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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-01, Page 5
3~THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Thursday, January 1st, 1942 'v ♦ if1 ■ * i* t • < ( I << h 1 ’M X j t l I I ( « 4 j * HENSAIX FOR RENT—In Heusall*. stprey frame house, heated furnace; garage and garden,, session within month. Phone or apply to Roy MacLaren. 1%. with, Rosin Miss Audrey Walsh spent Chi'ist- mas with relatives at Blyth. Mr,* and Mrs, R.. H, Middleton spent the week-eud in Detroit, ’/‘.Mrs, Levi Rands and children, of ^aimergtop, visited with friends here,Mrs, Wm. Pepper is confined to Clinton illness. Miss .....spent iChristmas With her mother, Mrs. A. Scruton, * , Miss Hannah Craig and Mr.' John Craig spent Christmas fives at Brucefield. Dr. and Mrs, D. G, Patsy spent Christmas and Mount Brydges. Miss Helen Swan was the guest of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Elder in forth for Christmas. Mrs. Fred Corbett visited week with her daughter, Mrs. MacLaren and Donald. Pte. Fred Beer, of London, spent and General Hospital owing to Joyce Scruton, of Toronto, with rela- Steer and in London Sea- this Roy Lon- her Miss Mavis Spencor, of Tovcmto, was a holiday visitor’ with hex: par ents, . Mr, and Mx'S. Albert Sppncer. , Mr. and Mrs. Milton Layery ’ and family, of st, Catharines, visited receptly ftwith Mr, and Mrs. Carl Passm0?® and Mr- and Mrs. Thos, Harris, The Red Cross Blanket Fund gratefully acknowledges a contribu tion of foux’ dollars from the La dies’ Aid of Carmel (Presbyterian church. Mr, and Mrs, Jack Dougall, of Ingersoll, spent Christmas at the home of Messrs. Samuel and Thom as pougall, and sister, Miss Jean Dougall* Mr. and Mrs. A, W. Anderton, of Wingham, visited during the holi days with Mr, and Mrs. J, W, Bon- thron and Mr. and Mrs. W. 0, Goodwin. Miss Helen McNaughton apd Mr, Clarence McNaughton, of Toronto, visited during the holidays with theii’ parents, Mr. and Mrs, Lome McNaughton. I Mr. and Mrs, Dick Fitzgerald and daughter, of London, visited over the week-end „ with Mrs. Fitz gerald’s* parents, Mr, and‘ Mrs,- Robt. Tinney. Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Ortwein, of Detroit, Mrs. Lloyd Ortwein and Mr. Milton Ortwein, of London, spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Colem'an ac companied by Mr. and Mrs, Hugh Morenz, of Dashwood, visited op Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Stewart at Seaforth.I Mr. -and Mrs. Garnet Mousseau I and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Oesch Christmas with Mrs. Beer family at his home here. Miss Mar&aret Schwalm, of don, spent Christmas with mother, Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Misses Adene and Ermadell Chambers, of St. Catharines, spent Christmas with Mrs. Traquair, Mr, Homer Tinney, of St. Oath-1 . arines, was a week-end visitoi’ with his father, Mr. Matthew Tinney, Dr. and Mrs. D, G. Steer and wedding in London on Saturday, | Mrs. Alex Mousseau. Miss Dorothy Brazier, of Lon-. don, was a holiday visitor with Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer and (Patricia.. Mr. Ray Patterson, of Toronto," visited last week with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. ,J. Patterson. Mrs. Hugh Hawkins and daugh- tei’ Joyce, of Hamilton, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Day man. Mr. Roy MacLaren, of St. Cath arines, spent Christmas at his home here with Mrs. MacLaren and son June Saundercock, of Kit- and d Mrs. D. G. Steer ^udison( Of Catharines, spent the attended the Steei’rWood I holiday with their parents, Mr. and and senting you with this wedding gift au4 with it goes -the best wo Have in good will and hearty i wishes for a Jong and happy wedded life, To this end, maybe we should give you some good advice*. Just remember it takes two to make a quarrel, a soft apswex' turnetb away wrath' and forgive uutil seventy times seven. " ] Signed on behalf of the Cen tralia Young People’s A fitting, reply was given hy Reg Bruce Isaac, social convener, then took charge of the program. An enjoyable evening was spent by playing ggmes and contests, after which a dainty luncn was served. The meeting closed with the sing ing of the. National Anthem, Steer-Wood A pretty wedding was solemnis ed Pn