munitions, munitions . * .
Throughout Canada, plants are working day
and night on guns, guns and more guns. The
work goes forward tinder all possible speed
— and speed means telephone calls, literally
thousands of them on top of normal peace
time traffic.
Although this talk of gun production doesn’t
flow through your telephone, needless delays
on your line mean delays on others as well,
because of the interlocking nature of the
telephone system* So help build Canada’s
a., gun power » . avoid telephone delays by
F adopting Wartime Telephone Tactics.
for the
m t”“