The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-11, Page 3ALMOND PASTE 50c a pound XMAS CANDY, CANDY NOVELTIES, FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Christmas CAKE the pest of materials in Products pastry’ flour IT WILL PAY YOU TO GET OUR PRICES ON FLOUR BREAD SHORT BREAD AND MINCE PIES A Have you tried our Doughnuts? We would appreciate your order for Christmas Fruit Bread For Cleanliness, Quality and Service try s PHONE > DOES YOUR NOSE FILLUP. SPOIL SLEEP? I_ | If your nose fillsSI "PURPOSE I up, makes breath- MEDIOIME | ing difficult, spoils ..................... ......« sleepr-put 3-pur- I a If your nose fills sleep r-put 3-pur­ pose Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. Va-tro-nol does 3 important things for you: (1) shrinks swollen mem­ branes; (2) soothes irritation; (3) helps flush out nasal passages, clearing clogging mucus, relieving transient • congestion. It brings more comfort, makes breathing easier, invites sleep.When a Cold Threatens, use Va-tro-nol at first jfc/ sniffle or sneeze. wBCKS'SC-Ci Helps to prevent bva imab colds developing. n. THE EXETER TJMES-APVOCATB MISS MARTHA HUNTER DIES at hensall Miss Martha Hunter passed away at the home of Mrs, Annie Saunder* cftck on Thursday in tier 81st year following a lengthy illness, The deceased came to Hensall about sixty years ago where rshe has lived ever since except for a few years spent in Exeter. Surviving Is one sister, Mrs. W. Lammie, Hensall; one brother, Robert Inglewood, California. A private funeral ser* vice was held from the home of Mrs. Saundei’cock on Saturday at 2 p.m. conducted by Rev, R. A.- Brook, pastor of the United church, of which the deceased was’ a valued member. Rev, Brook and Mr, W. O. Goodwin sang a duet, “Nearer My God to Thee”. The floral trib­ utes included wreaths and arrays from Mrs. W. Lammie’ and fam* ily; Dr, and Mrs. Byron Campbell and family, Toronto; the United church; dercock London. Messrs. Carlisle, Smillie, Geo. Dunn and Leslie’Rob­ ertson. Interment was in Exeter Cemetery. Church Meetings BRINSLEY Owing to the absence of Rev. H. Turner, Rev. Jas. Anthony, L. • , , -.of Exeter, -occupied the pulpit of the United church on Sunday last. • The annual -meeting of the Mt. Carmel-McGillivray Red Cross ciety Will be held at West McGill­ ivray Haji on Thursday evening, December 11th. The Christmas concert of'1 th.e Brinsley School and ” the United church will - be, held in the United church on Thursday evening, De­ cember 18 th. Miss Mary Lee is spen’diiig a few days with her aunt,. Mrs. S.cott Trevethiok. LeRoy Parker, of Clinton, holidaying at the home of grandmother, Mrs. Tom Lee. ----------y---------- So- is his How Does Your Label Read? An Exceptional Testimonial: / • • • ' w Fred W. Bray, Ltd., Hatcheries, have released the foF- lowing information: 1. Twice as many eggs were shipped to their hatcheries from flocks fed on Shur-Gain Hatching Feeds than on the next most popular brands. 2. The average hatchabijity of eggs supplied by Bray flocks increased outstandingly. The number of eggs supplied by Shur-Gain feeders rose substantially both in total and percentage of ,all eggs supplied. A FEW IMPORTANT POINTS TO REMEMBER: 1. A high increased demand for chicks due to greatly im­ proved poultry prices has made the production of hatch­ ing eggs profitable. , . Success in production of hatching eggs depends upon high production and high hatchability. Shur-Gain gives the highest possible efficiency in hatch­ ing feeds at a low cost that will make good profits. Shur-Gain 35 per cent Hatchmaker Concentrate sells at prices far below any competitive concentrate of- any­ where similar’value. Shur-Gain 18 per cent Hatching Mash made at our own mill reduces cost of feed. Our Hatching Mash is fresh— an extremely important factor. 2. ■ ■ 3. 4. 