HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-20, Page 2TMURSDAT, NOV. SOth, 1941 THE OTB RepWgre for War Savings i * Genius of Montelli Slim Aunie, after a moment of frozen silence, sprang to life, grasp­ ing jerry by the coat lapels as hissed in his face. Tony* after all.” “But Rm net.” “Then bow’d you sparklers?” “They must have into my pocket.” ■“Another bright one! Think of another,” “Leok at my ear if you don’t be­ lieve me.” “Something phoney about that, too.” A bright idea came to her, “Those face lifters, huh!” “What face lifters?” “I read about them, I seen ’em on the flicks. Repairs your dial while you wait.” “You mean skin"’ grafters. Per­ mit me to assure you that no oper­ ation has been performed on my ear,” “Come off it!” “No, realiy, this is the limit. I positively refuse to submit to an investigation into my freedom from apendicitis scars.” “Appendicitis nix, Let me get my lamps on your arm. And put a sock in the high-toned talk.” “That’s the real me, too.” he grinned. Rolling up his shirt sleev­ es he exhibited unsullied flesh which Slim Annie insisted on prod­ ding in case of trickery. For a wild second, he thought she was going to refei’ again to plagtic surgery until a satisfied nod reassured him.' Seems like you’ve stopped no bul­ let.” she agreed. Mintey craned forward and' seem­ ed disappointed a wound. “What’s inquired. “Search scram o.ut “First of all I’d like to know about these emeralds?” “Oh, them! Tony collected them according to so much I’ll disguised as says nobody fellers. Reckon the cops were so! interested in you and waiting for another like you to bob up that they couldn’t think of anything else. Well, he gave me the tip, did his stuff with the lights while I un­ hooked the dog collar. Soon as the coast was clear I passed ’em on. But I didn’t know he was going to use you to bring ’em out of the place. “Is that the truth?” “Every word of it.” “All right, but there’s something missing. Tony intended, or intends to pick up the loot from me. Un­ doubtedly he took .a risk in . putting them into -my pocket in the first place, and yet it wasn’t, such a very great one, after all. Even if I had discovered them almost immediate­ ly it would have been difficult to ©ass them to the police as they al­ ready regard me with grave sus­ picion. Of course, I might have dumped them, but he would rely on a. natural disinclination to leave a small fortune lying around loose.” “J’d figured it out that way as well.” “H’m! But why park you here? Unless he’s somewhere in the vicin­ ity waiting for an opportunity to recover the jewels.” “Shall h’l ring h’up the police?” Mintey interposed. “Not if I know it.” **Me too,” Slim Annie "“Nix; on that.” “Oh, you!” Jerry turned ■angrily. “You’re heading for jail. ■police have almost enough evidence against you and to-night’s affair about completes it.” “Only you’ll not talk.” Before he could answer, the door bell rang sharply, then again as the summons was not immediately ans­ wered. Jerry hastily stuffed the necklet back into his pocket while Mintey went to see who was calling at such a strange hour. “So you come by ’MEIGREN &O0RRTS CONSERVATIVE LIMDERSH1R the me. She aye tliO been slipped, at the absence of next move?” Jerry ■Guess I oughter of here,” plan. Now you 'know let you in. He was a waiter because he looks twice at them here?” to now I haven’t his operational getting yon casually, eh?” ciitheroe said drily, “Not exactly! As a matter of fact I was worried about you, with Tony hanging about.” “Tony? What, “Perhaps! Up quite grasped scheme, except that he’s involved somehow or other by try­ ing to ring the changes on identity,” “Hadn’t you better make quite sure who I am?” Jerry suggested. Clewthers chuckled. “So far as I’m concerned there won’t be any more mistakes, I’ve got you thor­ oughly sized up, especially the voice. No matter how excellent a mimic may be he can’t get the full range of light and shade of the original. Mind you, I’m something of an