HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-22, Page 5HENSALL
Mrs. S. M, Barbour, of Mont
real, Is v|sitiug ’with her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, J. Hoggarth*
Mr, Wm. iFairbairn, Mrs. John
Alien and Mrs. John 'Jayior and
sons Fred and Donald spent Mon
day visiting with friends in Don-
Mr, Kenneth Kerslake* of tbe
j R.C.A.F., St. Thomas, spent- the
week-end with his brother and sis
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. A, W* Kers-
lake,. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, of Schom
berg, spent the week-end here visit
ing with his mother, Mrs, Kate
Cantelon, whp is ill in CJittton Gen
eral Hospital,
The services in the United church
were ebnducted by Rev. R. ■ Al.
Brook. The morning anthem was
"Remember Now Thy Creator” and
the evening anthem was "Sun of
My Soul”.
Services in Carmel Presbyterian
church on Sunday last were con
ducted by the Rev. Wm, Weir. Com
munion was administered at the
morning service. For their morn
ing selection the choir sang "God
So Loved the World”, soloist,. Irene
Hoggarth, The evening anthem
was "Sweet Hour of Prayer”, solo
ists, Lois MacLaren and June Mur
The Hensall W.L will sponsor a
rummage sale in the town hall,
Hensall, on Saturday, January 24,
Donations of household articles,
clothing, furniture, fruit, pickles,
vegetables, curtains, plants, pic
tures, electrical appliances or any
thing that you. do..not need and
someone else may be able to make
use of will be gladly accepted and
same will be called for during
Friday, Feb. 23. Tea will be serv
ed on Saturday afternoon, and ev
ening and cups read. Clear out
your attic and help the Red Cross.
The regulai* meeting of the La
dies’ Aid of Carmel Presbyterian
church was held on Tuesday even--
ing in the school room Of the
church, The meeting was opened
by singing hymn 606, after which
' Mrs. Farquhar led in prayer. A num
ber of items of business were dis
cussed. It was decided that Group
No. 3 would have charge of the
February meeting. Hymn 571 was
sung, after which the meeting clos
ed with the Lord’s prayer in uni
son. A teh-cent tea was served by
Group No. 2.
William Frederick George Dan
iels, of Hensall, died suddenly in
Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
in his 69th year. The deceased
was formerly on the postal staff in
Brantford and upon superannua
tion took up residence in Hensall.
Surviving are his widow, the for
mer Miss Bella Sparks, of Hensall,
and formerly of Brantford. The
funeral was held from the home
hrire on Wednesday at 2 p.m. and
was conducted by Rev. R. A. Brook
assisted by Rev. M. A. Hunt. Bur
ial was in Hensall Union Cemetery.
Monster Dance
Modern & Old Time Dance
Door Prizes
Clayt. Steeper’s Orchestra
Admission 35c
won by Mr. Ciyne, of London; Miss
Edith Dick, Bert
Moore, Herman
Mickle, Mrs. Peter McNaughton,'all
of HepsaU, Mrs. Elgin Jarrott, Mrs
J, Bell, JCippen; Earl Whiting, Exe
ter. The door prize went to Geo.
Thompson, Hensall.
prize was won by Mrs, Alfred Clark,
Hensall. Reeve R. E. Shaddick drew
the winning tickets,. Music wad1 fur
nished by Murdock’s orchestra,
Peter* McNaughton expressed the
thanks of the Legion for the splen-
did support given to the organize-
'tion for 1941. He stated that they
had exceeded their objective of*
$1,000 for charity* and war work.
Junior Bible Class Elects Officers
Selves, Charles
Dayman, Billy
The lunch
Miss Jean Murray was hostess
to the Junior Bible Class of the Un
ited church at her home on Tues-
day evening. After ,singing "Whaf
a Friend We Have in Jesup”, Rev.
R. A. Brook led in prayer. An im
promptu program followed, consist
ing of a vocal trio, "Whispering,
Hope”, sung by Mrs. Melville Tra-
quair, Mrs. Wilbert Dilling and
Mrs. George Hess, accompanied by
Dr." I. G. Smillie at the piano. Rev.,
Brook contributed a pleasing solo.
