HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-01, Page 4% I Tlwmlay, Mwy W» W bockinq—brown EXETER HENSALL As the Old Year closesj we welcome this opport- unity of thanking you for your liberal patronage of our stores. We sincerely wish you all a most Happy and Prosperous New Year Culminating in World Wide Peace, & Federation of Agriculture Hold ‘Banquet at Thames Road The Usborne Township Federa­ tion of Agriculture held a banquet in connection with their annual meeting at the Thames Road United church on Monday evening. About 125 men and women sat down to the., bountifully prepared supper -provided by the ladies of the church. A sing-song was enjoyed, led by Fred Dawson with Miss Margaret Earl, of Zion, at the piano. Solos were sung during the evening by Hazel Hern and Kenneth Johns. President < A. ' W. Morgan was in charge of the meeting and emphas- . ized the importance of building a strong organization through small groups affiliated organization. Secretary Elgin ed a membership ors going to the 28 members; what they were ten years ago When cattle, hogs and grain were sold ■far below the cost of production. Farms became delapidated and there was an exodus to the city. There is much to do *> in stabilizing farm prices and co-operation and leader­ ship is needed. The organization to be effective must keep clear of politics. There have been many politicians in our country ’but few statesmen. Mrs. McLean stressed the importance of women in the home doing all they could for the boys in our fighting forces and also for producing to the limit to pro­ vide food for the hungry. Rev. William Mair and Warden Passmore made short speeches. ---------V—■------ Dies in London THE EJCETBR TIMES-AW0CATI2. The Rev, altar white Mrs. Formex* Exeter High School Teachex1 Xs" MurideG at x*arkhill St. Paul’s United Church, Park­ hill, was the setting for one of the loveliest of the Christmas wed­ dings when Alma Ruth, eldex" daughtei" of Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Brown, Parkhiil, was united in marriage to James Henry Backing, of Windsor, eldei' son of Mr. and Mrs, J. E, Rocking, Kingston, ceremony was performed by E, F. Chandler, before an massed with palms, ferns, mums and tajj white tapers. Kenneth ‘P. MacKenzie was at the organ and the soloist Miss Helen Penhale, of Exeter, sang “O Pro­ mise Me”, during the signing of the register. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a wedding gown designed with a bodice of exquisite white lace with sweetheart neck­ line and bouffant skirt of het. Her long veil was held with a heart- shaped halo of lace and she carried an arm bouquet %f American Beauty roses and Christmas <poin- ■ settias and a lace handkerchief made especially for her wedding by the late Mrs, Richard MacSKen, of Forest. Her only jewelry was an antique silver locket, the gift of the groom. Miss Alice, Brown, Parkhill, and Miss Ruth Hall, Arkona, were her tivio bridesmaids Wearing similar gowns qf heavenly blue taffeta and gold taffeta with fitted bodices with sweetheart necklines and tier­ ed bouffant skirts. Shoulder-length veils were attached to theii’ hair with coronets of Talisman roses. They carried colonial bouquets of the Talisman roses, maids, organist and soloist strings of pearls, gifts of the bride. The best man was Tom4 Booking, Kingston, and ushers were -the four brothers of the bride, Harvey Brown, (Forest; Haig Brown, London, and Hugh and Pat Brown, of Parkhill. Following the ceremony a recep­ tion and dinnei' were given at the home of the bride, where Mrs. Brown received in black chiffon and lace, with small turban en­ circled with velvet flowers and- veil and corsage of American Beauty roses. Mrs. Booking wore a heav­ enly blue dress and hat with sage of Briarpliffe roses. At bride’s table were also seated brother and sister-in-law, Mr. Mrs. Harvey Brown, of Forest, lattex- formerly Miss Marjorie Ben­ ham, of ‘Parkhiil, who were mar­ ried a week ago. Mrs. Russell Hall, Watford, aunt of the bride, poured tea. For travelling the bride donned a smart black and turquoise dress with long torso lines; black and turquoise hat and black coat trim­ med with Persian lamb. The bride “ and groom will reside in Windsor where Mr. Booking is a member of the Windsor-Walker­ ville 'Collegiate Institute teaching staff. The bride received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Western Ontario, and the groom received his Bachelor and Master of Arts degrees from Queen’s University, Kingston. Among the out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. Fred Orr, Windsor; Dr. Harold Orr, Ridgetown; Cameron, Welland, and sell Foster, Owen Sound. ---------v—----- The brides- wore BIRTHS SCOTT—-At Olandeboye, on Wed­ nesday, December Ust, to Mr, and Mrs. Wilbert Scott, a son, MARRIAQE3 SWEETON-—DELBRIDGE—At vary United Church, London, on Tuesday, December 30 th* 1941, Lueiia Bernelce, only daughter ■of Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Delbridge, of Exeter, to Lieutenant Alex- ander Macdonald Sweeten, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs, And­ rew Sweeten, of Atwood, by Rev. D. McTavish, Cal­ DEATHS FIELD-—Suddenly, in Georgetown, on Wednesday, Decembex’ 1941, Axithur George Field, son of Mr, and Mrs. Bruce of Centralia, in his 22nd SKINNER—In Exeter, on j December 29 th, 1941, Priscilla* Bealey, beloved wife of the Samuel Skinner, in her year. 24 th, eldest Field, -V- Rowcliffe report- of .85, with hon- Eden group with 'Zion next with 17 members and Thames Ro-ad third with 16 members. The election of officers resulted as follows: ‘President, Wellington Brock; 1st vice-president, William Ellerington; directors, Oscar Tuck- ey, Jas. Simpson, Wm. Essery, Clark Fisher, Hern, Berry. Mr. president of tion, paid tribute to the Usborne federation, it being the second largest in the county and the coun­ ty membership being around 1,200'. He congratulated Warden Percy Passmore on his. appointment. He spoke of Huron County leading the province in the shipment of hogs _ and what the bonus meant to farmers. He referred to the duction of 'cheese and butter, of 'honey. The Federation of riculture had much to do with ting free freight rates on feed grain from the West. Something must be done to supplement the la­ bor situation if farmers are to in­ crease production. principal speaker of the was Mrs. Glenn McLean, of formerly Miss Carrie An- of the Thames Road. .Mrs. was referred to as a sec- She gave a interesting and timely ad- We regret that we haven’t Kenneth Fred Johns, Dawson? and Harold Hugh ‘Fred Watson, of Bayfield, the County organiza- the pro- also Ag- get- Rev. Robert E. and Mrs. Hicks, of London, who are well known throughout this "community, will have the sympathy of many friends in the loss of theii" daughter, Mrs. John M. Crawford, of 65 North St. Vincent Street, Sitratford, whose funeral took place Saturday after­ noon. Mrs., Crawford passed away in Victoria Hospital, London, on Christmas Day. She was born in Windsor and lived with the fam­ ily at Wallacetown, Chatham, St. Thomas, London, and for the past four years had resided at Stratford. She was a graduate of Alma College, St. Thomas, and was a membei’ of Central Baptist church, Stratford. She is survived by hex’ parents, husband and one brother, Robert B. Hicks, of Toronto. The funer­ al was held from the Oatman fun­ eral chapel with Dr. W. E. Mac- Niven and Rev. J. E. J. Millyard officiating. Interment was in St. Thomas cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hicks and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hicks, of Usborne, attended the funeral. cor- the her and the and Mr.s. and Mrs. Miss’.