5. ■ . I) THntSBAl’, dbc. ijh>, mt Jeweller ^CANA04 ; Earl visit- Mrs. Albert on Fri- 19th. Sunday at James st. Women's Association The December meeting of the James St. Women’s Association was held in the church parlors on Thursday afternoon with Mrs. F ' May presiding. The devotional period conducted by Mrs. H. Jones was in keeping with the Christmas season. Mr. Page had charge of the election of officers for the year’ 1942- The following Slate was presented by the nominating committee and adopted -by the meet­ ing: Honorary president, Mrs, A Page; president, Mrs. J, R. C, Mof­ fatt; 1st vice-president, Mrs. H, Sturgis; 2nd vice-president, Mrs T. Coates; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. A, O. Elliot; secretary, Miss Down; assistant secretary, Mrs. M. Southcott; treasurer, Mrs, Motz; assistant treasurer, Mrs, A. Traquair; pianist, Mrs. E. Harvey; assistant, Mrs. V, Kestle corresponding secretary, Mrs. Vv Allison; assistant, Mrs. V. Kestle press reporter, Mrs, C. Snell; assis­ tant, Mrs. E. Steiner; floral com­ mittee, Mrs. W. Coates, Mrs. G Roulston, Mrs. E. Harness, Mrs, E. Westcott, Mrs. S’. Jory; w>. age committee, Mrs. H. Cowen, Mrs. commit- Mrs. Mrs, Mrs. Mrs, Mrs, I the W.C.T.U., Mrs. Saun- and Miss Kathryn Sills, of The pallbearers were Peter McNaughton, Wilson, John R. Stewart, Jas, Bluebird Diamonds Men’s Diamond Signets Ladies’ Diamond Signets Birthday Rings Costume Jewellery Evening Bags Compacts. Store witiyhe NewFront AND WINDOWS FILLED WITH .yF4WATC JEWBWBY and . GIFTS FOR EVERYBODY Silvey Tea Services Community Silverware Hollow Silverware Chinaware Dinnerware Spode China Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Comb, Brush, Mirror Sets bmisiw^ Schick Razors Sunbeam Shave Master Christmas Cards Bulova Watches Westfield Watches Elgin Watches Lorie Watches Tinted and Plain Stationery ------------- ---------------- HENSALL IS FREE OF DEBT With the payment of the last of tl& school debentures, Hensall en­ tered the select company of those municipalities . which are free of debt. Debentures amounting to more than $3,000 were outstanding as of December 31, 1941, because of Hydro, but these will be paid from Hydro earnings and will not be charged against the municipality. ------------V-^——*■ PERTH TO HAVE SURPLUS Dr. G. H. Jose, of Kirkton, chair­ man of the finance committee of the Perth County Council estimated that the county would end the year with a surplus of $11,000. --------W--------- arrived Sarnia, andMr. the Un* on g GREENWAY The Xmas concert of the United church will be held on Tuesday evening December 23yd. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hicks spent a few days recently with relatives in Michigan. Mr. and* Mr.s Lawrence Pollock received a cablegram last week that their son, Edison, had safely in England. ' Miss Muriel Fallis, of spent the week-end with Mrs. Lloyd Brophey. The Harmony Class of ited church planned to meet Thursday evening but the meeting has been postponed for this mojith.. Miss Ruby Hicks and friend, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillis and Donald, of East Williams, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hicks on Sundae Mr. Dawson Woodburn, of To­ ronto, spent -the week-end wllth his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wood- ’burii. . Miss Verna Cunningham, of Cre- ■diton, spent the week-end with., Mr. and Mrs. Joe Horner, Jr. , • -Mr. J. B, Nichol and Mrs- W. Wilson returned to Hamilton last Tuesday,' after visiting with rela­ tives here. ' : ' -V- D. Anderson; emergency tee, Mrs. T. O. Southcott, Coates, Mrs. C.- Pickard, Boyle; church committee, Jones, Mrs. E. Rowcliffe, May; visiting committee, Snell, Mrs. Edgai- Broderick; audi­ tors, Mrs. E. Buswell, Mrs. F. Boyle. Mrs. Moffatt played a medley of familiar tunes as tea was being served, following the business meeting. ■Caven Congregational Circle Caven Congregational Circle held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs, Jack Pryde with a good attendance. Mrs. A. Moir presided and opened the meeting with hymn 165. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Fuke, fol­ lowed by hymn 172. Roll call was answered by something you were making for Xmas. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted’. The following commit­ tees were then appointed: enve­ lopes, Miss L. Jeckell; flowers. Mrs. H. Whyte; program, Mrs. Eas­ ton and Mrs.