The following officers were elect
ed: Pres., Mrs. R, J. Patterson;*
asst., Mrs. Grace Harpole; group
concluded by
Life and Let it
Lord's prayer
were enjoyed
served by the
meeting will be held in the Sunday
School room on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 4th. A hearty vote of thanks
* * her
Mrs. R, J. V ’
Grace Harpole;
Mrs. Elgin Rowcliffe and
George Hess. The program
singing "Take My
Be” followed by the
in unison. Games
and refreshments’
hostess. The next
was tendered Miss Murray for
faithful services in Rhe past.
Senior Institute Meets
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, January 22nd, IS®
Arnold Circle Meets
The regulai’ meeting of the Arnold
Circle was held at the home of Rev,
and Mrs. Wm. Weir at 8 p.m. The
opening hymn was No. 523,ftafter
which Helen Moil* led in prayer.
Jean McQueen read the scripture.
Hymn 745 was sung and business
was discussed and the roll call tak
en. Miss Maclllvenna gave 'a reading
on "Conditions of the Wai’”;
Orr took the topic from the
book The meeting closed
hymn 582 and a delightful
was served.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and
little son, Donald, are moving to
St. Catharines this week, where
Mr. MacLaren has held a good po
sition for the past several months.
They ‘ will be missed by a large
circle of friends both in the village
and surrounding community. Mr.
and Mrs. MacLaren have been ac
tive members of Carmel* Presby
terian church and also took a great
interest in the social activities .in
the village. Mrs. MacLaren has been
the very efficient correspondent for
the Exeter* Times-Advocate, We
success in ; theirWish them every
new home.
meeting of the
Women’s Association Holds
Interesting, Meeting
The January meeting of the Wo**
men’s Association of the United
Church Was held in the school room
of the church with a very good at
tendance. The opening hymn
"Take Time to be Holy”, was fol
lowed by the Lord’s Prayer in uni
son. Mrs. Eric Kennedy read the
Bible' lesson, Psalm 103, after
which Mrs, Lammie Jed in prayer
M|ss Florence Welsh contributed
a piano solo; Miss Shirley Kreuger
and Mrs. Harry Hess, of Zurich, fa
vored with a vocal duet. The guest
speaker, Mrs. M- A, Hunt, of Exe
ter, gave a most interesting address
on "The work of the Women in the
World To-day,” Audrey Welsh sang
a sblQ and Eleanor Cook played a
piano solo. A vocal duet by Mrs.
George Hess and Ruth and Miss
Florence Welsh accompanying at
the piano was followed by a read
ing by Miss EUis. A piano trio by
Mrs. Harry Hess, Misses Shirley
Krueger* and Margaret Hey was
much enjoyed, Rev. R, A, Brook
presided over the election of offi-1
cers which resulted as follows: Hon.;
pres., Mrs, s. Merner- pres., Mrs.'
J, McAllister; 1st vice-pres., Mrs.
E. Kennedy; 2nd vice-pres,, Mrs'
H, Horton; 3rd* vice-pres., Mrs,'J.
Shepherd; secretary, Mrs. Thos
Sherritt; treas., Mrs. Cross; group
leaders, Mrs, Rowcliffe, Mrs. Grace
Harpole, Mrs. Mary Buchanan, Mrs.
Wilson Carlisle; manse comm., Mrs
C. Cook, Mrs. Merner, Mrs. C. Me-
Donell- flower comm., Miss Flor
ence Welsh; Mrs. Ken Hicks, Mrs |
Walter Spencer, Mrs. W. Carlisle.'
Miss Edna Walsh.
After singing the National An
them, Rev. Hunt led in prayer.
Lunch was served at the close with
the following committee in charge:
Miss 'Florencp Welsh, Mrs. Hedden
and Mrs. Hess.
The January meeting of the Hen-i
sail Senioy Women’s Institute was
held on Wednesday evening at the-
home of Mrs. Claude Blowes with
Mrs. Carl Passmore as co-hostess.
The meeting opened by singing the
Institute Ode, and the Lord’s pray
er was repeated followed by the
singing of "The Old Rugged Cross”.
The president, Miss Beryl Pfaff, ,
presided. The Toll call was ans
esting __ ______
"Mental hygiene”.