Saturday afternoon at Wes ley United church,, London, when Rev. George Trimble united in mar riage Georgina Rice Wood, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wood, Euclid Avenue, (London, to Cam eron E. Steer, pf London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steer, Mount Brydges. Palms and made the setting for ceremony for which the sic was played by Mr. Coe with Mi’s, soloist bride, father, ivory length, long train, the sleeves puffed at the shoulders and extending ip lily points . over the hands, Her full- length veil, which swept over the train, was of white silk embroid ered net, arranged under a cor onet of seed pearls. The bride car ried a sheaf of calla' lilies. Miss Charlotte Woodt as*"hei’ sister’s bridesmaid, wore a floor-length gown of turquo.ise net over taffeta with short puff sleeves and vanity ruffles of net at the wrists. Hex’ headdress was of turquoise net and she carried Butterfly roses. Little Patricia Steer, of Hensall, niece of the bridegroom, as flower-girl, wore a jjink taffeta frock in floor length with tiny puffed sleeves. ‘ A ban deau of velvet ribbon and pink and blue forget-me-nots adorned her hair a4nd fell in streamers, and she carried a tiny colonial bouquet of forget-me-nots and sweet peas. Dr. Donald G. Steer, of' Hensall, bro ther of the bridegroom, was the best man and the ushers were Mr. William Bacon and Mr. Elmo Cur tis. - The reception was held at "The Grange" where Mrs. Wood received in navy blue sheer with matching accessories. The bride groom’s mother chose Churchill blue with matching accessories. After the wedding supper Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Steer left on a honey moon trip, the bride travelling in Marina blue with black coat collared in silver‘fox. They will reside in London. poiusettigs the pretty bridal mu- Percy pas- Knapp as singing ”My World”, The given in marriage by her wore 'a graceful gown of embroidered satin, floor the skirt sweeping into a Gordon "My World”. CENTRALIA VMIw Beatrice Essery spent week-end with her parents. Mr* and Mrs* D. Hicks spent Christmas with relatives in Ripley* * Mrs. George Hicks and Frank spent Christmas with relatives at Blyth. sMrs. J. Sleamon is visiting with her son,' Mr. and Mrs, M, Sleamon, ip London, Mrs, Jane Christmas with bert Harlton, Miss Barr, Pf Ing the past week with Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn, Mr. and Mrs. R, Christmas with Mrs. .Mrs. Greenlee, Mr, and Mrs, G. Alice spent Christmas Mrs, Hubert Neil. Mr, Fred Warner mas with Mr, and Gaiser, at Shipka. Miss Marilyn Mills, is holidaying with her grandmoth er, Mrs. H. Mills. Mr. and Mrs. W. Skinner and Arlene spent Christmas with re latives at Elimville. Mr. Carl Theander mas with Mr, and Smith at Saintsbury. Mr, and Mrs. J, Christmas with Mr, Molitor in Thedford. Mr, spent Thos, Mr. the Armstrong spent Mr. and Mrs. Al- Exeter1, visited dur- Hedden-' spent Harness and Adamac with Mr. and and spent Christ- Mrs, Albert of Wyoming, spent Christ- Mrs. Frank Pollard spent and Mrs. W. ZION , Charles Hern spent Christ- in Toronto with his cousins, and Mr. mother Mrs.'and and Mr. ills home of Goder- her home EUMVILLE Mr. and Mrs. ,J. Dykeman ; family spent the past ■ with relatives in Galt* Mrs. Fitzpatrick returnecl to To- rpnto on Monday after visiting here ■with her sister, Mrs. Bert Venner Master Jimmie and Miss June , Sinclair are ill with measlea at the . home of their mother, Mrs. Jack* son Wends. , < Miss Joy Whitlock, of St. Thom* as, spent several with rela tives here, returning ’on Monday* I Mr. and Mrs. Newman Baker, of ***.,>,.— ,—. visitors / ■<D Weiiburn, were 3u,n4ay here, Christmas Ev© visitors Wm, John’s home were Mrs, Fred Long and daughter, of Atwood, Mxl and Mrs, Garnet Johns, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns and Mr# and Mrs. Gilbert Johns. CpI. Lloyd Bell, of the R.C.A.F., Brandon, Map., Mr, Wellington Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Miller anj family, of Dashwood Mrs. Thos. Bell and Christmas Day at the Chas, Stephen. Mr, Elgin Skinner, A.'F. Manning Pool, Toronto, Messrs, John Miners and Earl Gonitis, of Galt Training School and D.A.C. Clarence Ford, Belleville, spent theii’ Christmas leaves at their re spective homes here- The play, "Uncle Josh Perkins”, which was presented by the young people in the church nere on Tues day evening of last week was well presented and a good crowd was in attendance, Santa Claus name in at the clpse and distributed-*treats to the children. . . Next Sunday Sunday School will be held at 2 p.m. and preaching service will be at 7 p.m* The fol lowing week Sunday School will be at II a.m. and preaching ’service at 10 a.m. Service^ will continue this way alternate Sundays until further change is desired. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.' Routly daughters spent Christmas at Alex Otago’s, ^near Kirkton; and Mrs. Hy. Sparling with J. Sparling, of Anderson; Mr. Mrs. Wm, Bradshaw and David,, of Seaforth, Mr. and Mrs, Hiljson Whiteford, of Ingersoll, with .Mr. and Mrs, John Herdman. Sunday School Blects Officers The following Sunday School of ficers were elected; Supt., Delmer Skinner; asst, supt., Horace Del- bridge; sec., Ronald Elf ord; assis tants, Philip Johns, Harold Davis and Bill Johns; .treas., Howard Johns; organists, Mr.s Howard Johns, Margaret Miners and Doris Elf ord; singing -leaders, Kenneth Johns and Mrs. Harold Bell; supt, I of Home Dept,, Mrs. Wes. Horife^ supt. of Temperance Dept., Mrs. .Tack Delbridge; asst., Dorothy Johns; su.pt. Misionary. Dept., Mrs. Delmer Skinner- asst., Ruth Skin- er; supt. .Cradle Roll, Margaret Miners; teachers-—Adult Bible Class, Will Johns, Will Routly and R. E. Pooley; Young People’s Bible Class, Mrs. R. Batten, Mrs* R. E, Fooley -and Alvin Pym; Senior Boys, Suqire Herdman and Ken Johns; Intermediate Boys, Howard Johns ■and Allen Johns; Senioi- Girls, Mrs.1 JDelmei’ Skinner, Mrs. "W. Routly; •Intermediate Girls, Mrs. Howax'd Johns, Ruth Skinne'r; Primary Class, Mrs. Harold Bell, Hazel Johns; Beginners’ Class, Mrs. Thos* Bell, Mrs. Lewis Johns. ... . —-— CREDITON The January meeting oif' the Cre diton W*I* will be held Tuesday January 6th at two o'clock in the rooms back o£ the post office* This will ’be © war work sewing anil quilting meeting, All members are requested to attend and bring their thimbles and scissors, Pte. Austin Fahner, of Kitchen er, spent Christmas at here. Miss Gertrude Haist, ich, spent Christmas ;at here. Mr, John Gaiser visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Gaiser, of St. Marys, last week. The quarterly official board will meet at Crediton on Monday, Jan uary 5th, at 2.30 p.m. Mr. Bob Rlaekwell, of spent a few days over end in the community, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold ' pt London, spent a few Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Beaver. Miss Helen Telfer, of Toronto, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr- and Mrs, M. W. Telfer. Mr, ahd Mrs. Herb Haist and son Douglas, of Detroit, itfng with friends in the ity. Miss Lulu Morlpck, of is spending the parents, Mr. and lock. Mr. and son, Glenn, days with munity. Mr. Arthur Haist, Mr. Clarence Fahner and Mrs. Rodney Bowman spent Christmas at their respective homes, & Miss <Shii’tey Fahner, of Detroit, is spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Herb Fahner. The annual Sunday School meet ing will convene in the Sunday school room in (Crediton on Tues day, January 6th at 8 c’clock. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Haist, Mr, John Gaiser and Miss Clara Gais er spent last Friday-'with Mr; anB. Mrs. William Decker, of Zurich. LAC Jacque England, of Guelph, and L. Corporal Gerald England, and Lloyd England, of Chatham, spent five days Christmas leave at Brantford, the week- Robertson, days with at Mr. Mr, and Mr, mas i Mr. and Mrs. Dave Hern. Mr, and Mrs. E. Hern and Hazel spent Christmas with /Mr, and Mrs, Dave Stephens, of Woodham. “ A number from -the community attended the banquet held at Thames Road on Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Brock, Irene, Anna, and Tom spent Christ mas at the- homp of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hunter. t Mr. and ’ Mrs. Charles Kerslake, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake vis ited on Saturday with Mr, Mrs. A were : to hear the cantata, presented, by Centralia and Whalen choirs. * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Penwar- den and Harpld spent Friday', evening with Mr. and Mrs. Welling- ; ton Brock. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hern, Frances, Keith and Morris Hern with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerslake, of Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Baker i with the latter’s parents, Mr. -and i Mi’s. Wm. Thompson. The December meeting of the , Zion Mission Circle was held, at ( the home of Jean Brock. The meet- ■ ing opened by singing hymn 59; followed by a prayer by Hazel Hern. . The Lord’s 'Prayer was repeated in ■, unison’. Anna. Brock then niead [ the scripture, The minutes of the ! last meeting were _2opted; the rpll call was taken and] We are glad to report, that'Mr. business was discussed. Marjorie Sam Baynham and Mr, Sam Trieb- , Eapl favored with a piano instru-Jner are able ,zto be out and around followed by tor'accident a few weeks ago? . i We regret to announce the con- . tinued illness of Mrs. Eli L&wson. The -minister and friends, of Brinsley ^United church tender to the family of the late Mr. Morgan Dixon sincere condolences. Next Lord’s Day . the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be ad- ministered at all three churches I’comprising the Crediton circuit, j The- minister’s subject will be "Within the Portals Wth Christ”. Christmas choir music at 'Cre diton and Brinsley was very apT propriate and equally inspiring, Mr. Lawrence Wein * giving leader ship at the formqr church and Mrs. Dan Lewis and Mrs. Fenton at the latter, tended The Shipka Verna ____ __________ ____ and feelingly rendered a yuletide selection entitled Hills”. ___ _ Verna Baumgarten’s leadership, ace vis- commun- Windsor, with herholidays Mrs. Edward Mor- and Ross Hern, number from the community at Whalen on Sunday night Mrs. Russell Clark 'and of Detroit, spent a few relatives in the com- and Mr, and family epent home of Mr, of the R.C. Mr. and Mrs, Ferris Cantelon Children, of Schomberg, are spend ing a few days here owing to the serious illness of the former’s moth er, Mrs. Kate Cantelon. Miss Margaret Ross, R.N., of Galt, and Mr. Harold Brinkholt, of Kitchener, spent the- week-end with the latter’s uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Patterson. Mrs. Kate Cantelon t continues seriously ill at hex’ home here, hav ing suffered a stroke on Friday. The many friends of Mrs. Cantelon hope fox’ an improvement .soon. Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey, of Huntsville, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, of Toronto and Mrs. F. G. Weir, of Goderich, spent Christmas with Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Weir and Fred- diie- _ Rev. Wm. Weir conducted ser vices i n ’Carmel Presbyterian church on Sunday. The choir sang two anthems, “O Worship the King”, Rev. Weir, soloist, and “One Sweetly Solemn Thought". Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morenz and ! Mr. Roy Morenz, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh •’ of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Corey and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Adams and children, -of Lon don, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore, Mr. Lloyd Passmore and daughter Ann, of Delhi; Mr. Robert 'Passmore, B.A., of Toronto; LAC Ken Pass- more, of Trenton, and LAC Gerald Fassmore of St. 'Eugene spent the Christmas holidays with . their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser vices in the -United ’church on Sun day and Mr. Carey Joynt sang a solo entitled "The Lord’s Prayer” at the morning . service and the choir sang two anthems, "Nowell, Nowell” and "There Weis' Shep herds”, soloist, Mr. W. 0. Good win. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur McClinchey, of Varna, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Pep per, of1 Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. Er nie Pepper, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. John Pepper and Miss Grace -Pep per, of Dashwood; . Mr. Nelson Pepper, -of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tinney, and Mr.