HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-15, Page 1EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 15th, 1941ESTABLISHED 1878
dealt with
re munici-
few days.
(London Free Press)
Tea-Towelling Special -
of the
in the
R. N. CREECH, See.
DR. TAYLOR, Vice-Pres.
39c a yd.
This is a public
for the whole district and
we expect a good attendance.
occupied by
Snell, aged
Mr. Otto
p.m„ to
elect of-
Congratulations to Mr.
Wm. Snell, -of Exeter,
Sunday, January 11th,
Heavy weight* part linen,-22 inches wide. Good drying and wearing quality. A real
special this month at 39c yard.
Ladies’ and Misses’ Winter Coats at Real Bargain Prices ....
Mr. E. Treble', xnembex4 of
of Health.
Messrs. Hi C. Rivers, G.
and J, Norry, fence viewers.
Truant Officer—J. Norry.
School Will be of Permanent 'Lype;
40 Large Frame Buildings in
Big Project; Ci*ews Working
Against Time
Battling against snow and
zero temperatures', workmen
rapidly pushing to completion
Centralia, one of the largest air
training schools of its type in the
High hope is' held that by the
time the tree? begin to bud next
Around 30 men’s good winter overcoats on sale at $15.00 to $18.00 each. If you need
a new coat for this winter or next, this is a chance to get a good coat at a low price.
Also a few students’ sizes at $12.00 and $13.00 each and smaller boys’ overcoats at
reduced prices.
Buy Rubber Footwear Now
The rubber situation at the present time is serious. If your overshoes, rubbers,
rubber boots, etc., are showing signs of wearing out, we advise you to come in and
buy yourself a new paix* while we have the sizes.
January Sale of Ladies’ and Misses’
We are placing on sale this week a whole rack of Ladies’ and Misses’ Silk Crepe
Dresses, good styles, to clear in a hurry at from $1.00 to $3.95 each.
Men’s Brushed Wool Sweaters on Sale
Twodozen men’s brushed wool sweaters, sizes 36 to 44, zipper fronts. Values up to
$3.95 each. While they last, on sale at
$2/45 each
We have just received a shipment of Supersilk Hosiery in service weight. Good shades.
' Very scarce goods at present. To .retail at $1.00 and $1.25 pair.
Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Texas Grapefruit
Nice Quality and Size ........
Campbell’s Vegetable Soup. O frSme 7In
A Timely Special .......v...........» ittlfiS
Quick Quaker Oats 91 rLarge Pkg.........................................C<ll,U
Campbell’s Tomato Soup 1Qr»Always xi Favorite ...................“• 11H3
7 for 25c
Broken Sodas
McCormick’s make ........
Chum Dog Food
A new line to sell at ...
New Colored Cheese
, Off the Piece, "Nice
Water Ice Wafers
Vanilla Flavor, in'Bulk
...2 lbs. 25c
...3 tins 25c
Qmuty per lb. 35c
per lb. 23c
The municipal council of the Vil
lage of Exeter held Its first meet
ing of the year ip the Town Hall
on Monday, January 12th. Those
present were Reeve Tuckey, (Coun
cillors Taylox* and Hern. Regrets
were expressed for Councillor South-
cott’s illness. The minutes of the
regular meeting held December 15th
were read and .adopted on the mo
tion of Councillors Taylor and
Communications were
as follows:
Ontjarii Good Roads
re convention. Filed,
Department of Health
pal officers for 1942, To be replied
to by the Clerk.
Ontario Municipal Association re
membership. Filed. :Department of Municipal Affairs'
re off Jeers fox* 1942; Attention j
of Clerk.
Department of Agriculture re ap-|
pointment of Weed Inspector. Filed.'
Canadian Underwriters’ Associa
tion re fire extinguishing equip
ment. Referred to fire chief.
The Municipal World in regard to
subscriptions. Oxi. the motion of
Councillors Hern; and Taylor' the
Clerk was instructed to order sev
en copies of the ■ Municipal World
fox* tlxe Reeve, Councillors, Asses
sor 'and Clerk.
