HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-18, Page 5THURSDAY, BEC. 18th, JMl GEORGE WRIGHT I Can stretch your dollar for you. Yes SirI These nationally-known branded lines represent Quality, The prices appeal to those thrifty shoppers who can make a dollar talk. Penman’s Tiger Brand and Stanfield’s Underwear, Bell Shirts^ $terlin& Caps and Pants, Wear well Hose, Allan Hats, Walker’s Overalls, Woodstock Rubbers, Slater Shoes, Every name stands for the best in it’s line and old established houses BOYS’ WOOL JUMBO COATS—A big, heavy sweater knit in a Jumbo Stitch that packs plenty of warmth for out­ door wear ...... 98c AIR WAY PULLOVERS—Knit in a close rib stitch wool worsted, brown only ...... 98c TIGER BRAND COMBINATIONS — Soft and comfortable Sizes 24 to 34...........................................,....................... 98c BOYS’ DOESKIN WINDBREAKERS—Well-cut, pleated, half-belt backs. Green, blue and browp, 26 to 34.......$1.98 BOYS’ BRE'EKS—An outstanding special that features satisfactory wear. Blue, brown and gray, zipper pockets, full peg cut, double knees and*seat, 26 to 36....... .......$1,98 Yes, we have Rubbers, O’shoes, Sox, Lumberman’s, O’alls’ everything that boys’ need for hard, rugged wear. " TIGER BRAND, 100% pure wool. This week only. Regular $3.95 .......................................................................$3.66 COTTON & WOOL COMBINATIONS-^Made from good quality heavy cotton and wool yams knit in heavy elastic rib stitch. Reg. $198.......This week, $1.69; 2 suits, $3.00 CARRIED OVER—The heavy Doeskin Work Shirts we advertised last week for $1.19 We are pitting another 3 dozen of these out at this price. These are $1.69 values. Zipper front, triple stitch, full cut. LADIES’ COTTON HOSE— Another 10 doz. at 2 pairs, 29c GIFTS \ Leather Jackets Gloves Hose Spats Ties Braces Slippers Shirts Sox Shoes ‘5 BE THRIFTY: SHOP AT GEORGE WRIGHT’S HENSALL Mr. Homer Tinney, ot St. Cathar­ ines, spent the week-end at the home of his father, Mr, Matthew Tinney. Mrs. Robert ‘Price and little son of Pittsburg, Pa., are visiting with hei’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman. • I Mrs-. Fred Corbett and Miss Eve­lyn Corbett1 accompanied by.*5, friends,I Visited with Mrs. Ida Harding in London on Saturday.Mrs. Gline Flynn and Miss Enid Parkins, of London, spent the week­ end at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Miss Edith Parkins, of St. Cath­ arines, spent the week-end at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parkins. Christmas Sunday, Dec. 21, will be observed in the churches. White Gift service will be .held in Carmel; Presbyterian church in the morning and in the United church in the evening.The annual Christmas concert of 'Carmel Sabbath School will be held on Monday, December 22nd, at, 8 O’clock. A good program .has been prepared and all friends of the children are cordially invited to be present.Rev. R. A. Brook conducted ser­ vices in the United Church on Sun­ day and the choir sang two an­ thems, “Blessed be the Lord”, with Miss Mary Goodwin, Mrs. Hedden and Mrs.. W. O .Goodwin singing­ in the trio, and “Sing Unto God Oui’ Strength.” -Following the visit of Santa Claus at the community Christmas tree on Saturday at 2.30 p.m., rhe children will be -treated to a free picture show in the town hall, fea­turing “Mickey’s Wild, Capers, Cir­cus Days and Jungle Jitters’ . At 5 p.m. the di/aw for 5 prizes will be made at the town hall.Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Carlisle, Hen­ sall, wish to announce the engage­ment of their second eldest daugh­ ter, Martha Agnes, to Sgt. H. J. stokes, C.D.C., Canadian Field Am­bulance, R.C.A.M.C., Sussex, N.B., youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stokes. London, Ont. The mar­ riage to take place early in De­ cember. 