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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-15, Page 3
Letters from Overseas the War Time Committee THE EXETER T1MES-.AWOPATE Has a Cold Relieve Misery Improved Vicks Way Mothers, you will welcome the relief from misery that comes with a “VapoRub Massage.” With this more thoroughtreat ment, the poultice-and-vapor ” action of Vicks VapoRub more effectively PENETRATES irritated air passages with soothing medicinal vapors.STIMULATES chest and back like a warming poultice or plaster.. .STARTS relieving misery right away! Results delight, even old friends pf VapoRub, t • TO GET a “VapoRub Massage” with all its benefits—massage VapoRub for 3 minutes on IM PORTANT RIB-AREA OF BACK as well as throat and chest — spread a thick layer on Chest, cover with a warmed cloth, be sure to use genuine, time-tested \^VICKS VAPORUB.________ KIPPEN Mrs. I. Jarrot returned home af ter a very pleasant • visit with her son, Dr. and Mrs. James Jarratt, of New York. .Miss Mary * Westlake, of Exeter, is visiting with Miss Irma Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs, W. Alexander spent a day last week with their son, Mr! and Mrs. Norman Alexander, in Londesboro. Mr% and Mrs. Alex McMurtrie and Carol, 'of Centralia, visited on Friday with Mr, and Mrs. H. Mc Murtrie. Mr. and Mrs. B. Gapkstetfer, Mr. Edward Gackstetter, of ‘Zurich and Mr. Arnbld Gackstetter, of Guelph, visited on Sunday at the home qf Mr. and Mrs. W.‘Horney. Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden and Ver na, of Denfield, and-Mr. and Mrs, J. Carter, of .iClandeboye, yisited recently with Mr. .and Mrs. Archie (Parsons. W.M.S. Meets , The W.M.S, met on Friday after noon for their first meeting of the 'fear at the home of Mr. and Mrs. „ l the there was | The meet-, to worship who pre- then sung. Allan Johnson..,., Although weather was not good, a very good, attendance, ing opened with the call by, Mrs. H. McMurtrie, sided. Hymn 570 was ... __ Mrs.-»McMurtrie' read several pas sages from the Bible and after each a verSe of hymn 182 was sung. The offering and roll call were the.n tak en. Mrs. Alexander gave a talk on the Bible which proved very in teresting. The topic was given by Mrs. J. Henderson, after which Mrs. Grant led in prayer. Hymn 260 was then sung and’ the meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. A dainty lunch was served. —-----v——7. CROMARTY CHURCH OFFICIALS NAMED Verne, Harness, writing on De cember 7* after thanking the Com mittee for parcels sent says; “Eivery article enclosed ip the box was very useful, as well as sensible. ■Who ever mo-kes the ..choice surely has studied the needs of the boys over* seas, for they are perfect, All the boys-1 have met are in good health and fine spirits,” N, H. Sanders and Stewart Wright acknowledge the receipt of parcels and say they are appreciat ed very much as do also E, L, Cor nish, E. J. Wethey and J, C. Brint- nell. Robert Cutting says on November 29th; “My brother is over here now and went to see' him this afternoon, He had just arrived from Canada,” Rpnajd F, GolllngS, one of ten; or twelve late arrivals in England from this district, wr°te tpn No vember 28th; “It was snoWing Camp Borddn when we. left. In Quebec and Eastern Canada there was about three inches of snow, but over here the. sun is shining and many flowers are. still in bloom, on a route march yesterday I no ticed several rose bushes in bud, and Jthe berrips., on. the holly are red. We had a nice voyage across and we were only, (,a word cut out by censor)' days from Borden till we arrived here. •_ I expect to visit my brother, grandmpther. and other re latives when, I get leave. We are getting used to, the country by route marches ’and map reading, also learning fire-fighting, protec tion against bombs, (etc. 