HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-29, Page 5Page $THE WTEK TJMES-APVOCATC Coming to Hensall C, R. Wilkinson, R,0, Ophthalmic Optician Wingham will be at W. O, GOODWIN’S Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in the month, for the purpose of testing eyes and fitting glasses. Difficult cases and those that have not been properly fitted, specially recommended to con­ sult Ine. Hour? 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Phone 16 Hensall for appointment of Mr. and Mi’s. Charles Walff, oi Hensall. She was buried in her wedding gown. /Former school chums and church associates were among the mourners at the service. Pte, Donald Walker, son of Mr and Mrs. George Walker, of Hen­ sail, returned home from overseas on Wednesday evening last, Donald enlisted for active service about two years ago and has spent the past nineteen months in Rugland. While on leave he took in a few of the sights in Scotland, but need­ less to say he thinks there is no place like Canada. Pte. Lloyd Nichol, who returned with Donald, spent a short 'time with Mr. and Mrs. Walker. FEEDING OIL If you bought a bushel of wheat you’d want to know how many pounds jier bushel. When you buy Cod Liver Oil be sure to ask how many vitamins jjpy gallon. Ours contains 4,000 VILA and 400 Vit. p for every teaspoonful $2.50 per gallon, container extra I CREDITON i All places of business in the vil­ lage shall close Tuesday evenings during the months of February and March. Won’t concert Clnircli, Lewis forget the big Red Cross at -Grand Bead United, Feb, ft, Faist and Ken. Lillow are CENTRALIA Miss Beatrice Hssery, of London, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. G. ;F. Penwarden. Mrs. Thus. Willis visited for a few days last week with her sister. Mrs. Wm. Hodgert, in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. R. Flynn, of Exeter, and Mr, and' Mrs. Clyne Flynn, of holidaying in Toronto and Noith E°,ncion’ ^ere «Sun^iy vis*tors HENSALL spent Ybiw drugs at ROBERTSON’S Phono 50 Bay. Mr, Jos. Varley has secured a Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Flynn. Mr. -and Mrs. J, pollard visited position in London and his wife hat with M?". and Mrs. Cecil ^Patton in Miss Alice’ Pfaff of Exeter, the week-end at her home. Mrs. Kate Jarrott, of Kippen, is visiting friends in Pte. Fred Beer, ed with his wife the week-end. Mrs. Harry Smith, who has been quite ill at her home here, is some­ what improved. a Mr. John Craig and sister, Miss few days town this week, of London, visit- and family over Spencer of their Hannah, are spending a With friends in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs, Walter • entertained a number friends on Friday evening, Mrs. Jack Verbeen had her ton­ sils removed at the office of Dr. Steer on Friday of last week. Mr, G. F. Ryckman, who has been confined to his home during the past week, is improving nicely. Miss Kay Drysdale, of Kitchener, spent the week-end with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Drysdale. June Kennedy had her removed at the office of Dr. on Thursday of last week John Henderso^n had his, removed at the office of Dr. on Thursday of last week. Dorothy McNaughton had Vestry Meeting St, Paul’s church vestry meeting was held Monday, January 19th, at 8 p.m., with 16 members present- The chairman, Rev. M, A. Hunt opened the meeting with prayer, The reports read by Miss Fee 4 showed the treasurer’s report, mission ■ac­ count, Guild, W.A., Sunday Schoo and the special report, all having a surplus on hand, The following officers were ap­ pointed for the year: Wardens, G C. Petty and J. Henderson; men, L. Clark, W. Fee, A, L. Case; de­ legate to Synod, G. C. Petty; sub­ delegate, R. Middleton; select ves­ try, H’. Lawrence, W. Fee, Geo. Hawkins, R. Middleton, Clark, Mrs. R. Middleton, Case; secretary-treasurer, Fee; vestry clerk, A. L. Church Services JU ; sides- Middleton, H. Lawrence Mrs.L. > A.L. Miss