HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-27, Page 8aWIWJMY, NOV. MttM mi THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE Page 8 »s»' I th© fob spent sev- near CUf- bagging a is an an- Mr. Willis. Mr. oral ford, Sine nual Ed. days was doe. outing enjoyed by s Beauty Shoppe For Reiimaiients of Iras ting Beauty ■ Croquinole, Combination ■. ’liTOA C* DECKER, Prop. Phone 1X2 Evenings by Appointment Jwraw LOCALS dy was soon disposed of. -——V-------- Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat, $1.00 ■Creamery* Butter, 39e. Eggs. A Large, 36e Eggs. A Medium, 34c Eggs. B, 31c Dressed Hoss, §14.15 CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Grigg is visiting friendsBev. E< Sh Toronto this week. Willis, who deer-hunting successful in Deer-hunting The Exeter lowing Kydd; Traquair; collector Junior Red Cross Junior Red Cross of School have elected the officers: President, Dorothy vice-president, Donald. A. treas., Gwynneth Cann; Robert $1.95 Containing 2 lbs. butter in tins; 4 lb, packages of cheese; 12-ounce tin of pork products; 6 tea bags. Gross weight, 4 lbs., ISVs’ ozs* AU ready for mailing IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. VISUAL VITALITY * * * ' We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re­ placement of Broken Lenses # * * C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday Mrs* J* G* Cochrane* Organist 1ft a.m.—Sunday School Rev. John Pollock will speaker at both services. MAIN ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval J. Woods, M*A, Minister Mrs, N* J* Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.-—Public warship and church school—-The Minister. 7 p.m.—The Minister Wednesday, Nov. 26th—Meeting of the S.S. Board of Management, Thursday, 7.30 p.m, — Midweek meeting of prayer and bible study Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Phone 245First Broadcast From Exeter The first broadcast from Exeter took place at McKnight’s Hall Sat­ urday evening when Station CKNX, of Wingham, broadcast a musical barn dance. Some twenty enter­ tainers took part in the program which lasted from 7.30 to 9 p.m. The hall was well-filled for the occasion. The program came over well on the radio. Following the program the regular Saturday night dance was held. °--------y--------- RED CROSS NEWS The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt, Norm Hockey agent for on Satur- Stratford, on Satur- Chatham, Ladies' Guild of Trivitt Memorial! Church will hold a pazaai* of hand-1 macle articles and home baking for* sale in the Parish Hall, day, December 6. ---------V—------ Mr. Jack Newcombe, rof visited relatives in town dav last. Capt. W. E. Weekes, of spent a few days at his home here last wTeek. (I Mrs. Ken Hockey visited with’her sac, collection, vicvuiy yms,; London for a few days $.50ft, S.S. No. 5, Hallowe’en Party,jiast weeK- $25.53, Eden Jr. Red Cross, $5.00, Miss Alma Hodgson, of Kitscoty, totql, Unit No. 17, $42.10; Mem-j Alta., is visiting with her aunt, bership dues, $26.00; Crediton Un-1 Mrs. R. Skinner, it i sale “V” stickers, $3.00; Knight, $1.00; James St. $13.83; Sale Salvage, $1.25; St. Unit, $4.0.0? Blanket {additional)—Crediton Unit, A Friend, $2.00; James St. $4.00. Bomb Victims’ Friend, $2.00. ac­ knowledges receipt of the following monies: Unit No. 17, Bag collection, 83c, collection, $5.74, Victory pins, I DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get Your Winter Coats Cleaned and Dyed Now A=-~- — r JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH Rev. Arthur Page. Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M, Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—The Ministei’ 3 pm. Sunday School and Class 7 p.m.—'The Minister Monday, 8 p.m.—Y.P. Union Wednesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Service VffiASDf 10 TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Rev. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss Advent Sunday -Holy Communion Jeanette and Edward Schenk, I Mrs. Morris Temple, of Cross- “V” stickers, $3.00; J. J.'well, Mich., is visiting with Mr. and ' Unit, -- Main Fund* $2.00; Unit, Fund, A j ! --------yt j CONTRACTS for Golden Wax and Green Beans are now being taken. Phone or call at office for fur­ ther information. Canadian Can- ners Limited, Br. 100. Phone 2:8. ---------y--------- SALE—Comfortable brick with nice lot, all conven- Also two frame houses at Let us show you these. Per yard, 45c Bible $10.95 NEW KNITTING YARN In khaki and* air force blue. A lovely yarn with enough in each ball for a pair of sox. Per balk ?9c * WARM OVERCOATS in smart styles for young men and men One of these days you will be needing a warmer coat for the colder wouthei’* Lot us show you one of the smartest styles and the best cloths you will soe this season at anywhere near this price. Very special at...........