'Our ra tions are cut.somewhat from when we were in Canada, but.the food is Very tasty.' The 'Imperial fellows are. very ^friendly and will go out of their way to help us. The coun try is sure on an all-out war ef fort., We save all razor blades and pyery sprap of paper.,Prices pre high, but not too high. . We can buy cups of tea .and-cookips at the Navy, Army, Air Force ■ Institutes and ,a chocolate par' if* there are any. We have ,a good barracks and fire places which we can only light in the evening. . I sure appreciate ‘the warm sweater and socks you gave me. We, are' not very far from town» and ciyilipri^ .live all throughout our. camp. We are allowed out , till .midnight every other night. A walk of twenty; minutes, will take us to town and we can see a Show for 6c, 12c and ard Cornish and Alex Malloy frop) Ruaseidaie; Cpi. strong from Sea* forth and Wesley Bajjantyne from Thames Road. It made me feel nearer home# especially when I. met . Wesley BaBantyne, who had seen my family this autumn a few days before he left Canada, Conditions in England are quite different»now, compared with last - j December. We had air raid warn* kindness and lng$ dearly every day then but I >me S me St11™'1 »»'<! a 8i™> It is with fliShcipl PUt Ut tlW QOU&t. *■< ' We are at the same hospital as last Christmas but the hospital is growing larger all the time as new parts are always being built. Those of* us who have been her© since June, 1940, feel like pioneers now, as there were only a few wards ready for us when we first came. Qur staff changes constantly too. Nine nursing sisters have left to be married and two have returned tp Canada in poor health since we came here eighteen months ago. I hope that the war will soon bp wop and that we will be going home to iCanada, The holly berries are very plen tiful this winter and this is sup-, posed tp mean that we will have a hard winter. However, it has been very mild and‘ wet so far, Our; hospital is in a very beautiful part of England. However, all parts of England are -beautiful, at least all parts I’ve seen have been. The blackout is the most unpleasant part of being here in war time. The nights ar© very dark when there Once again ’tis almost Christmas *s no moonlight, much darker thai time. I am afraid my wishes will ^ey ever see^ied home. . T IrYinTTr 1 a 4* 4* £»■»». Kirill Ivzx 18q, We have little damage around here and have had no bombing, The people have a wonderful moraleJ and with thumbs up we’ll keep it.”j England, pec. 17, 1941 j Sec. Exeter War Time Board; ’ Once more your L-„,._„/ generosity has come to Christmas time, J._ ..JU, appreciation that we receive parcels from home, knowing well! the thought and work that lies be-1 hind their sending, The things i you sent are to us now real luxur-, ies and a great treat. ' Thank you all vvery much. Since last Christ-! mas the time ligs gone ly—-perhaps because our been busy ones. . I have been fortunate be able to spend my last leave ini Scotland in a small village near’] Edinburgh, I stayed with a Scot-1 tish family who w§re so kind and] hospitable. We were able to get! about a bit. Unfortunately the wea-J thpr was very foggy and cold, hence! we had to miss some of the coun try. Edinburgh, as ever, is one of the loveliest cities I have known. Unlike London it is little changed. I have managed at last 'to see) Don Gladman—unfortunately as a} patient,.'He was,in hospital for aj few weeks (nothing seriously wrong) and is now, I hope/ quite recovered, / . so quick-! days have; I enough to| I0/11'’; “ iot- i I know this letter will be late for Christmas but I wish you all a very happy (New Year. Very sincerely, „ Olive Hackney ---------V---------, It was .dutipg the impaneling of a jury that the following colloquy occurred: “You are a property holder?” “Xes, your honor.” “Mar ried or single?” “I have been mar ried for five years, your honor.’ “Have you formed or expressed an ..opinion?” “Not in five years, your Thank '’you for your very nice I honor,” . parcel which I received December! “Who is that old lady who’s be- ’ ing escorted through the streets with such ceremony?” asked the tourist. “That’s' the oldest inhabi tant,” replied .the native. “She’s . 