M, Case. Miss ' tonsils Smiilie Mr. tonsils Smiilie Miss her tonsils removed at the office of Dr. Smiilie- on Thursday of last week. Mrs. John Allen, who spent the past week visiting with her sister- in-law, Mrs. John Taylor, has re­ turned home. Miss Grace Beckler, of London Normal School, is at present put­ ting in a week teaching in Miss Pfaff’s room. The annual congregational meet­ ing of Carmel Presbyterian church will be held on Monday, February 2nd, at 8 p.m. Miss Margaret MacLaren, of Wa­ terloo, spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R‘. Y. MacLaren. Miss Mary Clark, who holds a good position in Wingham, visited over the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark. Mrs. Lome Scott, of Toronto, is visiting at the home of her par­ ents, owing to the illness" of her father, Mr. G. C. Petty. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton and family, of near„,Dublin, spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Britton’s mother, Mrs, Hannah Workman. Mr. David Kilpatrick left on Monday for London, where .he has secured a good position. Mrs. Kil­ patrick will remain here for a time The dance held in -the town hall on Tuesday evening was well at­ tended. Music was furnished by Clayton Steeper’S orchestra. The door prize was won by Wm. Cooper Kippen. Mr. G. C. Petty; who . bus been in poor health for the past few wieeks, was 'taken 'to Victoria Hos­ pital, London, for treatment. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and" Mrs.' Scott Welsh, who recently moved into their new home entertained a few friends to din­ ner on Tuesday evening, the occa­ sion being Mr. Welsh’s birthday. He received many congratulations and some -nice gifts. A most enjoyable evening was spent at cards, etc. Pte. Lloyd O. Nichol, of the Highland Light Infantry, who has been serving in England, and has returned home, ca'lled at the home of his cousin, Mrs. Mary Buchan­ an. Lloyd is now stationed in Lon­ don. Three older brothers are alsc serving in England. The members of the Women’s Institute wish to thank all those who so generously donated to the rummage shle held in the town ■hall last Saturday, to thank all those pecially Mrs. Tom Wm. Bell for their result of the sale they were able to hand over $100 to the Red Cross Society. The annual Masonie “At Home” was held in the Masonic Hall oil Tuesday evening. 'the first part of the evbning’s entertainment took the form of a picture show. Dur­ ing the evening progressive euchre was played, the following being the Prize-winners: Latl'ies’ high, Mrs Uipshall, Kippen, Mrs, C. Farquhar; gents' ‘ ‘ ‘ " ............ Wm. Bagg, _ _ R. J. Cooper, Kippen served. Death of'hliss Mazzei Cook The funeral Of Miss Hazel. Cook was .held on Monday, Jan, 26. Miss Cook, died erich only have .. ...this week to Mr. Albert Walff, son They also wish who helped, es- Kyle and Mrs. services. As a high, Mr. Hugh McMurtrie, Bell; ladies’ consolation, Mrs Goderich;, gents’ consolation, Lunch was whose home was in Leeburn at Alexandria Hospital, God- after a brief illness. She.was 25 years of age and was to been married on Friday of the United church last A. an- our the in attended on Sunday minister, Rev. . R. charge. The morning Services were well with the Brook, in. them by the choir was “God Is Refuge and Strength” and in evening “Incline Thine Ear”. In the absence of Rev. Wm. Weir on Sunday, Mr. Self, a student of London, had charge of the services in Cannel Presbyterian church. ‘He also taught' the Bible class and lat­ er gave a short, interesting talk to the boys and girls on the word “Watch”. The morning anthem by the choir was “The Morning Light” and in . the evening, “All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”. Rev. Wm. Weir was in charge of the services in Haven Presbyterian church in Exeter on Sunday and dispensed communion at morning service.d Class Meeting Wohelo Class of the United met on Friday evening, with MacKenzie