HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1942-01-01, Page 1ESTABLISHED 1.873 We wish to express our deep appreciation of your liberal patronage of >this store during the past year We sincerely hope the year 1942 may be a happier and more prosperous one for all EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNINQ JANUARY 1st, 1942 EXETER FINANCES J. A. TRAQUAIR r extends best wishes for a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS .NEW YEAR Canadian Legion, Exeter-Hensall Branch 'ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Exe­ ter-Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion will be held Friday, January 2nd, at 8.30 pan. All members are urgently requested to attend this j meeting.4 | We conunend to , our members the Special Day of Prayer Service] in Main St. Church New Year’s night. I I Mr. .and Mrs. Sandy Elliot and family have moved from William St. into their new apartments over tile Ford Garage. -------—— Mr. Fred Wells, while doing hife chores Christmas eve, had the mil­ fortune to fall from the haymofv to the floor of the barn, which laid him up for a few days. --------.V__----- On Page Three of this issue the Exeter Ladies’ Wear announces a final going Monday evening, the date set by statute for the meeting of local ratepayers to receive and discuss the annual financial statement, saw only five ratepayers and a scatter­ ed representation of the various boards in attendance. After dis­ cussion, however,, the schedule of the meeting was carried out.as far ps possible; The decided lack of Interest “was due, in considerable measure, tp the fact that no munici­ pal elections will be held this year, Clerk C, V. Pickard occupied the chair and called on Reeve B, W, Tuckey, the first speaker. The Reeve explained the various items of receipts and disbursements and stated that the tax situation has been steadily improving with the collection Of a large sum in arrears. He also mentioiied the improvements fn the town hall pro­ perty. The speaker continued his remarks ■with an explanation of his duties as a member of the ’County Council and-of ‘ the County Home and County Police .Committees, The county has, by a change bf policy in the management of the Children’s Aid Society, decreased its “'expenses and raised its grant for this serr vice. In the County Home a fire detector system has been installed and water has been supplied by a main tapped intp the one feeding the Radio School. The county is free of debt for the first time in its 100-year Councillor speaker of position as perty Committee he told of the vast improvement that1 had been made to the town hall property by the addition of two new cells, which can now be used instead of taking minor offenders to Goderich to be held even, for a . short time, Councillor Taylor, chairman of the Roads and Bridges Committee outlined the attention 'that' had been given the Streets of the town during the year, A certain amount of high grade -hadtbeen se­ cured, for patching and repairing and during , the ’ fall season a con­ siderable ' amount of fine gravel had been applied, Councillor Tay­ lor said he realized that the use of this material had been criticized but due to the reduced rate at which it' had been secured, it was considered good value, in view of the rising price of road building materials. The ‘ speaker then told Of his activities as chairman of the Housing and Boarding mittee. ‘ Fifty families have been placed in homes and many that number of boarders been helped to find lodging, voiced his regret that all those who were willing to take boarders were not able to get them. \ Mr. W. G. Medd spoke for Arena Committee, telling of addition -of new equipment the favorable balance of $400 which is now on hand, gretted the fact that the various activities |(shuffleboard, volley-ball, etc.) had ceased, but he said that the arena was operated profit basis and as such ing on successfully. Reeve Tuckey spoke time as representative of which had no special Speakers on hand. He complimented* all the municipal bodies on their fine management and said*” that all were* operating with the thought in-mind that Canada- is at war, and that everything must be done to. keep unnecessary, expenses down that the full benefit of our earnings may be devoted' directly to the cause -of victory. ' The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. PUBLIC