The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-02-05, Page 51
(Page <5 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday* February 5thf 1942
HENSALL TI attended by Mr, George Pearce, of |
Hamilton, brother of the 'bride,
After the ceremony at trie clrurck
a -reception was held nt the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Robert Dalrymple, of J
Tuckersmith. The bride’s mother,
who assisted in receiving the
guests wore a navy and red en
semble with a corsage of roses. The
home was nicely decorated in pink
and silver,. After a short honey
moon in Niagara Falls and
Catharines, the young couple
reside in Woodstock, Guests
sent were Mr. Daniel Ross,
Percy Sales, Mr. t '
Varley, Mr. and Mirs, Harvey Moore,
Mr. and Mrs, Robt, McLachlan, all
of Kippen; Mr, and Mrs, Walter
Madge, of Hensall; Mrs. iNorval
Jones, -of. Exeter; Mr. and Mrs.
Ed. Chappel, of Cromarty; Mfr. -and
Mrs. George Pearce, Jr., of Ham
ilton; Mr. apd Mrs. Ge rge Pearce,
Sr., of TiUsonburg; Miss Joyce
Fairweather, Mrs. * Spencer,
Percy Jarvis, of Woodstock.
Congregational Meeting
The annual meeting of Carmel
Presbyterian church on Monday
evening was -full of enthusiasm as
the various reports of the many
’ societies indicated that the past
, year had been one of splendid ef
fort’, which ha'd been rewarded with
success. Following a period of
worship Rev. Wm.. Weii* was ap
pointed chairman and Mr. J. W.
Bonthron secretary of the meeting.
The minister presented the report
of the session, in which regretful
reference was made to the loss sus
tained in the death of fourteen
members and adherents during the
past year. The isession also con
gratulated- the various societies on
the splendid work accomplished
during 1941, and while thanking
the congregation for contributing
nearly $400 tq missions, called for
even further effort in the coming
year. Later in the meeting ar
rangements were made to pnt forth
a special effort for missions. Re
ports were heard in turn from the
Women’s Missionary -Society, th|e
Ladies’ Aid, the Arnold Mission 1
Circle, the Welfare of Youth Club,
the Sunbeam -Mission Band -and the
Sabbath School. The report of the
congregational treasurer, Mr. Fred
S. Bonthron, was heard with in
terest as it revealed that again -all
Pte. Fred Beer, of London, spent
Sunday with his wife and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kilpatrick
moved to London on Tuesday of
this week.
Mrs. Nicholson, of Parkhill, spent
a few -days recently with her son-
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Hicks.
’ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Smith, of
St. Thomas, pre spending a -few
days at the home of iher cousin,
Mrs. W, B, Cross.
LAC Gerald Passmore of Uplands
Airport, Ottawa, is spending two
weeks’ leave with his parents, Mr,
and Mrs. Passmore.
The many friends of Mi’
he i§
to be
Trenton, visited -over the week-end
with Mr, and Mrs. John Passmore,
Mr, and Mi’s, Charles Abbot, of
Betroit, Mr. and Mrs. Harold White
and daughter Beth, and family, of
St. Marys, were Sunday, visitors at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. G. C.
Several members of the Women’s
Institute met in the Council Cham
bers on -Tuesday evening and pack
ed twelve -boxes -to be sent to the
boys overseas. They were assisted
by W. O. Goodwin.
The Young People’s Society of
Carmel Presbyterian churchheld
a most enjoyable skating party on
Tuesday evening. After skating,
a social hour
school room of
and d.oughnuts
Tihe regular
the W.M.S. of
will be held at the home of Mrs. N.
Cook on Thursday afternoon of
this week. This will be a special
meeting for the payment of fees.
Luncih will be served.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferri-s Cantelon, of
Schomberg, spent the week-end
with friends in Hensall and' also
’risited the former’s mother, Mrs
Kate Cantelon, who is at present
in the Clinton Hospital. We are
pleased to report that -Mrs. Cante
lon is improving nicely.
