HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-11, Page 1* The groom’s gift to the I ID Additional Rounds Choice Turkeys EXETER And district WAR''ttaRJtlE$ WND. The treasurer acknowledges table large and hold­ brideTotal,.ExOtet-HensaU Branch of the CANADIAN LEGION McKnight’s Hall, Exeter Thursday, Dec. 11th • at 8.30 sharp 18- Rounds OmaffiNS, DUCKS and HAMS lip 00. ESTABLISHED 1873 GIFT SUGGESTIONS for LADIES and GIRLS Handkerchiefs in Fancy Boxes Bath Robes and Dressing Gowns , Silk Hosiery arid Underwear Fancy Parasols Neck Scarves Leather Handbags Fancy Towel Sets Sweaters Pillow Cases Linen and Rayon Tablecloths and Sets Girls’ and Misses’ Snow Suits ^BEDROOM SLIPPERS •ge variety of colors and styles LADIES’ MISSES AND GIRLS’ at greatly Reduced Prices Every coat must go in a, hurry as we are offering them at real bargain prices. A large range of good styles to choose from. These would make handsome Christmas gifts. Small, re­ gular, half sizes and extra large. the Holiday For LADIES and MISSES Smart styles, low prices, dozens to choose' from A bargain in All Wool Blankets EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 11th, 1941 .................................................................................................................... ............... Sixty-Ninth Yw GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN and BOYS , Initialed Linen and Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs • • Shirts, Braces, Ties Armbands, Garters Neck Scarves Gloves, Sweaters, Bath Robes, Pyjamas, etc. * ZIPPER OVERSHOES S SPATS and SLIPPERS for Men $1.25 to $2.98 Velvet OVERSHOES Zipper Overshoes, Spats or Slippers For Men ’ $1.25 to $2.98 SKATING OUTFITS In White or Black An ideal Xmas Gift These motor rugs would make excep­ tionally nice Christmas gifts. Very specially priced at $3.95, $5.75, $6.95 This is one of the finest quality all- wool blankets we have ever shown. White ground with pastel-colored bor­ ders. Only a limited quantity at this price ........... $5.95 each at $5.93 each Chenille that Exceptional values at Bed Spreads at $3,95, $5.75 and $6.95 $2.95 $3.95 BARGE SIZE FLANNELETTE jplaids and stripes, at $2.65 pair WOOLCOTT BLANKETS Plaids, $2.25 ea.; Reversibles, $2.95 ea. GROCERIES Christmas Groceries Large fresh stock. Low prices. Oranges — Nuts Candies All baking requirements POULTRY! POULTRY! We will appreciate your order which will havd our best attention A real Christmas -gift Buy him a new overcoat—something will last. We^have a fine selection df both suits and overcoats in light and dark colors. Men’s Leather Coats < and Windbreakers A large range to choose from JUST ARRIVED AT Good Patterns, Fast Colors. The Famous Wabasso Brand. CONGOLEUM RUGS All patterns at reasonable prices Bargain prices in large linoleum rugs. l|0%xl2, 12x12, 12 x 13%, 12x15, very slightly imperfect. Your H Superior Store DEPUTY DIST, GOVERNOR VISITS LIONS CLUB At the Lions club -supper meet­ ing at the Central Hotel Friday evening last Col. F, B, Ware, sec­ retary of the Christmas Seal Com­ mittee in connection with the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium,* was present and addressed the meeting. Deputy-District -Governor Arthur Wright, of Strathroy, was also p’e- sent and gave a very fine address on maintaining the high ideals of Lionism. Col. Ware was intro­ duced by J, W. Morley, chairman of the local committee. Mr. Wares stated that he was in Exeter in 19'02- when he was out to make a record for a 100-mile trip on one of the old-fashioned bicycles. He covered the distance in 10 hours. He spoke of the work being done by Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, stating that it had grown from one of 72 beds to its present capacity of 700® beds and one of the finest institutions of its kind in the pro­ vince. During the past year in the seven counties from which the sanatorium draws its support over' 5,000 free cljnicS had been given, Last year 7,1 persons in