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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-20, Page 5
* WF OEW TIMES^ADVOCATE mmy. nov* m i HENSALL . NOTICE To the ratepayers xjf the Village of Hensall, A public meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Hensall, Friday, November 21st, at 8 p.m.y at which time the financial report for the year ending November 15, 1941, will be presented and open* ed^or discussion. All interested are asked to attend, ■ R. E. SHADDICK, Reeve .....V....... . - Miss Mary Gibson, of Brucefield, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. J. Todd, pn Sunday, Mrs. Graham, of London, is vis iting her sisters, Miss Kate Scott and Mrs. 0, Baiiantyne, Mr. T. C. Joynt spent the week end in Toronto at the home of his brother, Dr. Geo. Joynt. Miss Mary O’Lair, of London, was were invited to spend ar afternoon at the school when the following program whs presented* Rev. Mair, of Thames Road/ spoke and Mr, Grigg, of Exeter, also gave to ad dress. Roth were most interest ing. The school choir favored with musical numbers and am amateur hour was a highlight of the pro gram, Margaret Cann wop first prize and Grant Morgan won the second prize, The prizes were pre sented by Mrs. Fred Dawson, Miss Mabel Workman, of Hensa.ll, teach er of the pupils, deserves much cre dit for the splendid arrangement of the program. Wohelp Class The members of day SJchool class Church were pleasantly entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs, David ■ Kyle on Friday evening, Mrs, Peter ...... w ^uuuuu, I MoNaughton presided over the pro- a recent visitor with Miss Hannan which opened by singing the I I Entortained the Wohelo $un- of the United on L. to on no3e Craig and Mr, John Craig. Mrs, D, G. Steer and Patsy are visiting with Mrs. Steer’s mother, Mrs. Brazier, in London, this week. Mrs. Leitch, of AUsa- Craig, and Mrs. Zavitz, of Windsor, visited Bunday with Mr. and Mrs, A. Case. Miss Mildred Purdy was taken St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Saturday suffering with a hemmorhage. Mrs. Hannah Workman and Miss Mabel Workman visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Britton, at Dublin, . ■ Mr. Homer Tinney, of St. Cath arines, visited over the week-end at the home of his father, Mr. Mat thew Tinney. ' Mrs. F. G. Weir, of Goderich, vis ited over the week-end with her son and daughtef-in-law, Rev., Wm. and Mrs, Weir. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Passmore, of Delhi, visited over the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin, and daughter Eleanor, of Thames Road, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell and family. Rev. Wm. Weir, Mrs. Weir and Mrs. W. A. MacLaren, visited on Thursday with Rev. W. A- Young, Mrs. Young and family in Fergus,. Mrs. Wm, Weir and son Freddie returned home on Sunday after a pleasant visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Bailey, in Hunts ville. L.A.C. Kenneth Passmore, of the R.C.A.F., Trenton, visited over the ■ week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Passmore. Ripe raspberries and very fine specimens, at that, were picked by Mr, Wm. Foster in Mr. Bob Drys dale’s lot Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. ;Ray Pfaff and daughter Shela, of Niagafa-on-the- Lake, spent the week-end at the home Of the,■former’s mother, Mrs. Alice Pfaff. ' ‘ Mr. Ross, Mrs. ■ spent Chas. Mr. __ ___ _____ London, and Miss Elizabeth Slavin, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Glen Slavin and Mr. Fred Slavin. The IKA.F. choir from bert will present a concert in the town hall, Hensail, on Thursday, November 27th, under auspices of the Red Cross Society. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Steer were visited on Sunday by the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Steer, of Mt. Brydges. Mrs. Steer is remaining at the home of her son for a week. When sending in news for the Exeter Times-Advocate use only’ a one-cent stamp and do not seal the envelope. We appreciate the new^ that is sent in to us each week. Rev. R. A. Brook conducted the services in. the United Church on Sunday and the choir sang two an thems, “Who Follows In HiSs Train”, and “The Knowledge of the Lord.” Beautiful red roses wore seen in full bloom in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mickle last week When the ground was covered with our first snowfall, but the weather this week has been very mild, dian summer as it is often called, is here. The roses are still bloom-* ing and look more seasonable. The Canadian Red Cross are ap pealing for blankets for Britain. If you cannot give a blanket, the sum of $2.0'0 may be left with the treasurer, Mr. H. O. Lawrence, or with Miss E. Johnston, 'to pur chase a blanket. Donations of blankets oi* quilts may be left at the Red Cross work rooms ^Monday or Friday afternoons, The Ladies’ Aid met Tuesday ev ening church, sided. “My Faith Looks up to Thee1 Patterson led in prayer Hoggarth favored with.^a piano in strumental and Mrs. Jehn Manson with a reading. Business wad dis cussed* Mrs. Farquhar gave a read ing, “My Financial career’1,' A hymn Was sung? Mr. A. orr played a selection on the gaxaplione,’ “Annie Laurie”. 'The meeting closed With a hymn and the- Lord’s prayer. Education Week Observed Last week being Education Week in the rural schools, the parents of the pupils attending Lumley School and Mrs. Chas.' Scriven and of Toronto, and Mr. ■ and C. W. Goodman, of Detroit, .Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder.- and Mrs. Ed. Stewart, of Mr, and and Mrs, Port Al- In- in Carmel Presbyterian Mrs, Jas, .Patterson pfe- The opening hymn was Mrs. Miss Irene National Anthem followed by the Lord’s Prayer in unison. The scrip ture lesson was read by Miss Edna Saundercock and the devotional by Mrs. ■ McNaughton. The roll call was answered by a biblical charac ter and the business was discussed. Each member was asked to make a quilt block 2'0x20 inches for a- quilt and the members were also request-* ed for a special donation at the De cember meeting to raise funds in place of having a concert. Miss El ya McQueen -and Mrs. D. Kyle were appointed a purchasing committee. Games and contests followed refreshments were served by hostess; The December 'meeting be held December ,5th. W.M,S. Meeting November meeting *of „„„ of Carmel Presbyterian I was held on Thursday after noon with Mrs- C. Hudson presiding and opened by singing “I To the Hills Will Lift Mind Eyes" and the Red Cross Daily prayei’ repeated in unison. Mrs. Hannah Workman read the scripture lesson from Ro mans, Chapter 14.‘ The roll call was answered with “Love” as a text word.' • Following the minutes busi ness was taken up. The members will' hold a quilting in the school room on Tuesday and Thursday af ternoons of this week. Mrs. C. Hud son gave an interesting report of the executive meeting held at Clin ton. The offering was received and Mrs. Jean Manson led in' prayer. ‘After singing “More Love to Thee, O Christ” Mi’s, C. Hudson very ably took the topic on “Diversity and Unity, singing Binds” unison. Y,p,s. Anniversary Carmel Presbyterian Church was filled on Sunday when the Y.P.S, held their annual anniversary ser vices. The morning service was In the form of a Covenanters’ service as in 1560 A.D* by John Knox. The Session Clerk, Mr. W*. R. Davidson, read the Ten Commandments from Exodus 2d ; 1-17, The Precentor, .Mr. W* A« MacLaren, led in the singing of the 8‘6th Psalm, ‘’■All People That on Earth Do Dwell", after which Gordon Campbell read the Old Testament Scripture, Isaiah 55 and Robert Cameron read the New ‘ Testament scripture, John 17 : 1-17 and explained that in this chapter John Knox’s soul found an anchor, The Beadle, Mr. Fred Daters, entered the pulpit with the books and waited on the ministers, Rev, Weii' gave the call to worship and offered prayer, The Sacrament of Baptism was then dispensed, after singing “O God of Bethel”, Rev, Austin L. Budge, D.D., of Ham ilton, baptized Frederick David, son of Rev. and Mrs. Wm, Weir, and Rev. Weii’ baptized Arline Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. W- Kerslake; Earl Laverne, son of Mr, and Mrs. Glenn E. Bell, and