-Jean Mr. Rus- -V- The evening Kippen, derson, McLean ond Agnes McPhail, most dress. the space to print more of her ad­ dress. Thames Road church, she said, was still “the” church to her. She paid tribute to two or her for­ mer school teachers-, Mr. Henry Horton and Miss Bella McDougall; also to a former Sunday School teacher, the late Mrs. John Morgan, who with her class of girls main­ tained a perfect record dance for three years, but not least the grand who lived in the manse, ■Fletcher. Mrs. McLean __ _____conditions on the farm, to-day with j of atten- and last old man Dr. Colin compared Sunday School Entertainment The intermediate Sunday School of James St. church • were treated to a fine entertainment Tuesday the the “O and in­ Norma Knight evening. With J. H. Jones, superintendent, in the chair, program began with singing Canada”. Dawson Goulding Donald Southcott played an strumental duet; an instrumental solo and Elizabeth Gladman and Maxine Reeder, a vo­ cal duet. A Christmas carol quiz was conducted by W. R. Goulding, who also led in a sing-song. Car- frey Cann in a very able way con­ ducted a radio quiz between five boys and five girls from the various classes. . The boys were the winners and divided their prizes, chocolate bars, with the girls. Motion pic­ tures were shown, two reels of edu­ cational and two of comic. Page 4 AUCTION sale' WOODHAM . Weddipg bells are ringing here this week. * Mr. and Mrs. Black spent the holiday in London with, their daugh­ ter, Mrs. Lome McNaughton and children were with friends at Exe­ ter on the holiday. Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Essen, of Ed­ dy Mills are spending a few days at the latter's home here.Mrs. Jesse Jacques, Viola, Lloyd and Doreen spent Christmas with Mr. and' Mrs. John Selves, Thames Road. A great number of the children are laid up with measles and some of the grown-ups are also very ill with them. Mr, and Mrs. E- Hern of Zion and Mr, and Mrs. Rogers, of Kirk­ ton, enjoyed Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. David Stephens. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Copeland UOi and children and Mrs. G, Copeland Mr, and MrS- o -Pedersen. • ~ ’. and Mrs,’’ ! Adrian Pringle, of London. Mr, and Mrs. Edgai' Baker, of Zipn, spent the holiday with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Thompson on the 8th line of Blan- shard. Quite a few from here attended Whalen church Sunday evening last to hear the Christmas cantata spon- sored by the Centralia and Phalen choirs. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Anderadn daughtei" Shirley, of Washjng- Mr. and Mrs. Laverne .Stone daughtex’ Donna, of Kirkton Mrs, A. Gambrill and daugh- DASHWOOD < Rus$ell Tieman Is spending; the holidays with friends in Clinton. Mr. “.......~ called on friends here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer spent Sunday with friends in Kit­ chener, Mr, Christmas gUSy Mr. and Christmas Lansing, Mich- Mr, and Mrs. A, E. pestreicher and family visited friends don on Sunday# Miss Irene Martene, of spent Christmas with her Mrs. M. Martene. Miss Ella Martinson,, of public school staff spent the week­ end with friends here. Miss Karen (Pedersen, of London, spent Christmas with her parents, Leonard Birk, of Guelph, Harold Kellerman spent with her parents in Fer- 4 * tspent Christmas with Mr. Monday, Adrian Pringle, of Londe late 71st CARD OF THANKS \ ’’ ; ............... Miss Gladys O’Brien wishes thank' her many friends and neigh­ bors who remem'bered her with | cards, during to treats and many inquiries her recent illness. ---------V--------- CARB OF THANKS and Mrs. Ohlen TruemnerMr. and family wish to take this op­ portunity to thank all those who offered acts of flowers while a pital, and especially to Dr. lor and H. Hoffman for his bulance service, -----------y----------- and ton,- and and IV ter Violet, of London, spent Christ­ mas at the home of Mr; and James Squire.-------__V--------- Mrs. their help, and the many kindness, for the cards and sent to Mrs. Timemner patient in St. Joseph’s Hos- Tay- am- CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Schenk family wish to thank their many friends?.for the kindness and sym­ pathy shown them in theii’ recent sad bereavement, also fox' the many beautiful floral ^tributes and those who kindly loaned their cars. Special thanks to Rev. A. E. Pletch, Crediton, Dr. Patterson and and Mrs. McFalls, Lucan, Dr. lop and* Miss Ret& Ratz.