Luker contributed
Claudette Blowes sang a solo en
titled “I.Am a Little Teapot”. Miss
Florence Welsh accompanied at the
piano. A splendid paper bn "First
Aid Treatment of Accidents and
Emergency”, prepared by MrS. Da
vid Kyle was given by Mrs. Ken
Hicks, A demonstration on mak
ing a mystery box for a'sick child
in the hospital was given' by Miss
Beryl'’ Pfaff. Arrangements were
made for the rummage sale to be
held in the town hall on Saturday,'
January 24th. Everyone is urged
to contribute to this worthy cause,
proceeds for the Red Cross. The
meeting concluded by singing "Abide
With Me”. Luncheon was served
by Mrs. C, Cook, Mrs. John Shep
herd, Misses Gladys Passmore and
'Florence Welsh.
The 'roll call was
with "an accident preventa-
Mrs. R. H. Middleton,
speaker, gave a very inter-
and informative address on
Miss Gladys
a piano solo;
The annual, congregational meet
ing and supper will be held Thurs-
day evening of this week in the-
basement of the church. 1
A meeting of the Red Cross exe
cutive was . held last Wednesday af
ternoon at the home of Mrs. Wil
bur Wynn with Mr. Mitchell as
The Young People’s Union held
a skating party at Granton rink
! last Friday evening with fifty at-
[ tending.. Whfen . they returned
lunch was served in the Sunday
School rooms.
•The W.M.S. held their regular
monthly meeting last Wednesday
afternoon at the home of Mrs. Wil
bur Wynn, with the president, Mrs.
F. Pattison, opening' the meeting
and conducting the devotional ser
vices and business. Delegates were
appointed to attend the Day of
Prayer to be held at Kirkton Unit
ed church. ■ Delegates were also,
appointed to attend the Perth
Presbyterial at ’^pStratford. The
secretary, Mrs. Hooper, gave the
report of the W.M.S. givings for
the year 1941, showing an increase
ovei' last year
this Mrs.
group No.
of .*’$15.00. After
Q. Cann, convener of
1, took’ charge of the
A hymn was sung and
the study book readings on China,
written by Mrs. Gorky, were read
by Mrs. C. Cann and her helpers,
Mrs. McNaughton, Mrs. Wesley
Mills and Mrs.
The meeting
close by prayer
The same after-
Mr. and Mrs* Maurice Klun^pp
entertained a number of C
friends on Friday evening.
Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walper, of.
London, spent Sunday with his 1 A.F.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Edmund
Walper, on the Bronson Line.
A very successful quilting -was
held on Tuesday afternoon in both
churches in aid of the Red Cross.
My. and Mrs. E. McIlroy, of
Gfand BJend, were visitors with
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Klujnpp on
Mrs, Harry Hoffman, Harry and
Gertie and Miss Anna Hess, of Zur-:
ich, attended the funeral of the
late Harry Zimmerman at Tavistock
on Monday.
Mr. (Frank Biesenthal had the mis
fortune to fall from a ladder while
working at Harry Hoffman’s new
building last Thursday. He „ was
immediately taken to Clinton hos
pital where his injuries were at
tended. We are pleased to report
that Mr, Biesenthal was able to
be brought home o.
Tuesday and
getting Mong nicely.
Dashwood Red Cross Elects
Officers for 1942
The annual meeting of the Dash
wood Red Cross Unit was held in
the work room on Monday even
ing With Rev, T- Luft as chairman.
The secretary, Mrs. J, M. Tieman,
reported the following articles made
by the unit: 216 pairs socks, 49
pairs sea boots, 49 sleeveless
sweaters, 26 turtle-neck sweaters,
19 ribbed helmets, 2 afghans, 79
pairs mitts & gloves, 4 pr. seamen’s
26 alterna-
4 scarves,
11 pairs rifle mitts, 12
2 ba-
2 turtle-neck tuck-ins,
socks, 43 wash cloths,
tive caps,
aero caps, 5 girls’ pullovers,
1 bonnet, 1
—56< quilts, 3
shirts, 16
....^3 Mr. Kenneth. Lillow, of the BelL
their j Telephone Company, is vising
tin the community,
Mr, Bob Blackwell, of the R.C,
__. at Manning Pool, Toronto
spent the week-end here.