The February meeting the
Hensall Women’s Institute will be j
held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I obligations had been met in full
’ N. Cook on Wednesday evening, and that the- congregation is free
February llt-h. Hostesses, Mrs. of -debt. Mr. J. W. Bonthron and
Cook, Mrs. Sherrit-t; roll call, What | Mr. P. Moir were re-elected as trus-
I did for’ the Red Cross this year, tees -of the congregation. Messrs.
Speaker, Mfrs. Cross;' motto, “Great F. G. Bonthron,' M‘. Bougall and
glory isn’t obtained by never fall-1 Archie Hoggarth .were appointed
ing, but by rising every time we j to the Board of Management -for a
fall”—Jean McQueen. This, will be j term of three years and Mr. Chas,
a' n _ ' " _ ' .
Grandmothers will -describe their
wedding clothes. ’’ Committee: Mfrs.
Weir, Mrs. Steer, Mrs. Passmore,
Mrs. McAllister, Mrs. Blowes, Mrs.
The Senior Mission Circle held
their regular meeting at the -home
of Mrs. Jean Morris. The co-host-
- ess was Mrs. C. Hiscock and Mar
garet Shepherd presided. The- meet
ing opened with the theme song,
after which hymn 168 was sung,
followed by the Lord’s prayer.
Scripture was read by June Saun-
dercock and -the devotional, “How
Much Bo I Owe to God?” was ably
given by Mrs. Byron Kyle. The;
roll call was answered by the name
of a missionary in China. Hymn
143 was sung and the topic was
given by Miss Bouglas on “China—•
City, of Yen Ping, iFu Chow, Nan
king.” Business was conducted and
work was done on the quilts. The
social committee was E. Walsh, A.
Funk, Mrs. M. Hedden, Mrs. Mary
Buchanan, Edna Saundercock. „ The
meeting closed with the National
Church Services
Rev. Wm. Weir was in his own
At- the
gave a
and girls on “God’s All-Seeing Eye”
and took his text from John 14-23,
“If a man -love me he will keep my
words/’ Tihe morning anthem was
“My Soul Longeth for Thee” and
the evening selection was “I Can
not Know”.
♦ Services in the United -church
were well attended with the minis
ter, Rev. R.
The morning anthem was Incline. and Monteith.
Thine Ear” and the evening anthem |
was “God is iOur. Refuge and I
Rev. M. A. Hunt -disposed com
munion in St. Paul’S churclh at the
morning service.
St, Paul’s Anglican church, Hen
sail, was the scene of a pretty Wed
ding on Saturday, January 31st, at
3 p.m-,- when Briris Irene, only
daughter of Sir. ' and Mrs. George
Bearce, Sr., -of Til}sonibufrg, and'
formerly of Hensall, was united in
marriage to Mr. John Thachuk, sori
of Mr» Nicholas Thachuk and the j
late Mrs. Thachuk. Rev. M,. A. i
Hunt, of ■fixetef, officiated at the
ceremony and the bride, given in
niSWTlage by her father, wore a floor
length gown of ivory satin with
finger-length Veil rind carried)
bouquet of lilies, roses and forget-
me-nots. The bridesmaid. Miss
Joyce .Fairweather, of Woodstock,
wore pale blue net over georgette
and carried, a bouquet of roses and
forget-me-nots, The groom fivrib
G, C.
will be pleased to learn that
improving nicely and is able
up for a short time each day.
and Mrs, Albert Passmore, >f
and LAC Ken Passmore, of
was spent in the ’J
the church. Coffee
were served.
monthly meeting of
the United' church
New and QJd Tima
Murdock’s Orchestra
Mr. j
and Mrs, Arthur pie, part salary, $7.50 and $1.50,
total, $9.00; R. Dick, labour, rink,
$25,00; C. Cooper, labour,, rink,
$1.25; M. McEwen, labour, rink,
$-8,60; Hydro Commission, $37.15;
Chamber of Commerce, refund,
$24.00; Spring Seed and Stock
show, grant, $5-0,00; total, $1,-
Moved by Horton and Parkins
Mr, j that we appoint Dr. D, G. Steer
i Medical Health Officer, at a salary | of $90.00 per annum. Carried.
