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The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-20, Page 3
THE EXETER TIMES-ADVOCATE THURSDAY, NOV. 1HI » If Your Child Catches Cold Listen- TO ooi'liu: SIZE OF —listen to millions of experienced mothers and relieve miseries with the IMPROVED Vicks treatment that takes only 3 minutes and makes good old Vicks VapoRub give BETTER THAN EVER RESULTS! IT ACTS 2 WAYS AT ONCE to bring relief. & ONCE . 'PENETRATES to upper r t i 6 \ breathing passages with soothing me dicinal vapors. STIMULATES chest and V back surfaces like a warming poultice. 0 RELIEF WORKS FOR HOURS to ease coughs, relieve muscular soreness or tightness, and bringreal,honest-to-goodnesscomfort. To get this improved treatment... just massage VapoRub for 3 minutes ON BACK as well as throat; ©nd chest, For Better Results gad,thick a C? chest and TUr h wanned v VapoRub then sprgad, thick layer on it’ cover with wanned cloth. Try it!The Improved Waj 50 YEARS AGO Jos. Davis ruc family, qf , have moved to Dashwood. eclipse on Sunday between 9.30 left the town in dark- Mr. Exeter, , The 6 and ness, A. social gathering took place at the residence of Mr, James Grieves, it being his birthday. A great many from Exeter visit ed the temperances concert held in Crediton -on Thursday last. The Thanksgiving shooting match held last Thursday was won by George Hertzell, shooting 9 out of a possible 10. Sides were, chosen to shoot for the supper. Robt. Sanders and Ed. Bissett were cap tains. Robt. Sanders’ side won 84-78. by -V- 25 YEARS AGO Major A, B. Carey, of.Exeter, was on Monday listed with the wound ed. Letters from the 161st boys say that the voyage across the ocean was very rough. Gordon Wells left Tuesday to loin the 6‘3rd Battery. His father, Pte. Fred Wells, is overseas with the 161st Battalion. ■ Miss Margaret Muxworthy who recently underwent an operation for foot trouble in Toronto, return-i ed home on Wednesday, j Mr. Wijliam Davis enlisted last j week in the '6i3rd Battery at Lon-j don. Mr. Archie iDavis is now in a hospital in England suffering from wounds. The ladies of the Crediton Red ■Cross Society met last Tuesday and packed ' several Christmas boxes for the boys of the 161st who have gone overseas. Mr. Arthur Kestle, of the 2nd of Stephen, sustained a severe in jury to his right leg when operating a grinder. The flesh of was badly torn. Mrs. J. A. Stewart and were in Bowmanville last the limb Kathleen week, at tending the marriage of a friend. ---------V--------- 15 YEAR? AGO Dr. H. J. Browning and Dr. E. Weekes, have completed the spection of the Exeter High and Public Schools. • Mr. Frank Taylor last week pur chased a Shetland pony which has been the admiration of the boys and girls of town. Benson Tuckey, of London, par- w. in fell arm first-jack rabbit hunt of the was staged Tuesday with 2i5 shooters going to Elgin- They returned Jwith 42 rab- Mr. spent the week-end with his ents. Mrs. Wm. Rivers recently from a chair, fracturing her near the shoulder. The season about field, bits.Miss Ila Westcott, of Winnipeg, who has been visiting for several Weeks with her sister, Mrs. Richard Coates left last Saturday to visit . for a few days in Hamilton before going home. James fit. Church anniversary services on Sunday.were the most successful in the history of the Con gregation. Large crowds were present both morning and evening. The services were conducted by the pastor, Rev. D. McTavish. be one to j.e- report S,KY HARBOUR airport GODERICH—No* 12 Elementary Flying Training S'chool, of the Com monwealth Plan, at Sky Harbor, • to he doubled in size. Instead of the 90 flying1 students which are now trained over a course of sev en weeks, there are to be 180 stu dents when the expansion plan is completed. Sky Harbor is to of five elementary schools ceive such treatment This is a well-founded whch has just come to autborta- tive sources here. Construction m to start very shortly continued Quite a buildings months, Officials at the airport said any announcement of this kind would have to come from Ottawa, They were not in the least surprised. They said Sky Harbor would probably be chosen for its serviceability, its good natural drainage. ' Despite re cent heavy rains, flying has nevei1 been held up for one hour for ground reasons. A good catch of grass last spring and summer has made the ground porous and there is excellent seepage. Even if it rains all morning, flying proceeds in the afternoon and Sky Harbor classes have always finished tuition on schedule. The expension program calls for which has just come to authorita- sent set-up of sleeping barracks, dining halls, hangars, training planes, etc. throughout number of were built and the the in will be winter, present winter -V- STAFFA WM.S. GUESTS OF MRS. GEO. BUTSON monthly meeting ofRegular Staff a W-M.Si was h©ld at the home of Mrs. George Butson. Eleven la dies were present, with the presi dent, Mrs. Aidworth, , presiding. The theme for November was “We live by faith in Jesus Christ.” The Litany of Praise for Jesus Christ whs read in unison and other num bers on the program