HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-22, Page 6M 7 « ^lMWsasisa#H»-
/Vofes from
A Woman’s Workshop
.. ■ ‘ • fit
Jwwty 22nd,
1. . .... .. .......................... |
Church Meetings
♦ <
Mato St. W.M.S.
Tell me what is mother-wit
But the light of these?
Since the cold weather has come, we miss the groups* of nice-looking
old men who used to gather to talk things over on the post Office steps
and in the gunny doorways. They seemed to lend a cheery, comfortable
atmosphere to Main Street. It is indeed a compliment to the town that
they should want to make their home here, for they bring to the enrich
ment of the community a wealth of mature experience and that fine in
dependence of judgment that only years can impart, it always seems
to me that men such as these have attained true success. They have
taken the portion of time allotted to them, and used it responsibly;
they have done their work conscientiously, brought up families in the
traditions of good citizenship. Through the necessity of co-operation,
they have learned the value of friends and neighbors, and living among
these to keep unsullied their own self-respect. Now, having achieved
a modest security, they have been granted a few unhurried years to
savor the panorama of their days,
As fox* this generation, is it too much to hope, a little wistfully,
perhaps, that we too may enjoy “peace at eventide”?
-—The Missus
To work, to help and to be help
ed, to learn sympathy through suf
fering, to learn faith through per
plexity, to reach truth through won-
this is what it is to
what it is to live.
prosper, this is
* *
well-The makers of a certain
known soap have just concluded
broadcast with the informa-their
tion that their product is ninety-!
nine per cent pure. It’s a good
soap all right, about as good as|
one could wish for, but can anyone;
tell me just what constitutes a pure J
soap? Every soap contains fat and;
a solvent such as caustic soda or j
potash. We know too that the}
use of fine oils such as palm or!
The annual meeting of the Ste
phen Township unit Federation of
Agriculture", was held - in Creditor
, Officers elected were: President.
William Sweitzer; vice-president,
W. F. Oestrelcher; secretary-trea
surer, Mi'S. Lloyd Taylor; directors
Mrs. Herman Powe, Edward Cham
bers, John Quinlivan, Edward Hen
drick, Henry Beaver, Ben McCann,
Albert Gaiser, Tom Love, Mansel
Hodgins, George Link, Roy Mason,
Earl Shapton, Frank Hicks, Oscar
Miller, Mrs. William Stade,. Mrs.
Garfield Steeper, Mrs. Lloyd Bro-
phey and D. F, Coughlin. County
representative is William Sweitzer.
The. regular meeting of the Main
St. w.M.S, was held at the home of
Mrs. Norval Woods on Thursday,
January 15th. In the absence of
the president, Mrs. Geo. Jacques,
the first vice-president supplied and
the meeting was opened with hymn
148, “Breathe on Me Breath of
God” and prayer,
another hymn, three
bers led in prayer,
of the last meeting
call by the secretary
by a number of annual reports and
the transacting of business. Cor
respondence was read by the cor
responding secretary. Chaptei* 3
of the study book was then review-
ed by Mrs. W. Martin. The sub
ject, “Cities of Refuge”, was very
interesting as the work in China,
the development of the church was
unfolded. The service of worship
was led by Mrs. J. Cole. The theme
for the year is ‘The Faith by Which
We Live”. Hymn 154, “Holy Spjr-1
it, Truth Divine”, was sung verse
by verse as a prayer and a medita?
tion or sentence prayer by the lea
der was very impressive. The
^meeting was closed with prayer for
the, missionaries by Mrs. Woods and
benediction by Mrs. Cole. The]
next meeting to be held at the home
of Mrs, Geo, Jacques,
♦ # *
James St. XV.M.S.
After singing
of the mem-
The minutes
and the roll
were followed
. kippen
and Mrs. N. Alexander and
son, of Lpndesboro, visited on Sun-
.day with the -former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. Alexander,
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons vis
ited last week with the latter’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden, of
Mr, Alfred Ropp is attending
Bible School in Kitchener,
Mr. and Mrs. C. (Forrest, of near
Hillsgreen, have purchased the
farm of Mrs. H. Ricker, formerly
of Kippen, now of London. '
Miss Irma Ferguson is visiting
this week with Miss Mary West
lake of Exeter.
