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Coming to Hensall
C. R. Wilkinson* R.O.
Ophthalmic Optician
will be at W. O. GOODWIN’S
Store, every 1st and 3rd Tuesday
ip the month, for the purpose of
testing eyes and fitting glasses.,
Difficult cases and those that
have not been properly fitted,
specially recommended to con
sult me, Hours IQ a,m. tn 6 p,m-
Phone 16 Hensall
for appointment
chair and opened by singing “Joy
to the World”, Allowed by the
Lord’s prayer in unison*.' The scrip
ture, Matthew 2:1-1*0, was read by
Mrs. Brook. Prayers were offered
'by the members. Mrs. Hedden fa
vored with a vocal solo accompan
ied by Miss Irene Douglas at the
piano. Miss Jean Murray presided
oyer the business, after which Mrs.
Jinks led in prayer. The meeting
closed by singing “A Better Day Js
Coming” and the benediction.
Public School Concert
The annual Christmas Concert
at the Public School was held on
Friday afternoon with the princi
pal, Mr. Claude Blowes, as chair-
New and Old Time
Romph’s Orchestra
gift’service was held in
Presbyterian church on
morning when the children
gifts for the War Memorial
ThO December meeting of the
Mission Circle will be held at the
home of Jean Brock on Sunday
morning, December 28, at
Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern visited on
i Hany Hoffxnan spent a tew
! in Toronto last week,
Mrs. Cprrie is on the sick
VjTe hope for a speedy recovery. ; X!
'Miss Jean Cole has left to spend:
a few days at her home near’
Kirkton, J?
Mrs. John Snyder, of St. Cathar-
ines, is visiting with her mothei’,.
Mrs. Hayter* |
George Tiernan, son of Mr, and.Mrs, A* Tiexnan, is very ill with an- 'i®
attack of appendicitis,
Donald Qestrelcher and Eunice
Oestreich er, of London, are spend
ing their holidays at their heme
Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N., of How
ell, Mich., spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Na-
Word was received here on Sun
day of the death of Mrs. Meyer, wife
of Rev. T. 'B. Meyer, a former’ pas
tor in the Evangelical church. In
terment took
Mrs, Grace
Miss Shirley
spent the week-end with the for
mer’s mother, Mrs. D. Schroeder,
who has been on the sick list. We
are glad to report that Mrs. Schroe
der’ is improving.
Mrs? W. Bowden is nursing Mrs.
Kestle in Exeter.
Mr, and Mrs. M. Sleamon and
June were Sunday visitors with
Mrs. J. Sleamon.
The Misses Mae, Ruby and Eva
Merriam are holidaying with their
parents, Rev., and Mrs. Merriam,
Mr. Rex Mills, of Wyoming, and
Mr. and Mrs. Truman Mills, of Sar
nia, spent Friday with their moth
er, Mrs. H- Mills.
Miss Norma Durham* who has
been staying with her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Field, is
spending a couple of weeks at her
home in Heirsburg.
Miss Mildred Hicks, of Shipka, is
spending the vacation with her
mother, Mrs. B. Hicks. Miss Doro
thy Hicks, of London, spent
week-end with her mother.
Christinas Concert
The Christmas concert put
by the Sunday School, the Home
and School Club and the School
was presented in the schoolroom
of the church on Friday evening
'before a largje and appreciative
audience. The numbers were well
given. The school children were
assisted by their
tor, Mr. L. Wein,
patriotic .pageant.
Mrs. L. Hicks, the
Wein, for the fine
A world crisis such -as todays# olariHas’to
each and every one of us the problems of
the Farmer, Workman* Business Man, Man
ufacturer and Consumer*
Appreciating one anpfhers” burdens,
Christmas means more to us this year than
ever before* c
■ ’ A-
-To our New Friends at the Airport,
To the Farmers,
To Fellow Business A^SPOlUtO.^-’
To All
of Exeter*,
week in th erCROMARTY
• Miss Mary Currie left the begin
ning of tho week for Toronto, where
she will spend the winter with hex*
Very bad colds have been pre
valent of late and many who have
been laid up with them are im
Mrs. Robinspn, who has been on
the sick list, is improving and is
able to be up and around although
not out of doom’s.