<Willard; lunch, Mrs. Strang and Miss Weekes,; manse committee, Miss L. Jeckell, • Mrs. Russell and Mrs, Moir. The same officers, were appointed for anoth. er year: pres., Mrs. A. Moir; vice- pres., Mrs. Mason; sec., Mrs. Wil­ lard; treas.,- M^&.3aD'0W.; press re­ porter, Mrs. Flynn. Miss . Jeckell , tendered a vote of thanks to the : officers. Prayer followed, Mrs. Russell then gave a •demonstration on a centre-piece for Xmas, follow­ ed by a reading by Miss Annie Ma­ son., Both were very good and much enjoyed. Lunch was served by the committee. /Mrs. Moir mov­ ed a vote of thanks to the hostess meeting closed with the Anthem. ■ I and the ■National Main Appleton recited. • Elizabeth Gladman and Maxine Reeder sang a duet. Miss Florence Down told the Christmas story from “Lanterns in the Sky in China”. Shirley Taylor led in the devotional. Then every­ one repeated the Mission Band Purpose and prayer. Following the meeting the children enjoyed Christmas treat. ZION ■ Mrs. Harold Hern visited Tuesday with her parents', Mr. Mrs. George Earl, of Exeter. The Christmas concert put on by the Zion School children under the direction of Miss Alma Ratz »/ill be held -in Zion Church ~ day evening, December Laurene Hern spent her home. Mr. and Mrs.'. James ed on Friday with : Gunning, of Exeter, and Saturday .with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kers- lake. t Mr. and Mrs. E. Hern visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Clarke and Mr. W. Stephens, of St. Thomas. The Farm Forum meeting held on’ Monday School. evening at was Zion I Meeting meeting of held at the home Hern on Thursday, The foliowin, IN CANADA'S EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND Z^OME to Canada’s Evergreen Play­ ground for your winter vacation. this year. Here’s a balmy climate in which you can indulge in your favorite sports with new zest—golf, tennis, fishing,.motoring, hiking and riding. Hotels offer special winter rates to visitors. In Vancouver the new Hotel , Vancouver, in Victoria the Empress Hotel offer accommodations you’ll like and' surroundings to make your visit that much more enjoyable! ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT VICTORIA - March 9-14, 1942 . Full information from any ticket agent LOW FARES to VANCOUVER and VICTORIA Full Information From Your Local C.N.R. AgentThe December Zion W.M-S. was of Mrs. J. J. December 4._ The following offi­ cers were elected for the coming year: Pres., Mrs. Warren Brock; vice-pres., Mrs. Wellington Brock; sec., Mrs. Harold Hern- treas., Mrs. James Earl; flower comm*,, Mrs. E. Hern; pianist, Mrs. Ed>ar Baker. A ten-cent tea was served at the close of the meeting. Mrs. H. Kyle, of. Exeter, visited .on Thursday- in the community. ’ 'Charles rf’erh spent t$e week-end with Phillip Hern. . Mr. -and Mrs. Everard Miller and son Freddie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Miller, of Thames Road. the Dehcsoos St. Evening Auxiliary The December meeting of the Main St. Evening Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. R. Hop­ per, ing 'part, the meeting opened by sing­ ing hymn 65 and repeatin' Lord’s Prayer in Eva Penrose read the lesson followed by a duet by the Misses D.orothy Davis and Helen Dignan. The president, Mrs. Turn­ bull', then, took charge of the busi- Miss Marjory Broderick Mrs. elec- Hon- pre- vice- president, Mrs. B. Tuckey; corres­ ponding secretary, Miss Helen Dig­ nan; assistant, Miss Dorothy Da­ vis; treasurer, Mr’s. E. Campbell: assistant, Mrs. E. Russell; press recorder, Mrs. R. Turnbull; friend- ship0 committee, , Mrs. H. Skinner and Mrs. G. ^Skinner; temperance secretary, Miss Marjory Broderick; pianist, Mrs. R. Waghorn; assis taftt, Mrs. F. Hatter; home secre­ tary, Miss Eva Pearce; mite box secretary, Miss Loretta Kerr; con­ veners, Mrs. G. Lamport, Mrs. N. Hockey and Mrs. A. Frayne. Aftei a temperance 1 Peftrose i singing hymn 58 and repeating the Mizpah benediction'. Lunch was then served by the group in charge. The January meeting