HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-11, Page 2wc. urn* mi Page 2THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE jBisaw into thisthe road. safe- smihm touch them she up and class/' “Sitting get away grunted, without ill-feel- ” he agreed, by LESLIE CARGILL As he described it, when asking J shake off a7 limpet/’ for co-operation a little later, there! was immediate approval. Clither­ oe h appearances m his usual haunts had resulted in driying Mon­ tell! underground, for he probably found it impossible to take advan­ tage of the resemblance in such cir­ cumstances. If, however, Jerry was to disap­ pear from the scene he might, come out of retirement and again try and pass himself off as his double. “A fox’egone conclusion/’ Clew- thers admitted, “but worth trying. Suppose you go into the country for a few weeks and see what hap­ pens?”“Belcombe will suit me nicely if that is agreeable.” “Excellent! I’ll get in with the local police and tell to keep an eye on you.” “Is that still necessary?" “Absolutely, for your own ty. Don’t forget Manuel.” “Any more instructions?" “No, that about covers things.” “You've forgotten to ask for a love to all/ daily/’ Superinten- as to an old When he got back Elise last drop of ■wire—’‘Arrived safely, and picture postcards Jerry escorted the dent and said good-bye friend was draining the cocktail into her glass. “What a pity,” she murmured dreamily, “what a pity your highly superior policeman drinks so heav­ ily.” “We’d got a start on him, and if I were you I should choose sen­ tences with fewer* sibilants.” “What I like about you, darling, is that you carry your liquor like a gentleman, said that one Ing to have soon. . When “We?” “•Naturally to Belcombe. look after you.” “Go home, darling.” “Oh, no, sweetheart.” It was useless arguing and -per­ haps he didn’t particularly want to dissuade her. , “All right,” he conceded. “We start as soon as Mintey can pack.” This, it transpired, meant h’about ’alf h’an ’our,” “We’ll stop at , your place to pick mp some things/’ Jerry planned. “If only we could dodge the bob­ bies I’d be almost happy.” “Why not?” she suggested. “Can’t be done. The fellow downstairs will keep’ watch most of the way and then pass us on to the ■Belcombe people.” “Needn’t go to Belcombe. Dodge him like »Mr. Manuel. If he could sneak away unseen so can we.” “Jove, that’s an idea!" “Got plenty of juice?” Taken, for a Ride “Tank-full, .all in readiness. We’re in luck.” And that was how it -came about that Jerry’s car, closely followed by a quite-openly-revealed police car, took the road in rather reck­ less fashion. After some fancy driving, however, it seemed that the guardian officers had been shak­ en Off. “There’s another car sitting on our tail,” announced Elise. “Do you think it has taken over?” “Seems like it, and just when I was ready to go off at a tangent, keeping clear of Belcombe like the plague.” ’■ ji'WeTl have to go there now.” “Not Until they’ve had a run for their money. I’m going to try and beat them on speed, then we may be able to go to earth and have a rest from police supervision.” “The superintendent will be an­ noyed.” “Curse the superintendent.” For mile after mile Jerry stuck grimly to the wheel, too occupied to talk. Twisting and turning, ac­ celerating into -frantic bursts of speed, he handled the car like a genius, excelling anything he had ever done before. Elise reported “Can’t see them they are—they’ve And so It went on like a crack racing driver the fol­ lower was every bit his match, seeming to anticipate every move, “It’s no use/’ he exclaimed in ex­ asperation. “Might as well try to Now I couldn’t have at all. And I’m go- a frightful headache do we start?” I’m coming with you Somebody’s got to s at intervals, now—yes, here lost us-—no—” If Jerry drove .“Giving up?” “Yes. This is a fool’s game, and' I’m hopelessly lost into the bar­ gain.” They had certainly reached an isolated part of the 'Country. Fields stretched, away on either hand, with louely farm buildings dotted about here and there. The big machine was now rap­ idly overhauling them. “Evidently Clewther’s men are going to give us a piece of their mind.” “Queer grammar, darling/’ Elise murmured, settling herself down comfortably now thq disturbing pace had been checked. 