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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-22, Page 8
Thursday, Juuuary 22nd, 1942 THE EXETER TIMES-APVQCATE * Page 8 V’s Beauty Shoppe Fop Pei’iuaneijfs of Lasting lJeauty Spiral, CrpquinoM Combi nation Machipelcss VERA C. DECKER, Prop. ” Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets New.or Old. WhQpt, $1,08. Creamery Butter. 3 8e Eggs, A Large, Eggs, Medium, Eggs, B» 22c Dressed Hogs, $14.60. The many friends of Rev. J. Pen rose will regret to know that his condition has been Quite serious ■during the week. At present he is a little improved. Mr. Paul Gregus, son of Mr. and Mrs. August Gregus, of Usborne. has enlisted for active service with the Royal Canadian Ordnance Corps and is stationed at Chatham. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Blake, of Ashfield, Miss Janie Alton, R.N., of Hamilton, and ton, of West recently at the Johnston, Mrs, Bun-ill, rolling home at the port, is being cared for at the home of Mrs. Geo. Hunter. She is ill writh pneumonia, Mr. John Thompson, of Carn- duff, Sask., and Mrs. Fred Thomp son, and daughter June, of Toron to, visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie on Friday,- leaving on Sat urday for Hamilton. Friends and acquaintances of Vernon Heywood will be pleased to learn that he has been a qualified corporal since December 16th last. Vernon is an artificer in the Ord nance Corps and is now responsible for the maintenance of some of the large guns in the 17th Field Regi- ment of the Royal Canadian Ar tillery. Corporal Heywood went overseas with the 5th Canadian Ar mored Division in November of last year. CHOICE QUALITY There will be —SKATING— at the Exeter Arena on MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY NIGHTS hockey MEATS •' • * WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY NIGHTS* CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J. G. Cocbi'iine, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School 11 a.m.-—-Rev. Wm. Weir, of Hen sail. Communion of the Lord’s Supper will hq dispensed at the morning service. There will be no evening The preparatory service held on Friday evening, 23rd, at 8,00 p.m. The W.M.S. will meet on January 22nd at 3 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Henry Strang, PRINTS PRINTS Showing a fine range of printp in excellent patterns and colorings. Buy your prints early as their is going to be quite a shortage. Values at • Miss Bernadeen Al- Wawanosh, visited home of Mr. W. H. IDEAL MEAT MARKET C» Tanton Main St, Ladies’ Skating Wednesday Afternoons- ’ ' .... who resides in a Centralia Air- --------------V-------------- FOR SALE—A gentleman’s coon skin fur coat, in good condition. A bargain, $20.00. Apply at Times- Advocate. Phone 38 Public Skating Saturday Afternoons, Children 5c » service, will be January Thursday 11 20c,25c, HM STAMPED MATS A shipment of new stamped mats has just arrived. You will like the new patterns. -■ They come in two sizes only- 35c and 75ct 4* Yama Cloths and Cotton Flannels , Splendid for children’s wear and warm and cozy for night wear. We have a splendid assortment of patterns^, and colours at 30c, 35c and 39c per MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J, Woods, M.A. - Minister Mrs, N,. J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader a.m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m.—Public ister, Wednesday, 8 People. Thursday, 7.30 vice of Prayei- and Bible Study. Friday, Jan. 23rd—Congregational meeting. Worship. The Min- * P,m.—Junior Young The above arrangements are subject to weather conditions .93 i I I LOCALS I I I Mr. Fred Luxton, of London j spent the week-end at his home, j Mr. Geo. Andrew of town, is con-! fined to his bed with a severe cold. Miss Margaret Rundle spent the! visiting with Kathleen ; £8. I i LOCALS p.m.