HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-20, Page 8wuwday, Nov* aw, mi ms THE Wim WO-APVPCATE V’s Beauty Shoppe For of Lasting toW SMraL (Tmittinuie, fWbhmtta wk a wm Phone lt% KWtoga by Appointment Exeter Markets Old or New Wheat m Creamery Butter, aae. Egas, A Large, 3Sc. A Medium, tiyc. Eggs* B., 32c, - Dressed Hoge. $24.25. •w Farmers, are inaking the most atj the ideal weatlwy conditions wek to get the turnips and sugar beats harvested. ,s < Rev. Barden and Mrp. Cunning*' liam and Betty, of Windsor* visited with the former*# parents* Ml and Mrs. Walter Cunningham* on Wed­ nesday, Exeter 4ls to have its first broad­ cast next Saturday evening. CKNX* of Wingham, will broadcast a barn dance from McKnight’a Hall. See advt, on another page. Reeve B. W. Tuckey returned Wednesday evening of last week; from a deer-hunting trip in Bruce county. Their party were success­ ful in bagging a young doe Wed.* neiJday morning. Messrs. Harry and Clarence Her- . ton and cousin, Miss Mildred Hall. Fingal, visited at the home of W. C. Pearce on. Sunday. ’ Milburn, Ruth and Wilma Whitney, of Mil­ verton, called on them. < LOST — Billfold, on Monday morning on Maim St., containing a registration card, permit, uuite a sum of money. Reward. Apply at Times-Advocate. itc STRAYED—From lot 15, con. , 7, Hay Township, 2 yearling cattle, one brown and black heifer and a red Meer, with horns. Information 1 gladly received by Frank Wildfong, Exeter. Phone 36rl3 Dashwood.------—------* FOR SALE-—A boy's heavy win­ ter overcoat, tweed lined, gray, fit hoy about 14. Apply at Times-Ad- votate, ' itp •M- 4 i FOR HALE—Robe, almost new. Apply to J, E. Fletcher, Exeter, Itp ._™V_—_ FOR SALE—200 June hatched hybrid pullets. Wein Bros. Phone Dashwood 57t7. itc ---------v__ , The Times-Advocate have taken the agency in Exeter for the Un­ der wood portable typewriters. New or reconditioned machines for sale or rent. s -------- FOR SALE—A B-R John Deere tractor, 2 years old, in splendid con­ dition. Trade or terms, H. Has­ kett, Lucan. Itc ----A-V-------- STRAYED—From Lot 1, Con, 5, Osborne, 1 yearling, marks on lower half of left ear. Communicate with Times-Advocate office. Itc---------V--------- 113 Acres, No. 8 Highway, large barns, silo, Implement shed, stone, house. Electricity, extra water sup­ ply, milking machine, milk con­ tract, $3,000 annually. Pearce, Exeter. -----.—-------- The Thames Road Farmers’ Club are booking orders for Western feed grain. We have binder twine for sale at this year's price. P. Passmore, Sec. ---------y.—----- FOR SALE—Comfortable cottage with town water, garage, garden, W. C. Pearce, Exeter, ( FOR SALE—One house and one cottage, at a very low price, Will make cheap homes or good invest­ ments. C. V. Pickard, phone 105. FdR SALE—30 little pigs, 7 weeks old. Hubert Heywood, R.R. 3, Exeter. Il:i3:2t< w.c. FOR RENT—Brick house, Al­ bert St., Hensall. Apply to Joseph Garside, Box 201, Strathroy. Itp. ---- - v Mr. Frank Taylor has secured a license to carry on a collection agency. Any person desiring his service callmr phone 138, Exeter. FOR SALE—50 acres, frame house, bank barn, close to town and school. 5 acres of wheat Immed­ iate pofQesislon. Other farms. C. V. I’ickard, phone .165, FOR SALE—Brick residence, well located in Exeter, Bathroom, I built in cupboards, new heating sys­ tem. Whole building in best of re­ pair. Will sell at fraction of build­ ing cost. 0. V. Pickard, phone 165. CASH FOR FOX animals removed, vice, day or night, ton, 47rI5, collect. Choice Quality Meats * * IDEAL MEAT MARKET C. Tanton Phone 38 Main St. a.