4 “But gorspel truth, as Mintey would have it. Here they come/’ He braked heavily as the othex* ve­ hicle swerved in front and came to. a halt in the middle of Foui’ men tumbled out. “Say, feller, you can’t with that,” one of them Jerry laughed ing, “So it seems, “But I didn’t expect Clewthers to set you up with a bus like that.” “Clewthers! Who is he?” “Aren’t you from the police?” A hoarse rumble, seemingly indi­ cative of ironic mirth, was quickly stifled. “Sure you got it,” the man said placatingly, “The lootenant sent us to bring you in. You bet­ ter hop in the police wagon, pron­ to.’ Even if Jerry had not come into some sort of close relationship with the police he would have regarded this mode of address with deep sus­ picion, “Who are you and what do you want?” he snapped. “Why, ain’t you a wise guy. Didn’t you spot us foi* Federal dicks right , away? Make it snap­ py.” Without further ado Jerry and Elise were car, which was immediately set in motion. “I’m afraid,” he ventur-. ed, “that you chaps are mistaking me fox’ Tony Montelli again." “Mistaking, huh! Say, everybody knows Tony. We, seen your pic­ tures in the tabloids enough. Front tpage stuff, too. Soon as Dago said as wc were to get .you it was a push-over.” “So Manuel is at the bottom of this?” “Might as well come clean, What’s the use of taking it We’re taking you for a ride, dope about being cops was a up.” “Hardly necessary gathered something immediately,” “What’s that talk Jerry’s eyes with a. swift pull that felt as if brows and lashes were coming away in the process. He heard Nlise make a pained excla­ mation and rightly concluded she was undergoing a similar opera­ tion. “Yell your heads off if you they W’ere told. “Nobody take any notice/’ But all they -could do mumble, quite a lot of the adhes­ ive substance having come away from the cancas backing, Jerry couldii’t see very well either, until he had vigorously scrubbed himself with a handkerchief, “You all right, darling,” he asked, his first thought for Elise. answered taking Gracefully stream­ lined, ruggedly con­ structed turnover typs. Through-cord switch Permanently attached cord. Chrome finish. like,” mess.” it for Forever afterwards I my film fare seriously, exaggerate in the slight- reminds me of a gang- saw a few weeks ago.” the gangsters bent for- “You seen that “Gee, it was I- ain’t, cried so much hustled into the big “First bravely, notice/’ “Sorry “I wouldn’t have missed anything, shall take They don’t est. This ster film I “One of ward earnestly, one?” he questioned, •the gpods, in years.” “ ’Tweren’t So good as that one we saw back in the States," argued a companion. “Them poor mutts had a real tough time, mixed up with them racketeers. Elise gurgled happily. The no­ tion of these hard-bitten gunmen sentimentalizing over wronged mo­ vie heroes and heroines was more comic than anything she could have imagined. Brisk discussion arose as - to the comparative merits of half a dozen pictures, produced with an un­ doubted sob-stuff appeal, and it was plain that as a relief from their illegal operations these loughs lighted in the moral .of wrong feated and right triumphant. Dago Manuel Again de­ de­ feller, hard? That frame to confess. I of the sort levelled at me from time The language that comes to me is the King’s Eng- you're giving us? Can’t you speak English? “Another of the accusations that has been to time, naturally lish." “Shucks! Then I’m a Kaffir. And say, there’s' too much g.ab go­ ing on. I got to shut your mouth, see." “Manuel will give you hell for We’re good friends. Sure- you to be careful not to Clitheroe up with Tony this, ly he told •mix Jerry Montelli?” “No he there weren’t much time, was never. Come to that All he said was 'Bring me Tony and steer clear of the cops/ so we got to work.” “W.otcher wasting breath for?” snarled another of the gang. “Slap a plaster across his kisser—and on the moil’s.” She ain’t Slim Annie, anyways, knows that dame.” Jerry felt there was some milk of human