in the chair. The opened by singing the last the The church Gladys meeting hymn, “What a Friend We, Have in Jesus” followed by the Lord’s prayer. The scripture lesson, Luke chapter 18, was read by Mrs. David Kyle. Hymn, “Take My Life and Let it Be”, was sung, after which Ross Forest took -the chair for the business and election of officers. Elva McQueen, the treasurer, gave the financial report. Officers for the coming year are: Rres., -Mar­ garet Sheppard; vice-pres., Edison Forest; treas., Ross Forest; sec.. .Mrs. D. Kyle; pianist, G. Luker; asst, pianist, Bob Hess; press sec., Mrs. Maud Hedden; conveyance, P. McNaughton, D. Kyle; buying comm., Edna" Walsh, Edna Saun- dercock. The meeting closed with •the National Anthem, after a dainty lunch was seryed, W.O.T.U. Meeting The regular meeting of W.C.T.U. which the was held in t'he school­ room of the United church on Thurs­ day, February 22nd, with Mrs. Brook in the chair for the devotion­ al pant of the meeting. Hymn 150 “Sound the Battle Cry” was sung. Mrs. . Brook gave the prayer and read the scripture lesson. Prayer by Mrs'. A. Lammie was ' followed by hymn 143, Coming”, president, Miss Consitt, vice-president read ■the last meeting, •part in slip sheets ray, Mrs. Christie, las and Mrs. V. Fee. “Work for the Night Is In 'the absence of the the first th® minutes of Those taking were Miss Mur- Miss I. Doug- Mrs, Beavers, of Exeter, gave a talk on “Tihe Mothers’ Meetings”. $3.00 was voted for prizes for Suhday Schools. An interesting talk was given by Miss Murray. Arrangements foir sizes of patchwork quilts were made and Mrs. Passmore, Mrs, der the Mrs. Fee were appointed Work committee. El- to •Congregational Meeting The annual congregational meet­ ing of the United Church was held on Monday evening, with the minister, Brook, in the chair, tary, Mr. Goodwin, reported a very successful year. The Session re­ port ‘was read by Mr. Henry Hor­ ton and the Sunday scnooi report by Edison Forest, superintendent. A vote qf thanks was, moved to Clar­ ence Smiilie, past superintendent. The Yeung People’s Union report was read by Miss Gladys Luker; Mission Band, Baby Band and Mis­ sion Circle by Mrs. Cross in the ab­ sence of the leader; W.M.S, report was read by the .president, Mrs. ■Cross; Women’s Association report by the president, Mrs, J. MacAllis- ter. Mr. BrySdale said the church had had one of the best years in its his­ tory, Money raised poses was $6,073.00 tial balance on hand. January 26, Rev. R". A The secre- for all nur- With substan- The flower diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM FREE SHOW 1’iiiiiiiiEiiiiiijiiiiiiiiijiiiiniininiiniHiiiijiiHiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiiiiifitiiHiiin Mon., Feb. 2nd at 8 o’clock Opera House, Exeter 0 ' See the New Shur-Gain Movie ENTERTAINING INSTRUCTIVE London on Sunday, Mrs, Brokenshiro is yisiting relatives in London, Sunday visitors with Mr. i Mrs. Lorne Hicks were Mr. T, lock, Mr. and Mrs. I. Pollock daughter, of Ripley. There will be a good program box social in the Centralia school on Friday, Feb. 6th, 'under the auspires of the Home and School club. Proceeds in aid of . Please keep this date Ladies bring your boxes; bring your pocketbooks, is great, Y.P.U. fleeting The Centralia Young People held their regular meeting Tuesday. The president opened the meeting with the use of a hymn, after which the Lord’s prayer was repeated. The secretary read the minutes of the last meeting. The Young People received a letter from Lawrence Truesdale, who thanked the Young People for giving him such a fine time while he was here with them. Don Blair then took over the meet­ ing and a hymn was sung. Aud­ rey Powe read the scripture les­ son and Marjorie Flynn gave a reading. A very interesting topic was given by Marjorie Isaac on the life of Helen Keller, Marie Bus­ well favored with a .piano solo. The meeting was brought to a close with a .hymn and prayer, Games were