4 ....Santa Claus will make his annual visit to the comm’unity Christmas tree in Hensall on Saturday, De­ cember 20th, at 2,30 p.m., when gifts will be presented to the child­ ren of the community. During the afternoon a free picture show will be presented in the town hall for the children. Lucky tickets have been passed out to the married la­ dies and the draw for the winner will take place at 5 town hall. Meets with Painful Mr* Ben Tinney, of Ship, met with a painful accident While hauling wood from' the swamp on Saturday Xhen he had the mis­ fortune to lose his balance on the sleigh and cut his foot on the axe. He was brought to the office of Dr. D. G. Steer where several stitches were required to close the wound. S.S* No. 10, Hay, Presents Concert ’ The annual Christmas concert was held on Wednesday evening at S.$, No. 10, Hay, When a splendid program was presented, by the pu­pils under the leadership t of the teacher, Miss Esther McIlwain. The musical instructor, Mr. Sam Rennie, led in the singing and Mr. Geo, Armstrong was chairman for the evening. , The opening chorus­es, “HapDy Christmas to You and “We (Take our Hats Off to You, Mr, Churchill” were sung by the school, followed by a fine program by the scholars.- S.S. No. 1, lhiekersmith Presents Concert The annual Christmas ^concert p,m. at the Accident Hay Town­ >’McEwen; supply sec., Miss Mippie ReiJ, welcome and welfare sec.,J Mrs. J. W« Bonthron; Glad Tidings sec., Mrs. Donald McKinnon; litera­ ture and library sec., Mrs. A. MacLaren; Home Helpers' sec., Mrs. Annie Logan; asst, Mrs. WJ- Weir; students’ sec., Mrs. R. Y.; MacLaren; pianist, Mrs. W. A. Mac- Daren. Rev, wm. Weir gave a very helpful address on the suh< ject, “Living One Day at a Time.” The meeting closed by singing “Je­ sus, tha Very Thought of Thee”, af­ ter which Rev, Weir Jed in prayer. Council' Meeting The last, regular meeting of the 1941 village council was held on Monday evening at 8 p.m, in. the council chamber with ell members present, Minutes of the previous meeting were read, Per Kerslake and Horton it was moved that +he minutes be adopted as read. Car­ried. Thos. Kyle reported in con­nection with, the rink, asking about • putting in a bottom, He was in­ structed to see R. Dick. He also reported having collected the Poll taxes. Jas, A. Patterson reported having received* the municipal sub- 1 sidy of <$3'83.28. R. J, Patterson, tax collector, reported having col- j lected $11,380,45. to date and the outstanding taxes, $1,242.39 being left to collect. Horton and Camer­on,, that we strike off the tax roll the following: M. Love, scales, . i $6.60" K. Hicks, transient trades, $8.25; E. Doerr, business tax, $3.30; R. Webber, business tax. $9.90; to­tal, $2(8.05. Carried, Correspondence was read from . the following; Provincial Treasurer, City of Stratford, Relief Dept., , AC1 Brook, Cpl. K. D. Brook, Coun­ ty Engineer, County Treasurer, War Memorial Children’s Hospital, De­ partment of Municipal Affairs, Bell Telephone Co. The same were fil- i ed. The following bills and ac- [ counts were read: < Mrs. R. Mac- I Laren, advertising, 85c; Chas. Moore, supplies, $4.50*. Glen, Mac- ' Lean, gravel, $4,801; W. Passmore, supplies, repairs, $12.32; County of Huron, tax collections, $6.7-3; l Orville Twitchell, salary fire dept., $35,00; Jas, A. ‘Patterson, registra­ tions, B.O.H., $23.75; Dr. I, G.Smillie, B.O.H., $6.0'0; R, B. Shad­ dick, B.O.'H., $6.00; Thos. Kyle,B.O.H., i$ 6.00: Bank of Montreal, interest, '$12.35; School Board, school rates, $4,800.00; County of Huron, ’County rates, $1,973.82; 'Public Library, library rates, $191,64 Hydro Commission, street lights, $1,008.00; total, $8,091.76. Moved by -Parkins and Horton that I ............... i I DASHWOOD NOTICE—All accounts must be paid by Dec, 20th, 1941. A. Zim­ mer. 2tp & . Mr. John Bender spent a few days In Toronto last week. Mrs. Jacob Weber is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recov­ery, Murray Wolfe, of Fort Brie, spent the week-end with jiis parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe.The following , is the Red Cross shipment: It pairs socks, 3 turtle­ neck sweaters, 4 aero caps, 6 pairs whole mitts,, & pairs sea boots, J pair 2-way mitts, 3 alternative caps, 16 wash cloths, 3 quilts, 3 shirts, size 8; 6 blouses, size 8; 2blouses, size 16; 2 coats, size 16; 2 pairs children’s bloomers; 4 girls’ dresses, Death of Robert Hayter > Robert Hayter passed away at his home in Dashwood on Friday, December 12th, in his 59th year, following an illness of about five months. He was born on the 21st concession of Stephen