We ‘are glad to report that Mrs,
Gordon Morlock, who is a patient at
Victoria Hospital, London, is im
Mr. Williani iVoodall, of Calgary,
Alta., Mrs, Elizabeth Knights and
Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Knights, of
Woodstock, visited over the week
end with Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Woodall,
Visitors over the week-end with
Mr. and Mrs, Earl Haist were Mrs
Carman Hodgins and , daughter
Joan, of Atwood; Mr. and Mrs. John
Mountain and Mrs. Joseph Moun
tain, of St. Marys, and Miss Ma
bel Waldock, of Long Beach, Cal.
, The W.M.S, of the United church
met in the basement of the church
Thursday, January 14 with the pre
sident, Mrs. Lovie, in the chair, A
short worship stervice was held.
Mrs, S. King very ably gave the
first chapter of the new Study book,
which wag very interesting and in
structive, The Society then made
plans to serve a pancake supper
on February 17th, Rev. Turner
then took the chair for the elec
tion of officers as follows: Pres.,
Mrs. J. O. Lovie; vice-pres., Mrs. E,
Lawson; rec. sec., Mrs. F, W. Clark;
cor. sec., Mrs. M, W. Teller; treas.,
Mrs. A. Baker; pianist, Mrs. L.
Turner; Christian stewardship sec.,
Mrs, T. Trevethick; group lead
ers, Mrs. F. W, Clark, Mrs. ,B.
Kestle, Mrs, R. Hill, Mrs. H, Mit
chell; press sec., Mrs. A. Baker.
Hymn 260 was sung and Rev. Tur
ner dismissed' the meeting .with
hies’ sweaters,
bootees. Sewing
sing gowns, 29
pyjamas, 2 extra trousers, 12
pants, 9 blazers, 2 windbreakers, 8
bed jackets, 2 sheets, 2 slips, 9
girls* coats, 10* blouses, 8 skirts, 9
, bloomers, 18 dresses, 2 layettes con-
: sisting of 67, pieces and 150 articles
•of refugee clothing donated. The
ladies also held *a number of teas
during the year and took an active
part in social events .held by the
local unit. A number of fancy
quilts and comforters were made
and disposed of, which brought in
splendid financial assistance. The
treasurer,' Ed. Nadiger, reported
$5 95.43 was handed in to the Exe
ter branch and the Dashwood Unit
has a balance on hand of $31.30.
Officers elected were: Pres., Rev. i
T. Luft; vice-pi;es., Mrs. Harold
Kellerman; sec.u.Mi’S, J. M. Tieman;
treas,, Ed. Nadiger. The following
• committees were- also appointed;
Salvage comm., J’-M. Tieman, Mil
ford Merner, Albert Miller, Stil-
art McInnis; collection of funds,
Mrs. R. H. Taylor, Jean Cole, R.
Goetz, T. H. Hoffman, S. P. Currie;
: ladies’ Avork, Mrs. Ed. Nadiger,
Mrs. Wm. Kleinstiver, Ida Zimmer.
The meeting closed by singing the
National Anthem.
Catharine Watson, who
the hospital in London,
The January
W.M.S. Of Carmel Presbyteria'n*
church was held on Thursday after
noon with the president, Mrs. C.
Hudson, presiding. After singing
"O Master Let Me Walk With
Thee,” Mrs. Hudson lpd in prayer
Miss Minnie Reid read the Scrip
ture, Matthew 6. The roll call was
answered With a prayer as the teXi
word. After singing a hymn Mi’s
Logan led In prayer. Mrs. A. D
McEwen and Mrs. Davidson are
on the Visiting committee for this
month. The next meeting will be
in charge of Mi'S. ’W. A. Workman,
Mrs.» McEwen, and Mrs. Davidson.