100 years old to-day.” “And who is that gloomy ol$ man trudging be side her?” “That’s her son-in-law. twenty-five years , ago he took out; an insurance • policy on her life.” be greatly belated. May the New Year "bring you all happiness and at last peace, Please convey to all] your committee my most sincere) thanks for the parcel. We do ap- j preciate the work you are doing greatly. . , Very sincerely, ’ Patrick Collins 15th General Hospital, R.C.A.M.C, Canadian Army Overseas, December 14th, 1941 Sec. Exeter Dist. Wai- Time Comm.:! Thank '’you for your very nice! honor,” I MRS. ELIZABETH BROOKS DIES AT CLINTON Church Meetings 1st. You1 must be very busy send ing parcels overseas now that there are so many men from Exeter and district over I have seen yo,ur vicinity. (whose rank or Christian name I don’t know) from Exeter; a Walk er from Hensall; Walter and Leon- liere. Just recently several soldiers from I saw a Brimacombe There died in Clinton Hospital on Friday last Mrs. Elizabeth Bter-: Ting Brooks, widow of (Charles Brooks, ip her 86th year. A fall In which she received a broken arm one month ago was a shock from which, at her advanced age, she could not recover. She was of pio neer Goderich Township stock, a daughter of the late David Ster ling and his wife, Elizabeth Coutts, of Scotch .nationality and was born in Goderich Township, In 1873, at the age of 16 years,, she mar ried Thomas Harrison who prede ceased her in 1910. They farmed in Goderich Township, Qn July 7, 1914, she married her second hus band, Charles Brooks, of New Lis- keard, by whom she was also pre had sincedeceased in 1931. She then resided in Clinton, A family of three sons daughters survive. They H. Harrison, Harrison, of Goderich; Albert Har rison, of Seaforth; Mrs. David Bombgrd, of Montesand, Wash-; Mrs. George Proctor, of Goderich Township; Mrs. Mary Smith, of Hamilton; Mrs. William Scotch- mere, of Bayfield; Mrs, John Wil liamson, of Olds, Alta.; Mrs, Ernest Townshend, of Goderich Township, and Mrs. Lome Thurlow, Goderich, Two brothers and three sisters alsp survive. They are William and Alexander Sterling, of Seaforth; Mrs. Annie Campbell, of Dungan non; Miss Louisa Sterling, Buffalo, and Mrs. George Fulford, Colborne Township.' There are 29 grand children and 11 ren. Mrs. Brooks Presbyterian. The from Clinton Presbyterian church at 2 p.m. on Monday, Service was conducted by Rev. B. F. Andrew and interment took place1 ya Bay- field Cemetery. The pallbearers! grandsons of the deceased woman, were Kenneth, Cecil and Herbert Harrison, Wilfiam and John hend and Alvin Proctor. ---------v-------- and seven are James of Rirkton; William great-grandchild- was a devout funeral was held IT PAYS Towns- The codfish lays a million And the helpful hen lays But the codfish doesn’t cackle, To tell us what she’s done; And so we scorn the codfish coy, And the helpful hen we prize, Which indicates to you. and me It pays to advertise. eggs, one, James street Mission Band The regular meeting of the James Street United church Mission Band was held on Mondays afternoon, at 4.1 o with Ross Parsons in, charge,. Following the opening hymn ‘’The More We Learn of Missions”, every one repeated the Mission Band, Pur pose and Mission Band . Prayer. Mary Hannigan read the minutes of the last meeting and' new busi ness was discussed. Audrey Harri son led in prayer; Maxine Reeder read the scripture lesson; Jim Tan ton gave a recitation; Margaret White sang “Jesus Loves Me”; Pam Boat recited a story; Audrey Harri son, Shirley Taylor, Maxine Reeder and Gloria Appleton sang “Sleigh ing Time is Here”, Mrs, Tanton told the interesting story about the; children in -China from the study book, “Lanterns in the iGhina Sky”. Following hymn 453 the Closed Prater. Main St. Evening AuxMlwy The January meeting .of the Main Street evening Auxiliary was held 'at the home of Miss Helen Diguan ‘with a good attendance in spite of the severe wintry weather. Mrs. G., Lamport and her goup took charge, Mrs. N. J. Dore favored With a vocal solo, The scripture lesson was read by Mrs. R. Turn bull, if ,was decided to hold a bak ing sale" on the 17th of January at Skinner and Russell’s store. Mrs, Woods gave a very interesting talk on the progress and characteristics of the Chinese people, taken from the study book. Preparations were made for the making of a Red Cross guilt. At the close of the meeting lunch was served by Mrs. Lamport’s group, * * * by repeating the * * * James Street