Christinas Cbncert
The annual concert was held in
S.S. No. 6 on Thursday last. The
program, given chiefly by the schol
ars under the efficient leadership
of Mr. Roy Goulding, consisted of
a cantata composed of boys and
girls of the school, who did their
part in an excellent manner. There
was a good representation of par
ents and neighbors. Mr. Goulding
deserves much credit for the able
manner in which he instructs the
children in singing. This is a very
commendable work and a very wor
thy one for the children of to-day,'
as the pupils of a few years ago did
Thursday with Mr* and
Myron Culbert* of Lucan.
Mrs. A. Gunning, of Exeter,
visiting in the community,
Alma Ratz left on
spend the ‘Christmas
her home in Crediton.
Mrs. George Earl,
spent several days last
Mrs. Orville Roger and son
vid visited on Wednesday with
and Mrs. E, Hern.
The Christmas service was held
at 'Zion church on Sunday. There
was special music ‘by the choir and
the Christmas message was given
by Rev. A Laing, An offering was
taken which amounted to $18,10,
This is to be turned ovei’ to the
Evening Telegram foi’ the Junior
Fund to bring Christmas Cheer to
the children of Britain.
Cln'istmas Concert
The Christmas concert was held
in Zion church on Friday evening
There was a large crowd in atten
dance and the program was open
ed by a patriotic pageant arrang
ed by Mr. Lawrence Wein, music
teacher, Harry Hern gave historic
facts of the nation—Britain, Eng
land, Ireland, Scotland, ending with
Africa, Canada and the Islands of
the Empire, Australian soldiers,
sailors, airmen, Red Cross nurses
and Uncle Sam were represented by
the school children. Patriotic songs
were sung as
^stage. The
consisted of
tions. Much
en to the teacher, Miss Alma Ratz,
and the music teacher, Mr. L. Wein
for making the program such a
Sick Children’s Hospital in Lon
don and the older members of the
congregation brought their dona
tions for the British Children’s
Christmas Fund, amounting to
$20.00. At this service the fol
lowing were presented with dip
lomas and seals: For memory work,
Margaret Campbell, Bruce Moir;
for perfect Sunday School atten
dance, Lila and Betty Moir, Dolly
Hildebrandt, Florence Schwalm,
Lois and Marion MacLaren, Maxine
Pur^y, Billy Campbell, Donald and
Ronald McKinnon. Lois and Mar
ion MacLaren were awarded seals;
for a two-year period of perfect at
tendance. The auditorium of
Gordon Campbell is assisting iru the Rost Office during the Christ-’
mas season.
Miss Marie Bell, of London, spent
the week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Wm* iG. Bell.
Mr. William Cook, of Vancou
ver, B.C., is visiting with his moth
er, Mrs. Catharine Devlin,
Mr, and Mrs. Russel Keyes, of
Mitchell, visited on Sunday with
Mr. and (Mrs. Harold Parker.
Miss Hazel .Smillie, of Atwood, is
holidaying at the home of her par
ents, Mr, and Mrs. Jas, Smillie.
Miss Enid Parkins, of London,
spent the week-end at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Par
spending the Christmas holidays' x „with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John I c,urch was decorated lor -the
Elder> vice by Gordon Campbell andJeanette and- Billy Hicks return-^ T1Xe choir sang twQ
ed home after spending a week witb' ftrnR
■their grandmother, Mrs. Nichols, at
Mrs, Geo. Walker* is spending a
few days this week with her daugh
ter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Geo. Gould, in Clinton. •i
Mr. Sid MacArthur has receiv
ed the contract as rural mail car
rier on R.R. 2, Hensall, and will'
commence his duties on January
Mrs. Wilfred Freeman, nee Isa-
bell Saundercock, who has been
confined to Byron Sanatorium for
the past four years, is able to re
turn to her home and has been vis
iting during the past two
with her mother, Mrs. Annie
The winning ticket on the hook-j
ed .mat donated to the Exetor-Hen-
Lome Elder, of Galt, is
. . i
I thems, “The World’s Redeemer”,
and “The Nativity Song”, with Mrs.
