HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-15, Page 5Page 5 a. THE EXETER TIMES«AOVQCATE Thursday, January HENSALL FOR RENT—-In Hensall. storey frame house, heated furnace; garage and garden­ session within month.. Rhone or apply to Roy MacLaren. 1% with Ros* 139 chiefs, 37 men's handkerchiefs, 25 J children’s handkerchiefs, 1 teddy i bear. The fourth box contained: I 5 turtle-neck mitts, 50 pairs boot stockings, isweaters, socks, 5 pah’s* 5 pairs sea- at the Library cou­ is ill at hir friends hope who is con- Mr. George Petty has been fined to his home owing to illness, Hr. Wm, T. Joynt. of London, spent the week-end with his moth­ er, Mrs* Alice Joynt. Mr, Frank Coleman home again. His many .for a rapid recovery, Mrs, Kate Cantelon, fined to Clinton General Hospital, Still continues seriously ill. Miss Emma Johnston" left last week for Toronto where she Intends spending the -winter* ‘ months. Mrs. Wm, Parke, ,who underwent air operation in Clinton General Hospital last week is slowly im­ proving in "health. The W.A, of the United church will meet in the school room of the church on Thursday at 3 p,m. Mrs. Alice Joynt for Toronto, where ■the winter months her son, Mr. Laird Miss Myrtle Peart is spending a few days in London at the home of Mr, and Mrs, D. McKaig, owing to the illness of Mr. McKaig. . The Exeter Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion are sponsoring #a bingo and dance in the town hall Friday evening, January 16tli. Mrs. Louis Weigand, of Dashwood, who has been ill, has been spend­ ing the past few days at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Fee. Mrs. Meidingner, has purchased . the property'from Mr. Thus. Huddle- Son, which he recently purchased from the estate of the late Peter Stewart. * Recent visitors with Mrs. Luker and Miss Gladys Luker were Mr. John Thomson, of iCarnduff, Sask., and Mrs. Fred Thomson and daugh­ ter June, of Toronto. Pte. Donald Walker, who has been serving overseas for the past year or so, is expected home this week Donald has hospital for* to ill health, Mrs. Jas. Dick night after spending New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Dick and family at Smithville and with re­ latives in Toronto. Mr. and ' Mrs. Jas. Parkins, ac­ companied by Mr. Murray Parkins, and Miss Norma Mousseau, of Zur­ ich, and' Mr. and Mrs. Flynn, of Exeter, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Cline Flynn, of London. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser­ vices in the United church on Sun­ day and the choir sang two an- .thems, “The Lights of Home”, solo­ ists, Miss Ruth Hess, Mrs. (Hess and Dr. I. G. Smillie, and “Under Thee O God.” Don’t forget the rummage sale in the town hall, Hensall, Saturday, January 24th,- sponsored. by the Hensall Women’s 'Institute. Do-* nations of ‘household articles, cloth­ ing, furniture, fruit, pickles, vege­ tables, fowl, skatps, jewellery, dish­ es, books, curtains, plants, pictures, electrical appliances, or anything you can’t use that someone else can, may be left at Hess’ or Kers- lake’s stores. Tea will he served during the afternoon and evening and teacups read. Clear opt your attic and help the Red Cross. W.M.S. Shown Interesting Slides The W.M.S. of’the United church ‘ held their regular meeting in the church on Friday evening with the president, ’ Mrs. Cross, presiding. After the Lord’s Prayer in unison. Mrs. Mary Buchanan took the devo­ tional period, following which Miss Jean Murray led in prayer; Audrey Walsh sang a solo entitled “Carry On”; Miss Greta Lammie favor­ ed with a violin solo entitled “Flow Gently Sweet Afton”, accompanied by Miss 'Gladys Luker at the piapo; Miss Annie Oonsitt showed inter­ esting colored views on “The Oth­ er Wise 'Man” and told the story. Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Hedden favour­ ed with- a duet entitled “Beyond the Sunset”. Miss Gladys LUlter ac­ companied on the piano, Mrs. Wil­ son Oarlisle reported having made ■seventeen calls on sick and shut-ins. The February meeting will -be held at the home of Mrs. N. E. Cook. The meeting closed by singing sus, Saviour, Pilot Me.” Bed. tOross Notes left on Sunday she- will spend at the home of Joynt, been confined to the several months owing ■ u Dick and Mr. Arthur returned home Saturday “Je- New’ Books The following books from Huron County Library Association will be in circulation at the Hen­ sall Public Library from January to March 42; (Fiction The Divine Lady Hildreth ........