Murray, Neil, son of Mr, and Mrs, Roy Beil. The guest speaker, Dr, Budge, de livered a very interesting message on the sermon text, “Thy land* shall be called Beulah (.married)^ a land married to God." Isaiah 62 i 4, By the covenants signed .at different; times, Scotland, Ireland and Eng land were “married to God”. The offering was received in long handled boxes and psalm. “O God give ear unto my cry” was sung, caps, 11 sweaters, 2 boys* X blazer, The W.M.S. Church The meeting closed by “Blest Be the Tie that and the Lord’s prayer in CREMTQW and Mrs. Chris. Haist spoilt -wMH' The Red & White StoreMr. Sunday in Gcderich, Mr* and Mrs. Fred Kerr have re turned home after spending two weeks at Liens Head* We are pleased to report that Mrs, Gordon Morloek is improving after her , recent illness. Mr* and Mrs. Russel Clark and son Glen, of Detroit, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Clark. Rev, Turner of the United Church was in Toronto a few days last week with Mrs. Turner, visiting relatives. Rev. A- E. Pletch officiated at the re-opening of th© Evangelical Church in South Easthope on Sun day. Our farmers are busy this week harvesting their beet crop. The nice weather has given them a break. The acreage of sugar beets is greater this yeai' than ever and we understand the beets are a good quality showing high test. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fabner are now residing on Nelson Sinclair's farm, south of the village, which, they have rented for a term of years, A meeting of the locaf branch of the Red Cross was held on Mon day evening. It was decided to hold the annual meeting on of December.More and Inore workmen ing hired at the Centralia and as a result there is _____ a family in the village or surround ing district that haven’t boarders. Mr. Earl Haist, who for the past 13 years has been employed with Mr, Fred Kerr, ’has resigned his position, home Mrs. life a •Mr. week ing of the Mutual Fire Underwrit ers’ Association and at which the program was prepared for the con vention which will be held in To ronto next Mai'ch. Last Sunday evening, the local branch of the Western Ontario Bible Society, held a joint meeting in the United Church. Rev. Armour, field secretary of the society, of Toronto, and ReV. Denny-Bright, of the or ganization in London, were pre sent and delivered lectures, show ing the work of the Society'through out the world. The destruction of the Bible Printing House in London by enemy bombs was shown as well as the distribution of bibles among the Canadian troops in Toronto by ing made this year foi* extra dona- ng made this yeai’ for extra dona tions, since the Society is spending $48,00'0 alone to distribute the Word of God among the soldiers, sailors and airmen. A canvas of this district will be made shortly and we trust will receive favourable support. Crediton Red Cross The following articles were ship ped from the Crediton Red Gi'oss Unit for the month of October: 21 pairs socks, 5 turtle-neck sweaters, 5 pairs of sea boots, 2 army scarves, 7 seamen’s scarves, 4 pairs mitts, 5 aero caps, 2 alternative caps, 24 wash cloths, 1 boy’s out fit (shorts, coat, 2 shirts); 1 girl’s outfit (coat, skirt, sweater, blouse, knickers); 2 skirts, 2 blouses-, sleeveless jacket, cap, 2 pairs la dies’ stockings, 2 dresses and bloomers, 3 mufflers, 5 quilts. Fifty-six dollars were forwarded for the purchase of blankets. The donations were as follows; Mt. Car mel, $2'0.0Of Shipka Ladies’ Aid, $10.00; Crediton United Ladies’ Aid, $6.00; Crediton Evangelical Ladies” Aid, $4.00; Adult Bible Class of the United Church, $2.00. SODAS Red & Whit^ ■ BLACK TEA ' JK, 43c '.(X Pekpa Maple Leaf ' SOAP FLAKES a pkg. Red & White - MIXED TEA lb. SSp National BREACH 2 for I5c ,P G and Pearl SOAP 5c a cake Wheen’s CARBOLIC SOAP 5c a cake from England BULK TEA black 75c a lb> Fillets of Haddie fresh 17c lb, Smoked .... 19c lb Mixed Peels, Blanched Raisins, Dates, Figs, Seeded and Seed less Raisins, Almonds, Walnuts, Apricots and Prunes Aylmer Vegetable, Tomato, Vegetable-Beef and Celery Soups ................................... ........ 