will be held the home of Miss Helen Dignan. Mrs.. A. "Fiayne’s group be- in charge of -the devotional RIDING MOTORING FISHING ALL YEAR ROUND - . CORBETT Mr. and Mrs. Frank Turner and sons; Ray and Jimmie, of Parkhill, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtis. Mr. Wesley Mellin has erected a new garage. The ladies of the United church, Greenway, held quilting bee at Sam Webb on week. Mr. and Mrs. tertained at dinner on Wednesday evening-in honor of Mr. and Mis. Jqhn McInnis, who were married recently. Several men are engaged baling straw for Mr. Fred Steeper and Mr. Sam Webb. Mrs. Maude Woodburn moved, in­ to her-house on the farm recently. She had been occupying the house +on Mr. Go,Hens’ farm. Mrs. Bruce Steeper entertained’ at a quilting bee last week. Mr, and Mrs. Wesley Mellin vis­ ited Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray on Tuesday evening last. Mr. Thomas Ryan, Sr., is spend­ ing a few days at Petrolia. Miss Madeline Ryan has return­ ed from St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lon­ don, where she had been a for an appendix operation. Mr. andx Mrs. Garfield were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Curtis on Sunday last. Keep ill mind the school at Corbett school on Friday even­ ing, Dec. 12. Everybody welcome. The annual Christmas tree en­ tertainment will be held in the Un­ ited Church, Greenway, on Dec. 23rd. Lantern slides and -Xmas, treat for the Sunday School children, also recitations, etc,, in Grace Church Parish Hall, on Monday evening, Dec. 22nd. -Everybody welcome. Mf, and Mrs. John, McInnis en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Harry Apnle- ton oft Sunday evening. Mr. Jas. Pollock received the sad news of the death of Miss Emma uaker of Seattle, Washington,, on November 2lSth, with burial on De* ‘comber 1st, ih Seattle. Miss Baker had many friends hero. I a very successful, the home of Mrs. Wednesday Of last Ohm er Burney en- patient Steeper Arthur g the unison. Miss scripture i ness. ___ . . ... >t - gave the treasury’s report. (Rev.) Woods conducted the tion of officers as follows: ovary president, Mrs. Layton; •sident, Mrs. G. McKnight; 1st talk' by Miss Eva the meetng closed by '5jSS ...... td 1 EXETER FEED MILL G« A. Cann & Sons Phone 35 * No Happiness in the Home When Mother Is Sick *The fired; wom out mother cannot ma^o a happ home if she is sick and Worried by the never endiii household duties. < * ' She gets run down and becomes nervous and Irritable, downhearted and discouraged, can’t rest at night, and gets up in the morning feeling as tired as when she went to bed. Women suffering in this way inay find in MilbUm’s Health and Nerve Klls a remedy with which to help recuperate their health, build up the run down system, and assist them back to health-—happiness again. Price 50c a box, 65 pills, at all drug counters. Look for Otir trade mark a “Red Heart” Oil the package. i The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. j concert at Janies St. Mission Band The December meeting of Mission Band of the James St. ited church was held Monday after noon with an attendance • of 45. After singing “Away in a Manger”, Mary Hannigan' read the minutes of the last meeting. For the scrip* turn lesson Ross Parsons told the story of the birth of the Christ Child. 'Trudy Pickard sang a solo. The next number was a duet by Jimmy and Beverley Sturgis sing­ ing the Doughnut song. Twelve older boys and girls sang an Xmas ■chorus. ' Leo Witmer and Har* Luscious Nut Filled Candies PER LB. 50c Candies for Gifts a token of good wishes. Some crunchy nuts . . » some chewy toffee with a dash of rum * . . the curious flavour of fruit jellies . It’s not the low cost . . . It’s the good taste that counts when for the family . . . for friends. Candy, Some crunchy nuts you have.candies for gifts, Oranges, Choice Selection of Candies, Fancy Boxed Chocolates, Pipes and Tobaccos, Cigars in Christmas Boxes Special Candy for School and Church Christmas Concerts GRIEVES’ SANDWICH SHOP LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS **4