HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-11, Page 4thurgday, dec, 1011 THJE BXETM TIMES*APVQCAW Page 4 r • BIRTHS HQTSON—At Dr. Fletcher's Hospl- tai on Wednesday» Dec. 3rd* to Mr. and Mrs. John Hotson; R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig* a son. FINKBEINER—At Dr. Fletcher's Hospital, on Monday, December 8, to Mr. and tylrs. Dome Fink- helper,, of stephen Township, a son. WEIGAND « Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont. Phone 13$ WEDNESDAY a>ul THURSDAY 2 nights only —» 2 features <i Grapefruit ..... 7 for 25c Emperor Grapes 2 lbs. 25c ALL ONE PRICEMixed Candy Chocolates, Creams, ' Gums. Rock Mincemeat <* —+ in Scqtt Memorial Hospital, Seaforth* on Sunday, December 7th* to Mr, and Mrs. Louis Weigand, Dashwood, a son (William Gerald), MARRIAGES HODGSON— GREB — At of the bride’s parents on Tuesday, December Doris Kathleen, youngest daugh­ ter' of Mr. and Mrs. Simon G-reb and Mr, Reginald Berton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodg­ son, by Rev. A, J. Sjnale, -of Strathroy, uncle of the groom. PAGE—COX—In Toronto on Sat­ urday, December 6th, 1941, An­ nie Marguerite Cox, daughter of Mrs. M. 'Hannigan, of Exeter, to Mr. Thomas Page, son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Page, of God­ erich. the home in Exeter 9 th, Miss Meet Boston Blackie’ An action drama starring CHESTER MORRIS Sweetheart of the Campus” A mimical comedy with RUBY KEELER extend to all best wishes for A Very Happy Christmas Season 4<l Cnfl-AA Cook s fresk ground nrtc ^wOl. H Cv The talk of the town, only ........ DEATHS ENGLAND—In Zurich, on Tuesday, December 9, 1941, Carolina Eng­ land wife of the late John England, in her 8'0 th year. ---------V--------- FRIDAY andl SATURDAY 2 nights only «— 2 features “International Squadron An aviation drama with RONALD REAGAN “Lil’ Screen play from the comic strip Lil’ Abner, with an all-star cast if L WE ARE GIVING AWAY WITH EVERY DRESS AT $3,95 OR OVER 1 box of dainty handkerchiefs as a Special Christmas Gift WE HAVE CUT OUR PRICES ON THE FEW REMAINING COATS AND LADIES’ AND ^CHILDREN’S HATS f FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE GIFT SUGGESTIONS TO BE PURCHASED IN THIS STORE ■ Mr. HENSALL* Vi Vi / ROCK BOTTOM CASH STORES EXETER ’’5H PRODUCING OIL ROYALTIES PAY They return the investors* capital at rates as high as — 2% % per month, 30 % per year — HIGHER RETURNS THAN FROM ANY OTHER INDUSTRY Owners of producing and paying Oil Royalties may, look forward to a cheque every month direct from a trust coittpahy. Regularly priced at $1.00, we offer FREE a 28-page booklet, pre­ pared by the Oil Research Bureau, graphically analysing the Oil Industry of Western Canada and explaining how Royalties function to the investors’ advantage, shows how-'— INCOME E. A<*$pE<GRIST Co. Ltd., New Bank of Toronto Bldg., London^ On£..' Met. 3370 Gentlemen: With no obligation on my part please send 'me your booklet on Oil Royalties. ’ NAME .... ADDRESS vvvvvv vvvvv.vvvvvv I Phone 146 Just Phone 146 Season’s Greetings to You With more specials fbr Xmas • Tomlinson Perfect Xmas Permanents (i THERMIQUE OIL Re^i $3.75 for $3.25 DeLUXE CREAM Reg. $5.00 for $4.00 0 MACHINELESS Permanents Vapor Marcel $6.50 JAMAL This permanent has Magic Automatic Steaming Eye $7.50 BONAT OIL Reg. $6.50 for $5.00 ZOTOS This permanent is a standard price all over Canada $10.00 PERMANENT ENDS Regular $2.50 for $2.00 Regular $3.00 for $2.50 See 1 V All Waves. guaranteed and individually styled, our display of Xmas gifts, Revlon Sets, Beauty Makeup Sets, Creams; Powders, etc. TOMLINSON’S Modern Hair Stylists VVVVVV VVYVVV V V V t ■ V * V v ENGAGEMENT Mr. Thomas Stafford Woods, of London, Ontario, announces the en­ gagement of his younger 'daugh­ ter, Catherine Anne, to Mr. Ken­ neth Arnold Shantz, of Nobel, On­ tario, son of Mr. Cyrus B. Shantz and the late Mrs. Shantz of Pres­ ton, Ontario, the marriage to take place at the Church of St. John the Evangelist at five o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday, the twenty­ seventh day of December. ----------V---------- MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY 2 features “Maltese Falcon A mystery drama with HUMPHREY BOGART and MARY ASTOR “Smiling Ghost” A mystery comedy with WAYNE MORRIS 99 ft I CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. W. C. Allison wish to thank all those who remembered Mrs. Allison with cards, flowers and candy, also those who called on her while a patient in Victoria Hospi­ tal and since her return home. _„V-------- CARD OF THANKS and Mrs. Charles Coward wish to thank all those who* so kindly remembered Mrs. Coward with cards, flowers and treats while a patient in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London.____v!___f CARD OF THANKS PP DANCING... Exeter (Opera House) EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 3 Door Prizes Steeper’s" Orchestra Admission 35c DANCE 1 family I Mrs. Agnes Lammie and wish to express their appreciation to the neighbors and friends for the kindness and sympathy extended during their bereavement in the death of their sister and aunt, Miss Martha Hunter; .also to Mrs. Anne Saundercock for her patient and efficient care; to Rev. Mr. Brook and W. O. Goodwin and for the floral tributes and to those who loaned visited illness. TIEMAN’S HALL Dashwood New and Old Time WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17th Murdock’s Orchestra ADMISSION — 35c fi cars ;yid also to those Who Miss Hunter during her •V- IN MEMORIAM FINKBEINER—-In loving memory of our dear mother, Magdalena Finkbeiner, who passed away 14 years ago, December 8, 1927, and our (---- ------ Finkbeiner, who passed years ago, December 12, We miss them when we friend, On them we They They God dear father,? Christian 8-away 1933. need a ■depend,always could us in our ^sorrows, us in our pain; day _ we’ll meet; cheered soothed grant some again. —Ever remembered by family. ----------V--------- " IN MEMOBIAM the of Ja- who passed away WALPER—In loving memory •a dear husband and father, cob Walper, December 10, 1938. We 'do not forget you, npr do we intend; We think of you often and Will to the end. Gone and forgotten by some . may be, But dear to our memory you will be. —Ever remembered by his and family. ... ■ ■. y you ever wife GRAND BEND Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Turnbull and family visited in Ingersoll oil Sun­ day. Mr. and Mrs. F. Oliver, of Lon­ don, were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. w. B. Oliver. The Red Cross has a large dis­ play df goods for said next Satur­ day. Don’t miss the sale/ Mr. Walter Statton has a very large pile of wood cut and will soon have about 'So'O1 market. Mrs. Jim Patterson serious operation in St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, and is quite ill at present. •- Mr. and Mrs, Herman Elliott, of Shrnia, visited with Mrs, Alma Mol* lard on Sunday. They were ac­ companied by Miss Fisher. KIRKTON Miss Millie Gallop, of Mt. Plea­ sant, spent the past week with her sister, Mrs. Ross Marshall, before leaving for Toronto, where she has secured a position. Mr. . and Mrs. ‘Chas. Paul. and •sons were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Paul, of St. Marys. A.'C.2 Maitland Hammond, spent the week-end at his home, having been transferred from Manning Pool, Toronto, to -Kingston. . Mr. and Mrs. ' Eric Humphreys qnd daughter, Jean, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Tay.