Mrs. Watson, of Londesboro, is
visiting her daughter and son-in-
law, Mr, and Mrs. J, Sinclair.
inThis prayer is in
many Canadian ‘ boys'
“Give me clean
daily use
hands', clean
words and clean thoughts. Help me
to stand for the hard right against
the easy wrong. Save me from
the habits that harm. Teach me
to work as hard and play- as fair
in Thy sight alone, as if all the
world saw. (Forgive me when I am
unkind, and. help me to forgive
those who are unkim? to me. Keep
me ready to help others at some
cost to myself. Send me chances
to do a little good every day, and so
grow more. like Christ? my ideal.”
* » *
Perfume, to-day classed as a lux-
soy bean produces a milder BoaJ I as It probably always tas been,
fA,. fmlAt nSfi firanflmoth-1 at any rate it: as old as any ciyil-
| ization known to man.
< ature refers to it, -and
; in the ruins of ancient
leached from wood ashes. I t0 Jars
big barrel of this stood ma?e “ ™n‘am Tha B‘«thre-
woodshed, a golden jelly. acenes
know whether It would j where resume is being sold. It was
suitable for toilet use. Grandmother had a big black pot in the backI
yard in which she brewed a potent« ;
concoction of waste household fat; ,
and lye
A fine
in the
I don’t
rate as filled the old washtub with billow-j
ing suds such as no packaged pow-j
der could hope to outdo. House-j
wives he^r this term “pure” so
■often and extravagantly used that
it has come to cast a sort of spell *
over them. -
Old liter
cities haye
and vases
but certainly it' apparently used as a special mark
j of respect to honored guests, and
was one of the costly gifts offered
i to royalty. The Bible is full of re-
| ferences to sweet odours, -myrrh,
i frankincense, spices, anointing oil.
s In the thirtieth chapter of Exodus
OTe™ttem.' ItlTthe“magte‘wo7di“ay a 'complete lormula
that puts the O.K. on any "baloney', | ,£or ®«tume to be used
* • by Moses m the sanctuary, and who
1 ;can forget the lovely story of the,
alabaster box of ointment “whose
| fragrance filled the house.”
] In this connection a curious fapf
.Canadians as a whole have nev- i has COme to lighfc- For many years .Canadians, as a whole, nave ne musk was used as th b f the
er known the bitterpovertythat • mamltacture of all che flea
educates a nation against was e rfnme. j <ian remembe* not
Indeed, it has seemed incongruous-1 , . , „ ’ ;
ly true that families most .m need of ’prc a n ,n
thrifty handling of their resourc-1
es, are often least equipped to doi
so. To-day we are confronted with
the stern necessity of conserving
every particle of waste, if we are;
to win this war which is making1
such terrific demands on our re I
sources of material. j
First, and probably the least un-1 has taken its place,
derstood, is the necessity of doing known', wkat a romance might bs
what we can to keep the financial'
status of the Dominion sound. To
■this end we must constantly bear in
•mind the truth that every dollar
we spend on importing goods tends
to create an unfavorable trade
balance. Beside this, we must save
every available particle of useable
material in our own country, as
■there will shortly be an actuaj
dearth of these. Every time a busy
woman takes time to tie up a bundle
of papers or save a bit of old cloth,
. she is making a direct contribu
tion. to the war effort.
The reclamation of waste is so
important that the Government has
instituted a Department of Salvage.
Between this and the household
garbage-can stands the connecting
link of the junkmen, all-important
in this business of conservation.
For whether you sell your waste
to the little man who calls on you
in the spring or turn it ovei’ to
the local collecting- agency, it must
eventually come into the possession;
•of one of the great wholesale con
cerns which specialize in reclama-
, tion. On the premises of these
firms vast accumulations of mis>-
cellaneous waste are sorted, clean
ed, valued^ and made ready for
distribution to the industries which
convert it once more into useable ;tha-
tCriaL As a contribution to our
war effort, the jiinkinen Of the Do-*
minion are donating all service in
connection with the distribution off
ferrous scrap,
we are asked to eat up,
* **
ers had a pot of it in their win
dows, a dainty little plant with light
green leaves and pale yellow flow
ers, giving off a faint sweet smell.
