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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-27, Page 1
ESTABLISHED 1873 EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 27th, 1941 a . Smty^Ninth Yew i An early visit to this store will help you solve the Christmas gift problem. We have_ an exceptionally large stock of merchandise suitable for Christmas gifts. More than ever this year we would urge early buying as many lines cannot be replaced later. We offer below a few suggestions. COMPLETE SHOWING OF FOR MEN AND BOYS Ties (boxed), scarves, fancy -socks, initialed handkerchiefs, braces and tie sets, gloves,, suits, overcoats, underwear FOR LADIES AND GIRLS Silk hosiery and underwear, neck scarves, gloves, fancy umbrellas,* handbags, handkerchiefs, ‘ towel sets, etc. Ladies’ Misses’ & Girls’ Winter Coats We have a very large stock of coats to choose from at very moderate prices. '>. ‘ ‘ Ladies’ and Missess’ dresses in new fail styles now ready for the coming season. We have the new large size Kleenex tissues for men — 200 sheets in a box at 25c. Men’s and Boys’ Overcoats Tweeds — Meltons and Fleece coats MEN’S at $15.00 — $17,50 — $20.00 and 25.00 Boys’ at $3.45 to $12.00 Buy your overcoat now while we have a good selection. It is getting harder all the time to get repeats. All-Wool blankets at $5.00 each We still have a limited quantity of these fine quality all-wool blankets white with pastel borders. Would make exceptionally fine Christmas Gift, while they last at $5 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuimniiiiiii Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday EXETER COUNCIL Nov. 24,. 1941 The Municipal Council met in the Town Hall with the Reeve and all Councillors present. The min utes pf the meeting- held Nov. io were read and adopted on motion of Councillors Hern and Dignan, Communications were read and dealt with as follows: From Victoria Hosp tai, laid over for further consideration. Re un employment Insurance of perman ent employees, From the Depart ment of Municipal Affairs, re Lo cal Government Extension Act. Fil ed. Re Association of Fire Chiefs. Filed. Rp Municipal Auditors. Filed, The matter of gravel on street to Brierley and left Dignan* After that residents be asked to refrain from putting ashes on the roads. Parking pt autos on highway dur ing nights was discussed- No ac tion. It was decided that the annual municipal public meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Monday, De cember 29 th, 1941. This meeting is to be held although there will be no elections in the village this year. Moved and Seconded by Coun cillors Hern and Dignan that Mr, F, Waghorn, trucker, Crediton East, be notified that he must remove the two loads of junk unloaded at the Exeter dump ground at once or pay the sum of five dollars. The dump ground is_for the use of citizens only. The following accounts ■were pass ed and ordered* paid on the motion Of Councillors iSouthcott and Taylor: Exeter Times-Advocate, stationery and cards, $12,5'0; County of Hur on, hospitalization, $13,10; Grigg Stationery, supplies, $2.05; Exeter Agricultural Society, 1941 grant, $150.00; Exeter Fire Department, (J. Horry) 1941 allowances, $275.00: Exeter Concert Band, bal ance grant, $125.00; Library Board, balance grant, $200-00;. Wm'. Moo die, gravel, $8.00; John Stire, labor, $20.30; Charles Waghorn, $4.80; William Andrews, $32.25, A11 motions were carried. Adjournment to December 1941, ' on motion of Southcott. ' ’ C. V. Pickard, Clerk - tte^ _ i^sidence was discussed in the hands of Councillor discussion it was decided labor, labor, 15 th, 'Councillor sm! Mixed Nuts (in shell) north Bearce goods but available now Fame Grapefruit Juice aark 1 Large 20-oz;. tins .........................CaLll 1VV New Colored. Cheese Ila Old Style factoi*y cheese ...... H’** ****** Libby’s Moist Mincemeat Or Happy vale Brand, 2-lb. tins <5aUll fl t Garden Patch Peas An excellent buy, 16-oz. tins Libby’s Sauer Kraut 9 99« The best quality .......................« Halo M«Pt Woodbury’s Facial Soap 4 lc deal, which gives you “ taltCu A««lt Cashmere Bouquet Soap 4 for 28c by Colgates Very fragrant jar cold cream free ...2 for 21c Phone 32 ill Jones &Your Superior Store FEED PRICES ARE DOWN BINGO... 40 per cent. Hen Concentrate $3.75 Hog Concentrate $2.75 Fatena Clieckers $2.95 “ 19 per cent. Lay Mash $2.75 Exeter-Hensall Branch of the CANADIAN LEGION McKnight’s Hall, Exeter Buy C.C.M. Skate and Shoe Matched Set. We have a large stock on hand and will gladly trade in your old . skate outfits for new. We have the largest stock of toys we ever 'had. Come in early and make your choice. A small deposit * will hold any article. ■Special price on graniteware for this week Cow ties, curry combs, brushes, shovels, ensilage forks, stable brooms, axes and axe handles See our large stock of roast pans —- 50c up Thursday, Nov. 27 th at 8.30 sharp 15 Rounds CHICKENS, DUCKS and HAMS 5 Donated. Rounds Jones & May, Woolcott Blanket; Southcott Bros., Kilnlde Bedspread Rivers Meat Market, One Haan Traquair’s Hardware, Combination Roaster and Gamier Harvey & Harvey, Basket Groceries A nice Christmas present for mother, wife or daughter would be an Electric 'Easy Washing Machine. We have only two left at the old price. When in