Township and has been a resident of this district for the past 23 years, ’He was a farmer and at the time of his .death was serving as a school trustee of Dashwood public school. He was a member of the Dashwood Lutheran church and is survived by his wife, formerly Bertha Willert; four daughters, Mrs. Joe Bruce, of Windsor; Mrs. John Snyder of St. Catharines; Grace, of Toronto and Dorothy at home; 3 sons, Harry, James and Robert, at home; 4 sis­ ters, Mrs. R. Bestard, Thorndale; Mrs. J, Gilmartin, of Hamilton; Mrs. Roy Brothers, of Stratford and Mrs. Ed. Cook, of Toronto. A private funeral service was held at the residence on Monday at '1.3'0 o’clock followed by a memorial service in the Lutheran church, Interment took place in Exetei’ Cemetery, Rev. T. Luft officiating. Among those who attended from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bestard, Mrs. Sorenson and ’Clarence Bestard, of Thorndale; Mrs. R- Brothers, of Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilmar­tin, Hamilton; Mrs. C. Hayter, Clandeboye; Mrs. W. Hayter, Grand Bend; Mr; and Mrs. H. Zimmer, Windsor: Mrs. Lena Willert and William Willert, of Centralia; Mrs. Stafton and Mr. James Beavis, of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Isaac and family; Mr. and Mrs, Llyle Woodburn, of Greenway: Mrs. Moved py -rai’Kins ana Jtiorton xnar Alf Miller, Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeffery, the bills and accounts as read be I Mrs. R. -Zebe, Verdeen and Clayton paid. Carried. - i Hayter, Mrs. Mark Miller, Mrs. H.The treasurer' was instructed to1 Ingle, Lillian Hayter, all of De­offer the stock scales for sale and troit: Mr. James Mose, Rtypley; advertise the same in the local pa- Mr. and Mrs. .Case Houston and pers, also to charge the school I Madge, of Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs.pers, also to charge the school | Madge, of Bayfield; Mr. and Mrs. board the sum of $15 6.85 in trust 'Nelson Hayter, Mr. and Mrs. Fred on loans. ‘Fleming, Mrs. Carruthers, of Thed- Moyed by Parkins and Kerslake ford; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hayter, Mr. &* *2 * * * $ p Many useful articles that will he appreciated BATTERIES Exide and General Motors A large quantity at prices ranging from $5,00 up ELECTRIC FANS for DEFROSTERS Rubber Blades ' $5,95 ©■HOT WATER HEATERS and Defroster attachment Genuine Copper Cores which assure you of the best performance A. C. and FRAM OIL FILTERS One way in which to save oil when it is nee ded for war purposes and a good way to prolong the life of your car. WEED- TIRE CHAINS All Sizes Prices Ranging from $6715 to $11.15 WEED SNAPON CHAINS All Sizes in Stock From 80c to $140 STEERING WHEEL COVERS 75cVelvet FRNDER GUIDES $1.50 each FOG LAMPS Priced from $4.00 to $840 WINTER FRONTS for RADIATORS $1.75 GOODYEAR TIRES All sizes in stock We will make you a real good allowance for your used tires. AUTO WAX AND POLISH Now is the time to keep your car in good condition Winter Suggestions for Your Car The annual Christmas concert at S.S. No. 1, Tuckersmith, was held on ‘Friday evening when a most cre­ditable -^program was presented. Much credit is due to Miss Ham­ilton. of Bluevale, the teacher, and to the musical instructor, Mr. S. G. Rennie, of Hensall. Rev. Grant, : of Kippen was the chairman for the1 evening. The program opened j I with the dinging of patriotic songs i by the school, led by Mr. Rennie. I An address of welcome was given by; Harold Dilling, followed by a splen­did program presented bv the schol­ ars." . ’ " Mrs. Robt. Bonthron Observes 88th Birthday Robert Bonthron observed | - - • - — ■ - * * Many relatives and . ’ I- ' ", ' >Bonthron many more She was the re- ars. that council adjourn to meet Jan­uary 5th, 1942. . Carried.James A. Patterson, Clerk and Mrs. W-^. Hayter, of Stanley; and Mr. and Mrs. N. Hayter and Donna, of Greenway.