« i I i I gginran.uiw.wt LOCALS Ladies’ Guild of Trivitt Memorial Church will hold a bazaar of hand­ made articles and home baking for, sale in the Parish Hall, on Satur- = day, December 6. I ---------V-------- Jack Westcott, of Welland, ‘was home over the week-end. Mrs. Simon Greb is visiting her daughter, Mrs, Payne, in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Frayne visited at Mrs, Frayne’s home in* Toronto on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brock, of Winchelsea, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, N. Ogden. Mr. and Mrs. RobR Horney and Mary, of London, called on relatives here on Saturday evening, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Waldron, of) Clinton, spent the week-end with] Mr, and Mrs. Norman Hockey. Mrs. Thomas Ballantyne is vis­ iting with her brother, Rev. W. A. and Mrs. Monteith, at Fonthill. Mrs. C. Tanton, George and Jim, spent the week-end visiting with Mrs. Tanton’s sisters in Toronto. Mrs. A. Wallace and Miss Baw- den, of London, visited on Monday with Mr, and Mrs. B. W. F. Beavers. Mrs. E. J. Wethey, Jr., and daughter Julia, of London, are this week visiting with Mr. E. J, Weth­ ey. Mr. and Mrs. N. Statton and young son returned Tuesday even­ ing after a pleasant motor trip to Ottawa. Dr. Morris Harvey, of Red Deer, northern Alberta, visited with his mother, Mrs, J. S. Harvey, over the week-end, Mrs. W. C. Allison, who recent­ ly underwent an operation in Vic­ toria Hospital, London, fng very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore London, visited in town and attended the anniversary of Main St, United Churbh. Mr. and Mis. E. W. White and Mrs. Chas. Baird, of St. Marys, were guests of Rev, James and Mrs. An­ thony on Thursday last. Capt. D. C. Hill, spent the week-end and family Ip town, being transferred to Mr. Sidney Davis, CONSERVE! VISUAL VITALITY * * * We make a specialty of CORRECTING OPTICAL DEFECTS ...... with Properly Adjusted Glasses as well as Prompt Repairing and Re- placement of Broken Lenses •y. < * C. E. ZURBRIGG Optometrist at Exeter Office open every week day except Wednesday Marion Pooley Beauty Shoppe All Work Guaranteed Exeter Phone 245 Norm Hockey agent for DEAN’S DRY CLEANING We will call for and deliver Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. Get your winter coat cleaned now. IT WON’T SPOIL Order D. & H. Anthracite NOW Buy your winter’s supply of D. & H. Anti incite to-day. It will give you full heating value, whether you it now or lata next winter. i is improv- Tuckey, of oh Sunday : use Jas. P. Bowey Phone 33 Exeter Leavitt’s Theatre Exeter Ont.Phone 135 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY Nov. 20, 21 and 22 “The Great DictatorI 99 with CHARLIE CHAPLIN, JACK OAKIE and PAULETTE GODDARD MONDAY AND TUESDAY Nov. 24 and 25 — Two Nights Only GEORGE FORMBY Britain’s Ace Comedian, in “Keep Your Seats Please' CAVEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 31rs« J. G. Cochrane. Organist White Gift Sunday in. Sunday { School and Church 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.—-Services as? usual. j The November Thankoffering of the! W.M.S. will be held at the church i on Thursday evening, Nov. 20th, I at 8 o’clock. Mrs, R. Wenger will be the guest speaker* ’ j MAIN ST* UNITED CHURCH Rev. Norval J. Woods, M.A. Minister Mi's, N, J. Dore Organist and Choir Leader 11 a.m.—-Public worship and church school—“My Church”, 7 p.m.—Mission Slides “The Church parries on ip. Spite of War” Tuesday, Nov. 25, 8 p.m.—Meeting) of the Session, Thursday, 7*30 p.m. — Midweek meeting. JAMES ST. UNITED CHURCH 11 3 Rev. Arthur Page, Minister W. R. Goulding, A.T.C.M. Organist and Choir leader a.m.—-The Minister p.m. Sunday School and Bible Class 7 p.m.—The Minister Monday, 8 p.m.—Y.P. Union Wednesday, 8 p.m,—-Player Service Thursday, 1 p.m.—-War Service Un­ it. Quilting and sewing. 3 p.m., General meeting. TRIVITT MEMORIAL CHURCH Rector, Key. M. A. Hunt Organist, Miss MacFaul Choir Leader, Mr. Middlemiss 24th Sunday after Trinity Stir-Up Sunday a.m.—Sunday Sbhool I 11 7 p.m,—Evensong and 'Sermon “Love” Service in the church. The congre­ gation is urged to attend. PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE 10 a.m,—Sunday School Sunday Services at 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Friday, 8 p.m.—-Young People’s Tuesday, 8 p.m,—Prayer Meeting All are welcome. Pastor—E. Clemens WARM OVERCOATS in smart styles for young men and men One of these days you will be needing a warmer coat for the colder weather. Let us show you one of the smartest styles and the best cloths you will see this season at anywhere near this price. Very special at .......