■On account of the aosence of the
two councillors it^was decided not
to appoint the standing committees
of tlie Council. Tlie Reeve appoint
ed Councillors Hdrn, Dignan and
Taylor a striking committee to re
port at the next meeting of the
The following appointments were
made on tlie motion of (Councillors
Taylox; and Hern:’,
Mr. B. M. Francis be reappointed
to the Cemetery Board fox* 1942-3-4.
Mrs. R. N. CreeCh be reappointed
to the Library Board "or 1942-3-4.
This community has been in the
grip of one of the severest and most
prolonged storms in recent years.
The mercury took a nose-dive and
hit the ten degree below mark. Fox*
several days it flirted with zero.
The fuel supply diminished rapidly
and business houses and household
ers tried to keep warm, which was
an almost impossible task. In
many homes and on many farms
water pipes were frozen. The far
mers suffered when the water sup
ply fox* the stock was cut off.
The roads were in reasonably
good condition up until Sunday.
For several days whirling snow
whipped by an icy wind made mo
toring more ox* less hazardous but
the fall of snow was not heavy and
the wind kept it clear of the high
ways. Country roads became more
impassable ovex* the week-end and
snow plows were out on Monday.
At the Centralia Airport a num
ber of men were laid off fox* a couple
of days the latter part of the week
on account of the weather. They
are again going strong.
But storms, like everything else,
pass and on Tuesday the weather«
turned mild and fine weather again
prevailed. The predictions are for
mild weathex* fox* the next
Usborne Township’s new snow
plow was out to clear the roads of
the township fox4 the first time on
Monday. Usborne has a. powerful
new plow and the residents can
reasonably be assured of passable
roads during the winter season.
This is a new epoch in history
making. Since the days when the
land was studded with tall tim
bers, winters in this district meant
blocked roads and concessions and
winter travel was cold and tedious.
With the coming of autos, the main
l'oads have been ploughed out foi*
traffic ‘ but this was not/’ always
easy. The township has now un
dertaken to keep the 75 miles of
roads within the municipality open
for winter traffic. There are two
patrols to assure a 24-hour service
when necessary. Mr, Arthur Rhode
is in charge of one and Mr. Wm.
Cann in charge of the other. The
new plow has been attached to Us-
bqrne’s 65 h.p. Adams’ power grad
er with International Diesel engine.
The grader before the- plow was padded to it weighed^ten tons. It
has a four tandem-wheel drive and
should be powerful enough to go
through any reasonable snowdrift.
It manipulated a five-foot drift at
Dew’s Hill on the 2nd and 3rd con
cession ; Monday afternoon
# Kt K»
The annual meeting
Exeter District
Committee will be
Public Library on
January 21st, at
receive reports and
'Your ||
Superior =
Store ||
Phone 32
Prepayment of Taxes
The following discounts will be allowed for the
prepayment of taxes in Exeter
Second Ixistalment
Discount ‘’allowed if paid on or
February 1st .............-........4 %
March 1st ...........................3£%
April 15th ...........................3 %
First Instalment
Discount allowed if paid on
February 1st ................. 2
March 1st ..................... 1
April 15 th ..............■'............1
Payments to be made to W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector
A powerful new’ snowplow be
longing to the Ontario Department
of Highways, is now located at Exe
tei4 and is being operated by Per-
* oy Hewitt. Mi% Hewitt has a beat
Which we believe „is unique in On
tario. On No. 4 Highway Mr. Hsw-
itt goes north foi4 a distance of 18
miles to Clinton. On No; 82 High
way he goes east fox4 a distance of
13 miles to RUsseldale. On nei
ther highway is there even a slight
jog in the road, with the exception
of a jqg as you enter the town of
,<< , Clinton.
t* in Arizona a " mte 'fifed' three
shots in a crowded courtroom
without hurting anything ’but the
wild west refutation,
At a recent meeting of tlxe con
gregation qf Caven Presbyterian
church it was unanimously decided
to extend a call to ReV. John Gal
loway of Mimico. Mr, Galloway
occupied, tlfe pulpit “of iCaven churclx
on Sunday, Decexnbex* 21st. If the
call Is ratified the new minister
Will succeed Mr; Hill Who is^now A
chaplain itt tlte Chhadiah arihy. The
call will be dealt with by the To
ronto and Huron Presbyteries.