---------V--------- CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Frank 'Triebner take,, 'this opportunity to thank all those who ‘remembered Frank with flowers, cards and 'treats while 'con­ valescing, following a car accident. . . w._..., • CARD OF/THANKS Rev and Mrs. Becker, of __ JHH wood wish to express their thanks and appreciation for the kindnesses shown by the friends of this com­ munity during the recent illness of their son, Douglas, 1 Mr. CARD OF THANKS and Mr. Dun- / Dash- andMr. and Mrs. .Bruce Field family wish to thank the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy extended during their the cars pall­ bereavement, especially floral tributes, the loan and to Rev. Mr. Merriam, bearers and Mr. Hopper. IN MWOBIAM SHANTZ—WOODS NUPTIALS" HERN—In loving memoi" Ken- , son late Rev. cere- RED CROSS NEWS Salvage ,w The collection on Saturday morn­ ing of this week will be south of Sanders St. and west of Main St. with Messrs. W- E. Sanders and Archie Ryckman in charge. Please have waste ,paper, magazines and newspapers ready, and on the ver­ andah or in a dry place. Some people may have other salvage ma­ terial ready fox' collection, but we would ask them to kindly this ready for collection' a latex’ on, as soon as we can a place to store it. A^nnial Meeting annual xneeting and keep little find elec- for •of the s our who ■y of •dear ' father, Henry Hern, suddenly passed away four years ago, December 31st, 1937. You are not forgotten, Father, ■ Nor ever will you be, ' ( As long as life and memory lasts We will remember thee. ■—Ever remembered by his daughter, son and family ...........V--------- - The tion of officers will be held in the Library on (Friday evening of this week at 8 o’clock. Reports of work and finances and instructions for the future will be given. A\full attendance from Exeter and the district will be welcome. This is a public meeting of all interested and all should be interested in this work. Thg treasurer, J. R. C. Moffatt, acknowledges . the following sums, received since January 6th: A friend, for blanket ........$ 2.0 0 Dashwood ‘Unit, dance, etc 120.75 R. N. Creech, sale Russian tickets ............................... Mrs. S. G. Gibson, sale of cake .;.............................. Mrs’. Cochrane two theatre nights ........................... .... A Friend ........................... Red Cross cards, Main St. Main St. Unit, donation and collection ......................... Exeter District War Time Comm., foi' wool............. Mrs. Howey, membership $23 Russian Relief, $6.00,.sale of smock, $U80 ..... Main St. Unit .................... Grand Bend Unit# auctioxi sale ................................ Mrs. Dore, 'Christinas cards Part cost of plate & postage Eastern Main St. ■Crediton , Bible Thames Grand Bend Unit, tickets ............. Elimville Unit, blanket fund Star ....................... , membership ........ Unit, Evangelical s.s......................:.... Road, membership Russian •V— IN MEMORIAM LOCAL NEWS 11.00 2..00 114.35 1.00 10.0'0 1.10 24.22 38.80 5.00 240.30 16 • 1 11 10 0.0 40 55 ■00 Mrs. W. E. Weekes and 5 5 00 00 10. 10 0,0' .00 ®3K»mimttaxnmnjcM G. F« SKINNER, Exeter COWARD—Ixi loving memory of Mrs. George Coward who died three years ago on New Year’s Day. loving mothex" so sweet and kind, What a beautiful memory she behind. gone from oux’ memory, gone from oux" love, gone to her heavenly home above. A left tiny Her tied Mrs. mat- wobl Not But Mr not -Husband and Family -—V—■■ -.. Billy spent Christmas with Capt. Weekes at Chatham. Capt. Weekes is spending New,J gear’s at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Hicks, Mr, and Mrs. Garnet Hicks and Marilyn and Mrs. H. Shapton, spent Christmas With Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Wilson, in London. AC Wm. Wilson, of St, Hubert, Que., and Corp. Ted Wilson, who Spent Christmas ents, Mr. and Mrs turned to their part of the Mr. and The Church of St. John the Evangelist in London, with white flowers on the altar and 'lighted tapers marking the guest pews, was the setting on Saturday afternoon, December 27th, at 5 o’clock, for the marriage of Catherine Anne, younger daughter of Thomas Staf­ ford Woods, and the late Mrs. Woods, formerly of Exeter, to neth Arnold Shantz, of Nobel of Cyrus B. Shantz and the Mrs. Shantz, of Preston. Charles James performed the mony, for which soft bridal music was played by Mrs. Meda Gunn. Christmas ^decorations made a love­ ly background for bridal flowers and candles. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was smart in her street-length tailored gown of white rabbit’s wool with acces­ sories in Christmas red and off-the-face hat, also in red. flowers were red carnations with white satin ribbons. Keith Schram, of Fort Erie, as ron of honor, was in green in street length with matching tur­ ban and carried white carnations tied with red satin ribbons. Edwin Aver, of London, was the best man and the- ushers were Kenneth l\Jills and Cyrus Shantz, Jr„ of Preston. The reception which followed was at the Bedford. Receiving with the bride and groom were the for­ mer’s sistar, Miss Marlon Woods, Wearing Dutch blue with matching hat and Corsage of red carnations and the bridegroom’s sister, Mrs. F. H. MacLatchy, gray gown and red carnations. Shantz taking of Preston, in a hat with corsage of Later Mr. and Mrs. a motor trip beforeleft on up residence at Nobel. ——-V—-—■ Ruth Fraser and Mr. GorMiss __ __ ___ don Emmett, of London, Spent the Yuletide with Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Fraser, ■> Bob Dinney and Mrs. C. L. Wilson motored to St. Catharines Tuesday and were accompanied home by Miss Nonna Wilson, who recent­ ly underwent an operation for ap­ pendicitis in St. Catharines hospi­ tal. She is recuperating nicely and stood the journey well. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cutting have received word from their son, Spr. W. C. Cutting, stating that he had arrived safely ill England. An­ other son, Robert, is already there. Mr. Wm. Gutting, Sr„ is6 himself a veteran of the last war. Another son# Jack, has twice tried to en­ list. Their son-in-law, Carl Myers, of Dashwood, is on active service in Nova Scotia. Mrs. Cutting’s brother# George Pringle, of To­ ronto', is a Sergeant Pilot at Man­ hattan and his son, William, is an officer in the Air Fores. Alvin Matches, pilot overseas, represented in A cousin, of Parkhead, is a The family is wail our fighting forces. week. Mrs, With their 'par- , C. L. Wilson, re­ duties - the latter Franklin Skinnei" and, family, of Elimville; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rundle and family, of Thames Road, and Mrs. Harding, Of town, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ford, of Far­ quhar. ' Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hunter Lois and girl friend; Mr. and Mrs#. Murray Neil and Beverley spent Christmas in Stratford, the guests of Mr. fainlly. and Mrs. Frank Hunter and •V- leg Fractured Eva t Penrose, while attend- her" household, duties Miss­ ing to Wednesday, Docembeiu 24th,, had misfortune to fall, fractui'ing right leg below the knee. —-—^~v^._^.„. right on. •the her Renew Now! FARM, FARM STOCK IMPLE­ MENTS and HOUSEHOLD EWECTS The undersigned anctioneex' has received instructions to sell by nub-i lie auction on LOT H), CON, 11, STEPHEN TWP. xniles ejxst and ij miles south of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY. JAN'UARY 7th, 1943 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following; REAL ESTATE—100 acres mpre or less, 18 acres of hardwood bush, plenty of water, soft and hard Wat* er, bank barn, 70x70 ft,; hen stable, driving shed, frame house with kitchen attached, woodshed, orchard and othei’ fruit. CHATTELS — Carriage horse, works single or double., CATTLE—Roan cow. milking; red cow, supposed to be in calf, still milking; red cow, supposed to be in calf; Jersey cow supposed to be in calf, still milking; fall calf, steei’ rising 2 years, heifer rising two years,2 stockex’ pigs, 40 mixed hens, 100 bushels mixed grain, quantity of feed beans, quantity of hay, 50 shocks corn,IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bind­er, 6 foot; mower, 5 ft. cut; spring­tooth cultivator, bean scufflex* with puller, combined; manure spreader, hay loader, 4-section harrows, rid­ ing plow, walking plow, double plow, wagon, gravel box,. M.H. disc fertilizex' drill, 3-hoe drill, 10-foot steel rake, light wagon, buggy, set of bob sleighs, logging chains, horse collars, set