Motion by Cameron and Kerslake
that By-laws Nos. 1, 2, 3 arid 4 be
given first and second reading, Car
Per Cameron and Horton that we
adjourn until the next regular meet-
on March 2nd or at the call of
reeve. Carried,
James Paterson, Clerk
Mrs. E. Bartliff, of Clinton,
spent a few -days with relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Pfile visit
ed with friends in London on Sun
ing a
and Donald were Sunday visitors
in London.
Miss -Catharine Finkbeiner, who
has been in Sarnia since Christmas,
has returned to her home.
Mervyn and Amelia Willert of
London, spent Sunday with their
father, Mr. Simon Willert.
Mrs. R. Goetz had the misfortune
to fall, fracturing a small bone in
her leg -above the ankle last week.
t Mrs. Lucinda Mclsaac, who has
been visiting in Windsor and De
troit for some time, has returned
Mr. and M;rs. Harry 'Cook, of
Windsor, were week-end* visitors
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman
and baby, -of Chatham, spent the
week end with Mr. and Mrs. T.
Lovina Kellerman is spend-
few days in Chatham this
and Mrs. Otto Restemeyei’
speci'riT"' grandmothers'’ meeting, j Cooper was re-elected to complete
in Carmel Presbyterian
both morning and evening
morning service Mfr. Weir
short address to the boys
A. Brook in charge.
Mrs. Jennie Mason is visiting in,
London with Mr. ana Mrs. Blatch-
Mr. Lave Johnston has been con
fined to, his home with a cold
is much improved.
Mrs. Ranshaw* of Detroit, is
iting with her parents,' Mr.
Mrs. Morris Brenner.
Mrs. Frank Statton is improving
after her recent operation, We all
hope for a speedy recovery,
. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Desjardine, of
Port Huron,
village over
A number
broken into at Turnbull’s Grove,
but on investigation it was found
that very little was stolen.
Mr, and. Mrs. Allen Miller vis
ited with Mr, and Mrs, Fergus
Turnbull and with Mr. and Mrs,
Garnet Patterson on Sunday.
Messrs. Ken Lovie and Newton
Hlayter, of Hamilton, .spent ;the«
week-end at their homes here, Mr.
Ivan Green returning with them,
The funeral, of the late James
Kinney, of Strathroy, was held on
Saturday with interment in Grand
Bend Cemetery. Mr. Kinney was
well known in this community,
visited friends In the
the week-end.
of cottages. have been
Mr, and Mrs, Newton '’Baker vis
ited relatives here on Tuesday.
Mfr. Grant Rowcliffe, of Hamil
ton, was a week-end visitor in this
Mr. Elgin Skinner, of the R.C,
A.F. Manning Pool, Toronto, spent
the week-end at his .home.
The members of the W.A, and
their husbands, numbering about
thirty, enjoyed a crokinole party and
lunch at the church last Thursday
The local Red Cross ninit held a
meeting recently at the home of
Mrs. John Delbridge with a good
attendance, The next meeting will
be held on the evening -of Feb
ruary 17th, at Mr. H. Ford’s.
The Elimville Farm Forum met
on Monday evening at the home of
Mr. Will E'lford, the subject being
“Buying Together’.’. After an in
teresting discussion contests were
held. Lunch was1 served and the
meeting closed with the National
Anthem. Next week the Forum will
meet, at the home of Mr. William
The minister of the Crejiton cir
cuit, the Rev. Lawrence H. Turner,
B.A., will continue the series of
sermons entitled “The More Fkcel-i
lent Way,” when the subject will
be “Love, Sorrowladen in the Pre
sence of Sin.”
The Sunday School staff of Cre-
diton United church are io be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Garfield
Hill at their home on Friday, Feb.
A missionary program was given
last Sunday in the Crediton United
church Sunday School, Doreep.
Baker gave a reading, “The World
Suffering and Canadian Youth”,
and Elaine Mitchell rendered a solo,
“He Only Touched the Hem of His
Mr. Arthur Haist, of Windsor,
spent a few days at his home here.
Miss Laura Woodall, of London,
spent the week-end with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Woodall.
Mrs. Gordon Morlock, who has
been a patient in Victoria Hospital,
London, returned home Monday.
