HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-18, Page 8■Thursday,, m. mi V’s Beauty Shoppe THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE Quality, Orst> tost wl Always Don’t wait until the holidays for your new Permanent Look your prettiest for all the gay parties ahead VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment (Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat, $1.05 Creamery Butter, 38 c A Large, 2Gc Eggs. Medium, 24e. Eggs, B, 22c Dressed Hogs, $14.35 TO- i I (lose at 12.30 p.m. cm Dec. 24th ‘ r IHWC MEETING l’ILLAGE OF EXETER la cctnwliance with the provisions of the Local Government. Extension Aet» 1941, a public meeting of the ratepayers of the Village of Exe­ ter will be held in the TOWN HALL MONDAY. DECEMBER 29th, 1941. at 8 o’clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving the fin-, uncial statement and the reports from the Municipal Council and other Public Bodies and foi; the. dis­ cussion of matters of interest to the municipality. C, V. Pickard, Clerk I Overseas Boxes... $1.95 Containing 2 lbs, butter in tins; 4 % lb. packages of cheese; 12-ounce tin of perk products; $ tea bags. Gross weight, 4 lbs,, 15% ozs. All ready for mailing IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. ««• CONSERVE- VISUAL VITAUTY V ♦ Wo make a specialty of CORRECTING optical DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re­ placement of Broken Lenses C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday Fage 8 Christmas Suggestions | occupy the pulpit morning ajid;^ evening. Buy useful fflfta this season. Thev are al wavs auureciated. You will find numerous Sunday School Theatre party on Thursday, December 18 th, at 8 p.m. CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J, s, coc»r«ne. Organist I Id a.m.—Sunday School : 35 j35 35 ■ss MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH 1^ i35 A. E. WUERTH # • * Men’s and Boys’ Footwear Rubber Boots for the? whole family Rubbers, Rubber Clogs, Overshoes Heelers, Slipons and Laced Mitts, Gloves and Socks Priced Reasonably Men’s and Boys’ Mackinaw Socks Polishes for all kinds of shoes Hockey Shoes and Skates, new and used Have your shoe and rubber repair-! ing done neatly and promptly at WUERTH’S Phone 252 A visit to Robertson’s Drug Store} will convince you that we carry a smart line of Xmas Gifts that will surprise you. See our swell line of Christmas cards.---------V--------- Misses Barbara Dinney’and Ada Gaiser spent the week-end at Crumlin. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, of London, visited with friends in town on Sunday. Boys and girls have been enjoying tobogganing and skiing at Dow’s hill on the River bank. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Brock, of S. MJ Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. i holiday loveliness Wreathe your beauty in a gay Christmas hairdo. A new coiffure should be among the “firsts” your mind right now. Phone today for an appointment. Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe ■(Exeter -----------------------L i 1 I in us Phone 245 i ’ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brock, of CHRISTMAS TREES for sale— Hamilton, spent the week-end with 10 feet, at 50 to 75 cents, S. M,«Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Clarke. Sanders._____ _______ | Mr j A christIej o£ Toronto, i FOR SALE — Houses, stores,' with Ms parents, Mr. and mills, blacksmith and woodworking.-Mrs. C. W- Chustie on Monday. / Shop and farms large and small. W. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas Dellow, of| C. Pearce, Exeter.. ! Detroit, visited sover the week-end! with Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Apple­ ton, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Schlimme, of London, spent the. week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Darling. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Fahrner and Mrs. Ross Krueger, of Stephen, vis­ ited one day last week with Mr.: and Mrs. W. H. Dearing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnston and daughter, Miss Nellie John­ ston, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes >on Sunday. ! LAC. Donald Winer, of the! I R.C.A.F., Clinton, visited with his [ grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. i Winer, on Saturday. ( Miss Dorothy Traquair, nurse-1 in-training in Vicroria Hospital, { London, spent Sunday with her par-i ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Traquair. ’ Mr. Leslie Thompson, of Usborne, J who some time ago suffered a frac-i ■ture of his leg is at present in Vic-1 toria Hospital-, London, for treat-! ment. Mr. Alvin Lindenfield, who is taking a course at the R.C.A.F. , training school at Hamilton, visit­ ed with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Lindenfield, over the week-end. Among the recent enlistments in the R.C.A.F. at the London Re­cruiting centre are Elgin Arnold Skinner, of R.R. 3, Exeter and Brock Foster Liscumb, of Parkhill. Mr. W. A. Fisher, manager of the Dominion Bank, branch at Montreal, visited with his parents,j Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fisher, over the week-end. *Mr. Stanley Walter, who has' been with the Bank of Montreal at Yarker," has been transferred to Watford1, He visited his father in town on Monday on his way to his 5 new position. ' ! Mrs. Norman Hockey and son 1 Wayne are visiting for. two weeks I with Mr. and Mrs. J. Waldron, of, Clinton. Mrs, Hockey sang a solo ’ at Wesley-Willis United church Sun­ day morning. Recent visitors in the home of Mr. W. H. Johnston were Mr. John Farrish, of Ashfield, and Mrs. Ro­ bert Stephenson, of Stanley. Mr. Anson Coleman, of Hillsgreen, also made a short call lately. Miss Gladys O’Brien, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert O’Brien, of Hay townshiD, has been seriously ill with pneumonia and her many friends will be pleased to know that I wAn BAYW zvhzvn she is °n the mend. Miss McCannFOR SALE- Waterpower chop- hag nursing her. ping mill, barn, resident and 26 The sn(w p]ow went thronghl town Monday for the first time i this season. A fall of snow over the j week-end made motoring particu-: larly on some of the sideroads, somewhat heavy, Roads and streets have been quite slippery* At their Christmas meeting held last evening the members of the Unity Class of Hyatt Avenue; Church, London, presented Miss*1 Berneice Delbridge, bride-elect, with *a beautiful gift. Private Douglas Triebner, of London, is oti a 14-day furlough, starting Monday, December 15th. He will spend a few days with his wife and family at the home of Mr. and Mrs, M. Corbett. Jetson Cor- _ _ . bett, of London, is also spending iPhone 2,8,: a few days with his parents. A beautiful poinsettia, measuring ovei* six feet tall with two blooms,! one of which is eleven inches across, is now on exhibition in the Times-; Advocate window. It has been loaned to >us by Mrs. Chas. Johns and makes a beautiful background for our Christma^wjards. iv Beautiful ^Christmas cards, sep­ arate or iu boxes, are on display 25c a dosen arid up. ------ -- v---------- You have only a few days to or­ der your Christmas tree. Apply , to Bryce Mack, phone 47r23, Crediton. ---------V----- -' LOST — Bicycle, half mile west Of Brinsley, on the side of road, about December 1st. Finder please notify Brinsley store. Reward. ----------V---------- FOR SALE—Medium sized cut­ ting box. Mr. Brickwood, Hay P.O. Itp-------v------- FOR SALE—Big red and white cow, will freshen about 2 6th Dec. i L. B, Moore, Exeter North. 12-lS-ltp. ---------V--------- WANTED—Young cattle for win­ ter feeding. Lot 17, Con. 4, town­ ship of Hay. Frank-Lostell, R.R. 2, Hensail. Itp ---------'V--------- SPECIAL—'Used electric washi er, like new; one cleaner, good con- ■ dition. Will sacrifice these for quick sale. Payments and guaran- ’• tee. Apply, Box 280E, the Exeter . Times-Advocate. Itp----------y---------- STRAYED—.Onto the property of Wm. A. Smith, R.R. 3, Exeter, a black collie dog with brown face. Strap around neck. Owner may have same by paying for advt. Phone 172r41.---------V--------- STRAYED—The latter part of November from lot 15, con. 4, Bid- dulph Twp,, with a brand on left hip, short ears and tail. $10.00 reward. Lewis, R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig. FOR RENT—9-roorn apar in Dashwood. Clean, hydro^ sonable. Apply Box 280^', Exeter Times-Advocate. MODERN 7-ROOM HotsE New furnace with new’ air-con­ ditioner. New built-in cupboards. Drains all in first class condition. Three hundred dollars ’worth of shrubbery. I am moving into one of my new apartments within two weeks and will sell this house at a •real sacrifice. Make me’ an offer. —Sandy Elliot. f ---------V--------- Ah Underwood Portable will make a grand Christmas gift for that j boy or