MEETING Shty-Ni A Yew ARE REVIEWED AT clearance sale, previous out of business. •Vr ANNOUNCEMENT to and Mrs. John Haist, of Cre- Ont», Will celebrate theirdivOHj golden wedding anniversary on Jan­ uary 5th, 1942 and will be “at home1" to their friends ffdm 2 to 5 o'clock; in the afternoon. p history. Hern was the second the evening. In his chairman of the Pro­ Com- times have He the the and almost He re­ on a non- was carry- a second the boards -V- FORMER EXETER BOY APPEARING IN LONDON Earl Heywood} formerly of Exe­ ter, and now residing in Londou, apeared on the Stage of the Patricia Theatre in London last Friday ev­ ening. Earl has gained consider­ able notoriety because of songs wjhich he has composed, having completed m'ore than seventy-five tunes and lyrics: “Living in the Army**, composed while in camp at Chatham during the past yehr, became quite popular with the boys and has since been heard over the u B.iJ’.C. from England. At the present time tests are being carried out With the songs by a recording company in the States. At‘ the beginning of the Kew Year Earl will commence appearances on the stage of the Grand Theatre in London. Nineteen forty-one has been an extraordinary year, Germany has outdone herself in perfidy and cruelty. That was to be expected of a lhnd that had turned its bach upon all that makes men great, Japan has practised a treacherous meanness that has surprised us, Associating with Germany” destroyed her practical sense. She is yet to learn that the companion of fools shall be destroyed. Russia has been the wonder of the world as well as the surprise of all history. Her timely and effective aid to Britain and her friends exemplifies once more that God moves in a mysterous way. Prime Minister Churchill and President Roosevelt joined bauds at the lighting of the White House ‘Christmas tree. Together these mighty men bowed in the same church to offer thanks and confession to Almighty God and to beseech His guidance in their hour of common peril. Extraordinary as are these events, they bring out the valor of Freedom's defenders on the sea and ‘in the air and by land. There is nothing finer in the annals of devotion than the conduct of the defenders of Hong Kong. But why particularize, when heroism lays her mark upon miners and sea merchant marine and knitters and nurses, doctors and workers in every craft that sustains liberty in her struggle for existence. Of nineteen forty-two we is stormy but We know Who is thick darkriess, ■ but there will unseen. The stars will give and the strife there is the watchful eye of Him without whose knowledge not a sparrow falleth. have nothing, but hope. The sea in. the boat with us. There will be be the sun in its serenity, though their light. Over all the tumult THREE EXETER PERSONS INJUREDTN CAR ACCIDENT Three Exeter persons were in­ jured in an automobile accident Christmas Eve. Reynold Wuerth, accompanied by his mother, Mrs. A. E. Wuerth, and by Jim Moffatt, was on his way to London to meet his sister, Miss Elva, who was coming home for the holiday. On the high­ way near Centralia a car driven by John H. Perchbacker, of London, was proceeding north and crashed head-on with the Wuer-th car. Both cars were ditched and damaged to the extent of about $^50.00. Mrs. Wuerth escaped with bruises and a shaking up: Reynold suffered a broken rib and a few scratches. Jim Moffatt suffered a lheerated tongue, a cut over the forehead and other bruises. It is stated that Wuerth was well over to the shoulder of his own. side of the road when the crash occurred. Pro.-. Viricialv officer F. Taylor, of Clin­ ton, investigated. Both cars were brought to Snell Brothers garage. ---------V--------- LOCAL BOY IN R. C. A. F. RECEIVES COMMISSION * Pilot-Officer Ralph Delbridge, who is visiting his parents on a two weeks’ furlough, received word on Christmas Eve that came as a fine Christmas present. On De­ cember 19th Ralph graduated as a pilot’ from No. 9 "Service Flying Training School at Summerside, P.E.I. He passed with flying colors and did so well that he was grant­ ed a commission. Word of his ap­ pointment came the day before Christmas. •v- MRS. PRISCILLA SKINNER PASSES AWAY IN EXETER Mrs. Priscilla Skinner passed away rather suddenly Monday af­ ternoon in her 71st year. The de­ ceased had not been in good health for several years but was. able to be up and