were: Poem, “Only Through Me”, by Mrs. Wal ter O’Brien; period of meditation, followed by silent prayer, Mrs. Les lie Butson, Chapter from. Study Uook, Canadians are on missionary closing prayer Aidworth. story of the Second “The quiz The Mrs. Coming,” and a work in China, was offered by. V AHIS OF FED. OF AGRICULTURE OUTLINED BY OFFICIAL Stephen Township Federation of Agriculture held their November meeting in Crediton with E. R. Bond, executive member Ontario [ Federation as guest speaker. Mr. ' Bond stressed the value of the fed- ; eration to the farmer. He outlined the four-point program presented by the Canadian Federation of Ag riculture, designed to stabilize agri culture before and during.the post war period, as follows: Recognition of fundamental na ture^ of food, land and farm peoplg and the importance of agriculture in the national economy. Establishment of a fair balance between agriculture, labor and in dustry. Provide a systematic marketing ‘program designed .to feed markets,- both here and, abroad in an order ly and efficient .manner. Develop a production program shaped to meet the needs of the marketing program, and designed to give farmers guidance, which will enable them to plan their farm program at least two years 'in vance. ad- MRS. ALEX HODGINS DIBS IN BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP The death occurred Sunday of Mrs Alex Hodgins, a resident of Bid- dulph Township, at St, Joseph’s Hos pital, London, in her 46th year. Born in McGillivray Tpwnship, she Samuel for the I Born in. McGillivray Tpv was the daughter of Mrs. McRanh. She had -been ill past five weeks. Mrs. Hodgins had been to Samuel Mahon, and had in Omaha, Neb. until his death 18 years ago, Nine years ago she re turned home and married Alex Hod gins. Surviving besides her husband are one son, Jack Mahon; her mother, and two sisters, Mrs. Willis Dorman, of Ailsa Craig, and Mrs, H. E. Stuart, Of Detroit, The funeral took place from the residence, lot 7, concession 2, Bid- dulph Township, on Tuesdfrp at 2 p.m, to St, James Church, Claiide- boye. Interment was inf St. James. Cemetery. rfiarried resided Mother Not to Blame for the Children's Colds Despite all the mother can do the kiddies will run out of doors net properly wrapped up; have on tod much clothing; get overheated and cool off too sud denly; get their feet wet; kick off the bed clothes* and do a dozen tilings the mother cannot help, Half the battle in treating children’s bolds is to give them something they will like; something they will take without any fuss, and this the mother Will find in Dr. Wood’s Norway Pine Syrup, a remedy used by Canadian mothers, foi* the past 48 years. Price 35c a bottle; the large family size* about 3 times as much, 60c, at all drug counters. The T. Milburn C6., Limited, Toronto, Ont. Portugal to New York on IMan J® "TBE SHADOW"—Radio's MailerDtlKM fierier by*First Article of New Hugh Tempiip, Editov of the IWgUS News-Record, who has Recently returned from a tour of wnr«tiine Britain, from unhappy Europe, to get away in spite of may still lie ahead, refugees, hoping for The Somewhere in the Atlantic, be tween the Azores and Bermuda— What a strange place this is for the editor of a Canadian weekly newspaper to be in this latter part of -October, 1941, after more than two years of war! And when you come to think of it, what a strange place for anyone to be, unless driven by dire neces sity. Most of the other 140 people on board the U.S. Steamship Excambion are here because of necessity, They are fleeing glad enough perils that They are peace in the United States, passenger list'contains the. name of a Prince related to one of the still ruling royal families of’ Europe, There are such names as Gemez y Gomez, and. Pastuhov, and Pin Tsao, f showing and and Radajewski, There is a group of wholesome young people who have left the U.S. Embassy in Ber lin while the going is good, and several Chinese families, including some cute little children, being withdrawn from the Embassy in Switzerland, There is a man from the British diplomatic service, oc cupying a cabin all to himself be cause he carries confidential infor mation to Washington, and there is a lieutenant in the U.S- Navy in civilian mission English •France clothes, returning from a to Britain. There are two women forced to leave, from necessity But on, th© whole these have been wonderful weeks* I have crossed the Atlantic by air, one of the must romantic voyages in the, world to day. I have flown altogether some 9/000 miles by American Clipper, Royal Dutch All* Lines and British Overseas Airways, J have visited Bermuda, the Azores, England, Southern Ireland and Portugal. I have talked with Winston Churchill, •many members of his Cabinet, Bri tain’s greatest newspaper men, a former Canadian Prime Minister and the Canadian High Commission er, the Canadian Corps Commander and many of his officers and sold iers, and a. host of the “common people" of England who have come through bombings, have lost their homes <and their relatives, yet carry on in Britain’s hour of need, I have tasted the hospitality of great and