HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-01, Page 8Thursday, Jsnwy 1st, 1942 THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE jPHenfls Mrs. jf, G. Cochrane, Organist Happy Mrs, Asa LOCALS 1 BHH 3 BBH as Exeter a few days, with of KXffl an two child- Windsor, vis- PROCLAMATION 1 spending Mrs. An- i brick I I the Cald- dinner on and son Christmas Forest, spent at his home is attending home for the to a 3 7 C. Avery and Mr. Qshawa, Careful such as Charges Exeter HORSES. Lead Two-hour set- Phone Credi- Jack Winiattu Offer- Both bush. Rea- Pick- and Gra- and and Jean Kirk, Christmas at ‘the J. G. Cochrane, of Colling- spent the holiday at his home Ray Creech, of Hamil- with Pen- May the Nev/ Year bring' you Health, Wealth and above all, Happiness is the wish of Fill your bin while we have it . coke is very scarce. FOR SALE Gow due to young cattle. Phone FOR about 3 weeks time., • quantity of wood for a good ya heavy horse. Apply at Advocate? YEAR Prop. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ---------v-------- FOR RENT—Modern steam-heated apartment, week. Apply Sandy Elliot, Fordj Garage. HAMILTON COKE C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter ■ Office open every week day except Wednesday JUST RECEIVED . . . Another Car of sell this house at a real; or will .rent. Sandy El- IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St V’s Beauty Shoppe Wishing to our many and Patron© MIAUTV-FUL NEW VERA C, DECKER, * '« « W'XJII..,! ill LOCAL NEWS Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Cook and Lloyd spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Cook at Hensall. Mr. and Mrs, Jeff Ross and Mr. Eldrid Simmons, of Stratford, spent Christmas day with Mr. and Mrs, W. G< Simmons, Miss. Sfl (Evelyn Howard* pf To­ ronto, spent the Christmas Vaca­ tion with her parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. G- S, Howard. Elmer Dunn has returned to To­ ronto after -spending the Christ­ mas holidays with his parents, Mr, ©nd Mrs. George Dunn. Allan, 'Penhale, of the R.C.A.F., ‘ stationed at Mount Hope,, ton, is spending New Year’s his parents, Mr. and hale. Mr. and Mrs. W, Bobbie, of London, ham Campbell, of AC2 Clift, of Manning 'Pool, Toron­ to, spent Christmas yrith Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell. Mrs, Catherine Creech and sons, Joe and Frank, Miss Fanny Bissett, Miss Jean Sheere, of town and Mr. Ray Creech and Miss Gwen Tiel, of Forest, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dearing, of London.. Mr, Earl Mitchell, of Toronto, Mr, and Mrs. Alex Johns and fam­ ily, of Lucan, and Mr-.w and Mrs. Fred Smith and family, of town, spent a very merry Christmas at the home of their mother, Mrs. A. Mitchell, of town. AC Murray Hicks, of Okotoks, Alta,* now stationed at Trenton, dropped in on his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May, for their golden nesday with a ■turned wedding anniversary Wed- of last week. He visited number of relatives and re- to Trenton on Saturday. ---------v--------- SALE—2 young sows due in Will trade a sow or Times- ---------y--------- •Season tickets for the Arena are now available . from the secretary, W. G. Medd. High School students’ tickets are $2.50; pub­ lic school, $1.50 and adults, $3.00.---------y--------- LOST—Several weeks ago, a gentleman’s black Parker pen. Re­ ward. Apply at Times-Advocate.---------V--------- WANTED—15 or 20 head of cattle, to stable and feed. William F. Alexander, Hensail, phone 13rl82 ltc ---------v-----— WASHING WANTED— work, also plain mending, socks and underwear, moderate. Box 280 H, Times-Advocate. ---------V--------- CAR FOR SALE—A 1930 Model A coach, A-l condition. Cheap. Privately owned. Apply to Ernie Cooper, phone 71, Exeter. ltp —V--------- OR EXCHANGE— freshen; also some J.. Caldwell. Exeter, ltp13rll. ---------V------ SALE or RENT—A modern house, new furnace with new built-in I am moving into one FOR 7-room new * air conditioner, cupboards. of my new apartments this week and will sacrifice, liot. ---------v--------- FOR SALE — Houses, stores, mills, blacksmith and woodworking shop and farms large and small. W. ;C. Pearce, Exeter.