HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-22, Page 1EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22nd, J942 Sixty-Ninth YearESTABLISHED 1873 * MEN’S and BOYS on SALE Around 30 men’s good winter overcoats on sale at $15.00 to $18.00 each. If . you need a new coat for this winter or next, this is a chance to get a good coat at a low price. Also a few students’ sizes at $12.00 and $13.00 each and smaller boys’ overcoats at reduced prices. Buy Rubber Footwear Now The rubber situation at the present time is serious. If your overshoes, rubbers, rubber boots, etc., are showing signs of wearing out, we advise you to come in and buy yourself a new pair while we have the sizes. January Sale of Ladies' and Misses’ SILK CREPE DRESSES We are placing on sale this week a whole rack of Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk Crepe Dresses, good styles, to clear in a hurry at from $1.00 to $3.95 each, Men’s Brushed Wool Sweaters on Sale Two dozen men’s brushed' wool sweaters, sizes 36 to 44, zipper fronts. Values up to $3.95 each. While they last, on sale at $2.45 each Ladies’ and Misses’ Winter Coats at Real SUPERSILK HOSIERY We have just received a shipment of Super silk Hosiery in service weight. Good shades. Very scarce goods at present. To retail at $1.00 and $1.25 pair. .................... . ........................... .................................................................. ....................—I.—....................Ill ■ ................................................................................II II Tea-Towelling Special — 39c a yd. Heavy weight? part linen, 22 inches wide. Good drying and wearing qualityA real special this, month at 39c yard. Special Value? for Thursday, Friday, Saturday Broken Sodas McCormick’s make Libby’s Spaghetti 9 f 1 E Witli Tomato Sauce and Cheese " £«JML Oxydol Aftrh Chocolate Marshmallow BiscuitsIL f O Delicio Brand .....................................1IU« .2 lbs. 25c J-e-I-I-o 9 fnr 1 The popular brand of jelly powder" idb - Apricots (Dried) „ No. 1 Quality (fancy) .....|Jvi Aylmer Asparagus Tips « Fancy Quality, 12 oz. tins ........“ Grape-Nut Flakes Deal Large pkg. G. N. Flakes and 1 Post Toastlss, all for n Phone 32 Your Superior Store I Prepayment of Taxes ) —...........................................— ‘... ------------------ A GOOD INVESTMENT The following discounts will be allowed for the of taxes in Exeterprepayment First Instalment Discount allowed if paid on before: ' February 1st March 1st ... April 15 th ... or %,.-...2 ..1 % Second Instalment Discount allowed if paid before: . . February 1st ......... March 1st .......................... April 15 th .......................... on r %,...4 ,.h3S % ...*3 % Payments to be niade to W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector BINGO...5> Canadian Legion Rooms, Exeter TONIGHT THURSDAY, JANUARY 22hd at 8.30 sharp 15 Rounds General Admission, &5c HOT BEER SUPPER The Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Mem­ orial church will serve a hot full course dinner In the PARISH HALL on THURSDAY, JANUAitY 29th From 5.30 to s p.m. Admision 50c beef Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont.Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Two Features “Time Out for A musical comedy with RUDY VALLEE, ROSEMARY LANE, ANN MILLER and the THREE STOOGES. “The Officer and the lady with ROGER PRYOR and ROCHELLE HUDSON • Mrs.. Alles: McDonald, of Sdints- t bury, who1 for the past throe years has been oaring Mr Mr. Wm. Hoime In Usborne and recently in Exeter, was taken ill the latter part of last week and on Sunday was re­ moved in Mr. Moppet’s ambulance to St. Joseph’s, Hospital, London, william 1 kay WARPEN OF PERTH William’ J. Kay, reeve of Mibbert Township, is the new warden Of Perth. County; Ha. Was. elected Tuesday at the. inaugural County. Council meeting; Othdi1 nominees for the wardenship were Reeves J, N, Corry:r,of Elma; John J. Ritst, of