*....... . Rose Galbraith The Great Tradition Stars in Your Byes The Sue The th e i ; CREDITON ' Mr, Gerald Schepk, of London* spent' Saturday at his home here. Miss Laura Woodall, of London, spent the week-end here. Mr. Lewis Faist, spending two weeks’ his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Faist. Mrs. Gordon Morlock was taken to Victoria Hospital, London, last Saturday. We wish her a speedy recovery. ’ , Owing to weather conditions last Sunday evening, services at Shipka and Brinsley were withdrawn*. There were services as usual at Cre­ diton in the evening, Mr, Clayton Sims urday for Montreal expected to undergo on his throat. His wish him a speedy at her home of Sarnia, is vacation with left last Sat- where he is an operation many friends" and complete i „ Barrington ........ Estes ............ Hill ....... Keyes ........ Loring Secret of the Marsh Banks*....* ....... ....Norris Barton, Superintendent of Nurses ..... Bpylston Blue Cloak ......................Bailey Non-Fiction Elizabeth of England ....... Spencer j recovery. One Hundred „Non-Royalty One-Act.j Next Sunday evening a lantern Plays .... Kozlenke j lecture entitled “The Citadel of the Big Family *................. Pai fridge Young Voyageur .................... Clay Trive .......................’......... Terliume The Story Book of Teeds from > the Jield ................ Petersham Knit One, Purl One ............ Shields Pioneer Arts and Crafts ... Guillett Mr. and Mrs. Glenn' Bell, Gerald and Earl and Mrs. Roy MacLaren and Donald visited Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin at Thames Road, - s. Chiangs, Chungking”, will be given by the minister, this lecture being! an integral part of the service. I Chungking is the provisional capi-J tai of free China, an ally of the! united nations endeavoring serve the > democratic way You are welcome. Don’t forget the annual gational meeting of the church Thursday evening, 22,! -V- GREENWAY Ed. Bullock’s familyMr. sick with the measles. We hope to see them out again soon. 0 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brown vis­ ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.- Arthur Baker, of the Lake Road. Mr. Seibourne English, of ’De­ troit, spent the week-end with his • parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, English. Mr. William Saunders, of Saska­ toon visited with his mother, Mrs. James Wilson, for a few days last' week. ' ! Mr. and Mrs. Carlisle Taylor and, take place. Lorraine, of . Grand Bend, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson. . Mr, and Mrs. Henry Hartle vis­ ited on Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mellin, Sr.,, of Shipka. Mr. and Mrs. Elzar Mousseau and Marilyn, of Kippen, visited on Fri­ day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Carman fWoodburn. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Honsberger, (nee Ruby Hicks), who were married on Sat­ urday in the United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson and Mr. J. B. Nichol, of Hamilton, at­ tended 'the Honsberger-Hicks wed­ ding on Saturday and spent the week-end with friends. .V------i_4 ft THAMES ROAD Stuart Mair returned to hi$ ship at Halifax this week after ten days’ leave. The bad roads and stormy day last Sunday affected cliurcli sei\ vices. The new township snow plow is doing good work. All roads are open. The general topic is the weather. At the better. Mrs. line, is illness. "Some attended the farm forum, held at the home of Richard Johns on Mon­ day. night. Leslie Thomson has now been about pital. in the time of writing it 'is much Bonus, of the boundary improving from her recent evening, January 21st; Thursday at 2.30 p.m. the of the Crediton United will convene in the Sunday congre- United January when the Ladies’ Aid of the Crediton church will sponsor a pot luck supper, the same to be served at 6.30. A good time is anticipated. Shipka annual congregational meet­ ing will be held Monday evening, January 19th and Brinsley on Wed­ nesday Next W.M.S. church School rooms for their annual meet­ ing, On the same day at 8 o’clock the annual meeting of the Sunday School will be presided over by the minister when a review of the year’s work will be made. Reports, fin­ ancial and secretarial, will be sub­ mitted and election of officers will The weekly choir re­ hearsal will take place - following the Sunday School meeting. Y.P.M.O. Meets The annual meeting of the Young People’s Mission Circle of the Ev­ angelical church, was held at the home of the advisor, Mrs. H. K.' Eilber. After the wiorship se.r-4 vice, during which a memoriam was held for Helen Schenk, several in­ teresting annual -reports were giv­ en. The knitting committee re­ ported 177 articles for^Red Cross. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Pres., Mrs. Lawrence Wein; vice-preS., M-rs-. Earl Ha-ist; sec.*- Aldonna Wuerth; asst, sec., Nola Faist; treas., Clara Gaiser; pianist, Leola Mollard; asst, pianist, Mrs. Alvin-, Finkbein- er; reporter, Mrs. Harold Fahner; . conveners of Committees—knitting, I Nola Faist; sewing, Mrs. Maurice! Beaver; good cheer, Finkbeiner; literary, Moridck; membership, TOWN HALL, HENSALL FRIDAY, JANUARY 16th at 8.30 sharp under the auspices of the Hensall Exeter Branch of the Canadian Legion 15 games; Ducks, Chickens and * Blankets 10 Extra Games Turkeys and Blankets 3 for 25c Consolation Prize over and with * . MURDOCK’S ORCHESTRA Ladies -please provide lunch Lunch Prize Be on Time General Admisiqri 35c ELIMVILLEx Mr. Mack Cornish, of Goderich, j was a cajler here on Sunday,Mr, Bill Johns spent the week-} end .with friends near Woodham, Mr. and Mrs. Hy, Murch and children were in the village over the week-end- Mr. Elgin Skinner, of the R. C. A.F. Manning Pool, Toronto, spent the week-end at his home, There was nq preaching service in this church on Sunday. A small number attended .Sunday School,Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whitqford j and Mr. Clayton Herdman were Sun-1 day visitors at the home of Mr. John Herdman. --------L_V----------- CENTRALIA Mi’.' and Mrs. R. Hedden are vis­ iting with relatives in London. Mr. arid Mrs. J. Gee and family visited with friends in London the week-end. Mr. and Mrs, John Willis family* of Exeter, were guests Mrs. T. Willis on Monday evening of this week* Mrs, J. Sleamon returned home last week after visiting for a couple of weeks with Mr, and Mrs. M. Sleamon, in Lonpdn, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson and daughter Shirley visited Thurs-, day of last week with Mr, and Mrs. James (Eagleson, of Parkhill, The regular meeting of the Home and School. club will be held Friday evening. Miss Violet Watkins, of Exeter, will be the guest speaker. Choir practice will bb held Fri­ day evening in the church, at 8 p.m, sharp, Mrs, C. Baskerville was taken to Victoria Hospital, London , last week, for treatment, Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery, Miss Dorothy Hicks and friend, Miss Marion Hooper', of London, and Miss Mildred Hicks, of were week-end guests with Hicks. • In these days we are ail anxious to serve oar country’s best interests, But we are all increasingly conscious, too, that “money makes the 'mare go", So it’s mighty pleasing and important, too, to find a way to serve, and at the same time break more than even* Here’s one way, “made to order”: Fill all the hrooder space you have with early chicks « , „ the best you can buy, CORBETT Mr, and Mrs, Eldon Steeper Corsant Shipjca, Mrs. B. of the was service printed Hymn? An in- These huge British orders for eggs at a price ranging be­ tween 28.79c and 32.12c per dozen, Grade A-Large, at Can­ adian seaboard, and the Do­ minion Government subsidy of 3c per dozen on Grade A-Large bought for • export, have put a definite “floor” under Can­ adian egg prices. Unless we miss oui’ guess by a mighty wide margin, Winter and Spring egg prices, this year, Will hold at least 7c and pro- ably 10c per dozen above those of a year ago. .That’s a paying difference, and it ap­ pears likely to* continue. We don’t, suggest over-ex­ panding, overloading, or over­ crowding. That’s bad busi­ ness. But we do suggest that . you should use all tie poultry equipment you haveija ' limit. Start aR the good d you have accommoda^ort early , . , just as shorn a| w can get your brooder house cleaned up, tightened up, tod ready. Both the egg and broi­ ler markets look so promising that you can’t afford to over­ look this really extra-special profit possibility; and there’s practical patriotism in it, as well as profit, Naturally, when you’re choosing good chicks, we would like to have you consider’ Bray Chicks. They’re good chicks,. They've done a real profit­ making job for others. They ought to do the same for you. Get your order in early. ■' j ........... 