Exeter con­ tributed $99,75* This yeai- the need is even greater- than last year. Mr. Ware paid tribute to the in­ terest taken by Mr, Thos. Pryde. The Deputy District Governor was introduced by his cousin, Lion George Wright. The guest speak­ er said that Exeter reminded him of that fine old city in- Devonshire from where so many men of ’ster­ ling worth and integrity had sprung. To-day we are living in serious times and the outlook is such that only men of high standing, /vision and faith can look out into the future wit’h anything like security. We must have faith in .the funda­ mentals that made - Britain great. We must Stand true to the testing time in our national life. Lionism is not attached to any church or political party and the 150,0 00 men who have taken the oath of Lion­ ism are out to lift up and not de­ stroy, to do good ‘ and not evil. Six thousand activities have been carried'’out,- during'the past year to make life brighter, 'and better for less fortunate people, In Germany nearly every church has lost the freedom of its religion. If we value the privilege to speak and pray and gather together for wor­ ship we must not be indifferent to the violent opposition and the sil­ ent indifference that would desti’oy it. His address was much ap­ preciated and roundly applauded. Mr. -K- J. Lampman was propos­ ed and accepted as a member and Lion A. with, his nor. A meeting, mas cake ’ presented by Lion Nich­ ols of the Chivas Bake Shop, Lon­ don, was won by Lion Reg. Mof­ fatt.- Lion Sandy Elliot was the purchaser of a sealed presentation put up for auction. Lion John Ratcliffe, formerly of Usborhe, who accompanied Mr. Wright to Exeter, spoke of the pleasant associations he had had with the business men of town and his pleasure at being, present ---------V--------- CHRISTMAS CHEER FUND Contributions are trickling in for the Christmas Cheet fund and it is hoped that before another week the fund Will be greatly increased. Last year over $100.00 was rais­ ed and baskets were provided where needed. While the need for relief, is not great in Exeter, there are still homes and youngsters where a visit from Santa Claus will be most welcome. Part of the proceeds from this fund will be used for the Christmas entertainment of the school children of Exeter and the surrounding community, Santa Claus, sponsored by the Exeter-Hen- sall Branch -of the Canadian Legion and the Lions Club, will visit Exe­ ter on Saturday, December 2'0th. There will be theatre parties in the afternoon. Contributions to the fund received to date are as fol- lows: Lebanon Forest Lodge, $10.00; -I.O.O.F., $10.00; R. N. Creech, $2.00; and $1.00 each from the following: Wm. Ward, T. O. Southcott, II. O. SoUthcott, F. A. May, J, H. Jones, E» R. Hopper, Miss V. Essery, B. W. Tuckey, Wm. May, J. M. Southcott. $ 3 2 >‘9 6,— Bridal Couple Honored In honor of Mr, and Mrs. Ai’Chie Thomson, of Lucan,- ovet forty re* latives gathered recently at the home of Mr, and Mts, Wm,, J» Thomson, of Usborne, The bride and groom Were pregenfted With many beautiful gifts. During the evening^ splendid program was en­ joyed With readings by Miss Mar­ jorie Arksey and Marion Oobeiand; musical numbers by Misses Lorene and Marion iCopelahd» Mr. Angus Earl and Harry Hern. Mr. Archie Thomson expressed appi’eciation on behalf of himself and Mrs. Thomson, J. Sweitzer ■ was presented pin by the deputy-gover- sing-song interspersed the The raffle of a Christ; MASONS ELECT OFFICERS At the regular meeting of the Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. * A.M.,: on Monday evening the following officers were elected for the coming, term: I.P.M., Worz Bro. W. J.} are invited to shop. Brices charged Lampman; Wor, Master, Wor. Bro. | by the Exeter merchants will corn-* H. H. Cowen* Sr. W., Bro. J, B.pare favorably with prices charged Dawson; Jr, W„ Bro. A. E. Bus, well; Chap., Wor, Bro. E. M. Dig- nan; treas., V,Wor.Bro, W. W.Tamdn; sec,,Wor.Bro. R. N. Creech; Tyler,Wor.Bro. C, G. Salter; auditors Wor.Bro. G, W, Lawson and Bro. W. G- Cochrane; Board of Examiners, E. M. Dignan, H. S. Walter and R, N* Creech; in­ stalling master, E. M. Dignan. In­ stallation will take place Decem­ ber 29th.