Logan, and A, Danstedt, of Miiver- ton, MONDAY”, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY “ONE FOOT IN HEAVEN A special feature* Blue Ribbon Award winner, starring FRED­ ERICK MARCH, MARTHA SCOTT and JEAN LOCKHART “One Foot in Heaven”, written by Hartzell Spence, about his father, is the story of the late Rev. Wm. H. Spence. Drama and hiimor are woven into the plot, depleting the early struggles the ’minister and his family. COMING— * “SERGEANT YORK” - with, Gary Cooper V; The Y.M.O.A. Badminton ’’Club Will be the guests of the Exeter club on Thursday night of this week. PRESENTATION TO FLYING OFFICER THOS. PRYDE The Exeter Hensail branch of the Canadian Legion paid hojior to one of the faithful members of the branch in the person of Flying Of­ ficer Thomas Pryde, home on a week-end leave from Toronto, where he is interviewing officer at the R.C.A.F. recruiting depot. Guests for the evening were War­ den P. Passmore and the council­ lors and clerk of Usborne Town-; ship; Reeve Alonzo McCann, Deputy Reeve Roy Ratz and the council­ lor^ and clerk of Stephen Township; Reeve George Armstrong and the councillors and clerk of Hay Township; Reeve R. E. Shaddick, councillors and clerk of Hensail and Reeve B. W. Tuckey and the coun­ cillors and clerk of Exeter. The Legion are now in process of adding to the equipment of their rooins for. the entertainment of the men on active service while pass­ ing through or visiting in Exeter, this being made possible by a grant from the^ County council. To- show the work of the Legion and at the same time to honor Comrade T. Pryde, a past president of the Le­ gion and a former reeve and county councillor, this very interesting meeting took- place. ■ President R. E. Pooley was in the ' chair and welcomed the visitors. The various reeves were called on for short addresses and all spoke of the happy associations with the guest of honor and of his untiring efforts for the welfare of the Le­ gion and the -community. R. N. Creech paid tribute to the work done by Mr. Pryde. in the Wai* Loan campaign, he' being vice-president of the five municipalities repre­ sented, and also his work on the and Red Mair annual ladies' night, cele- the inauguration of Lion Exetei* at a banquet held Central Hotel Friday even- Way Time Committee Cross. Comrade Rev, made a few remarks. Sid MacArthur, on behalf of the Legion presented Mr. Pryde with a handsome wrist watch. CF.O.j Pryde made a very feeling and ap­ preciative reply to the many kind remarks and for the fine express­ ion of appreciation, F.O. Pryde served in the last."Great Wur first for over a year- I’ll the trenches ;with the infantry 'and then trained as an airman and qualified as a flier just before the armistice. AC2 Reeves, United States air­ man Stationed at the Centralia Air­ port spoke of the splendid hospi­ tality extended by the Legion and the citizens of Exeter to the men now on duty at Centralia. At the close of a pleasant even­ ing a hot barbeque lunch of roast beef, rolls and coffee was served. -u-------V--------- EXETER AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FREE OF DEBT The Exeter Agricultunal Soc­ iety held its annual meeting in the council chamber of the Town Hall Thursday afternoon of last week with a’, good attendance present. Mr. W. D. Sanders presided in his usual efficient manner. The meet­ ing marked a red letter day in the history of the society as Secretary Clark Fisher reported the society free of debt, the final payment of $350.00 having been paid off the mortgage. After payment of prizes amounting to $751.60 the Society has a balance of $374.9 2 in the treasury. A stirring address was given by James Shearer, agricul­ tural representative of the coun­ ty, who congratulated the society on their Splendid financial standing and the fine success they hid achieved With their standing field crop competition and buoys’ swine club. The swine club now has eleven members. It was decided