around. On Sunday she was taken ill and on Monday after­ noon she passed away, her death coming as a surprise to her rela­ tives and friends. Born in Us- •borne, she was a lifelong resident of* this community. Her maiden name was Priscilla Bealey. She was united in iharriage to the late Samuel Skinner who predeceased her about 27 years. Twenty-five years ago the family moved to Exe­ ter from Usborne. She was an ac- SGT. PILOT ELLIOT ARRIVES IN SINGAPORE Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Elliot receiv­ ed a cablegram on Tuesday, stating that their son, Sgt. Elliot, had arrived at Singapore. His R68262, R.C.AJF. T.U., R.A.P., Singapore,. No doubt he will be glad to receive a letter from some of his old friends. Pilot Harold A. safe and well new address is Overseas, 130 Malaya. ---------y.-----— $4000. WORTH OF TURKEYS Hotter sleeping in one of his col­ ony houses for close on to two months with a shot gun at his side, Percy Harris, of Chiselhurst, was able to. market for the Christmas trade close on to one thousand tur­ keys, for which he was paid the handsome sum of about $4,000. The raising of such a-v large flock was no easy task but Mr, Harris ac­ complished It this season with the loss of only a few birds. On one occasion a few weeks ago, Mr. Har­ ris was awakened by a disturbance amongst his flock and on inves­ tigation he found three men ap­ proaching with empty sacks and a parked automobile some distance away. The men, on being discov­ ered, made a hasty get-away. The plucking of the feathers from the turkeys, required a number of per­ sons for several days. Mr.z Harris marketed his turkeys at Stratford. ---------V-------- - SWEETON—DELBRIDGE In .a quiet wedding at Calvary United church in London on Tues­ day afternoon with * Rev. Duncan MacTavish officiating, Luella Ber- neice, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Delbridge, Exeter, be­ came the bride of Lieutenant Al­ exander Macdonald Sweeton, only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sweeton, Atwood. Given in mar­ riage by her father,, the bride wore a floor-length gown of true blue taffeta and carried a bouquet of Sweetheart roses. '**' ’ * * Miss Mary Sweeton, sister of the groom, was gowned in California rose taffeta and carried a colonial nosegay of roses and violets. Pilot ‘Officer Ralph Delbridge, brother of the bride, was the best man. Mrs. J. G. Cochrane presided at the or­ gan. After the reception which was held at The Grange, Lieutenant and Mrs. Sweeton left for Toronto and Ottawa, the bride travelling in a frock of brown poplin, brown fur­ trimmed hat and muskrat coat. They will reside in Ottawa. ----------y---------- CENTRALIA YOUNG MAN- KILLED BY TRAIN IN PRIME OF LIFE The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruco Field, of Centralia, was saddened for Christmas Day by the sudden ac­ cidental death of their son, Arthur George I^ield, who was killed at Georgetown Wednesday, Decem­ ber 24th. Arthur had been work­ ing as baggage master for the C.N.R. at Georgetown for nearly three weeks, He was walking along the tracks during an early mprn- ing fpg when he was struck by a train that was running an hour and a half late, he the He the fng It is believed that, was confused, believing that train had gone through on time, was left the brought Hopper's ........,............. era! from Mr. Hopper’s parlors was held on Saturday morning. The remains were taken to St. George for interment. The deceased for a number’ of years had been a resi­ dent of Gentralia, where his fath­ er is station master. He attend­ ed the Exeter High School and was popular with his fellow students. Before going to Georgetown he had ° been at Malton for several weelrs. Besides his parents he is survived by one brother, Robert, at Merri- ton, and one sister, Winnifred, at home. The funeral on Saturday was conducted by Rev. My. Mer­ riam, of Centralia. The bearers, who accompanied the remains to St. George, were Messrs. Gordon Baynham, Jack and Will Essery, Frank and "Stanley Hicks and Har- ■ old Penwarden. The sympathy of the community goes out to reaved. struck by something* on side pf the "head, fractur- skuli. The remains ‘were to Exeter in Mr, E. II. ambulance and the fun- the be- -V- INSTAL OFFICERS officers A.F. & On Monday evening the of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.M., No. 133, were duly installed by the installing master, Wor, Bro. E. M. Dignan, with Wor. Bro. G. W. Lawson as director of cere­ monies. The -officers are: W.M,, Wot., Bro. H. H. Cowen; I.P.M.r Wor. Bro. K. J. Lampman; Sr. W.» Bro. J. B. Dawson; Jr. W-, Bro. A. Buswell;.. -Chap., Wor... Bro, E. Dignan; Treas., V. Wor. Bro. W. Taman; sec., Wer. Bro. R.