HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-08, Page 8t 4 % Thursday, January 8th, 1942 s Beauty Shoppe For Pemanents of Lasting Beauty (Spiral, Ci’oquinolcs Combination Machineless VERA C. DECKER, Prop- Phone 11a Evenings by Appointment Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat, $1.05 Creamery Butter. 38c Eggs, A Large, 29c Eggs, Medium, 26c Eggs, B, 22c Dressed Hogs, $14.50 WANTED It Applications’ will be received by the undersigned for the positions of two Corn Borer Inspectors for /he County of Huron. One to work In North Huron and the other in South Huron. The wages paid to be 60c. per hour, the accepted ap­ plicants to .provide their own trans­ portation. in the performance of duty, Applications to be in the hands of the County Clerk at Goderich not later than 12 o’clock noon, January ) 2tc 20th, 1942, N. W* MILLER County (Clerk.-----_V------ annual meeting? of Road (Farmers’ club Tuesday evening of the will next Hy. will I The Thames be held week at the home of Mr, Rohde at 8 .o’clock. Reports be received ' and officers elected. Enquiries are being received for Alberta coal. More orders are needed to make up a car. Also or­ ders are being received to make up a carload of oats. Order early.— P, Passmore, Sec. ---------V--------- NOTICE j Parties wanting quarters of beef or pork place your orders now. All animals killed will be only choice. If for storage, cutting and deliv­ ering will be free. Prices reason­ able. J. A. Nichol, Lake Road, ltp --------LV-----— NOTICE CHOICE QUALITY MEATS • • IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Main St.Phone 38 I 1 I .................. w |III1WIIWI» I|Q ANNOUNCEMENT j Mrs. W. Grafton Cochrane will I receive for the first time since her! marriage at her home, Andrew St., 1 on Friday, January 16th, from 4 to i 6 p.m. ! ........i ------------------------------ [ LOCALS i % Winchelsea Store will be closed aftei* 7 January, p.m. each evening during ., February and March, ex­ cept on Saturdays. R. E. Pooley. -------------y------------ LOST—In .Stephen Township Tuesday, a small tan and white male dog. Please phone 2 W ---------V--------- SALE—Front quarter For information apply Flynn or to Frank 'Par- lt? on fe- ltc of to FOR beef. Garnet sons, phone Hensall 92r33. ----V--------- -A load of good clover Will pay good price Times- ltc WANTED- or alfalfa hay. for good quality. Apply at Advocate. winter to 14 ---------v------- FOR SALE—Two girls’ coats, snow suit, sizes 10. years. Also dresses and fur jack­ et, boy’s 2-pant suit, size 8 years. Cheap. Mrs. Geo. Armstrong, Exe­ ter, Phone 15. ltp ---------V--------- WANTED—50 shoats weighing between forty and eighty lbs. Also fat hogs for Fearman’s Hamilton. Highest prices .paid. John Hodgert, Phone 184, Exeter or 37rl7, Kirk­ ton. ltp Hew *fuit or Overcoat CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH First Sunday after* Epiphany 11a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.- Fine suiting and materials are becoming increasing­ ly hard to obtain and we strongly advise you to get your new clothes in the nfear future. At bur store ydu will find a large range of fine snappy cloths from which we can tailor you a smart new suit or overcoat. -Evensong and' Sermon The Business of Life” •Friday, 8 p.m.—Prayex* Service Rev. Wm. Weir, of Hensall. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss KUO i ExeterJames Street Eyening* Auxiliary l a W. W. TAMAN ''IIHIIIIII i Ivan ‘Perkins, of London, spent the New Year holiday with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Perkins. ---------V--------- Are you TALKING to ONE MAN or a THOUSAND Mr. MERCHANT? A shipment of new stamped mats has just arrived. You will like the new patterns They come in two sizes only- 35c and •n Ibex and Plaid Flannelette Blankets These are scarce goods. We are fortunate to have a good supply in plaids and plain centres with pink, blue, green, yellow or mauve borders. Our prices are low per pair $2.65 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Mrs, J. G. Cochrane, Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Services as usual both morning and evening. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be dispensed Sunday, January 18 PRINTS PRINTS Showing a fine range of prints in excellent patterns and colorings, early as their is going to be quite a shortage. Values Buy your prints Norm Hockey agent for' *. * * We will call for and deliver Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. !An Apeal to BEASON. Avoid the risk to your family’s health and comfort by checking your coal supply again, And. if you’re running short, play safe by ordering enough D & H -Anthracite to carry you into warmer weather. Our delivery will be prompt. MAIN ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval J, Woods, M.A, Minister Mrs. N. J, Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a,m.—Public Worship and Church School. The Minister. 7 p.m,—Pictures of Chungking, capital of China. Wednesday, Jan. 7, at 8 p.m.—Even­ ing Auxiliary at Helen Dignan’s home. Thursday, Jan, 8, at 8 p.m,—We„ek of Prayer service. Rev. Page. Friday, Jan. 23rd—Congregational meeting. 20c Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 “The Favourite Pennsylvania Hard Coal” Yama Cloths and Cotton Flannels O'- Splendid for children’s wear and warm and cozy for night wear. We have a splendid assortment of patterns and colours at 35c and 39c per yardJAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding. A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Minister 3 p.m.—Church School, Bible Class 7 p.m.—The Minister Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Week of. Pray­ er Service. Speaker, Rev. N. J. Woods. Thursday, 3 p.m.—Woman’s Assoc Thursday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service Main St. -United church, Friday, 8 ip.m.—Prayer Service Trivitt Memorial church. 30c Kenwood All Wool Blankets See the lovely shades we are showing in Kenwood all-wool blankets. We have them in plain or reversible. Full range of shades to choose from. Priced at $5.95 and $7.95 dm Mr. and Mrs. E. Erwin visited for several days during the past week with relatives at Plattsville. Mr. and Mrs.’ E. E. Aidworth, of • Hay township, and Rev. W. E. and Mrs. Aidworth and son Ian, of Staffa, spent -New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. McClellan at Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. A. Cullam, Miss -Orla Cullam and Mr. Grant Palmer, t of 'Kenaston, Sask., visited recently I with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cockwell, of Stephen. The families were neigh- • bors in the West. . ! Miss Eileen Lewis returned to I Toronto Friday of last week to re­ sume her studies at the College of Education after spending the holi-‘ days with her parents, Mr. andI Mrs. Harry Lewis, Mr. Roy Curtis, of Newfoundland, and Ivan Prouty, who are attend­ ing Oshawa Missionary College, j and Mr. Stewart Prouty, of Wel- I land, spent the holiday at the home I of the latter’s parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. Clayton Prouty. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers spent Sunday with the brother, Mr. and seidale. Cornish, ed socks that this j ted 49 pairs of socks for the sol­ diers. Mr, Frank Stacey, of (Crystal ■City, Man., has been renewing old acquaintances in this community. He visited with Mr. and Mrs. Nel­ son Stanlake. Mr. Stacey is a for­ mer resident of Sodom, lealving! here for the West about forty years ago. He notes many changes. He I states that our old friend, William Brooks,. of Crystal City, has fully recovered from his recent illness and is again going strong as but­ cher and drover. Those’ who spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Percy T. Passmore were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Long and Marion, of Stratford; Mr. and^,Mrs. Earl •ton; and thur j of Kirkton; Mr. and fars. Garnet | Johns of Woodham; Mr. Wm. Johns Dorothy, Ethelene and Eileen, Mr. j and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Grace, | Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns, Mr. and i Mrs. Carmen -Cann and larnily, of Exeter; Mrs. John Cann, Mr, Harry Jeffery, of Hensall and Mr. John Tookey, of London. Miss Alta Harvey is attending Westervelt School in London. Miss Audrey Mitchell, of Lon­ don, spent New Year’s under the parental roof. 5 Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Tuckey, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lawson f<Jt New Year’s. Miss Florence Southcott has re­ turned to London to continue her studies at Westervelt Business Col­ lege. Miss Dorothy Traquair, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon- dQn, spent Sunday with, her par­ ents. Mr. Milford Prouty, of Welland, spent Christmas at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Prouty. ( Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reaman are visiting in Toronto with the form­ er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Reaman. Mrs. Garnet Passmore, Murray, Frances, and Barry, of Sarnia, spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. Clay­ ton Frayne. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Becker and Robert, of New New Year’s with A. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kading spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gaiser. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Tyerman, of Brussels and Miss W. Frayne, of Atwood, spent New Year’s with Mr. and Mrs. R. McInnis. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph, of Calgary, spent New Year’s with* Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Robertson. Mrs. Adolph is remaining for a visit. * Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hackborn and Mr. Herman Dettmer, of Kit­ chener, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Oke- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Northcott and Mr. and Mrs. Geddes and son William spent New Year’s in PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE Hamburg, spent Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred Kading and1 I former’s Mr. George S. Beavers and Mrs. Harry Cornish at Rus- While visiting there Mr. who is an invalid, show­ lie had knitted and stated - past summer he had knit- 2 p.m.—Sunday' School Sunday services at 8 p.m. f Friday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens Grocery Specials for Thurs.. Friday and Saturday FLOUR Choice Pastry 24 lb. bag . 67c SALTED SODAS McCormick’s 1 lb. pkg.. . . SOAP ' Comfort. PORK & BEANS COFFEE Aylmer Nabob 3 tins ... . 25c 1 lb. pkg LARD Choice -Maple Leaf 1 lb. pkg.... 15c MIXED CANDIES Gums, Chocolates, Creams CORN SYRUP 5 lb. tin ... . 55c White COOKING BEANS Southcott Bros Phone 16 ---------v--------- WANTED—A limited number -of ■ yearling cattle for wintex* feeding. Apply at. Times-Advocate. ltc ---------V--------- WANTED — Lady stenographer proficient in shorthand and typing. Apply at Times-Advocate. ---------1--------- FOR SALE—Business property, well located, Exeter. Would make a good property for person wishing j don with Mrs. E. Humeston. I Lon- to carry on a business, or for a sound investment. C. V. Pickard, phone 165. —,------v---------- RENT—6-room house on St. Modern conveniences. " FOR "William Apply to John Ward, Optometrist, ,’Exeter. 3tc I ------v------- ’ Season tickets tfor the Exeter Arena are now available from the Secretary, W. G. Medd. High School students’ tickets are $2.50; pub­ lic school, $1.50 and adults, $3.00. ---------V------- - | FOR SALE — Houses, stores, j mills, blacksmith and woodworking] shop and farms large and small. W. • C. Pearce, Exeter.---------v--------- FOR RENT—-Modern furnished, £teaiii-heated -apartment, $7.50 per Week. Apply Sandy Elliot, Ford j Garage. I -------y------------ FOR SALE—-Waterpower chop­ ping mill, barn, residence and 26 acres laud. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. . —V------- - FARMS FOR SALE—Never ed before, 1’00 and 150 acres, with fine buildings, silo and Hydro and Water throughout. " sonable price. T'erms, C. V. ard, (phone 165, Exeter. ——_~V-—----- FOP SALE—Comfortable house, nice lot, all conveniences. Several other homes. C. V. Pick­ ard, Exeter. been pre- , The January meeting of the James Street Willing Workers’ Ev­ ening Auxiliary was held at the hojne of Mrs. Page. The president opened the meeting with the Na­ tional Anthem, followed by a hymn and prayer. The program was in charge of Miss Verna iCoates.. « A hymn was sung, followed by an in­ strumental by Miss Pearl Wood and Mrs. Percy McFalls. The program in the Missionary Monthly was led by Miss Verna Coates with musical parts taken by Mrs. T. Coates, Mrs.! C. Cann and Mrs. E. Lindenfield and the scripture by Mrs. R. Snell. Mrs. (Dr.) Anderson gave a very in­ spiring New Year’s message. The chapter of the study book was tak­ en by Mrs. Jones assisted by Miss­ es Greta Harness, Meta Salter, Iso­ hel Turnbull and Nellie Carmichael Mrs. Page led in prayer and the meeting* closed with a prayer and the Mizpah benediction. Lunch was served by the group in charge. P. T. Barnum /Yow isOnce Said “If you have $10 to p'ut to good use, put. up $1.00 for the article and $9.00 for advertising. “I can out-talk any man on earth but a good prin­ ter. The man who can sti-ck type and the next morning talk to 