need of mitts a$d gloves we have a large supply Bring in your storm sash and barn windows and let us do your glazing Ten additional Rounds of Turkeys General Admission 25c t DOOR PRIZE, 25-lb. TURKEY LONDON LIONS VISIT LOCAL CLUB Nostrums that will cure anything from an ingrown toenail to an epi demic of poor relations are sold to a gullible public because the pub lic likes to be humbugged, said Dr. Jos. Boyd, dentist, of Stratford, at the Exeter Lions supper meeting at the Central Hotel (Friday evening” last. Dr. Boyd was speaking on “Fraudulent Advertising”. Mem bers from the London /club were present for a fraternal visit. Lion President H. C. Rivers welcomed the visitors. Lion Tamer E. R. Hopper led in a *sing-song. In a draw for a clothes hamper, T. O. Southcott was' the winner. A tur key dinner for two donated by Lion I, Hasan, of the Maple Leaf and Esquire -Grills, London, was won by Lion Dr. Cowen. Dr. 'Cowen in troduced the speaker of the even ing. For passing counterfeit mon ey a person may be arrested, said the speaker. Yet many of the (com modities we buy are misrepresent ed. Some are harmful, some even dangerous, yet promoters by the use of skillfully worded advertise ments and faked testimonials' have induced the public to buy and have themselves grown 'rich. Almost any druggist will give honest advice about patent medicines if asked for it, said the speaker. The chief of fenders are- in the lines of cure-all remedies, cosmetics, tooth pastes, mouth washes and some food stuffs. A * constant use of all bran or of laxatives will lead to chronic (con ditions with harmful results. Dr. Boyd’s remarks were based on re ports of scientific research by re sponsible authorities. His address was both interesting and illuminat ing and he received a prolonged ovation at the close. President Jack Paisley, of the London Lions club expressed the pleasure of the members at being present and ex- . tended an invitation to the Exeter Club to return the visit. The name of, A. J. SjYeitzer was proposed and accepted as a new member. Lions Earl Niidhols and Roy Robinson, of London, organisers Of the Exeter club were present.—-----V— ----- v Traquair’s Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING SIGN WORK Social Evening RITE RASPBERRIES Mrs. (Dr.) Sweet brought into the office on Monday morning a branch about six inches long on which there were-46 raspberries in various stages of development. Tati of the berries were ripe. Pretty good for the last week In November, OPERATION FOR SKIN GRAFT Mr. Wm. Hatter, whose leg was severely burned in an auto accident at Seaforth several weeks ago, was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, Bunday and on Wednesday underwent an operation for skin grafting, The operation was suc cessful. O' in EDEN SCHOOL S.S. No. 4, Usbdriie FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28th at 8.30 p.m. Speaker, James ."C* Shearer Agricultural Representative for Hulron County are invited to be present. ‘Dancing Getting Ready for Airmen Flying Officer Fairburn, in con nection with the Centralia Airport, was in Exeter last Week and inti mated that in about two weeks time some twenty R.C.A.F. men would be stationed at 'Centjalia, princi pally on guard duty at first. Wire fencing is new being put up to' sur round the property -and when com pleted admittance to the airport by tile public will be restricted. ...... Taken Hl at Factory Bert Fresscator Was taken the Exeter Canning factory You Mr, Hl at on Tuesday and was removed to the home -Of his sistet, Mrs. Harness. He collapsed while at his work and Is now under medical cate. WARDEN P. PASSMORE PRESENTED WITH KEY AT HURON COUNTY COUNCIL ♦ Warden P. Passmore, reeve of Us borne township, is shown being presented with the symbolic war den’s golden key by Huron County Clerk Norman W. Miller. Mr. Pass- more was ’presented with a chair at the closing session t of council. FORMER EXETER GIRL MARRIED IN TOLEDO A quiet wedding took place at the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Toledo, Ohio, Wednesday afternoon, November 12th, when Florence Ruby, daughter of Mrs. Lewis D. Vincent and the late Mr. Vincent was united in marriage to Mr. Robert E. Smith, of Walled Lake, Mich. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. David Mc Kenzie. After a short honeymoon, the couple will make their home in Detroit, Mich. ---------V--------- WINS THIRD CARTER SCHOLARSHIP Miss Anne W. Morgan, a gradu ate of the Exeter High School and a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Morgan, of Usborne, 'has been awarded the third Carter Scholar ship for the county of Huron. The scholarship is valued at $40.00. Miss Morgan is now attending Nor mal School in London. The first Carter Schalarship, valued at $100, went to James N. Hume, of the ■Goderich Collegiate Institute and the second scholarship, valued at $60.00 to Miss Teresa A. McIver, of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. Miss Morgan received the scholar ship by obtaining the third highest marks on ten papers in the upper school examinations. ---------V--------- Summer Savings Lost Two weeks .ago a small adver tisement appeared in the TimeS-Ad- vocate stating that $14.00 had been lost in Exeter. Fourteen dollars may not mean much to some people or