3 tins 25c Gillette Blue Blades 25 for $1.00, for overseas, a real buy Redpath Granulated, Sugar ............................ 10 lb. bag 77c Deluxe Jelly Powders (a few left) ...........................6c a pkg. wood, -who recently joined up tor active service as .a mechanic, left London Saturday for Montreal, where he will finish his basic train ing. Mrs. Carl Maier and daughter Dorothy Ann, Are .at present visit” ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Cutting. A euchre and dance will be held in Tiernan’s Hotel in aid of the Red Cross on Friday, Nov. 21* ^wchre will he played from 8..30 to 10.30, for which valuable prizes will be given* Following this a cafeteria lunch will he served and Murdock’s Orchestra will provide the music for new and old time dancing. The draw for a beautiful wool comfor ter will also be made, Everybody come put, enjoy an evening’s fun and boost your local Red Cross. The following is the Red Cross shipment for the past month? 3 turtle-neck sweaters, 6 pairs sea boots, 3 pairs army socks, 5 pairs navy socks, 6 pairs whole mitts, 4 aero caps, 2 alternative wash cloths, 2 sleeveless 1 girl’s dress, 2 skirts, blouses, 1 girl’s bloomers, 1 boy’s pants, 1 girl’s coat and 1 girl’s sweater, size 16. . Donations towards the blanket fund were as follows: Red Cross tea, $12.00; Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Bender, Haugh, $2,00; $2.00; and Mrs. Jack Wein, $2.00. Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. The Ladies’ Aid and W.M.S. held their regular meeting at the home of the Misses Kraft. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Chas. Snell’s group and Mrs. M. Haugh took the chair. The meeting was opened with a hymn and prayer led by Mrs. M. Haugh,, Mrs. D. Weber read the scripture lesson, Mrs. H. Kellerman gave a reading, the study book was given in dialogue form by Mrs, G. Wildfong, Mrs. Geo. Link and Mrs. M. Haugh. The pre sident then presided for the busi ness. Before going on with the business the president asked all to bow in a word of prayer for one of the members who is very ill. The December meeting will be held at the church and the annual election of officers will take place. The Sunshine Committee for the month are Mrs. R. H. Taylor and Mrs. V. Schatz. The flower committee ar© Mrs. E. Bender and Mrs. V. Schatz. ’ The annual W.M.S. convention will be held at Dashwood next.May. An other new member, Mrs. McInnis, joined the Socie'ty.- There were 19 sick visits made- and 1 dainty sent this-month. The meeting was clos ed by singing the National Anthen}. A dainty lunch was served by the group. I CREDITON EAST Mrs. Wilson Anderson has re turned home after a few days’ visit in Exeter. Mr. and1 Mrs. Thomas Baird and family, of Grand Bend, spent Sun day with Mr. arid Mrs. Sam Sims. Mi”, and Mrs. Alex Hamilton and son Barry, of Grand Bend, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis. Mrs. Stephen Glanville and baby Paul Stephen, returjied home Dr. Fletcher’s hos- $2.00*; $2.'00; uumtiau Bethapy Sisters S.S. Sewing Mr. and Mrs. Art Lutheran L.A., __. Class, Mr.Circle,* $4.00; the 5th are be- Airport hardly Harvey & Harvey . Prompt Delivery Phone 102 in* The following Sunday School class es of the Evangelical church don ated $2,00‘ each, Boreas Band, Friendly Bible, C.I.C., True Blue, Living Links; Women’s Institute, $4,00. Donald Kestle, Harold Holtzman, Wilmer Desjardine, Jos, and An thony Martene returned home Sat urday after spending a week shoot ing ducks and other game at Ches- ley Lake. They brought back well-filled game bag. ------------V-x---------- The November shipment of the Centralia Red Cross Unit th the Exeter Branch included 19 pairs socks, 2 sweaters, 1 scarf, 4 hel mets, 3 pairs mitts, 2 pairs sea boots, 2 caps, 1 girl’s unit, 1 boy’s unit, 5 quilts, 1 crib quilt, 10 pieces refugee clothing, ket fund. The musicale, bazaar held in the church on Friday afternoon of last week under the auspices of the W.M.S. was very successful and wag greatly enjoyed by everyone. There was a good attendance and .talent present from Exeter, Credi- Whalen, Lucan and Clande- and the J will | I - - - —followed by the National AnthemI and the benediction. The choir sat I in the pews at the front of the church, At the evening, service Dr, Budge spoke pn the subject, “Old- Fashioned Virtues”, and a young people’s choir led in ,the singing. Miss Irene Hoggarth and Robert Cameron took solo parts in the anthem and Miss Margaret Dougall sang a solo. ______V--------- DASHWOOD Mrs. L. Hamacher is visiting in London. ■ • Mrs.