enjoyed by all. The January meeting of the Cen­ tralia Red Cross unit was held in the basement of the cnurch on Tuesday, January 20 th with 20 members present, The meeting •opened with the use of the National Anthem, followed by prayer by the president, Mrs. R. Smith. The sec­ retary’s .report was read and adopt­ ed. Mrs. L. Hodgson gave the re­ port of the refugee comm,, and M|i'S Baynham gave the report of the knitting and 'the sale of the; membership cards. A number of letters of thanks were read from our soldiers in Canada and overseas in connection with the Christmas boxes sent’ them. There were two quilts quilted, after .which lunch was served. The meeting was clos­ ed with the repetition of the Miz­ pah benediction. The following is the list of articles sent in the last shipment: 9 pairs socks, 1 scarf, 1 aero cap, 4 seamen’s boots, 2 caps, 1 cot quilt, 2 mothers’ gowns, girl’s skirt, girl’s blouse, 11 hand­ kerchief? joined him for the winter. j Miss Bernice Fahner, of London, I spent Sunday at j' and Mrs. Harry ily, Herbert Eilber ver attended the annual meeting oi the Hay Township Fire Insurance Company at (Zurich on Monday, We regret to report that Mr. Henry Eilber is quite ill, We hope for a speedy recovery, Mr, Jake Wein, of Camp Borden, spent the .week-end at the home ol Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fahner and Mr, and Mrs. Ross Krueger. Miss Ella Morlock, of Thedford, spent the week-end at her home I here. Miss Clara Gaiser spent the week­ end in Thedford, Mr. Austin Fahner, in training at Kitchener, spent the week-end at his home. Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Fahner, Aus­ tin, Wallace and Elaine, and Mr, and Mrs. Emmery 'Fahner, Norma and Calvin spent Sunday with Mrs, Hoffman, of London. Miss Helen Telfer, of Toronto, spent the week-end with hei* par­ ents, My. and Mrs. M. W. Telfer, ■ The regular monthly meeting oi the Crediton W.I. will be held at the home of Mrs. H. K. Eilber -on Mon­ day, February 2nd, at 2 pan. Mr. and Mrs, Everett Haist, Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mrs. Art Amy and Mrs. Emery Fahner attended the funeral of the late Mrs-. Young at Sarnia | on Tuesday afternoon. I At Brinsley Sunday School the associate superintendent, Rowland I Neil took teachers with him. on associate officers and teachers monthly. The minister of the Crediton cir­ cuit of the United church inaugur­ ated a series of sermons on Sun­ day, January 23 entitled “The More Excellent Way”. The sermon theme for Sunday, February 1st will be “Tongues of Men and of Angels without Love—Futility” The annual meeting of the Cre­ diton .United church Sunday School! was held recently. The following1 are the officers for 1942: Supt.; H. Mitchell; asst., J. Mawhinney, E. Chambers; rec. sec., Mrs. S. King; envelope sec., Bryce Mack and Bill Woodall; treas.Chambers; pa­ per librarian, G. Mawhinney; mus­ ical supervisors, Rhena and Audrey Yearly; corr. sec., Mrs. J. Mawhin- j ney; teachers—Class 1, Mrs. Mack, and daughterixl Evaline Mlack; Class 2, Mrs. Tre* a couple of ' vethick, Doreen Baker; Class 4. ' Mary Chambers, Mrs. .J. Galloway; Class 6, Mr. E. Chambers; 7, Mrs. Woodall; vethick; Class 9, J. Mawhinney, H. Mitchell; missionary convener, Mrs. Lovie; ’temperance convener, T. Trevethick; flower • comm., Mr. and Mrs. G. Mawhinney, Mrs. A. King; auditors, J. Mawhinney, Howard Lightfoot. Exeter the home of Mr. Fahner and fam- with fund report was Drysdale and the by Mr. Goodwin, ■presented the list follows; Stewards, B. Cross, Carl Passmore, Wilson Carlyle; conveners for flower fund Miss Margaret Johnston; auditors, Mervin Brown, R. J, Patterson; M. & M, comm., Rev. R. A. Brook, convener, Miss Irene Douglas, Greta Lammie, W, B. Cross, G. M. Drys­ dale, Wm, Forest; press sec,, Mrs, M. Hedden. Miss Murray moved a vote of thanks to Harry Smith for his work, Mr. W. B. Cross moved a vote of thanks to Dr. Smiilie for ■singing and playing the organ at different times in the church, Dur­ ing the meeting Miss Gladys Lu­ ker played piano solos. Hymn “Je­ sus Shall Reign Where’er the Sun’ was \sung, followed by the benedic­ tion, Lunch was served ,by Sunday School.