$20.00 BRIGHT COLORED PLAIDS 6 For children’s dresses and odd skirts Lovely patterns to choose from* These goods are very scarce. K*i Plain Shades PURE LINEN TOWELLING We can still supply you with all-linen towel­ ling in bright and fast colors which are so popular. Per yard, 55c FANCY STRIPE TURKISH TOWELLING In bright rainbow stripes. A good quality towelling. Per yard, 35c KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS One of the finest blankets that money can buy. They come in such a lovely range of colors and combinations and have that extra warmth without being too heavy. Have one laid away for you for Xmas. .... $6.95 « Combinations STANFIELD’S COMBINATION UNDERWEAR In two of the popular selling lines this season. » Per garment, $2.00 or $3.50 FORSYTHE PLAIN WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS If you buy Forsythe you buy Ifhe best* Shirts that we are selling for $2.00 will be $2.50. Buy them for Xmas now. NEW HOSIERY FOR MEN In'plain and fancy check patterns to suit any taste. A very special value. Per pair, 55c FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR A warm and good wearing garment that gives splendid satisfaction. Shirt and Drawers, 90c Combinations, $1.75 a.m.- ter. 11 a.m.—Sunday Sbhool 7 p.m.—Evensong and Sermon “The Advent Call” Service in the church. The congre­ gation is urged to attend. $13.00 * DISCO COKE New Dinnerware and China for Christinas Many of these lines we will not be able to duplicate. You will be well advised to make your selection early. Come in and look them over.PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE; 10 a.m.—Sunday School Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Friday, 8 p.m,—-Young People’s Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens Mrs. B. M. Francis. Mrs. Hugh O'Connor, of Detroit, is visiting for a few days with Mr. and Mi’s. Rd. Davis. j Mr. and Mrs. V. L, Roulston and [ Gale, of Simcoe, visited with rela- i tives over the week-end. Miss [ visited Bowey Mr. visited Hockey over the week-end. Mr. Earl Dennis commenced, du- I ties as fireman at the Exeter Can­ ning Factory Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs., Arthur Jones and son Mervim of SC Thomas, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Colling­ wood. Mrs. Bert Gillespie and children moved to London last week where Mr. Gillespie is stationed with the R.C.O.C. Miss Doris Harvey, nurse-in­ training at Victoria Hospital, Lon­ don, spent the week-end at her home here. Messrs. Wm. Davis and Ted Bus­ well, of Sky Harbor Airport, God­ erich, spent the week-end at their respective homes. Mrs, Sidney Davis is confined to her bed through illness. Her (con­ dition is improving. Mrs. Thos. Harvey spent Sunday and Monday in London visiting with Mrs. Maud1 Harvey and Miss M. Thomas, also with Mr. W. Batson and family. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. together with Mr. and Eacrett visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Beavers at Sarnia. Mr. Stanley Walter, of Marker, is visiting with his father, Mr. H. S. Walter. He visited with his bro­ ther, Thos., in Toronto". Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lind and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Root, of Mor­ ton, N.Y., spent the week-end with Dr. E. S. and Mrs, Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. T. Coates and Elaine and Mrs. Rd. Coates spent the week­ end with Mrs. Jennie Davis and Miss Vina Fisher, at Hamilton. Mr. J. A. Wakeling, who has been teaching school at Eden, was taken ill this Week and has returned to his home at Thorndale. Mrs. J. Pryde is relieving in the mean­ time. ♦ Mr. and Mrs. Peter Strobbie, Em- left Monday for has' se- . The be^t wishes will follow theta to Mabie Whiteman, of Kippen, with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, P, over the week-end. George Kinney, of London, with Mr. and Mrs. Ken a ton // R. G. Seldon & Son Phone 90 Grocery Specials for Thurs.,, Friday and Saturday FOR house,. iences. low .prices. C. V. Pickard, phone 165.---------V--------- FOR SALE—103 acres. , kept farm, .brick house, good’barn, hydro and water throughout. Close to school and church. C. V. ard, Exeter.—------v--------- FOR SALE—Cream wicker baby carriage and four-burner coal-oil stove. Will sell cheap. Apply Mrs. D. C. Hill, Exeter. 1-3 Oic _______-v----- PIANO FOR SALE Miss Lillian Huston. Exeter. fWell- Pick- — Apply to Phone 162J, i---------V--------- SALE—Three loads of good Apply to Thos. Harrison, Hay. Itc ---------V--------- STRAYED—From lot 15, con. 7, Hay Township, 2 yearling cattle, one brown and black heifer and a red steer, with horns. Information gladly received by Frank Wildfong, Exeter. Phone 36rl‘3 Dashwood. ---------y--------- • * The Times-Advocate have taken the agency in Exeter for the Un­ derwood portable typewriters. New or reconditioned machines for sale .or rent FOR millet. R.R. 1, -V- T i Mr. three over mer’s Hunt. Mr. W. and Mrs, F. R. Hunt and children, of Aylmer, visited the week-end brother, Rev. for- Mrs. and and Mrs. J. F’. Beavers, Mrs. R. G. ”113 Acres, No. 8 Highway, large "barns, house »ly, tract, Pearce, I FOR with town water, "W. C. Pearce, Exeter.--------y— TOR SALE—One house and one Cottage, at a very low price.. Will ma and ~Frank, make cheap homes or good invest- Guelph, where Mr. Strobbl meats, , silo, implement shed, stone j . Electricity, extra water sup-i milking machine, milk $3,000 annually. Exeter. ---------V--------- SALE—Comfortable garage, w. con- C. cottage j garden,> I C. V. Pickard, phone 165-----_v----—. _ —j -------- Mr. Frank Taylor has Secured a^their new home, license to carry on a collection! agency. Any person desiring his’ service call or phone 138, Exeter. —-----y—---- FOR SALE—5ft acres, frame house, bank barn, close to town and school. 5 acres of wheat. Immed­ iate possession. Other farms., 0. V. Pickard, phone 165. .........—— ®fOR SALE—Brick residence, Well located in Exeter, Bathroom, built’ in cupboards, new heating sys­ tem. Whole building in best of re* Pair. Will sell at fraction of build­ ing cost. C. V. Pickard, phone 165. ——-y- for fox removed. • cured a position. I of many friends HORSES. Dead two-hour set­ phone Credi- Jack William?. ■CASH animals vice, day or night, ion, 471*15, ccdlSCt. . «—V- Cee Ge<5. F. Clark for all kinds of WtedmIJS, pump jacks, pumps and pining. Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Crediton 23-6. R. It. g Dashwood. Cochrane Miss Elizabeth Grafton his bride, formerly Martin, of Simcoe, arrived home on Sunday after a pleasant honeymoon spent in Montreal. Messrs. Chester and Edgerton Anderson and Lloyd Shue, of Car­ sonville, Mich., were recent visitors at the home of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Collingwood FOR A REAL SMOKE Try EXETER Tobacco A special No. 1 Quality Mixture to give a mild, enjoyable smoke Specialy Priced at pound tin 59c Don’t price. J*A Phone 50 i Mr. Jas. Jewell, of London, vis­ ited in town the latter part of the week. v- At Murachy—Barnard Wedding Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Medd, of town, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner, of London, were at St. Helens on Mon­ day attending the marriage of Miss Winifred Barnard, daughter of Rev. George and Mrs. Barnard, to Mr. Archibald A. Murachy, of the R.C.A.F., >St. Thomas, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. F. J. Murachy, of Mc­ Connell, Man. The marriage took place in St, Helens United church and was performed by the bride’s father, assisted by her brother, Rev, John Barnard. . Mr. and Mrs.. Barnard were formerly on the El- j imville circuit, the bride having been born there. The ladies of the church served the wedding dinner at the Church. The toast to the bride was proposed by Mr. Medd. ------------y------------ OATMEAL 5 lb. bag .... 30c SYRUP Crown Brand 5 lb. tin .... 55c VANILLA large bottle . . 15c PUMPKIN Large Tins 2 for..............25c Ivory SOAP FLAKES ‘' Z • • • ® • e SAUER KRAUT Choice 2 tins...... 25c SOAP Toilet 6 cakes .... 25c SHORTENING ‘ 1 pound packages 2 for .... . . 35c FLOUR Bread — Five Roses 9S lb. bag . $2.83 Pipe and Cigarette be misled by the special low It’s the finest quality tobacco . t you can buy. big selection of fine pipes Your Drugs at ROBERTSON’S Exeter The peoi>Ie of the Province of On­ tario are determined, to beat Hitler. They know they can help by keeping (Canada’s dollars in Canada and putting them to the use of their government in paying for Canada’s war effort Alberta Coal — Canadian Coal for Canadians Phone! 