- and Mrs. Thos. Slavin and Haz.el Christmas with their parents, and Mrs. Wm. Pepper. Exeter Youth Injures Leg While Tobogganing JDonald. Miss chener, is holidaying at the home of her d>ercock. Miss Doris Buchanan is holiday- • -. ing at the home pf her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wren, Kippen. Miss Margaret. Schwalm, of Lon-j don, has been holidaying at the] home of her mother, Mrs. Peter; Schwalm.Miss Amy Lammie, of Windsor,! is;- holidaying with her mother Mrs. Lammie, and sister, Miss Gre ta Lammie. Miss Norma Cook, University, London, spent Christ mas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. , • . - Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser, of De troit, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, John Kaiser. Mrs. John 'Pfaff, ited on Christmas and daughter-in-law, Mr. and ' Nelson Pfaff. Miss Margaret MacLaren, ‘of terloo, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Y. MacLaren. • Mr. Thos. Kyle, .town had the misfortune to fracture a - bone in his Christmas Eve. Mr. George Venner, of arines, spent the holiday and week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Venner. Messrs. Harold and Donald Wil lard, of St. Catharines, spent Christ mas Mrs. Ezra Willard. Mr. Morley Sanders, principal of the Continuation School, is spend ing the Christmas holidays at his home in Claremont. Mr. -and Mrs. Elgin Hayter and Donnie, of London, spent Christmas with Mrs. Hayter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Bell. Mr. ___ spent Christmas . witli his mother, Mrs. mother, Mrs. Annie Saun- of . Western ’ Morenz, Mr. and Mrs. of London, vis- with her son Mrs. Wa- constable, fall and ankle on St. Cath- with their parents, Mr. and Wilson_ Berry, of Toronto, BS SWEET CAPORAL W - J 2™! PUREST FORM IN WHICH V»/ TOBACCO CAN BE SMOKED.** * ___ Ann Berry, who returned With him for a visit;--*, Mrs. Edgar Cudmore and child ren are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Parker and Mr. Burton Keyes . Mr. and Mrs. I-Iarold Hanson and family at the er, with and with spent Mr. of *Mr. an- Exeter, hai tobogganin Hensall, t Arnold Nichol, son Mrs. Jas. A. Nichol, of the misfortune ■ while at Mr. Grant Ford’s, strike * a stone and cut liis leg, which required several stitches to close the wound. He was attend ed by Dr. D. G. -Steer. Arnold had. been holidaying at the home of-Stratford/visited last week! Mrs. Mary Buchanan, home of Mrs. Hanson’s' moth-J Mrs. Peter Schwalm. Mr. Bill MacLean and Miss Verna MacLean, of St. Catharines, spent Christmas with and Mrs. Robt. Mr, Charles merston, spent , owing to the serious illness of his sister, Mrs. Kate Cantilon. Miss Elva McQueen, Who is at tending London Normal School, Is j holidaying With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McQueen. . 1 Mr. and Mrs. ■'Abbott, of Detroit, | and t)r. and Mrs. Smith and fatn-; |lyf Of St. Marys, spent Christmas, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. 0. Petty, i Misses Edith Parkins, of St. Cath-J arines, and Enid Parkins, of Lon**!____ don, spent Christmas with tlieir par-1 tlon by Glen Campbell; piano sold, onts, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins, : Mrs. Charles McDonell and Pat- in Bowmanville. their parents, MacLean. Chapman, of a few days Mr. Pal- here *Cannel Sabbath Concert School of The annual Sabbath cert of Carmel church Monday evening with Weir as chairman and recitations of welcome by Shirley Bell, Joyce Pfaff and Kenneth Campbell. Recitations were also given by Donald Bell, Gerald Bell, Mary Campbell, Bobbie Bell and Kenneth Moir. A dialogue entitled "Trials of a Teacher”, was given by Glen’ and Arnold Campbell, and a dialogue, "Town Talk”, >was pre sented by Miss Pfaff’s class; recita tion by Arnold Campbell; piano solo, Miss ^largaret Dougall,' re citation by Gordon Moir, panto mime by Miss Pfaff’s class; recita- School con- was held on * Rev. Wm. opened with Mrs, Charlie Forest, and a panto mime, "Gates Ajar”, by Miss irehe hy are holidaying with the former’s] Hoggarth’s class concludetl the pro- daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and [ gram, after which Santa Claus ar-UCbU&ULtH CWJ-U tpvl* y Mrs, Ted Taman and Toni, at Lis-, towel, ! I rived and distributed the gifts from the tree. ti SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Dobbs spent the week-end at their home in Simcoe,* Miss Lorraine Dobbs, of London- spent the week-end under the parental roof., ' Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis enter- taiheid their family on Saturday to* a Christmas dinner. Mr.' and Mrs. Earl