Mrs. Eliza Thornton, of Hketer,
is seriously ill in Victoria Hospital,
London. ‘Her Sister/ Miss ■. Ali<?'e|
Handford, was called to . her bed
side On Saturday last. At present
her coudition is somewhat improv
Leavitt’s Theatre
Exeter Ont. Phone 135
Special Feature
“They Died With
• Boots On”
a thrilling historical drama de
picting General Custer’s last
Starring ERROL FLYNN and
cast of thousands
Two Features t
A Western with -
Two Latins From
A comedy feature with
January 26, 27 and 28
Bell Ringer—r-Emerson Cornish.
Chief Constable and Street 'Com
missioner—J. Not'i'v/. •.. .. . ■
Night Constable-—WnL Wareing,
Weed Inspector—J. Norry,
Street Cleaner—Wm. Andrew.
Relief Officer—Andrew Campbell
Assessor—Rd. Welsh.
Tax Collector—W. O. Pearce.
.. Arena Committee—J. M. So'utli-
cott and >G. Cochrane on recommen
dation of Board of Education. W.
G. Medd and C. V. Pickard. Fair
Board representative to be named
after annual meeting.
Auditors—Frank Gibbs, Strat
fee be
place a notice in the Times-Advo-
cate advising ratepayers of the lib-'
eral discounts allowed foi*
payment of taxes.
The request of Mr. Alf.
to be allowed to charge
rent taxes against his Transient
Traders’ Deposit, agreed on. the mo
tion of Councillors Herb and Tay
On’ the motion df Councillors
Taylox* and Hern the Reeve and
Treasurer were given the author
ity to borrow monies for current
expenditures as necessary through
out- the year.
The following accounts were read
and ordered paid on motion of
Councillors Hern and Taylor: Exe
ter Public Utilities, street lighting,
etc., $237.30; Ideal Meat Market,
relief, $2.00; Wm. Hatter, relief,
$1;85; Wm. Allison, relief, >$10.00';
Municipality of Westminster, re
lief, $1,75; W. G. Simmons, re
pairing, $5.40; Southcott Bros., re
lief, $9.00; Rivers' Meat Market,
relief, $2.00; N. Stanlake, relief,
$1.85; Henry Green, snow plow
ing, i$7.25; Bruce Rivers, relief,
$9.00; >J. P. Bowey, coal, town llall,
$’8,00; Richard Davis, labor, 90c;
John Cox, snow plowing, $6.00;
Wm. Andrew, labor, $6.45.
11 Mr, D. iC. Size, the new manager
of the Canadian Bank of Commerce,
was present and was introduced
the members of the council.
All motions were
Adjournment on
Councillor Taylor.
C.. V.
Clerk was instructed to write
P. Gibbs asking that audit
iQlerk was also instructed to
the pre-
his cur-
the motion
Pickard, Clerk
When a taxicab, in Which she was
x’etu thing from a munition factory
to tlte residence; of her sister, Mrs.
Harry Miller, qf Belleville, collided
With another taxi, Miss Lois Ciarke,
daughter' of Mr. aud Mrs;
Clarite, of Exeter, sustained
her of bruises and is at
under the doetor’a care.
H. C.
a num-
.......... .y......
According to a recent issue of
the Winnipeg Free Press, Rev.
Walter E. bonnelly, popular tastor
of Young United Church, Winnipeg,
will be called early this year to one
of 'Ontario’s largest churches and
Will probably accept. Mr. DdhiiCl-
ly is a •former pastoi4 of James St.