expert. Others may be de­ ceived.” i “What are you afraid" Of, or ra­ ther, what do you anticipate?” “Heaven alone knows, Tony hits you out and take eroe.” “Say!” indignantly. we planned the stunt for? ment? 1 to be no giving back.” “Yes there is. I’ll fix that,” “No there Ain’t, Tony’li do all the fixing. Keep your hat on, and, don’t catch cold-” With the nearest effect of a flounce possible for one wearing borrowed pyjamas and an ill-fitting dressing gown, she turned on her heel and slammed the door in his face. J erry to lock What do you think Amuse- No, sir! There ain’t going > giving cursed feelingly and the Jewels away in th CHAPTER XU wen t safe. Elusive Emeralds early morning cup of agreed. on her straight I happen to know the Clewthers Becomes Suspicious “Apologies for the intrusion.” Superintendent Clewthers* entrance was decidedly inopportune. His eyebrows elevated as he caught sight of Mrs. Montelli. > “Dropped in for a chat, quite alone knows, unless on a mad notion to get of the way temporarily your place as Mr.Clith- indig­ strong SALADA ■Mi MM JLill E MUM 4- H a there have the but the Wood Carver, Young at 67, Teaches Others Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen An­ nounced last Wednesday that he haff accepted leadership of the Conser­ vative party in Canada. Jib urges compulsory selective war service and formation of a non-party govern­ ment, The new Conservative lea­ der is 67, the same ago us Mr, King. He led the Conservative party from 1920 to 1926 while Mr. King led the Liberal party and opposed Mr. King at three general elections. He was twice prime minister. He is a native of St. Marys and received fils early education there. - ----V---------- BIDDULPH TOWNSHIP MAN The fefctUr Times-Advocata ESt&bUaW X.M8 and 1887 at Exeter, Ontario Published every Thursday jnoynii!$ SUBSCRIPTION--^.00 per year advance RATES—-Farm or Real Estate foil sale 50c, each insertion tor firai tour insertions. 25c. each subae- • queftt insertion, Miscellapeou® hr* tides, 'To Rent, Wanted, Lost, or Found 10c, per line Of six woTde. Reading notices 10c, per line, Card of Thanks 50c. Legal ad­ vertising 12 and 8c. per line. I# Meanoriasa, with ope verse 5Oo. extra verses 25c. each. Member of Th© CansvBan Weekly Newspaper Association ■■SUCCUMBS IN 70 TH YEAR Professional Cards ) I tea Slim Annie said nantly, “that poluka ain’t no arm thug. Why, he wouldn’t 'harm a fly.” “Ha! I wgs. leaving you out of account. There’s always the orig­ inal theory that the three of you are working a gag together. Mind if I take a look at your place?” “Go ahead,” Jerry replied easily. The superintendent shook his head.. “Maybe I won’t bother,”-he announced. “Isn't?1’that bad psychology? If I'd anything to hide wouldn’t you expect me to welcome an inspec­ tion?” “Not you, sir. would be a different story, a g< though I’ll admit an interest in lady’s presence.” Jerry told him, only omitting ference to the discovery of the stol­ en emeralds in his pocket, conclusion the detective grave. His acceptance of it as a narrative was complimentary, he was quick enough to see that there was something lurking in the background, “You’re getting yourself tied up into all sorts of knots,” he said. “In spite of my better judgment •! feel that you’re trying to tell the truth, at any rate.” “Trying to?” “That’s what I said. You wouldn’t like to be. more frank .with me, would you?” Jerry Stared. “Sounds as if there’s a warning behind that re­ mark,” he hazarded. “There is!” Superintendent Clew- therS returned the stare with de­ liberate intensity, and was mani­ festly disappointed when the other’s gaze did not waver. “Bah!” he ex- “Getting anything out of like getting blood but of a Tony Montelli T know gentleman when I see one,al- the re- At the looked truthful b,ut Annie provided a diversion time she ploded. you is stone.” Slim by complaining that it was got some beauty sleep. “If you like I’ll escort to more suitable iquaTters,” the superintendent offered. Mrs. Mon­ telli firmly declined to stir abroad at such an .unearthly hour, insisting that she was free to make her own arrangements. “For the present,” Clewthers re­ torted. “But don’t count on that ■being permanent if you decide to stay in this country much longer.” The detective was still grinning When he took his departure, but it might have been noticed that he left two men on guard stead of the customary tinel. Phew!” Jerry gasped were alone. “That was uation.” Mrs. Montelli turned towards the bedroom. “Why didn’t you tell him about the emeralds When you had the chance?” she demanded. “Think I ought to have done?” , “Maybe you’d have got awaj^wlth it. That smooth talk of yOurs comes in mighty useful.” “Thanks! But the truth would have wanted a lot of swallowing. •No, my best course is to return them to the rightful owner-—which ought to suit you.” “Bunk!” “Nothing of the sort. It will keep ,you out of trouble as well.” “I ain’t in no trouble,” she said the lady ■outside in­ single sen- when they a nasty sit- An was welcome after a troubled night. Jerry also found|the bright sunshine Induced a more optimistic outlook. While he was still trying to collect his senses the astounding behav­ iour >of Mintey attracted his atten­ tion. For no accountable reason, he was walking about on tip-toes, oc­ casionally halting to place a finger | to his lips and uttering a warning! “Hush!” It was possible that the J respect, (excitement of the affair had af­ fected his mind, and Jerry asked him as gently as possible if he felt well. “H’in the pink, sir. H’l find smy first h’experience in crime most thrilling. For years h’I’ve ’ad a secret h’ambition to be h’intimately h'associated man.” “Oh, you “Begging with a master cracks- Painful, Pus Filled Boils the Cause of Much Misery If you stiffer from boils you know how sick and miserable they made you feel. # ... Boils are an.outward indication of impurities in the system, and just when you think you are rid of one another crops up to take its place, and prolong your misery. All the lancing and poulticing you can de may not stop more coining. ' < . ,'To help overcome boils you should purify the bloody so why not give that old, reliable blood medicine, Burdock Blood Bitters, a chance to show what it will do in helping you get rid of them? Thousands have used it for this purpose for tho past 6() years. Why not you? $ The T. Milburn railed, Toronto} Ont. ’ave?> ’ave you?” your pardon, sir, h’l do not h’appreciate my misuse of the h’aspirate being treated h’as amus­ ing. H’it is a defect which h’l ’ave tried 'ard to remedy, ^unsuccess­ fully.” ’ “My sincere apologies, Mintqy. I wouldn’t hurt your feelings for anything. But you are a bit oon- tageo.us. 'Getting back to this un­ holy admiration of Raffles...” Mintey beamed. “Ah, Raffles!” he said in the manner of one pay­ ing reverence to a minor deity. “'H’l h’am a ’umble ’ero worshipper. H’it will give me great -satisfaction to serve ’is counterpart in real life.” This was a new side to the man, one that had never been suspected. Honest as the day in his -running of the household, Mintey could still have dreams of engaging in major crime. “Gome, come!” Jerry said, put­ ting his cup carefully down on a Side table. “You’re making a tre­ mendous mistake. I’m not a crook, you know.” “H’l ’ad the privilege of h’in- specting the swag, sir.” “Swag? Oh yes, of course.” At the •thought of the emeralds he grew glum. , “There h’is no Call to dissemble with me, sir.” “Mintey, you old rogue, I shall be angry soon. You heard what Mrs., Montelli said, as., well. That’s also true.” How was he going to re­ turn them to Mrs. Featherstonby- Mawson without suspicion? Be­ fore retiring, for the night he had carefully locked away the precious String in his wall safe, -wondering at the time what Superintendent Clewthers would have done had he decided to search both the place and his person. “You, er, must know that what I told the officer was absolutely accurate.” “H’as you