-----t—V-------- WINTER GRADES OF OIL AND GREASE Mobiloil, Heavy Service SuperteSt. SPARK PLUGS—A. C. for best perfor­ mance. Change at 10,000 miles, VALVE GRIND—-Our4 equipment assures you of a good job. CARBURETOR OVERHAUL—Will save you' money and gasoline which is great­ ly needed at this time. NEW RINGS—Now is the time to install rings for better performance and to give longer life to your motor. CLUTCH OVERHAUL—It will give you better performance and probably save a larger expense later. COMPLETE MOTOR OVERHAUL—Come in and we will be pleased to check your car and give you an estimate of the cost without any obligation. ■ t I I i ■mlsuiis, ui xieiiBcm, vjsj S at the home of Mr.Horney.Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons and sons visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden,, of Denfield.Mr. and Mrs. R. Torrance, of Porter’s Hill, visited recently with the latter’s father, Mr. H. Ivison, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Keys, of near Bayfield, visited on Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Jones.The Sunday School of the Unit­ed Church are holding their annual Xinas tree on Tuesday evening, Decembef 23rd. After the pro­gram Santa Claus will appear. Y.P.S. Meeting The Y.P.’S. met on Tuesday even­ing for their weekly meeting. The president, Mrs. E. Chipchase, pre­sided. Aftei’ the worship period the topic was given by Ernie Chipchase. During the business discussion a nominating committee was elected, composed of Jean Schilbe. Sybil Grant and Ernie Chipchase. Those , will bring in the slate of officers for the yeai’ at the first meeting in January. After a closing hymn and the benediction a social half- hour was spent.---------V--------- MOUNT CARMEL Mr. James Dalton spent Monday) in London.Miss Marie Regan, of London, spent the week-end at her home here.Mr. and Mrs. (Claude Gelinas, of Bayfield, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dietrich.Mr. and Mrs. Denis Bedard and family, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Morrissey.Mr. and Mrs. T. Dennome, of De­ troit, spent the week-end With the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Regier.-------v------- CREDITON EAST Miss Vera Sims, of Thedford, is staying at the home of Mrs. Steve Glanvllle. Private Steve Glanville, of Lon­ don, spent Saturday with his fam­ ily here. Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Brokenshire, uf Windsor, spent the week-end with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli LaWSon. Mrs. Harry spent Sunday brother-in-law, Lawson. Mr. William on crutches, having in his left foot while the Fairfield airport day. Mr. Sam Sims is off airport, having broken ribs while working thei’e last week. i KIPPEN __ and Mrs. J. Verbeem and sons, of Hensall, visited on Sunday . and Mrs. W. Mr.vis- and Mrs. -------- ----------- . - . ...her 88th birthday at her home here on Friday. Many relatives and friends called during the day to wish Mrs. happy birthdays. __ __cipient of beautiful flowers, cards and pifts. Mrs. Bonthron is en­joying her usual good health and is ----- to receive her Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simp-her, hap- always, delighted to visitors. IL. —J 2.L _ .son, of Detroit, visited with ,and Mrs. Lou Simpson on this py occasion. Wolielo Class Meeting The December, meeting -of Wohelo Class of the United Church was held in .the schoolroom on Fri­ day evening ’with a good attendance. The president, Ross Forest, was .in . the chair and the meeting opened by singing “Angels from the Realms of Glory”, followed by the Lord’s prayer in unison. Miss Elva Me-! Queen read the scripture from the second chapter of Matthew and the devotional was taken by Mrs. Da­ vid Kyle. Following the business the roll: call was answered. Miss1 Ellis favoured with two very hu­ morous readings. Mrs. Eric Ken­ nedy gave the topic entitled “in the Beginning”, dealing with the origin of the early Christmas cus­ toms. Mrs. Hedden favored with a vocal solo. After singing “Holy Night, Silent-Night”, the meeting' closed with the benediction. Con­ tests were enjoyed which' were ar­ ranged by Miss Mary Coleman. A social Hour followed in which re­freshments --—J rnji*. Forest, in a pressed, on thanks to -their leader, for her kind and efficient co-opera­ tion throughout the year aiicl also expressed the desire of the class that she continue for the future. W.M.S. Elect Officers The annual meeting of the‘W.M.S. of Carmel Presbyterian church was held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday at 3 p.m. with the president, Mrs. C. Hudson, presid­ ing. After singing “Joy to the World”. Mrs. Hudson led in prayer. The Scripture, Isaiah 9, Was read by Mrs. Jas. Patterson. The roll call Was answered With “Joy” as the text word. Following the sing­ ing Of “Holy Night, Silent Night,” letters of thanks for gifts sent them were read from Donald Walker and Jim Campbell, who are serving over­ seas. Ehcottraging reports were given from the various secretaries. Rev. Weir occupied the chair for the election of officers with the following officers being elected: Honorary pres, pres.,' Mrs. C. pres,, Mrs. R. vice-pres., Mrs. vice*pres., Mrs. Geo. Walker; ■the were served. Edison well-chosen address ex- belialf of the class, Miss Ellis, Arnold; vice- 2nd 3rd Mrs, , Mrs. H. Hudson; 1st Y. MacLaren; Jean Manson J. Dallas; sec. treas,, Mrs. A, D, i Parsons, with Mr. Motz CREDITON Mr. Bill Wood, of Toronto, j ited for a few days with Mr. Mrs. Fred Kerr. I Mr. and Mrs. Earl Haist spenz Sunday at the hqme of Mrs. Joseph Mountain* of* St. ^.Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Brown spent Saturday at London.. Mr. Brown wrote some examinations, at the Western University. The December meeting of the Evangelical Mission Circle was held in the form of a Christmas party at the home of their advisor, Mrs. H. K. Eilber. About 30 girls sat down to a table appropriately decorated for the Xmas season, after which the mystery pals gifts were distrib­ uted. Services at Shipka, Brinsley and Crediton will be' conducted next Sunday (Christmas Sunday) by the minister, the Rev. Lawrence H. Turner, B.A. Choral music in keep­ in with the “Advent” season will be rendered by the choir. Brins­ ley, under the leadership of Mrs. I Daniel Lewis, with Mrs. Kinton pre­ siding at the organ; Crediton with Mrs. Lawrence Wein presiding at the piano and also leading. Miss Pearl Keys will preside at the piano at Shipka with the minister rendering a vocal number. The minister’s theme ' for Christmas Sunday is “Why Christmas in a World Like This?”.' You will honor the Christ child and His Church upon earth by occupying your pew oh this day. BRINSLEY Sunday School at Brinsley 1 of Exeter, her sister and and Mrs. Eli is going around broken a bone Working at last Thurs- work at the a couple of The Y.P.U. of Elimville will present a play “UNCLE JOSH PERKINS” in the church TUESDAY, DECEMBER 23rd, at 8 p.m. Santa will be present Admission 25c 1 J. Painting and Body Work Specialized In new building at rear of shop,'equipped with modern body repair equipment. -................................................. .....—............—------------------—....... ........ ..................... .......... OUR WORK IS GUARANTEED ON ALL MAKES OF CARS A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENERAL MOTORS PARTS AND ACCESSORIES SNELL BROS. & CO PHONE 100 4 ■3 EXETER The has elected its dfficers and teach­ ers for 1942. They are: Superin­ tendent, Mr. L. -Ainos; asst. supt,f Mr. Roland Neil; secretary, Mr. Leslie Morley; . librarian,' Donald Maguire; treas., Mrs. Jack Treve- thick; missionary convener, Miss V,era Wasnidge;.; .temperance com­ mittee, Mr. A. Lewis, Mrs. R. Neil, committee, , Kathleen teachers, Earl Mor- , the min- Mrs: C. Eiland; music Mrs. J. Trevethick, con. Morley, Douglas Lewis; Adult Bible ’Class, Mrs. ley; Young Men’s Class, ister; asst., Miss V. Wasnidge; In­ termediate Class, Mrs. Dan Lewis; Young Ladies, Mrs. Eldon Hodg­ son « Beginhers, Mrs. L. Amos; pri­ mary, Miss, Myrtle Neil; asst., Mrs. Roland Neil; Junior Class, Mrs. Da­ vid Morley; asst., Mrs. Karl Pick­ ering. * WHALEN Miss Eunice Parkinson, of Lon­ don, spent the past week under the parental roof.Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster and Bev­erly visited on. Thursday evening ^--ith Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Rodd, of the line. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson in the passing of the latter’s mother, Mrs. Jas. Swallow, of near Thorndale. Mr, and Mrs. John Morkin left on Tuesday to spend the winter at Lake Alfred Hotel, Lake Alfred, Florida. / Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Squire and Dorothy, of Farquhar, were recent visitors of Mr. and Mrs. E. Foster. Several young people from this community spent Wednesday even­ing with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lackie at Lucan. During the evening Mr. and Mrs. Lackie were presented with an electric clock. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Morley en- to-tained the Treasure Seekers’ class to a Christmas party oil Satur­ day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Squire and Harry spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Orvillfe Cann, Thames Road. W.M.S. and W-A. members of the W.M.S. and held their December meet- Mrs. Earl Johnson’s home on afternoon With fifteen 0’ The Red & .White Store This is Harvey & Harvey saying Happy Christmas with Good Things to Eat Apple Juice .* Tomato Juice Pineapple Juice Grapefruit Juice Smoked Fillets of Haddie Fresh Frozen B. C. Salmon Oysters Oranges Candies Peanuts Choc. Bars Popping Corn Apples Figs Cranberry Sauce Cranberry Jelly Red Currant Jelly Mint Sauce Xmas Pudding Xmas Cake Fresh Fillets of Haddie Ginger Ale, Lime Rickey, Coca Cola, etc, in Handy Cartons i V- GRAND BEND Mr. Dave Johnston spent a day or so with friends at Granton. The Red Cross sale was a grand StlCCSSS* liMr. »Fred Wilson spent the week­ end in London.Mrs. Bert Clinger attended a fun­eral in London on Friday,Mr. Hector Gill Is al! smiles, little Stranger came to stay. -Mrs. Rennie RavSlle Visited daughter in London last. week.Mrs. Ivan Geon was called to William owing to the illness of father and brother, Both are quite ill at present. , ,, . . ■Mr, Hugh Love, of Mbssbank, is visiting relatives In the neighbor- hood. , ,. „ ,Mr. Thos. Webb Is on the sick list at present. A Itfel* Ft. her TheW.A., ing at Thursday _______ ___ ____members present. Mrs. F. Gunning I presided over the W.M.S. 'After, the opening exercises Rev. Merriam led in prayer. The ’Christmas pro­gram was used from the Missionary; Monthly. Mrs. Hazelwood and Merle .Squire gave readings. iMrs. Wm.1 Morley was in charge of the W.A. During the meeting, several business items were dis-1 cussed. 17,- _„7____7 Z7_. 7son gave interesting readings, this time Rev. Merriam presided' ----over the election of officers which ter, oi were as follows: Pres., Mrs. wm.'Fletcher, m xhussuks, sspem me Morley; 1st vlce-pres., Mrs. Foster; phst week with Mr. H. Fletcher. 2nd vice-Wes./Mrs. F. Squire; sec., I Mrs. J. C. Gardiner, Sr,, return- Mrs. H, -Squire; treas., Mrs. Wilson ed home from a very pleasant holi- MpMey: good cheer workers. Mrs,day with her grand-daughter at Wm. Hodgson, Mrs. Geo. Squire; Simcoe, and . also with friends at pianist, Kiva Morley. *“- ..... H< Harvey & Harvey Prompt Delivery Phone 102 KIRKTON The snow plow made its first trip through on No. 23 Highway on Sunday, Dec. 14. niKunpsq nnms wbi-r ms-< We extend sympathy to Mr. Harry Mrs Cffden and Mrs John-' Rletch^r, in the death of his wife, the late Mrs. H. Fletoher. .iprt' Mrs. Sid White and little daugh- of Collingwood, Miss Edith ‘. of Brussels, spent the Hamilton. Mw John Williams received word on Monday of the death of her sis­ ter, Mrs. Wm. Moor, of Kitchener* Mrs.. Moor at one time was a resi­dent of Kirkton when "she and her husband, the late Wm. Moor, con- now WINChELSEA Mr. Wilburn Penwarden, of Lon­ don, Spent tile Week-end With HIS jiusuuuu, uie ntew wnu ..— ... cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fiet-f ducted, the hardware store cher, ef Wfiichelsea. ’ operated by I, N. MarshaH, —H W.A. Meeting The annual meeting of the W.A, of tse Kirkton church was held Thursday of last week. The of­ ficers for 1942 are the following; Pres., Mrs. Denham; vice-pros., Mrs. W. Doupe; 2nd vice-pres., Mrs. R. Switzer; sec., Mis* B. Doupe; treas., Mrs, Urquhart; pianist, Mrs, Alex Crago; asst., Mrs. Urquhart; parsonage comm., Mrs. Alvin Drago; Mi'S. T. TUfts, Mrs. 0. Routly, Mrs, Hodge; visiting comm.. Mrs. R* Hazelwood, Mrs. Gardiner, Mrs, Anderson, Mrs. Duffield, Mrs. S< Switzer. At the close of the meet­ing' candles wore lighted and car­ ols were sung, Thm little cere*, many was in charge of Mrs. Rapson, assisted by the village group, Beautiful ’Christmas cards, sep* at the Times-Advocate. Boxed at 25c a dozen and urn