It is said that quite suddenly, all
over the world the musk became
extinct. No one knew why, but
without any.'warning it was gone.
However, the use of synthetic scents
If all could be
written around the history of plea
sant odours.« « $
The folloyving lines were copied
from a tombstone in Essex, England,
the date of which was 1440. They
are certainly applicable to the times
in wliiclr-^e live, five hundred
years after tb'Cyv.were written. The
lines are: * a
When pictures look alive with
movements free,
When ships like fishes swim be
low the sea.
When men outstripping birds can
scan the sky,
Then half the world deep drench
ed in blood shall be.
* » *
Before long oranges will. be at
their best. We have found the fol
lowing to be a very satisfactory
Amber Marmalade
Shave cue orange, l$mon. grape
fruit very fine, discharging only the
seeds and Cores. Cover with three
times the quantity of water and
allow to stand over night in an
earthen container. The following
morning boil for ten minutes,
stand overnight again. ‘ The
day add pint for pint of sugar
boil steadily until ft jellies.
For the tangerine marmalade we
tried this recipe but there was too
much water and it had to be boil-
ed much longer, So the next time
we used only twice the quantity of
water and
only part
M E T A I C (rumcifiMvr thoss\IWE IMLd ^OF MON ANO SWW./
Mo situation is
•to an honest man
Of humor.
entirely homeless
who has a sense
# » « * # « # .» » « » * #
peel ah orange easily, it Mtohtlv for three or
mittotos before peeling.
It Will give twice the quantity
of juice if heated before being
squeezed. Nuts may be crack
ed muoh more easily if they are
first covered with boiling wa
ter and left till the water cools
It was much better. The
we discarded was the
School Lunch
school does not supply aif your
hot lunch, are you using the vacu
um bottle to carry hot soups, stews,
cocoa, -warned vegetables, etc.?
During this cold weather the little
fellow needs the pick-up that only
hot food can supply.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of James St. church
was held in the church parlors
Thursday afternoon, January 15th.
at 2.30 o’clock with the president,
Mrs. Page, in the chair. The meet- j ing opened with devotional exer,- *■
cises. Annual reports were given. |
The treasurer, Mrs. Stone, report
ed $426.00 raised during the year.
Mrs. Pybus reported for the cor
responding secertary. Mrs. C. Chris
tie gave the report for Christian
Stewardship and Finance; Mrs
Perkins for literature; Mrs. Kyle
for the supply work; Mrs, Fanson
for temperance. Mrs. Cook’s group •
will meet at her home on January
30th at 2.30 pan. to arrange a pro
gram for the February meeting.
Mrs. McGregor, president of group
1, was in charge of the program
and led in the worship service,
Mrs. Perkins read the Scripture
lesson and the theme for the wor
ship service was “We Live by Faith j'
in God, the Holy Spirit” and was i
led by Mrs. Anderson. The study
period on the “Growth of West
China Missions” took the form of
a round, table conference led by
Mrs. McGregor, assisted by Miss
'Monteith, Mrs. Christie, Mrs. Stone <
and Mrs. Beavers. Mrs. Page led
in prayer. Mrs. Page and Mrs.
Southcott were appointed to arrange
for the James St. church part of
jjhe program for the .World’s Day I
Of Prayer to be held in February.'
tThe meeting closed with, prayer.
and Mrs, Herbert Neil vis-Mr.
, ited with relatives at Shedden on
( Tuesday of last week.
Mr. A. Hamilton, of the R.C.A.F
and Mr. Fred, Warner spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gai
ser at Shipka,
IFlt. Lieut. Jack and Mrs. And
rew, of London, spent the week-qhd
with their parents.
Mr. Carl * T^eander spent the.
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Hugo
' Theander in London,
Mr. and Mrs. John Talbot and
Joan, of Grand Valley, were week
end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Har
ris West.