of double harness, hay rack, '2,000 pound scales, fan­ ning mill with "bagger, cutting box, root pulper, quantity of twine bags, 2 iron kettles, horse blan­kets, crosscut saw, saw-horse, scrap- • er, two-wheeled trailer, tires bought in 1941, small farm wagon cider barrel, water trough, out-throw disc, inthrow disc, extension lad­der, quantity of lumbei- hay forks, shovels, spades, neckyokes whiffle- trees.HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 500- d Viking cream separator, quaiivivjr vj, wuvj, organ, Raymond drop-head sewing machine, as good as new; 2 bureaus,' coal or wood heater, ‘small table, glass cupboard, ?, 2 arm chairs, 3 rocking __ . box stove, dining-room were Sunday i chairs, 2 couches, dresser, 2 stands, j nr..™ tr,. 1 bed kitchen stove drop-leaf table, kitchen table, chop boxes, cedar chest, sausage grinder, sausage stuffer, quantity of sealers, large clothes cupboard, bedsteads, quan­ tity of crocks, scalding barrel, pails, 3-burnei' oil stove. 2 kitchen stoves, 2 sinks, 3 hand sleighs, dishes, 8- day clock, 6 kitchen chairs and other articles too numerous to mention. ■ TERMS of Real Estate—10% on day of sale and balance in 30 daya. Sold subject to a reserve bid.TERMS Chattels—Cash. MRS. MARYAM WILDS, Prop. • MILFORD MERNER, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R.R. 1, Dashwood Phone 12r57 Dashwood --------_V-------- Mrs. Clayton Pfile epent holidays with friends in in Lop. Detroit, mother Toronto Murray Wolfe, of Fort Erie, vis­ ited with his parents, Mr. ‘and Mrs, W. Wolfe, foi' Christmas, Mr, and Mrs, Graham Arthur, of Exeter, spent Christmas with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. T. Hopcroft, Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Schatz, of To­ ronto, are spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Verne Schatz. Mrs, R. Geiger and daughter, Romaine, of Zurich, were .Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender. Mr.. Fred Hopcroft, the Navy, in Halifax, the holidays with his and Mrs. T. Hopcroft. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott and Lome Kleinstiver, of Bowmanville, spent Christmas holidays with their mother, Mrs. Kleinstiver. Mr, iChas. Steinhagen attended the funeral of the late Kerwood W. White, turnkey of Huron”' County jail, in Goderich, on Sunday. j Mr. Carl Oestreicher, who is at- pound Viking tending O.A7C. at’Guelph, is spend- Quantity of wood, who is with is spending parents, Mr, ing.the holidays ,with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Sam Oestreicher. Mr. Jacob Voelkei* and Wesley ’• settee, Voelkei' and sister, Mrs. Lydia Vai- J chairs, lett, of Flint, Mich,, 1---- visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. P. Kraft and Clara, Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Kraft and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kraft spent Christmas with Mi's, Stadettbauex’ and family, in London. Miss Amelia Willert, or London, and friend, of Dundalk, and Mr. Mervyn Willert, of London, spent the holiday at theii1 home. ’ Mr. and Mirs. Wm. Schroeder,, and family, of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Wildfong, of Lon­ don, were Christmas visitors with theii1 mother, Mrs. Hamacher. ‘George Tieman, who had an at­ tack of appendicitis last week, was taken to London on Tuesday where he underwent an operation. We are pleased ’to report zthat|. George is getting along fine. ‘ Mr, Lloyd Weido and Mr. Weido and friend, Miss Lentz, of Toronto, spent Christmas holidays with Mr. Mrs., Fred Schlundt and their ther, Mrs. L. Weido. Ray Emilie the and mo- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Re: CATHERINE MOTZ late of the Village of Crediton in .'the County of Huron/ Widow, J------ ed. ■ Creditors '■•: and others claims against' the estate said deceased afe*" requested deceas- •f * -V- CORBETT Hector here. He has been Sail- the great lakes the past sea- Murray called» onMr. friends ing on son. a Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hod­ gins and family, of Brinsley, on Sunday. > The children and parents*^ en­ joyed a visit with Santa Claus at the community Christmas tree in Parkhiil on Saturday afternoon. We aye. pleased to say Mrs. Ro­ bert Hutchinson, of Parkhiil, who is at present visiting at the home of hex’ daughter, Mrs. Fred Steeper, has recovered from a heav^ cold’and, is able to be up again. Lyle Steepei’ entertained Earl Steeper, Earl Hodgins, Max Hod­ gins, Arthur Corsant, Ross Corsant, Robert Bullock and Morley Pollock at his .birthday party on evening. Chrisytmas Day guests community were: Mr. and ry Appleton and Mr. and field’ Tetreau >and Mrs. Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins and Irene with Mr. and Mrs. David Eagleson and Don Mr. and and Mrs. ka; Mr. Parkhill, as Ryan Mason, Sr ry Hodgins and family; Pickering and Mr. Jack of London, with Mr. Thomas • Corsant and family having of the to send full particulars of such claims duly verified to II. Eilbei’ & Son, ^Credi- ton, on or before the 10th day of ! January, 1942, after which date the ; Executor will proceed to distribute j the assets of the said estate, having, regard only to the claims of which" notice has been received. Dated this 24th day of December A.D. 1941. WILLIAM MOTZ, R.R. 1, Centralia, EXECUTOR l-2tc ----------v---------- NOTICE TO CREDITORS having of the to send Saturday in Mrs. Mrs. of Grand Bend Joseph Hodgins tliis Har- Tuf- Mr. and of Mrs. Wes. Mellin Wm. Mellin, Sr. Thomas Ryan, With his father, Mr. Thom ; Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and : Harpley: with Mr. • of Ship- Jr., of Re: GEORGE DEVINE late of the Village of Grand Bend in the County of Huron, Gentleman, de­ ceased. ■ Creditors and others claims. against the estate said deceased are requested full particulars of such claims duly verified to H. Eilber & Son, Credi- ton, on or before the 16 th day of January, 1942, after which date the Executors will proceed to dis­ tribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which notice has been ' Dated this 24th day A.D.1941. ALBERT received, of December !■2tc DEVINE and DEVINE, Grand Bend, Ont. EXECUTORS —V-------- ■ NORMAN KHIVACharlie Mrs. Hen- Mr. Cecil Pickering, and Mrs. ___ . . .. ___-ly; Mr. Robert Hodgins, of London, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hod­ gins; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Muri'ay and soft Bobby with Mr. and M|| Robert Murray at Harpley; and Lyle' gios Mr. Jean Young, Corbett with Mr Mr. Ray lock and ahd ily, cedar mer Burney with Mr. Freeman Hodglnsl Mr. ___ Fred Steeper, Earl aud Willis, with ........... u^u^ucers Mrs^ Hutchinson; Aldeno and Joann# of Detroit; Mrs, Melissa Gardiner, sons Earl L.. Hamacher, of Dashwood and Bruce, With Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Messrs. Elmore Willert and n Miss Mildred Neeb, of Loudon, spent Christmas at her home here. MiSS Lorna Kraft, Of spent. Christmas with hex' Mr. and Mrs..E. G. Kraft. Mr. Gordoix OiRourke, London, parents, Mrs. Mr. andMrs. Garfield <Steeper ■with Mi;, and Mrs. Hugh Hod- and family, Mollard Line; and Mrs. Gordon Young and ,witli Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Mr. Jas., Pollock and Mrs. Milton Pollock; Mrs. . ,Wm. Bullock Mr. and^ Mrs. George Billy, of Greenway", Wm. Hodgins with James Eagles on and Swamp; Mr. and Mrs. Ch­ and Mrs. and Mrs. and with and Mrs. MM and Bub Mr, Mr. fam- Mr. Mrs. ■and Hall * -------- ---------, of Lon­ don, spent a few days last week with his brother, Mr. Jerome O’Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Pius Dietrich and family, spent Christmas with the latter’s parents, Mr, and Mrs. Of Drysdale. Gordon Sararas and Ayotte, Mr. 1*, hismother, Mrs. G. Sararas, of Zurich, 1 and Miss Meta Sararas, of Toronto,, spent Christmas with Mr. a*id Mrs. Otto Willerfr • Miss Leona McCann,.. nwrse-iin training in St. Joseph’s Hospital, last and London, visited a few days week with her parents, Mr. Mrs, B. McCann. « , Sunday visitors with Mr. Mrs. Arthur Willert were Mr. „_ Mrs. Wm. Schroeder and daughters. and and ta Gardiner, sons Karl L.. Hamacher, of Dashwood and* with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. I Messrs, Elmore Willert and D. Des- ! Jardine, of Grand Bend. .ijj )■f