Malcolm Dougall and Mrs. Jas. Pat
terson singing the duet. Rev. Wm.
Weir conducted the service and
spoke on the subject, “Christmas
Gifts.” .At the evening service
the choir sang two anthems, “The
Song and the SUr” with Miss Mar
garet Dougall ’taking the obligato
solo, and “This Holy Night”, solo
ist, Miss Irene Hoggarth, and obli
gato duet by .Misses.Irene' Hoggarth
and Mabel Workman. Mr. Weir
delivered an inspiring message on
"Christmas in Time of War”.
White Gift Service in .United
, Chlurch
have this golden opportunity.
■----------_■?.------------- •
IV. M. S. Meete
place in Elmira on
Doerr and daughter*
Doerr, of Detroit,
each one came on the
rest or the program
dialogues and recita-
credit should be giv-
Christmas service was held
Sunday morning in the United
church when Rev. R. A. Brook de
livered an inspiring sermon on the
sail Branch of the Canadian Legion! subject, “The Fullness of Time”,
by Mrs. Fred Bonthron, was sold ■ The choir sang an anthem, “There
to Miss Grace Ortwein, of Zurich,; Were Shepherds.” Dr. I. G. Smil-
, lie sang a solo, “The Holy City”,
I Miss Greta Lammie played a vio-
| lin solo entitled “Intermezzo”; so-
i prano solo with violin obligato, “O
Little Town of Bethlehem,” soloist,
Mrs, Maude Hedden, violinist, Miss
Greta Lammie and Miss Mary Good-
' win presided at. the console of the
organ. The church was beauti
fully decorated by Mrs. G. M. Drys
dale and Dr. I. G. Smillie.
A white gift, service was held
in the evening with the entire pro
ceeds being given to the Evening
amounted to $137.50. r~’
' cessional hymn, “O Come All Ye
Faithful” was led by the choir and
■the teachers and pupils of the Sun
day School inarched to the front
pews of the
ren’s chorus,
the Air” was
in'g by Ross
the Night the Wise Men Caine”. An
exercise by four boys was followed
by an address by Rev, R. A. Brook,
after, which the choir sang “Now
ell, Nowell”, Miss Mary Coleman
‘read a selection entitled “Legion
of Cathay”. Mr. Edison Forest
gave a reading entitled “Our In
spiration”, followed by an anthem,
“Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”, Af
ter the “Legion of Long Ago”, the
secretary, Edison Forest, present
ed the gifts and called the roll,
followed by a quartette of dedica
tion by Patsy McDonell, Gloria
Twitchell, Marion Sangster and
Ruth Hess. The service conciude’d
with the benediction and the Na
tional Anthem.
Miss Lettie Love* of Toronto, is
with hex;
by Mrh. Maude Hedden,
feather pillows,
Wein, of Crediton, were
Mr. John Willis, of Exeter.
Anglican Church Holds Supper
and, Christmas Tree
The Anglican church members,
held a ’delicious supper in the
schoolroom of the church' on Thurs
day evening after which Rev. M. A.
Hunt was chairman and numerous
Christmas carols were sung, ac
companied by Miss Ethel Clark.
. Mrs. R. H. Middleton favored with
a vocal solo entitled “The Six
Little Foxes”, accompanied by Miss
Ethel Clark.
and distributed the gifts
and the
donated by Mrs.
won by
Santa Claus arrived
from the
when he
Community Tree
A record crowd and a
day greeted Santa Claus
arrived .at the Community Christ
mas Tree on Saturday afternoon.