to hold another field drop competi­ tion this year, the kind to be de­ cided later. Officers were re-el­ ected as follows: President, Dr. E. S. Steiner; first vice-president, Wm, Oestreicher; second vice-president, ■Cecil Rowe; treasurer, R, N, Creech; secretary, Clark Fisher; Honorary Directors, Wm. Andrew, B. W. Williams, W. D, Sanders, A, Easton, W. H. Golding, Jas. Bal- lantyne and Fred Ellerington. Dir­ ectors, P. Passmore, P. Dearing, W« H. Coates, G. A, Cann, Wm. Ellerington, Dan Ddw, Bensoil "tuckey, Murray Elliott, V. Fin- combe. Lady Directors, Mrs; Rufus Kestle, Mrs. W. S. HOwdy, Mrs, E, J. Green. Associate Directors, Gar­ net Hicks, J. W, Hern, Marry Coates, Marold Fahner, Kenneth Johns add Geo. Link. Auditors, W, J. Floyd and D. C. Size, wm, Oes- treichor and Mrs. W. 3. Howey were appointed delegates to. attend ths district add brovidcial conved- tions with P* Passmore and Mrs. R, Kestle as aiternatM, . ......A- . ... . Mrs. Wm. Stanlake, of Stephen township, is udder tile doctor’s care, She returned hoine ’Fuesday after spending several duyg In Vie- teria Hospital, London. also 'Comrade LADIES* NIGHT AT LIONS CLUB If was an uproarious night for the Lions and Lionesses at the fourth b r ati ng ism in in, the ing last,. A delightful turkey din­ ner was served, the tables bein corated with purple and yellow Harp Rivers presided,, sentation of a fine-box in of a gun was made to the club by Lion Jake Sweitzer. Southcott was appointed assistant tail-twister and she wielded the gun with good effect all evening. Sing-songs were enjoyed along with several contests. Tea pot stands and a corner bracket for a prize were also presented by Mr. Sweitzer and,the winner of the bracket was Mrs. C. V, Pickard. The blowing up of balloons by a number of ladies was won by Mrs, Gordon Koch. Mrs. ■Koch was also the winner of a lucky chaii* prize. S- B. Taylor was the winner in a draw foi’ a blanket and. Mrs. (Dr.) Roulston also won a lovely plate in a draw by the ladies. With lip stick and rouge six ladies proceeded to adorn' the facial fea- ,-tures of for this for the Elliot. .dertook prize for this went to Mrs. Ted Da­ vies. The snipping of a coup'le oi ties for refusing to pay fines creat­ ed a lot of amusement. An interesting part of the. program was an oration by Miss Lenore Norminton, of Hensail, winner of the Huron County prize in oratory and winner of the second prize in the inter-provincial contest. Miss Norminton spoke on “Our Heroes of the Sea” -and received a great ovation. She was introduced by J. M. Southcott and J. H. Jones, oil behalf of the club presented her with a pair of white rubber boots. With the supper dishes and tables removed a short time was spent in progressive euchre, the ladies’ prize going Jo Mrs. W. Floyd and the gents’/ prize to Dr. Dunlop. Dr. Steinpr conducted a really clever guessing contest. It was' to guess the names of members of the Lions club. A cake of soap was awarded to each winner. (We understand the compilation of the questions was 'done by Mrs. Steiner.) It created a lot of fun. A few, rounds of bingo finished off a very sant evening. ---------V--------- , tapers. Lion g de­ gold and President The pre- the form Miss Stella as many men and the prize went to Mrs. Ben Tuckey fine job she did on Sandy Another lot of ladies un­ to clean the faces and the plea- TRIVITT VESTRY MEETING j The Vestry meeting of the Trivlttj Memorial church was held in thej Parish Hall Tuesday evening. The] attendance was larger than usual and splendid reports were received from the various organizations, all of them showing a fine balance In the treasury, The Rector, M. A. Hunt, presided. The surer’s report showed that the get apportionment had been in full, follows; Rector’s Warden, E. E, Davies; people’s warden, J. W. Mor­ ley; vestry clerk, Louis Day, Srz treasurer, M. W. 'Pfaff. Members of Board of Management, W. E, Middleton (convener), J. W. Mor­ ley, M. W. Pfaff, R, A. Crawford, G. A. Hawkins, P. Dunsford, Miss E. M. Bowey, Mrs. R. A. 