HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-25, Page 4Exeter High School Reports GRADE 9 A bi) a ’WITBBDAY*. $5th, XHX GRADF 9B THE EXETER TIM^AP-VOCATC GRADE 12 Best Wishes for a Merry Christmas a; •V <6 N 04 O it 19 Latin Authors,12, 60;LatinGrade Latin Comp., Grade 12, 36. ...63 ...44 ...42 84 100 70 92 Jean . Robert Shirley Evaline of of “Swing It Soldier’4 With KEN MURRAY and FRANCES LANGFORD Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 Christmas (Greetings 73o TEveryone FRIDAY and SATURDAY two features “Badlands of Da A Western Armstrong, Irvine BierUng, June .... Bintnell, Douglas Case, Grant ...... Cooper, Harvey Dougall, Phyllis Fahrner, Elaine Fletcher, Douglas Ford, Lois .... Glenn, Bruce Haugh, Glenn Heywood, Eric Hodgert, Ross King, Kydd, Lewis, Mack, McDonald, Ross McDougall, Dorothy Mitchell, Doris Munn, Donald Parker, Leslie Payne, Betty Penhale, Thomas Pi’ide, Robert Redfern, Joan Reeder, Myrtle Schwartz, Lois Skinner, Doris TaylorV Mae .. Taylor, James Tuckey, Wanda Wareing, Evelyn 79‘ 52 Watson, Brunelle . 93 75 Webb, Donna ........ .....'89 .85 Wuerth, Doris ...... ,...75 81 , In the classifications for Shop Work and Home Economics asterisks (*), indicate plus; dashes (-), indicate minus. In the cases of Shirley Lewis and Evaline Mack Home Economics was marked “incomplete”. ■Cann, Gwyneth Duncan, Shirley Elford, Doris Jolly, Norman Jones, Neil ..... Kercher, Margaret Kydd, Dorothy Mair, Bruce ..... ■Mason, Annie , jMoore, Murray Pearce, Ellis .... ’21 .pPowe, Audrey . Pybus, Jean .... Richard, Alma Reynolds, William Zanders, Britain ... Stewart, John ...... Turkheim,. Irene .... Other Subjects:;' Mason, Annie—Geom., Grade 12, 71; Comp., Grade 12, 40. Moore, Murray—Latin Auth. Grade 12, 27; Pearce, Ellis—Chemistry, Grade ’12, 64. Richard, Alma—Latin Auth., Grade 12, 59; / ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES ETER ’ HENSALL We extend our heartiest wishes of the season to all of you who have made 1941 such a pleasant year for our firm. To each of you we extend our most heartfelt Christmas Greetings and the hope that 1942 will be for you a year of great joy. THURS. XMAS NIGHT ONLY two features tied Business” Starring ROBERT MONTGOMERY and IRENE DUNN Flying Cadets” Starring ’LCXWE an d WILLIAM* GARGAN 1st show commences at 7.30 sharp SUNDAY AFTER MIDNIGHT 12.05 a.m.* “You’re In Th Afmy Now” A special musical comedy With JIMMY DURANTE, JANE WYMAN and an all star cast. MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY two features A Disney Technicolor feature Melody for Three” A musical comedy. 66 Mrs. W. S. Appleford, of Hamil­ ton, is spending- Christmas and New Year’s at the. home of her brother, Mr. Joseph Senior. have enjoyed our associa­ tions with the customers that have patronized us. At this time of the year we are desirous of ex­ pressing our appreciation for your loyalty and friendly attitude and to wish for one and all a Very Happy Christmas and With the fullest share of Health, Happiness and Prosperity in'1942 RAY BRODERICK ‘ Body and Fender Work C£r Painting ' Page 4 DEATHS DOW—-At Russeldale, 4on Saturday, Decembei* 20th, 1941, Mrs, David Dow. .2 S co Appleton, Shirley Ballantyne, Audrey Borland, Jack Brown, Ross IN MEMORIAM ELLIOTT—In loving memory Frederick Eugene Elliott, son Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott, who passed away two years ago, De­ cember 23rd, 1939. Only a memory of bygone days, And a sigh for a face unseen; But a constant feeling that GodjCann, Jean ... ' Cornish, Donna ] Dawson, Eleanor .. I Ellis, Alex .......... -.