---------V--------- v FOR SALE — 1 Set of Burrows- ^SteWart Stock Scales, 8,000 lbs. capacity, in good order, with racks, ^reasonable, apply to James A. Pat­ erson, Municipal Clerk, ■ fc- We Wish Our Many Friends and Patrons A HAPPY NEW YEAR Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat, Cre^wery Rutter, 3 Sc Eggs, A Large, Eggs, Medium, 26c Eggs* B, 22c Dressed Hogs, $14.50 10 a.m.—Snnday School Services at 11 a.m, and 7 p.m. con ducted by ‘Rev, Ernest Grigg. Caven Congregational Circle will meet Wednesday* January 7th, at the home of Mrs. G. Flynn. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Norval J, Woods, M.A. Minister Mrs, N, J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a,m,—-Public Worship and Church School. Communion, 7 p.m.—Public Worship, The Min>. ister. Thursday, Jan. 1, 8 p.m.—Public Prayer Service, Speaker, Flight Lieut. Murray, Monday, Jan. 5, 8 p.m.’—Quarterly meeting of the Official Board,. ’ Mr, and Mrs’ Frank Coates spent ; Christmas in Lucan with Mr. and ’ Mrs. Aaron Davis. , !-Miss Doris Cutting and girl friend,’ Clara Sims, spent the week-end at | Miss Cutting’s home. ! Mrs, Earl Reid, of 'Palgrave, is spending a few’days with Mr. and Mrs, A. R. Tomlinson. I Mr. D. Waterworth, of the Bank* of Montreal staff, spent' Christy mas at his home at West Lome. Mr. and Mrs. E.‘ M. Quance and Clifford spent Christm/as^with Mr. and 'Mrs. Austin Dilling, of Bruce- : field. j Mr. and Mrs. Carl Maiers and Dorothy and Harry Maiers spentI Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. W. Cutting. Pte. Pat Tyler and Miss Golda Wells, of London, spent the holi­ day with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and family. Miss Phyllis Bierling, R.N., of Kitchener, spent Christmas holi­ days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. Bierling. Mr. Frank Taylor, of the Huron Lumber Co., has been confined the house for severe cold. 1 Misses Mary London, spent home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kirk. Ml*, and Mrs. Harold Whyte and two sons spent Christmas in Ham­ ilton, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Armstrong. Shirley / and Wilma Coates ( are ' spending the Christmas holidays with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank CoateS. Dr. G. “F. and Mrs. Roulston and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Howald spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Roulston at Simcoe. Tpr. L. Wells, wife and family spent the Christmas holidays at Goderich and attended the wedding of Miss Grace McLeod. Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell enter­ tained the members of well family to a turkey Friday, December 26th. Mrs. L. Harness and ren spent th$ holiday at Goderich and attended the wedding of her sister, Miss Grace McLeod. Mr. Lloyd Reynolds, of Welland, Norm Hockey agent for EAN’S DRY CLEANING Jas. P. Howey Phone 33 I i I I i SPAHR’S Remedy i on top 40 years | Treating Sore Throats, Colds, j Coughs, Bronchitis, Tonsil Trpub-1 les and other Kindred Ailments. SPAHR’S, J^irst for Quick Act­ ion, First for Safety. First for value and results, or mopey re­ funded at all Drug Stores. Miss (Doris Mitchell spent several days in London last-week. Mr. Orville Snell, of Strathroy, was with his parents for Christmas. Mr. wood, here. Mr. the holiday week-end here. Jack Kestle, who Western University, is holidays. Mr. John Salter, of ited at the home of. Mrs. E. Salter for the holiday. Rev. James Anthony conducted Hensall. 2tc 1 furnished,! $7.50 per! ______v______ ' . i An Underwood Portable will make Shantz: in London on Saturday, a grand Christmas i gift .for that) Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins boy or girl. See them at the Times-1 Advocate. and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson, of ■ the services in Caven Presbyterian London, spent Christmas with Mr. church on Sunday last.and Mrs. Luther Reynolds. I Mr> q McAvoy, of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. J. Caldwell, t " town, and Miss Mary Caldwell, -of London, spent Christmas with Mrs. Mary Weber, of Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Davife .and family, of Toronto, spent the holi­ days with Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc­ Donald and otheir relatives. Mr. Edward Triebner and Miss Audrey Bettis, of Toronto, spent Christmas holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Triebner. Miss Dorothy Williams attended i the wedding of Miss Catherine I Woods t<5 Mr. Kenneth Arnold j of spent Christmas with Mrs. McAvoy and Miss A. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. .Stacey, spent Christmas with Mr. and >Mrs. W. J. Ferguson At Kippen. l^Irs. Richard Johnston, Who has been visiting her sons and other relatives in Ashfield, .has return­ ed to town -and will spend the win­ ter with her brother-in-law, Mr. W. H. Johnston. ' JAMES ST, UNITED CHURCH Rev.' Arthur Page, lilinister W. R. Gouilding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Public Worship. The Min-! ister. • Communion. p.m.—Sunday School p.m.—Public Worship. The Min­ ister. Week of Prayer commencing Tues­ day, Jan. 6th, 8 p.m. Wednes­ day, Jan, 7* at 8 p.m. in James, ‘ St. Church, Speaker, Rev. R: J. Woods. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH, Rector, Key. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday after Christmas 10 a.m.—Holy Communion 11 a.m.—Sunday School 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Challenge of the New Year” A service of prayer in Main St. church New Ye'ar’s Day at 8.0(0 p.m. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services at 8 p.m. Friday, 8 .p.m.—Young People’s Tuesday, 8 p.m,-—Prayer Meeting All are welcome.' Pastor—E. • Clemens LOCAL NEWS Visitors in and nut of the com­ munity for Christinas were; Miss ’ Irene Van Camp with he? i parents. Miss P. Russell, of London, with her mother, -' ’ -Mr, Wm. Balkwill? of Port Albert, at his home here. Harold Broderick, of St. Cath­ arines, at jiis home. Miss Edith Hunter, of St. Cath- ajines, under the parental roof. Miss Helen Flynn, of St. Cathar­ ines, under the parental roof. • Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy spent the| Christmas holidays at Goderich. Pte. Frank Huston, , of Ottawa, with Mr. and Mrs. H. 0, Rivers. Mr. Gordon May* of Brussels, spent Christmas kt his home here. Corp. Ernest Wells, of London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tanton, George and^Jim with relatives in Mimico. ‘ . Mr. and Mrs. S. Pollen, of Flint, Mich., with Mrs. S, Davis -and other relatives. Mr. Geo. Kinney, of London; Mrs. John Kemp, of Toronto and ^Messrs. William and Joseph Kinney, of Seaforth, with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hockey. , TODAY, IT IS BUT FITTING THAT WE VOICE OUR APPRECIATION OF YOUR FRIENDSHIP AND PATRONAGE AND EXTEND TO YOU OUR SINCERE GOOD WISHES THAT HAPPINESS AND GOOD FORTUNE ABIDE WITH YOU AT THIS SEASON AND ALL THROUGH THE COMING YEAR. ---------y----1--- FOR SALE—Waterpower chop­ ping mill, barn, residence and 26 acres land. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ;-----—V---------- • FARMS FOR SALE—Never ed before, 1'00 and 150 acres, with fine buildings, silo and Hydro and water throughout, sonable price. Terms. G, y. ard, phone 165, Exeter. FOR* SALE—Comfortable house, nfcd lot, all conveniences. Several other homes. C. V. Pick­ ard, Exeter. See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of ■WindmLls, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and philips. Phone Crediton 23-6., R. R. £ bashwood. ....V- CASH FOR FOX animals removed, vice, day or night, ten. 47ri5, ecrflecL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Higgins and Fern, Mrs. McNeil and Mr. Wm. Oke, of Clinton, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wells and Caroline, of London, spent the Yule- tide, in toWn, the guests of Mrs. Davis and Mr. and Mrs. F. Welts. Misses Isabelle and Helen An­ thony, of Hamilton, are the holidays with their parents, ReV. Jas. Anthony and thony. Mrs. Archie Robinson Glen, of London, spent with Mr. and Mrs. C. Isaac. Glen is with the Navy now stationed at Halifax. v Lieut. M. F. Gladman, of Chat­ ham spent Christmas with his wife and family. Mrs. Gladman has been confined to her home through ill­ ness, hut