-—’Midweek ser 'i Beauty Shoppe AU Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 S. Walter spent Sunday and Mrs. Jos. Grant, of 11 Kenwood All Wool Blankets See the lovely shades we are showing in Kenwood all-wool blankets. We have them ■ in plain or reversible. Full range of shades to choose from. Priced at $6.95 and $7.95 Ibex and Plaid Flannelette Blankets JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur- Page, Minister W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M^ ( Organist and Choir Leader j a.m,—Public Worship, The Minister. 3 J) C* /"J 7 p.m.—Th© Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Thursday, 1 p.m.—War Service Unit. 3 p.m.—General Meeting ■Church School, Bible Class'These are scarce goods. We are fortunate to have a good supply in plaids and plain centres with pink, blue, green, yellow or mauve borders. Our prices are low per pair $2.65 I ---------v---------• LOST—On the Exeter-St. Marys road about 1 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 17, a sack of Epsom salts, about 90 lbs. Jackson Woods, R.R. 3, Exeter. I « ♦ * We will call for and deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH - r--------------------------------------------------.------------------------------------£---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------r----- Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday -------------V------------- FOR. SALE—Mixed Hay, Greb, Exeter. -------------V-------------- FOR SALE—Long or cut Simon ltp straw. H. T. Cudmore, 171r3, Exeter, -ltp ---------y--------- FOR SALE— Two York Hogs, 5 months old. Harold Hern, R. 1, Granton, phone 4rl4, Kirkton. ltp -------v--------- FOR SALE — Choice litter of -young pigs. Wanted—A horse, would keep and feed for a year for jts work. cate. Apply at Times-Advo- ltp —------v--------- SALE—Electric washer,FOR good condition, cheap for cash. Ap ply at 280-T. the Times-Advocate, Box ltp‘. ---------v--------- SALE—Or will exchange ’on a McCormick Deering hay 1940 model, has just loaded Phone 202, Chas. Ltp FOR horses, loader, 50 loads of hay. Godbolt/ Exeter._____v_____ FOR SALE—Highway, 100 acres, convenient to town, good buildings, newly shingled; electricity and automatic water pressure system. Bargain. W. C. Pearce, Exeter ---------V--------- STEAM HEATED APARTMENT— There is one left with bath, built-in cupboards, electric stove and fully furnished, for $7.50 per week. Sandy Elliot at the Ford Garage. SALE—Portland cutter, new. Frank Taylor, Exeter. SALE—Two young York- Apply 3. Exeter, 15-2tp t .FOR -good as and and White Cooking BEANS" 6 lbs PIE CHERRIESRector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Third Sunday after Epiphany St. Paul Sunday I -Sunday School ■Evensong and Sermon i . 25c 2 tins ...... 30c i" 1 AYLMER TOMATOES large tins Aylmer PUMPKIN * /2 large tins An Apeal to REASON........ Avoid the risk to your family’s health and comfort by checking your coal supply again. And, if you’re running short, play safe by ordering enough D & H Anthracite to carry you into wanner weather. Our delivery will be prompt. 11 7 p.m.- “St. Paul’ a.m.- 2 for .. . 25c . 25c BREAD FLOUR ECONOMY 98 lb. bag .. $2.70 week-end May. Mr. H. with Mr. London. Miss Shirley Gregus, of London, is spending a few days with her parents. Mrs. Mattie Blowes, of Mitchell is visiting with Dr. and Mrs. D. A. Anderson. Mrs. McGilp, mother of Mrs. C. White, of town, is seriously ill at. her home. Mr. John McMurtrie, of Kippen, called on Mr. W. H. Johnston, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mountain, of Avonbank, called on Rev. Jas. and Mrs. Anthony on Monday. ’ * Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and Mrs. J. McTavish spent the week-end with friends in St. Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Darling Fred spent Sunday with Mr. Mrs. T. A. Inglis, of Forest. Mr. Alvin Lindenfield of the R. C. A. F. school at Hamilton spent the week-end at his home here. Mr^ J. F.. Krueger, of London, was a pleasant caller at the Times- Advocate Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hawkins spent Sunday and Monday in New Hamburg with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker. AC1 Reynold Wuerth, of Man ning Depot, Toronto, spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Wuerth. Mrs. Milton Russell, who has been ill, is at present with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Russell. Mrs. Chas. Mason, who has been ill for several weeks was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, on Sun day for treatment, A mild spell visited this section the forepart of the week when most of the snow disappeared. Ideal weather is now prevailing. Mrs. ’Chas. Birney slipped on • a rug in her home on Sunday last and in falling fractured a rib and re ceived a general shaking up. Mr. H. O. Southcott; who has been jn Victoria Hospital, London, for the past three weeks, is improv ing and is expected home shortly. Mrs. E. A. Follick returned home Thursday of last week after visit ing for some time with her daugh ter, Mrs. Edna Hearts, of Toronto. Mrs. E. Lindenfield returned home Sunday after a pleasant visit; with her daughter and son-in-law,; i Mr. and Mrs. NOrman Floody, of ' Windsor. Mrs. Laverne Harness is visit- ( (ing in Goderich with her mother, i | Mrs. Dan McLeod. Mrs. McLeod re turned to Goderich after visiting! in 0 Exeter. . | Caven Presbyterian Unit of the Red Cross met-in the basement of the library Monday afternoon and quilted five quilts. There was a good turn-out. Sunday visitors with Mrs. L. Bat- tersby and children were Mi‘. and Mrs. K. Battersby, Miss Vera Newiii,! C.W.A.C., Mr. Frank Battersby R.C.N.V.R., all of London, and LAO. L. Battersby, of Toronto. Mr, Frank Battersby is enjoying a* 28- day leave with his parents. Aunt Dies irt Air Raid Mrs. Norman Hockey has recelv. 1 ed word from England of the) death of her aunt, killed in an alv-i raid over London. She leaves a hdsband and seven young ohlldren. She also reefeived word. Of the death of a cousin, Flying Officer Horton, who was killed in a crash over Ger many, Pie leaves a wife and three small ohlldi'eh, one ot whom he had not seen, Mrs. Hoekey lived In London during the last war, I 1 FOR shire boars, fit for service, to G, W. Miners, R.R. .‘.phone Kirkton 32r9. ’ ‘FOR SALE—Business property, *wfell located, Exeter. Would make a good property for person wishing I to carry on a business, or for a sound j investment. C. V. Pickard, phone j 165. I ---------v-----------------------1 FOR RENT-r-6-room house on| William St. Modern conveniences.) Apply to John Ward, optometrist,] Exeter or H. S. Walter, Exeter. | ---------V--------- FOR SALE —■ Houses, stores, mills, blacksmith and woodworking shop and farms large and small. C, Pearce, Exeter.---------v--------- FARMS FOR SALE—-Never ed before, 100 and 150 acres. With fine buildings, silo and Hydro and water throughout. Rea sonable price, Terms, ard, {phone 16 5 > Exeter, _—— FOR SALE—-Oomf Of table house, ’ niee lot, all conveniences. Several other homes. 0. V, Pick- atd, Exeter. C. V. I r offer- Both bush. Pick brick See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of ■windmills, pump jacks,' pumps and Repairing windmills and pumps, ‘'Phcme'‘ Creditdu 23*6, R. R. 5 bashwood. * cash FOR foK horses. Head animals removed, vice,, -day or uigfrt. idh, 47fl5, collect. "Two-hour set phone Credb Jack Williamt i t - Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 “The Favourite Pennsylvania , Hard Coal” Creophos jnwHtnino tonic c rnj# wuxu CWfP MOTID COU’&M 5 OROnCUITIS OSTHniAllC c on o< t ions 4U0N1 0*moHT couch <no 'tiHoonni coucw For better satisfaction Slender tablets—Safe for reducing Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S 1 Phone 50 Exeter 9 more s p.m? and KI PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services at 3 8 p.m. Friday, 8 p.m.