Mrs. Bruce Mitchell was taken
to the hospital on. Sunday. Her
many friends wish hey a* rapid re
covery. 7
- Mr. Harold Murray!attended the
Dairymen’s convention in London
on Thursday of last week,
Miss Marjorie Flynn visited with
Miss Frances .Murdock in. Clande-
boye for a couple of days last
week. i
Mr. iFred Harrison, an employee
of the C.N.R., had his foot frac-
j tured while placing rails at Ilder-
ton. He was removed to St. Jo
seph's hospital by Dr. Callahan, of
London. He will be confined to
the hospital for three or four
<• weeks.
Miss Nola Sweitzer, R.N., of Lon-, ijpn, spent the week-end' at her j
home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke and
family, Of Thedford, visited on Sun
day last with Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Mr. Irvin Ratz is at present In
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, hav
ing undergone an operation on. his I
throat. ■ - - -
end in
fortune, while working in the Woods
to receive a nasty gash in his fore
head. It required several stitches
to close the wound.
The annual congregational meet
ing of the Centralia chbrch will be
-held in the schoolroom of the
church on Friday evening of this
week. Supper will be served and
will be followed by the meeting.
The January meeting of the Cen
tralia Home and School Club, was
held in the school on Friday even
ing. The president, Mrs,. Harold
Murray, presided and the meet
ing opened by singing “O Canada"
followed by the Lord’s prayer in
The girls of grades 1, 2
and 3, sang “God Sends the Tiny
Snowflakds”. The guest speaker
for the evening was Miss Violet
Watkins, of Exeter, who delivered a
very interesting address. . It was
decided to have an - old-time con
cert and box social pn February
6th in the school in aid of the Red
Cross. The meeting was closed by
singing the National Anthem. Lunch
was served at the close of tlie meet
He is expected home this
Wm. Ratz spent the week-
Mildred Lamport,
spent the week-end
Earl Pickeripg, of
I. unison.
of Lon-
at her
the week-end at his home
John Merriott had the mis-
X1LL war industries heed rags . . . handfuls of rags . . . pounds of rags . . . tons of rags. And y<m
can help supply, them.
Without rag wipers to clean the cutting lubricant from planes, millers, drills, lathes, Canadian war workers
would be inefficient, their output reduced, their efforts hampered.
Without rags, explosive plants, would slow up, aeroplane factories would find their production out, and
wheels of shell factories would dawdle. , . • *
Start an old-fashioned Tag bag in your house today. All kinds of old, worn-out, too small and other
wise Useless garments are badly needed by war industries—everything from cotton underwear to old
shirts and ties—from Grandpa's red flannel? to Grandson's seatless corduroy punts.
These are real sinews of war which you can supply. Every rag in your home should go to war industries
through your Salvage Committee. Clean, out and clean up on Hitler!
agent for
was s.uc-
prize' for
How Does Your Label Read?
Sales Books
are the best Counter
Check Books made in
Canada. They cost no
more than ordinary
books and always give
We are agents and
will be pleased to quote
you on any style or
quantity required.
See Your Home Printer First
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bullock And
daughter Helen spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Gower, near Cen
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appletoil, of
Gyreenway, spent last Wednesday
visiting old neighbors.
Mr. and Mrs. George Lawson and
Mrs, Minnie Parsons,
spent1 Friday With Mr.
Eli Lkwson, the latter
quite ill. '
Mr, Sam Hedden, of
renewing old acquaintances here
this week.
Mrs. Rhoda Tuckey, of Lucanj
is visiting her
Jbb Sims.
Mr. Ed, Penhaie, of the Lake
Road, spent Wednesday in the vil
Miss Norma Dearing, ou tlie Gosh
en Lihe, spent the ■vVeek-etid With
her aunt, Miss Merle iDearlng.
Mr. and Mrs. Heatherley, of Lon
don, visited Saturday With Mr, and
Mrs, Wm. Motz.
Mr. Frank Delbr.idge,
the Confederation Life,
cessful in winning first
having written the most
of the general agents throughout
Western Ontario during 'October,
Novembei* aiid December. *
A new baby chick hatchery is to
be started in Exeter, known as the
Hogarth Baby Chick. Hatchery, in
the large brick store south of the
Metropolitan Hotel.
