HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1941-11-20, Page 1JKSTABIiLSHEn 1873 V 2 for 21c each 24c each 15c 25c 4 for 28c : Very fragrant jar cold cream free • Canned Pumpkin Large 28-oz, Tins .... Gloria Bread Flour Same maker as Arctic Pastry Aylmer Tomato Ketchup 12-oz. bottles ..............;.............. Above are shown huge buildings under construction at Centralia to accommodate a new R.O.A.F. training school which will cost $1,500,000 before completion. More than 400 men are employed and expect to complete the buildings by February. In the foreground of top picture and picture at left are shown concrete foundations, indicating the permanent liature of the stiiuctiires. Many thousands of feet of lumber arc being used as sheeting; the foregrounds of the pictures look like well- stocked lumber yards. Other buildings are being* erected near Grand Bend. These pictures are from, the London Free Press Garden Patch Peas Ail excellent buy, 16-oz. tins’., Oxydol Large Pkgs.................................. Woodbury’s Facial Soap 4 1c deal, which gives you .. “ Cashmere Bouquet Soap by Coigates T Van Camp’s Golden Bantam Corn„QPL 1 1 n Choice quality, IG-oz. tins ..........Jib ..„..2 for 25c ,98 lb. $2.60 EXETER, ONTARIO) THURSDAY MORNING NOVEMBER 2Qtlb 1941 mgsu pecial Measure Suits and Coats Mr, E. B, Neeb, Special Agent House of Stone Men’s S Being specialists ip men’s and ladies’ tailored-to-measure suits and overcoats the House of Stone offers a wide range of fabrics smartly tailored and perfect fitting garments made to your individual measurement and styled to the customer’s own taste. Come in and see his samples whether you buy or not. We still have a large range of coats to choose from in regular and half sizes cloths are of excellent quality and trimmed with fur of Persian lamb, oppossum, French seal, etc. We cannot replace these lines at present prices so would advise early buying. Boys’ coats, 4, 5 and 6 year sizes,'with leggings and helmets to match, in navy chinchilla cloths—are very popular for boys. Complete (line of Christmas merchandise now on display. . Many lines we cannot replace so buy early to avoid disappointment ■ an HivvIluA aa&SasOKawi vSnliw3w IUI IwIWbB ■■'■ We now have the new large size Kleenex for men—box of 200 tissues 25c ... ■. :V , , Big B brand work shirts are the best value we know of. We have a large stock at present. Windbreaker elastic, green, black and brown in stock at 25c a yard. iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiinHnjnniiiiiBniiiniiJiiiiiiiiiinHiniiiiiBiiiiniiiiiiiiif Special Values for Thursday, Friday, Saturday W. Phone 32 TOYS!TOYS!TOYS! We have a wonderful assortment of toys this Christmas, Come in and have us hold them for you until Christmas, so as toa void the rush. Just “Received A NEW SyPPLY OF ROASTING PANS FROM 50c up •? Giant Bingo Game Exeter-Hensall Branch of the CANADIAN LEGION McKnight’s Hall, Exeter THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20th at 8.30 sharp 15 Rounds Chickens, Ducks, Hams, Blankets IDEAL GIFTS FOR CHRISTMAS -10 Additional Rounds of Geese Buildings Rise Rapidly At Centralia Airport ? r <• z Electris Toasers $2.75 to 9.95 Electric .Irons $3.25 to $5.00 Flashlights ....... 89c to $1.50 Wagons...........$1.95 to $5.95 Pyrex Casseroles 95c to $1.10 Pyrex Pie Plates...40c to 45c Joycycles.......$2.95 to $3.25 Tricycles $10.50 to $10.95 General Admission 25c • Door Prize Cow Ties, Curry Combs, Brushes, Shovels, Ensilage Forks, Stable Brooms, Axes and Axe Handles WE HAVE A NEW SUPPLY OF C. C. M. SKATES Hockey Sticks and Hockey Gloves A full supply of cloth gloves, leather gloves, and mitts, lined • and unlined. * -o Traqu air’s Hardware TINSMITHING PLUMBING . SIGN WORK At Blyth Furieral •> County Constable John rand Mrs, Ferguson and Mr. • and Mrs. Mur­ ray Ferguson were at Blyth Thurs­ day of last Week where' they-attend ed the funeral of "Mrs. Ferguson’s uncle, the late James T. Buckstep. Mr. Huckstep was a barber at Blyth for many years and was lead­ er of the band. ' Moving to Guelph • Mr. Feter Strobbie' has Sold his residence in Exeter Ndrth to • Mr, Robt, Edwards. Mr, .and Mrs; Strobbie, Emma • and Frank are leaving for Guelph, where Mr. Strobbie has secured a position. The best wishes of many friends will go with them. LIP BADLY CUT IN FALL FROM BABY BUGGY Jackie, the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Dearing, of town, fell from, his baby buggy Saturday morning and in falling pulled from the buf­ fet a rose struck his bowl. The little fellow upper* lip oh the bowl and cut it clean in two below It. required a number J close. - ------V---- Moved to Exeter Wm. Mawhinney, Who _ _ Cently disposed of his farm itt Ste­ phan Townshim with Mra. Mawhin­ ney, has moved to Exeter into Mrs. Jacob’s residence ou Andrew St. Mr. Thos. Hackney and Miss Alice, Hackhdy, of tlsborne, have moved to gxOtar into tlx© residence Of Mrs, Mawhinney, William St. ' . Mr. and ’Mrs.