We are pleased to report that
Mr. Clayton Sims, who recently un
derwent a serious operation on his
throat at the Royal Victoria Hospi
tal, in Montreal, jg getting along
nicely. His many
glad to know that
splendid recovery.
Euchre .Weil
friends will be
he is making a
the subject for discussion
“We Can’t Affo.iu to be
The euchre and dance in the Cre
diton -hall Tuesday evening under
the auspices -of the Red Cross was
well patronized. Ladies’ high prize
at euchre was won by Mrs, Youngs
■and gents’ high by Geo. Eilber..
Lunch was followed by dancing,
Leo IFlannigan’s orchestra providing
the music. The proceeds will net
around $30.00.
The members of the Young
People’s Union of Shipka United
church under the presidency of
Miss Verna Baumgarten were the
guests of Rev. and Mrs, L. H. Tur
ner at the parsonage in Crediton on
Monday evening, January 26. The
devotional exercises were conduct
ed by the president, after which
progressive crokinole was enjoyed.
Miss Audrey Finkbeiner was de
clared -the winner, playing ten
games without a defeat, with Stew
art Sweitzer
two defeats
ed by
and hostess after which the young
folk journeyed home.
in second iplace with
■and eight victories.
were1 served by the
L. H. Turner, assist-
Hicks, public school
A vote of
at Shipka.
was tendered to the host
The Red & White Store
1 Urge Grape-Nut Flakes, J box botli for IGc
Duokist Peasi 16 opines................................... 10c
Red Seal Salmon ...............1 lb. tails 29c; % lb. tin 17c
Red and White Cocoa ......... 1 lb. 25c; ¥a Jb. 15c
For Lent We have, Salmon, Cod Fillets, White Fish, Kippers
Golden Spray
per package .................1.....
% lb...................................20c Beehive
SWEET MIXED PICKLES 2 lb. tin ............................ 24c
27 ounze jar ..................29c 5 Ib. tin .................. ......... 55c
Golden Glow 10 lb. tin .......................$1,05
¥2 lb...................................21c CATSUP
1 lb......................................39c 2 bottle for........................ 25c
LibbyTe Quaker
3 large tins .....................25c 2 boxes .......................... 15c
Harvey & Harvey
Prompt Delivery Phone 102
There were two Red Cross quilt
ings held^at the school house last
Mr. John Trevethick, who has
been visiting his son, Garnet, in St.
Thomas, has returned to his home.
Missionary services were held in
the Sunday School last Sunday un
der the leadership of Miss Vera
Rev. Mr. Turner occupied the
pulpit of the United church on Sun
day, speaking on the second of a
series of sermons on “The Excel
lence of a Better Life”.
Mrs. George Brock, of Zion,-spent
•day last week with Mrs. W. F.
3 lbs. — $L00 9 lbs. — $2.45
Further Reduction on Larger
. Quantities
Guaranteed no Filler
Results considered, you will find
this powder unequalled as a tonic
for all farm stock
ik ■ ••
Robertson’s Drug Store
Cann’s Grist Mill
Roy Francis, Kirkton
E. Allen, Cromarty
and ROYS
Ken Buncan,' who was injured
while playing hockey over a week
I ago, is now on the road to recovery.
Mfr. Alexander Hackney passed
away suddenly on Sunday morning
at his home on the Thames Road in
his 73rd year.
The Y.P.U. held a crokinole par
ty on Friday night last in the church
basement. At the end of the games
a pork -and bean lunch was served.
Miss Margaret Mavers, of Wind
sor, who was injured r last week
when the car in w-hioh she was driv
ing skidded on the icy pavement,
is now in Victoria Hospital, Lon
The Thames Road West .Farm
Forum met at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Chas Allison -on Monday night.
A good turnout and a mry profit
able and enjoyable evening was
The members of the church board
met at the manse -last Thursday
night arid appointed their officers
for 1942: Alex Buncan, chairman;
Edgar Monteith, secretary;
Stewart, treasurer.
The Lumley Farm Forum
Lumley School on Monday
There was a good turnout -despite
the cold night. The topic -of -the ‘
evening, “Co-operative Buying” was
discussed. A short address by Rev.