kindness- in the more talka­ tive individual, and it was a pity, he was in the minority, mess of adhesive plaster ped acorss his mouth and discussion and Elise had with a similar indignity. Finally, more tape was stuck over their eyes, evidently to make it impossible to see where they Were going. This turned out to be dur­ ing the latter stages of the jour­ ney, for before long they turned sharply and the tyres crunched over rough gravel instead of sing­ ing smoothly on tar macadam. Soon afterward the car stopped and they were hauled roughly out and taken into a house, down a long corridor, and thrust into a room. Somebody yanked the plaster off I A sticky was clap- ended the to put up Here are gifts that will make her feel like a Queen, — gifts that will speed and simplify household tasks and give her more time to her­ self. General Electric Appliances are smart in design and will help her to make the home better and happier. See them today. GENERAL ELECT1UC Appliances MADE IN CANADA K-40 — Electric Kettle, boils enough water for 4 cups of tea In 3 minutes. Chrome- plate finish. R. E. Russell & G. F. Skinner SAVINGS DRIVE IS SUCCESS IN SCHOOLS OF EXETER A1T at once the vosces died away, into silence slowly open. “Dago, old “You arrive moment.” “Well, now, if it ain’t me old pal Jerry Clitheroe." Four discoinjfited gangsters re­ peated the name with bated breath. “Sure, he looked like Tony Montel­ li to us,” one of them added. Manuel grinned mirthlessly, •he did to mugs tell hear one.” ' “Reckon as . the door creaked chap!” greeted Jerry, at a most opportune' “So you you. The? Exeter TimeB-Advocate Established 1878 and 1387 ’ at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday morniui! SUBSCRIPTION—-$2.OU per year pj advance RATES—-Farm or Real Estate for $ale 60c. each insertion lor Brat four insertions. 25c. each subae- quent insertion. Miscellaneous ar­ticles. To/Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found XOc. per line of six words, Reading notices IQq. per line. Card of Thanks 50c. Legal Ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. per line. is Memoriam, with one verse 50c. extra verses 25c. each. Member of The Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association Professional Cards GLADMAN & STANBURY (F. W, Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Money to Loan, Investments Mad« Insurance * Safe-deposR Vaults for use of ou? Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, Ac- LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; Carling Block, Main Streo*, EXETER, ONT. The public school held their an­ nual Christmas entertainment on ■ Wednesday evening of this week. The proceeds go to the Red Cross. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mellin, of Detroit, spent the week-end at the home *of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mellin, Senior. The Sunday School members and teachers are -busy practising for the Christmas entertainment on Dec. 19th. The Young People are /put­ ting on a play. ---------V--------- SHIPKA A meeting of the Ladies’ Aid was held last Thursday afternoon, Dec. 4th, at the home of Mrs. Lome Finkbeiner, with all members pre­ sent and two visitors. The presi­ dent, Mrs, Roy Ratz, presided. The meeting opened with the singing of a hymn and prayer by Rev. Tur­ ner. The scripture lesson, the Christmas story, was read by Mrs. Wm. Rats. Reports were given from different organizations. Turner then presided over election of officers for 1942: sident, Mrs. E. Keyes; 1st pres., Mrs. A. Finkbeiner; 2nd pres., Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer; asst, sec., Mrs. Wm. i 'Ratz; corr. 4sec., Mrs. M. Sweitzer; | treas., Miss' P. Keyes; asst, treas,, J. Ratz; missionary treas., W, G. COCHRANE, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, ■ Notary- Phone 77 Residence Phone Exeter 74 n Rev. _ the Pre- vice- vice- V. Sharpe; sec., Mrs. The sale of war savings stamps is away to a good start in both the public and the high schools here. By noon Friday, after three weeks’ organization, the high school pu­ pils had a total of $85.23 or 431'2 cents per pupil, This is 