S. Martin & Son are planning al
terations to their store, three-stor
ey brick, taking off two stories,
changing the front and making the
ground floor into two stores.
The Pickard store, which1 hasi
been closed since the removal of the
Jackson Manufacturing Company
several years ago, is now to be open
ed up as a sales room for McLaugh
lin-Buick and Pontiac cars. Mr.
Ulric Snell has taken the agency fo?
this district.
The Hibbert Township Council
met for their monthly council meet
ing |n, the Township Hall, Staffa, on
Monday, January 12, at one o’clock
pan., with all members present and
the Reeve presiding. The Clerk
read the minutes of the ‘previous
meeting which were adopted as.
Mr'. Lloyd Elliott was appointed
as. caretaker for the township hall
for 1942. . .
Tenders will be received by Mr-
Frank Allen and Mr. Lloyd Col-
quhoun, for ten cords of hardwood
fourteen inches long. Tenders to-
be received on or before February
6 th. .
The following accounts were
paid: Wm. J.. Kay, *S.O.H. meeting
and mileage, $2.30; Jas. Scott.
B.O.H. meeting and mileage, ,$2-.20-;l Thos. D. Wren, B.O.H. meeting audj
mileage; $2.50; . Dr., Stapleton,
B.O.H. meeting and mileage, $2.50;
O.tto Walker, repairing doors at the
Township Hall, $2.00; direct re
lief, $7.00.
Thos. D. Wren, Clerk
“Was McTavish’s new friend at
tractive?” “He said she was so-
attractive that when he took her
home in a cab the other nigtyt, he
could hardly keep, his eyes on the
Bilious Attacks
Liver Complaint
Biliousness is just another name
for a clogged or sluggish liver. It
is a very common complaint, but. can
be quickly remedied by stimulating
the flow of bile, This softens the’
accumulated. mass, the poisons, are
carried- Out of the system, and the
liver and bowels are relieved and:
toned up.
Milburn ’s, Laxa-Liver Pills quicken
and enliven the sluggish, liver, open?
ing up every channel, by causing a
free flow of bile, and thus cleansing
the liver of the clogging , impurities.
, They are small and easy to take.
Do. not gripe, weaken or sicken,
Tho T. Milburn Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont
of Exeter,
and Mrs.
London, is
sister-in-law, Mrs.
Truemner is allHoward
a baby boy arriving on Sat-
at Dr, (Fletdher*s Hospital,
And we have noticed that a lot
of young fellows who smear plenty of oil . on their hair seem terribly
afraid of getting a little grease on
their hands.
Mr. J., W. Hern purchased the
residence \of Miss j. Spicer, corner
of William .and* Sanders streets
the sale On Tuesday for $1-,500.
$ 8.00
. 3.25
Toronto Globe & Mail and Times-Advocate
Mr. E. Broderick, of the 2nd
concession of Hay, has just install
ed in his barns a complete set of
waterworks, * making it one Of the
most up-to-date barns in the town
ship. The work Was done by Mr,
John Hunter, of EXeter;
Arto Deive, of the Advocate stuff,
Is off duty owing to illness.
Mr. GeO, Stanley, of Lucan, Will
occupy the James Street pulpit on
Sunday next in the absence of Rev,
J, W. Baird.
Mr, and Mrs, Mob Ort E, sillory, of
'Usborne, announce the engage-'
ment of their daughter, Mary Zoe,
to Mr. Alexander H. Duncan, of Us-'
borne* the marriage to take place
the latter part of January.
The thermometer registered 10
below zero on several occasion dur
ing the past week,
Globe and Mail, 6 Months .........................
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London Free Press and Times-Advocate
London Free Press, 6 Months ....................
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Canadian Home Journal and Times-Advocate ..........
Country Gentleman and Times-Advocate ..................
Good Housekeeping and Times-Advocate ..................
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Saturday Evening Post and Times-Advocate .........
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Cosmopolitan and Times-Advocate .............. ....... ....