-------- ----------- Clandeboye Child Scalded by Pot of Tea Scalded on arms and hands when pot of boiling tea was spilled overa _ her, Violet Johnston, 18-months-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Johnston, Clandeboye, was taken to St, Joseph’s Hospital, London, late Tuesday, for treatment, The accident happened at the child’s 'home while she wag playing in the house. Medical aid was given at the home and the little girl taken to London for' further treatment. Report from the hospital Tuesday night was that the burns did note appear to be of a serious nature, although extensive and painful. Her condition later was reported ascondition later was reported fairly good, HODGSON—GREE On Tuesday, December 9th, three p.m., a very pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Greb, Exeter, when their youngest daughter, Doris Kathleen, was united in marriage to Reginald Berton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hodgson. The .officiating minister was Rev. A. J. Smale, of Strathroy, uncle of the groom. The bride was beautiful­ ly gowned in white net over slip­ per satin with finger-tip veil of em­ broidered net caught with orange blossoms, and carried Better Times roses. She entered the living-room on the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding m'nsic clayed by- Mrs. Hugh Love, sister of the bride. Her only at­ tendant was Miss Ola Reid, .gowned in Queen’s blue taffeta and carry­ ing yellow baby mums. Mr. Ken­ neth Greb, brother of the bride, acted as best man. The marriage vows were1 taken under -an arch of cedar and white mums. During the signing of the register Miss Gert­ rude Camm sang “I Love You Truly”. The bride’s mother receiv­ ed in dusty rose crepe with a cor­ sage of red ro.ses and white chrys­ anthemums. The bridegroom’s mo­ ther received in black velvet, with corsage of pink roses and bouvar- dia. Immediately after the cere­ mony twenty-seven guests sat down to a bountiful repast served by Miss Edria Martene and Miss Grace And­ rew, girl friends of the bride. The happy couple left for points east amid showers of confetti. The bride travelled in wine coat and, brown accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm near Centralia. Out-of-town guests were Mrs. A. T. Ross, of De­ troit and Mrs. R. Damrow, of Kinde, Mich., aunts of the bride. ---------V--------- FARRELL—LOVIE NUPTIALS A quiet but very pretty wedding topk place at Grand Bend United church manse when Freda Ruth, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Lovie, became the bride of Orval Peter, only son -of Mr. arid Mrs. Louis Farrell, also of Grand Bend, Rev, E. C. Beacom officiat­ ed. The bride looked lovely in a floor-length gown of blue sheer with full skirt and large puffed sleeves. She wore white slippers and carried tea roses. Mrs. Roland Neil, cousin of the'Jbride, who was bridesmaid, wore a floor-length gown of pink sheer with bolero and wide blue sash, and wore silver slippers. She carried pink rOses Mr. Roland Neil, of Ailsa Craig, was the groomsman. Immediately following the ceremony a buffet lunch was served to about sixty guests at the home of the bride’s parents. The waitresses Were Hel­ en Walper, Clara Bullock, Ruby Latta, Muriel Roe and Gladys Stew­ ardson. The rooms were nicely decorated with flowers, a pink and white bell hanging over the Whichj was centred with a three-storey wedding cake pink tapers in crystal candle ers. UL. „ “ \ . was a silver cream and sugar set with matching tray; to the brides­ maid a gold locket and to the best man a leather bill-fold. Amid showers of confetti Mr. and Mrs. Farrell left for a honeymoon trip to Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara Falls and other points, The bride travelled in a hunter’s green dress, black