14% Mrs. Cents per week or. almost three Mrs. John Sharpe; pianists, Mrs. V. cents for each student each school Sliaype and Mrs. Roy Ratz; flower ^rs Ratz, Mrs. J. Ratz, Ed. Edwin S. Braund Dies Dr. G. F. Roulston, L.D.S.,D.D.S, DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. Closed Wednesday Afternoons Mr. Edwin Simpson Braund, an Exeter old boy, died Friday, Nov, I 218th, at the home of his daughter, i Mrs, Elgin Smith, at 63 Chatham day. With a smallei’ attendance, i comm., but organization foi’ four weeks,’ Mrs. _ the public school has dope equally comm., Mrs. M. Baker, Mrs. Lome well and has -a total to niateh that of the older ^pupils. Grades 7, 18 in the publto school and 9B and 12 in the high school, all passed the $20 mark. ’ ’ Lamport; parsonage Miss Pearl Keyes; <23 TORONTO/> •me, oncet. Can’t a gentleman when <1 •he did have a queer kind of spiel, now that you come to mention it.” “That’s genuine English, that is, bonehead. Where d’yer think you are—back in the Bronx?” “Don’t be ’ard on us, boss. How was' we to know?” “O.K. boys. Skip it, but don’t let it happen again. I’ll let you in on the password. Carrickm’-' huilish. Wheneyei’ you hear that word it’s jake.” “Not that one,” Jerry pleaded. “I cafi’t pronounce it. Make it something like “Moth?” ” “Suits me. Hear mugs? Say, what’s the Lofty Mullings?” Lofty drew the back across streaming eyes. pronounce it. like “Mother Machree.’ that, you matter with of his hadd, ____M. „ _ It was not a very clean hand, to say the least, and the sooty mixture was “-start­ ling, unbecoming to one who start­ ed out with a considerable handi­ cap in any claim to be considered among handsome men. ,, “What’s gotten into you? chief insisted on knowing. “I—it’s that song, Dago. I always gets like this when I thinks of it. It’s kind of pretty. Makes me think of me -old lady/’ “Aw, can it, Anybody else into tears -and him.” Apparently, sentamentalist. Manuel made a threatening which dried him up quicker the most absorbent handkerchief take a good youTl know his and’ quit snivelling! thinks of I’ll take a Lofty was could have done. “Now look at me friends so’s ’em next time.” , *' The quartet started, A breaking crack at the only move than Hotel Wcsverley \ Spjldiwa Ave. at Collbob St. j RATES / SINGLE - $1.50 to $3.00 / DOUBLE - $2.50 to $6.00/ \. Special Weekly ' / N ancL / X. Monthly Rates A MODERN . . . QUIET . . . WELL CONDUCTED . . . CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HOTEL . . . Close to Parliament Buildings, University of Toronto,. Maple Leaf Gardens,. Fashionable Shopping District, Wholesale Houses, Theatres, Churches of Every Denomination. A. M. Powell, President Cutlery Butcher Knives Paring Knives Bread Knives Pocket Knives Troublesome light Coughs Are Hard on the System It’s the cough that sticks,’ the cough that is hard to get rid of; the tough accompanied by a tickling in the threat that causes the nerve and throat wracking trouble that keeps you awake at night, IM Wood’s Norway Pmo Syrup helps to relieve this coughing condition by soothipg the irritated parts, , loosehihg the phlegm and Stimulating the bronchial, organs, ana when this is done the troublesome irritating cough may be relieved* IM Wtod’k Norway Pine Syrup1 has been on the market tor the past 48 years. The Trade Mark “3 Pine Trees”. Price 35d a bottle; largo family Sisse, about 3 times as,much, 60c at ail drug counters, Mitbm Co., timiua, Oni. . organs, and when this __, ____ _____, while cep /tain points were enumerated, scar on Jerry’s ear same |as has, and no bullet in the arm. no appendicitis mark—” “They’ll take that for granted, I hope/’ Jerry observed uncomfort­ ably. “If I says so they will/*. “This guy sure looks like Tony,” one of them broke in. “But he don’t talk the same language. No, sir, he 'don’t. -Make a note of the speaking. It’s the goods. Genuine twetity-two carat. I’m a-going to take lessons in it myself/’ (To be Continued) “No Tony Nor a box of twelve beautiful Christ­ mas Cards for only 25c at the Tlmes-Advocate. , Finkbeiner, chaplains, Mrs. J.' Ratz, Mrs. Albert Gaiser. Rev. Turner led the sing­ ing of Christmas carols and