is now improving. Q Mr, Stewart Fake, of London, is spending the holidays at his home here. Mr. Fuke was employed on the London post office staff during i the Christmas rush. C' As it has been requested by our Prime Minister - the Hon. Mackenzie King that I New Year’s Day be Observed as a Day of Prayer I do hereby proclaim the day as such in . EXETER SERVICE WILL BE HELD IN MAIN ST. CHURCH at 8 p.m« Fit Lieut Murray, of the Clinton Radio School will speak I hereby prevail upon all citizens to attend this meeting B. W. Tuckey, Reeve Miss Lois Hunter and girl friend, of St. Catharines, at Miss Hunter’s i home here. Pte. Bert Gillespie, and wife, of i London, called on friends in town (on Saturday. Mr( and Mrs. Wm. Butler; London, with Mr. and Mrs. vey iPerkins. Mr. Ed. Treble and Miss Treble with their t sister, Mrs. kins, in London. Mrs. Goodspeed, who teaches school in Northern Ontario, visited with her sister, Miss P. Love. I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDowell and sons 'Orval and Gordon, with Mrs. McDowell’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vale. Miss ' Laurene Beavers, nurse-in- training' in Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Beavers. Sgt. Rollie Motz, Training Camp, ahd erator Bartie Motz, their home here. ME and Mrs. ChaS. Cox, of Wel- laiid, ahd Mr. and Mrs. T. Page (hee Annie Cox) of Hamilton, With Mrs. Mary Hanhigan. Mr. and Mys, Wm. Crawford, of Belmoht, With Mr. and MrS. Asa Penhale. Miss Doris Penhale spent the. Week-end in Belmont. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Russell, by and Jimmy W. J. Beer, of Mr. and Mrs. K. don. Irvine MOtz, Man., spent the aunt, Mrs, A. Mitchell', cured employment at ths girpott at Centralia. Mr, William J, Searson, in S.S, No, 9, Bosanquet, brider nee Miss Earl, t>£ Were pleasant visitors en in the heme of his cousin, H. Johnston. . Miss Lenofe Lawson, nf Vorontm ME and Mrs. Jackson and .family, of Chatham,, me and Mrs. Stewart 'rhiei, of Zurich, Me and Mrs, sam Lawson and Mrs. S, G« Lawson, of Crediton, with Mr, and Mrs. A. R« Tomlinson, I t -, of Har- Effie Hos- of Chatham Wireless Op- of Finga'l, at and Mr. and Grand Bend, L. Werner, of Bob- MrS. with Lon- of Crystal City, Week-end with his 'He has se* teacher add his GorHe, Monday Mr. W. Godspeed To you and to the new Year, too, we wish Godspeed. May all your ventures be successful and your days filled with happiness Mr. Orville Lawson, of Orillia, spent Thursday and Friday at hjs home here, ChristhiaS guests with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Winer were Dr. O. G. and Mrs. Truemner and Virginia, Of Strathroy; Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Chambers and Billy, Miss Alma Winer, R.N,, and Mr. Capipbell Me? Lagan, of London. ReV. W. E. ahd Mrs. Aid worth and Ian, of Staffa, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. MdClellan, Shirley and Stanley, of Stratford, spent Christ­ mas with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Aid­ worth. Mrs. MeOlelian, and child­ ren were here for several days.. Mr. and Mrs. H. Eyre and son, •Henry, Mrs. jhj. Humeston and daughter, Helena, and Mr. Fred Brown, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell and family, of towh> spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Geddes, of Hay Twp. J Mr. and Mrs. C. Haugh, Mr. 3* ; Mrs. Wallace Haugh, Allan -al Heil, and Mrs. Hess, of Btucefie^ Visited at the home of Mr. s' Mis. G. S, Howard on Saturday? Mr. and Mrs. Oran Moir ajt Kathleen, and Mr, jack FrayneJ St. Catharines; Mr. Earl Fray‘d df "Welland and Mr. Stanley FraynL bi LiStowel, spent Christmas WitiT Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Frayne. Mr. and Mrs, Aylmer Christie and • Jean and Mr. Laverne Miss Joyce Rappie, spent Sunday With Mr. W. Christie. ” as a stendgrapher in the Air Force and commences his duties on Jan­ uary' Sth. ' ‘ . Mrs, Roy Alderson, Leona and Mabel, of Thedford, are spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos, Col­ lingwood. Mr. .Grant Collingwood, of Toronto, . spent Christmas i with his parents. Laverne (Christie and of Toronto, and Mrs. C. has enlisted Order also