Mj*s.:,C. Hudson gave the topic on
"Brayer” and the meeting conclud
ed by singing, a hymn and
Lord’s prayer in' unison*
Legion Holds Bingo
■ The H^nsafl-Exeter branch of
Canadian Legion sponsored a very
successful bingo .dance In the
town hali'^'^Hday ^evening.n,,
0. St-one 'was master of ceremonies,
Fifteen prices were given away dur
ing the evening and the 10 special
arises of blankets* and turkeys were
th 0
The Late Francis Coleman
One of Hensall’s highly esteem
ed residents passed away at his
home here, Wednesday morning in
the person of Mr. Francis 'Coleman
in his 70th year, following a linger
ing illness. Born on the Parr Line
June 23rd, 1872, he was united in
mafriage ’to his widow, formerly
Sarah Almira Turner, on Novem
ber 15 th, 1899. Mr. Coleman
farmed on the Parr Line until mov
ing to Hensall in April, '1933. Mr.
and Mrs. Coleman celebrated their
fortieth wedding anniversary two
years agd. Surviving are his wid
ow, two. sons, Harvey on the home
stead and Lome on a farm nearby;
two brothers, Rev. Oliver Coleman,
Winnipeg, Man., and Mr. Geo. Cole
afternoon was conducted by ROv,
R. A.
Flowerv‘^arers were Anson, Cole-
matt,., Elmer tuyttCr, Harvey Kfeyek
Wiiiiier ’rtti?her
arid Jiih- McNaughton
tributes were
term ent
EgmondVille; three Sisters,
John Shannon, Egmondvillo;
John Elgie, Los Angeles, Cal.,
Mrs. Mary Ortwein, Winnipeg
and three grandchildren.
public funeral service from
United Church on Thursday
Brook. The choir sang an an-
entitled "Jerusalem the Gold-
The pallbearers were Messrs.
■COnsitt, Jas, Smillie, George
;Chas." 'Stephbnson, Harvey
*and Ralph Stephenson
Gordon Johnstph,
The dioruh
very beautiful, In-
was made in Bayfield
* ......
"ThO Want Ad department In tills
paper Is black and White hut read
alt over***
Shier, Mrs, Ray
Whitfield Switzer,
was brought to a
by Mrs. C. Cann,
noon a meeting of the Women’s
Association was held with the new
president, Mrs. Arthur Rundle, oc
cupying the chair and*- conducting
the meeting. Many items of busi--
ness were discussed and letters were
read thanking the society for cards
of sympathy sent to the bereaved.
A committee Was appointed to^look
after the food and table waiters for
the supper on Thursday evening.
The meeting was brought to a close
in the usual way.
spent a week
W.A. execu-
Harold Bell’s
Miss Dorothy Johns
in Stratford recently.
A meeting of the
tive was held at Mrs.
home last Friday afternoon.
The W.M.S. executive met at Mrs.
Batten’s home on Wednesday
to plan their schedule
Mrs. Wm. Bradshaw and
Seaforth, were Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Rods Marshall and
daughters spent Sunday with Mr,
and Mrs. H. C. White, St. Marys.
Maitland Hammond and his
friend, George Hodson, of the R.C.
A,F.S Kingston, spent
at the former’s home.
Mrs. J. WintOrick,
Moor), of Puria, U.S.,
lins, of Toronto, antt Mr. arid
J. Robinson, of Carlingford,
Sunday guests with Mr. John Wil
The congregational meeting of
the KirktOn United Church was held
Wednesday evening in the base
ment of the church. After
luck supper which proved to
of the best » the business
church was attended to.
one was pleased at the splendid re
ports from all section^. The books
’were closed showing a nice balance
on hand for 1942,
Mi*, and Mrs. Reuben Switzer, en
tertained quite a number of young
people at their home Tuesday even*
•ing in honor of their son, Bill, of
! the R.C.A.F., Calgary. . The even
ing’s entertainment took the form
of ,a skating party. After return*
iiig' to' the Switter home progres
sive euchre was enjoyed. The host
ess served a very dainty lunch, We
all wish Bill every success in his
work as he returns to Calgary.
the week-end
(nee Nettie
Mr. Ed.Coh
a pot
be one
of the
last week
for 1942.
Mr. and
David, of
The Red Cross executive held a
business meeting at Mrs. !F'. Horne’s
and decided .to hold monthly meet
ings the first to be held at Mrs,
Jack Delbridge’s home on Tues
day evening this week.