W.A. meeting Lord’s January meeting Street W.A. Of was held the Oil T. the the, The James Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Coates, second vice-president, in chair. Mrs, H, Kyle conducted devotional part of the meeting,- During the business session it was decided to work in groups during the coming year with Mrs. H.j Jones, Mrs, T. Coates, Mrs, F. May and Mrs, Sturgis as leaders. A pro gram which consisted of solos by Trudy Pickard and Mrs. Margaret Fletcher and a talk on “The New Year”, by Mrs. D. A- Anderson, was enjoyed., Lunch was served by the executive with Mrs. Page as con vener, . Caven Congregational Circle Caven Congregational Circle held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, G. Flynn, There were sixteen present. Mrs. A. Moir presided and opened the meeting with hymn 697. Devotional per iod was taken by Mrs, C. Simmons, o followed by hymn 600, Minutes ” were read and approved. The fol lowing committees were then ap pointed: Sick Jeckell; lunch, Mrs, Johnston; ence Simmons chell; hostess, program charge, ing folowed Easton and Mrs. Stacey, enjoyed. A and shut-ins. Miss Mrs, G. FJynn and program, Mrs. Clar- and Mrs-, Karl Mit- Mrs. Cochrane. The committee then took Mrs. Willard gave a read- by a solo by Donald resume foi* 1941 by All were very greatly cup of tea was then served by the committee meeting closed with the Anthem. and the National Troublesome Night Coughs Are Hard on the System It’s the cough that sticks; the cough that is hard to get rid of: the cough accompanied by a tickling in the throat that causes the nerve and throat wracking trouble that keeps you awake at night. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup helps to relieve this coughing condition by soothing the irritated parts, loosening the phlegm and stimulating the broncl ---------v--------- John Blair, aged 70, of died suddenly on January Goderich, loosening the phlegm and stimulating the bronchial organs, and when this is done the troublesome irritating cough may be relieved. Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup has been on the market for the past 48 years. The Trade Mark “3 Pine Trees”. Price 35c a bottle; large family size, about 3 times as much, 60c at all drug counters. * The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. held Mr. The annual meeting of the marty^Presbyterian church was recently with fair attendance. Jamieson was appointed as chair man and William Hamilton.' acted as secretary.' Reports Were read from each of the organizations and were very encouraging. - The officers appoint ed were: Secretary-treasurer, T. L. Scott; managers, Harvey Leslie; chairman, Alex ’McDougald, Calder McKaig, John Wallace, Thomas Laing, Gordon Scott, Harold Cole man, Alex James and Thomas Oliver; church trustee, Andrew Mc- Lachlin; Cromarty Cemetery Com mittee, Andrew McLachlin, Thomas 'Oliver, William Hamilton, • Calder McKaig /and' John McCulloch. Two new ushers were appointed. They are Phillip James and Lloyd Miller and Hazel Laing was Hamed to the library committee. The Women’s Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. Kenneth McKellar. Mrs. Jamieson presided. Mrs. William Hamilton read the scripture and then led in prayer. Mrs. Roy McCulloch read, a ser mon prepared by Rev. Dr. Mac- Innes, of Toronto. Bernice McKel-s lar add Mrs. Kenneth McKellar sang a duet. The study bpok Op Dr. Goforth was read by Mrs, Ken neth McKellar. The Glad Tidings pfayer by Mrs. T. Scott, Sr.,and the meeting closed with the nation al anthem. -___L_v_____ . ' A Busy Man Tn reporting Huron County riculture, the the .meeting of the Federation of Ag- Stratford Beacon- Herald says:, “Archie Morgan, of Usborne township, is a busy man. When his name Was proposed for election to the presidency of the Huron County Federation of Agri culture, he asked to be. excused on the grounds that his farm work would take up too much of his time, and that he would be unable to give adequate help to the federation. The voting delegates were deter mined that he.was the man to elect. This they did. Mr. Morgan oper ates an excellent farm of £00 acres ana is also clerk of the township of 'Usborne,”