girl. See them at the Times-! Advocate. j a 2-year-oId Hereford Carl ■fluent, rea- The 2tp $10.00 i I acres land. W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ---------V--------- ; FARMS FOR SALE—Never offer-j ed before, 1'00 and 150 acres. Both with fine buildings, silo and bush. Hydro and water throughout. Rea­ sonable price. Terms. C. V. Pick­ ard, »phone 165, Exeter*...........v—--- FOR BALE—Comfortable brick house, nice lot, all conveniences. Several other homes, C. V. Pick­ ard, Exeter. Pick* i ■ ' .....: y..:... CONTRACTS for Golden Wax and Green Beatta are how being taken. Phone of call at office for fur- •ther information. Canadian Cart­ ners Limited, Br. 100. «....-------v—---- I CASH FOR FOX HORSES. Dead animals removed. Two-hour set* vice, day or night. Phone Credb ton, 47rl& collect. Jack Williams —-—-V--------- See Geo. F« Clark for all kinds of windmills, pump Jacks, pttmps and piping. ■ Repairing windmills and ptiulps. Phone Creditoil 23-6. R. R, Dashwood. •• . Rev. Norval J. Woods, M.A. Minister Mrs. N. J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Public worship and church school. The Minister 7 p.m.—Christinas Candlelighting Service. Thursday, 7.30 p.m. — Midweek meeting of prayer and bible study Friday, Dec. 19th—Sunday School supper and entertainment. CHENILLE BED SPREADS New patterns and colorings $4*50 to $7,50 Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. ’ Get Your Winter Coats Cleaned and Dyed Now NOW is the time for Action! Tlie people of the Province of On­ tario are determined to beat Hitler, They know they can help by keeping j Canada’s dollars in Canada and putting them to the use of their government in paying for Canada’s war effort Alberta Coal ——. Canadian Coal for Canadians Phono 33 for a Ton Buy Jas. P. Bowey GREAT BRITAIN STILL DELIVERS THE GOODS . * * v ENGLISH DINNERWARE Just arrived from the English potteries in Staffordshire at S. B. TAYLOR’S A full line of Christmas Gifts for either men or women at reasonable prices at Robertson’s Drug Store. J I * ---------v_--------- j TX Remember the shut-ins at Christ- |mas. We have cards for just such I ja purpose. Times-Advocate........ , ... - . , . I PROCLAMATION ..Boxing Day.. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th To be Observed as Civic Holiday In accordance with a peti­ tion signed by citizens of the Village of Exeter requesting the Muhicipal Council to de­ clare Friday, December 26th as Boxing Day arid a Civic Holiday, the petition was granted and I hereby call upon all citizens to observe die day as such. ' B. W. Tuckey, Reeve .1 35 35 35 35 1 35 35 1 s 35 •» p.m.—Open Session of Sunday I School, Special program, “The i.to Black Madonna”. p.m,—Musical service by the choir with 'Christmas < Christmas poems and stories. The Junior choir will assist. Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m,—Christmas Service 3 BOUDOIR SLIPPERS In many styles $1.00 to $2.50 LISLE AND SILK HOSIERY In Xmas boxes 75c to $1.35 VELVET GOLOSHES Newest styles $2.75 to $3.25 TURKISH AND LINEN TOWELS Many new patterns 29c to $1.19 PURE LINEN TEA TOWELLING A useful gift. Per yard, 55c FANCY SWEATERS Warm and cosy $1.95 to $3.00 NEW HANDBAGS In many new styles $L25 to $1.9'5 SILK LINGERIE Xmas boxed, Attractively priced CHENILLE & SATIN ROBES Smart and dressy. $3.95 to $5.95 FABRIC, WOOL and KID GLOVES 50c to $2.50 McBRINE LUGGAGE Twin Sets and Overnight Cases $2.25 to $10.00 9 1 carols, I stories, TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Reader, Mr. Middlemiss Fourth Sunday in Advent 11a,m.—Sunday School. The Christ­mas story. 7 p.m.—Candlelight service and carol singing. Friday, December 19th, Sunday School supper at 6.30 and Christ-’ mas Tree. The Sunday School is} invited. | p.m. and PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services at 3 8 p.m. Friday, 8 p.m.—Young People’s Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting Christmas Entertainment December 23rd, at 8 o’clock. All welcome. All are welcome. Pastoi'-—E.’ Clemens tLeavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 135 THURSDAY, 1 NIGHT ONLY special feature “Jungle Cavalcade Narrated by FRANK BUCK of “Bring ’em Back Alive” fame FRIDAY and SATURDAY UNavy Blues” a musical comedy starring JACK OAKIE, ANNj^f SHERIDAN, JACK HALEY jg and MARTHA RAY MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY two features “Target for To-night . an R. A. F. picture all’ rentals from picture for British War Relief ‘Kisses for Breakfast’ DENNIS MORGAN and an all- star cast 53 Grand Bend and District Red Cross realised $250 at their com­munity auction sale, Frank Tay­lor, of Exeter, was auctioneer. The Grand Bend Red Cross recently col­lected $175 for blankets. School children have collected over $60 and are sending the buys from the district Christmas boxes. The Exeter High School Annual Dance —* featuring —4 ' Johnny Downs Fun —- Novelties — Favours 01 ................................................. . ................................................. ....... Beautiful All Wool Kenwood Blankets Luxurious all-wool blankets, for warmth without weight. In Blue, Rose, Cedar, Gold, Peach, Green and Wine. Also Kenwood’s famous FJoraltint in six beautiful harmonies. Wouldn’t it be wonderful? A Kenwood blanket for Christmas? FLANNEL BATH ROBES Sure to please $6.95 to $11.95 McBRINE’S LUGGAGE Gladstone’s and Overnight Cases. $2.25 to $13.50 FORSYTHE SHIRTS AND PYJAMAS It pays to buy quality. $2.00 to $3.50 GOLOSHES and SPATS Keep his feet warm, $1.25 to $2.95 ALL-WOOL SWEATER COATS Keep out the cold. $2,50 to $4.95 BILTMORE HATS In newest styles and shades $2.00 to $3.95 HOUSE SLIPPERS Cosy and comfortable $1.00 to $2,75 • ' GLOVES AND SCARVES In wool sets Per set, $2.25 BRACES AND BELTS Neatly boxed 50c, 75c, $1.00 WARM WINDBREAKERS Stand the cold weather $4.95 to $6.95 New China for Christmas See our display. -Many new pieces have been added for Xmas. Give your friends China. It always pleases. See our 29c and SOc counters. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday 1 pkg. OXYDOL, 25c With 2 cakes Ivory Soap * £*1*^€* 1 pkg. CHIPSO, 25c with 2 cakes Camay Soap free With coupons POST TOASTIES . Cornflakes 2 pkgs.... .15c NEW ORANGES 2 dozen.........35c Range of Prices 25c, 29c, 39c, 60c doz. WAX BEANS 2 tins...........19c -.0 Tender Leaf TEA 1 pkg..............38c MINCE MEAT . Bulk 2 lbs........... . 25c d beans White Cooking S • • • • •« 25c Libby’s TOMATO JUICE 3 tins............25c PORK & BEANS 4 cans ..... 25c Southcott Bros. Some days ago Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Morrison and daughter, Emily, paid a welcome visit to Mr. W» A, Johnston. Mr. Morrison at one time was one Of Mr. Johnston’s school trustees in No. 4, Stanley. One day recently Mr. Johnston had a pleasant visit from Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Pearce, of Clinton,z and also that lady’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anderson, of Ash­ field. A unique experience that Mr. Johnston has had, is that Mrs. Anderson for a number of years was one of his pupils in the Pub­ lic School in No. *9, Ashflelft and Mrs. W. C. Pearce, Exeter, Charles’ mother, was another of his fpiupils in S.S. No. 2, Hay, when bhe was a girl. In fact, he was the only school teacher she ever had, Need­ less to shy, Mr. Johnston is proud of his two former pupils and is more than pleased that though the younger couple lived over 40 miles apart they are to-day two hearts that beat as one. He calls them his grandchildren. If you wish to read of their first meeting, look up the poem on page 96 in Rural Rhymes of Love and Friendship, This book is for sale in the Times- Advocate office. There are 104 ’poems and.the cost is only one dol­ lar, W' * •. Mrs. J, G, CoChrane, Of Leavitt’s Theatre has donated at,piano to the Exetef-Hensall branch of the Can* adian Leghm Mrs, Cdchrahe made the donation when she learned how much use was being made of the legion clubrooms by the airmen of the Centralia airport. Already the poolroom at the legion rooms and the piano have been in use by the air students whoTind the rooms a desirable recreation, centre when they come to Exeter* Send tfye ZSimes* ^Advocate as a <5ift 0* GLOVES— All the latest hits in men’s finer gloves for your selection. Except­ ional, value. Upwards from...$1.50 MUFFLERS— We have a fine assortment of silk mufflers in gay patterns and fring­ ed edges. Upwards from......$1.50 SHIRTS— Dozens of smart stripes and plain shirts. Separate and attached col­ lars. Upwards from................$2.00 HOSE— Splendid selection of hose in startl­ ing designs and colour combinat­ ions at per pair................. SOc OTHER SUGGESTIONS Handkerchiefs, Bathrobes, Belts, Sweaters* Ties, Suspenders Braces and everything in men’s apparel. W. W. TAMAN *