it may mean a<Lot or money, In this case it represents the savings of a young lad from -his summer’s wages. After working all summer and receiving the balance of the money coming to him the lad had paid his doctor’s bill, as he is not in the best of health, and had only fourteen dollars left. When he in serted- the advertisement we asked him what reward he wished to pay. “Give them half of it,” he said. “I’ll be glad to get the other half back.” We told hipi it was a very liberal reward and more than was necessary. If the person finding the money failed to see the adver tisement and reads this article would be glad to see the money turned. we re- •V ANNOUNCEMENT and Mrs. John EsseryMr ■ .. ___, celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of their marriage at their home in Centralia, December 1st and will be “At Home**, to their friends from 2 to 5 o’clock In the afternoon: hhd from 8 to 10 in the evening. Will In the lower photo: foiir of thA'mem- bers of the property committee are shown after they returned from in specting the Huron County jail, From left to right they are Reeve Alonzo McCann of Stephen town ship; Deputy-Reeve Roy Ratz, of AUTO ACCIDENTS There have been three auto dents in which cars were badly aged that have taken place Exeter during the past week, latest was Wednesday morning about 7.05 a.m- at the intersec tion one and a quarter miles west of Exeter on Huron Street. Mr. Samuel Lawson was on his way to work in Exeter -and with him as passengers were Frank Triebner, Samuel Baynham and Jack Coward. Motoring south was Jesse Freeman, of Hensall, with Gerald Campbell as a passenger. They were on their way to the Centralia Airport when the two cars Collided. Drivers of both cars escaped unhurt. Gerald Campbell received a compound frac ture of the collar-bone, F. Triebner sufered two fractured ribs, chest injury and a bad cUt under the chin, S. Baynham received two long gash es over the eye that required 15 stitches. His ankle was sprained and back hurt. Jack Coward had a badly crushed nose and cuts on the face. Harold Taylor, who hap pened to come along at the time, brought the injured men to Dr. Dunlop’s office., Both cars were badly smashed up. County Con stable J. Ferguson and Traffic fleer N. Lever investigated the ci-dent. Cars Collide Head-On On Saturday last Howard Kerslake Stephen township; Reeve Alex Mac Donald, of Ashfield township and. Reeve Thos. Webster, of West Wawanosh township. The fifth member of the committee is War den Passmore. The picture ia from the Stratford Beacon-Herald. acci- dam- near The STILL ACTIVE AT 98 about 5.20 p was _ ,m. travelling south on No. 4 Highway south of Exeter with a team of horses and a load of wood. He had just reached his own gate -when F. Strub, on his way to St. Thomas failed to see the wagon until he was close upon it. Turning ouf to miss the wagon, he collided head on with a car driven by 'Simon Morlock, of Crediton. Both cars were badly damaged but the up. ■lor drivers escaped with a shaking Traffic Officer Frank Tay- investigated. Blinded, by Lights Friday evening,,Nov. 21st, Lloyd Stanlake, of Exeter, ran into the rear of aj car driven by Harold Taylor, of ’Clinton, Blinded by the bright lights of an approaching car Stanlake said he did not see the car ahead of him. The accident happened on the highway one and a quarter miles south of town. Both cars were badly damaged. Traf fic Officer F. Taylor investigated. Browning, Canada’s Grand Old Man of the medical pro fession, -.celebrated his 98-th birth day at his office in Exeter on Fri day of last week. Many of his friends called to offer their felici tations and flowers, telegrams and cards were received from relatives and friends. In spite of his ad vanced age, Dr. Browning nevei’ missed a single working day from his office during the past year. On July 4th, 1867, he began his prac tice of medicine in Exeter and he has kept at it ©vei4 since. For a short time before coming to Exeter he practised in Stephen township. He is* claimed to be Canada’s old est practising physician, He Is the oldest living graduate of Victoria University, Toronto, The ddetor is also the oldest living telegrapher and on his birthday lie had out ttie key presented to him by the Can.1* adian National Telegraph 'Company and he can still tap out a message with speed. Auto Overturns Mr. Wm, Moodie. with Mrs. Moo die, was motoring on one of the sideroads in Usborne when Mr* Moodie’s attention was attracted by something in a field. The front wheel of the tear ran qff the side of the road and the car went out of control, ft toppled over with the wheels in” the air. Fortunate*. iy the • ocmt&nnts were unhurt and little damage was done to the car as It was'^iot* travelling fast at the time. • ’ •• • ■ INJURED AT AIRPORT Steve Molnar, an employee at the Centralia Airport, had his left arm fractured at -the wrist when he fell from a truck. Allan Pfaff, of Stephen, also .em ployed at the airport, had his left leg fractured above the ankle Wed nesday morning about 9 o’clock. He was taken In ati ambulance to a London Hospital. Dinas ' Beauvair, another em ployee, was takett ill witli pneu monia Friday of last week and was removed -to a London Hospital. Mt* Beauvair Is from Marlatt, -Quo* He was staying at the Central Hotel*