-------- V.-------- given by Mr/s. auditors’ report Mr. J. Smiilie of officers as Ken Hicks, W, the DASHWOOD Murray Wolfe, of Fort Erie, is spending a week’s holidays with his parents. Mr, and Mrs. Ottq. Restemeyer were Sunday visitors with friends in St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. George Maier, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Harry Kraft is very ill at his home on the townline. His friends hope for a speedy recovery. A number <of young people gath­ ered at Dr. Taylor’s residence on i Monday evening for the purpose o forming a Junior Red Cross Unit ■and officers were elected as follows: Pres,, Miss Jean Cole; vice-pres., Gertrude Hoffman; sec., Myrtle Gaiser; treas., Mrs. Elgin Merner. The meetings will be held every Monday‘evening at 8 o’clock in Dr, Taylor’s building where the post | young)•office formerly was. All people are urged to attend. Don’t concert Church, forget the big Red Cross at Grand Bend United Feb. 6. -V- I KHIVA A number from here attended the fire insurance meeting at Zui'ich on Monday. Mrs. Joe Baker Joan are spending weeks with relatives at Grand Bend, Mr. and Mrs/ Ed. Wurm and daughter, Shirley Ann, of St. Catharines are spending a couple of weeks with the latter’s 'parents', Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Willert. Mr. Gord*on Sararas and his mother, Mrs. G. Sararas, of Zurich, and Mr. Mervin Willert, of ’ Lon- i don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and ] Mrs. Otto Willert. i The sympathy of this community* is extended, to Mr. Wm. Hartman j and family in the loss of a loving; wife and mother, Mrs. Wm, Hart-I man, who passed away on Monday, | January 26th. I ---------v--------- : ELIMVILLE j Mrs. Routley, of Woodham, .has! been spending the past week at Mr. Wm. Routley’s. • Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dearing and baby, of Exeter, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. Mrs, Wes. Horne has returned home after visiting her sister, Mrs.] Jas. McFalls, in London. Mrs. Me- - Falls had the misfortune to fall I recently, injuring hei* hip, and is I at present,, in the hospital. ( About sixty persons were present; Monday night at the open meet- i ing .of the Farm Forum held in the | basement of the church. Interest­ ing discussions were the main fea­ ture of the evening. Lunch was provided by the members of the Farm Forum group north of the village. The W.M.S. of this church held its annual social evening, xvhepj the husbands were invited, last Wednesday evening. Ah ’invita,- tiori to lheet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, In Exeter, was accepted and about 25« gathered there. A shoft meeting Was held, the new president, Mrs. Ford, pre­ siding. After singing a hymn, a few Verses from the Missionary Monthly program Were read. As the theme for the yeai* is “Faith” some hymhs on this subject were used. Mr. Will Johns led in pray­ er. Mrs. scripture 11.1-10, Mrs. Podley and Mr. Frank Brock sang a number and Mrs, R, Batten gave a reading. Some time was spent in contests after the meeting and lunch was supplied in boxes. A very’1'pleasant evening was spent. and Harry Bea- charge with all associate of classes co-operating This obligation falls up- I > •V- Class Class '8, Mr. Tre- -V- and Fob and and Red Cross, in. mind gentlemen The need MOUNT CARMEL Mr. and Mrs. Trick have return­ ed to Detroit and Windsor after visiting with their aunt, Mrs. R. H. Miller for a week. Mrs. Trick, and Mrs. Miller called on friends in Zurich and«, Dashwood on Wednes­ day. Miss E. Miller, of London, has re­ turned. to her duties in that city after visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mb’s. Miller. Mr, Jack Morrissey and Cyril spent the