* John Hodgert and! family, of tfsborno have moved into the residence of Mr. R. D. Hunter on Albert St. » • We welcome these families to our midst. nose. 1 stitches to the of re­ v Large Congregations at Main St. drurch The 46th anniversary services of Main St. United .^chUi’Ch were held on Sunday last, with Rev. Dr. J. R. Mutchmor, of Toronto, as speaker. Dr. Mutchmor is the secretary of Evangelism and Social Service of the United Church of Canada. Chal­ lenging and inspirational messages were , given. The morning subject was “Victory Out of Trouble” and the evening subject “The Church’s Message in Wai* Time”. Dr. Mutch­ mor chose as his morning text, Ro­ mans 5 :13-4, “But we glory in tribulations also knowing that tri­ bulation worketh patience, and patience experience ahd; experience hope/’ Out of our troubles comes en­ durance, out of endurance comes . experience and experience leads to hope. The greatest advances in the history of the race have been made, not in the periods of ease and pros­ perity, but in times of difficulty hnd adversity. The speaker paid tri­ bute to that rare quality of endur­ ance and -patience in the British people which 'enables an English­ man to “stay put”. But this there must come t despair. The choir, under the of Mrs. Dote sang two anthems, “O Come Let Us Sing” and “Bright­ ly Gleams Oux* Banner”. The even­ ing anthem was “Soldiers of Christ Arise.” Mr. Wm. Hackett, color­ ed , tenor soloist, of Londoh, assist­ ed the choir and in the morning sang “Christ of the Human Road”. He sang twice at the evening ser­ vice. A beautiful communion table, presented by the Women’s Associa­ tion in memory of the late Mrs. Mary Gidley Elston, was dedicated. A new lamp for the pulpit was pre­ sented by the evening auxiliary. A beautiful basket of yellow mums adorhed the pulpit in honor of late Dr. Mary Johnston and late Mfs.‘ W. H. Johnstbn. During the past five weeks congregation has been meeting public worship In the Sunday School room while the auditorium Whs be­ ing renovated so the services on Sunday were of a re-opening char­ acter. The walls have been paint-* ed cream, the ceiling ivory and the trimming is in brawn. New lino­ leum has been laid in the aisles, all the woodwork is varnished and the choir omd pulpit platforms al­ tered. Mr. E. Johnston, of town, had the contract fot decorating the church. The decorating committee was Messrs, fi. #. F, Beavers, B. W. Tuckey and G; 8. Edward. The church was filled to capacity for both the morning and evening services. Oa'ven Presbyterian with­ drew their morning service arid TriVitt Memorial and James Street their evening sorvides. • The minis­ ter, Rev. N. J. Woods, was home for the day and -assisted with the services. out of all hope, not leadership the the the for SUCCESSFUL ANNIVERSARY VISITORS’ NIGHT EXETER CHAPTER O.E.S. On Wednesday evening, Nov. 12, the Exeter,. Chapter, O.E.S., had as their guests, Sarnia Chapter No. 6 and their patrol and Ruth' Chapter No. 36/ of London, The chapter room presented a very attractive appearance, being decorated with yellow and white chrysanthemums, while under an illuminated Star in the East, hung appropriately a white cross decorated >with red pop­ pies, The guests of the evening were introduced and welcomed by the Exeter Chapter, Worthy Mat­ ron .Mrs. Beatrice Green and Wor­ thy Patron Mr. B. W. F, Beavers, who presided in the East. The work of the, order was beautifully and capably' exemplified by the visiting chapters and a brief but impressive Remembrance Day service was con-] ducted by“ the Red Cross convener, Past Matron Mrs. Ida M'. Sanders. After the chapter dosed the Sarnia Patrol attired in “Majorette” uni­ forms delighted all present with theii* modern and intricate patrol drill, after which the Patrol lea­ der, on behalf of the Patrol, for­ mally presented the Exeter W-M. with a .gift. Before dispersing a social and fraternal time was enjoy­ ed and a dainty lunch was served from a beautifully appointed, candle-lit table at which Mrs. A. J. Traquair and Mrs. 0. H. Sanders poured coffee. Among the dis­ tinguished guests noticed in the East were Mr. John 0. Doidge, Past Worthy Grand Patron; Mrs. Mae Clements, D.D.G.M., several Past D.D.G.M/s and presiding Worthy Matrons and Patrons of several Lon­ don Chapters. ---------.y.-------- NEW STATION AGENT Mr. Fred Forester, of Seaforth, has bepn appointed agent at the C.-N.R. depot ing' to town ter succeeds was recently ton. Mr. Martin’s household ef­ fects Were moved to Harriston this week. Mr. Forester has rented Mr. Martin’s residence here. We wel­ come them to our midst. .* ...... .Chief Instructor at Moncton Flying School Sqd. Ldr. N. S. A. Anderson, for­ merly stationed at Summerside, P.E.L, has arrived at No. 8 Service Flying Training School to take over, the duties of chief instructor. The present chief instructor at the school. Sad. Ldr. K. L. B. Hodson, is to leave shortly.