- Edgar Restemeyer visited in Kitchener, last week. Miss Antoinette Ziler, of London, visited friends in town on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Restemeyer and Donald spent Sunday in Lon don. Mr. spent ents. | Mr. I the week-end with,his mother, Mrs. J. S. Witzel. Miss Elfried^Becker has return ed to her home after spending a few weeks in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Tieman and Nancy and Mr. H. Hoffman spent Bunday in Kitchener. Mrs.. Mervyn Willert and Miss Am elia Willert, of London, spent Sun day at their- home herS. Rev. E. Grigg, of Exeter, will be the special speaker in the Evangel ical Church on Sunday evening, when the W..MfS. will observe Mnnual thankoffering service. Rev. Sebringville, will be the • speaker in the Lutheran church on Sunday. Special offerings will bei taken at both services which will be donated to the Red Cross, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kading haVe returned home after spending the past six weeks with the latter’s sis ter and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.' Hugh McPhee,, of 'Halkirk, Alta., and other relatives in Regina and Winnipeg. ’Private Carl E. Maier, of Dash- read Car- Miss Council Meeting A statutory meeting of the Vil lage Council was held on Saturday evening at 7.'30 p.m. in the Council Chamber with all members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read. Per Cameron and Kers lake the minutes were adopted as read. Carried. R. J. Patterson,'tax collector, re ported having ^received $400.02 since the last'meeting, or a total of $'3,902.88 in taxes’to date. J. A. Patterson reported sending four soldiers’ belts since the last meeting. He also presented the fin ancial report for the year. Moved ■by Horton and Parkins that the financial report be accepted as and sufficient copies printed, ried., « ' Mrs. Walker Carlisle and Edna Walsh appeared, asking per mission to use the Council Cham ber one night a week for the Girl Guides. Request granted. Correspondence was read from the Dept, of Municipal Affairs re assessors’ meeting. Same was filed. Pei’ Cameron and Kerslake that Council adjourn to meet December Carried. Jas. A. Patterson, Clerk Young People’s Society Elects Officers •- ’ The regular meeting of the Y.P.S. of Carmer Presbyterian Church was held on Monday evening with Miss Irene Hoggarth presiding and open ed by sirigirig “I To the Hills Will Lift Mine Eyes”, after which Miss Mabe) Workman led in prayer. The scripture lesson, Revelations, chap ter 2, was read by Miss Beryl Pfaff. *The minutes were read and adopted and “'Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour" was sung. The guest speaker was Mr. Roy Goulding, of Exeter, who gave a very interesting talk on “Music Appreciation" arid gave numerous illustrations on a portable phonograph and also sang numerous vocal solos by way Of il-. lustration. Rev. Weir gave a few well chosen remarks in apprecia tion of Mr. Goulding’s address. Ro-* bert Cameron presented the slate of officers for the yedr as follows: President, Miss Ruth M'aclllvenna; vice*-pres., Robert Oamerori; sec.- tteas., Harry Dougall; pianist, Mar garet Dougall; social comm., Miss Irene Hoggarth, Miss Helen Moir, Miss Lois MhcLaren and Rev. Welt;, fellowship,' Misses Betyj Pfaff and Mabel Woi’kman. and Mrs. Ohas. Eorrest; worship, Misses Hannah Mtirray, Sally Manson and Blanche Titofnsoh; service, Mts. Melvin Moir> Miss Marion MacLaren and Alieh Crerar. *rhe offering was received and the meeting closed by singing “The Day is Past and Over”, hftet which Rev. Weir led in prayer. 