•j Elson, Jack ........ P | Fahrner, Norma j Fletcher, Mary ... Gaise’r, »Elsie ...... Gill, Audrey ...... Gladman, Robert Hackney, Norman Haist, Myrtle ....... Hennessey, Jack Hodgert, Winnifred Hogarth, Marguerite Keys, Ross ............... Latta, Leona .......... Lindenfield, Arnold May, pouglas Moffatt, Molnar, Morgan, Morley, Pavkye, Pfaff, “ Parker, Thelma ...... Preszcator,, Donald Ratz, Margaret Reeder, Dorothy Reid, Barbara ... Rowcliffe, Jim ... Schroeder, Jim Sims, Evan ...... Somers, Florence Sweitzer, Taylor, Tuckey, Walper, Wilson, Whyte, Wolfe, ( Knight, ■Plus and minus in Shop Work and alone Knows what should have been. •—Ever remembered by mother, I father, sisters and brothers. ----------V---------- LOCAL NEWS Miss Kathleen Perkins, of ronto, is spending the holidays der the parental root. Mrs. Mervin Wilson, of London, visited with her parents. Mr. aud Mrs. A. Hicks, ovei’ the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Norseworthy and son Scott, of Chatham and Miss Mar­ jory Norseworthy, of Toronto, vis­ ited with Dr. and Mrs. Fletcher on Sunday. Mr. Thos. Walter, of Toronto, Mr. Stanley Walter, of Watford, Mr. and and will and Pte. Howard Elliot, is visiting his parents, Mrs. C. H. Blowes, of Hensail Mr. Herb Walter, of Exeter spend Christmas with Mr. Mrs. Jos. Grant, of London. of London, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Elliot, on a six’ days’ leave. Miss Hazel Elliot, R.N., of Kitchener, is also spending the holiday season at her home. here. A family gathering will be held Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pollen. Among those to be present are Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kestle and Barry, of Stratford and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fawcett, of Mitchell.. Misses Ann Morgan * and Grace Beckler, of Usborne, who are at­ tending London Normal and Miss­ es Margaret Allison, of Thames Road and Miss Florence Southcott, of town, who are attending Wester­ velt Business College, are home for the Christmas holidays. The turnip waxing plant of S. Winer & Co. has been a v6ry busy spot. Last week they had a record output with 36,000 bus. ’ This represents a carload of waxed tur­ nips for each week-day. Most of them were sent to the other side by truck. Twenty-two men were em­ ployed. GREETINGS— We extend best wishes to our many friends for a Merry Christmas and the hope that the year to - ” J ” full and come will hold a share of happiness prosperity for all. NORTH END SERVICE STATION E. L. Gibson Mitzi Steve Beverley Ola ... Joseph William ’, Lois ... Kenneth Ross ... Evelyn Harry Jim ...... George Ross ... GRADE 11. Brown, Bernice Brown, Marion ... Campbell, Gerald Elliot, Marion ... Elston, Allan .... Essery, Marjorie Fahrner, Calvin Fletcher, Marie Flynn, Marjorie Francis, Marian T We take this opportunity to wish our many friends and customers a Very Merry Christmas and a ■Happy New Year We have appreciated your patronage in the past and we hope to serve you faithfully in 1942 HILT LAING Supertest Sales & Service Sc i e n c e g/5 •Hi* S'Sh o p or Ho m e Ee o n . p Ar t Mu s i c 52 40 58 66 53 79 55 75 75 96 A 32 56 32 65 60 C* 67 44 44 64 64 B 6.3 51 3-0 6.0 70 B 88 79 80 7'8 80 B 50 40 41 59 <68 F ■64 60'59 GO 76 B 50 57 55 52 30 C 62 59 55 60 50 c 70 63 52 59 78 B 58 50 52 62 B a 61 44 (50 58 B 50 57 57*63 '72 C 73 40 68 56 60,. B 72 36 47 4'8 83'73 63 74 88 40 40 40 40 C 93 61 69 74 70 ' A '88 81 85 78 84 A 63,29 45 52 72 B 53 50 50 B- 41 51 55 