week-end with relatives in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bedard and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mr. and’ Mrs. Goderich, spent the -week-end at the home of Mrs. M. Regan. Mr. John Campbell is spending a few weeks1 with his sister,. Mrs. Richard Ayotte, of Windsor. Mr. Austin McKeever, of Toron­ to, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, M.r. and Mrs. Joe. McKeever. Mr. and Mrs. Hanley McDonald i and family, of Detroit, spent the • week-end at the home of the lat­ ter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glavin. Morrissey. Bill Dietrich, of -V- is last on en- CORBETT Reeve Wilbert Young was in Lon­ don attending County Council week. Mr. Rayburn Ulens called 'friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Steeper tertained his brothers and sisters at a turkey dinner recently. Mr. John Pickering and Mr. Cecil Pickering were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Corsant over the week-end. Master Morley Hodgins, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hod­ gins has been in Victoria Hospital, London, days, sbon. for treatment for several We. hope .to see him*’home -V- HARPLEY Ray Bannister, of Forest, Mrs. Ed. very suc- Thursday Des jar dine and MrS. Mrs. spent a few days with Hartle. Mrs. Carruthers had a cessful quilting bee on afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob spent Sunday with Mr. Jack Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ridley. Mr. and Mrs. Marriage, of DeJa-‘ .ware spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hardy* and Helen and Frank, of Hagers- ville Spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Love. A number of friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Murray on Saturday evening, the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Mr, and Mrs. Murrhy received some very handsome gifts. You’ll Enjoy this Picture YOU’LL LEARN THE LATEST IN FEEDING AND MANAGEMENT OF HOGS & POULTRY And an added attraction A COMEDY SPONSORED BY: EXETER FEED MILL SHUR-GAIN FIELD .SERVICE DSU of Belmont, is visit- Granton, Gunning, of visitors iof Squire sp'ent the her friend, Miss of Exeter. this community at- at WHALEN Miss Alice Smith, of holidaying with friends. Mrs. Frank Parkinson ing Mrs. Fred ‘Foster, for a few days. Mr. -and Mrs. Thos. Granton, were recent Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster. Miss Shirley week-end with Norma Wilson, Several from tended a Red Cross, meeting Woodham on Monday afternoon. Mtr. and Mrs. E. Squire spent Tuesday in Woodham with Mrs. Morley, who was celebrating her ’84th birthday. Friends will be pleased to learn that Marion Rodd, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. (Frank Rodd, who is a pa­ tient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, is improving at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. George Mardlen and family of Wesley, Mrs. ■■ Ettie Hooper and Harold, of St! Marys, Glen- with and Mrs. Arthur Baker, of dale, were Sunday visitors Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Millson. ---------v--------- “The Want Ad department in this paper is black and white but read all over.” -V- SAINTSBURY Miss Lorraine Dobbs spent week-end under the parental roof. Mrs. Jim Atkinson and Ralph spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Herman Atkinson. The many friends of Mirs. A. MacDonald are glad to hear that she is slowly improving. Mr. George Essery, of London, spent Sunday with his daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davis, Ilene and Wilfred spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Dobbs were, the guests of Mr. and' Mrs. ‘Fred Dobbs fol* tea Sunday evening. St. Patrick’s church is holding the vestry meeting on Thursday evening of this week at eight o’clock. Mrs. F.red Dobbs has received word that her sister, Mrs. Nellie Dobbs, of Toronto, is undergoing another operation this