1st. ± A. 0. Becker, of Kitchener, the week-end with his par- Sam. Witzel, of Toronto, spent their Pollex of Seebach’s Hill, guest JtZ8. son, Thursday from pital, Exeter. Mrs. Leonard ver Island, and Hamilton, \ 1__ with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Rau. Mrs. Eli Lawson, who has spent some time in Godbolt’s hospital, Exeter, returned home Tuesday and we are pleased to report that she is improving. ................................................................nr mniTM niirmimii........................... . Mark, of Vancou- Mrs. Jack Rau, of visited for a few days 0 1 90% COMPLETED! ; ft ftj Earl is taking over the farm, *his parents, Mr. and Henry Haist, intend taking little easier, H, K. Eilber was in Galt last attending an executive meet- CENTRALIA a $44 for the blan- afternoon tea and the schoolroom of was ion, boye. Mrs. Lome Hicks spent the week end with relatives in Ripley. Mrs. W. Spencer, of St. Thomas, is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Mills* Mr., and Mrs. W, Haddock, Mrs.' London, where she .will spend a few -V- KIPPEN Lucknow, visited with Mr. and Fred Bowden on Sunday. ■Mr. and Mrs. M.‘ Sleamon June, of London, were Sunday tors with Mrs. J. Sleamon. ■> The regular Home and School! end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Club meeting will be held Wednes-' Robt. Dihsdale. day evening, November 26th. Miss Irma Ferguson and Mr. A. and visi- months with her daughter, Mrs. N. Pybus. Mr. and Mrs. E. Taylor and fam ily, of Stratford, spent the week- day evening, November 26th. A number from here were in Lu-j Gackstetter, of Guelph, visited on- can on Monday attending the fun-, Sunday with the latter’s brother, eral of the late Mr, A. McFalls. Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Gackstetter, Mr. and Mrs. Pickering and of Dashwood. daughter have moved into the Ma-| Special W.M.S. autumn thankof- guire residence. We welcome them' fering service was held in the Unit-- here. i ed Church on Sunday. A very fine Mr. and Mrs. K. Hodgins and t sermon was delivered by the pastor, daughter, of Walkerton, visited with' Rev. A. M. -Grant. The choir ren- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Mitchell last, dered week, Mr. and Mrs. L. Mills, of Wood-! pleating -duet entitled ham, and Mr. Nathan Sanbrooke,' Face.” of Toronto, visited with Mrs. Harry, Mills on Saturday of last week. The many friends of Mrs. R. Da- vey will be sorry to learn that she ( is under the doctor’s care with Mrs. N. Baker in attendance. We wish her a speedy recovery. | Sunday visitors with Mr. and 1 Mrs. Geo. Baynham were Mr. and. Mrs. E. Carruthers, of London, Mr. j Fred Baynham, of the R.C.A.F.. in1 Galt, and Miss Mary Regan. i Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Flynn, ■ cf Petrolia visited during the past month, with Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Flynn . Mr, Flynn was recently transferred to Petrolia where he Is assistant operator at the station. an anthem and Mrs. Butt and Mrs. J. B. McLean sang a very “Face to ..Annual Meeting., of WOODHAM RED CROSS will be held in WOODHAM ORANGE HALL FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st There will be a short program followed by MAJOR WATSON, TORONTO Field Secretary as guest speaker Cross work will be on display. Silver Collection Red On to Victory’ ’• We’ve nearly done it! Our community is close to its objective in the War Weapons Drive. But more pledges are urgently needed. Our soldiers, our sailors, our airmen are counting on us. More regular purchases of War Savings Certificates mean more weapons for our forces* Each of us must do his part—-not one of us must shirk his duty. a Let’s all get behind this drive for the last push to success. Remember—our present objective is just a start. Our job for the war is far from finished. We must do better and better until Victory is achieved. This means larger investments in War Savings Certificates — month in, month out, for the duration. Let’s make our effort a power drive for Victory. EXETER WAR SAVINGS COMMITTEE. iuy more and more WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES REGULARLY 67NG a