92 B 47 30 43 53 46 B 59 54 41 57 54 B 79 ■51 60 67 50 C* 46 46 53 53 5'0 A 52 33 60 60 C 65 76 59 60 84 O 88 61 58 69 52 c* 50 53 59 50'■52 B 85 60 69'64 92 c* 49 46 50 72 A 89 69 71 78 64 D* 75 66 76 76 80 B’ 83 66 60 57 94 B* 5 4^75 66 13 42 69 52 11 25 64 42 46 88 35 a a 84 5.8 63 a 31 a 36 34 15 a 50 4-0 5'0 50 63 51 84 8D 95 86 93 69 39 3(0 46 43 61 60 71 51 71 65 73 77 48 56 69 51 78 42 52 26 46 60 52 40 56 53 70 56 70 70' 59 40 48 50 42 60 57 50 61 57 70 72 6'0 83 78 78 79 76 43 54 66 59 81 58 60 54 66 51 58 58 24 53 56 36 48 50 57 50 59 58 62 59 22 21 .. a 47 34 a 35 37 59 36 57 59 58 31 60 53 67 5(8 64 83 74 86 85 a 46 17 44 34 38 50 58 46 66 54 57 40 74 77 85 84 75 69 71'50 81 62 83 72 52 77 85 63 71 58 41 57 70 55 50 68 63 49 S3 63 75 65 52 67 57 59 45 60 46 30 5t8 52 25 79 50 30 64 39 68 75 59 76 67 56 68 59 .57 50 65 60,58 ■57 57 50 68 59 72 59 54 10 58 54 54 70 66 30'67 57 74 62 39 30 50 44 33 54 Green, Dorothy ............... 67 71 81 65 37 47 Hehgert, Mackenzie .............. 41 35 26 45 17 45 Jones, Verla ........................ 73 74 89 83 69 76 KersJake, Ha&ej ..............................................................78 71 82 73 50 57 Mason, Shirley ..............................52 43.44 58 53 Miller, Lorna ............................................r. ..................58 56 89 60 69 77 Motz, Shirley IT-t-H fM r fT'VT................48 63 77 a a 29 Nicol, Robert .......... Page, John ...................... ................59 70 74 45 52 ................63 91 74 78 58 61 Pryde, Douglas ...... ......................63 57 65 58 42 47 Rowe, Helen ................. .................58 62 65 48 Shapton^ Winston ....... .................56 71 87 83 45 65 Shroeder, Orville ..........................47 59 83 58 Smith, Lloyd ........................56 75 97 62 Snell, Helen ....................................69.66 96 72 66 84 Stewart, Ray .................................73 85 100 77 80 85 Tasko, Lewis ....,........................................................,.73 74 73 73 49 57 Treibner, Jean ...............................64 55 95 70 52 57 Weekes, William ............rt..........................................61 a 51 58 51 80 Whiting, Melba .....................................................G9 62 96 60 41 53 Adamac Alice Baumgarten, Verna Becker, Gladys Brock, Irene Burns, Robert Gaiser, Jack .. Gill, Helen ... Haberer, Florence Hannigan, Norman Johns, Eilene .... Johns, Etheline Johnson, Ruth ... Knight, Clarence Lawson, Gerald' Love, Howard ,.. McDougall, Jean McSF'alls, Birdine Mack, Rryce ....... May, Marjorie ...... Morlock, Frederick Perkins, Nola Pooley, Irene Ratz, Donald Ratz, Jack ... Traquair, Donald Wein, Dorothy Wein, Marie ... Other Subjects Burns, Robert—Latin X, 66. ^Lawson, Gerald—<U.S, Botany, absent; U.S. Zoolgy, "Love, Howard—Latin X, 81; U.S. Physics, 44. McDougall, Jean—Eng. Comp XIII, 35; Eng. Lit. XIII, 41. AUCTION SALE .....63 81 ’79 78 66 62 49 .....69 74 97 72 79 80 70 .....41 21 48 55 .....618 54 100 6.0 72 76 53 .....43 48 43 58 .....47 35 84 53 32 .....nr 32 50 58 .....72 97 97 83 64 64 64 .....65 29 95 75 51 36 55 .....62 45 94 55 59 62 45 .....70 49 97 52 70 68 52 .....49 41 35 43 47 47 57 .....63 8(8 24 48 59 40 54 .....nr 40 50 49 .....46 73 70 94 64 68 50 68 .....64 68 100 66 58 60 68 .....43 49 97 41 .....62 71 73 -55 65 44 64 .....60 76 92 82 54 53 51 .....72 88 63 67 84 188 77 .....76 77 100 68 65 64 77 .....52 60 12 32 50 .....54 74 45 62 55 66 55 .....48 59 88 77 50 44 36 .....63 69 68 58 66 •k” 64 66 81 55 63 68 .o o. p- a2 