-‘: lor, of Exeter. Sunday School Meeting The annual meeting of the Kirk­ ton Sunday School was held Wed­ nesday night, Dec. 4th, in the base­ ment of the church. Rev. Rapson opened the meeting and acted as chairman. Mr. Clarence Routly, who has been superintendent for the past eleven years resigned his po­ sition. Mr. Wib. Kirkby was ap­ pointed and Mr. Clarence Switzer will be his assistant. The majority of the teachers accepted their class­ es as last year. Mrs. A. Robinson is holidaying with her daughter, Mi's. Lome Mar­ shall, in London. - Annual Report of the Mission Circle The officers of the Mission Circle for the coming year will be: Pres., Barbara Kirkby; 1st vice-pres., Wilma Gilfillan; 2nd vice-pres., Marian Kemp; treas., Roxie Doupe; sec., Norma Tufts; asst., Helen McNaughton; pianist, Norma Urqu­ hart; aSst., Lorene Copeland; mite box,sec., Lavona Denham; program story, Rhoda Kirkby; press sec.* Marian" Francis; World Friends'1 sett., Barbara*Kirkby; expense fund, _ •> The Heralds are as Marian Shute, Viola Gil- Mary Urquhart, Marian Lavojna Denham, Ruth ., uuupc, ucuu duulC, McNaughton, Ruth Kemp, Anderson, Goldie Walker. ---- --—y___ WOODHAM Marion Johnson, nurse-in* Ella Doupe. follows: fillan, Copeland, ffarding, Ella Doupe, Jean Shiite, Donna Ah drey cords for the tnidorwefii a Miss training at, Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent Sunday last at her home here. Congratulations to the newly­ weds, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wilson, of the Rase Ditto, who were mar­ ried Tuesday of last week. The December meetlug of the W.M.’S. took place in the basement of the church last Wednesday aftor- noori, With a splendid attendance. The president, Mrs, F. Pattison, FOR MOTHER Slip Coat • Skirt Dress Blouse Gloves Pyjamas Bed jacket Nightgown House Dress AUCTION SALE At the United Church Slied, grand bend SATURDAY, DECEMBER 13tli at one o’clock sharp Live stock, live and dressed poultry, farm implements, large quantity of potatoes, fresh fruits, canned fruit, maple syrup, apples, beans, grain, fresh eggs, furniture, home-made baking, quantity of wood, dishes, quilts, aprons, etc. ’ Terms—CASH FRANK TAYLOR, Auctioneer J. W. HOLT, President - ALBERT WATSON, Secretary NORMAN TURNBULL, Clerk ---------V--------- TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN RATEPAYERS’ MEETING A meeting of the ratepayers of the Township of Stephen will be held in the Town Hall, Crdditon, on Monday, the 29th day of Decen.ber, 1941, at the hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving the Detailed Financial Statement for the year 1941 and the report of the Council; and for the discussion of any matters of in­ terest to the Municipality. Herbert K. Eilber, Clerk of Twp. of Stephen Cr'editon, Ont., December 10, 19 41 ,----V— 11-3 tc NOTICE TO CREDITORS • (Creditors and others having claims' against the estate of Mar­ garet Grant late of the Village of Crediton, Ontario, Widow, . who died on -the .eighteenth day of Sep­ tember, A.D. 1941, are required to send their claims to the under­ signed before January tenth, (19 42, aftei' which date the Executor will distribute the assets of the estate having regard only ‘to the claims received. » .'GUNN & SMITH, Bank of Toronto Chambers London, Ontario Solicitors for Executorll-8tc took the chair and opened the meet-, ing with a hymn and prayer and also conducted the business, after which Mrs. Delmar Johnson was