Following brief addresses by Reeve
E. Shaddick and Rev.
ta distributed bags of
nuts to countless boys
after which the children
ed to 'a picture show in the Town
Hall featuring “Mickey’s Wild Ca
pers”' and “Circus Days and Jungle
Jitters”. At five o’clock Reeve
Shaddick drew the lucky., tickets and
the first prize, $5.00 was won by
Mrs. John Anderson, Kippen;
ond, $4.00 by Mrs. A. Orr; third,
$3.00 by Mrs. Wm. Foster; fourth,
$2.00, Mrs. Alvin Kerslake and
fifth, $1.00, Mrs. Emerson Smith,
Will Celebrate 92nd Birthday
Weir, San
candy and
and girls,
were treat-
J. W. Ortwein, one of Hen-
most prominent ■ residents.
for British
•Fund. The
The pro-
church. The child-
‘‘There’s a Song in
followed by a read-
Kennedy, “Through
the Christmas holidays
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Mr
will celebrate his 9 2nd birthday ;
at his home in Hensail on Christ
is a
twenty-three years he was superin
tendent of the United church Sunday
School and at present has a large
class of boys attending the Sab
bath School and church services
every Sunday. Mr. Ortwein is en
joying his usual good health and is
vpry active at his daily duties. He I
has four daughters, MrS. J, Brink-'
holt, Kitchener; Mrs. B. Lohr*|
Boswell, Pa<; Mrs. Jas. Patterson;
and Mrs. G. !M. Drysdale* Hensall.; I
and two sons, Alonzo, Detroit, And}
Milton, of London. !
W.C.T.U. Meets !
The regular meeting of'the Exe- „— „ — — ------------
tor-Hensall Branch of the w.c*T*U. is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Melson
was held on Thursday afternoon in | Schenk and family in the loss of
the schoolroom of the United (their daughter, Helen, a former re
church with Mrs. Chas. Jinks in the sident of this place.
Day with his wife and mem-
of his family. Mr. Ortwein
pioneer merchant of the village
has been reeve of the Village
a member of the council. For
aiid Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer spent
last with relatives in
at her
at her
is train-
Miss Violet Sharpe, of
is spending her vacation
home here.
Miss Gertrude , Ratz* of
is spending her vacation
home here.
Mr. James Clarke, who
ihg at Kitchener, spent Sunday last
at his home.
Mr. Verne Weido, who has been
training at Camp Bordep, has re
turned home..*.;.
On Sunday last a Christmas ser
vice was conducted by Bev* L. H*
Turner. Miss Verna Baumgarten
sang a solo.
The sympathy of this community
The regular monthly meeting
the W.M.S. of the Chiselhurst Un
ited church was held at the home
of Mrs. Earl Kinsman. The meet
ing was well attended. Mrs. Kins
man presided over the following
program: Hymn 399, prayer by the
president, Christmas readings, scrip
ture by Rev. R. Brooks, Mrs. John
Tremeer was made a life member,
Mrs. D. Chappel reading the ad
dress and Mrs. Earl Treffry pre
sented ther certificates and mem
bership pin. The officers for the
coming year are as follows:
Mrs. T. Brintnell
Stoneman; cor.
pianist, Mrs, W. R. Kinsman; 'tem
perance sec., Mrs. H. Wright;
Christian Stewardship and Fin
ance, Mrs. G. Ryckman; literature
and press sec., Mrs. > Wm. Brint
nell; Missionary Monthly sec., Mrs.
R. A. McDonald; flowei’ comm.,
Mrs. G. Dalrymple, Mrs. G. Wren,
Mrs. S. Sararas. Rev. R. A. Brook
presided over the business part of
the meeting. Boxes were packed
for 'the shut-ins and the meeting
Mrs.' W. J. Veal visited on
urday with her mother, Mrs.
ford, of Exeter.’