Atkinson, May- rene and Anna spent Saturday ev ening .with Mrs. McNichol, of Exe ter. Ml’, and Mrs. Henry Hodgins en tertained their brothel’s and sisters to a Christmas dinner Friday even ing. We are sorry to report that Miss Ilene Davis is confined to her bed though .illness. We wish her1 a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, George and Freddie spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest White ford of Prospect Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dobbs called on Miss Marie Dobbs on Friday evening. We are that Marie is home be up and around. Those who spent Christmas out of the community were Mr. Mrs. Dick Dickins with Mr* Mrs. R. Hunter,' of Exeter, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkin son in the evening; M-r. and Henry Hodgins with Mr. and I . A. Mullins, of Thamesford and Mrs. Fred Dobbs, George and Freddie, with Mr. and Mrs. Charlie | Fisher, of Exeter. . Christmas Day visitors in community were Mr. &nd Henry Hamilton, of Brinsley* Ryan, of Lucan, Mr. and Mrs. ence. Davis and Cameron, with Mr* and Mrs. James Tuimer; Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Theander and Douglas, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith; Miss Lorraine Dobbs, of London; Mr. Cliff Brock, of Elimville and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Spearin, Helen and Harvey, of St. Marys, with Mr. and Mrs. Minor (Dobbs; Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis and family with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Atkinson; Mr, .... '/__ Carroll and Ronnie with Mr. and Mrs. ‘Hugh Carroll.-— glad to report and is able to Day and and also- Mrs. Mrs Mr. this Mrs. Mrs. Clar- and Mi'S* Hai'ry Wm. Willert Christmas with, Isaac at Greenway, and Mrs,s Fred Bowden family spent Christmas with and Mrs. Robert Smith. Mr, and Mrs, G. O. Thompson, of Preston, called on friends in the village on* Christmas day. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Lightfoot and family spent Christmas Mr. and "Mrs. Alvin .Essery. ' Mr. and Mrs* Wm. Essery family were. Christmas guests Mr. and Mrs. F. Penwarden. Mr. and Mrs. George Flynn and family spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. J. Flynn, at Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Connor have gone to Windsor to spend the win ter with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burgie. Mrs. Thos. Willis and Mr. and Mrs. Harris West spent Christmas with Mr, and. Mrs. Roy Coward in Usborne. The people of the community ex-* tend their deepest sympathy to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce-Field, Bob and Win- nifred in their sad bereavement. Mr. -and Mrs., Harold Murray and < family spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hay in Exeter. Mrs. Hay returned with them for a few days’ visit. . -Guests for Chytetteas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mit'Chell were Mr. and Mrs, • Kenneth Hod gins and daughter, Eleanor May,' of Walkerton; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mitchell, Norman and Marietta, of London, and Miss. Ada Mitchell, R.N., of West Branch, Mich. ■Christmas visitors in the village were -Mr. and Mrs._ _______ of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baynham tawa, and his mother, field, and lin with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Con lin; Dr. and Mrs. Heighway, Miss Beatrice Essery and Miss Dorothy Hicks, -of London, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Essery and family, of Us borne, Mrs. B. Hicks and Stanley, of Fairfield, a.nd Hicks, of Shipka, with Mr.' Mrs. John Essery Wm. Skelton and Donald, can, Mr. son, -of Procter with Mr Don^d _ E. Carruthers, Mr. Leo Conlin, of Ot- lil- wumtsi’, of Elgin- Mr. and Mrs. J<^e Con- Miss Mildred and Mr. and Mrs. Of Lu- and Mrs. Ewart Powe and London, Mr. and Mrs. A. and family, of Clinton, Arthur Brooks; Sgt. Pilot . Hicks, of Hagersville and Mr. and Mrs. S. Henry and child ren, of Harriston, with Mr Mrs. Andrew Hicks; . Mr John Willis and family, Mr. and ley, of Clarence joi’ie, of Lewis Davey and family, of phen and Miss Flossie Davey, Mr. and and Mrs, with Mr. Mrs. Joe Smith Usborne, Mr. Smith, Leonard Biddulph, Mr. and and Mrs. of Exeter, and and and and Mrs. Richard Davey J. C. Smith. and Mrs. Centralia. read and ad-;their hc>me here. marital. Jean Brock read a story, j again after being injured in a mo- "’Christinas Chimes”, *--------•■*—* - ----* - - ■ hymn 58. “' '■aken by Anna Brock and the offer ing was received followed by hymn .53 and the meeting was closed with the Mizpah benediction. Visitors in the community on Christmas Day were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jaques, EVlma, Ray, Mr, and Mrs-; Wilson Morley, Maida and Ila, Mr, and Mrs. Russell Morley and Shirley, Mr. ana Mrs.’ Walter Gunning, Ml’, and Mrs. Melville Gunning and Muriel, Mr. and Mrs P. Passmore, Ayfmer, Lome and Alice, Mr. and' Mrs. Howard Kers lake with Mr. and Mrs. -Tames Earl; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart, Mr. George. Stewart, Miss Hazel Stew art, Mr.' and Shirley, Jim. Mrs. Charles with Mr. and ______ ____, Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen and Don ald, Mr. T. Pullen, Mr.' and Mrs. Norman Brock, Marion, Doris and Doreen and Mr. and Mrs. George Earl with Mr. 'and Hern; Mr..#’ and Mrs. lake and family, Mr. Parkinson and family, Malcolm Spence -with Melville Hern.- Mrs. T. Dickenson, and Ruth, Mr. and Stewart and Sandra Mrs. Warren Brock; V- Mrs. Harold Arthur’ Kers- and Mrs. H. Mr, and Mr. and Mrs.. Mrs, KIRKTON and Mrs. Wesley Batten have apdl Mr. Mr. Mr. and ■!v< V»< 1 ’All these services were at- by large congregations. Christmas soloist at the United church was Miss Baumgarten, who fittingly "All Bethlehem The Y.P.U., under Miss is having a profitable and inspiring year. .<*. '..Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rodgers, of New York, are spending the win ter at Miami Beach, Florida. They have invited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ben nett, of Detroit, to spend the month of February with them. Mrs. Rod gers and Mrs. Bennett are daugh ters of Mr. and- Mrs. Albert King, of Crediton. On Sunday evening last the min ister, the Rev. Lawrence H. Tur- made fitting reference to the Shir- Mrs. Mar- Mrs. Ste- witll Mr. of Exeter, Robert Smith. Y.P.U their last meet- Mr moved to their new home in the village. We welcome them. ’ j Mr. Jack Switzer, of St. Cathar-1 in.es, spent Christmas^ with his par ents, Mr. and Mr& Roy Switzer. I °®,r. AMr. Wm. Pym celebrated his 78th, 1®tirement of Mr. Geo. Mawhinney, birthaay Friday, December 19. Mr.iS“ f°' “"Sr?,"Xe. !“S Pym claims to be the oldest man In I the church. ” 1 4 kei gave able help and was also corporated in the thanks and ap preciation wliinney,” set an exceedingly . high standard which will not be easy to duplicate,” The ’happy association experienced Mrs. Mawhinney in CREDITON EAST Mr, Herb Truemner, of Flinty Mich, is holidaying at his hoipe hfere. Mr. Irvine Motz spent a few days in Exeter with his aunt, Mrs. Wm, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz, • Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and Mr. / BRINSLEY ' A biugo‘ Will be held in the West McGillivray hall Thursday January under the auspices of the Wi- Gillivray-Mf. Carmel Red Cross So ciety. Don’t miss it. (Intended for last week) The annual Christmas concert which was lieid in the United church^ on Thursday evening, December was a decided success. Under leadership of Miss MeDeod, school teacher, and Miss Ulehs, music supervisor in the school, numbers were well presented. IS, the the the the The Y.P.U. held ing for the year Tuesday evening with a good attendance. The of ficers for the coming year were elected as follows: Hon. presidents, Mr. Merriam, Mr. C. Skinner; Gerald Godbolt; vice-pres., Blair; sec., Marjorie Essery; sec,, Pearl Merriam; treas., niece Brown; pianist, Jean burn; conveners of programs, to roll call; recreation Elizabeth Steve Molnar; beadle, Dick Hos- king. After the election of officers a ^beautiful mirror was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Hodgson. The following address was read by Audrey Powe: Dear Doris and Reg: You lmve been faithful members of *our Young People’s Union and have helped to make it successful in numbers and objective. We ap preciate your friendship and your assistance and hope, though mar ried. you will continue with ns as formerly. fellowship and we do not want to lose you, We take much Pleasure in pre- pres., Bob asst. Ber- Hep- sec., Pearl