say. H’of course, h’if you do not wish me to co-operate h’l ’ave no cause for complaint.” Behind his stolid acceptance of re­ legation to the background was a wistful yearning, the pent up desire of a respectable citizen to embark on a career of crime. Jerry swore as fluently as he Could, feeling that his vocabulary was hardly equal to the occasion. Only it was clear that so far from establishing his innocence the out­ burst was confirming Mintey’s sus-- pieion. Never before had he heard! such -a flowing fluency, Which was exactly what was to be expected from a, desperate character. Ad­ miration oozed out from him like perspiration. “Hoo!” he breathed. “Hoo! H’l didn’t know you ’ad it in you, sir, h’a lone wolf, h’and h’even h’l ’ad no h’idea h'until recently.” aspirative coruscation left somewhat breathless. “You’re a confounded old Jerry observed, you packing spite of the miring your For all that a Raffles or anything I O “We can work h’up “Oh, we can, can we? “Between h’us there are no ’ights h’impossible to scale,” “Come off itf Mintey, You’ve dip- p6d too deeply into picaresque lit­ erature.” . “H’and none of It ’as been so good h’as last night. When you stood h’in front of the bobby h’as calm h’as a cucumber h’l 'ad a glimpse of your true character, sir, h’artist h’if I may say so.” “You may not. Admittedly were reasons why it would been inconvenient to produce stolen property at that instant, not because I was guilty of theft. What’s the time?” ' “Seven-thirty h’exact, sir,” “Rather early after keeping hours. However you’d better make the young lady a cup of tea while 11 decide how to get the emeralds back to their rightful owners.” “Back, Mr. Clitheroe? Surely you don’t h’intend to return them?” “That’s the idea. Now, perhaps, you’ll understand that they came into my possession by accident.” Mintey’s crestfallen expression showed that the truth was beginn­ ing to sink in. No longer did he regard the young man with awed '. The idol actually did have feet of clay and was unworthy of being elevated on a pedestal. Meth­ odically he went about preparing more tea, though there was a gleam in his eyes that-puzzled Jerry. His original idea had -been to pack the emeralds in a parcel and send his man up to, town to post it. But he was not sure if this would meet the case now that Mintey’s innate craving .for high crime had come to the surface. In the circumstances he would have to undertake the commission personally. Naturally they would have to be sent from ■one of the larger offices, as far away from the flat as possible, in order to avoid additional suspicion. He was still engrossed in when Mintey poddled off, tray tinkling musically. A hoarse cry disturbed flections. (To be Continued) To Relax * ♦ * late thought with a his re- I I' I I AILSA CRAIG PRINCIPAL I I -V- fool,” 'I ought to send without notice, but in Idiocy I can’t help ad- odd sense of loyalty. I’m hot a Mrs. Andrews girl, nee Kate the late John The following jSSS-TT-.”"-: ■? ' TT~;; 1, !!! GLADMAN & STANBURY (F, W. Gladman) BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, &c Money to Loan, Investments Mad« Insurance Safe-deposit vaults for use of out Clients without charge EXETER and HENSALL John T. Nangle, a? lifelong resident of Biddulph Township, died Sunday at his home, lot 31, concession 9, following a three months illness. He was in his'70th year . Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. K, 0, Leahy, of Detroit, at home; two sisters, Mrs. J. J, O’Hara and Miss Marie Nangle, R.N., both of Detroit, and one bro­ ther, Charles Nangle, of Biddulph- The funeral was held Tuesday terment took place in St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, ^Biddulph, where, requiem high mass was sung. In­ ternment took place in St, Patrick,s Cemetery, CARLING & MORLEY BARRISTERS,, SOLICITORS, &o. LOANS, INVESTMENTS, INSURANCE Office; darling Block, Maia Stree*. ' EXETER, ONT. The Detroit Nows recently con­ tained a picture that would be in­ teresting *to many of our readers. It was of Mr. Arthur W« Andrews exhibiting a chest that he had car­ ved and which was on exhibition at the Antique Show in Conven­ tion Hall, Detroit, is an Exeter old Gould, daughter of and Isabella Gould, wan copied from the Detroit paper: Arthur W. Andrews, 67 years old, 13'3 Tyler avenue, is outstanding for many reasons. He is a noted wood carver; he teaches the only adult class in that fast-disappearing art in the city; he is an authority on etymology; he a painter of dis­ tinction. But he is outstanding also because he as young at 67 and finds living fun. “Among the 20 students to whom I teach wood carving in the studio at the real’ of my home,” said Andrews today in his exhibit at the Antique Show that opened Saturday in Convention Hall, “are doctors, lawyers and accountants, who work under great pressure. They had felt they 'couldn’t relax from the tension l ot our times, but they have found in woodc’arving the eScape and relaxation they need.” Andrews himself escaped from parental discipline 45 years ago when he rebelled against his father’s dictate that he become a .painter. “I saw my art teacher couldn’t af­ ford Iamb chops, so I decided to make more money and have more j fun carving beauty in furniture,” he recalled. . The chairs, tables, screens and chests „ in Andrews’ exhibit bear testimony to his success through the years. He 'fondly • patted cately-carved chest. “This chest was made from" a postcard from Castle, England,he said, duplicate of Izaak Walton’s -mar­ riage chest, which was made in 1626. I used a magnifying glass in studying the post card, and those who have seen the original in Eng­ land and my copy here say you can’t tell the difference.” But not all his work is duplica­ tion, On display is a small model of a set of modern furniture he made for a socially, prominent fam­ ily here. It is as smart as • it is func­ tional. Andrews’ and .the craftsman them. “,I and think draw,” he tures that I like for myself. Andrews taught wood,carving at Wayne University recently, as an etymologist he is on the faculty of the Ann Arbor Museum, and he is a life member of the Cranbrook Museum. But most important, he is an~ artist who taught himself to work wonders in wood and to find fun in living. I the se- the an jntri- -V- GRANTON UNITED CHOIR NAMES YEAR’S OFFICERS The United Church choir,. Gran­ ton, held its election of officers for 1942,# with Rev. M. G. Cook pre-; siding. Those elected were; Man­ ager, William Parkinson; leader, Mrs. Bertha Hardie; assistant lea­ der, Bertha Lankin; , secretary­ treasurer, Melville Westman; lib­ rarians, Marion Wass, .Jean Hobbs; social committee, Mrs. W. Parkin­ son, W. N. Gunning, Audrey ter, Ione Jones. After the tion, future choii’ activities planned. W. G. COCHRANE, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 77 . Exeter J -V- <? CROMARTY PRESBYTERIAN EADIES PEAN BAZAAR Fos- elec- were Dr. G. F. Roulsfcon, L.D.S.,D.D,S. DENTIST Office: Carling Block EXETER, ONT. ' dosed Wednesday Afternoons .........! ' LEAVES POST FOR ARMY John Cowie, principal of Ailsa Craig public school, who cured leave of absence to take officers’ training course at Brook­ ville during September and Octo­ ber, has resigned. He is continuing his training at Camp Borden. Miss Mary Ross Nairn, who supplied for him, has been appointed as prin­ cipal. l I i to order Warwick “It is a FOR A MILD; COOL, SMOKF | lone wolf or so spectacu- to It.” Dr.