Mair and two readings by Mr. M.
McTaggart were given,
Batten. **
The ‘ Winchelsea creamery are
busy putting in their supply of ice
this week.
Mr. and Mrs^ Delmar Johnson of
the Base Line spent Tuesday with
Mr, and M)rs. Walker Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch and
family, of London, visited on Sun
day with Mrs. George Delbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge and.
Kevin -visited on Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. R. D. Hunter near Exeter.
A number from here attended1
the Kirkt-on Red Cross bingo held
in Woodham hall on Friday night.
Mr. and' Mfrs. Frank Routly and
Muriel, of Kirkton, visited on Wed
nesday with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Flet
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge
and family spent a day last week
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Delbridge
of Exeter.
Mr. Wilbert
sows recently,
ceptionally fine quality. Their
live weight totalled 1,540 pounds,
their dressed weight being 1,295
pounds. They brought the grand
sum of $130.00.
Mr. and Mrs. yfr, Horney and Miss
Irma Ferguson attended the funeral
of the late Mrs. R. 'K. Horney in
London last week.
Mr. A. Ropp of Kitchener spent
the week-end with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. S. Ropp.
Miss Doris Alexander, of London,
spent the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alexander.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Parsons and
sons visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. Robt. Parsons, of Hensalk
Mrs. H. Smith arid Missi M. Smith,
of near Varna, visited .recently at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Jarrott.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones spent . a
day last week w,ith the latter’s sis
ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. iParsons of
< L.A.C. C. R. Horney, of the R.C.A.
F., of Clinton Radio' School, visited
on Saturday at the home of his uncle,
Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney.
Mr. and Mrs. 'C. Blancnara and
family, of Exeter, Miss. Pearl Carin,
Of Bayfield and Pte. Bruce iCann, of
Kitchener, visited on Sunday at the
home of .Mr. and Mrs. W. Horney.
Wm. Hodgert, of Exeter,
with her sister, Mrs. Tlios.
last week,
Shirley Eagleson, of Park-
Pte. Steve Glanville, of London,
spent Sunday (here with his wife
and son.
The ladies quilted a quilt for the
Red Cross at the- home of Mrs-. Wm.
Motz on Wednesday.
M-r. William Horney, -of Kippen,
visited on Tuesday with his sister
and brother-in-law4, Mr. •. and Mrs.
William Motz.
Mirs. Rhoda Tuck-ey returned to
her home in Lucan on' Saturday af
ter spending the past two weeks
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Jacob
Jack Anderson, of the R.C.A.F.
in -training at Manning Pool, To
ronto, spent the week-end at the
of his grandmother, Mrs.
“Want Ads cover and discovei
a multitude of needs.”
the -term of*.a manager who had
left the community. . Rob Cam
eron was appointed “Presbyterian
Record” secretary and the ushers
elected were Harold Bonthron, Al
lan Davidson, Gerald Campbell
and Douglas Sangster. Various
matters of interest to the life and
work of the congregation were dis
cussed and iplans were made to fol
low many of the suggestions that
arose out of the discussion. The
meeting was closed with the singing
of a hymn and prayer by the minis
ter. x
Council Meeting
The regular meeting of
lage council was held on
evening, February 2, at 8
the council chambers with all mem
bers present. Mlinutes of the last,
meeting were read and adopted on
motion of Harry Horton an-di J.
Parkins. R. J. Paterson, tax col
lector, reported having collected
$30.53 since the last meeting. J.
A. Paterson, treasurer, reported
that he had received $990.00 in
prepayments up to date.
Miss C. Mitchell appeared, com
plaining about being taxed too high,
also re insulin. The auditors’ re
port was presented and examined.
