HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-11, Page 61k qsaClifiWi DEC. 1UK THE EXETER TIMES-AOVOCATE Ml come to where you will find a big assortment of gifts that will be appreciated . .........................................-.... ■ ........ , j, , ■ ............................... ......:...•............... . n Out stuck is carefully selected Bind comprises useful and practical gifts which will give happiness on Christmas Day and throughout all the year. r 15 WARS AGO and Mrs, Ed. Wilier! and Tuckey left Monday in a Ford car to •motor to Florida tlx© winter. The Ford coach belonging Mr. W. F. Abbott skidded on icy road Tuesday morning and lided with a telephone pole, car coming off second best* The annual missionary collection at Caven Presbyterian Sunday School, last Sunday amounted to $77.00, This is a generous offer­ ing for a small school. Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Ryckman who recently disposed of their pro­ perty at Archydale, Sask., arrived in town on make- theix* future home in this, community, oux* midst. Mr. Ross Hern, .of Zion, is spend­ ing a few days with his aunt, Mi’b. Chas. Kerslake. Miss Muriel Howald is ill at her home with pneumonia. Two train­ ed nurses are in attendance. Mr. Bruce for to the col- the Saturday and expect to We welcome them to Electric Heaters Electric Irons $2.75 to $5.95 Electric Toasters $2.50 to $4.95 Christmas Tree Lights Carving Sets Pocket Knives 25c to $1.25 SKATES AND SHOES for every member of the family. We have a large stock to choose from and our stock was bought before the rise in price. Get our prices. Gilette Razors* Shaving Brushes Coleman Lamps, Lanterns^ Ag * *rons § Sg«g §g <S£ •« eg Sg eg §geg eg ,,Exeter eg t. „ Pyrex Ovenware Knives and Forks Scissors, 25c to $1.75 Tools, Hammers Wrenches, Drills, Saws You never saw a saw that saws like these saws saw. V- B. W. Hardware Merchant Phone 86 The World’s Finest Anthracite is Trade Marked Blue. Order Blue Coal and we have it, also Large Lump Alberta Coal HAMCO Dustless Coke A. J. CLAT.WORTHY Phone 12 We Deliver i Grantor SAINTSBURY Mr. and Mrs. Clyne Dobbs spent the week-end with Mrs. Alfred Kington, of Union. Miss Pauline Abbott spent Sun­ day with Mrs. Clarence Davis. Mr. George Essery, of London, spent Sunday with his daughter. Mrs. Wm. Dobbs. A number from this -community attended the dance held in Moores­ ville last Wednesday night. Miss Lorraine Dobbs has secured a position in London. W.A. Meeting The W.A. meeting was held on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Hen­ ry Hodgins. “ ‘ meeting of were elected lows: pres., sec., treas., Mrs. Wm. Dobbs; treas., Mrs, Fred Dobbs; Mrs. i i Pagt I When Chest Colds Strike Give- —give the important job of relieving miseries to the improved Vicks treat­ ment that takes only 3 minutes and makes good old Vick? VapoRub give - BETTER THAN EVER RESULTS! Provincial Highway No. 4 to the location of the site subject to. the approval of the Minister of High­ ways, he had written the County Engineer and had his reply stating tkat it was the intention of rhe County to widen and Improve- the road, when it becomes a County Road and suggested that the Hydro Commission be notified that they keep their poles 32 feet centre of the road. This done. 3. Letter from Harry inquiring whether the would sell that portion ,1 street between the Oestreicher and Ewald property in. Crediton and what the price would be, No ac­ tion was taken for the time being. 4. The report of the Municipal Auditox* as to the 1940 Township expenditure on Township roads was read and 5. The statement sor as to value of the government for the Centralia and Grand Bend Airports. It was shown that 496 acres were taken for the Centralia Airport with an assessment of $22,783 and 368 acres for the Grand Bend Airport with assessed value of $18,162 oi’ a total of $40,945. The Clerk was instructed to mail a copy of this statement to the County Clerk for the purpose of having the loss of this assessment spread ovex’ the County according to its equalized assessment. Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by Nelson Schenk; Whereas by rea­ son of the building of the Airports at Centralia and Grand Bend, there has been a -heavy increase in traffic in this Municipality by trucks and other And plaints nave/j lie at the /i trucks through the Police Villages there­ by endangering, life and property. Therefore we, the Council of the Township of Stephen recommend to the Department of Highways that they give the necessary authority to the. Huron County Council to pass a by-law limiting the speed limit for the Police Villages of Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood and Grand Bend to thirty miles fronx the fans been A. Trick Council oi’ the filed. ( Clerk ’submitted the of the Township Asses- the acreage and assessed the land expropriated by hour. Carried. Moved by Roy Ratz, seconded by A. J. Amy, that a grant of $15.Ou be made to the South Huron Fieri men’s Association. Carried. That Pay-sheet No. 12, amount­ ing to $460.71 be passed, us well as the following orders: BY. Cen­ tralia, special levy and dog tax, $361.58; p.v. Crediton, special levy and dog tax, $563.99; p.y. Dashwood, special levy and dog tax, $452*99; !P.V. Grand Bend, .special levy and dog tax, $1,243.89; Trea­ surer, Township of Hay, levy Hay’ Twp. Telephone system, $3,047.76; H.H.P.C., arrears, Vincent, $14,40;' Treasurer, County of Huron, re­ bate, Kuhn hospitalisation, $20,12; H.E.P. Com., account, town hall, $6.60; J, Gordon Henderson, frame for Victory Loan Pledge, $1.75; Treasurer, Lucan, relief re Apple­ ton, $9,12.; Dept, of ’Health, insu­ lin account, $1.45; T. Harry Hoff­ man, ambulance re Merner, $12.00; Exeter $14.50; printing, Bank of Commerce, cashing road cheques, $1.50; A- G* Webb, relief, Kinney, -$ 12.00; Cora Gaiser, milk, Jackson, $7.20; Anna Gill, rent, Jackson, $3,00; P. Eisenbach and others, labor, repair of Haycock Creek, $34.75; Earl Shapton, gran; to South Huron Plowmen’s sociation, $15.00; milk inspections, Schatz, flour, Jackson, $2,85. ried. The Council.^ adjourned to meet again in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 15th day of Decem­ ber, 1941, at 1 p.m. H. (K. Eilber, Twp. Clm-k ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE to bring relief . , , penetrates to upper breathing passages with soothing me­ dicinal vapors . , . STIMULATES chest and back surfaces like a warming poul­ tice ,. , and WORKS FOR HOURS to ease coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and bring real comfort. To get this improved treatment— just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes ON back as well as * throat and chest, For Better Results then spread a thick » an layer on chest and Ur cover with warmed V VapoRub doth. Try it! The Improved Way Times-xAdvocate, printing, Exeter Txmes-Advocate, Centralia Drain, $4.2.0; 25 YEARS AGO Mr. Nelson Stanlake moved day from town to the farm on the second concession of Hay Mr, Latimei’ Grieve secured sec­ ond class honors in his midwinter Pharmacy examinations at Toron­ to recently. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Buswell and daughter, of Flaxcomb, Sask., arrived here Monday to visit rela­ tives fox* some weeks. Mr. Samuel Brock has purchas­ ed Mr, R. D. Hunter’s 100-acre farm at Elimville, Miss Love, who has successfully ‘taught in NO. 3, Stephen, for some time, has resigned hex’ position and after the holidays will leave for Buffalo, where she will take a business course. Mr< F. E. -Karn, formerly of the Sovereign Bank, , Exeter, and lat­ terly of the Royal -Bank, London, has been appointed manager* of the branches of the People’s Loan and Premiex’ Trust Company, which opened at Windsor, this week. ■ ---------V--------- Frl- 5 vehicles hauling material. Whereas numerous com- have/been made .by the pub- , excessive speed these and automobiles are driving As- E. Guettinger., $12.90* Vernon Car- Minister: “I ‘do wish I could think of