‘ Creech; D. of C., Wor. Bro. G. Lawson; Sr. D., Bro. H. W. , Bro. J. F. Dawsorn; E. 'M. w.. N. W. Lewis; Jr. D. __r Inner G., Bro. W. M. Cann; Sr. s7, Bro. E. J. Green; Jr. S„ Bro. W. G. Cochrane; Tyler, Wor. Bro. C. G. Salter. ..At the close of the in­ stallation light refreshments were served. The newly-elected master presided over a short program. Rev. Wm. Weir, of Hensall, gave an interesting talk on the“Pythagor- ean” system and the early thinkers. Past masters Dr.. Campbell and W. Goodwin, of Hensall, gave short speeches. -v- WEEK OF PRAYER A week of prayer will be held in the churches of Exeter during the first week of the new year. Ser­ vices have been arranged by the Ministerial Association as follows: Tuesday, Jan. 6, Caven Presbyterian church. Speaker, Rev. M. A. Hunt. Wednesday, Jan. 7, James StreetThe. bridesmaid,1 United church. Speaker, Rev. N. L •tive1 „ "mber Tthe nMarStan uT I CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND s/T- -.................... One of his songs, which he ited church. Surviving are three sons, Cecil, of Usborne; Harold and Gerald, of ‘town, and four daugh­ ters, Mrs. Eli Brown and Mrs. Frank King, of Crediton, Mrs. William Hooper, of the Lake Road and Miss May at home. The funeral took place .from the funeral parlor of E. R. Hopper Wednesday after­ noon conducted by Rev. N. J. Woods. The bearers were Messrs. Ernest Hicks, Richard Quance, Everett Skinner, Wellington Skinner, J. Hu­ bert Jones and John Jones. In­ terment took place in .the Exeter cemetery. ----—_V--------- The Christmas season was one of the most Satisfactory in many years according to some of the merchants. The usual Crowd of 'Christmas buyers was on hand the last few days before, the holiday. Wrist Fractured Mrs. Swan, of town, had the mis­ fortune to fall while coming out of her home on Saturday, fractur­ ing a bone in her right wrist. ^The ‘Christmas Cheer fund this year made possible the distribution of thirteen baskets on Christmas Eve and in addition assisted in pro­ viding entertainment for the child­ ren of the ‘Community on the oc­ casion of the visit of Santa Claus to Exeter. The -total amount rais­ ed was $i84.00. The amount ac­ knowledged last week was $*?9.00* Additional contributions were: W. G. Medd, $2.00; J. W. Hern, $1.00; Frank Coates, $1.00; C. V. Pick­ ard, $1.00. Total, $84.00. -------- ------------------------------- Woods. Thursday, Jan. 8, Main St. United church. Speaker, Rev. A. Friday, church. Weir, Services at 8 p.m. -------—V--------- Mr. W. J. Carling is confined to his home through illness. His friends hope to see him around again soon. The Christmas weather waq very mild with no snow. It turned cold­ er the following day and a light fall of snow covered the ground. The weather has been frosty since that time. Jan. 9, Trivitt Speaker, Rev. Page. Memorial William ---------V-—----- William Warchkonen, a worker at the Centralia airport, who was arrested in Exeter and taken to Goderich charged with unlawful assault on a fellow* workman, cams up for trial in Goderich and has been committee to the Ontario Hos­ pital. •with duty Mr. Harry Lewis, who is. the Rural Hydro has been off .. , owing to injury to his back When he fell on some ice while working at the Cdntfalla* airport. Bl-anshard Township has returned- its municipal officials by , acclama< ttfcn. They are: Reeve, t)r, G. H. Jose; Councillors, A. D, Irvine, W. G. Arthur, H. L. Ruthig, Trhemiih Tufts; School 'trustees, James Spalding, John Stephen and Robert Marriott. County Constable John Fergu­ son, Chief J. Norry and Constable William Wareing, of totvn; Con­ stable George Westlake, of Grand Bend; Chief C. Steinhagen, of Dashwood and Chief E. Thiel, Of Zurich, were at Goderich Sunday afternoon attending the funeral of Kerwood Wellington White, turn- key of Huron County jail, whose death occurred in Tdfonto after he was alleged to have been attacked by a young prisoner attethpting to escape from custody*. ", Warden Percy Fassmote and .members at the county council were also In at­ tendance at the funoraL