small in England and have made new friends there. There have been plenty of thrills. I have flown down the Bay of Bis cay in a seaplane with not a light enemy I have stood London with the have seen the dis- anti-aircraft guns enemy plane ap- I have been myself—have explo- mines ordeal if any things had been I would not have I have been at and have talked ’t find yourself on a spot this winter! ® Wta W® wal’- Enjoy ALL WINTER LONG the steady, economical heating com fort pf this trade-marked anthracite,,. the fuel thars coloured blue to guarantee ]the quality, . Wls®...it’s thrifty...to change to k b no coal'. Phone us today. Ask us also about th? blue c°al automatic Heat Regulator, THE COAt ^°nN ■ Are You A Shrewd Investor? W. C. ALLISON Phone 40w, Exeter the hostile :coast not far away, on a roof-top jn fire-watchers and tant flashes 'of shooting proaching through seen and sions of and have at an the city. a "blitz” heard and felt the huge enemy land come through the unscathed b.ut knowing that one of a dozen slightly different, been here at all. a bomber station to the boys who make the long trips on 24 hours’ notice. They over France and Germany to unload have not tasted meat for two years I their cargoes of death, and I have because they fed their entire ra-J seen the Royal Canadian Air Force tion, such as it was, to a Siamese fighter pilots come back to their ■cat the girl for th© „ __ them when they came, but sat and I walked in the London blackout and cried salt tears over them because j in the pleasant English country- that now accompanies them on ship. There is a little French who ordered two poached eggs breakfast her first morning on boat -and then could hot eat fighter pilots come back to their airports after being in action. I have heard Churchill defend his actions on the floor of the "House of Commons and have stood amid the ruins of Coventry Cathedral. I have Although rnpre p,nd more Can adians are becoming regular inves tors in War Savings Certificates, and although large numbers are in creasing the size of their monthly War Savings investments as a re sult of the current war weapons campaign, there is an astonishing total of people who are failing to grab their share of just about the best investment Canadians are of fered in these unsettled days! There^are even a few people here and into the belief that money which goes ‘ ‘ may how or other they fail to grasp the obvious fact that the whole of Can ada’s immense resources stand be hind every certificate; that the certificate has first call on those resources; that the only threat against the cashing of War Savings Certificates is the possibility of Hitler taking over the country. It is a pity too that most of the victims of traitors’ propaganda are wage-earners who never before had the opportunity to “get in on” a there who have been duped into War Savings Certificates never be paid back, Some- her appetite was gone. And an other family from Unoccupied France ate nothing but potatoes for their first few meals. There is even a stately English woman who crawled out under barbed wire en tanglements to get to Portugal and so on this ship. In such a crowd as this, eleven Canadian editors may seem rather i good investment. As a rule in years' gone by, ‘good money investments could only be made by citizens with some reserve capital. Never before , has it been so easy for everybody to buy gilt-edged security out of his weekly income, The smart business people of Canada of course are buying War Savings Certificates. The same in sight and foresight which has en abled them to become a little better off than the average taxpayer prompts them to buy.all. the War Savings Certificates the govern ment will allow them to buy. They know the interest rate is much higher than it might be; consider ing the tremendous security behind them,- and they know the certificates are tax free. That is the reason why the government will not permit an individual to buy more than $480 every year. It would seem that the misin* formed citizen who believes that the purchase of War Savings Cer tificates is a duty, or constitutes a sacrifice, is missing the boat. If all Canadians were as smart as the well-to-do persons who purchase the limit each month, there would be no need for canvassers to cir culate among the people. Instead, there would he queues of purchasers lined up in front of War Savings Certificates’ offices.