Communications were received
from the Hospital for Sick Children,
Mrs. E.
zens’ Research Institute of Canada,
Department of
of Assessing
of Commerce, ___;
I.. G. Smillie, W. Cluff and son,, Don, spent Sun-
_______ ---- -----i day with Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Mar-
Moved by Horton and Cameron shall, of London.
that council accept the resignation | Friends and relatives in town and
of Dr. Smillie from the Board of country will be pleased to note that
Health, Carried. Per Cameron and Norville Kirk, son of the late James
Kerslake that the auditors’ report J Kirk, Hamiota Man., who was re-
from Monteith & Monteith be ac- ported missing six weeks ago, is a
cepted and sufficient copies print-' prisoner in -Switzerland according to
ed. Carried. Cameron and Hoi*- a .cable received by his mother,
ton that we refund $24.00 to the
Chamber of Commerce for April
16 and 17 and Dec. 31 hall rent,
amount to be remitted to the Red
Cross, carried. ■ |
Per Horton and Parkins that we hall On Friday night,
grant the Srim of $50.00 to the']
Spring «**“-*-
were read and ordered paid on mo
tion of Counciilors Kerslake and
Parkins: Department of Highways,
road material, $236.74; Monteith
& M-onteitb, -auditing, $76.00; 6.
M. Case, coni, hall, $7.76 and $7.30,
total, $15.55; 0. Geiger, snow plow
ing, $6.0-0; Tom Kyle, salary,
$70.00; School Board, current ex
penses, $1,000.00; Dr. L G. Smil-
the vil-
p.m. in ronto,
Stapleton, Salvation Army,
Good Roads Association,
Department of Municipal
Cosmopolitan Insurance
Provincial Treasurer, Citi-
County Treasurer,
Health,. Association
Officers, Chamber
K. Buchanan, Dr.G.
Miss Shirley Moser spent
week-end at her home in Stratford.
Miss Jean Morley spent the week
end with Miss Maxine Bane, .of Sea
forth. •
Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Ryckman, of
Exeter, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
John Cluff this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Hopkins, of
Science Hill, were Sunday guests
with Mr, and Mrs. Cebil Dobson.
Mrs. A. Robinson returned this
week after spending the past week
with her daughter, Mrs. Lome Marsh
all, in London.
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Marshall, Mrs.
evening at Mr. Mansel
Mr. and Mrs. West. Mellin spent
Hodgins’. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill spent
Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Love.
Pte. Clarence Stone, of Camp
Borden, Spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stone.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Stanlake, of
visited, on Saturday
Mrs. Robert
Don’t forget the dance in the
Seed and Stock Show. Gar-j
foUowihg bills and accounts
Mrs. Tom Morkin, of Aylmer, is
spending a few days with her
mother, Mrs. M* Regan.
We Wish to extend our sympathy
to the family of the late Mrs. Mc
Carthy who died last Wednesday.
Mr. rind MJrS', Wilfred Ducharme
and family, of Windsor, are spend
ing a few days with the latter’s
sistei’, Misg Margaret Hogan,
Mfr. Eddie Christopher,, of the
R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, spent Sun
day1 'With his aunt, Mrs. Joseph
Glavin, arid uncle, Mr. Andy Keogh.
Grand Bend,
evening wi-tili Mr. and
, The Misses Chum
Murray, of Thedford,
Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Mr. Bave Wilson, of Arkona,
Messrs. Bean anS Russell Brown
and Mr. Arthur Baker, of Grand
Bend, called on Mr. James Hodgins
on Friday afternoon.
A number ot friends - called on
Mr, Joseph Carruthers, the occasion
being the eve of fcheii* silver wed
ding anniversary, Mr, and Mrs.
Carruthers received congratulations
and some nice gifts.
Mr, and Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner
spent -this week-end in Saibiia.
Mr. and Mrs, Albert Gaisor en
tertained the Mission GifrGle of Cre
diton Evangelical church on (Fri
day evening last,
Mr. rind Mirs. Tii-oS. Kenny at
tended the funeral of the late Jas.
Kenny, of Parkhill, on Saturday
last, interment was In Grand Bend
and Minnie
visited on
hill, spent the past week with hei*
sister, Mrs. Chas. Atkinson.
Mrs. James Atkinson visited on
Tuesday of last week with her 'bro
ther, Mr. Gordon Oke, of Huron-
Don’t forget the Concert and Bok
Social in the school Friday evening
of this week . Proceeds in aid of ■wthe Red Cross.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gee and family,
who have heen residents here for the
past couple of months, returned to
their home near Selk,irk last week.