$20.00 PURE LINEN TOWELLING We can still supply ypp with all-linen towel* ling ip bright and fast colors which are so popular. Per yard, 55c BRIGHT COLORED PLAIDS For children’s dresses and odd skirts. Lovely patterns to choose, from. These goods are very scarce. Per yard, 45c FANCY STRIPE TURKISH TOWELLING NEW KNITTING YARN In bright rainbow stripes. A good quality In khaki and air force blue. A lovely yarn ' twith enough in each ball for a pair of sox.towelling. Per yard, 35c Per ball* 79c KENWOOD ALL WOOL BLANKETS One of the finest blankets that money can buy. They come in such a lovely range of colors and combinations and have that extra warmth without being too heavy. Have ope laid away for you for Xmas. Plain Shades ........ $6.95 Combinations ....... $10.95 - ......... -.... -..... ................ ......................... ......... .......................... 4» * 4 STANFIELD’S COMBINATION / UNDERWEAR In two of the popular selling lines this season. Per garment, $2.00 or $3.50 FORSYTHE PLAIN WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS If you buy Forsythe you buy !£he best. Shirts that we are selling for $2,00 will be $2.50. Buy them for Xmas now. NEW HOSIERY FOR MEN In plain and fancy check patterns to suit any taste. A very special value. Per pair, 55c FLEECED LINED UNDERWEAR A warm and good wearing garment that gives splendid satisfaction. Shirt and Drawers, 90c Combinations, $1.75 New Dinnerware and China- for Christmas Many of these lines we will not be able to duplicate. You will be well advised to make * you?’ selection early. Come in and look them over. Grocery Specials for Thurs., Friday and Saturday CHOICE COOKIES 1. Ife« • • o • • • 10c tj LARD 1 ‘pound packages 2 for ..... . 30c Purity BREAD FLOUR PORK & BEANS * Large Tins 98 lb $2.55 3 for . ..... . 25c PUMPKIN Aylmer, Choice 2 large tins . . 25c CAKE FLOUR Swansdown H box « « • • • • 1 BOX GRAPE NUT Jack Coward, who has been work­ ing with S. Lawson at Mr. A. 0. El­ liot’s apartments, had the misfor- turie to sprain his ankle when .he jumped from a platform. He will be laid up for a few days. Miss Barbara Dinney, who has been employed with Mr, B. W. FJ Beavers, has accepted a position on the staff of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Miss Florence Luns­ ford has taken Miss Dinney’s place with Mr. Beavers. --------------------------------------------- Red Cross Receipts The treasurer, Mr. Moffatt, knowledges' the receipt of the lowing monies: A friend ...............................$ 2 Eastern Star ....................... Membership Fees ................... 2 FLAKES ....... 15c 1 box POST TOASTIER lc TOMATOES Aylmer FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS CAKE Fresh Peels; Cherries, Nuts, Raisins2 large cans .. 25c Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Way, of Sea-ARE YOU RUPTURED? % of Hamilton, with his wife Capt. Hill is Toronto. __ ____ _ ft, who has been confined to his home through ill­ ness, was removed in an ambulance to Victoria Hospital Tuesday after­ noon. Mr, and Mrs, Wm. J. Statham were in Exeter Sunday attending the re-opening services in Main St. Un­ ited >Church and were the guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Hind. Dr. Geo, C. Hind, Mrs. Hind and daughter, Marlene, of Walkerton, and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Statham, of London, visited with Mr. and. Mrs. John Hind on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Eacrett, of Woodstock, are visiting for a week or two with Mr, and Mrs. B. W, F. Beavers, before leaving for Florida where they will spent the winter. Mr. and Mrs., Howard Fenton and daughter, and Mr. Gordon Becker, of Merr-lton, visited over the week­ end with Mr. and Mrs, Fred Fen­ ton, Alisa Craig, and Mr. Wm. Becker and friends, of Dashwood. Mr, Wm. Hackett, soloist from London, who Is with the Salvation Army, and who assisted with the music at the Main St. anniversary services on Sunday spent the after­ noon in visiting and singing to the “shut-ins”. •Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Willard, .of Petrolia, and Mr. and Mrs. Ab, WH- . lard, of Sarnia, and Mr. and Mrs. ■' Orville Smith, of the Parr Line,! I visited with Mr. and Mrs, Evelyn] Broderick on Sunday. I HORSES, Dead Two-hour set*' Phone Credl- Jack William? See Geo. F. Clark