—Young’ People’s Tuesday; 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens TOMLINSON’S Hairdressing Phone 146 ... ___• _' '________ „ . . DANCING xss OPERA HOUSE,. EXETER, EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Large Crowds Good Door Prizes Sleeper’s Orchestra Admission — 35c i i and Mrs. Fred Harris, of Carnduff, Sask., called on Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Christie on Monday, They also visited with Mr. ana Mrs, E. J. Pym and Mr. and Mrs. Hu bert Hunter of Usborne. Miss Irene Russell, R.N., Who has been caring for her mother, Mrs. Milton Russell, while a patient in Scott Memorial Hospital,.,, Seaforth, has returned to her duties at the Ontario Hospital, London. , WE ARE DEFINITELY CLOSING THIS BUSINESS O’CLOCK MIDNIGHT, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31st ’ AT 12 We are now offering every article in the store Vi the regular price sd you will be able to buy far below wholesale prices. NO TICKETS HAVE BEEN CHANGED 1 pound W.............. 18c Instant HOT CHOCOLATE 1 lb. pkgs.20c Double Cream CUSTARD POWDER 1 tin ..... . 23c ■... .......... a Phone 16 Exeter SPAHR’S Remedy' on top 40 years Treating Sore Throats, Colds* Coughs, Bronchitis, Tonsil Troub les and other Kindred Ailments. SPA'HR’S, First for Quick Act ion, First for Safety. First for value and results, or money re funded at all Drug Stores. ( J I --------------------------------------- •— In the report of the Caven 'Con gregational Circle last week the name of Mrs. Stacey was inserted in place of Mrs. Sillery, who gave a resume for 1941. --------------V---------— Rabbit Drive Two jack rabbit drives were held in Usborne Township last .week. On Thursday north of the Thames Road 18 hunters bagged 39 jacks. On Saturday two miles south of Exeter the same number of hun ters and practically the same men who were out Thursday secured 59 jacks. A fox ^narrowly escap ed with his life. E. L. Gibson was in 'charge of the first drive and Wm. Stone the second. —----V———- Receive R. N. Certificates Among those from this commun ity who were successful in passing the November examinations for their registered nurses ‘Certificates were the folldwing: Lillian Violet Cle mens, Hazel Irene Elliot, and Ifene Elizabeth VanCamp, Of Lueila Jean Falconer and Murdoch, of Brucefield; Eileen McCann and Nola Sweitzer, of Dashwood; ene Russel, of Hensail; Ellen Mar tha Turkheim, of Zurich; Madd- ldine Ismay McLean and Gladys Amalia Sprawl,’of Lucan; Martha Leuise Sturdevant, of Parkliill; Ruth Eleanor Follick, of St. Marys; Janet Leitch McDonald, of Alisa Craig. ■Exeter; Audrey Regina Barbara Claire fr 4 I! 4 1 Mow is the tfime —— to get your *Fuit or Overcoat Fine suiting and materials are becoming increasing ly hard to obtain and we strongly advise you to get your new clothes in the near future. At our store you will find a large range of fine snappy cloths from which we can tailor you a smart new suit or overcoat. W. W. TAMAN I ’’I II1 Library Board Annual Meeting The Exeter Library Board held its annual meeting On Monday night and received reports on the work of 1941. Mrs. Gidley reported a slight decrease in circulation in the ad- ult reading btft a marked increase in juvenile, the total circulation for the year is 17,336. The num* ber of borrowers On the register is 801. The secretary reported 206 books purchased in the year and a gift of 31 books. The magazines and periodicals include four Eng lish, ? Canadian and 8 from the, United States. A new and intef-^ estliig feature Was the War Scrap hook, containing all the war events as related to this town and com munity from Sept. 1939, a book that will have historic value in future years. Another new feature is the joining of our Library with the County Association which will provide our Library with a circu* lating number of books,' the first consignment already being in pop ular use. From the financial state ment the following is reported: Re ceipts, $1,268,79expenditures, $1,198.64; balance on hand, $70.15. * -....—-.V—............. Trivitt W.A. A business and devotional meet ing of the Trivitt W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Bierling with a good attendance, 'the meeting op ened with a hymn'and prayers by the president. The scripture les son was read by June Bierlingx Miss Bowey gave the treasurer's re port, showing a good balance. June Bierling also favored With an instru mental. The meeting closed with the benediction, after which the hostess served iunch and a social half hour was spent. 1 Renew Now!