-—Moncton Tran­ script, Bid. Ldr. Anderson Is a son of Dr, D. A. attd Mrs.. Anderson, W town. REEVE PASSMORE IS ELECTED WARDEN Reeve T. Percy Passmore, of Us- borne Township, Was on Tuesday Elected warden of Huron County for the unexpired term of the late Jas. Leiper, who died in office, the first warden to do so in 100 years of incorporation. iThe usual procedure was follow-! ed. Mr. Passmore, runner-up ioj ............../ “T . i x ; shape at the $1,500,00'0Mr. Leiper last January, was i 1 i>x,uvv,vvv chtosen in Liberal caucus before j ' the session opened and was lateri unanimously elected In open coun-I ’ cil. The oath of office was admin-' istered by Judge Costello and both | ’ he and Mr. Passmore in their ad- i ' dresses paid • fitting tribute to the i ,late warden, as did other members! of council. One minute’s silence, also was observed. Clerk N. Miller presided at preliminary pro­ ceedings. The new warden engages in mix- ,. ed farming on a large scale in "Os­ borne Township, operating 300 acres, He has been 10 years ini at Exeter and is mov- this Week. Mr. Fores- Mr. A. O. Martin who transferred to Harris- .............................................. How Does Your label Read? GREAT PROGRESS 3 BEING MADE AT CENTRALIA AIRPORT ' “Five hundred men can slaughter a'lot of lumber in a day/' said one of the men connected with the building of the new airport at Cen- ■ tralia. This remark was made as r_| we commented on the rapidity with ’which the new buildings are taking , . , ) Service Flying Training School. It was , the latter part of August that the Armstrong Construction Company began the work of grading and lev­ elling the land for the new run­ ways. (It was the middle of Sep­ tember when Mr. W. F; Evans, of the Department of National De- I fence, and his staff, moved in to i commence the overseeing of the new building operations. His headquar­ ters are situated in the farm home formerly occupied by Mr. Lloyd Hodgson. This is the third airport built by Mr. Evans and it is ;iB'eing • built on a solid and permanent JuS n7e: t“o7r ofC*them with improvements that' ot his township. As a member of! ".7“ the agricultural committee he had much to do with the bringing of the international plowing match to Huron in 1942. He is himself an expert plowman and his two sons have been competitors }in county, provincial and international match­ es. He is married to the former Edna Running and in addition to his two sons, Lome and Elmer, has one daughter, Alice. • He attends^ Thames Road United Church. i Red-roofed buildings with white* as­ bestos shingles covering ' the out- ; side are rising rapidly over fields > I Please! ................ ....... A On Wednesday morning, when we were about ready press in order that •catoh the afternoon were swamped with dence. local items of advertisements, ious to receive all the district but it to handle it when it comes in at the last minute. Much of it has to be left out this week. Please send it in early. to go to We might mails We correspon- and changes We are anx- the news of is impossible j AILSA CRAIG WOMAN DIES IN’HOSPITAL Miss Ellen Simpson Dorman, I many years a resident of Alisa Craig died Monday in St. Joseph’s Hospital, London, where she had been ill for some days. The body: was removed to the T. Stephenson and Son funeral Home Aitsa Craig/ where the funeral service wm held Wednesday afternoon. •* interment was in Nairn Cemetery. , .........-v—\ Reeve B. W. Tuckey Is attending- County Council In Gdderteft this week. fer that produced a crop this past sea­ son. The sea of mud that now sur­ rounds the buildings will next sum­ mer be turned into lovely green­ swards and will present a most at­ tractive appearance. In spite of the fact that wet weather and seas of mud have delayed the operations, the foundations are in for six of the seven hangars and if the fine wea­ ther now prevailing lasts for a few days longer the foundations will be completed for all of tnem. Mr. Kenneth Armstrong in the Saturday Supplement of the Lon­ don Free Press says? “Forty large frame buildings are sprouting like mushrooms one mile west of Centralia, a small village 30 miles north of London. They are rising on a level, 600-acre tract ! where what turned out to be a fine crop of sugar beets was planted last spring. Matured beets still jut from the ground where they have not been buried by millions of feet of lumber, muddy roads or concrete building foundations. Ta Centralia, which suffered When It was missed by No. 4 highway by a ’ heart-breaking narrow margin, the development, which is of perman­ ent nature, means hew life. “Russell contraction Company, Toronto, the contractors, hope to have the flying school ready for occupation by February 1. To. sup* (dontinued on Page Four) The City of Leeds, Eng., Will’ pay for a new Ark Royal aircraft carrier to cost about $20,000,000 Can Exeter invest enough each month to buy a naval gun cost­ ing about $2,Boot Help by buy­ ing War Savings. Certificates.0 + i