coat with fox fur collar and brown and green accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom’s farm near Grand Bend, Exeter and vicinity Is experienc­ ing its first real winter weather. Heavy frosts and a light fall of snow cable on. Friday last .after sev­ eral weeks of balmy weather, at SHOPPERS’ GUIDE This issue might well be termed a shoppers’ guide. There are many attractive suggestions for the Christmas season. Shop where you in the larger centres. Do your shopping at home this Christmas, ON ACTIVE SERVICE Allan Penhale, sop of Mr, and Mrs. A, J, Penhale, who has been employed with the Canadian Can­ cers at Forest, last week joined the R.Q.A.F, at London for train­ ing as a wireless air gunner. Private Howard Elliot has join­ ed the active service and is now stationed at WOolseley Barracks, London, in the Ordnance Corps, as a technical storeman, He bad been stationed at 'Kitchener for the past two months. *-------_y-------- PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS The Red Cross, funds will be in­ creased close to $100 through the generosity of Mrs. J. G. Cochrane in giving the proceeds of the Mon­ day and Tuesday evening perform­ ances att Leavitt’s Theatre. On Tuesday evening Red Cross ladies in uniform acted as ushers. Mrs. Dore, the president, expressed ap­ preciation of the generous dona­ tion by Mrs. Cochrane and of the fine attendance. ------___V---------■ HEAD-ON COLLISION In a head-on collision east Tillsonburg Saturday, John Hun­ ter, driver for Tuckey Transport, escaped with a shaking up, but the truck he was driving was damaged to the extent of $350.00. O. F. Tower, of Detroit, travelling west, swerved his car to miss two child­ ren on bicycles and ran into the path of the Tuckey Transport, the’ truck being partly off the highway. The truck went into the ditch, the front wheels being driven back be­ neath the cab. A Mrs. Mountain in the Tower car was admitted to Tillsonburg hospital with spinal injuries arid concussion. • Damage to the cai’ was-about $-500- ---------V---------- Mrs. Fred Hatter, of town, un­ derwent an operation in Mrs. God­ bolt’s hospital on Tuesday morn­ ing. She is getting along as well as can be expected. ,—2—y---------- LOCAL NEWS Mr, C. V. Pickard and Mrs. M F. Gladman were in Toronto Sat urday attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. W* G- Gundy. The de­ ceased was born in Exeter, her mai* den name being Edith Verity. She was a resident of Windsor for many years before moving to Toronto, On Monday evening the neigh­ bors of Mrs. Annie McTaggart gath­ ered at her home* and presented her with a large basket*of various fruits, the occasion being her 90 th birthday. A social evening was spent. We join with many in ex­ tending congratulations and best wishes. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Johns, Mr, and Mrs. Howard Johns and Miss Mary Johns, of London, were in Hamilton over the week-end. On Saturday they attended the Johns— Irvin wedding in Dundas, and also the Vogt—Johns wedding in Ham­ ilton. Mr. Archie Davisf, a patient at Christie St. Hospital, Toronto, who recently had his left leg amputat­ ed below the knee, is now able to be up and around with the use of crutches. He expects to have art artificial limb before Christmas and is looking forward to Christmas leave for several days. A number of Exeter friends have visited hint while in the hospital. ----------V---------- " SYSTEMATIC COLLECTION OF WASTE MATERIAL ■ Not satisfied with the lack of | system in saving and collecting of ; material, the women of the Exeter Branch of the Red Cross have launched a campaign to secure a- regular collection in Exeter. With this in view they have secured a baler to bale scrap paper which every businessman and household­ er is called on to save and put in. large paper bags or carton boxes. A room has been secured in the. C.N.R. freight sheds and there the baling will be done each Tuesday and volunteers are going to be ne- . cessary