A presentation and dance was held
in Cook’s hall on (Wednesday even
ing of last week in honoui’ of Mr.
and Mrs. Reg Hodgson and Mr. and
Mrs. Ivan Isaac, newlyweds. Each
young couple was presented with.^a
purse of money..
The Young People’s Union met
Sunday evening last.
The Mission Circle met Tuesday
evening of this week at the home
of Mrs. Wilbur Wynn.
We extend congratulations to the
bride and groom of last week, Mr.
and Mrs. Lloyd Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essen, of Ed-
dey Mills were week-end visitors
with the latter’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Delmar. Johnson.
The W.M.S. met Wednesday
afternoon of this week with Mrs.
Fred Doupe, convenei’ of group 2
in charge of the program.
A Red Cross meeting on Monday
afternoon of last week was held
in the basement of the Sunday
School. The Whalen Red Cross
unit has joined Up with the Wood
ham unit and from now on the two
groups will work together. The of
ficers and conveners of the dif
ferent commit-tees -of Whalen will
be added to the Woodham execu
tive. Previous to this they were
working With the Exeter unit.
There was a fair attendance at
the first community meeting held
here on Wednesday evening of last
Victor Chatten,
decided to hate the Base Line mem
bers put on the next program, -the
meeting being held
of February loth,
tendance Is desired,
A good program was pro-
with ReV, A. Laing in the
At this meeting Wm. Rodd
elected president and Mrs.
secretary, it was
for Britain
Batten sold two
which were of
met at
A very successful concert and
dance was held in the Town Hall,
Hensail, on Friday evening, last un
der the auspices of the Kippen East
W.I. The platform was nicely de
corated for the occasion and after
the singing of “O Canada” the fol
lowing programme was presented;
a talk by Mrs. Simpson; a quartet,
“Men of Havlock,” -by Messrs. W. A. j
MacLarem Harry Horton, W. O.
Goodwin and (Rev. Wm. Weir ac
companied at the p^ano by Benson
Stoneman; “Sailor’s Hornpipe” by
Lila Norris; a Scotch reading by Mrs.
H. MacGregor; solos, “The White
-Cliffs- of Dover” and Yo.u’re the One
For Me” and a tap dance by Joyce
Broderick!. A play was presented
with the following cast: Bride, Mrs.
Wm. Bell; bridesmaids, Mrs. M.
Kraemer and Lorraine Martin;
bride’s mother, Mrs. George Glenn;
groom’s mother, Mrs. H. Caldwell;
bride’s sister, Miss Florence Smith;
groom’s cousin, Mrs. William Kyle.
An interesting holiday parade was
conducted with recitations and songs
in keeping with them. Mrs. Simpson
moved a hearty vote of thanks to
everyone, especially to the parents
and the children taking part.
on the evening
A larger at-
Lunch will be
Look at your label!
Among the guests at a reception
was a
ters. 1
what taciturn,
present suggested
that he seemed to
at such a party,
the hostess with
“You see, he can’t talk anything
but sense.”
t distinguished man of Ut
ile was very grave and Some-
One of the ladles
to the hostess
be out of place
“Yes/* replied
a bright smile.
Lunch was
and a social time was en-
W. M. S. Meeting
W.M.S. met at the manseThe
on Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
Ferguson, 1st vice-president, in
charge. The meeting opened with
hymn 162. Scripture lesson wa*
read by Mrs. Mair and the
call was taken and business
cussed. Hymn 260 was sung.
P. Passmore took charge of
Mfrs. W.
as follows:
Co Ward; solo,
The Farther I
; reading, “The
N. Hunkin;
Walk with Jesus”;
Model Church”, Mrs,
duet, Mrs. S. Coward and Mrs. A.
Gardiner, “He. Whispers His Love
to Me”; temperance reading, Mrs.
J. Cahn, Mrs. Mair then gave the
topic from the study book. Collection
was taken and Ihymn 571 was sttng,
after which the meeting was closed
with the benediction.
In addition to tile advance in time*
the schedule of a number of trains
will bo changod effective 3 a.m.
Mfoitj Feb. 9th, 1942
Ail trains operate on standard time*
Full information from Agents