The Farm Radio Forum mem
bers met at the home of Mr. Kent
neth Johns on Monday night with
37 present. .They all report an
enjoyable and profitable time.
Next Monday evening it will be
Farm Radio Forum instruction
meeting and will be held in the
church basement.' It is hoped a
large number will be present to
learn what it is all about.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Coopei*
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
J. Veal.
Mrs. Geo. Delbridge is spending
a week With Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Mr. Harold
couple of days
in Toronto.
Mr, and Mrs.
been in
returned to her home.
Mrs. Wm. Watson is a patient in
the- hospital in Exeter. We hope
for a speedy recovery.
' Carl Trevethick,, son of Mr. and
Mrs, Jas.. Trevethick, has gone to
London to take a course at the
I Technical School.
an d
Delbridge spent a
this past week-end
Harry Murch and
family spent Sunday evening With
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Delbridge.
Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Johns Spent
Tuesday of last week with Mr., and
Mrs. Fred Dong, of Stratford.
Miss Ethel Pooley, has returned
home after
. Mr,
Sam Brock, who is a patient in Vic
toria. Hospital. <;' ■ ’
Mrs. W* F. Batten and Mrs. Ray
Fletcher attended the funeral of
their aunt, the late Mrs. Albert
Camm, of Fort Brie, on Monday.
spending the past two
her sister, Marion, at
’Mrs. Sherwood Brock
Wednesday with Mrs.
who is a patient in Vie-
A number from the community
were skating at Winchelsea on
urday night.
Mr. and Mrs. James ‘Earl
Marjorie visited on Friday with
and Mrs. Howard Kerslake.
Mr. and Mrs. James Earl
Marjorie spent Thursday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen.
Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Brock
and Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hern
tended the social for the Board
Directors of the Farm Forum
‘Friday night,,
The January meeting of the Zion
W.M.S. was held at the home of
Mrs. Melville Hern on Thursday
The president, Mrs. Warren Brock
took the meeting which was open
ed by repeating the watchword fol
lowed by hymn 571 and the Lord’s
prayer. The minutes of the • last
meeting were read and adopted and
the roll call was taken. Reports
for last year were given by the
treasurer and secretary, Business
was then discussed. Hymn 240
was sung and Mrs. Tom Hern read
a story, “New Year's Greetings*'.
Marjorie Earl favored with an in
strumental. Mrs. Angus Earl read
a story entitled "A Song in the
Night” and the study book, "Cities
Of Refuge” was given by Mrs. War
ren Brock. The offering was then
received and Mrs. Warren Brock •
led in the worship service. Hymn
154 was sung and prayers for the
new year were given by Hazel
Hern, Anna Brock and Erlma Jac
ques. Lunch was served after
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleton
dulled on Mr. John Appletdn' Of Cre-
diton on Tuesday lasL > -
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Woodburn
visited with Mr. arid Mrs.' Gordon
Ulens, of London, recently.5!
Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Steeper and
Lyle were guests of. Mr., and Mrs.
Harry Appleton Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Murray
and Bobby spent Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. McBryan, of Thedford
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. Harry Appleton
Mrs. Bruce Steeper on
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon
tertained his sisters and brothers
to a turkey dinner at their home
on Thursday evening.
Be sure to attend the social ev
ening in Grace church parish hail,
aid of a fund to send treats to
soldiers of this community who
Mr. Robert Steeper, son of
and Mrs. Eldon Steeper had
misfortune to have part of his fing
er taken off in a grain ’crusher on
Wednesday afternoon while crush
ing grain at his father’s barn.
Bible Society Meeting
On January 13, a meeting of the
president, director's, and secretary
treasurer of the Greenway branch
of the Bible Society was held at
the home of Mr., and Mrs. Wilbert
Young, of Corbett. The President
Mr. Young, presided. Mrs. Garfield
Steeper, secretary treasurer, and the
directors present were Freeman
Hodgins, Wes Mellin, Henry Bell
ing and Elton Curts. ' The minutes
of the last meeting were read and
| adopted. It was moved by Free-
manl Hodgins arid seconded by
Henry Belling that the representa
tive, Rev. Denny Bright,
don, be invited to show
tern slides in the United
Greenway, on the evening
collectors will be around the follow
ing week. The collectors appoint
ed were Kenneth McFalls, Clive
Brophey, Miss Audrey Harlton, Max
Hodgins, R-oss Corsant, Paul Bro
phey, Wayne Heaman, Lyle Warro’
Stanley Harner and Wesley Mellin.
Directors for 1942—From the Unit
ed Church, Sam Webb, Elton Curts,
Henry Belling; from Anglican
church, ‘Freeman Hodgins,, Hugh R.
Hodgins, Wesley Mellin.
in Toronto over
__ church parish hall,
on Friday, Jan. 23 in
Newton Hayter- and sonMr, Newton Hayter- and s
Glenn are* working in Hamilton
Mrs. Newton Hayter, Donna and
Barbara are . staying at Grand
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Taylor
spent Friday evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Ross Love.
Mr, and Mrs. Herb Sherritt spent
Friday afternoon
Mrs. Joe Hickey.
A number from
tended the lecture
Thursday afternoon given by the
Agricultural Short Course on "Hydro on* the Farm.”
with Mr. and.
this district at-
in Parkhill on
of Lon-
his lan-
. , of
2. Also local talent on the
gram. Rev. Beacom and Rev.
in will be asked to announce
The first radio forum to be held
at S.S. No. 10 (Lumley) was held
Monday evening with over thirty in
attendance. Warden P. Passmore
was chairman and F. Dawson was
appointed secretary. Following an
interesting forum Mr. Dawson gave
a talk on the Huron County Fed
eration of Agriculture.
Morgan sang a solo,
was sung.
at bingo and cards arid refresh
ments were served. A bigger and
better meeting is expected for next
Monday night when A. W, Morgan,
county president of the Federation
and Wellington Brock, the town
ship president, will be present and
give addresses.
Mrs. A. W.
After some
the National Anthem
A social time was spent
addressed the
Winchelsea On
Tuesday and finished |
Cross Society of this
at the Thames Road i
basement last week.
for 1942
talk on the
meeting of
was held
luck sup-
of the
The fol-‘
Edwin Miller was
the week-end.
Rolahd Williams
Red Cross unit at
Tuesday night.
The Thames Road West unit of
the Red Cross met at Mrs. Chas Al
lison’s home
a quilt.
Hunt was the guest speaker and
gave a very interesting
work of the Society.
The annual church
Thames Road church
Tuesday night. The opening part
was in the form Of a pot
per. The business part
The Various branches
church gave their reports,
lowing new managers were elected:
•Charles Allison, Wm. Lamport and
Thomas Allem *
The Farm Forum of this section
held two meetings ’tuesday evening
one at Edgar Monteith’s and the
other at Jack Hodgert’s in Exeter.
At *the meeting in Exeter Mrs. Lloyd
Taylor was the guest speaker. Both
meetings were well attended. The
Thames Road branch will meet next
Monday at Chas,
are interested
will find them
Jeffery’s. Any who
in these meetings
educational, *
White Leghorns, Barred Rocks, Rock and Leghorn
Hybrids, Sussex, New Hamps and Sussex
Two hatches off and hatches twice weekly. Buy early
* hatched chides and have your pallets laying big eggs for all of
, the four months when eggs are highest in price, in September,
October, November and December* It’s the early chick buyers
every time who say they are making money out of their eggs'
ami the proof is that these men usually increase their orders.
; We have many large orders hooked, so if you don’t want to bet
disappointed next fall when eggs are high in price ORDER NOW
and get your Chicks when, you tvnnt them and also the kind you
.Lakeview Chicks are sold to large particular chick buyers
both local and distant. They must do well because these men
demand the best.
O. Shoemaker of Oowanstown bought Lakeview Pullets
last year and, has booked ids order for 1,000 tills year*
.Ben Wann, (Parkhiil, had 500 Lakeview Deghom Bullets
last year and booked his order for 700 this year*
)6 cent per chick or i cent per pullet discount on orders placed
30 days in advance* Don’t delay* place your order now*
Office open every (lay arid Sattirday until 9 p.m.
Wein Bros.Exeter, Ont.