---------y--------- Weight for weight, bread con tains three times as much starch as potatoes. DR. II. TAYLOR I IB ADS HURON COUNTY MEDICALS Tn the Scott Memorial Hospital,. at Seaforth, on Wednesday even ing of last week, Majoi' Hipwell, o£ the Canadian Army Medical Corps* of Toronto, addressed some 25 members of the Huron Medical So ciety. Dr. O'Dwyer, Zurich, presi dent of the society, was chairman. Major Hipwell’s paper on “Dia betes” proved very interesting* and instructive to the members of the profession who were present, Dr* district conn* led a discussion while Dr. F. J. presented a re district meeting Baker, Woodstock, cillor of the O.M.A,, on state medicine; Burrows, Seaforth, port on the recent at Guelph. The meeting discussed arrange ments for ing which next year. Dashwood, succeeding D. fi. elected secretary»treasurer the district O.M.A. meet will Dr, was Dr. Jamieson, be held in Huron R, Hobbs Taylor, elected president, O’Dwyer. Dr. W. Brussels, was re- The World’s Finest Anthracite An excellent line of Christmas Phone 12 We Deliver ■our the Ger- American days outj was sunk south of Times-Advocate Office. Drop in and look them over. For common ordinary sore throat THROAT Trade Marked Blue. Order Blue Coal and we have it, also Large Lump Alberta Coal HAMCO Dustless Coke Prices are Right is CANADIAN-BUILT BY GENERAL MOTORS C-H2B 0 Meet Chevrolet for '42! Meet the highest-quality motor car Chevrolet has ever offered to the motoring public! With its fleet, modern styling and new Custom-Tailored Body by Fisher, Chevrolet brings you "the new style that will stay new" * • ♦ With its gas-saving, oil-saving Valve-in-Head "Victory" Engine, it brings you a power-plant built of quality materials and designed to lead in combined performance and economy . *. With all its fine com fort, convenience and safety features, Chevrolet for 1942—"Years Ahead for Years to Come"—sweeps forward again as the biggest buy in motordopi! For upwards of 30 years Chevrolet has been the "Symbol of Savings" In automotive transportation. Today it means not Only large immediate savings in low purchase price, but also larger, long-term savings in low cost oper ation and upkeep* See Chevrolet—drive Chevrolet—at yoUt dealer's today! side, where every garden had its large, late roses. I ’ have- been trailed by the German Gestapo in Lisbon and have seen a bullfight, I have ridden on trains, in buses, in oars, in the underground, and have talked to friendly folk everywhere. —■-----V--------- out-of place, and truly, none of us Cards are now on display at the ever expected to be on this ship. We had planned to go flying through the air from Lisbon to New York, returning as we had come. But in October flying conditions are un certain. We seemed likely to wait in Lisbon for weexs before turn came to go on the Clipper. One week in that city got us down. Those who were not actually sick yrere en tirely unenthusiastic about ,ahy more Lisbon meals or climate 01$ scenery. We were nervous after being trailed day after day by, members of German Gestapo who stayed in same hotel as'we did. chance came io leave took it. One of the editors John, N.B. He loves I boats and all things connected with them, and he jumped at the chance to come by ship. All the rest of us would have preferred to travel by air. Four days before we left Lisbon, the papers of that city were all. ex-| cited because a Portugese ship had been sunk by the Germans, appar ently because of tungsten ore 'on board, destined tor the United States. Two days later, they were mourning the deaths of two British families from Portugal, returning to England until their ship was tor pedoed off the -coast. On the way to Lisbon, this same steamship Excambion was met by a German bombing plane which circled around it, mast-high, and then flew away again. On the day we ©ailed from Lisbon, news came that mans had torpedoed the destroyer Kearney. Two an American freight boat in the Atlantic, straight where we were. This very morn ing, when We awoke, it was to see another ship coming closer. As it drew near, we could see that it was not the merchant vessel it pre tended to be, but had businesslike guns fore and aft, It had no flag, nor ghve any signal, but crossed our bows and went on. Wd all realized '’these dangers, but as the days pass ed and o,ur boat continued on its way, the tension relaxed. The rest ful, imbnotenons days on board Ship gave us all time to recover from strenuous and exciting times over seas. When the invitation came to me to go to ^England for a few weeks to represent the weekly papers of Canada, there were many who en vied me because of that opportun ity. If it is any comfort to them now, I san say quite truthfully that there were times when I would gladly have traded places with any of them. Travel across the At- ■ lantic these days is something that should not he undertaken ekcept’i ---------V--------- Said the visitor to his host’s little girl; “How do you know that it’s the first of the month” “ ‘Cause all daddy’s letters have got front windows in them,” replied the child. A. J. CLATWORTHY Grantas by When ■ boat, is the from sea CHEVROLET SERVES ON OTHER FRONTS Side by side with the new Chevrolets, General Motors of Canada is producing thousands Of military vehicles . . . hundreds of thousands of shell components . . . and has contracted to build machine guns. DESIGNED TO LEAD IN STYLING/ PERFORMANCE, ECONOMY Chevrolet alone among all low-priced cats has the new “Leader Line” Styling of Body by Fisher—see the Ultta-Stteamlined Rear End Styling of the hew “Fleetline” Aerosfedan. And Chevrolet alone com bines a thrifty, time- proved Valve-in-Head Engihe, Safe-T-Special Hydraulic Brakes* Unitized Knee-Action glider ride and extra easy Vacuum-Power Shift K Snell Bros. & Co., Exeter Associate Dealer: G. Koehler, Zurich