for all kinds of ■windmills, pump jacks, pumps and piping, Repairing windmills and pumps. Phone Creditem 23-0. it, R. a Dashwood, GIRLS AND WOMEN WANTED Turn your time into dollars by selling Eamllex Products in your community, it’s your opportunity for easy and repeat sake. Begin with a few dollars and own your business, MONEY BACK FOR RE­ TURNED UNSOLD GOODS IF OB­ LIGED TO DISCONTINUE.. Bush ness ho never been better, details W St. Free and catalogue, Famllox, ; Help the Government to buy a naval gun for Hxoter every month. Buy War Savings Cer­ tificates regularly. A good in­ vestment, free from Income tax and paying 3 per cent. WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY Nov. 26 and 27 -— Two Nights Only Mr. and Mrs. Smith starring ROBERT MONTGOMERY, CAROLE LOMBARD and an all star cast. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Nov. 28 and 2t> — Two Nights Only “Man Power” . 1 starring EDWARD G. ROBINSON, GEO. RAFT and MARLENE DEITRICH The Blanket Fund Sundry .................. $ Whalen Unit ...................... Crediton Unit ..................... North End Group ................ Unit 17, S.&. 4 & 5, Usborne James St. Unit ................... Women’s Institute Unit....... Hurondale Unit ................... Dashwood Unit ................... Main St. Unit ..................... Caven Unit ................ ........ Trivitt Unit ........................ Centralia Unit .... .............. Zion Unit ........................... ’ Eastern Star Unit ................ Thames Road Unit ............ Grand Bond Unit 5u....... 1 $ 54.75 Foot Sufferers! I Attention! The Special Representative of Miracle Foot Aid HAMILTON, ONT. Will be at Tuesday, Nov. 25th A. E. WUERTH’S STORE "The Home of Bunny White” Exeter, on 1 to 7 pan. ' PLAN TO SEE HIM! No Charges for Consultation ^Miracle** Method of Correction successfully proven by our many ^satisfied customers in this district Total ....$585.00 ■ It was a pretty good job all around, but "hats off” particularly to Grand Bend. THAT EXETER SPIRIT Two bosses from the airport were in Exeter, the other night making such purchases as they needed. As they emerged from one of the busi­ ness houses they were met by two Exeter cats who forthwith hoisted hospitable tails and smiled as Exe­ ter cats alone can smile. “By Jove, commented a boss, “even the In this town are friendly.” -----------y----------.. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Grant family, of St. Thomas; Mr. Mrs. Scott Welsh and Wayne, of Hensail, and Mr. Jack Mathews, of London, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. O'. Olatk. Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Caldwell, Exeter North, were Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Fish­ er, of Cleveland, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Anderson and fam­ ily ,z of Kippen; Mrs. J. Essery, of Centralia; Mary Caldwell *“ and friend, Margaret Galagher, of Lon­ don* Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beaver and, family, of Port Dalhousie; Mrs. Caroline Weber and Mrs. Alvin Kellerman - and baby daughter, of Dashwood. at 8 p.m. DRESS STYLES PRESENTED BY MRS. JEAN McTAVlSH HAIR STYLES BY MISS VERA DECKER * . * Local Models * Refreshments Served Admission 25c ALL PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS forth have just received word that their Son, Clare, who has been at­ tached to a bombing squadron in Slydney, N.S., E.A.C., has recently bee transferred td an R.C.A.F. sta­ tion B.C., leave at Jerico Beach, Vanbouver, He expects to be homo oh shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Johnston and daughter Patsy and Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Johnston visited at the home of their brother, Mr, and Mrs. Jack Johnston, at StimmdfMll, near Clinton. , , Mrs. J. M, Willis, Sl, Is spending ths ‘Winter* at the homo of Mr, and Mrs. C. Johns. Did ARE YOU RUPTURED? You Ever Buy a Truss that Didn’t Fit? That Can’t „ Happen Here are Properly Fitted by anYou Experienced Fitter in Our Private Truss Room and Protected by a Signed, Money-Rack Guarantee Your Drugs at ROiBEHTSON’S, Rhone 50 , • Exeter Exeter lias a Naval Gun to Buy Buy War Savings Certificates Now!