'Crawford,' F. Ellerington, Dan Dew, E. E. Da­ vies, Wes. ham, Mrs. S tanlake, E. Middleton, J, W. Morley; substi­ tutes, W. Cunningham, G. A. Haw­ kins; sidesmen, Alvin Cornish, W. R. Shaw, Wm. Ellerington, Robt. Nicol, Donald Davies, Robt. Eller­ ington; auditors, J. W. Morley, A. Middlemiss; collector, W. Cunning­ ham. The ladies served lunch the close. 3 — READ All That.............• .« Glitters Rev. trea- bud- met Officers were elected as Rector's Warden, Dearing, W. Cunning- C. A. Heywood, Wm. Delegates to Synod, W. at ---------v—------ READY FOR OVERSEAS Troopers Maxwell Harness and Wib Coward’ visited at their homes for a few days last week. Recently they completed a course in motor mechanics at Hamilton and have now been “ transferred from the First 'Hussars to the Army Service Corps. They expect to leave short­ ly for an eastern port. ---------V-------- TRUMPET BAND The local unit of the First Hus­ sars will shortly parade to the mar­ tial music of trumpets and drums. At a< parade Monday night a number of the members were issued with drums and trumpets bought from the proceeds of the bingo and dance held recently. • • ---------v--------- RECEPTION A pleasant social event of the past week was the reception of Mrs. W. Grafton Cochrane, "who on Fri­ day received for the first time since her marriage. Dressed in her bri­ dal gown, Mrs. Cochrane was as­ sisted in receiving by her mother. Mrs, G. R. Martin, of Simcoe, and by Mr. G. Cochrane, guests. Pink roses and tall tapers adorned the rooms table.- Presidifig over the tea were Miss L. M, Jeckell and | Lown ds and assisting witli ing in the dining-room were Mrs. J. B. Pryde and Mrs. Lloyd A. Ste- A Delightful Original Serial Novel by ANNE TEDLOCK BROOKS, portraying the Romance, the Charm, the Glamor of the South. STARTING THIS WEEK IN The Times-Advocate open War- a to­ went dras- GEO. ARMSTRONG OF HAY NEW WARDEN OF HURON George W. Armstrong, reeve of Hay Township, is the 1942 warden of Huron County. On the Conserva­ tive caucus of 15 members he was chosen on the fourth ballot of a field of five and his selection was later made unanimous in council. In his inaugural address, den Armstrong declared for tai war effort but he also on record as opposed to any tic curtailment • of road construc­ tion and in favor of holding the International Plowing Match in this county next Octobei* and for which a $2,000 County Council; grant is being sought. Fifty years old, Warden Arm­ strong was born in Hay Township on the same farm which his grand­ father, who came from the north of Ireland, cut out of the bush and which his father further de­ veloped, grower, anan, of children, He has been nine years in munici­ pal life, six as reeve and’ county councillor. For the past year he has-been on the road commission. In religion he is an United church man and in politics a Conservative. Oaths of office to the warden and- councillors were administered by Clerk N. W. Miller, and the de- devotional period was conducted by Rev. A. J. McKaye, of Goderich. ---------V--------- He is an extensive bean He married Jessie Buch- Hensall, and has three Harry, Jean and Betty. O.E.S.INSTALLATION chapter room of the Exeter presented a very attractive The O.E.S. appearance on Wednesday evening for the installation of 1942 offi­ cers. The business part of the meeting was., conducted by the Wor­ thy Matron and Worthy Patron of 1941 with their corps of officers. Auditors’ and annual reports were received. Upon retiring, the 1941 Worthy Matron, Mrs. Beatrice Green, pre­ sented each of her officers with a . beautiful O.E.S. compact, and to each of the gentlemen, initialed lin­ en handkerchiefs. Before vacating their chairs, the retiring Matron was presented with a beautiful framed picture and a scarf on behalf of her chapter. The retiring Worthy Patron was re­ membered with a gold key chain. Mrs. Ida Sanders, Past Matron, was made the