week. the (Rev.) Mair read the lesson from Hebrews -V- Securo Vonr Coupons for Times- Advocatc Draw! CREDITON EAST Mrs. Howard Truemner and baby son returned home on Monday from Dr. Fletcher’s hospital at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Merner and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Glanville on No. 4 Highway, near Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Wein, Arliss and Wilmer and Mr. Irvine Mots spent Sunday with Mir, and Mrs. Wes. Wein, -near Sharon. Mr. and Mrs. Alec Hamilton and ___ _ ___ Barry, of Grand Bend,, and Mr, j friends Saturday in -the village. Garfield Brock, of Exetev, spent | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Gregory lef Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, H. Lewis, rthis week to spend a .month with Mrs. Georgd Wright and Mrs, J J Brokensliire, of Windsor, returned] ivirs XJUlue home on Saturday after a few days’! Htt?e%o^U Billy, ........... visit with their parents, Mr. and home in London Sunday accomban Mrs. EH Lawson. f iod by Miss Jean Denham V- KIRKTON Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cochrane, -oi London, were Sunday guests with I. N. Marshall. We extend sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Shier, in the death of their little daughter. Mrs. Violet Walker, of Milver- ton,, is holidaying with her parents Mr/and Mrs. E. Stone. < Mr. Stewart Crew, of Stratford a former Kirkton boy, called on GRAND BEND Don’t forget the big Red Cross concert at Grand Bend United Church, Feb. 6. Mr. Mansel Mason is spending a few -days in London. Mo’, and Mrs. Fergus Turnbull vis­ ited on Friday and Saturday in Ingersoll. Mr. and Mrs. Norman were last Sunday visitors Arthur Baker. The fine weather 'has possible ’to start work -on i ar at the airport. Mrs. Gordon Ulens, of visited for a few 'days with Mrs. J. W. Holt. Mrs. Frank Statton is ing slowly, having undergone an operation Jast week. Mr. Ivan Sharrow, of Woodstock, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharrow. Mr. Fred Statton, -of Exeter, spent Sunday'with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Statton. Mr. Jim Luther, of Greenway, Is visiting with his brother, John, for a few days this week. Mr. and Mrs. John H. McGregor, of $Exeter, visited with her -par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. ■ S. Webb, on Sunday. . Mr. Erwin Holt, of the R.C.A.F., of Dunnville, and M,r. Burton Green, of London, spent the the village. ■Mr. Jack Turnbull, A.F., Winnipeg, is couple of weeks’ leave with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Max Turnbull. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family of the late Thomas Webb, who passed away on Monday leaving to mourn their loss three sons, Stewart, Rus­ sell and Milton and five daughters, Mrs.'Frank Turner, Mrs. Ira Steb­ bins, M(TS. Max Turnbull and Mrs. Wilbur McLinchey in this vicinity and Mrs. Ralph Williams, of De­ troit. Mrs. Webb predeceased him a few years ago. The funeral was held on Wednesday with interment Id Grand Bend Cemetery. Services were conducted in Grand Bend Un­ ited church following the ment. Turnbull with Mr. made it the hang- London, Mr. and improv- ■> week-end in of the R.C. spending . a inter­ Rev. C. Beacom officiated. Renew Now! for 1942 Get Big Prices in Early Fall, White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rock Leghorn Hybrids, Sussex, New Hamps and Sussex Save $1.00 per 100 pullets and order 30 days in advance; Get your chicks when you want them. ORDER NOW!------—BUY EARLY HATCHED CHICKS Lakeview Chicks are the choice of maiiy large chick buyers, they MUST do WELL. ‘ Mr. Oirie Shoemakei* of Gowanston says: the 1000 pullets I got from you were the hardiest I ever had-4aid well over 60% all fall. Place my order for 1000 ptdlets again. their sdn, Mr. Harry Greason of London. Mrs, Lome Marshall and her returned to theii Wein Bros* ORDER NOW!! Exeter, Ont. |j .amliMMiiinWMitMuiuu