in charge of the Christmas pro; gramnie which was taken from the Missionary Monthly and was very inspiring with its many Christmas carols and hymns taken from the hymnary. Several ladies took part in this programme and at the close of the meeting Rev. A. Laing was present and took the chair for the election of officers for the coming year. Few changes wefe made, mostly everyone being returned to “last year’s offices. Officers for the W.A. were also elected for the coming year, A new president, Mrs. Arthur Rundle, was elected, with a few other changes. It was decided at the W.M.S. meeting to send $10,0'0 for Christmas cheer to the British children. On Wednesday evening last a meeting was held in the basement, of the 'Church for the election Of officers for the Sunday School for the coming year., Rev, A. .Laing presided. The following were el­ ected: Supt., Leonard Thacker; as­ sistants, ’James . Millan and Fred .Doupe;* sdc., Gladwin HdopW,' treas., Win. Rodd; teachers fol* Bible Class,• Rev. A. Laing, Mrs. W. Switzer, Mrs. Dfelniar Johnson and Mrs. Fred Loupe;* younger girls’ class, Mrs. Ray Mills and'Mrs. Jas. Miller; younger boys, Mrs. •Will Rodd and Mrs, Mervin Copeland; little girls* class, Mrs. Clarence Mills, Mrs. John Smith. FOR DAUGHTER Slip Dress f Gloves Coat Set Lingerie Pyjamas Housecoat Parka Hood Skating Cap Handkerchiefs Jacket and Skirt Wraparound Turban * Yardley Sets, $1.25 up Brush & Comb Set, 89c up Schick Electric and Injector Razors Gillette and Rolls Razors Pocket Books Money Belts Flashlights, Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaccos Lighters, Pipes, etc. > FOR INFANT Slips Dress Bonnet 0 Mittens Sweater Helmets Pyjamas Leggings Velvet Overalls Booties & Kimona High Chair Cushion A FOR HER Yardley’s, 65c up Elizabeth Arden, 75c up (Our Specialty) Evening in Paris, Formal Muriel Astorf Woodbury’s and others Cutex and Longlex Sets Dresser Sets 2.39 up Toilet Water and Perfumes A Cameras and accessories, Stationery, Box Chocolates, Electric Heating Pads, Lunch Kits, Mouth Organs and other novelties io brighten up their ..Christmas ' “Cute” is the word for our special little ladies’ Zipper Change Purse, shaped like a hat Don’t buy until you see our fine assortment of Christmas cards. I Come one, come all, and get your Nyal kitchen calendar. Don’t forget to ask for one. Your drugs at ROBERTSON’S Lawson’s Christmas Sales OFFERS OUTSTANDING VALUES FOR THRIFTY SHOPPERS WE SPECIALIZE IN DIAMOND RINGS __________________ X WRIST WATCHES 15 and 17 Jewel Movement Prices to suit all purchasers There will be no profiteering in this store.... call will convince you Birthstone Rings We have a fine assortment of Cut Glass . . . Silverware bought at the old price . . . Don’t forget to get our prices on popular Dresser Sets. Splendid Variety Chime Clocks Mantle Clocks Dresser Clocks JAS. LAWSON REPAIRING A SPECIALITY Jeweller Exeter WHALEN Mrs. John Cann, of Thames Rd. is visiting with Mrs. Earl -Miss Jean Morley, of spent the’ we^k-end with erits. ’ Mr., and Mrs. H. Squire cent visitors of Mrs. son, on Monday. i Tile W.M.S. and W.A, will meet at the home of Mrs, Ear! Johnson on Thursday afternoon of this Week. Mrs, Geo. Parkinson had the Johnson. Kirkton, her par- were re* Jas. Ander- misfortune to fall from a step lad- --------J id. a broken.der which resulted wrist. ivan Johnson and of Waterloo, spent at,their homes. . The Whalen, choir are joining with the Centralia choir in prepar­ ing a Christmas cantata which is to he presented in centrhlia church on 'Sunday evening, December 21st, and Whalen church oh Sunday ev­ en in g?i December 28 th. Roy Hodgson, the week-end