for trucks and men to .col­ lect and men to. bale this waste paper. This room is not large, consequently this effort will, not. include the collection of iron, steel or other metals or rubber goods. It is hoped presently to secure a building or lot for these materials. Waste paper must be clean and, consist of pieces of newspaper, light wrapping 'paper, letters, en­ velopes, invoices, etc. Do not save carbon paper, oiled paper or waxed paper. They would only be a nuis­ ance and waste of effort, so you may burn them. Rags must be cleap, and in; neat bundles. Newspapers should be tied neatly and strongly in bundles six inches or less in- • depth. Magazines should be neat­ ly and strongly tied in bundles not more than five inches in depth. Small cardboard and carton boxes should be cut down, folded up packed taining terial The zones as follows: Southwest Zone—West of Main and South of Sanders Streets, from. 9 to 12 forenoon on the first’Sat­ urday of each month. Southeast Zone—East of Main and south of Sanders Streets—At the same hours on the second Satur­ day of each month (next Saturday.)' Northeast Zone—East , of Main and north of .Sanders Streets.— Same hours on the third Saturday. Northwest Zone—West of Ma’n and north of Sanders Streets.—- Same hours on fourth Saturday. North of the River Zone—On the second Saturday. Business Zone—Huron Street to the Bowling Green.—Every Satur­ day from 9 to 12 a.m. This means a monthly collection RED CROSS NEWS Friday, December 12 is shipping day. The appeal for Russian relief is still urgent. The Russian people are fighting like fury against Nazi tyranny. The casualties are appal­ ling. Hospital supplies are rapidly disappearing. Millions of dollars are needed to provide bandages, serilms, anaesthetics and other “life or death” supplies. ' The' Dominion Government has asked the Red Cross to raise at least $500,000,000 Send your contribution to your lo­ cal Red Cross Branch but send it NOW. Every cent you send -goes immediately to Russian relief. Tickets on the draw for. furs donat­ ed by Toronto furriers for Russian relief may be purchased from your Branch for 5'0c. We must help. If we promptly do our part we shall give courage to Russian hearts and strength to Russian arms. Salvage of Motor License Plates This year oil companies will be co-operating with the Red 'Cross in the salvaging of motor license plates. Of the 650,000 plates is­ sued in 1940 less than one third were salvaged. It is hoped this year this percentage can be increas­ ed. Leave your old plates at your local gas station or with your li-j cense dealer. Metal ends of electric light bulbs are good salvage. When an elec- 1 trie light fails, break the glass and dispose of it. Keep the metal end drop it in a receptacle at Geo. Haw­ kins’ hardware store. It is worth} from the homes and a weekly col- money to the Red Cross Society. * {lection from the business places. * * * j -\ve are ''drafted” for this job The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt, ac- so see that it is done. Swamp the knowledges the receipt of the fol-| Red Cross women with Volunteers lowing monies: Dashwood Unit,* p01, +hiS w.orv Lutheran Church donation, $25.00; ‘ Silver Maple Club, $5.50; Fashion | Show, balance, 85 c; sale Xmas cards, $9.00; James St. Unit, dona­ tion, $16,76, -membership, sales Xmas cards, $1>0,00, fund, $2.00, total, $38.7-6 CreeOh sale tickets for lief, -?26,00; A Friend, fund, $2.00; Dashwood and unit, $120.76; A blanket, $2.00. Correction Crediton Unit, Women’s Insti­ tute, for Blanket Fund should have been shown as $4.00, not $2.‘00. in larger 'carton boxes only that one kind of town is divided into and con* ma* $10.00, blanket , R. N. Russian re­ fer blanket Unit, dance Friend, for The treasurer acknowledges the receipt of the following monies to buy smokes for the hoys overseas; A iFriend, $3.00; Miss Annie San­ ders, $5.00; Bet at MnsMl Con­ struction Co., Ltd., Airport, $8,14, General Admission, DOOM BRIZE