United Church, Exciter; in accept
ing the Ontario cal! ite would be
returning to his original conference.
who _
their diamond wedding jubilee. The
day was quietly spent at their home
and the members of their family
and their friends called to offer
their felicitations. Both are na
tives of this community. Mrs.
Snell, aged 84, whose maiden name
was Mary Kerslake, was born on
a term in Usborne now
Arthur Kerslake. Mr.
83, was born On the
farm now owned by
Brown. Both were from pioneex*
families from Devonshire, Eng. Fol
lowing their marriage they lived
on a farm 3% miles straight east
of Exeter until they retired about the roar «of .advanced"train-
25 years ago. In addition to farm-l-
ing, Mr. Snell was a drover and
was well and favorably known
throughout a wide area. In his
earlier years he shipped many loads
of cattle to the British market and
accompanied them on different oc
casions. Up until recently he has
been actively engaged in this line
of business. While on the term,
Mr. and Mrs. Snell were actively
associated with the then Methodist
church at Elimville, serving in var
ious official capacities. Since com
ing to Exeter they have been as
sociated with the James St. church.
During the jiast year they have not
been as well as might 'be desired,
but at present are in fail* health,
The family consists of four, soixs and
two. daughters: Victox* J., of Lon
don; Milo, Clarise and Ulric, of
town; Mrs. R. Francis and Mrs.
George Jones, -of Usborne.
The funeral took place in Exe
tei* Tuesday afternoon of .a former
resident in ithe person x>f Mrls.
Sarah Ferguson, widow of tlie late
Agustus Ferguson, w-ho died in,
St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, on
Sunday in hei* 69th year. Mrs.
Ferguson’s maiden name was Sar
ah Sweet. She was born and rais
ed just south of town and wsts a
dressmaker in her early years. Un
ited in marriage witli the late Mr;
Ferguson, she resided in Toronto
until after his death. About two
years ago she came to Exetei* to
live with her brothel', Mr. Samuel
Sweet. iFor the past two months
she had been a patient in St. Jo
seph’s Hospital. Surviving are one
sister, Mrs. Stuart McCallum, of
London; and five brothers, Sam
uel, of Exeter; Robert and Frank,
of Sarnia; James, of London, atxd Fred, of ’ Sault Ste. Marie,
funeral, conducted by Rev.
Hunt, was held from Mr.
Hopper’s funeral chapel,
bearers were Messrs. W« E, Middle
ton, W. W. Tainan, B. W. F. Bea
vers, T. O. Southcott, Richard Da
vis and R. N. Creech. Among those
from a distance who were present
were JiJjraiik Sweet, Robt.^ Sweet
and daughter, Miss Mei'le, of Sar
nia; Mrs. Capps, of Ft, Huron; Miss
Hettte Sweet, Mr. and Mrs.. 'Iteate
Mi's, Gdo. XVinterbottoixl aild Mr. Jas.
Svteet, of Loixdon, and Mrs. Lome
Wasman, of Seaforth.
Phillips, v?iio oxi Tuesday observed
his D5th birthday, Mr. Fhililps has
been confiited to his bed for Lite
past couple of weeks ond has beoh
ijuite critically 111, We ave pleas
ed to report that he is somewhat
M. A
te, R.
to Mi\ B;S.
ing ships of the Royal Canadian
Air Force Will be heard on .the spa-’
cious asphalt runways of .the Service
'Flying Training School at Centralia
—anothex* monument to the vast
British Commonwealth Air Train
ing Plan.
Built at a cost of approximately
$1,500,000, the Centralia school will
be of the “permanent” variety.
More costly and durable materials
are being put into its construction
than most of the schools erected
earlier in the war.
Close to 40 large frame build-
ipgs and a large airfield now covex*
a' site a short distance west of Cen
tralia where a fine .sugai* beet crop
flo’ux4ished last springs The hig
job is being completed by tlxe Rxjs-
sell Construction Company, Toron
to? and a nuiiibei4 of other firms
on a contract basis, unaex* the su
pervision of the engineering depart
ment of the R.C.A.F.