o _ . _ . ... , I May, Marjorie—Physics XI, .’87. Snell, Jean—History XI, 88. GRADE 13 72 54 71 68 82 49 40 67 90 81 81 61 22 60 48 51 51 64 20 185 73 84 59 70 71 100 61 55 53 50 39 80 73 38 57 55 63 59 62 77 65 .69 49 53 33 49 44 20 55 65 48 50 52 41 78 80 72 51 ♦ 45 50 26 50 57 45' 34 79 60 35 o: FARM, FARM STOCK IMPLE­ MENTS and HOUSEHOLD XWECTS The undersigned auctioneer has received instructions to sell by pub­ lic auction on LOT 19, CON, 11, STEPHEN TWP. IS miles east and 1-S miles south of Dashwood, on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 7th, 19.12 at 1 o’clock sharp, the following: REAL ESTATE—100 acres more , or less, 18 acres of hardwood bush, plenty of water, soft and hard wat­ er, bank barn, 70x70 ft.; hen stable, driving shed, frame house with kitchen attached, woodshed, prchar4 and other fruit. CHATTELS — Carriage horse, works single oi' double. 'CATTLE-—Roan cow, milking; red cow, supposed to be in calf, still milking; red cow, supposed to be in calf; Jersey cow supposed to be in calf, still milking: fall calf, steei* rising 2 years, heifer rising two years. ' 2\ stocker pigs, 40 mixed hens, 100 bushels mixed grain, quantity of feed beans, quantity of hay, 50 shocks corn. IMPLEMENTS—McCormick bind­ er, 6 foot; mower, 5 ft. cut; spring­ tooth cultivator, bean scuffler with puller, combined; manure spreader, hay loader, 4-sectipn harrows, rid­ ing plow, walking plow, double plow, wagon, gravel box, M.H. disc fertilizer drill, 3-hoe drill, 10-foot steel rake, light wagon, buggy, set of bob sleighs, logging chains, horse collars, set of double harness, hay rack, 2,000 pound scales, fan­ ning mill with bagger, cutting box, root pulper, quantity of twine bags, 2 iron kettles, horse blan­ kets, crosscut saw, saw-horse, scrap­ er, two-wheeled trailer, tires bought in 1941, small farm wagon cider barrel, water trough, out-throw disc, inthrow disc, extension lad­ der, quantity of lumber hay forks, shovels, spades, neckyokes whiffle- trees. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 500- pound Viking cream separator, quantity of woOd,^ organ, Raymond drop-head sewing 'machine, as good, as new; 2 bureaus, coal oi’ wood heater, small table, glass cupboard, settee, 2 arm chairs, 3 rocking chqirs, box stove, dining-room chairs, 2 couches, .dresser, 2 stands, bed kitchen stove drop-leaf table, kitchen table, chop boxes, cedar chest, sausage grinder, sausage stuffer, quantity of sealers, large clothes cupboard, bedsteads, quan­ tity of crocks, scalding barrel, pails, 3-burner oil stove, 2 kitchen stoves, 2 sinks, 3 hand sleigns, dishes, 8- day clock, 6 kitchen chairs and other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS of Real Estate—10% on day of sale and balance in 30 days. Sold subject to” a reserve bid. TERMS Chattels—Cash. MRS. MARYAM WILDS. Prop. MILFORD MERNER, Clerk ARTHUR WEBER, Auctioneer R.R. 1, Dashwood Phone 12r57 Dashwood ----------y---------- Richard, Alma—Latin Auth., Grade 12, 59; Latin Comp., Grade 12, 63. Reynolds, William—Chemistry, Grade 12, 5’0. Turkheim, Irene—Zool., Grade 11, 82; Physics, Grade 12, 65. The report of Grade 10 will appear next -vyeek. Home —absent— 58 80 73 73 78 77 A 41 23 52J 47 47 65 B 38 50 56 46 61 66 B 48 66 84 a a 7(8 c* 57 43 73 55 52 51 B 57 53 75 55 85 72 B 57 56 60 56 52 66 B 49 37 63 5l8 60 67 B Ec ono mics gi ■adi ngS are <0 rt En g l i s h An c . Hi S ' l Al g e b r a Ph y s i c s La t i n Fr e n c h • ....84 95-93 83 ' 72 88 ....60 66 55 57 ,...57 67 58 28 35 (83 7_7 A K ....73 82 97 72 52 X ....57 52 50 69 ....50 38 64 38 36 52 ....78 93 97 93 76 93 ....60 55 nr 83 5'0 69 ...75 68 54 72 50 6(8 Busy Bees Mission Band The annual meeting of the Busy Bees Mission Band was held Wed­ nesday evening at the home of the leader, Miss Jeckell. The follow­ ing officers'for 19 42 were appoint­ ed: Pres., Barbara Reid; vice-pres., Geneva Elliott; sec., Pearl Kirk; treas., Velma Webster; asst, sec., Joyce Simmons. Seals for mem­ bership certificates were received by Dorothy Kydd, Barbara Joyce Simmons.' z —7!*--- Exeter has (done well scription fdr Christmas the Queen ^Alexandra Sanitarium. There is still time to make your contribution, In olden days, a branch of mistle­ toe only meant that one had the privilege of kissing a fair lady who happened to be under it, but it also implied that with each kiss, a white berry should be plucked from the all branch. When the berries were plucked, the privilege ceased. Reid . and Seals for ----------v---------- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitzpatrick and family will spend Christmas "with their son, Mr. and Mrs. Jos­ eph Fitzpatrick in Wingham. • ft TOWNSHIP OF USBORNE RATEPAYERS’ MEETING , Incompliance with the provisions of the Local Government Exten; sion Act, 1940, a meeting of th‘e ratepayers of the Township of Us- borne will be held in the Township Hall, Elimviile, on Monday, De­ cember 29th, 1941, at two o’clock p.m,, for the purpose of receiving the financial statement and report of the council and for the discus­ sion of Municipal and School mat­ ters. TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN RATEPAYERS’ MEETING A meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 29th day of December, 1941, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving the Detailed Financial Statement for the year 19 41 and the report of the Council; and for the discussion opany matters of in­ terest to the Municipality. Herbert K. Eilber. Clerk of TwpY of Stephen Crediton, Ont., December-10, 19^1 ----------V- NOTICE TO CREDITORS Creditors and others having . claims against the estate of Mar­ garet Grant late of the Village of- Crediton, Ontario, Widow, who died on the eighteenth day of Sep­ tember, A.D. 1941, are required to send their claims to the under­ signed before January tenth, 1942, after which ’date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only to the claims received. GUNN & SMITH, Barn?; or Toronto Chambers London, Ontario Solicitors for Executor ll-3te ll-3tc A. W. Morgan, Clerk, R.R. 1, Hen sail ----------V--------- And then there is the story of the Scotchman who told his. Child­ yen that Christmas this year was changed to December 29th—so he could take advantage of the after­ Christmas clearance sales. It is my sincere wish that you may share abun­ dantly in all the joys of Christmastime and find happiness and content­ ment in the New Year. We welcome this oppor­ tunity to express our ap­ preciation of the loyal support that has been given us during the year and to wish for one and all a Christmas filled with Good Cheer and a New Year full of happiness. FLYNN’S BARBER shop Statton’s 11 • *8 Wish to remember you at this time with best wishes for Christmas and throughout the New Year The Christmas Season brings a time for kindly thoughts of all the friends who have co-operated with us during the year about to close. . It is our wish that your Christmas fnay be filled with those grand moments of personal happiness that make the Yuletide a sea­ son of joy and gladness. Wes. Simmons Agent for - John Deere Tractors