1,000 people while I am talking to one, is the man I'am afraid of. - I want him for a friend." the June to get yourJohnston and Mary, of Gran- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Duncan Kenneth, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- Gardiner, Mary and Melvin, Mr. and ftfrs. Garnet Mr. H. 0. Southcott, who has under the doctor’s care is at sent in Victoria Hospital, London, where he is receiving treatment. Mr. and New ents, bell. The? Misses Westlake spent New Year’s mother, Mrs. | North. AC. Jack Wright, of Camp Bor­ den, and Mrs. Wright, of London, spent the week-end with the for­ mer’s brother, Mr. and Mrs, Wright. Mr. Wm. May has been confined to his home since Christmas. He is somewhat improved and his many friends Will hope to see him around again soon. Mr, and Mrs. Horace Delbridge, Bruce and Fred; Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herdman and Helen, were New Year’s visitors with Mrs. Henry Delbridge. Mr. Eli Christie, S.B.A., Royal Canadian Navy at coast port, visited with ents, Mr, and Mrs, C’. W. Christie, for a few days while on furlough, .Mrs. John Ford has returned to hei* home in Exeter after visiting for several weeks with her sbn, Mr. Cecil Ford, of London. Mr. Ford accompanied hiA -mother to town On Monday. Mr, and Mrs. James Francis, Jane and Peter, of Tavistock, spent New Year’s with Mr, and Mrs, .George Jaques, Mr. and Mrs. Jaques spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs, Ste- vensoii, of Birr. and Mrs. A. B. Campbell family, of0 New York, spent Year’s with the former’s par- Mr. and I 1 ,1 offer- Both bush. Rea- Plck- brick gee Geo. F, Clark for all kinds of windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing Windmills and pumps. Phone Creditdn 23-6, R< R» X Dashwood. ’ • -——-V----— CASH FOR FOX HORSES. Dead animals removed, tide, day* hr fright toti, 47rl5, collect Two-hour sei* Photic Credl* jack William* Mrs. A. Y. Camp- j 1 Flossie and Annie the Christmas and holidays with their ’’Westlake, Exeter Advertise in the TIMES-ADVOCATE ( If you want to talk to 7200 customers...i Phone 146 * ..... 11 r m Phone 146 Guard Your Curls with a ...PERMANENT.... ... JANUARY SPECIAL ... A Gloritone Oil Cream Permanent regular $6.50 for $3.75 Individually Styled for Every Individual . .. ' ■.. ....... j TOMLINSON’S Modern Hairstylists with the an east his par- Mr. and New Year Day of Prayer New Year’s Day, which Was pro­ claimed a Day of Prayer, was ob­ served in Exeter by the holding of a public service in Main St. United Church in the evening. In the ab­ sence of the Minister, Rev. N. J„ Woods, owing to illness, Rev. M. A. Hunt conducted the service and Rev. Ernest Grigg and Rev. James Anthony led '’in, prayer. Con­ sidering the iticlemefrt weather the attendance was fairly good, A solo was sung by Mrs. N. Hockey. Fit. Lieut. Murray, of the Clinton Ra­ dio School, brought a stirring mes­ sage that Was much appreciated, ,----------V- The fellow who with a ’wise crack’, for an answer, is never has time for structure thinking. is always ready who never lacks the fellow Who creative or con- , Week of Prayer Services Week of Prayer services are be­ ing held in the various churches of the town this week. The, severe storm Tuesday evening affected the attendance at Caven ehurch. The speaker was Rev. M. A. Hunt. The service Wednesday evening is be­ ing held in James St. church; Thursday in Main St. church and Friday in Trivitt Memorial church. .. . ■ ■ ■ y. . .... ■. >. No Change in Time Table A report in a London* paper has led many to believe that the time of the evening train arriving in Exeter from the north has been changed to 7.30 p.m. This was In error. For’Christmas, Boxing Day and New Year’s the train did not arrive until 7,30 p.m, This was fdr the accommodation of’the holi­ day traffic. The regular schedule is 4,02 p.m. I London. * • i Double Celebration LAC Glen McTavish, ah. aero­ frame mechanic with the R.C.A.F., at Calgary, Alta., is home on fur­ lough visiting with his mother,' Mrs. J.^McTaiyish. Glen likes the West and particularly the Alberta wea­ ther. His, brother, Pte. Gordon McTavish, of London, was also home for the week-end. ■v. Home from Calgary 1 whose birthday Day, enjoyed a with a few friends returns present Mrs. W. Fraser, falls on New Year’s double celebration friends. We join with her in wishing her many happy of the day, Among those Were Mrs. W. R.^Emmltt and son Gotdou and Miss Ruth Prase?, of