33 for a Ton Buy W The" church Stevens leaders, had charge, the topic. Joan Redfern sang a solo. Games were played at the close, Miss Alva Wuerth, of Detroit, ’ Reynold, of the 'Galt Aircraft school and Reg, of the St. Thomas Tech­ nical Training School, were home over the week-end, Bruce Mair, of Thames Road, was elected secretary of the Trans-Can- ada Boys' Conference held in Cen­ tennial United Church, London, last week. i Recent visitors In the , Mr. W. H. Johnston were Mrs. Elmer Johnston and and Mr. Garvey, all -of also Mr.^ttiid Mrs, H. J. Keith and Donald, of Mrs. Richard Johnston vdth them to Ashfieid for a. visit, Mrs. Moffatt is her daughter and Elmar Johnston: is her son. met at James St. evening with Mrs. C.G.I.T, Monday _ and Miss Ilene Snell as Doris Penhale’s group Margaret Pickard read home of Mr. and Eugenia Ashfield, Moffatt, Watford, returned November Meeting of Exeter I Women’s Inst. November meeting of .the Women’s Institute-was held home of Mrs. E. Broderick The Exeter at the with the president, Mrs. Kyle, pre­ siding. Following the usual open­ ing exercises the roll call was res­ ponded to with an impromptu re- , mark. Mrs. Anderson gave a brief ’talk on the unit’s war work, $20 having been donated to the blanket fund. A donation of $5..00 each Was voted to be sent to the War Memorial Children’s Hospital, the Queen Alexandra Sanatorium, and the Central War Charities’ Fund' of ; the Federated Women’s Institutes ; of Ontario. Mrs. Norman Hockey , sang a solo, accompanied by Mrs. R. Goulding at the piano. Mrs. ! Kirkland, of Hurondale W\L, gave’ an interesting report of the 1 Institute joonventron held at the Hotel London. closed with the National Lunch was served by ' the Mrs. Preszcator and Mrs. assisting. Safety League Lecture Mr. LaTruhe, of the Ontario Safe­ ty League gave a ‘most interesting and educational lecture on “Safety” illustrated with talking pictures at the Exeter Arena Tuesday after­ noon to the pupils of the Exeter high and public schools. He em­ phasized the importance of being Watchful and careful while walk­ ing, bicycling or motoring in or­ der to avoid accidents. Mr. R. N. Creech, chairman of the Board of Education, and' Mr. F. A. May, chairman of the War Savings com­ mittee, gave short talks on the sav­ ing of money to purchase war sav­ ings stamps and also on salvage. Wo men’s recently Meeting Anthem, hostess, Harding Jas. P. Bowey CAN NOW BE BOUGHT AT - .M AIRWAYS MOTOR OIL • PROTECTS YOUR ENGINE ♦ SAVES YOU MONEY Mode few HIGH COMPRESSION G« F. SKINNER’S Exeter Fire Destroys Landmark Wednesday evening of last week we Were sitting at the supper table when a neighbor rushed in, telling us that there was a fire less than a block away. We hurried outside and the sky was aglow from the flames. Sparks were being carried for a considerable distance by the wind. The barn On the property of Mrs, Byron Hicks, now occupied by Mr. Danielson, who recently moved from Saskatchewan to Exe­ ter, had in some mysterious man­ ner cattght fire. It had started in the hayloft and had gained consid­ erable headway before being no­ ticed. A bucket brigade had been formed by some of the neighbors before the firemen arrived and were applying water from the roof. An automobile parked In the barn was removed with difficulty. The npof of the barn caved in but the ^vork of the firemen saved the siding. The barn is on tlie property that is known by some of the older resi­ dents as the Wm. Drew property. The home of Idr, Broderick, close to the barn Was Scorched & little, but not even a window was broken by the heat. Sparks were blowing in, its direction. The fire alarm was sounded but did not last long as the rope that rings the bell broken. was Cavcn W.M.S. Caven W.M.S. held their thank- offering meeting on November 20 th in the schoolroom of the church, Mrs, E. Pollen presided. The de­ votional period “was taken by Mrs. H. G. Sprang. Mrs. E. Willard con­ tributed a musical number. Mrs., R. Wenger, the guest speaker, gave an interesting talk, in which she described the origin of the various translations of the Scriptures, Mrs. W. Siliery favored with a vocal sold. Refreshments were served at the close by the committee in charge. ■ ■' v —~-V-— i Tty A classified in the Times- Advocate—They get results STAWA GIRL INJURED AS CAR HITS ABUTMENT late « Mrs, , Doris .Smale, aged in teens, daughter of Albert Smale, of Staffa, is in General Hospital, with a right leg, cracked cheek lacerations to her fgce. Injured about 10.45 Friday night when a car in which she was a passenger, struck an abutment on a bridge at the west end of Mitchell’s main street. her aifti Stratford fractured bone and She was .y. How Does Your Label Read?