recipient of a folding travelling clock. The second part of the evening was given over to, the beautiful installation ceremony -of the Or­ der. • Mrs. triCt Mrs. ■the Cochrane’s mother, Mrs. J. who introduced the pink and table Mrs. serv- RECEIVES COMMISSION Pilot Officer Roland Bartie son of Sgt. Rollie Motz, of ham, and Mrs. Motz, visiting his mother here, ficer Motz graduated from No. 4 bombing and gunnery school at Fin-j gal on Saturday as a wireless airbus? The door was Answered by gunner. On Tuesday afternoon ) he received word that he had been ■ his commission as a pilot He was one of the graduates for the ■Congratulations. -------_V--------- community clearing granted officer, standing course. Motz Chat- of town, is ‘ Pilot Of-! high-1 entire' “The —Times-Advocate Want Ads.” Mrs. Harvey Cowen. ---------v--------- Mrs. Robt. Turnbull, been on the staff of F. man’s law office for the eral years, has resigned tion, the same being tilled by Miss Mary Johns, of town. house who has W. Glad­ past sev- her posi- 4- 'Scanning the Fans See Last Year’s Champions Win Both Encounters Exeter and Airport Defeat Usborne in First Games of the Season, Wednesday and Friday nights SCHEDULE DRAWN UP FOR CYCLONE LEAGUE 23—‘Lucan -.vs.**■ ■Exeter vs. Con- 9.30Usborne, Exeter, 8 RuSSell Cons., p.m. Jan. 21—-Airport vs. Russell struction, 8 pan. Jan. 21—Lucan vs. p.m. .Tan. 23—Airport vs. Jan, 9.30 p.m. Jan. 28- 8 p.m. Jan. Jan. 30—Exeter Jan. 30—Lucaa 9.30 ‘p.m. Feb* 4^Russell 8 p.m* Feb, 4—Lucdh Feb. Feb. 8 p.hl. Feb, 11—Exeter vs. Feb. 13—Russell vs. Feb, 13—Lucan vs. Feb. 18—Exeter vs. 8 p; nt , Ali games Will Mxeter Arena. Russell dons.t 28—Usborne vs. Airport, 9.30 vs. Usborne, 8 p.m. vs. Russell Cons., Cons, - vs’, Usborne, vs, Airpdrt, 9,30, 6—Lucan vs. Exeter, 8 p.m. 11—Russell EXETER WIN® OPENER IN LAST SECONDS OF PLAY Veteran Pete Willard, fired the goal that gave the home team*,,a 3-2 win over Usborne Twp. in the opening game of the 1942 program Wednesday evening of last week, The local winger, jwho has seen many seasons of campaigning had his shot timed perfectly. Everyone was preparing for an. overtime when pete took a pass at fence and beat drive from the net to break up Playing their lone company, I session the de- with a of the Clarence Webb respeC- bdautl* vs, Usbdtde, Alrpotfy&OO Alfport, 8.00 Usborne, 9.30 Russell dobs., be played at Messenger right side the deadlock, first game in Cyc- the Usborne team afforded Miffer competition than, the local squad had anticipated and it took them right up to the last minute to edge out a victory. Nich­ olson ,and Rintoui on defence and Messenger in goal, o* last year’s Hensail team, were the big guns in taming the homsters; Messen­ ger especially was busy kicking out rubber tossed at him by the Exe- {Continued on Page Four). I The installing officer was May Clements, D.D.G.M., Dis* No. 5; the installing marshall, Ruth Arthur, P.D.D.G.M.; and installing chaplain Mrs. Ann Nichols. PjD.D.G.M. The Instal­ ling board in the east comprised Mrs. Beatrice Green, P.M., Mrs. Ida Sanders, P.M., Mr. E. M. Dig- nan, P.P., Mr* Herbert Sparling, P.P., St. Marys, Mr, Lloyd, P.PM LondoU and Mr, B. W. F. Beavers, P.P. The pianist and soloist were Miss Alberta and Mr, Clarence Lloyd, lively. After the installation a ful star1 point ceremony was con­ ducted by Mrs. Ida Sanders, P.M., after which Mrs. Beatrice Green, immediate P..M., and Mr. B. W. F. Beavers, immediate P.P., were presented with jewels of the Or­ der, The newly-installed Worthy Mat* rod'and Worthy Patron, Mrs. Kath­ erine Smith and Mr, Bruce Field, then took over their now offices, After thanking the Chapter for the trust and confidence imposed M them, the distinguished Sast wore called upon for short speeches, Re- fore closing Mrs. Katherihe Smith presented each of the Installing of* fleets - with a memento of the oc­ casion. After closing & social hour was spent SecttiSoi Yoar Coupons for Times- Advocate Draw!