-$L H. COWEN, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Office next to the Hydro Shop Main Street, Exeter Office 36w Telephones Res. 36J Closed Wednesday Afternoons I The Ladies’ Aid of the Cromarty Presbyterian Church met on Wed­ nesday afternoon, Nov. 12, at the home of Mrs. Duncan MacKellar with a large attendance. The pre­ sident, Mrs. Roy McCulloch, pre­ sided and after the opening hymn read the , scripture passage. Mrs. Jamieson followed with prayer. The secretary’s report and'the report of the treasurer were ’ encouraging. The chief matter of business was the coming bazaar an'd details about proceedings. After the close of the meeting a delicious lunch was serv­ ed by the lunch committee, assisted ■by several members of the society. Afterwards all remained and quilt­ ed the school children’s Red Cross quilt and enjoyed a social evening. ---------y------- ARTHUR WEBER LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huroh and Middlesex FARM SALES.,A SPECIALTY prices reasonable SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Phone 57-18 Dashwood R. B. No. 1, DASHWOOD •A. McjFAELS,'"OF LUCAN DIES IN 93nd YEAR FRANK TAYLOR ■ LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Prices Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed x EXETER p. O. or RING 188 paintings line the walls blue-eyed, silver-haired chuckles as„ he views don’t like modern art modern painters can’t said, “so I paint pic- if WM. H. SMITH LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex Special training assures you of your property’s true value on sale day. Graduate of American Auction College Terms Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed Crediton p. O. or phone 43-3 Head Office, Exeter, Ont. -V- ■ USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY pioneer residents, he operated a hotel AGENTS JOHN ESSERY .___.... ALVIN L. HARRIS .. THOS. SCOTT ........... Centralia . Mitchell Cromarty SECRETARY-TREASURER B. F, BEAVERS ............ Exeter GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter McFalls celebrated refinements are revealed in the hew models.. Above is the Chevrolet Fleetline Six*Passenger Aerosedan* Presented in twd Series'-“"the advanced'styling’,andfs r’e^ldtewith Master DeLuxe and Ffedtlme-^the many important mechanical dcvel- 1942 Chevrolet sets A PeW trend in While many iW interior Monthly Ratto Hotel Waverley Spadina Avk. at Collkgb St. RATES SINGLE » $1.50 to $3.00 DOUBLE . $2.50 to $5.00 Special Weekly A MODERN . QUIET . . . WELL CONDUCTED CONVENIENTLY LOCATED HOTEL .... Clone to Parliament Buildings, University of Toronto, _Maple Leaf Garden^,. Fashionable Shopping District, Whbltoalo Houses. Theatres, Churches of Every Denomination. A. M. Powell, President Alexander McFalls,. one of the oldest ail'd best-known residents of Lucan, died Saturday at his home in his 92nd year. A native of Biddulph township, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John McFalls, For many years at .Lucan. Mr. and Mrs. their diamond wedding anniversary eight years ago. He was predeceas­ ed by his wife. Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. 'C. -W. HawkshaW, wife of the retired county magis­ trate; Mrs. T. A. Webb, Edmonton, and Mrs. W. A. Tier, Winnipeg; one son, Heber McFalls, of Lindsay. The funeral was held Monday from the Murdy funeral home with intern­ ment in St. James Cemetery. A teacher was explaining the dif­ ference ■ between the stately rose .and the modest violet. “A rose,”} she said, “is like a beautiful, rich-1 ly-gowned woman, so, proud she doesn’t speak to anyone. But be-| hind her is a small creature with j bowed hedd—” “Yes, miss,” inters nupted Tommy. “That’s her hus­ band.” --------A--------- A man and his Wife were suffer­ ing from seasickness, while their young son became more rowdy by the minute. Finally the mother mustered courage and voice enough to say, “John, I wish you’d speak to Johnnie.” The father, unable’ to lift his; head, said feebly, “Hello, Johnnie.” President ........... JOHN McGRATH Dublin, Ont. Vice-Pres. ...... T. G. BALLANTYNE Woodham, R.R." 1 S' DIRECTORS W. H. COATES ................ EXetef JOHN HACKNEY Kirkton R. 1 ANGUS SINCLAIR Mitchell R. X WM. HAMILTON ...... CrOihafty R. 1 1942 CHEVROLET Clean Up! During the next few weeks why not Clean - up those pieces of furniture you have no use for. You’ll be surprised what a Classified Advertisement in THE TIME&ADVOCATE will do for you’ in disposing of articles of furniture etc* Tty a Classified Next Week