Miss Grace Collier,
spent Saturday with
■parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph Fergusion;
Mrs. E. Kinsman;
Mrs. E. Treffry;
Mrs. D. Chappel;
sec., Mrs.
with, prayer.
, ---------V-
. Carl
J. Glenn;
Sunshine Mission Band
Sunshine Mission Band met
community hall for a Christ-
in the
mas party, 18 being present,
devotional part of the program op
ened with quiet music played by
Mrs. Aidworth. The hymn “Away
in a Manger” was followed by pray
er by Mrs. Aidworth; temperance
exercise, “What Leaves Told”, by
Jean McKellar and Jean Taylor.
Hymn “Joy to the World” was sung
and Mrs. Aidworth told a story,
“Christmas Time in Korea” and
also read a short reading on Peace.
The election of officers for 1942
was held with the following results;
Pres., Margaret Norris; vice-pres.,
Jean McKellar; sec., Helen Walker;,
treas., Myrtle Taylor; friendship
sec., Donald O’Brien. Hymn “Sil
ent Night” was sung and the Mis
sion Band Purpose and the Lord’s
Prayer repeated. The children then
enjoyed games with Miss Vera Hum
bly in charge. Lunch was served
and before the good time was
brought to a close, each child re
ceived a gift from a nicely decor
ated Christmas tree and the Na
tional Anthem was sung.
Patriotic Bingo
Woodham Hall
Tues., Dec. 30
at 8 p.m.
Under the auspices df the St*
'Marys Branch of the .Canadian
15 games for 25c
Chickens and Blankets for Prizes,
Door Prize
Entire Proceeds for Woodham
t Red Cross
Mrs. Robt. Cann underwent an
operation in a London hospital.
We hope for a. speedy recovery.
A good congregation was pre
sent at the morning service on Sun
day. Xmas carols were sung and
the choir rendered u suitable num
Pte. Gollings, of the R.C.O.C,,
London, and Mrs. Gollings received
word on Friday of the safe ar
rival overseas of their son, Signal
man R. Gollings.
The Usborne
tion of Agriculture are holding their
annual meeting in Thames Road
church Monday evening, December
29th, The meeting will take the
form of a banquet for members and
their wives. Mrs. Glenn McLean,
of Kippen, will be guest speaker
for the • occasion.
township Fed era-
At this season of the
year we are happy to take
this opportunity of ex-‘
tending to one and ail our
best wishes for A Merry
Christmas and a Happy
and] Prosperous New
We wish also to express
ou> sincere gratitude for
your valued patronage
throughout the year.
Gerald Ford
of Kirkton,
her grand
Pl. Bailey.
Miss Ethel Po'oley, of Centralia,
spent the week-end with hex* par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Pooley.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Delbridge
and family spent Friday with Mr.
and Mrs. .Harry Delbridge, of Exe
ter. *
A large number’ of the children
from this community attended the
Santa Claus parjadp in Exeter on
Saturday last.
" Quite a number’ from this com
munity attended the bingo and dance
in Exeter’ on Monday night put on
by the First Hussars.
David 1 Parkinson ' and
I Cann, of London,
. Mr. ]
spend the holidays at their homes
The school teacher, Miss Alma
Trewartha, has returned
home at Holmesville, for
Miss Hanna Rinn, of
Hospital, London, attended
funeral of her aunt, Mrs. John-Wil
son, on Friday last.
Miss Florence Kirk, Miss Olive
Thacker, Miss Dorothy Cann, Miss
Marjory Laing and Miss Gertrude
Camm, school teachers from here,
have all returned to their parental
homes to spend the Xmas holidays.
In the passing of Mrs. John Wil
son on Wednesday of last' week,
this community mourns the loss
of one who was* beloved by all that
knew her, and a valued member of
this church and our sympathy goes
out to the
A large
funeral of
which was
last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs.
Swallow was living with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Blight, of near Thorn
dale* at the time of her death. She
had previously been a resident of
Woodham for a great many years,
and also a valued member of
church. Our sympathy goes
to her daughters, Mrs. W. Shier
Mrs. Frank Parkinson.
The annual Sunday School
tertainment was held in the Orange
Hall Monday evening of last week
with a splendid attendance of Schol
ars and grown-ups. Rev. A. Laing
presided and Miss Trewartha, the
school teacher* had trained the
scholars for part of the program
and the Sunday School contributed
the other part, which consisted of
chorus, drills, recitations, dialogue
and a pantomime. A colorful de
corated and lighted tree featured the
entertainment and at the conclu
sion Santa Claus arrived and dis
tributed the many gifts that hung
thereon. Another special feature
was the selling of a pennant for the
Red Cross, made by a girl 12 years
old, • in Jamaica, which was sent
here for' that purpose by Leonard
Harris, who is a soldier stationed
in that island. Leonard lived
around here for several years. The
pennant, was bought by the Sun
day School and brought around
to her
the holi-
family* Wilfred and
number attended the
Mirs. James Swallow,
held from this church
musical instruc-
in presenting a
Credit is due
teacher, and Mr.
manner* in which
the different parts
at the.
Santa Claus arrived
of the program and
Christinas Cantata
The. church was filled on
day evening for the Christmas
tata, “The Nativity of Christ”
Sented by the Centralia and Whal
en choirs. Mrs. G. F. Penwarden,
pianist, was leader, and was assist
ed at the piano by Mrs. 'B. Duffield,
of Whalen. The numbers were all
of a very high quality and were ren
dered in a fine manner. Passages
of Scripture were read by the pas
tor, Rev. Merriam, at intervals
throughout the kcantata. The choirs
are to be congratulated on the pre
sentation of the cantata which whs
greatly enjoyed by all. Th° n'me
cantata will be presented in the
Whalen United church on Sunday
evening, December 27th.
----------V---- -----
The entertainment Frid?y night
was ‘a grand success.
Mr. Mervin Love, of Toronto, is
home for the holidays.
Mr. Bruce Bossenberry is
ling in Detroit this week.
Miss Verda Page, of Ravenswood,
visited her 'mother last week.
Mr. and Mrs. John Manure were
visitors in the village on Saturday.
Mi*. Henry Tiedem an, of Camp
Borden, is visiting his grandmother
at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, of Park
hill, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John
Mousso On Sunday.
Mr. Allen Turnbull, of Ingersoll,
visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. Turnbull* on .Sunday.
Miss Marjorie Desjardine return
ed home last
month’s visit in Fort Huron.
You are invited to the watchnight
service in the United churoh. A
good program, xs being prepared.
Mrs. Ryan* who has been keep
ing house foi* Richard Webb, ’re
turned to hei’ home on Tuesday*
Mr. and Mrs. Stewardson,
Greenway* are visiting with
and Mrs. Russell- Waner, at
The Sterling Construction
pany have shut Jown ■operations on
the X’oad and the airport till ■ after
Saturday after a
—-...■...V..-.......-ft successful "bingo sponsored by
’Granton Foresters' at their
netted $42,50 for the
The door prize for
Went to W. N. Gun-
Iddge rooms
Hod Cross,
the evening
and Mrs. E. Dawson Visit-Mr. ..,
ed recently with Mr, and Mrs. E.
Kerr, of near Seaforth.
Miss Jessie Finlayson, of Whal
en, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Finlayson.
Many from this vicinity attended
the annual Christmas tree in Hen
sail on Saturday.
Mr. Eldon Jarrott spent a
days last week in Toronto.
Mrs. Little visited
relatives in Hensall.
Many from here
school concert in
Thursday night last,
is due the teacher, Mr. Arthur Fin
layson, of Kippen.
Miss Frances Elgie, of Stratford,
spent the week-end with her par-,
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Elgie.