Hundreds of skilled craftsmen
and laborers have been working
on the Centralia station since Sep-
tembex* 13, 1941, when the first
frame offices and storerooms were
set up. Many problems of construc
tion were faced and solved. Work
ing against time, crews sank con
crete foundations before the frost
set in, and more w than once there
has been a shortage of material
that 'hampered progress. But
chances are that, despite setbacks,
the big school will be finished on ‘
time. Upon completion, the S. F.
T. S. at (Centralia will house a staff
and student body of several hund
red. The barracks are large, mod
ern and well constructed—and the
airdrome is exceptionally well suit
ed. It is a level, table-like stretch
of land that is large enough to ac
commodate any type of aircraft, and
it is well drained.
Upon such modern schools as that
at Centralia are officials ’ of the
British Commonwealth Air Train*
ing Plan basing th'Oir hopes foi4 an ,
army of airmen that will soon be :
the largest and best-trained iu :he ,
World. ’
hockey of the 194? season this
Wednesday night at the arena. The
curtain will go up on the Cyclone
schedule with the four teams en
tered in the league putting on a
double feature that should be well
worth the price of admission. On
Friday night the teams will play
another double header, Lucan vs.
Exetei* in the first game and Air
port vs. Usborne in the other half.
The local squad will usher in the
1942 programme against Usborne
Township, one of the new teams in
the league this season. * At nine-
thirty the Lucan Ifish, champions
for the .past two seasons will make
their debut against the Airport
squad, the other new team entered
this year. Hensall, Dashwood and
Crediton have decided against icing
teams this year due to a shortage
of material. -
A reorganization meeting was
held last Friday evening with C, •
V. Pickard in the chair., Albert
Traquair was elected, the new pre
sident and Bill Allison the new
secretary-treasurer. The four teams
are going to play all their games on
the local ice surface, so providing
the weather man holds out the fans
should see .a good deal of classy
hockey this winter. The commit
tee are going to draw up the re
mainder* of the schedule this week
The Russell Construction Co.
lxave asked permission to enter a
team. This should certainly meet
with the approval of the committee.
Anothex* team would make it a
.five-team league which would give
the fans a greater variety of hock
ey and would- add to the gate re
* # « ❖
How the league will compare with
other- years is as yet hard to tell*
The locals and the Irish should
still be able to dish up a peppy
brand of shinny, although both
have lost some of their players.
As, to how tlxe Airport nine and the
Usborne Twp, teams will shape up
will not be knowxx until the schedule
gets under way.
$ Sfc
The local club will be without the
services of Eug. Beaver, Murray
Ferguson and probably Vic
man, all members
kL kJ*
■of last
❖ & Sfc
The fast-skating
was very popular with the fans, is
now in Toronto. He worked on a
line with Macdonald and Lutman.
Murray Fergusdn also has moved
away, Vic
ronto and
return for
not known.
Lutman is now in To-
whether he intends to
the hockey season is
We understand that with the an
nouncement that American, fliers
may be trained at Canadian air
ports that there is a possibility that
the Centralia Airport will be en
larged beyond Its original plan.
The first plan called for five hang
ars and this was later changed to
six hangars. Further instructions
have been received for an addition
al hangar/ About eighty per cent
of the work is now completed on the
torty-Hidd' buildings, Pour of the
hangars are well under way and the
■trusses are now being erected for the
>;« $ & >14
Among the new members for this
year’s team will be Ken Picket, who
will be a valuable addition. Last
season Ken starred with the Sea
forth Beavers who won the Inter
mediate championship.
Wednesday and Friday nights,
then, if the Weatherman keeps up
his frosty grip, hockey will be serv
ed up at the arena, ’there should
be a good crowd on listed to start
the season off with a bang.
>;s >S ($4
tered WOSSA again this year. Most
of last year’s members will be miss
ing' from the line-ufi. Murray
Mobre, Gerald Lawson and Norm
Hannigan are the only left-overs
from last yearns squad. Coach Bill
Shaw will have to mould a new team
around' these three players.
(Continued on Page tfout).4.