some way to make the members of the congregation pay attention to me when I’m preaching,” Son; “Why don’t you put the clock right behind the pulpit?” able by the breaking out of pimples, and you probably know of cases where a promising romance has been spoiled by those red, white, festering and pus filled A Pimple Severed Face Kills Many a Romance The lives of many young people are made miser- sores on the face. The trouble is not so much physical pain, but the mental suffering caused by the embarrassing disfigurement which very often makes the sufferer ashamed to go out in company. The quickest way to get rid of pimples is to improve the general health by a thorough, cleansing of the blood. , . , • Burdock Blood Bitters helps to cleanse the blood and with the blood cleansed the complexion should clear up. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. CENTRALIA Mr. and Mrs. W- Stephens Mr. and Mrs. C. Stephens| Children, of Anderson; spent day with Mr.. warden. Mr., and Mrs. ily, of London, tors with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hedden. Mr. Robert Smith is confined to his home owing to illness, His many friends wish him a speedy resovery. . > Mr. and Mrs. Mary Gee and fam­ ily moved into part of Mrs. Par­ son’s house. We welcome them to oux’ community. The sympathy of this community is extended to Mrs. Albert Harlton in the death of her sister, Mrs. Geo. Pickering, of Crediton. Mrs. Harlton and Mrs. strong attended Wednesday of 'last week. ■The Centralia and Whalen choirs are preparing a cantata, “The Na- i tivity of Christ”, to be presented • in the Centralia church on Sunday | night, Decembex* 21st. Keep this [ date in mind and plan to attend, i II I and Mrs.- F. and and Sun- Pen- 1 I This was the last the- year so officers for next year as fol- Mrs. James Turner; Raymond Greenlee; sick box' “Merry with the & i > O. Clark and were Sunday fam- visi- Mr. and Jane Arm- the funeral on The Centralia Sunday School, the Home and School Club and the school are joining together in a Christinas concert to be presented in the schoolroom of the church on December 19th. Come and bring your friends. (Too late for last week) Mr. and Mrs. Sam Webb, of bett and children,. of Hensail, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Pollard dur­ ing the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Mills, of , visited with Mr. i i I i I ..XX. ■ Sarnia, visited with Mr. and Mrs.J H. Mills on Friday of last week. spent Sim- Mrs. Grant Ford of Hensall, were C or- and head your Christmas Gift List with a Subscription to Mr. and Mrs. E. Beavers the week-end with friends in coe. Mrs. R. Davey, who has quite ilj^is able to be up and around again. Mr. Cyril Hennessey has rented what was known as Mills’ shoe shop and is having it done ovex’ fox’ his insurance office. Mrs. H. West will assist Mr. Hennessey in the office. been The Exeter Times-Advocate Not ^usf one gift but 52, one’s that are always new. The last’ ‘ cjripy will be just as welcome, just as thrilling, just Rs .interesting as the very first—and it is a whole family gift. “ Just clip this coupon or phone 31W Enclosecl please find remittance of $ which please send The Exeter 'Times-Advocate as a Christmas Gift Please send gift card to person securing this sub scription. This order was scut in by the St. Clair tunnel Main $ dur- com- Cre- i Rev. Harry Mor- Mor- I •In inst.; by the Exeter, Mr. 1 Miss L. A. of Mrs. J. Coulter, wife and Exeter for Hensail Ex- I MacDonald and returned to their on Saturday-); after father, Mr.' Sam GEO. W. LAWSON Manager 50 YEARS AGO The English Church parsonage has been undergoing repairs ing the past week and is now ’pleted. The Grand Trunk Through press trains began running regular­ ly throughout on Monday. Mr. John family, left where they intend to live in fu­ ture. Mr. Hugh Spackman intends occupying the premises vacated, by Mr. Coulter opposite the Street Methodist Church. Buckingham—Morlock- diton on the 9th A. L. Russel, of . Buckingham, to lock, daughter, lock, of Crediton. W.A. Meeting The regular monthly meeting of the Women’s Association was held in the schoolroom of the church on Thursday afternoon, Decembex1 4th with 25 present. Brown, meeting hymn 308, followed by prayer, ter a short business session a very interesting Christmas prograin was given undex* the leadership of' Mrs. N. Mitchell, Passages of scripture and devotional readings were given by Flossie Davey, Mrs. N. Mitchell, Mrs. O. Brown and Mrs. Albert Smith, each followed by a suitable Christmas hymn; piano duet by Mrs. F. Penwarden and Mrs. H. West; solo by Marie Buswell: vocal duet by Mrs. O. Brown and Mrs. L. Hodgson; vocal duet by Mrs. W, Essery and Mrs. F. Fdnwardeh. Readings ware given by Mrs. Mer­ riam, Mrs. Blair and Mrs. And­ rew Hicks. The latter selection was very interesting "as it was composed by her daughter, Helen Hicks, of Vancouver. The meeting was clos­ ed by singing the National Anthem, after which Rev, Merriam pronounc­ ed the benediction. A dainty lunch was served by Mrs. A, Hcks, -Mrs. W. Baker, Mrs, C. Skhner and Mrs.* Alton Isaac, CREDITON EAST Miss Honora Driscoll and Mr. Tony Weiler, of Sarnia, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Wilson Anderson and son Charles. Mrs. Harold daughter Maria, home in Exeter caring for her Baynham, for a couple of weeks. We were pleased to see Mr. Sam Baynham able to be out for a car ride on Sunday. Congratulations to Mrs. Wilson Anderson, who celebrated her.79th birthday on Friday last. Mrs. Eldon Merner returned home Saturday from St. Joseph’s Hospi­ tal, London, and is improving nice­ ly. z Pte. Glanville, of. London, spent Sunday at‘his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heatherley, of London, and Miss Irma Ferguson, of Kippen, and Mr. Arnold Gack- stetter, of Guelph, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Motz. Mr. and Mrs. George Wright, of Windsor, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parsons, of Exeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Lawson. ---------V——— members and 15 visitors The president, Mrs. O. was in the chair. The was opened by the use of Af- STEPHEN COUNCIL • % The Council of the Towxiship Of (Stephen met in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 1st of December, 19 41, at 1 p.m, All members were present. The min­ utes of the previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Nelson Schenk, seconded by Ar- thui’ J. Amy. The following correspondence was read and disposed of: 1. From the Assistant Chief Municipal Engineer advising that the Department approves of the Township letting the contract for crushing and hauling 2,000 cu. yds. Of gravel at 79c a yard. Filed. 2. Front the Hydro Electric Power Commission regarding the purchase of a site between lots 5 and 6, Con. 1, foi’ the erection of a distributing station to supply service to the Centralia Airport and asking whether the Council intend­ ed widening the road. The Clerk reported that in view of the Coun­ ty Council taking over this portion of the road extending westei’ly from THE TELEPHONE SYSTEM WILL BE LDAHEH TOO . . . THIS CHRISTMAS The stores can spread their Christmas rush over several weeks. But the Telephone Company has to handle an avalanche of Long Dis­ tance calls On Christmas Eve and Christmas Day itself! There’s no way to set up a telephone system BIG enough to keep this tremendous traffic moving at normal speed.. There’s no way to "ledict where the worst jams will occur. Calls normally concentrate etween the principal cities, but on this one day they pour in from widely scattered towns and villages, as old friends exchange personal greetings across the miles between. This year, hundreds of telephone people will, give up their own ChtiMipas and do their level best to complete your holiday calls Every available circuit will be in service But there are bound to be delays and dis­ appointments. If your own calls get caught in the rush, we’re sure you’ll understand.