gave a splendid talk on the life of John Miltom Mrs. V. Sharpe gave an •instrumental. The ladies decided to send boxes of fruit, candy and cake to the sick and shut-ins at. Christmas time. Two boxes of clothing were packed to be sent to Northern Ontario. Christmas gifts were exchanged. The meet­ ing was closed with 'prayer by Rev. Turner by the will be’ United Mrs. visiting with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gale. Mi*, and Mrs. Wm. Sweitzer vis\ ited over the week-end with tives in Chatham. ’ • Sunday last was missionary day at the Sunday School. Webb gave Rev. Mr. preached in Sunday last pastor, Rev. and dainty lunch was served hostess. The next meeting held on January ’8 th at the Church. H. Kraft, of Stratford, ‘is rela- Sun- Paul an interesting reading. Anthony, of Exeter, the United church 7 on in the absence of the L. H. Turner. Street, Brantford. He had been in ill health for some time. Mr. Braund moved to Brantford more than 40 years ago at the time the Verity Plow. Works moved to that city from Exeter. He was in the employ of that company until his retire­ ment some years ago. He was a member and elder of the Balfour Street United church, Brantford. Mrs. Braund predeceased him sev­ en years ago. Mr. Braund leaves to mourn his passing two sons, Cecil and Gordon, of Brantford; four daughters, Greta and Jean, of Hono­ lulu; Marion, of Saginaw, Mich., and Jule, of Brantford, and a bro­ ther, Luther, also of <that city. The funeral on Monday from the four, street United church largely attended. Rev. A; BroWn, minister of the ch-urch, paid ^glowing tribute to the deceased’s Outstanding efforts' in the Interests of the choir during the past forty and as' a member of the A profusion cif tributes indicated the high in 'which the deceased was Mr., JBraund served overseas the last war with the Clan- He was an Dr.cH. H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Office next to the Hydro Shop Main Street, Exeter Office 36W Telephones1 Rea. 36) Closed Wednesday Afternoons ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For (Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY PRICES REASONABLE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-13 Dashwood R. R. NO. 1, BASHWOOD Duro-Lite Rubber Cushioned Flashlights Penlights Batteries and Bulbs Bal- was W. FRANK TAYLOR years Board of Elders. floral esteem held. during . adian Ordinance Corps. active member of ;the Brantford Horticultural Society and the West End Garden. Club and was the win­ ner of many prizes for his beauti­ ful floral displays. Mr, and- Mrs; John Braund, of tow.n, are cousins. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfactloa Guaranteed EXETER P. O. or RING 188 WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction . Guaranteed Crediton. P. O. or phone 43-2 t Hockey Sticks and Pucks at all prices Rubber f Weather Strip Rubber Tape N GIVE THE LADY OF THE HOUSE . GIFT SUGGESTIONS A ROASTER Electric Toasters, Electric, Irons, Aluminumware, Graniteware, Bread Electric Waffle Irons, Pyrex Dishes and Cake Caddies, Water Sets,Dutch Ovens, Salad Bowls, Wooden Cake Savers Mixing Bowls — THIS YEAR MAKE LINDENFIELD’S II PHONE 181 YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING Specializing in tinsmithing and pliimbing-EXETER USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Exeter, Ont. President ....... JOHN McGRATH 4 Dublin, Ont. Vice-Pres...... T. G, BALLANTYNE Woodham; R.R. 1 DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ................... Exeter JOHN HACKNEY ... Kirkton R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR ... Mitchell R. 1 WM. HAMILTON ...... Cromarty R. 1 AGENTS JOHN ESSERY Centralia ALVIN L. HARRIS ............... Mitchell THOS. SCOTT Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER ' W. F. BEAVERS Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, .Exeter B. * ( Clean Up! During the next few weeks why not Clean - up those pieces of furniture you have no use for. You’ll be surprised what a Classified Advertisement in THE TIMES-ADVOCATE will do for you in disposing of articles of furniture etc. Try a Classified Next Week