'i ~ EXTRA INCOME Could you use’ some ex-* tra income 10 or 12 weeks from now? You can get it easily enough if yon have feroodei* room for some extra Bray “90 %” cockerels. Check up on the price of broi­ lers, and, you’ll soon see what we mean, in dollars and cents. BRAY CHICK HATCHERY (Fred W. Bray Limited) Exeter, Phone 246 or John St. North, Hamilton, Ont. Agents: Canada Packers, Exeter; Alvin W. Kerslake, Hensall; N. M. Wiley, Farmers’ Co-operative Ailsa Craig W.M.S. Meeting /The January meeting Women’s Missionary Society held at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) •Merriam on Tuesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. J. Blair was the leader and the meeting opened by singing hymn 571* followed b/ prayer by. the leader. The of worship was -followed as in the Missionary Monthly. 154 and 356 were sung, strumental by Mrs, W* Skinner was greatly appreciated. Reports were given by the treasurer and the following secretaries: Missionary Monthly, supply, recording, Assoc­ iate Helpers, friendship, and tem­ perance. Several business -matters were discussed* It was decided that the Society hold a Supper in ■ February. The meeting was clos- r repeating the Mizpah bene- I diction. A very dainty lunch was I served by. Mrs. Merriam, assisted and Mrs.) by Mrs< w Skinner. vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas on Sunday. The Red Cross meeting held in Corbett school on evening, January 12th, Master Bobby Murray spent some time with his grandparents, Mr. and will be Monday M Mrs, Robert Murray, of Harpley, j ed j ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson, of'diction Mollard Line and, Mr. Ted Sanders, of Saskatoon, visited Mr, i Wes Mellin. j Directors of the Greenway Branch; of the Bible Society will meet at I the home of Mr. Wilbert Young, president, on Tuesday evening, to' elect" collectors for the different' routes. | i don, where she thas secured employ- ; ment for the winter. . ! Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Kellerman ,left for Chatham for the winter, where Alvin is employed. Wallace Wein underwent an op­ eration for appendicitis inf a don hospital last week. We for Wally a speedy recovery. Red Cross The annual meeting of the Cross will be held in Tieman’s on Monday night when all are re­ quested to be there, both ladies and gentlemen* The following shipped by the Red socks, 2 aero caps, pairs seaboots, 2 alternative caps, 3 wash cloths, 5 pairs pyjamas, 2 skirts, 2 blouses, 3 turtle-neck sweaters. . % -V- ■V DASHWOOD Mr. Alvin Rader is all smiles on the arrival of a son. Mrs. Ness left last week for Lon- the guests of,Mr. and Mrs. Minor Dobbs for tea last Thursday even­ ing. SAINTSBURY Miss Lorraine Dobbs, of London, spent the week-end under the par­ ental roof. The Girls’ Guild met at 'Mrs. Fred Dobbs’ and quilted a quilt for the Red Cross, There were no services in Saint Patrick's Church Sunday owing to the cold weather and drifted roads. AC2 Harry -Dobbs, of' the R.C.A.F; in Calgary, is confined. to military hospital at Currie the mumps. Rev. Canon and Kirkton, and Mr.' Dobbs, George and Freddie, BRINSLEY i Mr. John Trevethick is visiting, his son, Garnet, iri° St: Thomas. ,1 Gordon Scott is on the sick list. I We hope for a speedy recovery, j Mrs. Jas. Trevethick is nursing her mother^' Mrs. Hess,, of Zurich. Mr. ahd Mrs. Lon Hodgins are. happy these days. It’s a daughter. ( School opened on Monday with | Miss McLeod, of Ailsa Craig, in charge. Donald Sutherland, of the Camp at Chatham spent the week-end at his home. Donald Ryan, who was.in a car accident in Ailsa Craig, is slowly improving. i Lon- hope Red Hall Mrs. James, of and Mrs. Fred were The Order provides that no increase di* decrease in a basic scale'of wage fates may be made by any employer* Violations of this Older ate subject to penalties. Barracks, with t both'ladies andMrs. Alvin M-r.s . Lome Melee't a Wein; ' finance, Mrs. Ross Krueger. The meeting ended with a social half hour, held as in the past year on second Monday of each month. W.A. Meeting The February meeting of the Cre­ diton United (Church W.A. was held oiv Thursday, January 8th, inj the church schoolroom. The meet-) ing opened with the president, Mrs. I Mack, in the chair. Hymn “Anoth­ er Year is Dawning” was sung, fol­ lowed by prayer by Mrs. Mack and the Lord’s "Prayer in unison. Mrs. G. ‘Zwicker read a passage of scrip-, ture and several letters of appre­ ciation for Christmas boxes sent to shut-ins were read. “Standing at the Portals” was sung, followed by ‘a lovely duet by Mrs. F. W. Clarke and Mrs. Woodall. Mrs. A. Baker gave a reading, “Big Ben Still ____ It was decided to have a pot luck supper in connect- tion with the annual congregational meeting to be told on January 22, a small admission being asked. The ladies closed a successful year,and look forward to a similar one for 1942 The meeting closed with a hymn and tile National Anthem. The results of the election of of­ ficers for 1942 for the W.A. of the Crediton United church is Us fol­ lows; HOn. pres., Mrs/Chas. Zwick­ er; pres., pres., Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Jim Lovie; pianists, Mrs.‘ L. Turner and Mrs. A, Bator; auditors, Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Kestle. Will all the members of the church ahd adherents, please ac-! cept the Invitation to the pot luck supper to be held in the Crediton United iChurch on January ^2nd. Will the ladies please bring some­ thing to make the pot luck supper’ a success, several musical num­ bers will be given, "Wife: “The dressmaker says she won’t make another dress until you pay her* account.” Husband: “Splendid* 1*11 write and thank her,” The meetings will be the articles were Cross: 13 pairs 6 pairs mits, 6 from the Thames • Road five weeks in Victoria, Hos- (He expects to return near future. home •V- SHIPKA and Mrs. Earl Ratz spent Sunday with Mr. The Bingo under the auspices of ■ the Red Cr'oss Society was very well attended. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland, of Mt. Brydges, and Mrs. Dan Lewis.. Owing to the stormy weather there was no church in the United church here on Sunday, Miss Margaret WilSbn, of the’ London Normal School, taught in the Brinsley School last week. observed Sunday, his Commufiion service was in the United church on Rev. Mr. Turner taking as “Man text, Mr. -V~ Exet.er on Tuesday of last May Skinner, of Exetel', is with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Newton Hay ter and fam­ WARTIME WAGE CONTROL Instructions to Canadian Employers and Employees concerning the Wartime Wages and Cost of Living Bonus Order, P.C. 8253. ........... ■ . . . . 'THIS Order of the Dominion Government— which under the War Measures Act (stabilizes wage rates and requires employers to pay a cost of living bonus — provided for the establishment of National and Regional Wat Labour Boards to administer the Government’s policy. . National Employers Communications from employers and employees in the following employments should be address­ ed to the Secretary, National War Labour Board, Ottawa: ,f (1) the operation of lines of steam or other ships, railways, canals or telegraphs, including all services ancillary thereto, connecting any province with any other or others of the provinces or extending beyond the limits of the province; (2) the operation of any system of-air, bus or truck trans­ portation connecting any province with any other or others of the provinces or extending beyond the limits of the province; (3) the operation of any. electrical power or transmission works connecting any province with any other or Others of the provinces or extending beyond the limits Of any province, or serving two Or more provinces; (4) mining; (5) the Operation of any shipyard; (6) all undertakings located in the Yukon or Northwest Territories. Regional Employers Employers and employees in employments, other than those above designated Should address their communications to the Regional War Labour Boat'd in care of their respective provincial governments. GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Dave Johnston vis­ ited in week. Miss visiting Beer. sSr.s. ily'have moved into the village for" the winter. Mrs. Joe Brenner has been in Goderich the past few days owing to the illness of her father. Mrs, Fred Wilson, who has con­ ducted a woollen store here, left to spend the winter at her home in London. Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Turnbull and Mr. and Mrs. Ab* Pollock attend­ ed the funeral of Miss Ptobeo Al- lister oh Wednesday. The cold spell has passed and fine weather is at hand. The ice is reported to be about nine inches thick and crystal clear; Mr. Man- sel Mason is storing it away for next summer. Speaking to God.” 93rd Birthday Joseph H. Amos, of Brinsley, celebrated his 9 3rd birthday on January 9th. 'He is enjoying very good health. Mr. AmOs was born in England ih 1'849 and as a tw-o- months-old baby came to Canada with his parents, Mr. aiid Mrs. Wm. Amos, and settled in McGillivray township. iHe married Frances Mary Craven, who predeceased him. Mrs. Amos 'was the first white baby born west of the Aux Sables River. Of a family of eight, Oiie brother, j Mr* James Amos, of Hamilton, and> one sister, Mrs. Ed. Jahes, are the only living members. There is one daughter, Mary, at home, and four sons, W. T., of Lucqn; J. Linwood, of McGillivray; Alvin, of London, and Dr. J. Elmer* of Brantford. spent i Looks Down”.Mr. Sunday last in Rarkhill. * The ladies of the community are holding Red Cross quiltings in the different homes this week. We are glad to report that Mr. Roy Dietrich is able to be up and out again after recovering pneumonia. Miss Mildred Lamport, of don, is Spending a few weeks her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lamport. The Young Feople’s Society their regular meeting in the church on Monday evening last. Lantern slides were shown. The congregational meeting will be held in the United church on Monday evening, January 19th. All reports are requested to be given. Ladies’ Aid Meeting A meeting of tile Ladies’ Aid was held last Thursday afternoon at the United Church with a fair at­ tendance. The president presided over the meeting, which opened With the' singing of hymn 273. The Lord’s Prayer was repeated in uni­ son and the scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Lome Finkbeinejcj, Roil was called and reports , were given ahd discussed. It was decided to have a birthday box for 1942. Miss Pearl Keyes gave an interest­ ing reading and the meeting closed with the National Anthem. from Lon* with Ed. held Mrs. w. Mack; 1st vice­ Mrs. A. Baker; 2nd vice-pres., Gerald Zwicker; 3rd vice-pres., Russell Finkbeiner; trees., T. Trevethick; rec. sec., Mrs. Mawhinney; press sec., Mrs. A KIRKTON Mr* Wib Cluff, of Torontp* Spent the week-end at his village. Mrs. S.x TUftS left spend the winter with old, of Torohtd. Miss McKenzie, of a student teacher at Icoi- held in Hdnsall and district' on behdlt of the Red Cross. Those who have papqr on hand will help the coliec- tdrs and will make a greater dona­ tion by placing all newspapers to­ gether in one bundle and putting all other kinds of paper, magazines, ( boxes, cardboard, etc., in another bundle. • I (On Monday last the shipping | committee packed four more bokeSj and sent them on their way to head-1 quarters. ’The first box 5 scarves, 5 pairs socks, tive caps* 5 ipairs.j gloves, ond box: -5 turtle neck 5 aero caps, -& scarves* 5 pairs mitts, 10 pairs socks, 5 seaboot stock- 5 not quilts, 75 ladies’ handker- ings* The third: 9 heavy quilts. In the hear future another lection of waste paper^w,ill be home in the A, Contained & alterne- ' The Sec­ sweaters, l this week to tor son, Har- Stratford* was Kirkton Pub- week* of Readlyn, } Sask., arrived in the village this week* where he Will spend the win­ ter months with friends. Word has been received of the 'death of Mr, Harvey Victors, who died at the Calgary Hospital, in his I'Slsh .year, to January- 3rd* The late Mr. Vickers was a former Kirk- tori man and was a brother of Mrs. S, N. Shier. The funeral was held on January 5 from the Grodder funeral home* Calgary. WHALEN . Mrs. Wm. Brooks spent several i days in. London ditring the pnstj Week. A Red Cross quilting bee was lie School, this past held at Mrs* Frank Gunning’s home! on Tuesday afternoon* , Little Jean Arksey, -daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Arksey, is quite ill, suffering from measles. „*The W.M.S. and W.A. will meet" at Mrs. Wm. Morley’s home 'bn Thursday afternoon of this week, Mr. arid Mrs. E. Sciulre and Mr*' and Mrs. F* Squire attended thef 86th birthday celebration of Mr* I George Squire, at Granton, on’ 'Thursday. : Mrs, Mr. Cliff Brown, , Extracts from the Ordet and the Board’s ‘ Interpretative Rulings are given in. thfe National War Labour Board’s Bulletin Nd. 1, which may be obtained on application tn any Regional War Labour Board. Humphrey .mitchell , Minister of Labour and Chairman The National War Labour Board Ottawa* Canada, January 12* 1942