Merriam; Brown; pianist, asst, pianist, Marie Buswell; according convener, Hone; “ press reporter, Our society needs your the village, | Mr. and Mrs. Wib Cluff left the] first of the week for Toronto, where' he has accepted a position with .the Provincial Police force. ; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Switzer' and family, of Highland Grove, are spending the holiday season with, by Mr. Lawrence Wein and mem- Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Switzer. ; hers of his choir are to be con-Miss Wanda Elliott, “ of Milford,1 tilluecL retrench was also Mich., and Miss Shirley 'F'ord, of( Flint, Mich., spent vacations with Mr. Elliott. Mr. Jack Switzer, tendered. "Mr. Ma- said the minister, "has their Christmas and. Mrs. Wm. uers oI tinned. | made by the minister for the ’ cellent service rendered by choir during 1941. Funeral of Helen Schenk Funeral services were held Helen Schenk, of .Crediton, who died at Lucan.' She was' in her 20th year. The services, wliich Were private, were held at the re- j siden.ee of her parents, Mr. and i Mrs. Nelson Schenk. Rev. A. E, Ptetch officiated. Miss Aldonna Barry spent Christmas with and Mrs. Harry Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon “ Merger and children spent Christmas in Exe ter with Mrs. Rebecca Stewart. . Pte. and Mrs. Stove Glanvilte and son spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Lome Hayden near Birr. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Heathe and two children, of Windsor, spent Christmas with Mr* and Mrs. I-L Kuhn. \ Pte, Steve Glanvilte returned to Don don Sunday after five days’ Christmas leave with his Wife and son here. „ J. Richard and ‘ son Melvin into the home they pur- from the Motz estate last We welcome them to our eX- the forsoti of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Switzer left for St. Cath arines this past week whore has secured a position. Mr. John Haniia has teased property from Mr, Bibby at fair grounds and will again be a re- sideiit of the Village. Mr. Russell Morley, of Whalen, 1 Wuerth_and Miss Verna Weill sang has secured a position Humphreys, filling the by Mr. Wib Cluff, who Has beeix with the Humphreys firm for the past three years. Maitland Hammond, of the R.C, A.F,, Kingston, was home on five days’ leave and white here he and Mrs* Hammond and daughter spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hammond of Stratford. Christmas family gatherings in and around the village were held in the homes bf the following: Mr. John Cluff, Mr. Frank Routly, Mr. James Willys, Mx% R. Humphreys, Mr. E. N. Shier, Mr. I* N* Marshall, Mr, Allan Fletcher, Mr, C, Routly, Mr. 0, Paul and Mr. Ross Marshall. he With Mr. R. vacancy left "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be” and Harry Hoffman sang "There is No Disappointment in Heaven”. The many beautiful floral tributes showed the.*, respect and high es teem in which she was held in the community The pallbearers were Dalton Einkbeiner, Eugene Fink- helper, Jim. Clark, Roy Clark, Ed ward Schenk Ruby Gaiser, nice Fahnet, pen May, Rota Clark and Helen Bullock wjere flower-bearers. , In terment was made in the Crediton Cemetery. The sympathy of the community Is' extended to the be reaved ’ family. and Emery Pfaff. Rhena Gaiser, Ber- BernicO Hhist, Hor Mrs. moved chased week, midst. Mr. Flint, Mich., and Mr, and' Mrs. Stew art Kuhn and two- children, of Ba den, spent the week-end and Mrs. H. Kuhn. ■ ■ —---------- and Mrs. M. Ryckman,. of with Mr* SHIPKA Mrs. Henry PfEtff has to her home in Stratford _ iting for a couple of weeks with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Gate. Mi*. MilfoM Mason and friend, of Oakville, visited Monday with friends here. returned after vis- A Christmas celebration was hold at the home of Mr, and Mrs. ■Gar* not Cookwell, of Stophen Twp, Among those present were Mrs, D» Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clipson and Hdith, of Ingersoll} Mr. and Mrs;. Hrank Irwin and two sons, of 'Putnam; Miss irno Irwin, of Sarnia; Mr. Robt Graves, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker and family and Mr, Oswald Walker, of Staffa and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Cor nish, of Exeter and Mr. and Mrs* L. Wasman, of Seaforth, i 11