HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-12-04, Page 8TOUR8DAY,. UI3CBMBER 4th,. 1»41 1 THE EXETER TJMES-ADVOCATE Quality, First, ■Last ami Always wait until the holidays your new Permanent Lock your prettiest for all the parties ahead VERA C. DECKER, Prop. Phone 112 Evenings by Appointment fox .gay t Billy Weekes is confined to his bed through illness. Miss Doris Cutting, of London, •spent Sunday at hex- home. Trooper L. Wells is spending a few days wYth his wife and family. Mrs. Fred Tomkins, and daughter Dorothy spent a few days with her father, Mr. r. Cutting, who is not very well. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edwards have moved into their new home which they purchased from Mr. Peter strobbie. Mrs. Samuel Bower, of Zion, has received a cable that her husband, Trooper Sam. Bower, has arrived safely in England. Mrs. Ellen Baker has returned to hei’ home in Moose Jaw, Sask,, after visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Thorn. Baker for the past three months. Fred Walter, former teller of the Bank of Montreal and now connect­ ed with the administration of the R.O.A.F, at Brantford, visited with friends in town on Saturday. i I i i Exeter -Markets Old or New Wheat.. ,$1.03. Creamery Rutter, Eggs. A Large, 38e Egg^» A Medium, Eggs. B, 33c Dressed Hogs, $14.25 « * 9 Overseas Boxes... $1,95 Containing 2 lbs, butter in tins; 4 V4 lb. packages of cheese; 12-ounce tin of pork products; 8 tea bags. Gross weight, 4 lbs., J5% ozs. All ready for mailing IDEAL MEAT * CONSERVE VISUAL VITALITY ¥ a < We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted} Glasses , as well as Prompt Repairing and Re­ placement of Broken Lenses -.*■ C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office ojxen every week day except Wednesday mN fed Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe AR Work Guaranteed Phone 245 MARKET <X Tanton Phone 38 Main St. i —«2 LOCALS Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a bazaar of hand­ made articles and home baking for sale in the Pai’ish Hall, on Satur­ day, December 6. ———V------- Mr. C. L. Robertson has erected a new sign in front of his drug store. Miss Berniece Delbridge, of Lon­ don, spent Sunday undei’ the paren­ tal roof. Mr. Earl Heywood, of London, spent the week-end at the home of his parents. Mrs. Stadelman, of Shakespeare, spent a few days this week with Mrs. J. McTavish. __| _ __ . _ J,.. , Miss Margery Heywood, of Lon- diton town hall on Monday, Dec.udon, spent Sunday with hei’ moth- 8th, at 7.45 p.m. A farm radio er, Mrs. Ella Heywood. forum will be demonstrated, the broadcast begins at 8 Subject: “Home and Export hets*’.—Be on time—Come, ---------V--------- FOR SALE—-Hammermih. G. A. Cann and Sons. ---------V--------- WANTED—Piano wanted, upright plain case, medium size, once. W. Martin, Exetei- ---------y--------- WANTED—A barn for 30 x 50 ft. oi- more. 2’8OH Times-Advocate. ---------V------ ’ WANTED—18 tons of baled wheat straw and also 8 to 10 tons of baled mixed hay for Blue-Top stables, Kit­ chener. Apply to Arthur Weber, auct. R.R. 1, Dashwood. Tel. 12r57 reverse call. ltc ---------V--------- FOR ’SALE—24 Rock Pullets. Boarders wanted. J .A. Nichol, Lake Road, Exeter. pp ---------V--------- FOR SALE—Waterpower chop-_ ping mill, barn, residence and 2>G acres land. W. C, Pearce, Exeter. ---------V--------- FOR SALE—Comfortable brick house with conveniences, ■ garage, garden, garden. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS Exeter taxes may be paid to the Collector in the Town Hall, Decem­ ber 11th, 12 th, 13 th and 15 th. Hours: 9.00 to 12.00 a.m. and 1.30 "to 5.30 p.m. W. C. Pearce, Tax Collector. -- -------v---------- | STEPHEN TOWNSHIP FARMERS) Stephen Township Unit Federa-I tion of Agriculture will meet in Ore-/ and p.m. Mar- Apply Reply at South. wrecking, Apply to Box 2-25c Miss Grace Beckler, attending Normal School in London, spent Sunday with hei’ .parents. Robert Miller, of Clinton Radio School , spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Kydd are visiting in London, having returned home with Mrs. S. Hedden. Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Rawln^gs, of’ London, visited at the home' of Mrs. C. A. Southcott on Sunday. ' Capt. the Rev. D. 0. Hill, of Wes­ ton, visited the^forepart of the week with Mrs. Hill and family. Paul Gregus spent the week-end at hi$ home, .returning to London for his duties there on Monday. Mr. ..and. Mrs. T. A. Inglis and Lome, of Forest, spent the week-end with Mr., and Mrs. .A. Darling. Mr. Wm. Towers is quite ill at the home of his brother-in-law and Bister, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Ross. Mr.. and. Mrs. W. F. Newell and of Ingersoll, relatives in Bill, with Moir,Ola and Aud- Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get Your Winter Coats Cleaned and Dyed Now DISCO COKE $13.00 a ton R. G. Seldon & Son Phone 90 TO AVOID COLDS Start Now CAVEN. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Mrs. J. G. Cochrane. Organist 10 a.m.—Sunday School Rev. John Pollock will speaker at both services- MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norvai J. Woods, M.A. Ministex* Mrs, N. J, Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—Public worship and church school. Rev.' W, Mair and the Thames Road choii’ will have ’Charge of the .service, 7 p.m.—’The Keys of the Kingdom” Wednesday, Dec, 3.—Evening Aux-* iliary at Mrs, E. R, Hopper’s, Thursday, 3 p.m,—W. “a. meeting at the church. Thursday, T.30 p.m. — T" meeting of prayer and bible study Wednesday, Dec. 10—Annual Sun­ day School meeting. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev, Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist ami Choir Leader a.m.>—The Minister -Sunday School -The Minister ■Y.P. Union —Prayer Service -W.A. 11 3 p.m. 7 p.m, Monday, 8 pirn.- Wednesday, 8 p.m.- Thursday, 3 p.m,— Friday, 8 p.m.—Board of Stewards and Continue Taking until Spring fW zftl I HALIBUT LIVER OIL j PLAIN AT NYAL- COMPANY wino,or, onr. To Get Results, Take Only the Best Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S • Phone 50 Exeter 10 11 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev, M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Second Sunday in Advent a.m.—Sunday School a.m.—Morning Prayer and Ser­ mon “The Advent Spirit” Airmen from the R.A.F. Service Flying Training School at Oen- . tralia will attend this service. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 2 p.m.—Sunday School Sunday services at 8 p.m. Friday, 8 p.m,—Young People’s” Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens LOCAL NEWS Compact cottage, garage, W. C. Pearce, Exeter. ---------W-------- SALE—8 chunks, 10 weeks Also quantity of good clean Apply at ltp FOR old. wheat and oat straw. .Times-Advo'cate. ---------V------ This month will be given free to new subscribers to the Exeter Times- Advocate. It makes a greatly-ap­ preciated Christmas gift. A icard will be sent at Christma ,s announc- ing your gift, r ---------v--------- • FARMS FOR SALE—Never Ad before, 1'00 and 150 acres, with fine buildings, silo and Hydro and water throughout, sonable price. Terms. G. V. ard, phone 165, Exeter. ---------V--------- SALE—Comfortable nice lot, all conveniences, other homes. C. V. Pick- sons Ted and spent Sunday town. Mr. and Mrs. rey, of Listowel,. spent last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. .Green. Miss Violet Willis, of Marlette, Much., visited one day last week at the home of Mr. Green. • AC Warren May, and Mrs. Jas. FOR house, Several ard, Exeter. New Dinnerware and China for Christmas Midweek | . J„ 1 MAXWElr!: Chris Thiel, Miss Hettie Mawson, of Elmore OATMEAL . 5 lbs. Bath Robes The practical gift—bath robes. Jwst the thing for long, comfortable winter evenings at home. Surprise him by selecting one from our attractive stock ............. WARM OVERCOATS in smart styles for young men and men One of days you will be needing a warmer coat for the colder weather. Let MS show you one of the smartest styles and the best cloths you will gee this season at anywhere near this price, ■‘Very special at........... $20.00 PURE LINEN TOWELLING We can still supply you with all-linep towel- Img- in bright and fast colors which are so * popular. Per yard, 55c BRIGHT COLORED PLAIDS For children’s dresses and odd skirts. Lovely patterns to choose from. These goods are very scarce. Per yard, 45c FANCY STRIPE TURKISH TOWELLING In bright rainbow stripes, A good quality towelling. Per yard, 35c NEW KNITTING YARN In khaki and air force blue. A lovely yarn with enough in each ball for a pair of sox. Per ball, 79c KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS One of the finest blankets that money can buy. They come in such a lovely range of colors and combinations and have that extra warmth without being too heavy. Have one laid away for you for Xmas. Plain Shades ............... $6.95^ Combinations ............ $10.95 STANFIELD’S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR In two of the popular selling lines ' this season. Per garment, $2.00 or $3.50 FORSYTHE PLAIN WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS If you buy Forsythe you buy fhe best. Shirts that we are 'selling for $2.00 will be $2.50. Buy them for Xmas now. NEW HOSIERY FOR MEN In plain and fancy check patterns to suit any taste. A very special value. _ . . i? 0.Per pair, 55c FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR A warm and good wearing garment that gives splendid satisfaction. Shirt and Drawers, 90c Combinations, $1.75 Many of these lines we will not be'able to,duplicate. You will be well advised to make your selection early. Come in and look them over. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday'and Saturday 1 lb 55c MACARONI . 1 pkg OXYDOL — 25c With 2 cakes Ivory Soap free 1 pkg. CHIPSO — 25c With 2 cakes Camay Soap free With coupons MINCEMEAT POST TOASTIES CornflakesJAMS Apple Jelly, Raspberry Strawberry 1 jar 19cand next Mair and Rev. Mr. Woods aud the Main St. choir. Marie and Earl Heywood, popular western singers of this community appeared in the floor show present­ ed by Clayton Steeper’s Radio or­ chestra in McKnight’s Hall on Sat- * urday night, Nov. 22. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Woodstock, returned to their daughter, Mrs. A. of London, on Sunday, ing the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Among the recent enlistments in the R.C.A.F. at No. 9 Recruiting Centre, ^London, are George Leslie Hindmarsh, of R.R. 2, Ailsa Craig and Alfred Harold Bossen'berry, of Parkhill. 'Pte. Frank Huston, son of Mr. M. W. Huston, of Ashcroft, B.C., who at Ottawa, spent the week-end with his aunts, the Misses Huston add with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Rivers. Mrs. Marion, . , visiting with relatives for the past Week, the guests of Mrs. Neff’s grandmother, Mrs. Willard, have re­ turned'to Toronto, where they will spend the winter. LAC. Harry Prebble, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Prebble, of Ilderton, has reported to Halifax”. After ■training at Saskatoon and Yorkton he spent a few days’ leave at his home. He’is a nephew of Mr. Ahdy Hamilton and Mrs. Win. Sillery. Reg. Wuerth. has completed his training at the St. Thomas Techni­ cal Training School and is leaving to-night (Wednesday) for the West. It is probable that he will be sta­ tioned at No. 2 Manning Pool, Brandon. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ketslake and Mr. Hector Taylor, ofutown; Mr. Ross Hern, of Elon and Mrs. Myron Culbert, of Lucan, were in St. Thomas on Monday attending the funeral of their aunt, Mrs. Andrew Taylor, of Yarmouth Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Higgins de­ ceived a cable on Monday morn­ ing from their son, Sgrnn. William K. Higgins, stating that he had ar­ rived safely in England with the Fifth Canadian (Armored) Division and was well. Bill Is a member of tfye Bdg. Headquarters staff of No. 4 Squadron, Sth Canadian (Armor­ ed) Division Signals. » An exchange of preachers choirs has been arranged for Sunday morning between Rev. and the Thames Road choir FOR YOUR XMAS CAKE Fresh Peels, Nuts, Raisins, Elates NEW ORANGES MIXED NUTS MIXED CANDIES i iI Eacrett, of | the home of ( W. Wallace, i after spend-! I I NOW is the time for Action! The i>eople of the Px’ovince of On­ tario are determined to beat Hitler. They know they can help by keeping .Canada’s dollars in Canada and putting th^em to the use of their govenunent in paying for Canada’s war effort Albei’ta Coal — Canadian Coal fox* Canadians Phone S3 for a Ton I Mrs. McLeod, of 'Goderich, spent ■ a few days with her daughters, I Mrs. V. Harness and Mrs. L. Wells. Little Miss Marion Brock, of Zion, spent a few days this week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Earl. ’ Mr. and Mrs. Percy McFalls and son Richard, of DeBolt, Alta., have disposed Of their farm in the West and arrived, in Exetei- Sunday where they will make their home in fu­ ture. « Visitors at the home of Mr. and 1 Mrs. Clinton Sweet on Thursday were Mrs. E.‘J. Shepherd, of As- sinaboine, Sask.; Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Sweet and Sweet, of London. Mr. and Mrs. George town, and Mr. and Mrs. Tuckey, of London, on Wednesday of last Week attended the fiftieth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Nichol, of McGillivray. Mrs. Nichol is a sister of,Mrs. Maw­ son. Miss Alma Ruth Brown, a grad­ uate of the University of Western Ontario and a former teacher in the Exetei- High School, and Mr. James Booking, • Windsor, a graduate of Gueen’s University, are to be mar­ ried December 27 in St. Paul’s Un­ ited church, Parkhill. The bride- eleOt is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh W. Brown, of Parkhill and Mr. Becking is a son of Mr; and Mrs. J. E. Rocking, of Kingston. I - Of Pool, Toronto, spent the with his parents, Mr. A. May. . Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and Mrs. Annie Geddes, of St. Thomas, vis­ ited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Geddes on Sunday. Mr. T. Hawkins has returned to his home in Windsor, after visiting with his son, Mr. G. A. Hawkins and Mrs. Hawkins. Mr. Stanley Walter, of Yarker, visited the forepart of the week with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Jo­ seph Grant,, London. Miss Doris Payne and Mr. Rick­ ey, of Toronto, spent the latter part i of the week with the former’s par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Payne. I Miss Edna Saundercoek, Mrs. I Smale and Mr. Melvin Willert, of offer- Both. bush. I Rea- Pick- ! brick Manning week-end and Mrs. F. Buy i Jas. P. Bowey ---------y. FOR SALE—'9 pigs 6 weeks old. I H. T. Cudmore, 171 r 3, Exeter, ltp j Hensail and Mrs. Verne Smith, of CONTRACTS for Golden Wax and Green Beans are now being taken. Phone or call at office for fur­ ther information. Canadian Can­ cers Limited, Sr. 1QD, Phone 2*8. ——M The Times-Advocate have taken the agency in Exeter for the Un­ derwood portable typewriters. New or reconditioned machines for sale or rent. VY » llUOUUllj Ml, ASUwxVlvj fis at present stationed snent the week-end with Foot Sufferers! Attention! The Special Representative, of ' f Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at Tuesday, Dec. 9 th A. E. WUERTH’S STORE where shoe repairing is neatly and px:onxptly done Exeter, on. 1 to 7 p.m. PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation “Miracle” Method of Correction successfully proven by our many Satisfied customers in this district. Alex Neff zand. daughter of Eyebrow, Sask., after /Handsome, rich-looking silks ’latest colors and patterns, including Air Fox’cc ties EA Upwards from .......... ...............«>V in the I Exeter, spent Sunday in Kitchen- ’ er. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Constable and daughter Evelyn and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Howes, of St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ryckman on Sunday. Mr. Stanley Walter, of Yarker, Mrs. W. T. Acheson, Mrs. 0. E. Dale and Mr. H. S. Walter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Acheson, of Forest. Mrs. Jas, Green underwent an op­ eration for the removal of her ton­ sils at the office of Dr, Dunlop on Saturday morning. Her daughter, Mrs. Stewart, is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Rowe, Mr, and Mrs, Cecil Rowe and Muriel, Mr, and Mrs, Geo, Geddes, Mr, Wm. Geddes, Mr. Wm, J. Northcott and Mt, and Mrs. Chas. Aid worth were at Strathroy oh Saturday attend­ ing the funeral of the late John: E., Robinson. Mr. Robinson passed away at the Strathroy General. Hos­ pital on Thursday lit his 81st year. i —---W .......- Mr. Frank Taylor has secured a license to carry on a collection agency. Any person desiring his Service call or phone 138, Exeter. .-V** CASH FOR FOX animals removed, vice, day or night, ion, 47rl5, collect. . V- Bee Geo. F. Clark for an kinds of wlndmiAs, pump jacks, pumps and piping. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Oredlton 23-6. R.. R, ft Dashwood. HORSES. Dead Two-hour set* Fhone Credi- Jack William: 1 f Miss Irene Kydd has returned I home aftei* spending two weeks in ! Detroit visiting with her aunt, Mrs. Powers, and Mr. Powers. They spent Thanksgiving week-end '.hunt­ ing doer at Lost Lake Woods Hunt Club. Mrs. Powers motored over and , is spending a few days with her mother, Mrs. Mary Willard, A special meeting of the Exeter Women’s Institute was held at the home of Miss L. M. Jeckell. Miss Jeckell attended the local leader­ ship (Course given by the department In October -and she gave an outline of the course, “Making the Most of Vegetables” and also gave a de­ monstration pn cooking vegetables, making salads and supper dishes. She also spoke of the Important ,fobd values of vegetables. W. W. TAMAN James Street Young People James St. Young People held their final missionary meeting for the year on Monday night, Allan Richards, the president, was in the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn, prayer by Alma Richards and a poem by Catherine Arm­ strong. Mr. J. H. Jones was the guest speaker for the occasion, de­ livering a very forceful address. He took for hlS subject, “All Aboard”.! I’hp phrase, which was popular in the early days of Exeter, Was the call at the beginning of a journey. As young people, you are starting on a journey. The first thing in building a railway is laying the bed, so ill life the important thing is a good foundation. We must strive for a purpose and imbed honesty, enthusiasm, loyalty. The rails of confidence must be laid and spiked down by huina^love. The train ends its journey at the . terminal or round-house. As hu­ mans we end our journey in the round-house of eternity, paratloii we must build foundation on the love of idhristlan ideals. In pre­ ft siite God and ' ; - ............... .............................. . ......... . . Mrs. Irene Little, of Ingersoll, visited over the week-end with Miss Alice Hanaford, I