Mr. H. Desjardines, of Zurich,
who purchased one of the church
sheds here is busy taking it down
and removing it to his farm near
Mr. and Mrs. A._ McBeath at*
tended the Thames Road school con
cert which was held in the Hall at
Farquhar last week.
l;? fir? 1
Much credit
annual Christmas enter-The
tainment of the Evangelical church
was held last Sunday evening with
a large attendance. The beginners,
primaries and juniors excelled
themselves in their songs, exercises
and recitations. Rev. A. E. Pletch
took the chair and led in opening
devotions. A pageant, “The Littl-
est Shepherd”, was presented by
members of the Sunday School.
Each one portrayed his part well.
A white gift offering was received
amounting to
be devoted
tions. At
candy and
to members
Mr. and
son Douglas, of Detroit, are visit
ing in the community.
Miss Shirley Young, of London,
and Miss Shirley Fahner, of De
troit, are visiting at their* respec
tive homes.
Miss Clara Gaiser is visiting a
few days in Zurich.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist spent
last Thursday in St. Marys.
The community Christmas tree
has been erected oh the main cor
ner and presents a gay Christ
mas spectacle with its strings of
brightly colored lights.
Friday, December 26th, is Box
ing Day and is proclaimed a pub
lic holiday. All places, of business
will be closed.
Mr. Bill Wood has returned to
Toronto after spending a week with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred .Kerr.
Two beautiful bouquets of flow
ers graced the rostrum at the Evan
gelical Sunday School last Sun
day morning in memory of Miss
Helen Schenk* who passed away
last Week. The Living Links
class, of which she was
member* sang ’‘'Saved by Grace”.
Miss Ella
is spending
parents, Mr.
$56.00, which will
to charitable ir.stitu-
the close packages of
gifts were distributed
of the Sunday School.
Mrs. Herb Haist and
a valued
with her
Mbrlock of
the holidays
and Mrs. Ed. Morlock.
Mr. Bob (Fahner erected a new
windmill on Monday.
We regret to report that Mr.
Clayton Sims has been in. the hos
pital in. London undergoing treat
ments. We
diton circuit
hope for a speedy re-
concerts on the Cre-
•of the United church
were of a high order in keeping
with the high standards set in past
years. At Shipka under the leader
ship of Mrs. Milton Ratz, Mrs. .Ar
thur Webb and Miss Hicks, a splen
did program was given. The Yoiing
People, of which Miss Verna
Baumgarten is president, presented
the pageant entitled “The Feast of
Lights,” which was excellently por
trayed and equallv well received.
Crediton celebrated as in past
years by sponsoring the Christmas
concert with Mrs. J. Woodall, Mrs.
Lawrence Schwartz, Miss
Bullock, Mrs. Jack Galloway,
Audrey Yearly and Mr§.
Miss Mary Chambers
in evidence, assisting
Brinsley combined
and public school
venu being the auditorium of the
United church. Miss Doris Mc
Leod, with Miss Ulens at the piano,
presented a splendid program in- .
dicative of careful preparation ahd
much skill. At all three that per
ennial visitor, Santa Claus, put in
his appearance,
time and
To all
Albert •
giving effective leadership,
was very much
in her own -n-
Sunday School
concerts, the
Thanks by the
Rev. L. ,H. Turner, are
to all who gave of their
members, friends and ad
herents of the Crediton circuit the
minister, together with his wife and
family extends season’s greetings.
In extending our best wishes for
a Happy Christmas we would like
to express out* sincere apprecia
tion of the confidence shown us
for the year* 1941.
For 1942 we wish you every good
thing, and most of all, that Peace
with Victory may Soon be with us*.
O -----u.
0 Star that is the Heart of Peace*.
That once showed men the way*
Light now again onr footsteps Im
the path,
And guide us* cheer us, on this
Christmas Day.
•* ■
T. Marry Hoffman
Funeral and Arnibulance Service
Phone *70 Dashwood